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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 293 KB, 399x640, Egg number 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17834779 No.17834779 [Reply] [Original]

I've been eating vegan for 7 years but I started eating backyard eggs now.
Check out my egg:
I hope you guys like my egg.

>> No.17834815

>I've been eating vegan for 7
why do that to yourself

>> No.17834839

I'm a moral fag

But it can be really hard and lately I haven't had the right mental health to keep it up so I loosened my boundaries.

I still don't want to support the industry, so I've been eating game meat and using the Too Good To Go app to get left over non vegan food.

Eating vegan is a huge sacrifice. Any vegan that says it's easy can go eat a dick.

>> No.17834841


>> No.17834846


>> No.17834857
File: 77 KB, 720x1440, received_422406665892418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scrambled, omlette, or mealprepped into a tortilla with steak, onion, mushroom, and cheese

>> No.17834868

what are you testing. were you banned?

how do you eat your egg

Ahw that steak looks yummy don't torture me like that
Not a bad idea. I should be mealprepping more than I do so I will make egg breakfast burrito's

>> No.17834877
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Over-medium for me

>> No.17834892

I don't like to do mealprepped breakfast, but I got moved to dayshift, and try as I might I can't get up before 5:30

>> No.17834948

idk if it's just me, but the sight of the third egg makes me wanna gag? I can't stand the idea of chalky cooked yolks. Cooking yolks is only acceptable if scrambled.

Ahw I feel sorry for you morning shift anon. What do you do for a living?

>> No.17835013

Go away


>> No.17835029

no i dont like soc
i like talking about egg
i was just wondering about morning shift anon because i cant come up with a job that changes from night to day so i was curious

>> No.17835047

Poached for 3 mins, simple as

>> No.17835063
File: 67 KB, 870x565, iStock-515707366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably my favorite way

>> No.17835073

french toast or omelet

>> No.17835077

Ohhhh for all these 7 years I've been thinking about poached eggs. They look the most appetizing. Seems hard to do but I think I should learn how to make it.

I don't understand what makes this different from a normal fried egg on toast?

>> No.17835084

eggs in a basket are comfy

>> No.17835086


This will surely improve my life quality

>> No.17835088

the egg white soaks into the bread while the yolk becomes a massive pain to eat because it's a completely uncontained runny yolk

toad in the hole is one half bad french toast one half annoying eggs on toast

>> No.17835100

>yolk becomes a massive pain to eat because it's a completely uncontained runny yolk
i dont think ive ever encountered someone as retarded as you on this website, it is literally surrounded by toast

also its called eggs in a basket

>> No.17835104

and when you get to the middle of the toast the yolk just goes everywhere, assuming it doesnt fall out of the bottom in the process

>> No.17835110

It's faster because you cook the egg and the bread at the same time. Also the toast is much tastier when you pan fry it in butter instead of the dry dusty crap that comes out of the toaster

>> No.17835114

That does sound pretty good

I don't mind a messy runny yolk. After long term vegan I want to rip animal protein apart like a savage beast and lick the plate. That's just how I feel.

Thanks I will try to make eggs in a basket
I'm assuming he meant that when you cut or bite that part it runs out? I'm not really familiar with egg dynamics yet.

>> No.17835115

It's called hobo eggs you nitwit

>> No.17835137

just admit you dont even know how to eat or cook
>I'm assuming he meant that when you cut or bite that part it runs out? I'm not really familiar with egg dynamics yet.
ignore him, you can strategize how much toast to eat before you get to the yolk, and when the yolk runs, just run some toast and soak it up, and you have the the bit you cut out to dip into it as well

>> No.17835154
File: 1.93 MB, 4032x3024, 20220312_134729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.
You toast some bread (I do it on the pan using a bit of butter), soak it in whisked eggs, throw it back on the pan, flip it, pour the remaining eggs on top.
Extremely easy to do, tasty, goes well with tea and whatnot.

>> No.17835171
File: 452 KB, 780x1040, IMG_20220513_111221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 small eggs or 2 large for 2 well soaked bits of french toast and the leftover runny egg on the crust end of the bread loaf
>misjudged the size of the eggs
quite a nice bit of scramble from cleaning it up though

>> No.17835175

I have never seen this before. The toast and eggs look perfectly browned. Great submission 10/10

Thank you for the yolk management tips
Yolk soaked bread sounds great

>> No.17835183
File: 7 KB, 220x221, Fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love eggs

>> No.17835185
File: 456 KB, 780x1040, IMG_20220513_111451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having now eaten it the amount of eggs was right, I didn't let it soak long enough
still quite good, just a bit too bready

>> No.17835191

OP, this is a worksafe board!

>> No.17835213

Looks amazing... Do you need to toast/stale the bread before soaking? I can imagine fresh bread maybe falling apart? Actually I will just Google it.

Do you eat it with anything on top, or just like that?

Yeah man me too. They are tasty and also versatile. Nice protein and they also look funny in the shell. The only thing I don't like is the cholesterol content.

Popped my egg cherry

>> No.17835221

um no grils allowed.
and what are you feeding them. I thought backyard chickens produced eggs with a deep almost orange yolk

>> No.17835229

Poached. French omelette. Soft scrambled. Anything else is inedible.

>> No.17835236

just like that, and a bit of salt and pepper
if you want to have anything with it then at this stage >>17835171 add cheese and a filling, tomato for you I'd assume, bacon for me, and put it back on to finish cooking

also non stick cooking oil is super important for french toast, it's way easier to burn little bits of egg to your cookware than with just eggs

>> No.17835256
File: 368 KB, 1600x1066, grilled-eggs-tongs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are from my mom's colleague, so I don't know. But I heard the same thing about the color and I was wondering this too. I purchased eggs from a petting zoo shop as well and those yolks we're indeed orange. I assumed it had to be the chicken breed because the yard eggs all had a white shell, and the petting zoo eggs were mixed brown. They we're also much bigger.

>> No.17835263

Yolk color is dependent on diet, if you have backyard chickens that don't have the space to forage they'll rely more on chicken feed (grain) and get a lighter yellow yolk. Deep orange yolks come from diets high in insects, plus egg producers often put additives in their chickens' feed to artificially create a particular color based on the expectations of the market they're selling within.

>> No.17835267

>were you banned?
Yes I called the mod a chink Troon nigger and that he would suck off a trannys axe would for half a hot pocket.

>> No.17835272
File: 308 KB, 1440x1076, Screenshot_20220513-035030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I googled it and I found this, so it is not the breed after all. This actually suspects to me that maybe the guy feeds them grains or some shitty mono diet. Not a big fan of that, I think I should stick with eggs from chickens that I actually see and can visit in real life

>> No.17835279

for me, its a good ol portuguese breakfast

>> No.17835292

This guy knows what's up >>17835263
If your chickens aren't pulling double duty as insect exterminators, you'll end up with pale yolks and less nutritious eggs.

>> No.17835322

i didnt realize we could advertize on 4chan

>> No.17835343

do u have cancer? not trying to be mean

>> No.17835344

Idk if it's just me but since last year I get banned faster and more often? Last week I was banned for airdropping my coin on biz which makes no sense, everyone shills their shit coin there. Only two weeks before that I got perma banned for CP. Im not even a loli faggot, I only post about animals, food & crypto.

Yeah I looked it up and I totally agree. One day I'll have my own chickens, that's the ultimate goal. When I purchase eggs I need to make sure I pay the chickens a visit. Even though I got the pale eggs for free due to access, it's good to know about this now.

>> No.17835366

I used to have it some years ago, all cured now. It's still a big meme though.
Advertise.. my egg?

>> No.17835387

Not allowed to share my egg on ck

>> No.17835505

>But it can be really hard and lately I haven't had the right mental health
cuz you're literally deficient in vitamins, minerals and fish oils
>b-but supplements
they dont really work and arent a replacement for eating a proper balanced diet of veggies, fruit, grains, fish, eggs and meat

>> No.17835778

Scrambled with chives.

>> No.17837084

I'm gonna be really honest with you and say that I agree. Every vegan will tell you that it's fully possible to get everything you need from plants and this is technically true, but it's very hard. Like for example to get enough omega 3's and DHA's you'd have to eat flaxseeds daily. It baffles me how they are totally fine with depending on a single source for an essestial nutrient... Sometimes they mention omega 3 seaweed supplements that I can't afford lmao. Lot's of other minerals and vitamins are to be taken in by eating a wide variety of legumes, fruits, nuts and vegetables. Drinking fortified soymilk is almost a must to get just enough vitamin D and calcium. If you eat this way you're definitively very healthy, but it's quite expensive and preparing the wide variety of food takes time and effort. When your mental health is bad and you don't have the energy for that, it's straight up unrealistic. Especially with depression your palate and appetite restricts. There's a lot of food that I can't get myself to even swallow and for a vegan that means having to skip on essential nutrients. Supplements typically do work, but if you're adhd that's easy to forget every day and a b12 deficiency can straight up be dangerous. So yeah I gotta say my bad mental health isn't caused by deficiency or anything, I get my blood tested all the time because of the cancer and my profiles are fine. It's rather the other way around, low energy and appetite causes deficiencies in vegans faster than in omnivores.

>> No.17837292

Based pragmatic vegan

>> No.17837294

>eating game meat
Honestly well done.

>> No.17837335

Wew, what a perfect egg.

You can just go to 4chan.org/banned to check.

>> No.17837352

>disgusted with meat industry, so just gets game, fresh eggs and leftovers to go with veggies
i honestly like that kind of pragmatism, what will you do with your hens when they get older?

>> No.17837359

I was banned THREE years long because I use a mobile internet provider which some other evildoers use, too

>> No.17837384

Fertilized ;^)

>> No.17837574

Thank you :)
They're not my own hens, these we're excess from a colleague of my mother and I get them for free. Not sure what will happen to them when old, but I justify it to myself that it's not a contributing/demanding product.
Yeah same problem. Someone on my network posted child porn.

>> No.17838181

maybe vegans eating cock is a way of coping with low meat intake

>> No.17838212

imo there should be a couple more stages between medium and hard
theres one where the yolk won't flow out like that but is still translucent and a bit like jam and another where it's like tapioca
and after that you've got to distinguish between the hard you get from frying and the hard you get from poaching, the first being rubbery and the second chalky

>> No.17838315

Semen isn't vegan.

>> No.17838320

Balut is gud desu

>> No.17838336

why is the video like that
did you at least wipe the egg yolk off your hand with a piece of toast?

>> No.17838432

Moral veganism is the worst kind

>> No.17838590

it's the only kind
if it wasn't for a fart sniffing wank cause they'd just be vegetarians

>> No.17838682

>I used to have it some years ago, all cured now. It's still a big meme though.
Well yeah, vegetable oil oxidizes more easy than animal fats and gave you cancer. It's going to come back and kill you unless you start eating meat, maybe the eggs are enough to keep you alive though, who knows.

>> No.17839351

no i think i just ate it maybe licked it.
I think it's the best kind. Health/enviromental veganism doesn't hold up like ethics do. Moral VEGANS however, absolute cancer. Big superiority complex, super toxic and annoying. It's a stereotype of course, but I'd say moral vegans are the worst indeed.
haha it wasn't the vegetables. I already had cancer before I was vegan. Actually I used to drink a liter or two of milk daily (i had a vitamin d deficiency), and loads of meat (keto bullshit) right around when my first symptoms developed. Which makes a lot of sense since milk contains growth hormones (IGF-1) and heme-iron in meat is highly oxidizing and has been linked to an increased cancer risk. Never heard of this vegetable oil thing you say, but I will attempt to look into it and fact check it for myself, it's quite interesting obviously.
Funny enough, when I turned vegan initially I mostly did it for health reasons because I was so sick all the time, but I didn't know it was cancer yet. It was a whole food diet, mostly unprocessed home cooked meals and no oil at all. It's a bit extreme but at least I can say that "vegetable oil" is definetely a very unfounded conclusion. If we're talking cancer, a wide variety of plants and restricted animal product intake definetely wins. The benefits from anti-oxidents and many other phyto chemicals in plants by far outweigh the risks of any oxidation from the oil.

>> No.17839522
File: 3.28 MB, 1425x1182, bambi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd sell you some of my duck meat. The drakes are rapists and would kill my females if I didn't slaughter them. They live a great life (better than wild animals) and die instantly, outside, at home. They have it better than most humans.

I understand not liking factory farms, but proper animal husbandry on a small scale is a beautiful thing. If I were an animal, a well cared for livestock animal life on a small farm would be a dream.

Keep eating wild game though. Trust me, that deer getting shot in the heart is way better than what nature would have in store for them.