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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 730x487, Fucking retarded butter on pancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17833929 No.17833929 [Reply] [Original]

>Throw an extra 200-500 calories worth of unflavored bullshit on top of something that will be drowned in syrup
>Make other people feel weird if they dont do that

What the fuck even is the purpose of butter on pancakes? I never slathered butter on my pancakes cuz it was a fucking pointless waste of time.

>> No.17833938

I only put syrup on and not even much of that, never bother with butter.

>> No.17833953

You paste licker, Butter is god tier on pancakes.

>> No.17833975

people have always liked adding fat to carbs. you don't have to drown them in syrup either.

>> No.17833999

>an extra 200-500 calories

A stick of butter is 8 tablespoons...1tbsp of butter is 102 calories.
Perhaps don't put 1/4 to 5/8 of a stick of butter on them.

>> No.17834018 [DELETED] 
File: 610 KB, 463x693, 1652329182035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>butter flavored syrup

>> No.17834026

if you're gonna bitch, at least make it accurate.
also, pancakes suck.

>> No.17834035

Anon, what butter are you buying? It softens the pancakes up and primes them for the syrup.
>Make other people feel weird if they dont do that
Stop being a faggot who looks to others for approval about the food you like.

>> No.17834049

Why don't south east asians understand that fat tastes better than ground tree bark or whatever their weird spices are?

>> No.17834077

He probably thinks that the whipped butter pats or dollops in a paper cup that get served with pancakes are solid butter when if you do the math, at 27 calories they are around 50-75% air.
People who say that anyone "makes" them feel like any particular type of person needs to be confronted with the fact that nobody can "make" you feel anything about yourself that you aren't willing to believe is true.

>> No.17834090

The syrup is far worse for you than the butter. In fact, the entire plate of food that isn't butter is just 100% empty calories.

>> No.17834139


>> No.17834164
File: 94 KB, 500x288, anon bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look another "stop liking what I don't like" troll thread.

no one cares about your dementia.

>> No.17834221
File: 90 KB, 800x800, enigeechte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you will ever need for pancakes.

>> No.17834244

It looks nice but ive never had it. Seems weird to me since its not sweet

>> No.17834248
File: 55 KB, 400x518, pancake mix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17834284
File: 40 KB, 352x372, 1636823625464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butter is the only healthy thing in that picture anon
>fat is bad because... its just is okay??

>> No.17834293

To make it look like in them cartoons

>> No.17834309

What is an "empty calorie"?

>> No.17834718

Suicide, ASAP

>> No.17834737

...how can you not know?

>> No.17834746

why would you eat pancakes at all?
are you a looney tunes character?

>> No.17834838

Do amerifats really put butter on pancakes?

>> No.17835277

Try spreading salted butter on a pancake, like you'd do on a slice of bread. With the right type of butter it's really good. Mixing it with syrup doesn't sound too tasty, so I never tried it.

>> No.17835355
File: 398 KB, 1773x1330, steens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem to have posted the wrong image

>> No.17835764

I don't see how is bad, but telling butter adds no flavor is huge lie.
But i'm more a waffle guy, i like their crispyness.

>> No.17835932


i always thought the same when i was a kid but i tried it recently with more butter than people put on in pictures and it was way better. i think i could never taste the butter when i was young cuz i legit had a lake of syrup

>> No.17835949
File: 29 KB, 425x582, maple syrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you both posted the wrong image

>> No.17835971

Actual maple syrup and honey are the only things I put on my pancakes and waffles now.
Well, sometimes fruit and cream.

>> No.17836223

apple butter is fuckin nice on pancakes and you dont have to be Paula Deen to know everything is better with butter.

>> No.17836267

french toast>>waffles>>>>>>>pancakes

>> No.17836302

I put honey on my pancakes, rather than maple syrup. It tends to stay on the pancake more and not drip off onto the plate. Honey goes really good with butter, so why the hell wouldn't I use it?

>> No.17836314

Give me your best pancakes recipe, /ck/

>> No.17837172

>eating pancakes
>complaining about extra calories
eat pancakes how you want to eat them or pick something healthier

>> No.17837224

>on top
i put a pat of butter between each layer

>> No.17837249

Pancake Hate Thread
Who wants to eat a fat, syrup absorbing glob of dough? Its disgusting. Its like cutting into the flab of a fat person.
You could have a nice, crisp waffle with a bit of syrup and cinnamon. The syrup will never since in, you don't need to "dip" it in. It functions perfectly.
French toast is also amazing.

>> No.17837263

>fat, syrup absorbing glob of dough
fuckin delicious
>syrup as a dip instead of a cake soak
seek a therapist

>> No.17837283

you're disgusting and fat and horrifying and american
lose some pounds TUBBY!

>> No.17837328

I never considered it, but I think you're right actually. Weird.

>> No.17838020

imagine not knowing about soaking
seek help

>> No.17838036

>tastelet can't taste butter flavor

>> No.17838046

Relatable criticism. Glad someone said it.

>> No.17838052

finally a thread I can post in. my grandpa loves butter and puts it on everything he eats and its disgusting. He's a skinny 90 y/o man with heart problems but he uses butter on everything and has suffered no consequences for it despite these factors. he puts his butter whenever i cook pancakes for him. he hates rice and anything healthy.

i live with this affront to god every day. i cook for him.

>> No.17838062

oh yeah he does this with mayonnaise too

>> No.17838155

butter is great on pancakes, but is best if you can let the pancakes cool enough for the butter to remain solid
and you're going make other people feel weird just like you're accusing us of doing unto you
besides fat + sweet is always nicer and you can always just adjust your portion size.
pancakes are supposed to be a treat, you know

>> No.17838179

Maybe he's just eating really shit butter. Some butter these days basically just looks like plain fat, it has almost no yellow hue to it, something's up with the butter, at least the cheap stuff, I think it's the way they feed the cows.

>> No.17838182

If he's 90, maybe you need to reconsider what you think is healthy and unhealthy.

>> No.17838184

I just add salt, it compliments the syrup well.

>> No.17838194

im a fatty irl. honest to god genetic testing was done on me and revealed that i have a shitty metabolism. my bones are not gonna survive if I eat like him every day even if my family doesn't die from heart shit

>> No.17838204
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, wafflebot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know who wrote this shit

>> No.17838208

Don't use that metabolism as an excuse to be fat. Above all, do not let yourself get any fatter than you already are or else your body will create more fat cells and make it even harder to be slim. You inherited a quarter of your genes from your grandpa who is a skinny 90 year old eating butter and mayo on everything, it can't be that bad.

>> No.17838290

the butter is already doing that

>> No.17838316

so you're telling me, a fat person, to put butter on everything I eat? just so we're clear, was that your intention? because it kind of sounds like it.

>> No.17839110

I bring news from my youth

Peanut butter + sweetened condensed milk

Put that on pancakes

>> No.17839142

I have one of those in my cupboard. My friends bring me a bottle every time they visit Canada. Is there a specific company in Canada that makes the syrup in those bottles, or is that just a common and popular shape for maple syrup producers to use? One time they also bought me a fancy testing set of different maple syrups that were barrel aged or whatever to make them different and artisanal. They were quite nice; they tasted more "sappy" or more like tree, but not in an unpleasant way.

>> No.17839154
File: 130 KB, 722x1500, 81wYLnk2+QL._SL1500_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put this on pancakes. It's very similar to Dulce De Leche, but it's made with goat's milk, so there's a bit of tartness that cuts through the sweetness and richness of the caramel.

>> No.17839708
File: 565 KB, 1080x810, 20200613_192512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those maple leaf bottles are diamond dozen. you can find it in basically every gas station within 100 miles of the border in the Northeast

>> No.17840120

you will eat soy oil and die long before his age

>> No.17840132
File: 389 KB, 578x652, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is your grandpa chef jean pierre

>> No.17840354

fuck syrup
butter only

>> No.17841010

put butter on everything
but eat less meals/snacks total
a lot of fatties consume tons of unsatisfying calories, then eat again 20 minutes later and the cycle repeats

>> No.17841026

You don't determine metabolism from genetic testing retard. Metabolism isn't some predetermined and fixed genetic marker. Metabolism is static. You can increase or decrease your metabolic rate just by making some simple changes to your diet, and exercising regularly.

>> No.17841069
File: 183 KB, 1067x1600, Salted-Brown-Butter-Pancakes-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because most people are retarded like you and your pic op. The butter should be spread as a thin layer on every pancake stacking upwards with the exposed top cake having only syrup and/or fruit.

If you put a giant glob of cold butter on your pancakes like every other retard no wonder you don't like it. You don't get even buttery flavor in every bite, you get chewy cold butter globs. Be better op be like me, spread your butter.