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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17831761 No.17831761 [Reply] [Original]

"What is tea?" edition
Support your local cafe if they are worth it. Mine has the bacon roll and coffee combo that wakes you up instantly.

>> No.17831841

piss out my ass.

>> No.17831882
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yfw your cafe serves good food as well as coffee

>> No.17831959

no milk for me
im lactose intolerant

>> No.17831964

you know lactose free milk exists right? its actually even better than regular milk. i have full cream lactose free milk every morning with my coffee.

>> No.17832440
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>tastes like piss in your path

>> No.17832577
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a nice strong espresso would be nice

>> No.17832581
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Yes and?

>> No.17833284

I don't think there's a cafe worth supporting in my entire country

>> No.17833525

Someone has to have a rok grinder nearby?

>> No.17833566

Non American detected.
And that’s not a bad thing, my friend.

>> No.17833580
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.17833636

Nope :(
a lot of them use disgusting preground shit
though there are places that aren't shit maybe, and still why support them now that I have a spresso setup at home

>> No.17833708

Sucks. I'm lucky enough to have several decent coffee shops around my city and I still rarely frequent them. A they/them nearby just took 3rd in the us latte art competition actually. Too bad I don't give a shit about fancy milk and my girl prefers americanos anyway.

>> No.17833849
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I eat off the path with my tour guides. That's not nice.

>> No.17834167
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How long does it take to hand grind enough coffee for about 5 cups from a drip every morning?

>> No.17834198

Spent about 20 seconds for a double v60. I spin both parts for MEGAGRIND

>> No.17834334

About 30 seconds in my Vivaant at a casual pace

>> No.17834505

I live around the corner from a place that won "America's best coffee shop" at least once (I don't keep up with coffee shop rankings, so idk if they've won other times). Not only do I think their coffee, their service and their general atmosphere are horrible, but the dumb motherfucker behind the counter was trying to sell a shot of single origin espresso at me.
>b-but single origin is good
Not for espresso it isn't. If you try to claim otherwise, you don't know shit about espresso and ought to really just stick to your faggoty pour overs and aeropresses.
So no. I will not support my local cafe. Fuck'em.

>> No.17834537

This but with a melodrip

>> No.17834555

I use a similar grinder and I brew 1,75l of coffee at a time, give or take. idk how much that is in your Americups, so you'll have to do the maths on that yourself.
Anyway, it takes me 10-15ish minutes or so. I measure out the beans, put them in a bowl and go sit in front of the TV, with my pedal machine under me, the bowl of beans on my right side and a second bowl to my left. I watch some morning programming as I grind beans and exercise my legs, emptying the grounds into the left bowl and refilling the grinder as necessary.
I use an automatic drip (hush!). I fill the basket with the grounds, the reservoir with the water and go take a shower. Once I'm out, I have some coffee with breakfast, brush my teeth, and fill my vac flask, leaving the 500ish ml left for notwife, who starts the day an hour after me.

>> No.17834568

Please tell me what espresso machine you use and what your opinion of it is.

>> No.17834576

You ok anon?

>> No.17834587


>> No.17834591

just come to my place babe, i'll treat you to something nice.

>> No.17834597

>horizontal shaft grinder

>> No.17834608

he doesnt like it when only 1 man fucks him, we wants multiple men from all over the world to take him at the same time.
at least thats what i gathered from what he said.

>> No.17834673

The Freudian slippiness off this post is delicious.

>> No.17834735

Still cratering beds huh

>> No.17834848

No because I'm not trying to use the melopiss anymore so my beds are back to normal. Are you still making mountains in the middle of your beds?

>> No.17834970


>> No.17835006

that explains why this ethiopia/mexico blend was much better than just the mexico from the same roaster. I havent had an espresso machine long

>> No.17835101

no it doesn’t

>> No.17835106

I'm out of beans, post some that you like and I'll buy em

>> No.17835119
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>> No.17835153

Kind of what the lilydrip is supposed to do pal. Looks like the roktards are copying it too.

>> No.17835170

>Another useless piece of junk also fucks up my beds so actually it's good
Cope and learn to fucking pour

>> No.17835220

a poor craftsman blames his tools

>> No.17835231
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>> No.17835239


Previous thread

>> No.17835243

>a poor craftsman blames his tools
Try chiseling a proper dovetail joint using dull chisels, stupid cunt.

>> No.17835595

You bought an angle guide and didn't bother learning how to use it. The angle guide didn't ruin your chisels, you did.

>> No.17835678

Sometime espresso good
Sometime espresso too bitter
Even when you do everything the same way =/

>> No.17835770

An even poorer craftsman relies on a dozen gimmick "tools" to do something that any other craftsman can do with his bare hands

>> No.17835828

Adjust grind and pull another shot. Espresso is finicky as shit and things as small as changes temperature and air pressure will fuck with how your shot pulls.

>> No.17835862

why are you bullying the pastebin anon bro it's not cool
also pastebin bro here is a link to that google docs to do your own gh/kh calculation based off your tap water

>> No.17835921

>dozen gimmick "tools"
The poorest craftsman outright rejects any tool he's unfamiliar with. Stay amish pal.

>> No.17836027

Ehhh I just take it as it comes. Even badly made it's still good. Fuck adjusting the grind every time, I don't have the energy for that

>> No.17836291

we cant see that doc

>> No.17836367
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Sorry, I forgot about pastebin.

>> No.17836413

has the pastebin even been updated.
shit looks the same as it was when it was first made. idk maybe im blind.

>> No.17836473

It was made pretty recently

>> No.17836633

Whats a good automatic coffee machine for under $1200 AUD

>> No.17836809
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>> No.17836850

>Not for espresso it isn't. If you try to claim otherwise, you don't know shit about espresso and ought to really just stick to your faggoty pour overs and aeropresses.
Spoonfeed me or tell me how to learn about why that's a thing?

>> No.17836903


>> No.17836924
File: 120 KB, 810x1080, Bezzera BZ07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out what I scored used for $150. No rust, pump runs, heats up just fine, OPV works. It was just dirty as all fuck and experiencing some low pressure with a good amont of the water from the pump being returned to the tank via the OPV.

currently have the group head disassembled and the parts soaking in citric acid solution. it was absolute bitch to get the shower screen off because the screw seized and the screen was literally baked onto the dispersion plate with a 2mm thick glaze of coffee oils and spent grounds. ordered new shower screen and gasket kit ordered (a silvia kit will work ironically since the gasket inner and outer dimensions is exact same as the stock for this unit). and next I plan on addressing the pressure problem by first running cleaning solution (diluted citric acid again) through the boiler and testing if i can get a proper 9-12 bars once the system has been thoroughly soaked and flushed. worst comes to worst I may have to dissasmble and soak the OPV or just order a new OPV (reasonably cheap part for this unit). all in all i'm stoked on getting this thing up and running. i literally paid more for the PID kit on my silvia ($150 + shipping, but absolutely worth though).

>> No.17837104

nice toes :)
also nice to see an effort post for once.
i enjoy reading from those who are actually excited about coffee and not just endless shitposting.

interested to see the results when you get everything working.

>> No.17837140


>> No.17837290

this actually explains my exact problem pretty well


>> No.17837299

Thinking of getting a kingrinder tattoo bros

>> No.17837358

Blends tend to be better for espresso. Traditionally espresso-drinking nations, such as Italy and Spain, almost exclusively uses blends for their coffees. Some blends are 100% arabica. Others include a little robusta. I may even go as far as to say that most will include some robusta. The reason for this is that robusta provides a much better body/mouthfeel (as well as more ample crema) than arabica does in an espresso but arabica provides a much better straight flavour in coffee. I say "straight flavour" because body/mouthfeel can alter the tongue's perception of flavour. Think about how, after being whipped, skimmed milk will taste far sweeter than it did prior despite being the exact same thing. The only difference is the body/mouthfeel. Another example of how mouthfeel alters perception of taste would be deli meat. A sandwich of thinly sliced, folded and layered ham will taste sweeter and is generally perceived of as more pleasant than a sandwich containing the same amount of ham but in a single thick slab.

Single origin espresso tends to be looked down upon by much of the rest of the world, especially in Romance-speaking nations, but lauded in the Anglosphere. The reason is that it tends to pull a fairly one-note shot. If you're using a Chiapas, for example, the light, enjoyable acidity it provides a pour-over will be magnified in an espresso, yielding a powerfully sour shot. You may like such a strongly sour espresso, but most people would not.
Because of espresso's tendency to amplify the strongest flavour characteristic of a given bean, blends are often seen as superior due to the more balanced shots they produce.

How so?

>> No.17837430

Only cockmongling faggots use the term "effortposting"

>> No.17837436

Message them to see if you can get a k6 if you post it on the coffee reddit

>> No.17837439

dont you have a melodrip to shove up your ass?

>> No.17837787

Patty parkinson's is still mad he can't pour onto a disc. Keep practicing.
Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.17838090

>i provide no counterpoints for those claims, but they're wrong!
>source: just trust me, bro!

>> No.17838110
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>when you bust out the melodrip and she starts to bust and drip

>> No.17838198

>counterpoints for those claims
>espresso-drinking nations, such as Italy and Spain
Yes, boomers and wops like chocolatey medium-dark, viscous blends pulled at 99c and a flat 9bar. Think Aldi's Breakfast Blend. Incredibly easy to consistently extract and you can mask any other defects with milk. When you're roasting that dark, theres no reason to hyperfocus on origin characteristics. You just buy cheap low altitude south americans and indians for robusta and run them to 430f.
>looked down upon by much of the rest of the world, especially in Romance-speaking nations, but lauded in the Anglosphere
Classic psued take. I should actually be thanking you. Please convince more people to buy shitty low grade blends. Keeps my soe costs down.

>> No.17838216

Lemme get a cappuccino with no foam and a double shot of expresso. Thanks.

>> No.17838317

um wtf I thought they were banned from reddit??

>> No.17838333

very nice

>> No.17838334

I wonder why hemro and mazzer don't have to shill

>> No.17838411

I'm not seeing any counterpoints to >>17837358 but I am seeing one line that agrees with it.

>roasting that dark, theres no reason to hyperfocus on origin characteristics
So seeing as you agree with >>17837358 that single origin is wasted on espresso, which is >>17837358's whole point, what has your knickers in your twist, then?

>> No.17838594
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When you cook your steaks to 175, its a waste to spend money on good meat. When you're charring your beans as the italians, french, and spanish do the quality of bean doesn't matter. But why would you want that? The guy just doesn't like acidity in the cup and is too dumb to realize there are ways to deal with it other than overroasted blends. Light roast single origins espresso is great and a much better use of raw coffee greens by weight.

>> No.17838701

I still don't see any refutation of >>17837358 beyond
>hey! hey you! stop liking what I don't like!
>you should like what I like!
>what I like is better than what you like!
>you are stupid if you don't like what I like!
>you don't know things (even though I agree with the facts you laid out) if you don't like what I like and that makes you stupid!
>I am very smart.
If you agree with Anon that single origin is wasted on espresso, why are you so angry at Anon?

>> No.17838704

redpill me on home roasting, is it worth it or is it just another giant headache of dialing in?

>> No.17838759

It's nice to try a few times to see if it's a hobby you'd like to get into. Like anything, it can be rewarding if you enjoy your results or it can be disappointing if you don't. I say do some research, find an Ethiopian grocery store to source your green coffee (or just buy some online) and give it a few tries to see if you click with it or not. If it doesn't, there's no shame in deciding "y'know what? this ain't for me."

>> No.17838775

Both. Its easy to roast something you're happy with, its hard to progress beyond that.

>> No.17838836

>b-but single origin is good
>Not for espresso it isn't. If you try to claim otherwise, you don't know shit about espresso
>hey! hey you! stop liking what I don't like!
>you should like what I like!
>what I like is better than what you like!
>you are stupid if you don't like what I like!

>> No.17838840

Still not seeing any refutations. : )

>> No.17838936
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For me it's Spanish roast

>> No.17838975
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Why are drip machine filters rippled?

>> No.17839000

To maintain its basket-y shape.

>> No.17839043
File: 190 KB, 1914x2048, 275546897_10160217745646289_4553225137821738951_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to drink espresso. 1:1 charcoal like they make in the old country.

>> No.17839054

That's interesting, I do normally go with light single origin roasts for espresso. I will look into getting blended light roasts next time.

>> No.17839192

does anyone have some sort of guide for describing flavor profiles of espresso? I think most of my shots of a light chiapas have been too acidic, but I cant say with 100% certainty that thats the problem, and maybe its some other flavor. maybe thats what "fruity" tastes like since I cant even say if "fruity" actually describes a fruit-like flavor

>> No.17839251


>> No.17839286

thats weird, they make it sound like acidity is only a positive. but that helps narrow down my problem to either too acidic, sour, or astringent. I think sour is the problem, but they dont have a specific entry for sourness.

the closest roaster to me seems to only do single origin light roasts outside of their occasional rotating blends and their espresso blend. I think I'll try out their espresso blend, though I used to think calling something an espresso bean was just a tactic to mark up the price. also, they dont really give much information at all on it, not even the roast level


>> No.17839313

grind finer/brew hotter/pull shot longer

>> No.17839328

I did find that finer grind worked better, though that was after I finished off the other coffee so I dont have a direct comparison for the one I'm talking about. I think I was using too much coffee before, which made the drip too slow and I thought I had ground too fine. I'm very new to this, and I had had the urge to pack as much coffee as possible into a doubleshot for more volume for a flat white. clearly that was retarded and I have mended my ways. but my above problem persisted with the right amount of coffee vs overly packed. I think the finer grind would see an improvement on that coffee

>> No.17839339

acidity is sourness, sour is usually used to describe acidity that is out of balance - much too high relative to sweetness.

When dialing in espresso, focus on acid/sweetness/bitterness to keep it simple.
Acid too high? Grind finer, use a wider ratio, increase temperature, increase buffer.

>> No.17839343

Weigh it all. Figure out what your basket is rated for and start with that. Then get 2x that weight in espresso output. Try that in about 25s for a medium/darker roast, 35ish for a very light one. Then go from there

>> No.17839344

>I think sour is the problem
Extract more.
> I used to think calling something an espresso bean was just a tactic to mark up the price. also, they dont really give much information at all on it, not even the roast level
You have to realize most people buying "espresso blends" aren't using it to pull espresso. They're shoving it in a mokapot or french press and like it because its "strong". Its going to be a medium-dark blend of
>cheap low altitude south americans
Probably cheap shit from honduras thrown in. Nice, oily, and chocolatey.

>> No.17839356

thanks brehs

>Nice, oily, and chocolatey.
sounds good. I've just been ordering from the closest fresh roaster to me, they seem like they should have good quality, but with my method being bad as a beginner, its hard to say. I'll order their espresso blend and then check out other roasters hopefully only slightly further away

>> No.17839362


>> No.17839372

Pull some salomy shots

>> No.17839439

post the website
99% of "local roasters" are absolutely retarded and garbage at their job.

>> No.17839441


>> No.17839484
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porlex mini 2 here. it depends on the beans. Some robusto like Vietnamese dalat takes longer because the beans are larger, and also depends on how fine you are grinding. on average it takes me about 4 min with robusto and about 2 min with arabica beans to brew 2 cups medium to fine grind.

>> No.17839487

>This coffee is amazing with milk and sugar and excellent in a moka pot espresso maker.
This is their audience. Not espresso autists. Buy single origins from competent roasters. Taste and dial in until they're perfect, then make your own blends.

>> No.17839510

Eh, could be worse. They at least have a few single origins. In the somewhat right ballpark. Wouldn't waste time trying the blends.

But there's a good chance they aren't great, so try other roasters as well. Best way is to try the coffee first at a cafe.

>make your own blends
Why? Why make things worse?

>> No.17839541

Because a winey Bali and a peachy Guji together taste like sangria in the cup?

>> No.17839650

I've had 2-4 cups of black coffee every day for the past 6 years

>> No.17839678

>makes pretty picture with milk
>I just mix it all up anyways.

flat white is the best way to have it. fuck having all that foam on top.

>> No.17839685

pussy ass niggas, just drink the milk as God intended. you can leave your Soy and your almond milk and all that other fake ass shit off this board.

>> No.17839689

What is a flat white? Just steamed milk ?

>> No.17839702
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>> No.17839729

just say you dont know what you are talking about and then kill yourself.

>> No.17839740
File: 65 KB, 654x639, tumblr_nvn5olDwaN1udwanoo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink and use raw milk for everything.

>> No.17839742

is that tea?

>> No.17839824

and are likely to require vastly different grind sizes, but you can't do that with a blend.

>> No.17839825

Can't wait for blendtards to cope and seethe because they have no hope of refuting this

>> No.17839854

likely=/=certain to. You'd be surprised. 4th wave coffee is blending individual shots together anyway. Koke honey and Bali Kintamani nat pair together beautifully.

>> No.17839860

I started drinking decaf but i still need coffee to stay awake what the hell

>> No.17839926

What do you call a coffee made with frothed milk, not steamed?

>> No.17839934

Cum yourself hot brew

>> No.17839942

hm. I don't know about that. Doesn't really roll off the tongue nicely

>> No.17839967
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I really love coffee. the taste, how fun it is the make it, flavors to explore, keeps me energized and refreshed. I'm never gonna stop drinking coffee.

>> No.17840043
File: 108 KB, 747x707, 1651459124380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm never gonna stop drinking coffee
I command you to stop drinking coffee this instant

>> No.17840056

What if I don't

>> No.17840839
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Seahorses <3 coffee

>> No.17840860

looks like a snake sucking a dick.

>> No.17840998

so does your mom on thursdays

>> No.17841137

What happens if you grind them individually, and blend the ground coffee? I suppose you need to compromise to brew the results.

>> No.17841155
File: 269 KB, 1900x1069, 3453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's "cafe a la crema" anyone else, only seen it in my mom's town and bologna (everywhere).
Talked to my mom's tow best maker and he told me that in order for places having that type of milk they need 2 things:
. good ammount of consumption
. cow farms nearby (due to the milk spoiling fast or some shit)

>what is "cafe a la crema"?
It is a regular coffee + milk except the milk has more fat and it has been "whiped" or some shit, you know when they put the milk in that thing to heat up? In this case (I'm not sure if they do it this way) the milk is very very foamy and the flavor is unrivaled (for me). They also import coffee directly in my town I guess that also helps.

>> No.17841177

>It is a regular coffee + milk except the milk has more fat and it has been "whiped"
checked, also i do this every morning.
i enjoy whipped milk much more than the steamed milk/foam in normal drinks.

>> No.17841190

>whipped milk
idk the proper term in english, but the milk is like pure foam, and it won't come down, it won't become liquid again, it's very nice

>> No.17841196

cream? like whipped cream? can't think of anything else, perhaps you could find a picture of it?

>> No.17841202

That's conventionally known as a cafe au lait in other parts of the world

>> No.17841204

>perhaps you could find a picture of it?
tried, no luck, just milk foam, with 0 liquid

>> No.17841209

but is it pure milk foam as well?

>> No.17841228
File: 169 KB, 640x1138, 1652460209023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will know that my name is THE LORD, and i cast my VENGEANCE UPON THEE

>> No.17841232

Ah shit, it's not. I stand corrected

>> No.17841233

no he's wrong. cafe au lait is made with steamed milk, not textured and with no foam.

>> No.17841237

I believe the trick is in the fat of the milk and whatever they do to it to make it foamy

>> No.17841293

Drinking Burundian for the first time

>> No.17841990

Actually kinda cute.

>> No.17842041

What do you think of it?

>> No.17842069
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Can someone recommend me a good Capuchino machine. Preferably average, middle line, around $500, and one that does not have a milk steamer, frother attached

>> No.17842107


>> No.17842197


>> No.17842216

The fruitiness of it is similar to other East African stuff ob first tasting, although I think there might be another layer of something more on the earthy side which isn't usually there in in something like Ethiopian

>> No.17842286

what? is 500 too low? or too high?

>> No.17842289

will that really have enough pressure for expresso?

>> No.17842303
File: 212 KB, 1444x1149, AeroPress_8957df77-2bf6-45b6-bac7-7bc55bd31772_2048x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. Says it right on the package.

>> No.17842375

Manual grinders are a pain to use
I want coffee now, but I don't want to be cranking for a whole minute

>> No.17842382

my vivaant takes just a few seconds for a fresh grind

>> No.17842397

Yeah? I've got a comandante and it's more like 30-45 seconds for 20grams espresso grind
Gotta weigh it too... augh so much work

>> No.17842398

Woops linked my copy
If your city publishes water quality reports then its pretty simple to use

>> No.17842400

I'll be honest for aeropress I just eyeball it

>> No.17842412

Do you just eyeball how much goes into your grinder or do you first fill the aeropress container to sorta get it relatively close?

>> No.17842413
File: 89 KB, 720x779, 1599821165049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Browse jewgle map
>Found out Starbucks closed down in more than 10 different spots in my local downtown area since the rona

>> No.17842447

I just eyeball the amount of beans to use. If I end up with way too much I can just seal it and use it later.

>> No.17842471

A fucking Starbucks closed down mid memeflu at a major intersection near me. They opened up one a few weeks later right across the street from the liquor store and next to a bank. ...Then they closed it down four months later.
What gives.

>> No.17842625
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why does it smell so good

>> No.17842640

If you're looking entry level a Breville Barista Express might be worth considering. If you're looking for something more upscale/prosumer then honestly you could easily spend $500 on just the grinder alone (and that would still be considered "entry level").

>> No.17842681

Timed myself grinding with a Comandante c40 mk4. one minute and 20 seconds to fully grind 20 grams of coffee beans.
Electricgrinderbros... I fucking kneel. It really is kind of a bitch to use manual grinders

>> No.17842768

There's like 13 different was Starbucks closed down permanently where I live makes sense why they're busting down on unions all of a sudden

>> No.17842838

Its a slow cutting filter oriented burr. Older versions of the kafatek conicals would take 2-3 minutes to grind a dose. 19g of espresso(<2 full rotations from 0) on a kinu just took me 59s. Lighter/denser roasts are a real bitch though. Just have to power through the first cut and don't stop.

>> No.17842844

Starbucks and dunkin both taste like piss in a bad way

>> No.17842866

So is Kinu really much more designed for espresso than comandante? Though I wouldn't have gotten it anyway because no relevant reseller for me.
Maybe with mine I might have went too fast. Slower rotations seem to work better and I did it standing up with moderate effort. My setting is also about 2 full rotations, like 19 redclix or so.
59 seconds is still kind of a bitch too. Manual setups are fun, but sometimes they're really not.
At the very least it's not difficult to do, it just feels like it takes too long sometimes

>> No.17842935

I hope for your sake that you're just trolling and not actually disabled

>> No.17842976

Its all about the relative proportion of fines. The kinu's faster cutting, more aggressive burr gives off a bit more fines with gives (relatively) more texture/mouthfeel/body which alot of people like in their espresso. The comandante(and all the clones now) are less aggressive giving off a little lower hump of fines in their distribution which provides more clarity, but you don't get that same body. People really fucking like their cdantes. Motorize that motherfucker, and yeah rpm/jerky motions will absolutely change the grind distribution. As long as you're able to grind faster than your kettle boils, why rush?

>> No.17842993

Now you're making me want to find a coffee shop or a local person with a kinu, just so I can taste that difference in texture

>> No.17842997

You won't notice the difference because he's talking out of his ass

>> No.17843060

Who knows. It's very interesting to compare. I've started liking cafes again, since buying an espresso thing. Even if it's disgusting robusta that's too hot it's still interesting to compare with what I have

>> No.17843077

One needs to experience dogshit coffee regularly to remind oneself of why he goes to lengths, that many consider extreme and unnecessary, to purchase and properly brew specialty coffee. Every now and then I buy coffee from Sheetz, their "Sumatra blend" that tastes like battery acid and skunk spray, and is served at a temperature so hot that I cannot taste for two days after drinking it, just to remind myself what normies drink and why we must do better than this.

>> No.17843136
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Yeah particle distribution has zero affect on taste. All grinders are the same and shouldn't cost more than $30. These will produce identical cups.

>> No.17843143

Yeah cool now tell us about the longitudinal striations or whatever new bullshit you are spamming this week

>> No.17843175
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Think this v60 was swirled?

>> No.17843191

Clearly not, no longitudinal striations

>> No.17843213
File: 569 KB, 1500x2000, Hi4XJD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one?

>> No.17843221

Did you grind this one with a Kingrinder?

>> No.17843268


>> No.17843270

>a whole minute
kill yourself.

>> No.17843295

Baratza encore. Virtually indistinguishable from a comandante burr.

>> No.17843314

You've never used a manual coffee grinder in your life. Why even reply to me?
A minute of concentrated effort is not easy. Go do a plank for 1 minute, and then think about having to go through a minute of effort every time you want a coffee.

>> No.17843325

literally used my rok 15 minutes ago you stupid cunt.
easy as piss.
if you want coffee RIGHT NOW if you NEED coffee RIGHT NOW get a pod machine and get the fuck off this board, or be a limp wristed prick and use an electric grinder.

>> No.17843350

Get a stopwatch. How long does 20 grams take with your cok grinder? I'm curious now

>> No.17843353
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Delhongi makes the most decent cheap stuff.

>> No.17843360


>> No.17843364

why yes i do laugh at how easy and fun it is to use every morning how could you tell?

>> No.17843369

I'm pretty sure it's easier to just press a button retard

>> No.17843378

>he gives a shit about time
jesus fuck. why do you care about time so much? got a job to go to?
also i dont grind for weight. i just chuck the beans in and grind (i have thought about it but it wouldn't really improve my workflow, at least i dont think it would)

>> No.17843389


>> No.17843394

i dont care about it being easier, i love the feeling of actually grinding the beans myself. and the rok is the perfect experience for that. (at least at this price point, the HG-2 is probably better overall but i cant see any pros that would justify it costing $3k more than the rok)

>> No.17843403

is that all you have to say?

>> No.17843423

I don't have anything to say, just pointing and laughing at the retarded monkey as it jumps around and screeches

>> No.17843428

Why not get an hg1 prime?

>> No.17843429

you should probably move away from the mirror before you hurt yourself.

>> No.17843434

Lol he's been super defensive for the entire week he's owned it. If he bought a thick shafted grinder to wrap his fingers around, the gay thoughts would win out.

>> No.17843585

I think the Rok is pretty cool. Portability is a bit of an issue though

>> No.17843598

what do you mean?
it is extremely light, i can lift it up and move it around with 1 finger, when not in use i lift it up to the top shelf of the pantry and then the next time i need it i lift it back down(i found using a slightly damp dish cloth under the base helps reduce lift off when grinding).

i cant imagine why it would need to be "portable".

>> No.17843604

If you want to go to a friend's house and make coffee for them, can you take it with you easily?

>> No.17843623

couldn't you just grind the coffee at your house and then bring the grinds to him? or they could come to your house.
the unit is very light so you can just put it back in the box that it came in (maybe with some bubble wrap or something on each side so it is stable in the box and not moving) and that carry that box.

this situation you are describing is something i have never in my life wanted to do, and i doubt rok themselves ever intended the rok grinder to be used in this way either.

>> No.17843671

didnt know it existed until right now.
looks pretty much the same as the weber but cheaper.
the rok is the first grinder i have owned, and as far as i can tell its the cheapest hand grinder in this style and i love it, it is a great feeling doing the research and finding something you like and then getting it and using it and it exceeding all expectations, i can't imagine not having this grinder as a part of my workflow, i am using the last of my pre ground coffee and have ordered 2 bags of beans and i think i will be using beans from now on, fresh ground coffee really does taste better, more complex/smoother. i have a bag of pre ground and beans of the same blend and its like drinking 2 different kinds of coffee, so im just getting all this pre ground out of the way (dont want to be wasteful).
while dialing in my grinder i have about 150g of grounds that are far too fine to use in my moka pot (even with E&B labs competition filter) so i bought some a aeropress paper filters so i can place them inside my moka pot (i'll probably use my old one for this) which will hopefully mean i can use these grounds without getting a mouthful of grounds at the end (i did make 1 cup with these grounds and it was good but yeh just the whole bottom of the cup was full of grounds)

>> No.17843713


>> No.17843721


>> No.17843751

Nope sry, I don;t know what I said that was so bad

>> No.17843755

>weber but cheaper
Weber Workshops splintered off from Lyn Weber. Apparently Doug Weber and Craig Lyn are both dickheads.The rok is very poor use of your money, but I'm glad you're happy. They go for about $50 used.

>> No.17843759

its just that everything you said screams "i dont know anything about coffee"
anyway just watch this video

>> No.17843761

>cappuccino not even close to being spelled correctly
>"cappuccino machine"
Not a real thing and I assume you mean an espresso machine
>middle line
>around $500
just lol
>one that does not have a milk steamer, frother attached
How do you intend to make a cappuccino with your "cappuccino machine" if it doesn't have a steaming wand, you dipshit?

>> No.17843762

>good Capuchino machine
>one that does not have a milk steamer, frother attached
You want a cappuccino machine to make cappuccino. Cappuccino is espresso and steamed, foamed milk.

>> No.17843779

yeh i read the story after i posted.
>$50 used
who cares about used? also im in aud, so it was around $280 ish.
the rok is the only hand grinder in this style at this price point, its this or the hg1 prime which is around $1k and then the weber which is like $3-4k. so if i want this style of hand grinder than the rok is actually a really good use of my money.

>> No.17843789

I did,
How much should I expect to pay
I'd rather have one seperate from the machine

>> No.17843792

absolute cope

>> No.17843793

I don;t, I'm just tired of paying starbucks for capuchino

>> No.17843796

I think the Rok is cool, and if you're happy with it that's fine.
It's just that the regular hand grinders are so small you could just snugly cram one up your ass and go to a friend's home to grinder some coffee at their place

>> No.17843797

>How much should I expect to pay
$500 is the floor for espresso machines.
>I'd rather have one seperate from the machine

>> No.17843803

Yes but I want one seperate because some of the reviews I read online said if you don;t vent the the foam stick thing, you can break the entire thing.

>> No.17843808

>if you don;t vent the the foam stick thing, you can break the entire thing.
ok... then vent it. if using and maintaining an espresso machine is too hard for you then you probably shouldn't own one.

>> No.17843809

Damn how much for a good one

I want one seperate because reviews onloine said the foamer thingy can break if you don;t vent milk out of it after each use. I know it wouldn;t matter if I juts wanted expressoe, butb I'm autistic and ahvinfg broken things annoyes me, so I;d rather have the foma thinbg seprrate soif I break it i can replace it easily

>> No.17843813

The thought streses me out, I'd be more releaxed if I knowing I break it I just have to replace foamer instead of the entire moachien

>> No.17843819

i dont think you are cut out for this. just stick to starbucks, or support a local coffee shop.

>> No.17843821

Nothing like a juicy Ethiopian and a can of King Oscar sardines for breakfast at 9:30 pm

>> No.17843824

sir the deenz thread is 3 doors down.

>> No.17843827

I wanna try, give me a chance

>> No.17843836

ok watch every video james hoffmann has ever made and then come back.
i cant think of another way to help you.

if you are scared of breaking the machine then i guess get a manual espresso maker and a separate stovetop milk steamer.

>> No.17843839

+ a grinder. Worst thing that can happen is you accidentally leave the bellman on the stove without water and have to replace some orings. I'd say tardproof, but we're dealing with hot water under pressure.

>> No.17843841

It will be really funny if this retard buys one of those meme levers and then comes back bitching about how hard it is to use kek I hope he falls for it

>> No.17843843

or he is so strong that is pushes too hard and breaks it.

>> No.17843849

I'm so strong that I could cram an entire Flair 58 up my ass to transport it to my friend's house

>> No.17843850

I just want expresso
Why the hate

>> No.17843853

do you still have room for the grinder and melodrip?

>> No.17843854

Just get a Flair, you dingus. The 58 looks nice and solves the preheating issue. Mix the coffee from the flair with milk for cappucino.
If you're really cheap, Bialetti sells Moocapots that are supposed to instantly make a coffee with milk.

>> No.17843855

Thx anons I'll read up on it

>> No.17843857

If I prolapse and goatse I could fit a whole Rok up there

>> No.17843858

This was me, but after I stopped timing myself and just doing
1.weak press until the whole bottom is saturated
2.squeeze the rest of it out
Flair coffee is ezpz

>> No.17843859

no no no, you called yourself autistic anon. no backsies.
but for real just watch all of james hoffmanns videos, he will help you more than we can.

>> No.17843865

>listening to coffeetubers

>> No.17843866

sounds like you have an asshole like a clowns pocket.

>> No.17843869

>objectively correct information is incorrect just because its on youtube
ok schizo take your meds.

>> No.17843903

He actually shows his work it's not just opinions.

>> No.17843914


>> No.17843960

Man 59 seconds is peak efficiency. I timed myself again switched hands only once and didn't do it as fast. 1.08 minutes, A little better.
At least the coffee is delicious every time

>> No.17844061
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I thought I'd drink less coffe when switching to decaf but I drink more now

>> No.17844109

Grinding the beans manually turns me on a little bit. I like to think I'm one of those threshing machines they throw male chicks in

>> No.17844261

I'm having a midnight espresso and melatonin. Real good combo. Caffeine helps the uptake and by the time it wears off the melatonin is kicked in. 19g in 57 out in 25s at <7 bar peak. Punching out paper filters is more of a pain than hand grinding desu.

>> No.17844280

I had a nighttime espresso too, but I just didn't sleep all night. Night time kohee with milk and 2 espresso morning shots
If I knew where to get melatonin, I'd try that combo. Sounds groovy

>> No.17845185
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something like this but obviously cheaper

>> No.17845233


>> No.17845343


court et bien tassé

>> No.17845354

Green Mountain Black Magic, make at home for strong, hearty mug of Joe.

>> No.17845383

Bought myself the Flair 58 and it's the best purchase I've made. Makes delicious, balanced, sweet espresso and it's really fun to experiment with. Wonderful device.

>> No.17845418

>Noooooooo manual espresso is a meme you can't just be happy with your purchase it's tooooooo hard

>> No.17845434

I want der hoffenmeme to revisit the Flair in his classics of coffee series

>> No.17845701

this, trying to hit like a 30-45 second shot time on the flair is fucking garbage and will give you sour underextracted espresso

>> No.17846090

May as well try some homeopathy while you're at it

>> No.17846105

Not him but ZMA works like a charm so why not Melatonin also?

>> No.17846116

Which model?

>> No.17846259

Quit taking 1mg tablets. Those are for children. I have 15mgs and typically take 2 and some niacinamide.

>> No.17846361
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Today I had my coffee with some marshmallows that I let melt mixed in

>> No.17846409
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1920, it isn&#039;t the cum recipe I&#039;m trying that next.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the cold brew being made. Added a couple grams hand shredded cinnamon and 10 grams unsweetened coconut shreds. Will report results.
Thank you for that explanation.
I've been pouring hot coffee over old peeps to flavor it. Its pretty good. Vaguely reminds me of a cubano but much less sweet.

>> No.17846517

Sounds decadent

>> No.17846576

Yeah noone else runs a blooming profile.

>> No.17847158
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>try peets major dickason's blend
>it's just folger's
don't lie to me /ctg/. you just wanted to stick your dickason into some poor anon's mouth, didn't you.

>> No.17847514

>knowing what folgers tastes like
>probably american
you have to go back.

>> No.17847528

i'm older than you.

>> No.17847666

hehe lulu

>> No.17847699

It’s the best innit

>> No.17847758
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>ctrl+f "sumatra"
>only one result
when will you learn, /ctg/?

>> No.17847955

>frog poster
>drinking shit coffee

>> No.17848076

Another sleepless night, another espresso.
I like wild tasting stuff. Sumatra is wild, right.

>> No.17848084

You want wild? How about you try some wild fucking "cum yourself" cold b

>> No.17848090

Depends. Is it fruity?

>> No.17848129

Coconut is definitely a fruit

>> No.17849275
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That's my grinder.
I need to clean it more....

>> No.17849839

Not gonna read everything above, whats the best lever machine?

>> No.17849858

flair 58.

>> No.17849891

Opinion in comparison to a Pavoni Europiccola? Kinda torn on which one i should get

>> No.17849892

can you give me tldr?

>> No.17849899

the video is the tldr. or just skip to the end and.
hoffmeme usually doesnt say "this one is the best" but will instead list what he likes and doesnt like and asks you to make a decision based on the information he provides.

>> No.17849925

did you watch the hoffmeme review of both of them?
the flair is much cheaper, but it only makes espresso.
the pavoni is an electric espresso machine that has a lever to generate pressure.

so even though yes both products are "lever machines" they are fundamentally different.

>> No.17850021

>almond miilk

>> No.17850295
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Hi I'm John Aeropress, CEO of Aeropress.

First I'd like to give thanks to the few dedicated Pressers we have on this forum. Hello Aeropress Gang! Haha, we love to see that over at the head office. Really makes it feel like our work is worth doing.

For the rest of you I have a simple question: What will it take? What will it take for you to try a clean, hot cup of freshly Aeropressed coffee? While we here at Aeropress recommend brewing the coffee "Americano" style (blind test approved!) countless Pressers on the world wide web have shown time and time again it's possible to brew a delicious and perfectly extracted cup of coffee right in the precisely manufactured Aeropress chamber. What will it take for you to move on from your equipment, your obsession with swirling and flat beds, and repeatedly pouring hot water in circles? What will it take for you to finally give in and brew easy and consistently repeatable cups of coffee in our very own Aeropress?

Let us know in the comments below. We're all ears.
John Aeropress
CEO of Aeropress

>> No.17850334

I might go down to the bakery and grab a flat white with a spanikopita, but I might just pop a half shot of tequila in a double espresso at home and hit the treadmill.

>> No.17850350


>> No.17850355

I'm not huge on Southeast Asian coffee. It's very... coffee flavoured? I don't know, it usually costs more here and it seems very plain compared to South and Central American coffee.

>> No.17850370

kingrinder x aeropress collab when?

>> No.17850404

Make it wider. Maybe the size of an onahole so I can make larger coffees nothing to do with using it as an onahole warmer.

>> No.17850484

"It'll happen when hell freezes over. I guarantee it." - George Zimmer.

>> No.17850507

Make your machines anime themed

>> No.17850569
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>Enjoying my tea
>Open this thread
>This son of a bitch again
Fuck off colonizer

>> No.17850593

Self-harm scars. Not even surprised.

>> No.17850596

How much does 120g of assorted shit tier "tea" run you these days?

>> No.17850607

I can't do it bros. I drink too much coffee and energy drinks. I'm considering switching to cocaine as the cost may still be similar

>> No.17850615

Not sure. Can't be more than 500 shillings. It is pretty shitty, I'll give you that; except for the ginger and earl grey. The tin packaging is pretty good though.

>> No.17850690

I can promise you the earl grey and ginger are shit tier as well.

>> No.17850917
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>coffeeposter doesn't like coffee

>> No.17850960

>Moka pot
>Milk frother
You can get good cappuccinos for under $50.

>> No.17851096

A good multipart cappuccino system shouldn't cost more than $30.

>> No.17851160

Can I make greek/turkish/arabic coffee without that silly little pot? I don't really want to blow $20 on a coffee pot I'll only use like twice a year.

>> No.17851240

>frogposter cherrypicks
I'm not paying an extra $3-5 per pound for something that's maybe got a hint of dirty pecan to it if I'm lucky.

>> No.17851311
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>not willing to pay $3-$5 more per pound to get more coffee per coffee

>> No.17851312

i'm going to start charging you people $30 every time i see this post

>> No.17851349

You owe me hundreds for bringing meloposting here.

>> No.17851354

don't look at me, I only shill lilydrip
speaking of, brb gotta pull out my lilydrip

>> No.17851373

Out of where? Your ass?

>> No.17851375

yeah. they really need to put a flared base on these things, I'm tired of clawing it out and bleeding everywhere.

>> No.17851409
File: 14 KB, 362x368, EA8Lc_DUYAINCdq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>colombian """""coffee"""""

>> No.17851413

Try sounding with it instead, once you are done with it you just piss it out like a kidney stone

>> No.17851427

My ultrasonic just got here so I could milydrip some brazilian I roasted up a few days ago while my screens and baskets clean.

>> No.17851467

>catposter is high
I will pay an extra $3-5 per pound for whatever you just ripped a lungful of.

>> No.17851478
File: 2.65 MB, 3072x4096, 1650914589197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you didn't understand that perfectly legible post then just say you don't know anything and move on

>> No.17851487

>high catposter pre-emptively hits enter
How are the schnossberries? Do they taste like schnossberries?

>> No.17851491
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>> No.17851514

>highest catposter can't keep memes in frame
We control the horizontal and the vertical. The diagonal's yours for now, but when I come back with a steaming mug of colon-clearing brown water - with a distinct aroma of cocoa, brazil nut and a tiny bit of sour plum and key lime on the ass end of it - we'll probably take that over too. We'll give it back; I guarantee it.
- George Zimmer.

>> No.17851536

Hey this is almost exactly the way I do it too

>> No.17851541

I can't even hope to understand what you possibly could have meant by this

>> No.17851727

Because you're high, bro. Just sit back and vibe out to the music. We'll make you a coffee.

>> No.17851932

God damn I just love those earthy tones I get out of medium roast blended sumatran.

>> No.17852043
File: 999 KB, 3024x3981, 20220516_193620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just melodripped this V60. What do I think of it?

>> No.17852131

I used to drink it exclusively but now I drink Ethiopian and Rwandan because I like them better

>> No.17852204

uhh your lilydrip bro?

>> No.17852210
File: 27 KB, 126x128, forsenBased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17852219

My mom found the lilydrip package when it arrived and threw it away because she thought it was another sex toy

>> No.17852357

Grind finer.

>> No.17852434

Never water down what comes out of the aetopress. Some recipes have ended up tasting similar to espresso, others like drip coffee, some completely unique. That's the beauty of the Aeropress

>> No.17852439


>> No.17852544

im new here is there a coffee wiki

>> No.17852552

What could you possibly hope to get from a coffee wiki

>> No.17852607

i dont even v60 and i know that's too coarse. that shit looks like bad meatloaf.

>> No.17852616

no. we have a barebones pastebin, and about 50 shitposters.

>> No.17852626

coffe wisdom

>> No.17852647

You get knowledge from a wiki (assuming it's correct information.) Wisdom is gained by experience.

>> No.17852712

>i dont even v60
Just say you don't know anything and move on

>> No.17852734

well CLEARLY you dont know anything and you do v60, so even my uneducated ass knows its too coarse.
jesus christ just go back to tea general already.

>> No.17852747


>> No.17852750

Because you can still push the extraction and get more coffee per coffee?

>> No.17852753

Finally someone who knows what they're talking about

>> No.17853078

thread is gonna die soon and no one will see that I'm gay

>> No.17853120

Oh we all see

>> No.17853299