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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17831262 No.17831262 [Reply] [Original]

What recipe can help a hangover?
Give it a shot.

For me, the only thing has been anything extremely spicy, like scorpion pepper spicy.
Do that redirects all the pain to your mouth, and then numbs everything... not permanently unfortunately.

>> No.17831266

More alcohol.

>> No.17831269

alcohol is for idiots but prairie oyster is delicious

>> No.17831271

1 bottle of pedialite
3 cups of Water
Steak and eggs

>> No.17831277
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Bad Hangover cure
>wake up
>drink copious amounts of water
>take 800mg ibuprofen
>drink black coffee or go back to sleep
>if awake, make/eat fried egg and cheese sandwich and take a shower
>smoke some lmao
>order large pepperoni pizza for lunch and eat as much as you can without feeling sick
>take a nap
You'll wake up 100% and ready to go again that night or just chill out all comfy

>> No.17831281

A hangover is literally just dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it makes you piss more. Drink water, preferably before you go to sleep so you don't wake up with a headache.

>> No.17831283

Fried eggs
Hash browns
Bloody Mary
Large glass of water

>> No.17831285

A real hangover is withdrawal. What you're referring to is some childish shit that can be fixed with vitamins, hydration, and being kept cool.

>> No.17831286

It is primarily dehydration, but not entirely.

>> No.17831291

make a seriously stiff bloody mary

make sure you put bacon and pickles in it

>> No.17831295

Idiots. you want aspirin, not this bullshit.
Dissolve some alka-seltzer (aspirin bath bomb) in gatorade or pedialyte and pound it.

>> No.17831298

It's not though. Acetaldehyde is real. If not, I could just keep chugging Miller 64s in the morning and feel tip top.

>> No.17831336

>taking aspirin while you're dehyrdated
holy shit you're a fucking dummy

>> No.17831339

bartender here
ive spent far too much time drink off my ass 6 nights a week and working in hospitality.
by far the best way to "cure" a hangover is Dehydration tablets.
you can get them at the drugstore/pharmacy, or in the supermarket near where the asprin, toothpaste etc is.
One of those shits with a glass of water 30min before falling asleep, you'll never have a hangover again.

Shit's dangerous though if you dont have any self control. If you have no willpower you'll just find yourself drinking more and more cuz "lmao i didnt have a hangover after 2 full bottles of rum, lets try 3!"

At worst, what would be a killer 2-day hangover would just be no headache, slightly tired and maybe slight stomach pain instead of violently puking all day

>> No.17831343

I drink a fuck ton of water while drinking and after im done. Rarely have hangovers

>> No.17831386

Treating hangovers is pretty straight forward. The three main issues are
alcohol limits REM sleep so you really don't rest well
alcohol is a diuretic so you'll piss.a bunch and be low on water
Alcohol and dehydration cause inflammation in your cells which is why you get a headache

Resolve those with the following
>naps and sleep
>drink lots of water and electrolytes
>take ibuprofen or another anti-inflammatory for the headache
>salty and greasy food which will help hold in water, increase fructose production, and improve mood
Good luck

>> No.17831552

1/4 teaspoon salt followed my shot of water every half hour or as necessary. Works for weed too.

>> No.17831570

Nothing ITT addresses the neurological aspect of a hangover - which is mini-withdrawal.

>> No.17831573
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blaring swishahouse, scorching sun, lots of wata buddeh

>> No.17831581

retard reply #3

>> No.17831586

eat a substantial meal before you start drinking
drink a lot of water before you go to bed
hurl if you have to
next day, have something sweet for breakfast (honey/jam are especially effective)
no aspirin/tylenol/etc because they just put more strain on your system
all else fails just go back to sleep

>> No.17831597

>t. morons who don't drink water
'mini-withdrawal' lmao, literally just drink water after you drink alcohol and there are zero problems.
unless maybe you're asian or something

>> No.17831599

literally just chug 2 glasses of water and some advil before you go to bed the night before, this reduces my hangovers more than any bs home remedy

>> No.17831614

yeah, you should take naproxen instead and burn a hole in your stomach like a real medical genius

>> No.17831617

>A real hangover is withdrawal
lol you have no idea what you're talking about. i've gone through minor withdrawal a couple times, it would take over 24 hours without drinking before it would start hitting me, a hangover is just your body rebounding. he's right though, the headache part of the hangover is just from dehydration

>> No.17831619

This. Pepperoni pizza can be substituted for other large takeout meals. Vietnamese usually does the trick.

>> No.17831649

you're probably not retarded, and must have just missed the part where the aspirin is taken with a bunch of gatorade.
any painkiller can hurt your stomach when it's sensitive, though

>> No.17831659

How does staying hydrated address the neurological aspect of withdrawing from alcohol?

>> No.17831667

How does a hangover constitute a withdrawal?
Maybe drink water and also join a 12-step program, if that's what you're after.

>> No.17831676

ITT: Diazepam is the only real hangover cure

>> No.17831755

yea and even baby aspirin can make your brain bleed dumbo. every therapeautic has risks

>> No.17831767

>brain bleed
if this happens then god wanted you to die anyway desu

>> No.17831773

The best cure for hangovers is not to drink in the first place. Everything else is a cope. You are literally COPING with a hangover with "recipes" that make you feel slightly better during the inevitable recovery. You fucking alcoholic piece of shit retard.

>> No.17831783

For me salad and a shit tone of water always works.

>> No.17831790

>t. mudslime teetotaler infant
i don't get hangovers because i have water after drinking. everything else is denial of the basic rule that has been known for millennia, to hydrate after/while imbibing alcohol.

>> No.17831793
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If you can eat you're not hungover.

>> No.17831798

>unless maybe you're asian or something
nonwhites in general have weak livers. they demonize alcohol in the same way that they demonize dairy due to their inability to metabolize either

>> No.17831824
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Well its more of a prevention but drink this before going to bed. Its amazing, you can even make it yourself its just water yoghurt and salt.

>> No.17831858
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Sachet of these in warm water. Re hydrates you and puts salts and minerals you have lost.
Even asked for these at a chemist once and they admitted they use them for hangovers.

>> No.17831971
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The cure is not being an alcoholic.

>> No.17832073
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Cukes are perfect for hangovers

>> No.17832081

Eggs benedict. Cheesestake. Pizzas Two of those. High protein, sodium, fat food. And then more booze.

>> No.17832089

That's not what people talk about when they say they're hungover bro

>> No.17832093

Literally just drink water. Drink water while you're drinking alcohol. At the very least, drink loads of water before you go to sleep. Have a bottle of water by your bed to drink when you wake up. I never have any hangovers so long as I follow these rules. I usually don't even need to drink the water when I wake up.

>> No.17832154
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Its been scientifically proven that a Full English breakfast cures hangover

>> No.17832161
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Yeh betta be bringing back one of them fancy boxes wit tha peetser or I'm not even lettin ye ave a whiff o me gash. Yeh got a famly teh feed. Gottah mayek shur yes dotter grows big an strongg

>> No.17832296

hangover prevention
drink a pint of water and eat a little bit of salt before you sleep
you are now far less likely to wake up with a headache

>> No.17832434

water, caffeine, salt, sugar, a bit of alcohol, something spicy, and some grease to help flush the rest of everything out of your system.

Eggs, bacon, maybe some toast, a big glass of water, a coffee, and a spicy caesar/bloody mary/michelada's a good start, followed by more water. Maybe some pho for lunch.

>> No.17832463

i've seen this forced shitpost on /ck/ several times and it's still unfunny

>> No.17832466

He's not looking for a cure, just a treatment.

>> No.17832479
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Nigga, the thread is literally titled hangover cure.

>> No.17832483

hit too close to home?

>> No.17832489

Check if you can find sauerkraut juice. Shit's sour, but get you up in notime.
Tomato juice is also great, because of huge amount of potassium.
Greasy meal.

>> No.17832497

>"What recipe can help a hangover?"

>> No.17832505

>Don't drink excessively

>> No.17832511

work out
breakfast, greasy

>> No.17832530

>You're terrible at recipes
>This is why your father left you

>> No.17832570
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>butthurt alchoholic lashes out at the people trying to help them
Many such cases.

>> No.17832572

This. I never get blackout drunk anymore, but I always just drink two or three glasses of water after I finish drinking alcohol, and I never feel hungover at all.

>> No.17832579

>a real hangover is hardcore chronic alcoholism side effect
You have no fucking idea what normal people are like, do you?

>> No.17832583

>taking NSAIDs with alcohol in your system
Don't do that. You will fuck your stomach, liver, and/or thyroid gland.

t. happened to my brother in law

>> No.17832587


I encourage everyone memeing about painkillers itt to watch these two videos.

>> No.17832590

>"hey I broke my leg, how can I make it heal better"
>"don't break you leg lmao xou retard #owned"
This is you right now

>> No.17832605

How often have your broken your leg on purpose?

>> No.17832606

Unironically yes. Don't be a fucking retard in the first place. Exercise some PRUDENCE.

>> No.17832623
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a large beer, vietnamese pho, some advil and your favourite adult movies is all you need son

>> No.17832629

Once when I was drunk.

>> No.17832632

>1L Gatorade
>Big Mac
its that easy

>> No.17832636

Gatorade and valium

>> No.17832726

If I was the type to fall for interventions, you'd have never been born.

>> No.17832732

>implying you aren't a childless degenerate

>> No.17832737

Once, to get out of conscription. How many times have you looked up a recipe to find "Don't be hungry, stupid!"
In the words of Sean Connery: "The damazhe hazhe already been done."

>> No.17832741

>Implying you're not wearing shoes right now because I pay my child support on time. Give your mother a kiss and remind her how fucking worthless she is, will you?

>> No.17832748

I'm barefoot currently and whomst are you quoting?

>> No.17832757

>Implying > is a quotation mark.
It's "Whom'st." If you'd put your shiny new fucking Nikes on and get your ass to school from time to time, you'd know what to do with apostrophes. You're an ungrateful little twat, just like your mother. I bet you do a mean dead starfish impression too.

>> No.17832759


>> No.17832765

I think it's time for sip of the ol medicine. The delirium seems to be setting in.

>> No.17832769

>You shouldn't drink
>Have a sip. It'll stave off the DTs
Yep, you're your mother's son.

>> No.17832776

>uglycrying over the insinuation that you should drink less
>'wow, you're just gonna enable me like that?'
go to bed, pops. i've got gaming to do

>> No.17832787

Go to school you little shit. Your mother might suck dick for pasteis de natas, but she's got her BA to fall back on. Do you think all this azeotropic ethanol just magically appeared? It comes from the lab I own that serves the pharmaceutical company I own that justifies my PhD, MD and ruthless behaviour in my mid 20's. Get your ass to class!

>> No.17832788

wasn't the ibuprofen one's conclusion just not to take it too often, not to never take it at all?
if you get hangovers every day, then ibuprofen isn't your biggest concern.

>> No.17832793

Paracetamol is the less problematic one.

>> No.17832796

You're glib and unintelligent and presume that I don't know a lot about drinking and what it does.

>> No.17832808

in the video he has an entire section about not taking tylenol with alcohol in your system, I think if we're talking about acute hangover cures, you should go for ibuprofen then.

>> No.17832899

>before you go to sleep
lol no, that shit doesn't help and you will just wake up in the middle of the night, drunk/hangover as fuck. The real thing is drink water with alcohol. My little to no hangover recipe is, with every 2dc of whisky/vodka/rum whatever, drink 1/2l of water. Take from late 30yo when hangovers are pure nightmares. But yeah there is no cure, only water.

>> No.17832907

or if you're a cool guy, just salt and potassium

>> No.17832920

Yeah you have to drink the water along with or immediately after you finish the alcohol to actually prevent the hangover.

>> No.17833227

Drinking water solves my headache but I still feel like shit what can I do

>> No.17833254

drink more salt and eat something water before going to bed

>> No.17833381

I have done things that could lead to the breaking of my leg if I did them incorrectly, on purpose many times.
>straight-edge means I'm more annoying than you

>> No.17833453
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the hangover can't catch you if you never stop drinking

>> No.17833485


>> No.17833491

pho does a pretty good job

>> No.17833570


>> No.17833584

if she was smoking she'd be perfect

>> No.17833602

If you put so much ethanol in your body that you get drunk and have a hangover, the best cure is to simply buy a rope.
Live life sober and in full control of your mind, or don't live at all.

>> No.17833781

You're just mad cuz Harm's Way lost their edge.

>> No.17833828

>straight edge
Has straight edge ever been anything other than a coping mechanism for underage Americans and clapped-out celebrities with too much kidney and liver damage to drink anymore?

>> No.17833845

It was a uniting trait of some pretty decent hardcore punk bands once upon a time.

>> No.17833851

straight edge implies strict abstinence from alchohol
drinking in moderation is not straight edge
seems like you're the one employing a coping mechanism for your buddin/full blown alcoholism

>> No.17833909

idk if telling people to kill themselves on 4chan is something that a happy, well adjusted person would do

>> No.17833930

>live life sober and in full control of your mind
>drinking in moderation
Pick one and only one you backpedalling little queer

>> No.17833952

damn bros, it's almost like 4chan isn't comprised of you and a single other person

>> No.17833967

>wading into an argument between two clearly defined opinions
>expect the other parties to magically intuit the fact that you're actually a big-brained centrist

>> No.17833985

A little bit of the same alcohol you got the hangover from
pickled eggs

>> No.17833989

More booze. Just not too much of it. Then drink water
then eat
or the like

>> No.17833998

>keeps coping
ease up on the drink before your brain starts dripping out your ears

>> No.17834017

>get caught hot-swapping opinions
>n-no actually I'm another poster
>poster count did not change
Here's your (You) little buddy

>> No.17834059

>tripling down
sad to see

>> No.17834163

Alma seltzer has 2000mg of sodium in it

>> No.17835130

Wrong lol

>> No.17835249

Just water, caffeine, and some food if you can keep it down. If it's really unbearable, either head or stomach-wise, take a single shot. It'll either make you puke and feel better, or help your head and feel better.

>> No.17835302

The only cure is to drink less. Hangovers are your body pleading with you to stop destroying the gift God gave you.

>> No.17835320
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Best hangover cure is stop getting shitface drunk

>> No.17835443

Xanax, paracetamol, water, whatever you can stomach eating and go back to sleep for a bit
Hangover cured

>> No.17835738

american brain

>> No.17835759
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for me, its
>chug about 20-28 oz water prior to going to bed after drinking 12 beers
>wake up around 5 hours later
>chug as much water as i can and take a couple ibuprofin, sleep it off
>wake up 3 hours later, chug water and piss my guts out
>make scrambled eggs and coffee with milk and sugar, drink more water
>reconsider my life choices
>drink more water

>> No.17835766

Fuck drunktards.

>> No.17835767

Get drunk lol literally why not?
>"ugh I feel so bad I couldn't even think of drinking!"

>> No.17836838

fpbp /thread

>> No.17836847

Protein and electrolytes and water. All other answers are bullshit.

>> No.17837009

Water, nigga

>> No.17837056

Burying my face in between my sister's legs and just eating until I'm absolutely exhausted and my face is soaked in her juices.

>> No.17837080

Two ibuprofen and a few hits of weed.

>> No.17837100

>What recipe can help a hangover?
don't drink alcohol, thats it, no hangover

>> No.17837106

disgusting display of angloness

>> No.17837115

I like to sweat it out while drinking water

>> No.17837168

n-acetyl cysteine

>> No.17837560

Good ol' hair of the dog
From zero to hero in no time

>> No.17837572

You can get proper cysteine just by eating red meat and it's better absorbed because it doesn't need to be de-acetylated. Stop falling for the supplement jew just because they want to sell off their products.

>> No.17837575

Medical grade hydration fluids. You can get those as a powder for mixing into water. They are for dehydration from heavy diarrhea and shit

>> No.17837659

>water or tea
>protein (e.g. steak and eggs)
>salty snaks

>> No.17837706
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to get rid of a hangover you need more alcohol and some protein

>> No.17837714

If your hangover is cured by a little snacky you're just a hangry little bitch. An actual hangover will leave you unable to keep food down or even willing to leave bed.

>> No.17837738

>it's better absorbed because it doesn't need to be de-acetylated
so you are telling me a water soluble powder is absorbed more slowly than a big lump of meat
that's like saying "don't snort cocaine, just eat a bushel of coca leaves!"

>> No.17837770

thread ended here

>> No.17837783

It has also been scientifically proven that english sausages were invented by SATAN himself.

>> No.17837798

Amino acids aren't as bioavailable in their acetylated forms, so yes it doesn't matter if it's a fucking powder. It just helps make it vaguely shelf-stable as a supplement. You're shitting most of it out.
But hey, go the fuck ahead and keep buying it if it makes you feel better. Placebo benefits are still benefits.

>> No.17837826

and electrolyte imbalance

>> No.17837861

>it's real
kek, thanks for that

>> No.17837869

every time I've been with someone bitching about a hangover I just tell them to get a twisted tea or chelada and they always go "noooo I'm not gonna drink today"
and I just go okay then have fun with your fucking hangover
it's that simple

>> No.17837973

For me it's two to three polar seltzers.

>> No.17837982

The only cure that actually works is time.

>> No.17837990

Ain't nobody got time for that.

>> No.17838001

Nah. The true cure is being proactive, also bread.

You drink water before, during, and after drinking alcohol, and you eat bread later on.

>> No.17838054


>> No.17838472

Lol what? Do you think that the moment alcohol touches your lips you lose sobriety? I drink one beer like a few nights a week and enjoy it because I don't get piss drunk.

In America the only people above the age of 21 who drink alcohol for the sake of getting drunk are pathetic addicts. If the rest of the world has the same attitude towards alcohol as trailer trash from Florida or a 16 year old then that's really sad.

>> No.17838666

I made this thread here a few years ago and got shit on. Glad to see you zoomers finally turned alcoholic

>> No.17838739

Basically this. Eat a bunch if you can and sleep. Nothing will help more than sleep though

>> No.17838968

>In America the only people above the age of 21 who drink alcohol for the sake of getting drunk are pathetic addicts.
Have you ever in your God-granted life actually been to a social event?

>> No.17839036

she literally has a cigarette in her hand dumbshit

>> No.17839124
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>> No.17839134

going to a social event for the sake of getting drunk is different from thinking that every time you drink alcohol its to get drunk. Do you get drunk alone in your bedroom?

>> No.17839246

woah going through alcohol withdrawl and drinking some alcohol cures it what a revelation

>> No.17839260

imagine gatekeeing hangovers

>> No.17840445

I simply live with the pain. And drink a lot of water.
Just lay in my bed for 5 hours trying not to puke myself to death.

>> No.17841618
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I've tried pretty much everything from pedialyte to more booze to IV and oxygen. Nothing fixes me better than an ice cold sweet tea with lemon.

>> No.17842271

ok nigel

>> No.17842646

some tea and a refreshing beer

>> No.17842678

ive never had a proper hangover, alcohol gets me thirsty as fuck so i drink enough of it to not get it
worst thing ive had happen is get sick 2 days after drinking but alcohol itself is sterile

>> No.17842781

not drinking alcohol

>> No.17842856


>> No.17842905

I can usually chug gatorade and water beforehand and avoid hangovers 90% of the time. 5% of the time I do, it's either mild nausea or a light headache. That goes away through similar methods.

When I do get legit hungover I have no appetite until the afternoon. Only chugging a gatorade or so in between before becoming overwealmingly hungry and binging Waffle House after.

>> No.17843011

when i lived in vietnam, a bowl of noodle soup or bun thit nuong would do the trick. here in the US, a burrito or some eggs or some cheesy thing. chugging water, taking an aleve, some coffee, a little reefer or an edible.

also pro tip, take some N-acetyl cystein before you start drinking and also chug enough water that you feel slightly sick before you pass out

>> No.17843029

in Vietnam you could go to a pharmacy and get hooked up to an IV with b-vitamins included and it would cure a hangover in minutes, it was amazing. on weekend mornings when i was awake until 3 am i'd get a double iced coffee in one hand an a vitamin IV in the other arm and in 15 minutes i'd be ready to teach 20 screaming 7 year olds. in New Orleans there was a similar service (i think there was even a bus that was a hydration IV station in the morning/afternoon and a party bus in the evening) but it was like $75 for 30 minutes

>> No.17843039

Actual alcoholic here. We don't get hangovers. Quit being fucking retards and commit to your addiction.

>> No.17843940

kinda true. Once you hit rock bottom alchy, you don’t really wake up with the same grade of hangover. But then an hour or two passes and you get hit with withdrawals that make you feel like you’re actually going to die and slam a liter of bottom shelf light rum to numb the pain.
>t. former full blown alchy hospitalized three times for severe withdrawals. Now 7 months sober

>> No.17843982

>go back to sleep
This was always a big one for me. The pattern I found after years of hangovers, was obviously to drink lots of water, but the initial sleep you go into when drunk is very weak, sort of lasts the main duration of drunkeness (a few hours) until you're mostly sober, at which point you auto wake up, drink more water and then go back to sleep. That second sleep is a proper one and aside from the general weakness you feel for the rest of the day, you avoid the worst of it.

>> No.17843985
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i don't like when i get shaky and sweaty

>> No.17844180

If I have caffeine while I'm hungover I work myself up into a panic attack.

>> No.17845069
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you need to stop anon. it ain't worth it. dying due to alcohol withdrawal is probably one of the worst ways to go out. right above burning alive. i'm this guy
and now that i'm sober i've never felt better. i can't even think about drinking without feeling sick. there's still time!

>> No.17845490

>put one corona in blender
>two shots of vodka
>sucker punch
>celery salt
>tons of black pepper
>smoked chipotle chili powder
Serve w/ a featureman burger ( just cook a pound of ground beef w/onions and potatoes) but add eggs and bacon to it.
Chug green gatorade, some olive oil, loads of black coffee and ice water.
Turn the AC on, down to 60.