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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.07 MB, 1147x566, GMO-Safe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17824219 No.17824219 [Reply] [Original]

“Natural” food activists say: Stop eating genetically-modified foods!

They're wrong.

GMO foods are safe. They don’t, as claimed, “cause cancer.” Over the last couple decades, cancer is down and lifespans are up.


>> No.17824242

Safe and effective. Trust the science.

>> No.17824244

Seems like most of the time now if you press someone to explain their issue with GMOs they'll say they don't actually have a problem with GMOs, just the business practices of Monsanto.

>> No.17824265
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delete this

>> No.17824266

This is an obvious troll b8 thread because OP must know a bunch of people are going to come here to call it out or it's possibly an actual corporate shill thread of some kind. Your propaganda isn't welcome here or in any part of anyone's lives.
>but muh gmos pls eat them
also just to be spiteful I'm removing the last few gmo's from my diet and eating even healthier from now on. You just lost even more profit from me. I have less than no respect for you and who ever you might work for, only the most pure refined absolute disgust. Surely God will never allow you into heaven for what you must be doing.

>> No.17824280

Enjoy spending more money I guess.

>> No.17824306

>claims OP is obvious troll
>post something so stupid and gay that it has to be a troll
Transverse shitposting, a very advanced technique. Impressive.

>> No.17824431

This thread is full of Luddites

>> No.17824436

Yes but fuck Monsanto and their copyright bullshit

>> No.17824443

Corrupt practices of companies has nothing to do with the food itself.

>> No.17824445

>last few gmo's from my diet
there are only ~10 GMOs available to consumers in the US

>> No.17824759


>> No.17825056

Rates of cancer increased since the 50's because of all the nuke tests putting radiation in the atmosphere. At least thats what /pol/ told me

>> No.17825544

The studies falsely claimed to show that GMO food causes cancer actually demonstrates that glyphosate causes cancer. The GMO shit is a monsanto smokescreen for their cash cow pesticide

>> No.17825569

The glyphosate issue is the direct result of them modifying the plants though. The entire reason genetically modifying became a thing is because they wanted to make their plants roundup ready. That's how they ended up patenting thousands of plants.

>> No.17825584

even without the GMO plants, people would still be spraying glyphosate on things

>> No.17825591

Maybe. But, not to the extent they are now. If you know your crop isn't going to die from spraying defoliator on it, your gonna just go crazy. It's especially bad in 3rd world countries.

>> No.17825702
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how do anti-GMO people feel about golden rice? It's genetically modified to have beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. Golden rice could prevent millions of people going blind, but selfish anti-GMO people are against it.

>> No.17825712

Yeah all modern crops are "GMO" and Monsanto are a bunch of jewish faggots.

>> No.17825716
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>> No.17825718

defoliants just take off the leaves, herbicides kill plants
the round up ready crops are soy, corn, canola, sugar beets,cotton,and alfalfa
glyphosate is better than atrazine
farmers are always going to spray shit on their crops, even the organic ones

>> No.17826195


>> No.17826331

Correct. I’m glad we agree

>> No.17826577
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Why would you alt-righter faggots be shaking hands with Hippy Dippy Far-Left Green Party fags...? You realize they're brianlet "Muh no GMO" D:" people too right? Aren't you just agreeing with said Jews or whatever?

>> No.17826588

>Hidden Agenda Schizos at it again

>> No.17826641

Sorry. I should have said herbicide. You're correct. Either way, my overall point stands. They're spraying the hell out of their crops because it's easier than weeding. Corn and Soybeans are by far the most grown crops in America also. So, just that fact is going to impact the amount of glyphosates in our system.

>> No.17826767

beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A (retinol) and is not converted efficiently and not at all in the absence of fat. calling beta-carotene vitamin A is a vegan scam.
where are the millions of people going blind from vit a deficiency?

>> No.17826779

GMO != Monsanto

>> No.17828333


>> No.17828355

GMO is dangerous, but in ways tinfoil hats have no clue about. It's absolutely safe to eat. There's nothing in it that would affect your body or mind negatively.

The dangers are of global and ecological nature. More resilient cultivars mean places that were left to the nature are turned into farmland, because they couldn't support regular crops but the new GMO grows just fine - and we get deforestation, mudslides, hurricanes, because forests are replaced by farmland.
New crops that will grow more massive and abundant than any "natural" cultivars, if only provided enough fertilizer, the massive amounts of fertilizer flushed into the rivers and the sea, making algae grow unchecked, rot and generate methane accelerating global warming.
Crops that can be grown year after year without crop rotation, destroying biodiversity of the region, causing catastrophic soil depletion which means the natural plants won't ever return to the region.
Massive increase of production by big, industrial farms, leaving small farmers impoverished, their meager production losing value.
Monoculture, optimal GMO crop replacing the variety planted world-wide, meaning one disease can destroy massive swaths of plantation and create a big crisis.

These aren't some hidden tinfoil-hat chemicals, these are natural side-effects of GMO crops doing exactly what it says on the label.

>> No.17828535

11 if you include cannibalism

>> No.17829100

Fuck you anon

>> No.17829805


>> No.17830416

inform yourself

>> No.17830420

>More resilient cultivars mean places that were left to the nature are turned into farmland

fewer acres produce the same quantity because of increased yield

>> No.17830425

All produce is genetically modified. That's the entire purpose of agriculture.

>> No.17830434

>>last few gmo's from my diet
>there are only ~10 GMOs available to consumers in the US

but these crops are widely used as ingredients in prepared and processed food products
almost unavoidable

over 20+ years consumed in the US is trillions of portions consumed
pity about the hundred million dead from all that painful cancer and stuff
> anti-GMO folks are 100% anti-science, anti-data, and impossible to reason with

>> No.17830496

I care about the facts, not who is saying them

>> No.17830529

squash, soybean, corn, cotton, papaya, canola, alfalfa, sugar beets, potato, apples
makes 10. What are the other 7?
>pity about the hundred million dead from all that painful cancer and stuff
Cancer was common long before the first GMO products hit the market and it has never been demonstrated that GMOs cause cancer. If it is the type of GMO that includes a transgene, all that means is that the GMO is making a new protein. You eat protein every day

>> No.17830679

A lot of the genetic modifications are that they can survive being monocropped in fields dusted with synthetic fertilizer and pesticides. Those can unintentionally have an effect on the quantities of various micronutrients.

>> No.17830697

eggplant and tomato are two others I know of, but those were so shitty they stopped growing them.

>> No.17830872

that's right. the Flavr Savr, no longer available
too bad
it had a longer shelf life and could be picked ripe instead of being gassed with nasty ethylene like organic tomatoes

>> No.17830875


>> No.17830884

Isn't organic a meme, why do we defend it so much?

>> No.17831516

>get idea to make a GMO rice crop with natural vitamins for poor countries
>not even selling it
>literally giving it away for free
>this will help tons of people do shit like eat and also not go blind from vitamin A deficiency
>"activists" break in and destroy the crops because GMO BAD

How fucking misguided do you have to be?

>> No.17831626


Theyre genetically modified because they splice a pesticide in the crop itself... This was to mass produce crops to feed animals for all you "need meat" scumbags... If you want to eat that garbage, not care about animals / and not care about the environment, then that's on you... But I'm not buying your bullshit.

Vegetarianism, respecting animal life, and repairing the environment ,and going back to chemical free organic farming is the solution.

>> No.17831645

not bad bait

>> No.17832155

disgusting behavior

>> No.17833505

>What are the other 7?
learn to google

>> No.17833513

>nooo nooo noooooo you have to pick either red team or blue team
>you're not allowed to develop opinions outside the party line
People like you are the reason Americans are hated when they barge into discussions of international politics

>> No.17833521

>give poor countries more food
>resource plenty allows them to have more kids
>they have more kids until the resources are exhausted enough to no longer support this practice
>still poor
>still need more food
>but this time with an extra 100 million double-digit IQ individuals with no impulse control
They were doing the right thing, alright, but they didn't know why.

>> No.17833586

says 10, or 11 if you count 2 types of corn

>> No.17833623

Pesticide's and everything monsanto related should be the concern.

>> No.17833650

What does that have to do with are GMO's safe to eat? Here is a tip GMO's are not pesticides or corporations.

>> No.17833816

I don't see anything wrong with GMOs as PART of a market. Sometimes I want to buy cheap potatoes, sometimes I just want a cheap chicken to do some wraps, sometimes I just need the cheapest possible corn as garnish.

But sometimes I want a proper seasoned steak from a grass fed cow. Sometimes I want the expensive potatoes so I can roast them on a grill and have them with just some salt and nothing else, sometimes I want a juicy and tasty tomato because I'm going to use as one of two main parts in a sandwich.

It all depends on what you need. Also, giving corporations patents on DNA is fucking evil.

>> No.17833824

The most prevalent GMOs are either plants engineered to produce a pesticide or engineered to be hardy against otherwise dangerously strong pesticides.
Our massive overuse of genetically identical crops and refusal to eat humble pie with respect to crop losses means we're swinging for a really, really big fucking blight one of these days.

>> No.17833887

>They don’t, as claimed, “cause cancer.”
I never thought they did.

>> No.17834386

That has more to with corrupt company practices not GMO

>> No.17834510

How exactly is it in our best interests to overpopulate the planet with brown people who hate Americans? If they aren't clever enough to get vitamins then that's Darwinism.

>> No.17834788

No you dumbass that's entirely false. Stop watching MSNBC and CNN.

Maybe that's why Monsanto got into it, or was a catalyst for them to do so, but your statement is plainly wrong.

I hate you and I hope you die a fiery death.

>> No.17834802

Shit up faggot.

They are also genetically modifying potatoes to add vitamins to improve the nutritional profiles of developing countries that eat potatoes.

You are fucking hack.

>> No.17834818

I disagree with you but it's refreshing to have a non-retarded post in this thread who is not anti GMOs. I respect your opinion but disagree.

>> No.17834859

>engineered to produce no seed so farmers have to buy the new and improved updated seed next year, or lose their farm

neato science burrito! im a weetard

>> No.17834863

What does that have to do with if its safe to eat?

>> No.17835158

>engineered to produce no seed so farmers have to buy the new and improved updated seed next year, or lose their farm
>this urban myth, again
sorry, this tech has never made it out of the lab greenhouse
and why aren't you butthurt about seedless grapes and watermelons that can't reproduce?

>> No.17835514

GMOs cause cancer, it's been proved.

>> No.17835578
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1/10 because I replied

>> No.17835710
File: 131 KB, 634x717, FA267912-713B-4FE2-AA11-9D668BF63278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bayer bought Monsanto in 2018. Everyone who regurgitates food inc. blames them as some leviathan it’s too played out. They are a single company among many other seed and chemical companies.

>> No.17835720

Wow, you said three whole things and none of them were arguments. Do you shill for free or is defending corporate interests a passion project for you?

>> No.17835721

Do you know what hybrid seed is?

>> No.17835731

No arguing just facts

>> No.17836742


>> No.17836747

They could cause weird fucked up results, more research is needed and they should be exempt from patents

>> No.17837411

>They could cause weird fucked up results

>> No.17837852

I don't trust the companies who make my medicine to control my food.

>> No.17837856

Is the food safe?

>> No.17837993

it's funny when antiGMOtards say "muh Monsanto" when Bayer is terrible too
Bayer's Cutter biological division deliberately murdered tens of thousands of hemophiliacs in the 1980s

>> No.17838076

it's the same company, makes it double bad

you'd be a food to eat their gmos

>> No.17838092

>you'd be a food to eat their gmos
why? the types of GMOs that contain a transgene just make a new protein
what is wrong with eating protein?

>> No.17838203

Some proteins can kill you or give you cancer.

>> No.17838219

Not if you eat them

>> No.17838234

so what? those aren't the proteins they put into GMOs

>> No.17838251
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Garbage thread.

>Consumers want healthier food
>Consumers want tastier food
>Consumers want food with values and tradition

You know who doesn't have a say in deciding what GMO's should be like? That's right. Consumers.

So you get shit that transports well but has no taste
Shit that doesn't get ripe until it's too late
Shit with 0 nutrients
Shit that costs more every year

PS: Eat more shit vegetables, grown on the other side of the planet, out of season with zero taste and zero nutrients. To save the planet for your offspring.

>> No.17838584


>> No.17838670

in order for a protein to be harmful, it has to survive the digestive system. this rules out most proteins, which get denatured in low pH and digested by enzymes known as proteases
people who buy enzymes to consume, thinking they have health benefits, are wasting their money
many of the deadliest proteins known are exotoxins. no GMOs have been engineered to produce exotoxins, but people do inject exotoxins into their face to reduce wrinkles. Botox is a modified exotoxin
Ricin is a super deadly protein. No ricin in GMOs either
Shiga toxin is super nasty, but has never been added to a GMO
Prions are deadly proteins, but have never been added to a GMO
the only GMOs engineered to produce toxic proteins are the people who took the mRNA vaccines which transformed their liver cells to produce the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2
the spike protein of covid-19 is pretty toxic,

>> No.17838925

proteins could be fast acting on the oral mucous membranes

>> No.17839155

That's a carbohydrate thing not a protein thing.

>> No.17839287


>> No.17839384

Anything can cause weird fucked up results unless we know for certain they dont, that's why we need more research

>> No.17839392

wrong try swishing snake poison in your mouth

>> No.17839424

Nobody is putting snake venom in fucking GMO CORN

>> No.17839468

so this is why Bobby Lee is so fucked up...

>> No.17839474

>actually there's nothing wrong with the rifle in that murderer's hands, it'd be fine if I had that rifle
>better let him keep fucking around with it, you know, it's the principle of the thing

>> No.17839491

>gun analogy
It's so tiresome

>> No.17839530

and the murderer is stabbing you a thousand times a day with synthetically synthesized chemical compounds
anti-GMO hysteria is just controlled opposition
people are misdirected into fearing the 10 GMOs on the market instead of worrying about the thousands of nasty chemicals they are exposed to daily
if you weren't such an NPC, you'd be butthurt about something that mattered
go look in to what is in thermal receipt paper, or flame retardant, or nonstick cookware before you start worrying about eating proteins

>> No.17839540

I know what's in all that shit, retard, and those problems are also worth addressing, but this is the GMO thread, so we're talking about GMOs.
And quit saying 'NPC,' you goober, you're not the protagonist of real life, you're an out-of-shape dweeb with /pol/ brain rot.

>> No.17839565

Yeah I don't care about GMOs nor do I care about 'organic' gardening
I use synthetic fertiliser and pesticides in my garden because I'm not paranoid enough about 'chemicals'
People are just really fucking stupid

>> No.17839586

>it's been "proved"
You can't even grasp basic English, I doubt you know much or even anything about GMOs.

>> No.17839591

I see the unimbellished nature of anons' post has left you're feathers a ruffle

>> No.17839621
File: 333 KB, 640x1920, 1600900480469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>spend literal years trying to create wheat that makes 1 protein that fucks with 1 beetle's digestive system
>test field
>(((government))) shaniquas and beuracracy everywhere
>finally approved
>some diabetic cunt screams CANCERRRRRRRRR while stuffing her face with processed slop and corn syrup
the majority of food you eat is """modified"""
Bt corn, soybean, gene editing to boost nutrient content or delay ripening
Monsanto isn't even its own corporation any more, they were owned by Bayer Crop Science Division who is now owned by BASF

>> No.17839646

They don't even call them GMOs anymore you boomers, it's "bioengineered food" now

>> No.17839727

>so we're talking about GMOs
and the talk should be
>why do normies care about GMOs that have never been demonstrated to be harmful and ignore BPA in receipt paper that has been demonstrated to be an endocrine disruptor?

>> No.17840599

Nobody ignores BPA though. Anyway changing the topic is a woman's tactic.

>> No.17841152

>Anyway changing the topic is a woman's tactic.
there is no topic here. anti-GMOtards are just a bunch of NPCs following their assigned script
it's a slide topic

>> No.17841159

Back to your containment board you cancerous faggot.

>> No.17841165

>where are the millions of people going blind from vit a deficiency?
Southeast Asia primarily.

>> No.17841978


>> No.17842092

My ass

>> No.17843498


>> No.17843788

Doctors have diagnosed GMO poisoning before. It's not worth the risk.

>> No.17843798

>NPC following a script
>this from the guy shitting out lazy whataboutisms whenever his genefuckery corporate waifu is criticized

>> No.17843806

gmos are so scawy!!

>> No.17843823

Imagine unironically paying a jew to shill for multi billion dollar corporations that blatantly lies and tells you high fructose corn syrup and canola oil are healthy.

>> No.17843838

>I respect your opinion but disagree.
Just say you're a paid shill

>> No.17844467

I don't know about gene spliced stuff but seeing papaya in that thumbnail iirc the gmo part of gmo papaya is that they shoot the ring or whatever virus into the nucleus to supposedly fight the ring or whatever virus that can fuck with papaya

>> No.17844483

The radio said today that the cancer rates for women are 1 in 3 and for men 1 in 2.
It was an advertisement for cancer screening by the American Cancer society...

>> No.17844578

GMOS were intentionally pushed as a strawman to discredit/make fools out of people attempting to make/buy/sell "organic" or "natural" food.
The issue was (almost) always chemical contaminants (weedkillers), or absurd hormones in your meat (that turn kids into homosexuals and make them grow big tits).

It's the same trick they used with industrial waste (somehow convincing everyone that pollution was because you're using plastic bags, and not because of industrial runoff/thirdies streaming toxins straight into every patch of water they can)

>> No.17844591

cool story bro

>> No.17844651

Stop picketing planned parenthood locations then.

>> No.17844656

Doctors have also diagnosed criminal skull shapes, lack of vital energy and imbalance of the humors.

>> No.17845506


>> No.17846764

good post. this thread is made by shills who are accepting money to tell lies and distort the truth. i hope they realize that they too will be judged for their words and deeds on the Day of Judgement

>> No.17846774

yeah and that's totally normal and any suggestion that it's due to the manipulation of genetic material of things we eat and interact with on a daily basis is tinfoil hat conspiracy theory and you should take your meds and not ask any questions about the corporations who are literally patenting the genetic code of life forms

>> No.17846797

the question is, from whence does the poverty and scarcity leading to vitamin deficiency and hunger arise? what kind of economic structures lead to such inequality? and who put those structures in place?

the answer, of course, is that the central banks who work hand-in-glove with the corporate agriculture companies and other huge, unaccountable multinational corporations have for decades if not centuries forced extractive processes on the economies of the "developing" world as a way of robbing them of whatever self-sufficiency they still had left.

globalization is nothing more than re-branded colonization and corporate agriculture is one of the worst and most blatantly evil examples of this. small farmers are thrust into debt by required inputs of fertilizer and patented GMO seeds, and then go into debt and lose everything they own, reduced to indentured servants on their ancestral land, while all the profits go to middlemen and corporate offices in colonial metropoles thousands of miles away

the issue isn't "GMO foods" it is the entire framework of absolutely abhorrent practices and economic structures surrounding the theft of autonomy of farmers. these corporations presume to patent the very genetic structure of life- not only for profit, but control. very very dark stuff.

>> No.17846810

this of course doesn't even take into account the effects of these extractive, exploitative corporate monoculture/monocrop forms of agriculture on the ecosystems in which they exist. they drain the fertility out of the soul and all the inputs (toxic fertilizer and pesticide) end up in the waterways or water table.

Norman Borlaug is one of the most evil and destructive men of the 20th century. "The Green Revolution" was one of the biggest lies ever sold. saying "we saved billions from hunger" ignores the much bigger truth that the practices surrounding Borlaug's GMO-driven green revolution thrust billions into slavery and destroyed the traditional economies and ecosystems of these countries, deliberately, for control and profit.

>> No.17846821


>durr monsanto isn't even its own corporation anymore now it's owned by the literal Nazi industrial biopharma conglomerate Bayer
i don't think you even understand what you are talking about. more likely you are being paid to convince anons of a certain talking point and you mindlessly do so in order to secure a paycheck without any thought about the ethical implications of what you are doing. get a different job.

>> No.17846834

but are they safe for environment?

>> No.17846888

the seeds themselves aren't good or bad for the environment per se- but the inputs required to grow the seeds (patented pesticides and fertilizers) are terrible for the soil and water as well as the human communities doing the farming.

because, you see, these third world farmers are already extremely poor, so they have to take out loans every growing season to buy Roundup pesticides and fertilizers, so if anything goes wrong (flood, drought, etc) and they don't get a good harvest they go into debt and get kicked off their land

so not only do the practices associated with growing "GMO seeds" rape the land they also completely destroy small farmers, and this is not an accident it is by design. the argument "GMOs aren't bad for you" is misdirection, pushed by shills who don't want to talk about the absolutely abhorrent, inhuman anti-life practices surrounding every other part of corporate agriculture.

the end goal is to have a few corporations owning not only all land, but all the labor necessary to grow food on that land (mostly automated machinery though) AND the genetic code of the crops as well as the humans.

you realize the DNA of these GMO crops is patented and owned by the corporations right? that's why they have to use the proprietary pesticides and fertilizers. if they don't, Monsanto can sue the farmers (and take their land that way)

it's all just so fucking evil. i can't believe that anyone would stoop so low as to accept money to shill for these corporations on the internet. if i was a paid shill i don't know how i'd be able to look at myself in the mirror

>> No.17846908

i know the shills who made this thread will read this message and i want them to know that they have lost control over the narrative of this thread. i will be returning to this thread to effortlessly blow your retarded arguments out of the water every time i log into 4chan until this thread dies.

so, shills you have a choice. you can either let this one go, stop bumping the thread and let it fall out of the catalog, wait a few days before making another shill thread.


you can try and argue this very obvious, very one-sided issue with someone who has studied this topic deeply and feels very strongly about it. if you choose this option, please know that the resulting discussion will be publicly visible and anyone who reads it will likely have their opinion shifted in the opposite direction. the people paying you to shift opinions will likely be displeased if you choose this option.

so, shills, what will you choose? admit defeat and let the thread die- or will you try and put up a fight, and look like a fool in the process?

either way, you lose. the only way to win in this situation is to quit your job so that you don't have to lie on the internet to make money.

>> No.17847066


>> No.17847544

i'm sure it's just a total coincidence that we're starting to have severe dust storms in the upper midwest again

>> No.17847723


>> No.17848162


>> No.17849671


>> No.17850910


>> No.17852478


>> No.17853642

> We have the possibility to make that sou grow in areas where it would have not be possible and make more profit
Of course they will never use that land

>> No.17855492


>> No.17855504

i dont mind the tech, it has done a lot of good, but i DO NOT trust the megacorps to not do some weird bullshit

>> No.17856645

down syndrome take

>> No.17856667


>> No.17856966

Almost 666 fail Satan