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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.72 MB, 2592x1728, img_3294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17823784 No.17823784 [Reply] [Original]

>be russian
>eat kfc every other day since 00s, love me some chikkum
>post-sanctions menu change
>things that had a "no pickles" option had it removed, even when you talk to the lady
>things that didn't have pickles now have pickles with no option to remove them
>many things were added, all with pickles
>many things were plain removed, even the fucking classic drumsticks (obviously with no pickles)
excuse me what the fuck, most of the menu is inedible now
this is some kind of american psy ops I can tell
who the fuck even likes pickles?

>> No.17823787


>> No.17823792

>who the fuck even likes pickles?
You will never be Russian.

>> No.17823805
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>be russian

>> No.17823806

What kind of Slav are you? No pickles? Blyat

>> No.17823815

Should have thought twice before you invaded the ukraine

>> No.17823838

Everyone likes pickles. You are literally not human if you do not like pickles.

>> No.17823844

Brexit means Brexit, deal wit it privately

>> No.17823848

You will eat all the pickles, the leader demands it of you.

>> No.17823864

Do they grind up all the ingredients together with the pickles into a smooth paste or something?

>> No.17823921

That's what you get for not eating at Donmak

>> No.17823927

Only niggers don't like pickles

>> No.17823940

putin likes pickles. follow your leader cyca blyat

>> No.17823947

>nooo why can't I eat american food while hating everything about them

>> No.17823962

I sympathize with you OP, you're county is being punished for daring to Punch Nazis.

>> No.17823998
File: 143 KB, 1024x675, depositphotos_97389484-stock-photo-russian-vodka-in-small-glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be russian

>> No.17824006

U vill eat de pickles and u vill like it.

>> No.17824016

Russia is being punished for punching Russia? It's ironic considering Russia's role defeating the actual Nazis in Germany. I guess they decided there was only room for one brutal fascist regime...

>> No.17824049
File: 109 KB, 500x500, donmakmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not eating at DonMak's
for shame

>> No.17824085

Eat your pickles faggot

>> No.17824127
File: 922 KB, 1015x600, choccy putin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't like it? Better get to work on removing your "leader." Should have thought of this before you started murdering Ukrainians to dunk on NATO.

>> No.17824142

russians aren't human...

>> No.17824409

but that's not even outside punishment, it's rogue franchises that said "fuck you mainline we aren't closing" and then decided to add pickles to everything. baisically it's russians punishing themselves.

>> No.17824447

maybe they're just copying chick fil a

>> No.17824556

It's textbook CIA. Every regime "change" since the cold war that was caused by the US started with forcing pickles on its citizens.
Researchers procured as part of Operation Paperclip brought with them a psychoactive drug that when ingested, significantly increased anti-authoritarian sentiments in subjects that were already liable to it. Infusing pickles with said drug proved ideal because the pickle brine would preserve the drugs psychoactive properties almost indefinitely. The rest was just matter of having the citizens of an enemy regime consume these pickles, which then caused anti-government protests and revolutionary sentiments and ultimately set the stage for a sponsored regime overthrow that looks organic to the rest of the world.

>> No.17824956

What's it like for the regular rus-anon?
Do you know about Ukrain?

>> No.17824962

>no pickles
You don't belong in this country

>> No.17824981
File: 81 KB, 600x536, 9CDD28D8-A3CE-4F9C-BD7F-EBADCEA9582D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be russian

>> No.17825112

>not just asking for no pickles
I don't get it.

>> No.17825536

He said he did and it didn't work. He falsely attributes this to the restaurant instead of the shitty lazy worker though.

>> No.17825571 [DELETED] 

The ukraine is an alt-right nazi stronghold. Of course amerikkka would run to its defense.

>> No.17825577


>> No.17825949

>>17823784 HAHAHAHA

>> No.17825968

No, that's just what the Ukrainian cannon fodder thinks of themselves. What they're fighting for is a lot different (AIDS)

>> No.17827240

Looks good.

>> No.17827250 [DELETED] 

my russian friend was actually a huge fan of pickles. we used to have competitions to see who could cram the most up our asses

>> No.17827386

I love pickles just not on sandwiches.

>> No.17827976

вилкoй в глaз

>> No.17827987

If you were Russian you'd know they're fucking obsessed with them over there.

>> No.17827995 [DELETED] 
File: 3.71 MB, 400x400, Vatnikgrinder 9000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be subhuman
stopped reading there. Fucking kill yourself

>> No.17828040


>> No.17828049
File: 126 KB, 1080x1080, 16467611315820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No where in his post did he say he was Ukrainian though

>> No.17828082 [DELETED] 

Imagine making a post on /ck/ and NPCs gang up on you just to spit out their anger due to you being born in Russia
YWNBAW dear drones

>> No.17828091

>Russia is being punished for punching Russia?
But leftypol told me commies can never be fascist because ummmm they just can't ok??

>> No.17828127

I mean, I like pickles... but if a restaurant isn't willing to fulfill a simple request like "no pickles", it shouldn't be patronized. What next, they won't let you order a chicken sandwich without mayo?

>> No.17828131
File: 373 KB, 1600x1200, as0iw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kinda joker doesn't like pickles? They're like the best thing about fast food, apart from onion rings of course. Besides, aren't you commies supposed to love pickles?

>> No.17828138 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 500x726, al5xu48fr8t61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have sex chudcel

>> No.17828139

test the pickles for mind altering drugs that could be being forced upon you

>> No.17828146
File: 563 KB, 2400x3000, norm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be russian

>> No.17828657

pickles are like ketchup, anything with added pickles tastes like pickles
which is fine when it's crunchy, succulent raw pickles, but fucking disgusting when it's something with completely different texture that tastes like pickles

>> No.17828662
File: 335 KB, 1600x897, l-intro-1637687872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the humble cornichon

>> No.17828663 [DELETED] 

I thought Russian propaganda was supposed to be good. Did the Soviet propagandists all die of old age or falling out of windows?

>> No.17828674

fuck now I want ice cold wodka
>tfw only one bottle of stoli in my booze supply and replenishment nowhere in sight

>> No.17828679

>quartered onions

>> No.17828681
File: 261 KB, 551x491, 1635037533162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoli is fucking rubbish.

>> No.17828687

shut your whore mouth, I like it, it's the only wodka I know that I can just slam neat and like the taste of. My workhorse wodkas (Jelzin/Gorbatschow) are fine too but they have lesser taste

>> No.17828695 [DELETED] 
File: 273 KB, 650x1080, 1647849918690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buhanka is top tier propaganda

>> No.17828703
File: 441 KB, 1080x1080, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think Stoli is good vodka then you don't know jack about booze. Sure it comes in a nice bottle, but even the bottom shelf stuff here is better. If you want actual good vodka, try Russian Standard. It'll blow your mind how much better it is than the swill you chug everyday.

>> No.17828709

>Russian Standard
It's fine wodka but imo not the same tier as stoli. I just like the smooth, soft, refreshing taste of it. RS is harsher, less polished.

>> No.17828713

pickles are an autism filter

>> No.17828716

tfw no RS since everybody is boycotting Russia

>> No.17828724

RS keeps winning awards for best vodka in the world. Stoli is the baseline for what I consider acceptable.
I understand it's a matter of preference but let's not pretend one is not superior to the other.

>> No.17828780 [DELETED] 

I like how he just said "fuck it" to drawing the bottle and pasted a stock image in

>> No.17828785 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 577x960, fngfltch84b41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well ya it's an edit of a shadman picture

>> No.17828797 [DELETED] 

just noticed he forgot to edit out the elbow of the zoomer when he pasted the Russian over

>> No.17828818
File: 1.32 MB, 220x147, 3878E760-91A6-414E-9DC4-9770A3539E49.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the war they have either short supplies of the original food or it’s too expensive (or both is most likely) so they have to replace it with pickles

This is your punishment. Maybe u shouldn’t have invaded ucrane sweaty

>> No.17828837

I lived in Russia for 2 and a half years and learned to like pickles. That being said, I’m not very sure I like them on fried chicken. I had fast food there like 3 times in total, although I got some fried drumlets from the supermarket deli at times. In any case brother I hope you’re alright. Shit happened, I hope only that the best resolution happens for everyone, whatever it might be.

>> No.17828960 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 655x322, 1642382201527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have always been and will forever be slaves to Jews and Free Masons.
Defending Ukraine is defending globalist kabalists' obsession with world domination and slavery (hint hint: you're the slaves, retards).
Take 2 seconds to think: if my opinions align with all major corporations and politicians--both of which are all controlled by the same people--then are my opinions good for humanity?
Maybe you braindead zombies do deserve to be slaves.

>> No.17828981

nobody cares go back to worshiping Jewtin

>> No.17829126

If u don’t support ucrane then u have to eat pickles because Russia is running out of food

>> No.17829381
File: 3.10 MB, 1288x1952, Gorbiiiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well unfortunately I'm drinking neither atm but cheers none the less

>> No.17829410

>Take 2 seconds to think: if my opinions align with all major corporations and politicians--both of which are all controlled by the same people--then are my opinions good for humanity?
Damn dude guess I'm a Nazi because Hitler and I are both vegetarians. Airtight logic.

Sorry your mom missed her abortion clinic appointment two decades ago and got stuck with you

>> No.17829424
File: 116 KB, 1242x481, 893aa525ab7e77d06385d2beb1acbaff723adb0b8d008afb67f569fdc2f1e030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read past first line, enjoy your imminent starvation Ivan

>> No.17829492
File: 3.91 MB, 640x358, putin-walk-vladimir-putin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17829510

I like luksoskowa, or however it's spelled, because it tastes faintly of raw potatoes, and I really like raw potatoes.

>> No.17829512

Pickles are great you slavic fuck

>> No.17829701

shouldn't have invaded Ukraine, also eat ze banana burger like your vozhd tells you

>> No.17829756
File: 44 KB, 620x675, 8fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't like getting sanctioned for something your government is doing? Maybe you shouldn't have personally invaded the Ukraine, guy who posts on /ck/ about pickles.

>> No.17829774

>Azov Batallion

>> No.17829780

Blah blah nobody gives a shit
Fuck russia
Fuck ukraine

>> No.17829808

>Take 2 seconds to think: if my opinions align with all major corporations and politicians--both of which are all controlled by the same people--then are my opinions good for humanity?
Why do vatniks always have the same talking points, it's like you "people" are brainwashed or something. Go die for Jewtin.

>> No.17830198

you have to eat all the pickles

>> No.17830203

they aren't wrong about corporatism and you all fucking know it. but this includes KFC which makes them fucking retarded - unfortunately like your forgetful flip flopping easy to lie to asses.

get your shit together America we need you to handle shit and this immense faggotry has not been it.

>> No.17830204

Except Russia controls the world's fertilizer prices so that shit has trippled in price. Enjoy even higher prices this fall

>> No.17830769

I grow my own food using my own compost.

>> No.17830775

the hot pickle cooks the raw chicken

>> No.17831167

The Biden administration halted transportation of fertilizer.
Brainwashed zombie. Yum yum yum, propaganda and state lies, om nom nom.

>> No.17831193

Have you considered writing to the Kremlin to end the invasion so that you can get KFC back to normal?

>> No.17831200

>kfc russia introduces fried pickles
end game

>> No.17831406 [DELETED] 

>be Russian
Kys vatnigger

>> No.17831654
File: 177 KB, 960x888, B5D3396C-CCF8-46A7-8175-5A6917EEF4CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invade ucrane=U have 2eat pickles as punishment and food supplies
Simple as

>> No.17831899

Our vodka has a pretty strong taste. You would want to bite a raw onion after it. Also, goes nice with salo.

>> No.17831924


> Invades Ukraine unprovoked.

> Blames Jews and Freemasons for the world being pissed at you.

>> No.17831933

>what is constant NATO expansion towards russia over the last few decades

>> No.17831968

>Gets to decide who gets to associate with who outside their borders
If they don't like it, maybe they should stop being such massive fucking faggots on the international stage and maybe they could even come to the NATO party too, but they're straight up GAYTARDS. They don't help themselves being totally deceitful, untrustworthy actors in international relations, with a foreign policy based on disrespect for law and order in other sovereign nations where their justification for acting is based on lying and denying their violations like a school kid would if they were in trouble. They're the faggot kid crying wolf constantly. The only things Russia produces of note besides petro-chemicals is alcoholism, poverty, retarded gopniks, drug abuse, rape, and child porn.
>Globohomo retard kike slaves
If you think Russia is fighting the Jews, you really don't know much about Putin's mother or the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. Russia is the shoe on the other foot from the US as the Jewish golem marches on.

>> No.17832019

>NATO expansion towards russia
Tu quoque, fagot. Russia has been invading it's neighbours on the reg, no wonder they gravitate towards NATO for protection. The real reason for the invasion is Putin is afraid of Ukraine developing into a westernised liberal democracy. He's afraid of what Russians seeing the Ukrainians next door flourish will do to his power base.

>> No.17832325

dang I can't believe Russia was so concerned about NATO expansion they proved why you want to be in NATO

>> No.17832520

>>things that had a "no pickles" option had it removed, even when you talk to the lady
>>things that didn't have pickles now have pickles with no option to remove them
>>many things were added, all with pickles
>>many things were plain removed, even the fucking classic drumsticks (obviously with no pickles)

>> No.17832639

>be Putin
>be afraid of NATO expansion
>invade your neighbours
>more countries sign up to join NATO
How could this be happening to me?

>> No.17832758

this nigga's mad

>> No.17833058

>Hostile globalists with aggressive, ***SUBVERSIVE*** tactics knocking at your doors CONSTANTLY for years.
>"Haha, just join them bros. Give peace a chance lmao. Peace and love, peace and love."

>> No.17833077

Also, the person you're replying to isn't me, the one who posted about
>globohomo retard kike slaves
I'm well aware that Russia is another kike state. It is too complicated and, quite frankly, I don't give enough of a shit to make several posts explaining it on a Mongolian basket weaving forum's /ck/ board. But the masters of Russia aren't fully in alignment with the masters of the US (the US being the capital of Jewtardedness. China recently allied with them, hence covid). There are differences.
I'm not saying I love Jewtin.
I'm simply insulting the retard slaves here who defend Ukrained and NATO because their favorite Black Lives Matter celebrities wear Ukraine hats and their favorite food delivery apps allow you to donate to "those affected by the Ukraine crisis".
The more I read these retarded comments from you guys, the more 444 I want to be real.
Praise the cube.

>> No.17833109
File: 12 KB, 429x126, 1651480394544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17833118

Russia has excess pickle production with nobody from the outside buying it. You will eat the pickles for the good of the motherland.

>> No.17833122

I'll stick to the actual good stuff made in Poland.

>> No.17833130

There was place for all three brutal fascist regimes in Teheran and Jalta

>> No.17833152

Wrong list. China is allied with globohomo. Russia is allied with both China and globohomo separately, as they have their own agenda that is being constantly subverted by globohomo. India also has its own agenda but usually plays along with globohomo. Very unfortunate.
Arab shitholes hate Israel and Jews.
If anyone here is genuinely interested in this stuff, look up Muammar Gaddafi with a non-Jewish search engine. The guy dedicated his life to Arab freedom and a life detached from globalist Jewry. But, of course, he was vilified by western media. He was one of, if not THE, greatest leader of a nation since George Washington. But you know how it ends.
And finally, North Korea and Iran are the only nations on Earth whose banks aren't owned and controlled by international banking elites. Hence, all the sanctions.

>> No.17833154

>implying those countries aren't cultivated as controlled opposition to keep the masses in a constant state of fear and distracted from tightening control over their lives

>> No.17833172

>getting snobby over vodka
it all tastes the same after 3 shots

>> No.17833180

You always have been and will forever be the slaves of the russian dictators and their cliques. All the way back from when you were conquered by rurik and his vikings, through the centuries of tzars and boyars and nobles, to soviet cronies, to putin and his oligarchs. He steals all your money and you accept it. He sends you to die in a war of agression against ukraine and you accept it. He has you suffer the retribution from the entire west (while, do not worry, he has his private channels to live in luxury all the same) and you accept it. Well, every people has the government it deserves, and you, anon, deserve every food shortage and every pickle shoved down your throat.

>> No.17833189

Putin is a nigger.
It's just far more embarrassing to "simp" for Ukraine and kabalist globalists than it is to "simp" for salmon haters.

>> No.17833195

Snobby am I? Because I didn't lavish you with attention? Let me tell you, bucko, that I've given you more attention than you deserve.

>> No.17833217

I think living in squalor and being fucked in the ass by your officers pretty much tops the embarrassment scales, but maybe that's they way russians like it.

>> No.17833226
File: 15 KB, 331x324, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say this as if I were Russian.
You will forever be a slave to people who think Saturn has a hexagon worm hole and a mysterious magical cube orbiting in its rings.
I'd say "kys" but you're probably so stupid that you would go towards the light to repeat the cycle.
Captcha: Heil Hitler Heil Hitler 1488

>> No.17833228

there's a distinct lack of discussion of pickles and food in general in the lsst few posts

>> No.17833346

>this is some kind of american psy ops I can tell

Shoot Putin and everything will go back to normal.

>> No.17833378
File: 17 KB, 536x178, recommended for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she doesn't like pickles

>> No.17833407
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>> No.17833517
File: 189 KB, 240x120, temp (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth can be harder to smoke than the microplastic-filled, microwaved reality.

>> No.17834311

>countries keep voluntarily joining NATO to deter Russian aggression
>Russia invades one of the countries that didn't join NATO
Really makes one think

>> No.17834315

I thought russians loved dill weed on everything?

>> No.17834325


>> No.17834491

>russoid standard
It's just a notch above the bottom shelve my dude, it's NOWHERE near the good stuff, not even gonna mention premium stuff.
It's drinkable only with mixers, if you drink it neat you might as well chug on some engine cleaner or something.
Green Mark is better. Average pole vodka is better. Belvedere, Chopin and Zuborovka are much much better.
Want to try something tasty for a change? Try Ulovka or whatever those fags spell it, now that's some tasty vodka. No chaser needed - ever
t. been a bartender for nearly 10 years

>> No.17834528
File: 1.05 MB, 1620x1120, Screen Shot 2022-05-13 at 1.17.27 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you kidding me, classic drumsticks are literally the first thing that pops up on their page to order, you lying kike

>> No.17834533

The fuck is this? MTF's only "crave" weird foods because that's the kind of shallow understanding of femininity that they've gotten from watching women on TV.

>> No.17834541

okay he's literally not lying about the pickles though how come they added pickles to everything wtf i can remove the fucking cheese from a plane cheese-chickenburger but not the pickles?
that said i love pickles and if you dont you're not a patriot

>> No.17834544

weirdly, dill mayo is an optional side at mcdonalds/hessburger/other fastfood in estonia but not in russia

>> No.17834560
File: 393 KB, 2038x1080, Screen Shot 2022-05-13 at 1.27.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17834582

>be russian
Kill yourself subhuman slavshit.

>> No.17834640
File: 79 KB, 823x473, Screenshot 2022-05-13 at 01-46-45 Твистер Де Люкс острый – заказать с доставкой на дом Официальный сайт KFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, they are back as a separate item, neat. for a while there were only spicy drumsticks on their own, and originals were available solely through the family basket, 6 at a time with bunch of other stuff. weirdest shit ever, like, kfc IS the drumsticks, how can you not offer them.
tried it before, it does nothing, they'll still deliver it with pickles. it's just yandex not updating their menus.

>> No.17834653

It's not just the russians. Everybody within 360 degrees of Russia should be nuked to atoms.

>> No.17834785

Pickles make me fart prodigiously.

>> No.17834843

weird, im sorry, sounds annoying
i think the pickles are a required flavor component and like them, though

>> No.17834855

I thought 90% of your diet was pickles and vodka, Ivan

>> No.17834923

Dissent reported to KGB. Enjoy your party van ride.

>> No.17835056

>only onions and pickles for breakfast

>> No.17836507

>The real reason for the invasion is Putin is afraid of Ukraine developing into a westernised liberal democracy.
>not knowing about the enormous gas fields discovered in 2013 just southwest of Kyiv/Kiev
Seriously. The entire war is just Putin's way of preventing Europe from developing a source of natural gas that isn't controlled by Russia.

>> No.17836517

Russian Standard comes in a variety of grades. But I guess you wouldn't know that since you just pour coors light for the poors.

>> No.17836701

Make my overcomplicated drink wagie.