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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.96 MB, 4608x3456, 20220509_215524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17822879 No.17822879 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you made for dinner.

>> No.17822893

Your steak isnt seared.
You cut your fruit wrong.
Is that literally piles of raw garlic on the fries?

>> No.17822896

No shit
Nigga its a lemon
Do u need glasses bru

>> No.17822911

Yeah I fucked up on the steak. Was expirementing with dropping it in the fry oil and seeing what happened. Lesson learned: fry oil doesn't get hot enough to sear.
And yes, it's a head of garlic and cilantro on the fries. I was inspired to do this after looking at some garlic fries that were sold at a baseball game.
How was my lemon cut wrong? The edges are clean, and it's intact.

>> No.17822942

Sear your steak harder. Use beef fat or lard.

>> No.17822945

tenderized a flank, marinated in kalbi, grilled on the bbq.

>> No.17822950

Did the steak taste good? Assuming you deep fried it, thats actually a valid technique. I have great success with pan frying in oil.

>> No.17822951

Steak looks leathery and the fries are a horrible mess. 2/10. I would have to be starving to eat that.

>> No.17822952

I usually do a better job searing, but I decided to experiment with my steak methods tonight. Didn't taste bad, but could have been much better.

>> No.17822969

Yeah I deep fried it in the oil I used for the fries. The idea was to fry the fries the first time, then fry the steak, and go in for the second fry on the fries. Didn't taste bad, and the lemon improved the steak a lot. It came out medium rare to my suprise, but still could have been better.

>> No.17822977

Hunger is the greatest seasoning.
Now post what you made for dinner.

>> No.17823107
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My girlfriend made some chicken salad from leftover KFC, and I also had pic related.

>> No.17823118

How did you prepare it?

>> No.17823460
File: 2.83 MB, 3366x5984, _20220510_184435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parmisan and tomato stuffed chicken breast wrapped in prosciutto (store bought) and a basic salad. Simple as.

>> No.17823724
File: 3.40 MB, 2083x2784, Culinary genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a fit of Frankensteinian innovation I made a cheese toastie COMBINED with a new zealand hotdog. Cheese, frankfurters, tomato sauce, dijon mustard, cayenne pepper and a sprinkling of capers went into this abomination in the eyes of the Lord.
It was pretty good.

>> No.17823748
File: 2.27 MB, 4000x3000, 20220509_153054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a salmon cake. Twas extremely good

>> No.17823752

Homemade tartar sauce
Cabbage slaw
Salmon cake
Dill pickle

>> No.17823774
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this looks like delivery dumped on a plate

>t. has dumped delivery steak on a plate before

>> No.17823978
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>> No.17823985
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>tfw I've been stuck in a hotel for 4 weeks and can't cook until I find a rental
fucking nice
unironically 10/10 I want to eat that right fucking now
are you fucking kidding me? that's amazing

>> No.17824015

I've been telling people I'm 5 years younger than I actually am for years now and nobody has found out

>> No.17824026
File: 252 KB, 1249x937, PXL_20220428_003223782_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken piccata

>> No.17824079 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17824368

corr that looks delicious

>> No.17824765

absolutely mouth watering, bravo anon

>> No.17824774

looks good anon
I'll gonna give it a try

>> No.17824780

is there also cheese?

>> No.17825727

Fyi never double fry something.

>> No.17825767
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Made it again for lunch with my gf. Also made a board

>> No.17825775
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Twas good

>> No.17825776

Going over to a friend's house for dinner.

>> No.17825777
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>> No.17825817

What's that shit in the middle?

>> No.17825830
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I made this a couple of years ago and I was very proud of my Thanksgiving meal-for-one.

Duck breast with wine/butter reduction, Brussel sprouts with bacon, gratin dauphinois, cranberry sauce infused with lemon.

>> No.17825944

Some jam, tapenade and butter

>> No.17825969

Already ate it.
Give it a few hours and I'll post it.

>> No.17825987
File: 1.65 MB, 2360x2360, 988FF9E5-B5CB-4C36-BE03-DBC3E800EC4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broccoli, hamburger, mushrooms and gravy. Plus a yellow liquid.

>> No.17826134

> yellow liquid
> cloudy

>> No.17826135

Kill yourself

>> No.17826143

Your slowing down, you missed like seven threads.

>> No.17826161

I mean like seriously, I'm a namefag so you guys can find me. I can't have followers unless you follow me. Work harder.

>> No.17826200
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work in progress

>> No.17826253
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>> No.17826258
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>> No.17826298
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wa la

>> No.17826337

I like these. I ended up saving the ginger chili oil from what turned out to be pretty shitty costco ramen and having it with these and a bit of soy sauce, lovely.

>> No.17826341

nice fries

>> No.17826361

i've tried everything but nothing beats good old black vinegar

>> No.17827483

Pasta alla norma (with eggplant hehe)

>> No.17827511

Looks good, anon. I can't have pumpkin pie without whipped cream but otherwise it's very decent.

>> No.17827533
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I made mole enchiladas with ground caribou meat

>> No.17827671
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Forgot to attach pic

>> No.17828327

idk what that weird green stuff is but the chicken looks dope

>> No.17828432

>I can't have pumpkin pie without whipped cream

Are you fat?

>> No.17828976

how did you catch the mole?

>> No.17828986

that does look absolutely delicious anon

>> No.17828996
File: 3.41 MB, 4624x3472, IMG_20220511_174835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time doing omurice but the other person wasn't really into it
they also weren't into the butter chicken curry I made the other day

what do

>> No.17829018

>Overcooked omelet
Cook better

>> No.17829818 [DELETED] 

I had about a 1/4 lb. of bacon leftover and some fresh dates. tossed it into some pancake batter and fried up a couple eggs. now its naptime.

>> No.17829823

>Forgot to attach pic
Well, you should have deleted your original post and then remade your post with the picture. idiot

looks like shit

>> No.17829835
File: 1.56 MB, 4032x2268, 20220511_155110_copy_4032x2268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had about a 1/4 lb. of bacon leftover and some fresh dates. tossed it into some pancake batter and fried up a couple eggs. now its naptime.

>> No.17830421
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, chiliburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had leftover beef from chili the other night so I made a chili cheeseburger

>> No.17830424
File: 428 KB, 690x800, IMG_20220511_132149_1-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken and turkey kofta, tabbouleh and red pepper tahini. Also had a couple hardboiled eggs.

>> No.17830428

You should have cut open the pancakes to show us the fucking dates inside.

Looks like shit. And what is the burned shit?

allahu akbar

>> No.17830438

Inshallah, brother

>> No.17831273
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Midnight snack

>> No.17831300

Looks pretty good, what did you put in the kofta?

>> No.17831402

Love the costco pans, love the costco dumplings.


>> No.17831572
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x1960, 20220512_012136_copy_4032x1960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a cross section, but I had one left over so here you go.

>> No.17831860
File: 1.82 MB, 2851x2138, CB259971-DEC9-443F-A930-AD528F9D8636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A thick, juicy 100% Aussie Beef patty topped with a slice of melted cheese, a dash of ketchup, tangy pickles, a pinch of sliced onion with crunchy fresh iceberg lettuce and mayo on a nice sesame seed bun.

>> No.17831866

Also tomatoes

>> No.17832346

Looks like diarrhea shit on toast. And I mean that literally... it looks like when you shit yourself after eating canned corn. I see the corn kernels in your shit. Look, just either delete your embarrassing post or just kill yourself.
Also, that bacon looks like the cheap Walmart shit that's mostly fat. How fucking poor are you?

Terrible picture because it's all bun and just iceberg lettuce.

>> No.17832431
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>> No.17833128
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Made some Italian sausage

>> No.17833139
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Then turned that into sausage and peppers rigatoni

>> No.17833142

i ordered mcdonnies

>> No.17833259

Shitty Walmart pizza (ketchup on a cracker). No dressing on that salad? KYS

Looks very nice, desu.
Meh... you would have been better off just eating the sausage and peppers itself as a dish or in a sub, rather than mixing in apparently overcooked pasta. Also, it seems you sprinkled a bit much oregano, but maybe not.

>> No.17834656

>tomatoes in a cast iron
I rarely use cast iron but isnt this a big no-no?

>> No.17834677
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>> No.17834696
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Have some Bolognese simmering. Will be putting it on pappardelle.

>> No.17834719
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It was delicious

>> No.17834742

Plz recipe! Looks great!

>> No.17834811

those were handmade. i bought the wrappers

>> No.17834827

aww thats so cute

>> No.17834849
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>> No.17834853

This is an awful post. Double fry for crispy fries is a great technique.

>> No.17834861

beetroot cunt

>> No.17834891

I would destroy this, looks awesome

>> No.17834942

>In a fit of Frankensteinian innovation I made a cheese toastie COMBINED with a new zealand hotdog. Cheese, frankfurters, tomato sauce, dijon mustard, cayenne pepper and a sprinkling of capers went into this abomination in the eyes of the Lord.
>cheese toastie
> Cheese, frankfurters, tomato sauce, dijon mustard, cayenne pepper
Anon.. He said it twice..

>> No.17834946

if it looks awesome, why would'nt you eat it, anon?

>> No.17835010
File: 3.35 MB, 4032x3024, F0ABCAB4-D523-4166-9EE1-C4CDB3B145E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time doing ribs on the grill without smoking. The sauce I made was pretty good.

>> No.17835025

his intestines and stomach will destroy it, he means

>> No.17835048

wood scoff

ribs are such a waste of time and effort

>> No.17835139
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>wood scoff
Thank you. I would've added more green beans to the noodles, but my wife used half the bag without telling me.
>ribs are such a waste of time and effort.
But bitches love ribs, especially beef ribs. I do agree with you, especially for the cost, I could smoke a nice pork shoulder or whole chicken instead.

>> No.17835639

Based rib bros

>> No.17835751

>ribs are such a waste of time and effort
unless you like ribs. dimwit.

>> No.17836470

>Shitty Walmart pizza (ketchup on a cracker). No dressing on that salad? KYS
no, its all homemade bc I can't get American fast food here so I try to make it myself :(
all high quality ingredients though, had to get the correct cheese in a big loaf wholesale bc you can't actually get it anywhere else

>> No.17836482
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>> No.17836620

It looks really nice

>> No.17836638
File: 3.29 MB, 4032x3024, Steak dinna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd i do lads?

>> No.17836642

Steak, mash and sauce look great; the deadboiled veggies look like something out of the 90s.

>> No.17836655

stop being a weeb

>> No.17836674

Post recipe pls

>> No.17836684
File: 488 KB, 774x614, CE1F5D6E-B1B0-4292-A91B-649243132280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some chicken from Chinese cooking demystified’s newest video

>> No.17836890
File: 3.14 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20220510_235536280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blackened catfish, black bean mango sally, baked potate and side sally

>> No.17836958
File: 3.03 MB, 2500x3324, IMG20220513153138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoking some Beef Ribs for the first time

>> No.17836998

all incredible, good job

I had pad gra pow, not pic tho

>> No.17838748
File: 1.31 MB, 2048x2048, salmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bizarrely thing salmon fillet.

>> No.17838770

That poor steak

>> No.17838796

pan fried tilapia with a creamy lemon butter sauce served with rice

>> No.17838823
File: 57 KB, 600x600, Portrait of You (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chn is an image board, you absolute moron.

>> No.17838904

Of everything in this thread, I want this the most

>> No.17838931
File: 2.43 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20220513_233541802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my 'sagna

>> No.17838973

I ate it before I made my post

>> No.17839075

Looks dry and needs way more sauce

>> No.17839094

I'll be honest with you. I was crafting my 'sagna and realized that I didn't have any cheese. So I put it in the oven, covered, and ran to the store to get some.
Had it in the Oven too long. But the taste is pretty good. Maybe that's because I like a tight sauce

>> No.17839127

Gotcha, I'd still eat it tho. I personally make a saucey 'sagna with red pepper and eggplant instead of beef

>> No.17839137
File: 1.52 MB, 2843x2211, 36FFEA80-1F08-43D9-9CC1-6FCAC542D903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Friday Special”

>> No.17839157
File: 560 KB, 400x225, ya gotta have the pork.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eggplant instead of beef
ya gotta have the poak

>> No.17839442


Now this is the depressing shit I clicked this thread for.

>> No.17839457
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, D7369228-F978-4259-AD68-0CC42DC4035F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBQ, turkey burgers and beer brat

>> No.17839527


>> No.17839537

>dropping it in the fry oil and seeing what happened
pound it and bead it first and make a white gravy for it

>> No.17839688
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>> No.17839699
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>> No.17839704
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looks like a francesinha

>> No.17840518
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Rate my A3 wagyu ribeye

>> No.17840693
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do it diagonal

>> No.17840735

Looks very yummy, 10/10

>> No.17840739

I had a pork chop seasoned with cayenne and cumin with some spicy black beans and eggs cooked in tarragon and butter.

>> No.17840743

listen m8 I h8 pommie cunts as much as anybody but that configuration just doesn't make any sense.

ya got both ends with a tiny little bit of bread each and too much in the middle... its ridiculous!

it's like ur doin it wrong on purpose but you wouldn't be doin that now would ya m8?

>> No.17840766
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made some red thai curry few days ago. today its beans with sausage and bacon in tomato sauce

>> No.17841167
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Well not for dinner but i just made this.

>> No.17842293

Could I get this recipe? Looks great

>> No.17842537
File: 3.61 MB, 4192x2358, DSC_3089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunch today

>> No.17842614

It's only 4pm, you jack ass.

>> No.17842813
File: 3.33 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220423_204436043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken Parmesan. It was fucking good. Breaded chicken in egg and seasoned flour, shallow fried for a couple mins on each side, and baked in the oven for 30 mins.

>> No.17842891
File: 16 KB, 360x270, Cool_whip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't have a pie without cool hwip

>> No.17842943

You are supposed to spread the mozzarella past the sauce so that when it shrinks in the oven, the sauce remains un exposed. Why do people not know this?!

>> No.17843030
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>> No.17843257

looks decent

chicken looks overcooked
pasta choice is just wrong
sauce looks like it came from a jar
too much basil on top

looks juicy


no. that isn't Dominoes, you slob

>> No.17843412
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>> No.17843419

lmao what the fuck

>> No.17843448

I wouldn't stew your sauce in it but finishing in cast iron is fine

>> No.17843506
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>> No.17843550

Didn't realize women post on /ck/

>> No.17843562
File: 3.49 MB, 4017x2936, PXL_20220515_003332687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished eating. Kimchi on the side and shrimp cooked in Chinese chili oil, salt, paprika and parsley

>> No.17843564

le meat is not in le rare!!!!!! holy epic bacon in the sky, pray for us!!!!!!!!!!
kys reddltor

>> No.17843583
File: 3.41 MB, 3024x4032, BEAF6884-31F0-4E39-81C0-AF0ECCCD087B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17843625

sauce be looking dirty but be looking tastee at the sames time too

also mets is good size

>> No.17843851
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, DDEA943F-FD26-43AF-92C6-767910A4BCE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a [box] pound cake, dusted strawberries with cinnamon sugar

>> No.17843864
File: 1.32 MB, 4032x1816, 20220514_202517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ribs on sale at whole foods so I decided to make a rack. Didn't feel like reserving the apartment outdoor grill so I did them entirely in the oven and ngl they're pretty good

>> No.17843993

>I didn't have any cheese
How to make lasagna without ricotta?

>> No.17844007

cottage cheese + cream cheese innit

>> No.17844010

I would consider those cheese though, guess should word the question how to make lasagna without cheese?

>> No.17844079
File: 2.68 MB, 3366x5984, _20220515_135359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banana waffles, cream cheese, blueberry maple syrup

>> No.17844084

(((vegan))) """cheese"""

>> No.17844129

would you like some food with that dill? jfc slav shitter

>> No.17844206


please let me make sex to you

>> No.17845837
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>> No.17845867
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Tequila/lime/chipotle marinated chicken thigh. Cumin/corriander/ancho fried black beans and corn. Grilled romaine with blueberry viniagarette and topped with sauteed shitakes.

>> No.17846040


>> No.17846097

Looks great.

>> No.17846103

White sauce is bechamel

>> No.17846106

looks good


What is that brown shit-covered "sauce"?

You seem poor and fat.


looks good, please explain. Is that béarnaise sauce?

Did you put your plate on a leather couch? I love chicken thighs, so this looks good to me.

>> No.17846129

Now THIS looks good. Store bought noodles or homemade? How did you make it?

>> No.17846131

It's on ottoman, so kinda.

>> No.17846133

Too much cojita. Otherwise 8/10

>> No.17846146
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Trying to make some Picanha today

>> No.17846148
File: 2.12 MB, 4032x3024, 2419CB4C-73E0-410D-95B8-BD55D12025CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some бopщ gonna eat it for the next few days its delicious wish you guys could try it

>> No.17846254


>> No.17846282

shit look good asf frfr

>> No.17846440
File: 5 KB, 259x194, lemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How was my lemon cut wrong? The edges are clean, and it's intact.
Not that Anon, but you have cut it in a weird way, why haven't you cut it into wedges like normal? Instead you've cut it horizontally kek, not that it matters I guess. Not sure why you'd want lemon with steak and fries either.

Anyway, the steak obviously looks like a poor cut, looks like some off-cut or trimmings? It's tiny, looks dry and overcooked. Fries look messy, but acceptable, not sure why you'd put big pieces of cilantro/coriander on them though? or big pieces of garlic, is this some sort of mexican thing? Maybe it would be better if it was a lot finer chopped, just can't imagine those big pieces of garlic and herb being anything but overpowering. Finer seems like it would be a lot nicer.

Anyway, I give it a 5/10. I'd eat it, but I wouldn't really enjoy it.

>> No.17846480
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if you know, you know

>> No.17846506

m8 I fink ya burned yer cabbage...

>> No.17846508

It's just the lighting m8

>> No.17846524
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I made pasta with mushroom sauce. Went a bit overboard with the sauce, though.

>> No.17846595
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That looks terrible

>> No.17846967

I mean I have to use the ingredients I have left. And it tasted really good.

>> No.17846971
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I know. It tasted delicious, though.

>> No.17847061

Just search sip and feast sausage and peppers pasta. Stole it from there but stepped it up by making my own sausage.

>> No.17847067
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Chicken saltimbocca

>> No.17847081

chicken enchiladas, but the chicken had obviously gone bad because it smelt sour and was going a bit grey, so I'm going to have a bad gut in the morning

>> No.17847111

It is Bearnaise sauce.
The steak is a ribeye cooked in beef tallow. The sauce in the bowl is a yakiniku dipping sauce.
Bottom part of the plate is a fried egg cooked in the remaining beef tallow as the steak rests.
Then there's roasted garlic sprinkled on top.
And in the middle is Saurkraut, but I can also recommend wasabi and/or radish.

The salad is a mixed Mediterranean salad. Think pico de gallo with lettuce and parsley added and the dressing is just olive oil, fresh lemon juice, and salt.

>> No.17847119
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>> No.17847304

What about those mutha fuckin' potatoes?

looks like an abortion. KYS

looks decent. bad pic, though

too much sauce, you slob

8/10 would eat

looks good, bad pic though

looks decent

>> No.17847364

So I cut up amandine potatoes into halves or thirds, and then par-boil them in water with a few tablespoons of baking soda for 10 minutes. The baking soda desecrates the surface of potatoes for that extra crunch. Then I drain and place the potatoes on a baking sheet for them to steam off and get dry. While that is happening I heat up some oil in a pan on medium heat with garlic and some herb of choice (rosemary, thyme, parsley, oregano, whatever) and let that sit for a few minutes until the garlic has turned brown and crunchy. Then I strain the oil to get rid of any garlic or herb bits (save these for later), and put the oil in a large bowl. Add the now dry potatoes to the bowl and toss them around in the oil quite vigorously until the surface of the potatoes is mushy and covered in oil.

Place potatoes back on baking sheet spaced apart, salt and msg, and put into oven at around 180 degrees celsius. Let them sit in there until they look nice and crunchy, then take out, flip them over and leave them in there until you're happy.

After they come out of the oven, add the crunchy bits you saved from draining the oil back to the potatoes.

>> No.17847454

This is the only pic itt where there is a hint that the poster knows how to plate.

>> No.17847627

looks like something a white woman would eat, but looks very nice

>> No.17847653
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>> No.17847825
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First time making chicken cordon bleu. Everyone loved it.

>> No.17847840

Looks dry. Bake all the way?

>> No.17847848

Full 20 minute bake and sitting for a few minutes. The ones with breading were a bit drier.

>> No.17847861

nigga dats chicken noodles

>> No.17847866
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Short ribs and asparagus

>> No.17847939

>head of garlic
i guarantee you there is not a whole head of garlic in your pic. did you mean clove?

>> No.17849143

how are you able to spell bearnaise and yakiniku but not sauerkraut

>> No.17849146

Shin is tops, guy.

>> No.17849154

Bro try toast and cut two hotdogs lengthwise and just add ur favorite hotdog toppings, my grandfather taught me that.
Ur welcome lol.
Also looks fuckin dank 10/10, anon

>> No.17849157

That wood tray filled with dank, delicious.

>> No.17849261

Moles are hard to come by in the local market

>> No.17849274

oh boy that looks good

>> No.17849279

It's upside down, Australian detected

>> No.17849343
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lobster roll, the butter sauce its soaked in was a lemon/dill/garlic infused butter sauce. then the lobster was poached in garlic butter. garnished with dill, curled parsley, and chives. then the side was goat cheese stuffed dates fried in bacon bits.

>> No.17849541

Yeah I'll say it, looks scrumptious bro. I hope you'll apply the same level of craftsmanship when I come to your house.

>> No.17850746

Nice toe nails faggot

>> No.17850765
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I made lahmajun with some steak I found in the freezer and sourdough

>> No.17850768
File: 2.92 MB, 3021x3671, 2B701F91-9C7B-4491-9815-D222891BA8F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added some yogurt sauce too

>> No.17850950

What type of cheese did you use? Also whats the stuff on the top?

>> No.17851265

Ngl pretty disgusting but would eat gladly

>> No.17851670

paper plates and plastic fork? KYS

looks decent

looks interesting... I've never tried cheese-stuff dates before

looks like shit

>> No.17852063
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Butcher nearby had lamb on a crazy sale... picked some up & grilled it.

Basic lemon & garlic marinade

>> No.17852123
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I'm not gonna win awards but the meat is making me coom

>> No.17852224
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>> No.17852231
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(Yes I burnt the basil, should have garnished half way through/towards the end)

>> No.17852244

not bad, would devour. nice choice of toppings too.

>> No.17852438

probably would've been fine if you just dipped them into some oil

>> No.17852641
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Mushroom gravy and steak on rice

>> No.17852644

I was going to have rice, beans and some chicken, but I got distracted by my gocha game and burnt the beans. Almost 10 hours of soaking and simmering just to let it dry out into a gross mush in the last 20 minutes. I'm so demoralized I just ate a couple of turkey subs and some chinese noodles I bought the other day instead. They sucked.

>> No.17852815

that steak is undercooked? How's first grade treating you

>> No.17852827

KEK nice sear on that burger

>> No.17852836


>> No.17852853

gorgeous anon be my slave

>> No.17852987
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x1960, 20220516_194115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time smoking ribs. 10/10 would don again.
Shin black noodles.
>On medium high heat toss bacon in first and cook half way to your liking.
>toss in onion next and saute for until onion begins to golden.
>toss in green beans
>add meat of choice
I used smoked pulled pork I smoked earlier.
>toss in noodles at the end.

Heres what I'm eating tonight. Steak, Spanish rice, asparagus.

>> No.17853009

Your broccoli looks a little softer than i would try to make for myself, but this looks tasty overall.

>> No.17853015

Probably not your drink though. Explain yellow drink?

>> No.17853072

Just kidding. It looks like crunchy almond butter with honey on some slices of a nice wheat toast. You could probably work on your eggy game and that bacon just isn't to my preference. I don't agree with the flavor profile of those 3 items together, but it looks like it would have been satisfying to your late appetite. 5/10

>> No.17853076


Wasn't aware there was Whole Foods in Australia

>> No.17853106

Whoops! It looks like the healthy portion of your meal slipped on some strips of bacon!

>> No.17853115
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>> No.17853150

Oooh I've thought about making this for a while now. The day will come

>> No.17853265

>Im gonna mass reply so people will know muh opinion!!! If mommy never cared about me now someone surely will

>> No.17853272
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bacon wrapped halumi stuffed onions son.

>> No.17853339

Enjoy the foodpoisoning

>> No.17853377
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made "chipotle" burritos. just threw together what i had and I could make in 20 mins. chicken came out great

>> No.17853382
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pic of the sear

>> No.17853411
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>> No.17853415

looks tasty, did you make the guac yourself? also thighs are better than breast.
used to make "chipotle" with my ex but was just a bowl of rice and toppings with some overcooked steak. Hope you seared the final product.

>> No.17853426

yea i did make the guac myself. i don't like pre made guac. i prefer breasts to thighs but they were on sale, ended up being cheaper in bulk than thighs, and my girlfriend likes them. i usually buy whole birds

>> No.17853455

looks good either way dude.
>i prefer breasts to thighs anyway
ehhh. you do you I guess.

>> No.17853610
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Mac n' cheese

>> No.17853643
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>> No.17853739

Post what you made faggot or go back to your fast food thread to bitch about frozen pizzas

>> No.17854375

It's fucking amazing if you have never tried it

>> No.17854938
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>> No.17854951
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Todays late lunch

>> No.17855920

Looks amazing. I wish I had some.

>> No.17855959

Relax with the bad vibes

>> No.17855982
File: 1.91 MB, 3232x2268, 1639142354894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaded chicken, just paprika and salt
tomato, jalapeno and garlic for the salsa over rice
need to salt the chicken more next time, msg saved it though

>> No.17856018

Something about the perspective of this picture makes me feel like it's one of those CGI tech-demo things.

>> No.17856047
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Tastes like summer

>> No.17856098

it's the lemon that makes it so