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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17813797 No.17813797 [Reply] [Original]

>boomer dad travels to Europe with mom
>spent 2 weeks in Italy
>he explicitly told me he went there to try tons of high quality food
>his response when I asked how the food in Italy was
>"I dont think the Italian food I tried is as good as I've tried in Denver actually. Denver has some really good Italian."

>> No.17813822

He thinks Italian food is bolognese

>> No.17813826

All Americans are like this regardless of age group.

>> No.17813827

Sounds like you're a retard who refuses to admit that the people in Italy are just barely minimum wagies who are also capable of making shit quality food.

>> No.17813841

>crush a tomato
>put on pasta
>drizzle olive oil
Didn't need to go to wopville for that

>> No.17813861

Maybe he prefers """italian""" food instead of Italian food.

>> No.17813868 [DELETED] 

Certified non golemslop. Tell your dad to pull the judeochristian Bible out of his ass.

>> No.17813875


>> No.17813878

lmao you guys are literally so mad about the abortion ban that you need to shill against christianity on /ck/

>> No.17813891

People hype up euro food in their head like it's going to be some breathtaking experience, when it takes one google search to find literally identical quality food, if not better, if you're even remotely close to any decent sized city in the state. North Dakota and Iowa do not count though.

>> No.17813898

this might be believable if he's only gone to shitty tourist traps

>> No.17813902 [DELETED] 

What is America doing this time?
T. Aussie

>> No.17813908 [DELETED] 

Identifying kosher certified golemslop to promote non kosher certified food consumption

>> No.17813913 [DELETED] 

Watching Doctor Strange and stuffing their faces with buttery popcorn

>> No.17813915 [DELETED] 

In english

>> No.17813916 [DELETED] 

Not letting people kill babies

>> No.17813918 [DELETED] 

supreme court banned abortion and now people like this >>17813908 have been raiding every thread on every board being butthurt about christians
this thread is literally about italian food and this dude is getting paid 0.3 shekels/ post to talk shit about christians because they/them can't abort babies anymore

>> No.17813923 [DELETED] 

It ain't banned. It's left up to the states to keep it or get rid of it

>> No.17813928 [DELETED] 

yea but leftist retards don't understand that or are even going to listen to reason

>> No.17813933 [DELETED] 

What do you think golemslop is? It certainly isn't healthy wholesome Christian food. It's food produced by our friends in the middle east to fatten and dumb the golem

>> No.17813938
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>> No.17813951

It's not even controversial. It's how it should've been. I don't get the butt hurt

>> No.17814056

why do you fucking retards have to ruin my thread

>> No.17814069

>parents travel to another country for the first time
>all they eat is turkey sandwiches that they make in the hotel room.

>> No.17814105

No, some people have shit taste and prefer fatty American style greaseball food as opposed to Italian with fresh ingredients

>> No.17814110

generally fat people do this

>> No.17814122

the ingredients they use in italy are far better than america

>> No.17814126

it's still goyslop

>> No.17814131

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.17814132

Are they?

>> No.17814137

uncultured lardass. enjoy your seed oils.

>> No.17814138


>> No.17814140
File: 83 KB, 1023x682, depositphotos_29335323-stock-photo-stuffed-cuttlefish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best food I've ever had was while I was in Italy.
It was truffle risotto for the primi and stuffed cuttlefish for the secondi. I've never had anything like it since. And most people I know would probably be too scared to eat stuffed cuttlefish.

They don't know what they're missing.

>> No.17814150

Not really

>> No.17814195

>most people I know would probably be too scared to eat stuffed cuttlefish
let me guess, youre a 90s kid at heart too

>> No.17814220

>t. Giuseppe

>> No.17814293

>High fructose corn syrup on my mac n cheese is far better than that wop slop!

>> No.17814315
File: 25 KB, 620x400, gettyimages-613470752jpg-13-31-39-121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me on your mom where the American touched you

>> No.17814431

Tomatoes are from America. They cannot be properly grown in the Mediterranean climate. Ergo, any food made with tomatoes grown in italy is biologically inferior. Mother nature never wanted to grow tomatoes in italy and is sure to make any grown there taste like shit. Italians are so used to their abomination-tomatoes that when they taste fresh American heirlooms, they think they're shit because it's so immeasurably superior to what's grown back home

>> No.17814439

>the ingredients they use in italy are far better than america
Maybe in your shitty flyover, anon.

>> No.17814442

He's right you know. All the best food can be found in America, whether it's Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Mexican, French. We take their food and improve upon it.

>> No.17814480

My dad bragged that he went to Joel Robuchon's restaurant in France and said it was meh. Meanwhile, dis nigga is eating instant noodles, spam, or reheated pizza for dinner literally every single day.

>> No.17814509

He sounds like 90% of the people on this board.

>> No.17814524

keyed dad

>> No.17814544

If it's not vomit chocolate, plastic cheese, or cake sandwich bread Americans do not like it. Their tastes are different from the rest of the world

>> No.17814546

lol. "Italian" food is a meme. Potatoes, tomatoes, pasta. None native to Europe and none native to Italy.

>> No.17814566


>he thinks all food made in Italy is made from tomatoes hand picked by dusky women and then lovingly prepared by a man in a white hat
>not poured out of a can and microwaved round the back by a man with a moustache net

>> No.17814600
File: 32 KB, 720x708, 288FA0B3-7EE8-4FDA-81DA-5A2E08D349B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today anon looks up the history behind tomatos in America! He finds out that they had to be reintroduced in the 19th century for the simple reason that no one in the entire continent of America had any clue how to cultivate them. Watch as anon discovers that the big red sunripe tomatos he had been using his entire life are the result of centuries of cultivation by italians! Stay tuned!

>> No.17814765

it's better if you go to a woptropolis.

>> No.17814774

Most of the food I had in Italy was pretty mediocre even by burger slop standards. But there was one restaurant that was really awesome.
To be fair I went there as a poor college student and went out of my way to find cheap food but I was still kinda surprised how bad it usually was. Got a lot of microwaved food which I didn't see happen anywhere else in Europe.

>> No.17814889

>he doesn't know that italy is a fucking filthy country and all the dough contains flies

>> No.17814897

All food in the world contains fly eggs. The trick is to cook it before they hatch into maggots.

>> No.17814912

>implying flies lay eggs and the maggots don't grow in their thorax
i know you're trying to be funny, but you're just cringe.
and italy is still filthy.

>> No.17814919

Does Denver have good italian food though?

>> No.17814932
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>Make some steaks for my dad for his birthday
>Ask him how he wants it, he says medium
>Steaks come off absolutely perfect
>"Anon, this steak is still raw."
>"No dad it's medium. That's what you asked for."
>No it's fucking raw. Put it back."
>Cry internally as he sends it back again at medium-well
I don't understand how boomers can eat tire leather steak and think it's the best shit ever.

>> No.17814961

>be an adult
>don't know how one of your parents likes his/her steak

>> No.17815281

>be indian
>take a group tour to Europe (picture those stereotypical Asian group tours) with extended family
>plan on eating all kinds of meats and European foods
>first day eat shitload of croissants, different kinds of cheeses and pork dishes
>everyone thinks european food is great even if there are barely any spices at all
>eventually and very quickly everyone gets tired of non-indian food
>2 days into the tour nobody wants to even look at bread anymore
>3 days into the tour and nobody can eat any non indian food
>mad dash into the nearest Indian eatery (thank the gods they're everywhere)
>everyone eats their fill of Indian food
You don't realise it but you actually like eating your homelands' food. You only realise it when you don't get to eat it for a few days

>> No.17815283

>They cannot be properly grown in the Mediterranean climate
I grow tomatoes in my garden and I'm from Provence. Why do you feel the need to talk about a topic you are clearly uneducated about? Stop behaving like a woman, silence is golden.

>> No.17815308

I'd rather hear the boomer downplay than the boomer delusion that whatever tourist trap garbage they shoveled down was an important life altering experience

>> No.17815326


>> No.17815332 [DELETED] 

The real answer is that there’s great food everywhere (and also bad food too). There’s Italian food in Italy that will blow his dick off, but there’s no doubt great Italian places exist in the USA. One thing in particular is US beef, being primarily corn fed, where I’m guessing Italy is like the UK and France with it being grass fed and well, it’s undeniable really that corn fed tastes better, it might be more unhealthy for the cattle but it gives meat more fat and it’s richer, tastier and better imo. Anyway, you’re both regarded really. The idea that only certain countries have good or bad food is just ridiculous. He no doubt ate at some subpar place and now is judging the whole country on that, just like an Italian eating at Olive Garden and thinking that’s a true representation of American Italian food.

>> No.17815341 [DELETED] 

>>17813797 (OP)
The real answer is that there’s great food everywhere (and also bad food too). There’s Italian food in Italy that will blow his dick off, but there’s no doubt great Italian places exist in the USA. One thing in particular is US beef, being primarily corn fed, where I’m guessing Italy is like the UK and France with it being grass fed and well, it’s undeniable really that corn fed tastes better, it might be more unhealthy for the cattle but it gives meat more fat and it’s richer, tastier and better imo. Anyway, you’re both retarded really. The idea that only certain countries have good or bad food is just ridiculous. He no doubt ate at some subpar place and now is judging the whole country on that, just like an Italian eating at Olive Garden and thinking that’s a true representation of American Italian food.

>> No.17815345

>be an adult
>be so insecure that you feel threatenend when someone likes their steak done differently than yours

>> No.17815347
File: 1.09 MB, 498x291, 93A4DFB0-56E1-47AA-8940-1B315C6CFFF2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real answer is that there’s great food everywhere (and also bad food too). There’s Italian food in Italy that will blow his dick off, but there’s no doubt great Italian places exist in the USA. One thing in particular is US beef, being primarily corn fed, where I’m guessing Italy is like the UK and France with it being grass fed and well, it’s undeniable really that corn fed tastes better, it might be more unhealthy for the cattle but it gives meat more fat and it’s richer, tastier and better imo. Anyway, you’re both retarded really. The idea that only certain countries have good or bad food is just ridiculous. He no doubt ate at some subpar place and now is judging the whole country on that, just like an Italian eating at Olive Garden and thinking that’s a true representation of American Italian food.

>> No.17815351

I grow san Marzano tomatoes In My backyard. What's the difference between a San marzano grow in Italy vs a San marzano grown in Kentucky?

>> No.17815356

Not that poster, but his dad literally asked for it medium, can you both not read? Kek

>> No.17815359


>> No.17815365

The terroir. The soil in parts of Italy near Pompeii have more calcium from the eruption and create a less acidic tomato. That is not too say you can't prepare your soil the same way in the US, but it's much more costly.

>> No.17815369

Certain pockets of America sure, but most of America is just fast food chains, diner chains and restaurants ran by retards who just buy prepackaged shit from GFS and microwave it.

I can count maybe one or two places that have original food, that is freshly made and taste good.

>> No.17815371

>reheated pizza
Savage, everyone knows left over pizza is better cold.

>> No.17815375
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I went to italy and tried italian food, it was trash, that doesn't mean there isn't good quality there, but that if you don't know where to go you'll eat trash

BUT everywhere I treied coffeee with milk it was top tier quality, literally, just cause they used fat milk that they whipped

>> No.17815377

Stick a thermometer in it, and take a picture of it for proof next time.

>> No.17815381
File: 210 KB, 1500x1500, DDFA8E36-E023-4B8B-9975-F4E74A65E826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Californian tomatoes are regularly winning in taste tests against Italian canned tomatoes. When bon appetit did their pizza series they tested all sorts of San Marzano canned tomatoes but Bianco DiNapoli won in the end.

>> No.17815382

He probably went to McDonald's in Italy

>> No.17815383

You know you can buy volcanic ash for your garden.

>> No.17815384
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What can I say, I’m phoneposting.

>> No.17815388

>That is not too say you can't prepare your soil the same way in the US, but it's much more costly.

>> No.17815409

I'm not saying you can't grow good tomatoes in the US. But the stigma exists just like with wine. In the 70s the French thought they would never be matched in wine production. Then a blind taste test of French tasters was put together. They rated California wines higher. When it was revealed they all were upset, but this opened a new wine market and forced the French to get better. The problem is no one is marketing or pushing for better quality ingredients at home in the US. Most people here would rather something be cheaper so they can buy more than something taste good. And when you look for better ingredients you are told you have to buy from places that have historically had better ingredients.

>> No.17815419


>> No.17815422

The food I had in italy wasn't that amazing but I was staying in rome so w/e. Athens though blew me away even if the city was pretty dirty

>> No.17815488

Boomers are fucking retarded when it comes to food. They are in most ways anyway but especially food. The amount of times i've sat at the next table along to a guy in his 60s trying and failing miserably to cut up a veal or a steak is embarrassing. They hold their knife and fork like they're trying to murder the steak and end up shredding it. It's like watching a dude get picked up from the middle of Korea and dropped in the west and having to figure out how to eat without chopsticks for the first time. What the fuck are they doing?

>> No.17815502

The Americanized version of every cuisine is objectively better than the original by every metric. Cope, seethe, dilate.

>> No.17815511

Dad sounds hot

>> No.17815556
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>let me guess, youre a 90s kid at heart too
I'm 31 and I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about.

It's common knowledge that Americans are squeamish towards larger mollusks.
Short of fried calamari, it's rare for them to eat snails or cephaloids. It's either the texture, appearance, or flavor that bothers them.

>> No.17815562

nice "quirky" reddit habit

>> No.17815569
File: 374 KB, 1300x866, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And for tonight's special, we have "redditor from reddit takes a break from reddit and comes to 4chan to complain about reddit"

>> No.17815672

Italians hate the reality that we made their food better

>> No.17815786

he's a fucking boomer. most likely he only went to touristy, gypsy-owned shithole cafes on the main town square and paid 25 euros for a slice of dogshit microwaved foccacia and a small glass of store-bought orange juice

>> No.17815796
File: 59 KB, 583x720, C4D6526D-21E1-4AAC-83C9-CAF1BCF372EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your retarded story didn’t happen.
But even if it did, the worst Italian food in the world is found in Italy. The best Italian food in the world is found in Tokyo.

>> No.17815801

>doesn't even address how tomatoes are not made for a mediterranean climate
I see you attended a european school

>> No.17815817

The same climate that can be found in south and central america?
Your mutt genes are showing

>> No.17815820

she used to be so fuckable. what happened?

>> No.17815869
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>> No.17815884

Props to the boomer for being objective, at least.

This is a pattern I've noticed- its a meme that mostly comes from chinese food i think. Chinese immigration to the US can be broken into not only distinct waves, but different regions of china. The early waves were predominantly from the south, they came to the US at a time where doing so cut all ties, they adapted their cuisine to what you could get in the US and what sells at restaurants. Decades later new waves of immigration come from different parts of china and bring their food with them, logistics of ingredients have improved, and this food does better with a more adventurous clientele, the older styles seem bland in comparison, and oh it turns out that many restaurants have a 'secret' menu of items that they never bother to put on the english menu because it would be a waste of ink. Not that most 'foodies' would enjoy any of those items, the fact the menu exists is enough for them to suspect that asians are holding out or something. This also gets applies to other cuisines.

>> No.17815887


You would think that mexican food in mexico is 'more authentic,' and it obviously is, but most people assume that authentic is better for some reason. Eating out at a good mexican restaurant in the US will compare with the high end of mexican restaurants in most non tourist parts of mexico, and if you're an average mexican, thats really expensive and you're more likely to choose chinese or brazillian or something else if you're going out to eat. I think if i had bought into this meme I'd have been pretty disappointed with my trip to mexico, but instead I appreciated experiencing what mexicans in mexico actually eat on a day to day basis. My favorite was this zucchini soup in the the cafeteria of the facility i was working in- pretty simple, light spices, just like my grandmother would have on the stove all day, but nothing so memorable that my mom ever bothered to make it after she died. Some mexican food competes with taco bell in the "meme combo of basic 5 ingredients" department: the Frijolado, an 'enchilada' made with refried beans instead of enchilada sauce. tastes exactly like you'd expect: and inside out bean burrito.

>> No.17815895


If you travel expecting the food to be 'better' than what you can get in restaurants in the US, you're probably going to be disappointed. I suspect many foodies lie about how great the food overseas is compared to the US, and this sets a lot of people up for disappointment- they either also lie, or come back saying that the food in the US is better and brave the scorn of people like us. The right mindset to have when trying authentic food is appreciating the simpler, every day cooking styles, and appreciating what they do differently. Logically, do you really think that some roadside stall in saigon will have better pho than a restaurant in socal? the restaurant will have the advantage in cooking, ingredients, etc. The former is a very fun experience, but the latter will probably win in a blind test every time. I've eaten pho at a stall with raw meat covered in cheesecloth crawling with flies out in the open, surrounded by a few mangy dogs covered with massive ticks. It was certainly authentic, but it wasn't better than anything I've had in the states.

>> No.17815924

>Californian tomatoes are regularly winning in taste tests against Italian canned tomatoes.
Source? Can't find anything that suggests this online

>> No.17815939

OP here, my parents are indian too and they did this shit in europe too. My Indina dad apparently got a cold/fever in Paris and was supposed to stay in bed but but he apparently went walking for an hour in the streets of paris to find indian food.

>> No.17815949

Olive Garden is definitely passable italian food. it wold be considered low-end sit-down dining in Italy

>> No.17815953

imagine being the faggot who buys volcanic ash for their tomato garden that yields a maximum of 5 tiny tomatoes every season

>> No.17815961

my dad is an overweight indian engineer who is such a "fat guy personality" that when he sees a pizza hut ad on TV he thinks about ordering takeout.
my dad was really fucking skinny when he came to the USA after his PhD, and now approaching his 60's, i can't even see his jaw

>> No.17815964

Lol my dad actually did say the best italian food he ever tried was in Japan. Not the only person I've heard say this. Whats up with that?
Why is the italian food in japan ostensibly so good?

>> No.17815989
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Its barely italian food, its pasta/pizza with japanese toppings/sauce. Its far more diverged from original italian food than what we have in the US, but its really good. Its also something you really need to travel to find, since only a japanese person from japan would go to an Italian restaurant expecting it. There are some places that do it in honolulu.

This sauce can be found at most japanese or korean groceries though. Its low end japanese style italian food, but its a good intro to the style. my kids inhale this shit.

>> No.17816000

>gaijin food is best in glorious nipponland!!
Fucking weebs man

>> No.17816004

its not just weebs who say this, ive heard this from other people too. that italian food in japan is the best in the world.

>> No.17816041

what's a mediterranean climate exactly?

>> No.17816051

you're dad doesn't really love or care about his family and is trying to speedrun his shitty life

>> No.17816088


>> No.17816116
File: 22 KB, 230x208, niggayouretarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17816122

Lmao fuck off, Oregon and Washinton coast dont have med climates. Once you go north of Point Reyes on the california coast, it gets way too cold to be considered med climate.

>> No.17816125

Most tomatoes in the USA don't come from the west coast

>> No.17816126
File: 73 KB, 474x574, urevenmoreretardedthanithought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's from your own fucking link you silly dipshit

>> No.17816132


>> No.17816138

I'm not the person you replied to retard. I'm just a Californian who understands that this map of the med climate is fucking retarded. Imagine thinking San Jose has the same climate as Seattle

>> No.17816141

Because young chefs from Japan will spend a decade studying in Europe in some of the best restaurants under the finest chefs, and benefit greatly from it due to their autistic work-ethic and will work circles around the other low-level chefs doing tedious shit.
So they get to learn a ton.
And then they’ll go back to Japan with everything they learned from European chefs, open a restaurant, and run the entire operation with more of that Jap-tier autism.
Don’t be fucking retarded. It’s Tokyo.

>> No.17816149

no retard you just don't understand what "med climate" means. read the fucking wiki. you think all of italy is exactly the same climate?

>> No.17816154
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>> No.17816156

Nobody in Japan thinks cod roe spaghetti or naporitan is “Italian”, and you won’t find it at a fine Tokyo italian restaurant.

>> No.17816159

>The resulting vegetation of Mediterranean climates are the garrigue or maquis in the Mediterranean Basin, the chaparral in California, the fynbos in South Africa, the mallee in Australia, and the matorral in Chile. Areas with this climate are also where the so-called "Mediterranean trinity" of major agricultural products have traditionally developed: wheat, grapes and olives.[2]

Moron, does the PNW have chapparal?

>> No.17816166

how many times did your mom drop you on your head when you were an infant?

>> No.17816208
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>> No.17816218

It honestly was the "Human Cent-iPad" episode from South Park that did it for me.

>> No.17816219

It's absolutely not in southern oregon. total bullshit.

>> No.17816231

LOL the only bullshit is your retarded fucking opinions on topics you know absolutely nothing about and without doing the bare minimum of research

>> No.17816332

I would agree if the sentiment was that Japs make good Italian all over, but Tokyo is a world city like London and NYC. If you couldn't find some of the best Italian in the world there I'd be just as surprised as if you said you couldn't get good Italian in those other cities

>> No.17816337

Your dad sounds based

>> No.17816339

haha btfo
but really folx, imagine not realizing how much of our produce comes from California- they grow like 90% of our broccoli

>> No.17816343

23.6 BMI reporting for duty. Get fucked you obese faggots

>> No.17816348

London is famous for its shit food
And Im bot even talking about the great british classics like eel jelly, bangers and mash and so on
It is nearly impossible to find a decent restaurant even when you pay top money for it
>t. lived there for 3 years

>> No.17816356

you have to go a bit inland anon

>> No.17816428

I'm not American but I've been to Italy and the cuisine is simple and that's what makes it so good. It's not hard to copy, a lot of restaurants all over the world do it well. The food in Italy was nothing special, there's not some magic field that enhances the food the moment you cross the border

>> No.17817167

Oh wow , look a fucking pajeet. Fuck off

>> No.17817195
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Why would you need papers if you're a native? The insult only works on immigrants

>> No.17817205
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>> No.17817287

Pajeets and changs could never enjoy local cuisine. It always must be a curry or chicken intestines.

>> No.17817300

You're a pedo is what happened.

>> No.17817308


nobody in america eats that trash

>> No.17817316

shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.17817332

Dude I only found this out recently. I swatted a fly and it remain whole but dead. Went off to get some tissue, got held up with something and maggots crawling out.
I swear most flies are eggs though?>>17814919

>> No.17817694

Marco Pierre White disagrees

>> No.17817764

Home is where the heart is :^)

>> No.17817844

fuck you talkin bout

>> No.17818210

>t. had a meltdown when he found out there's carrot and celery in it

>> No.17818214


>> No.17818223

Seems like Paris Syndrome. You build up hype, then it turns out it's still food, maybe it's better or worse but it's not a categorical difference. Having to reconcile that fact is crushing.

As for OP, have you been to Italy?

>> No.17818235

And honestly why not? The americanized version of any country's food is always just
>add more meat, fat, sugar, and salt
the things humans are wired to like. The excess is absolutely fucking terrible for you, but can anyone honestly say it tastes worse?

>> No.17818297

>the things humans are wired to like
yeah can you imagina africans having sex with each other. good lord. dogs i'm okay, monkeys i'm okay with, but africans just bothers me.

>> No.17818333

Meds now

>> No.17818344

it's bestiality and i don't care i don't watch my dog dog fuck all the bitches

>> No.17818352

1/4 chance you're a serial killer

>> No.17818376

each one was justified and i don't start fights.

>> No.17818415

Well he stopped working in London years before I moved there so there is that

>> No.17818427


>> No.17818452

Just Google ‘Bianco DiNapoli wins taste test’ or something, there’s loads of them.

Here’s one,

Another by serious eats, the top two were tomatoes from California,

Bon appetite like I mentioned as well,

>> No.17818491

>some guy
>ny times
>serious eats
it's official

>> No.17818515

Anon... this is /ck/...
>How did they taste?

>> No.17818543

Your dad is retarded for not being able to tell the level of doneness apart, but you're retarded for thinking half-raw meat is somehow superior to a fully cooked steak.

>> No.17818566

Kek good thread lads

>> No.17818729

dunno if i ate them i'd prolly still be in prison. i hear it tastes sweet like pork but better.

>> No.17818732

Get a load of this dago

>> No.17818746

to be clear two were self defense and one was an accident i'm not a maniac or anything

>> No.17819139

This. Americans don't know how to travel abroad because they're used to the soulless american disney experience

>> No.17819252

Americans perfected every cuisine.

>> No.17819481 [DELETED] 

>Coffee beans are from Abyssinia. They cannot be properly grown in the american climates. Ergo, any coffee made with breans grown in Brazil/Colombia/Central America is biologically inferior. Mother nature never wanted to grow tomatoes in America and is sure to make any grown there taste like shit. Colombians and brazilians are so used to their abomination-coffee that when they taste fresh Ethiopian heirlooms, they think they're shit because it's so immeasurably superior to what's grown back home.

>> No.17819487

>Coffee beans are from Abyssinia. They cannot be properly grown in the american climates. Ergo, any coffee made with beans grown in Brazil/Colombia/Central America is biologically inferior. Mother nature never wanted to grow coffee in America and is sure to make any grown there taste like shit. Colombians and brazilians are so used to their abomination-coffee that when they taste fresh Ethiopian heirlooms, they think they're shit because it's so immeasurably superior to what's grown back home.

>> No.17819494

I work in a restaurant. We put out legit Michelin-tier food all day and I love it.
But I KNOW I can't take my mother there on a day off to show off how nice our food is because she'd just complain about how it's too spicy and the sauce is too fatty so it gives her an upset stomach and raw oysters are icky etc. etc.

I love her, but she's a massive food pleb. It's a world I just can't share with her at all.

>> No.17819500

Italian food sucks.

>> No.17819513

Americans perfected slow motion suicide

>> No.17819515

Your dad is based as fuck and correct.

>> No.17819679

If he swore then he needs to calm down

>> No.17819692

>Nooo! You can't ACTUALLY have that opinion! Y-You must be faking it to look "quirky"!!!

>> No.17819700


>> No.17819909

Coffee from africa-asian objectively tastes better so you played yourself

>> No.17819921

Is this real?

>> No.17819947

I don't think so, Elon Musk started balding in his early twenties.

>> No.17819958

What do you consider a legitimate source for something like a taste testing competition?
More importantly, what does your source of choice say on the matter?

>> No.17820201

You fucking retard

>> No.17820215

You've never had masala coffee grown in South India? Dumb faggot

>> No.17820217

objectively wrong, the average japanese is usually shocked to discover that foreign foods in japan are not actually authentic and heavily skewed to japanese tastes. they absolutely love curry, pasta, whatever and will insist on slurping it the same as they do ramen, especially if it's an older guy, but will usually complain about the exact same foreign foods in other countries tasting bizarre when they travel for the first time (usually on business) so much so that the next time they travel they will insist on bringing a 1 kilo bag of japanese white rice (literally all other kinds of rice make them sick lmao) and tons of instant noodles/snacks even if they're just on a 1 week trip to Korea. It's absolutely hilarious, and one of my favorite aspects of japanese (that they're so intensely picky) which makes meeting an adventurous one willing to try new things a really fun experience, because it is 100% a rarity. the reality is that japanese people love japanese things, simple as that, they absolutely love to be catered to, but usually aren't self-aware enough to recognize that every aspect of what's sold to them in their country does this.

>> No.17820234

You literally described every single race in the world. Everyone does this. It's fucking human.

>> No.17820257

Illiterate ESL retard

>> No.17820274

no, dipshit, stop glossing over nuance because you want to pretend your personal lack of cultural exposure justifies pulling whatever assumption you want out of your ass.

japanese do not have a land connection with other countries and have extreme language barriers, so it's ridiculous to compare their own cultural identity and general global understanding with, for instance, fucking Spain or Germany you fucking dumbass, even Americans sometimes pop over and have cultural experiences in Mexico and Canada, the closest the average japanese has is visiting an army base on a special day when they're open and trying an authentic Taco Bell menu

you're the kind of person who, before they traveled somewhere new (something you've most likely never done, ever) would say something like "oh i'm not worried about culture shock, i'm totally aware of the concept of culture shock so i won't experience it" without actually understanding that what makes culture shock, culture shock, is being confronted with a situation where some base assumption you assume all human beings would naturally have is suddenly upended, and you literally have no idea how to react as a result. get what i'm saying, dum-dum?

>> No.17820277

im not replying to this schizo

>> No.17820298
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>> No.17820457 [DELETED] 
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Kek, nice reaching retard, you got linked 3 legitimate taste tests by well established media outlets, what do you expect? For me to compile a list of every taste test ever done for you? Learn to use Google and stop being an ignorant retard. If you don’t want to believe that Californian tomatoes don’t win in taste tests, then don’t, I don’t fucking care kek

>> No.17820468
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Kek nice reaching retard, you got linked 3 legitimate taste tests by well established media outlets, one a fucking video no less, what more do you want and what do you expect? For me to compile a list of every taste test ever done for you? Learn to use Google and stop being an ignorant retard. If you don’t want to believe that Californian tomatoes win in taste tests, then don’t, I don’t fucking care kek

>> No.17820479

No countries export Calfornian mediterannean foods. People in Europe arent buying fucking Californian wine or olive oil or tomato paste/juice.

>> No.17821178

italian food is much more than tomato and cheese on carbs
theres tons of sea food dishes, cold meat cuts, salads, pies, roasts, sweets you cant find in the us

>> No.17821205

Not me, sir. All should be changed to many in your sentence though.

>> No.17821375
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There is a California champagne...

>> No.17821842

What does that have to do with you being a talentless faggot who can't grow a simple fucking tomato?

>> No.17821881

People in Europe are buying Californian wine and olive oil? Not sure where you get your information from but the US exports a lot of wine and olive oil. Tomatoes maybe not, at least not to Europe, but only because there isn't a market for it due to logistics. Has nothing to do with quality.

idk your argument seems to be that you think Californian tomatoes aren't as good as European ones, even though you have nothing to back up your claim and you've already been shown evidence of Californian tomatoes winning in genuine taste tests. Pointless replying to you anymore, again, either you believe it or you don't, I don't care. Your ignorance is astounding though, it's funny that people claim Americans are ignorant when the reality is that it's jealous europoors thinking their produce is somehow automatically better, when their opinion is based solely on ignorance and propaganda and they've never tried genuine American produce for themselves besides McDonalds. Which europoors absolutely love btw, literally their #1 fast food restaurant, fuck even dominos pizza is starting to dominate italy, when it's seen as garbage in the US. We have tons of pizza restaurants here that are better though, but you don't. We actually have zero europoor chain restaurants here, which tells you everything you need to know kek you fucking love the big mac though, kfc, all the places we rate as shit here. You can't get enough.

>> No.17821940

I hope you don't believe, because it's not correct at all.
It's pathetic and casts Italians in a very poor light and I feel bad for you that you feel the need to lie like this.

>> No.17821947

not really
it's got some decent Italian American and even traditional Italian places but it's not wide spread or known for Italian food

>> No.17821954

y'all need to get over yourselves in Europe
most of you are drinking red wine mixed with Coca-cola on the weekends

>> No.17821973

>uck even dominos pizza is starting to dominate italy, when it's seen as garbage in the US
Alright 2/10 troll

>> No.17821999

This is some cope right here.

>> No.17822004

Fat amerilard, enjoy your tomato syrup with HFCS

>> No.17822080

lol where the fuck in Denver does your boomer dad think has better Italian food than fucking Italy?

>> No.17822090

I have no idea. My dad also ranted and raved about how good Italian food in Japan was.

>> No.17822092

>US-based Domino's Pizza has announced its plans to open 880 outlets across Italy by 2030.

>> No.17822103

Nothing in that statement corroborates with what you just said about Dominoes pizza "dominating" Italy, you fucking lardass

>> No.17822131

Shit cook mothers. Boomers were the first generation to be fed canned sloppa daily. My paternal grandmother couldn't cook for shit, so my dad only eats like 10 things, half of these are canned, the other half is processed meat (hot dogs, bologna, "ham")

>> No.17822139

Wrong. It's a huge investment so clearly dominos is having massive success there to warrant such a massive increase in restaurants. Italians two own pizza chains have nowhere near this number, Rossopomodoro, only has 70 outlets, and Spizzico only has 169. So yeah, 880 is a huge amount compared to their own restaurants. It's literally the definition of dominating the market. Stay angry europoor. You just love the taste of american pizza.

>> No.17822212

screen told you that

>> No.17822264


>> No.17822284
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'ey look we got a wise guy over 'ere.

>> No.17822329

At least Indian food in India is better than here. I went there on business, and the company would take us to lunch to the private cafeteria for foreigners. The food tasted the same as here. I asked them to take me to the cafeteria everyone usually eats at, and the food was incredible, much better than anything here. The food at restaurants there was also much better than here.

The food in the "5 star" hotel I stayed at there was also like the food here.

>> No.17822529

Which restaurant ?

>> No.17822698

entire thread of eurocucks taking Ls and coping about it, love to see it

>> No.17822725

I've said this for years. I lived in Naples and Modena for a year each, I've been all over Europe and America, and literally everyone does Italian food better than Italians do. The best Italian food I ever had was when I lived in Nice. Even Croatia does it better than Italy does. Even Indiana. Even Kentucky. Even Minnesota. Even Montana. Even Wyoming. Wyoming has better Italian food than Italy does.
Now, Italian food made by Italians in Italy is still quite often delicious, but they have in no way perfected it.

>> No.17822844

>how good Italian food in Japan was.
Well, the Japanese are pretty autistic so I could actually see this. Nonna's Pasta e fagioli probably doesn't have shit on Hiro, who's spent the last 42 years hand carving the individual groves on rigatoni and salts his pesto with his own tears

>> No.17823202

Where is the lie?
The tomatoes you know today were cultivated in europe. That is a fact.

>> No.17823217

Ayy, this moolie ova here!

>> No.17823248

as much as white people get memed on for having supposedly no open-mindedness for food in my experience Asians are way way worse, they literally can't tolerate any other cuisine except for the occasional dogshit-tier pizza. Not even each other's food, chinks hate indian food usually

>> No.17823389

I don't need to look up shit to know that's rigged.

>> No.17823399

bon appetit is a conde naste publication an organization riddled with jews and also owns reddit fyi
the bon appetit test kitchen was 90% jews when it was popular on youtube before it was called out for being racially prejudiced but normalfags still think the prejudice was white prejudice

>> No.17823403

The issue is that they don't actually LIKE it overcooked, they're just afraid of getting sick. They think the only way to eat steak safely is to cook it to an undesirable doneness. It would be one thing if they really liked it that way, or if it were actually true that you could get sick from eating rare steak, but nobody does and you can't. It's a completely irrational and nonsensical fear that borders on schizophrenia.

>> No.17823404

you just have shit taste anon, sorry

>> No.17823408

She hit the wall at age 22

>> No.17823417

Despite being hotter today than the average six year old? OK boomer.

>> No.17823655

that wont work unless you temp it right as it leaves the grill.

>> No.17823685

americans are greasy fat fucks who are oblivious to actual good food, their palates are ruined forever

>> No.17823732

The poorest of african shitskins make higher quality food than what the cheap processed food, that espicially americans eat.

>> No.17823757

Tomatos grow in South America, from Venezuela to Chile. From tropical rainforrests, to a mediterranean climate. With many culivars breed here for 100s of years. Adapted to the climate. Unlike the manmade horrors in the US, which can't survive on their own anymore, and were created in labs

>> No.17823766

Wheat, meats and milk, prettymuch all veggies and fruit, from apple to selleri are not native to europe. So what is your point ?

>> No.17823842
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Escalon Valley in California grows world class tomatoes. New Jersey also has first rate ones. My experience with DOP San Marzanos is that they taste natural and old fashioned in a way, and are very smooth and un-acidic-- and somewhat bland.

>> No.17824107

This. Italy is one giant tourist trap; a primitive wasteland. You can get decent pasta anywhere in the US

>> No.17824146

>You can get decent gmo fortified corn syrup enhanced processed pasta food anywhere in the US
Jokes aside the wheat and flour they use in Italy is far better than anything I have ever seen
You can argue that their sauces are much more mellow and not on the heavier side in general but their pasta is incredible

>> No.17824331

you're literally a fucking retard. america produces most of the wheat in the world. in fact, europe imports most of its wheat from america. the "wheat in italy" you're eating is 99% american wheat. not to mention that "high quality wheat" doesn't exist. wheat is wheat and the difference between Amish flour and King Arthur's is minimal, if but for King Arthur's being finer, more glutenous, and being "whiter" (i.e. just the endosperm of the wheat).
i like Amish flour. i want to use it and give my money to them over King Arthur, but it makes shittier bread because it's less refined.
and anything you make at home is going to be better than what some shitskin sicilian or actual african is preparing for you in some faggy italian place in Naples or Rome.

>> No.17824478

>The poorest of african shitskins make higher quality food than what the cheap processed food, that espicially americans eat.
Go watch any food tour video in Africa and you'll change your mind

>> No.17824479

>america produces most of the wheat in the world
Lmao yes and you chug down the whole thing with glyphosate and corn syrup
Cope fatty

>> No.17824491
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>Despite being hotter today than the average six year old?
I've been on this website for over 15 years now.
And I still don't know how to deal with it when I read shit like this.

>> No.17824502

>not to mention that "high quality wheat" doesn't exist. wheat is wheat
What is nutritional value? What is a glycemic index? What is durum, spelt, einkorn etc?
You are a fucking retard my man.

>> No.17824510

>ou're literally a fucking retard. america produces most of the wheat in the world. in fact, europe imports most of its wheat from america. the "wheat in italy" you're eating is 99% american wheat.
No you fucking retard most wheat in Italy is from Europe.

>The main countries that export grain to Italy are European countries. They include France, with 350,000 tons in 2015, and Austria with 176,000 tons. Hungary exported 165,000 tons to Italy in the first half of 2016. With lower quantities, we also find Romania, Poland, Ukraine, Turkey and Cyprus on the list.

>> No.17824549

you have to be 18 to use this site

>> No.17824577

Cold pizza is for poorfags.

>> No.17824612

>Jokes aside the wheat and flour they use in Italy is far better than anything I have ever seen
The majority of the Semolina flour used in Italy is grown in South Dakota.

>> No.17824640


>> No.17824643

>glycemic index, nutritional value
for wheat? who fucking cares. it's all minor. if you have diabetes, don't eat bread. if you need nutrients, don't eat bread. this has been known for a long time.
>lists alternative wheat varieties
it's different wheat. it's not "higher quality." unless you think einkorn and spelt are UOOOH HIGH QUALITY NUTRITIOUS!!!! because you're charged a higher price for them.

>> No.17824653

A quick google search determined that is not true.

>> No.17824661

>this enrages the italianfag

>> No.17824662

this is why indians are fucked. their palate has been formed so that they cannot consume anything other than shit doused in their "65 indian spices." they literally cannot enjoy the natural flavors of food. the indians and the rest of the world outside Europe are limited in palate, struck down by God. meanwhile, the European man enjoys the entire domain of edible ingredients, able to savor both the natural sweetness and particular spiced flavor of all foods.

>> No.17824670

>wheat is wheat… no no not like that
>food quality is not measured by nutritional value reeeee
>Realizes that his argument was fucking retarded
>Continues to act retarded anyways
Lmao at mutt posters

>> No.17824680

Not even italian just pointing out an obvious lie
Why do mutts refuse to believe that there are countries that do not want their gmo garbage?

>> No.17824700

> if you need nutrients, don't eat bread. this has been known for a long time.
Human civilazition would like to have a word with you…
I know ketotards believe all kinds of shit but this one goes way over the line
Wheat is highly nutritious, and the phytic acid that ketotards worry about all the time poses no threat to the human body if treated properly (fermentation, sourdough breads etc)

>> No.17824705

>the extra 1% of daily value of vitamin D in my spelt bread makes it superior to regular wheat!

>> No.17824728

>durr burr everyone ate bread all the time forever
you stupid fucking neanderthal nigger. i understand you have nothing beyond a high school level of knowledge on any subject and have an iq around room temperature, but to parade your stupidity so proudly is an insult.
"HUMAN CIVILIZATION" DID NOT EAT FUCKING BREAD CONSTANTLY AND ONLY. you are such a dumb fucking nigger. why do we have so many recipes? why do we have so many known usable ingredients? why do we have staple crops like beets, potatoes, squash, and corn, amongst a million others? why did we ever hunt for other animals?
ONE farm animal will feed a family of 5 FOR A MONTH!!! now split that over a longer course of time and put it into soups and you can get 3 months of food out of one animal.
it was NEVER the case that the average man ate ONLY BREAD.

>> No.17824745

>The best Italian food in the world is found in Tokyo
You have some nerve to post this, you retarded larper
Japan has some of the worst takes on Italian food that I've tasted
Literally spaghetti in ketchup shit food

>> No.17824785

>if I write with capslock maybe I will sound intelligent
Human civilization did not begin 200 years ago.
All advanced civilizations cultivated wheat. If you only look at medieval societies you will find that bread was the foundation of their diet with only a handful of exceptions (primarily the wealthy who could afford other types of food as well).
You can bitch and moan, scream and shout it will not change the fact that wheat and bread is a nutritious and healthy, and helped to raise humanity from the banana chewing ape world. Where you happen to belong.

>> No.17824813

>Having children

>> No.17824929
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You will never cook real italian food. You have no Piccadilly, you have no Piennolo, you have no mozzarella di bufala. You are an amerimutt twisting meatballs and frozen breadsticks into a crude mockery of italian cuisine.

All the “pasta” you eat is half-seasoned and over-cooked. To your face, Italians mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “Italian friends” laugh at your ghoulish cooking behind closed doors.

Italians are utterly repulsed by your cooking. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed Italians to sniff out jarred sauce with incredible efficiency. Even amerimutt sauces that are “homemade” taste uncanny and unnatural to an Italian. The excessive garlic is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a starving Italian to eat with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your stinky garlic breath.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single night out at olive garden and tell yourself the food is authentic, but deep inside you feel the doubt creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under an unbearable heaviness like cream in a carbonara

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a plane ticket to italy, eat at an overpriced tourist trap, post on 4chan about how 'real' Italian food is overrated, and get stabbed to death by an African migrant. Your parents will hear of your fate, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment of such shitty cooking. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your anglicized Italian surname, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know an american is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is subpar cuisine that is unmistakably American.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.17824959

>Why do mutts refuse to believe that there are countries that do not want their gmo garbage?
America exports the most s0ybeans in the world

>> No.17824967

If bread is healthy then why is it so conducive to insulin resistance?

>> No.17825027

I agree, my indian parents cannot live without spicy/overflavored indian food, except once or twice a month they would suddenly have huge cravings for another cuisine, then quickly go back to living on indian food
this post is me describing my indian father's antics >>17815939

>> No.17825146

1.Regular bread you can buy in store has a ton of additives in it and did not go through proper fermentation
2.Because people sit on their asses all day

>> No.17825472

>Not even italian just pointing out an obvious lie
Italians on suicide watch
>Why do mutts refuse to believe that there are countries that do not want their gmo garbage?
Genes do not exist, therfor GMOs do not exist.

>> No.17825513

> fuck even dominos pizza is starting to dominate italy, when it's seen as garbage
Lol, where did you read that?
Domino's opened some restaurants and they keep shouting "we're gonna open 800 restaurant next year" while they acutally had to close like 5 restaurant out of 20 they had in Milan

They are obviously bleeding like shit, I don't know why they keep insisting throwing moneys like this. At least they closed in Switzerland, I wonder how long they will cope in Italy before closing

>> No.17825552

> So yeah, 880 is a huge amount compared to their own restaurants. It's literally the definition of dominating the market.
They are trying to outmarket the competition with numbers, but they are not opening because they are doing good, it's the opposite.
You now things are going really bad when Italian CEOs get fired

>> No.17825553

Their expansion was only thwarted by covid being such a shitshow in Italy. They are successful on paper and now the upcoming recession is going to make their cheap offering irresistible to people wanting an affordable treat. They will dominate Italy before 2030.

>> No.17825566

>Their expansion was only thwarted by covid being such a shitshow in Italy.
You mean that one of the companies that is one of the few that does delivery on their own was thwarted by something that prevent you to go out of your house? are you clinically retarded?

> They will dominate Italy before 2030.
I hope for their own sake taht they will end this clownish attempt way before that. They are doing really, really bad, like stated in >>17825513 they even had to close some restaurants, and there weren't that many

>> No.17825586

This thread makes me want to kill Amerimutts. hang their fat asses by nooses that can support their weight on a crane

>> No.17825620


Okay so the schizos think american tomatoes are worse than Italy because of the jews. Now I know which tomato to side with

>> No.17825638

They're still in switzerland, funny how you europoors have to make up lies.

kek cope more, young Italians love dominos, they know american pizza is better.

>> No.17825658

>They will dominate Italy before 2030.
I really doubt. Mcdonald's, Burger King and KFC offered something that was new to italians, but for Domino's there's simply no niche to fill: if you want cheap wood oven pizza there are hundreds of egiptian kebab place that makes pizza, if you want quality pizza you don't go to domino's. Also nowadays there are 3rd part delivery companies, hence there's nothing that Domino's can offer

Even Starbucks tried hard with a fancy big restaurant in Milano but ended up failing hard

I don't know why they are still trying this hard, probably they want to save their face


> kek cope more, young Italians love dominos, they know american pizza is better.
At this point I think you're a falseflagging mongoloid. I refuse to believe americans are this retarded

>> No.17825661

The price-to-quality ratio in Italy is insanely good. You can have the best pasta you’ll ever get + a beer for 15 euros. Meanwhile in the rest of the world you need to spend 60+ dollars to get the same quality.

>> No.17825685
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>> No.17825692

Global pizza power by 2030

>> No.17825721

Yes but he copes by saying it was just to get a girl

>> No.17825820

>claims dominos is no-longer in Switzerland
>links 2019 article
>now claims dominos plans to leave Switzerland
>Dominos are still in Switzerland with 20 stores and plans to expand

Quote from the dominos swiss website
>Domino's Pizza Switzerland
Domino's Pizza delivers around 400 million pizzas every year. Domino's Pizza now has over 14,000 locations worldwide and is active in over 80 countries. This includes Switzerland, where the first store was opened in Geneva in 2000. At the moment we have 20 Swiss stores and we are growing all the time! Our 420 employees have one goal: to quickly produce the best pizza for our customers, both delivered and picked up.

Stay mad europoor.

>> No.17825889

>links 2019 article
This one is more recent

or this

>> No.17825903

> Although the financial results have stabilised, the performance of our international business remains disappointing,” said outgoing chief executive David Wild on Thursday. “We have concluded that, while they represent attractive markets, we are not the best owners of these businesses.”

>> No.17826031

most americans think italian food hasn't evolved since the 1970s godfather tier stuff.
I don't blame your father for thinking that

>> No.17826042

Basically this.

>> No.17826115

A six pack doesn't usually cost more than 20 bucks even for stupid crazy weird marked up hipster trash. I can't find a box of pasta that costs more than 5 bucks. No canned sauces more than 15 and that's for weird organic hipster shit. So 3 dollar beer, 5 dollar box of pasta, and 15 dollar superfood sauce is 23 dollars. If I make the pasta and sauce myself, it's even cheaper.

>> No.17827224

>Genes do not exist
You will never be a woman

>> No.17827372

Yes, they made every cuisine disgusting and unhealthy so it kills them faster. Nothing is more perfect than dead Americans

>> No.17827385

you gotta take the wopurtunity when you have the chance

>> No.17827399

Yeah but then dago on and on about how superior their cooking is, it gets old

>> No.17827403
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welcome to 4chan

>> No.17827429

>overcooks spaghetti
>puts ketchup and corn on them
wa la, perfected

>> No.17827452

You forgot the spray cheese

>> No.17827457

I'm Italian and the best pizza I had was not even in Italy, but actually in New Jersey, USA.

>> No.17827813

So fucking based.

>> No.17827884

no one does french food better than the french
everyone does italian food better than the italians
german food is the same worldwide
no one does good english food

>> No.17828183

Learn to make pizza yourself faggot its not that hard

>> No.17828206

>with a moustache net
You WISH your t-levels were that high

>> No.17828401

Italy lost. Get over it chud

>> No.17828424

Only retards put spray cheese on pasta, real 'muricans use Kraft Cheese Flavored Cellulose Dust(TM)

>> No.17828434

>What you say isn't true but I agree
How retarded are you

>> No.17828732

>literally identical quality
not to be a nitpicking dimwit about it, BUTT
soil, water and sun as technique do play a role in how food taste
your GMO tomatoes are basically red coloured water compared to san marzano tomatoes

ALSO american italian food is probably pretty authentic, but then again americants probably prefer the less authentic stuff over the gramma recipes.

>> No.17828841

>Noooo you stupid gaijin!! Its le heckin tokyo with lots of yummy umami
Go back

>> No.17828850

That's because you haven't tried my Denver italian food. Ooooooh mamma mia!

>> No.17828885

Boomers have the worst table manners. It’s embarrassing.

>> No.17828907


>> No.17828918

based, I hate how pretentious those cunts are
Unlike them, the French made relevant advances in cooking, not just some pasta meme they got from the chinks and most importantly they aren't going around screaming at people that their food is the best while gatekeeping when it's not the same as their inbreed mom's version

>> No.17828948
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>>be indian
>>take a group tour to Europe

>> No.17829027

I'm saying as someone from Calabria, that the high class pizza you get in Italy is not as good as what you get in the USA. Homemade is different conversation.

>> No.17829042

Just out of curiosity what makes a pizza high class?

>> No.17829046 [DELETED] 

>French made relevant advances in cooking
Well they moved from frogs and snails to nigger dicks and muslim cum that is a kind of progress I give you that

>> No.17829054

Sorry I'm not sure I use the right words, but I just mean something you want to pay for at restaurant to make it even better than something homemade, is what i mean high class pizza.
In Italy when I grow up trying this restaurant pizza I was not as impressed as I was with the quality of ingredients they had in the USA.

>> No.17829068

Yeah I get that. But in your opinion what makes a pizza better than the one you make at home?

>> No.17829070

>Yeah I get that.
>But in your opinion what makes a pizza better than the one you make at home?
You clearly do not "get that", if you have to ask the question in latter part of your statement.

>> No.17829081

>to make it even better than something homemade
So you mean the act of paying for it makes it better?

>> No.17829093

Quality of ingredients and delicacy in preparation is what you pay for. I drive 45 minutes to get pizza at this restaurant called Spaccanapoli, in my province.

>> No.17829189

> Quality of ingredients and delicacy in preparation
Lol so you just suck at making pizzas
Git gud faggot

>> No.17829193

You think you can make a pizza better than a ristorante with a whole oven and specialist crew?

Back the point: I am born and raised in Italy and the best pizza I've had in my life was in the USA.

>> No.17829237

mind saying where the best pizza you had was?
there was a place in the middle of bumfuck nowhere Indiana where these Italians came and opened up a cheese plant and inside, they also served pizza, and it was the best by far I've had in the states. I went back two months later and it wasn't as good at all

>> No.17829363

>go to a semi-vegan cafe with dad
>order him a vegan cake
>,,its okay, certainly not as good as normal cake"
>go again
>order vegan cake again but lie this one has dairy and stuff
>,,mm, nice and delicious"

>> No.17829696

You're either lying or straight up retarded

>> No.17829709

All they ingedients in italy are probably imported from the US

>> No.17829909
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hes not wrong. food in london is hilarious. those "steaks". turns out they graze their livestock on grass and fields that are about 100 years passed their natural nutrients and use by date.

fucking weird to walk into an elmers and go "man, thats better then what i had the last 2 months"

>> No.17829920
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it should be illegal to be this based

>> No.17830137

Part of what makes a pizza good is the oven, which is hard to replicate at home, unless you have your own wood fired oven, but even then there's places that have been making pizza for 100+ years and their ovens are 100+ years old and they produce a certain flavor that you just can't replicate, even in modern wood fired ovens, it's like the seasoning on a cast iron pan. You can buy things like Ooni ovens, but even those aren't exactly the same.

It's to do with temperature, like a domestic oven can go from 127°C/260°F to 227 °C/440°F. But a wood fired oven can go 500°C/900°F. And if it's a charcoal fired oven, it can go even higher, they can go up to 1000°F.

This makes a huge difference to the pizza. So yeah, there are legitimate reasons to go to a pizza restaurant and not just make it yourself at home, since although it's definitely possible to make it as good or close at home, it's not easy to do and most people don't have the knowledge, ability or oven to do so.

>> No.17831044
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>> No.17831056

Thank you sir for defending me. The best oven ristorante pizza i had was in USA.

>> No.17831692

>thinks americans don't eat that specific trash among the wealth of trash available that they do eat
>meanwhile boomer tastelets eat cans of campbells soup with bits of hot dog and peas mushed in it

>> No.17831722
File: 67 KB, 543x318, George Lucas noodles and diet Coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad is another one of those boomers who refuses to try anything new, he'd rather just go to the burger joint that hasn't been good in 10 years and every single time complain about how the food there used to be better

>> No.17832140

its a mixed bag for me the actual best food i had was at a italian gas station pasta was great and the sauce was amazing. worst was a restarunt that did pizza in rome it was burnt and shit

>> No.17833354

My dad would rather go to Applebees than try a new Ameridiner with higher quality of food

>> No.17833425

That's one of the things that I absolutely loved about my dad. Total openess and unabashed curiosity when it came to food.
Once a month he would make a trip to the Asian supermarket and pick up whatever random shit he could find to give to me and my brothers.
It was more often hit than miss. But it was never boring. I don't think he knows much much that meant to me.

>> No.17833442

When I have kids I want to do this. I grew up with parents who were moderately open to trying food once in a while but every time we would eat out it was 100% always either indian food or thai food (my family is indian and cant live without the fucking scovile units)

I'm going to go the regional speciality markets (chinese, german, scandinavian, turkish, somali, anything near me) and give my kids and wife a ton of random fucking new foods they've never ever heard of

>> No.17833481

Lol wow dude you’re fucking retarded.

>> No.17833827

words of wisdom here

>> No.17834067

who was the ugly girl your picrelated was talking about?

>> No.17834084

Kim Kardashian

>> No.17834760

You're talking about one of the most versatile and fertile countries in the world bro. Do retards think everything we eat is GMO when there are endless farms and farmers markets across the states? I grow the stuff in my backyard even

>> No.17834835

I ate chinese food for years, enjoyed the hell out of it. Vancouver is full of chinese so there were always lots of Chinese places to eat in the second biggest Chinatown in N. America after SF.

One day I was at a conference and was talking to a girl from China. I said to her; take me to an authentic Chinese place not westernized, and I'm paying. She obliged. I knew I made a mistake as soon as we walked into the joint. I almost vomited. I looked around me and all the working class chinese people were eagerly scarfing up what looked like rat meat and cockroach fried rice. Out of desperation I saw this woman eating a big bowl of what looked like watermelon covered in cream. I ordered that. It came and my guest was busy scarfing down this atrocious inedible slop. I tried my watermelon covered in creme.


I almost barfed. Again. I couldn't eat even one of them. I gave it to her and she made the big bowl of it just vanish like she inhaled it.

Never again.