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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17792056 No.17792056 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing teas, tissanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea
Previous Thread: >>17778854

>> No.17792076
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>> No.17792120

Hmm... today I will talk about how tea stains my teeth...

>> No.17792170
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Anyway what are you drinking today anons?
For me it's all the loose bits that were in the bags with one of my heicha bricks. These bricks are all filled with tiny tea bits anyway so it doesn't make much of a differences flavor wise.

>> No.17792192

Indian green tea. It has a flavor that is oddly similar to coffee.

>> No.17792206

Does anyone pair brushes to specific teas? I like softer bristles after greens and mediums for heicha.

>> No.17792273


>> No.17792317

The hard bristles hurt my gums after 3-5 minute brushings multiple times a day :(

>> No.17792325

I haven't tried indian greens, last time i got first flush Darjeeling that was green enough

>> No.17792724

you're not supposed to use hard bristles anyway

>> No.17792793

Ice cube brewing some sencha right now
Hoping it's tasty

>> No.17792806

Post results, you just put some ice cubes in a teapot and let them melt?

>> No.17792810

What's the deal with GABA oolong? Is it just an old heath fad that refuses to die?

>> No.17792826
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Great to know.

>> No.17792854

The processing makes it taste different, some people like the taste, also at least japan is really into GABA so they also buy it for perceived health reasons. There isn't anything wrong with it it's just oolong that tastes kind of like sweet potatoes

>> No.17792873

Yeah thats basically the idea. Takes awhile, it's been an hour and the ice is still there

>> No.17792937

gaba dosent pass the blood brain barrier so it dosent really do anything, but a lot of people drink them because they taste good, they're worth trying imo

>> No.17792956

Tastes very mellow. Lots of the sweetness and vegetable flavors but with none of the bitterness. If I did this again I'd probably do this in the fridge to slow the melting more to get more extraction. This was a pretty worthwhile experiment tho, tastes great.

>> No.17793004

Has anyone tried Malawi Antlers? It looks interesting, but it's expensive.

>> No.17793011

Interesting, so you are supposed to drink it still cold? I guess ive seen a similar thing where you drip ice water through coffee grounds

>> No.17793025

Yeah you drink it cold

>> No.17793031

>$1 per gram for tea stems
Please for the love of god buy good wuyi oolong if you are going to spend that much per gram.
Buy lilke 80g of this instead

>> No.17793067

I wasn't planning on buying it, I just read about it while reading about African tea experiments.

>> No.17793625

for me it's pine smoked black tea

>> No.17793644

Just blended like 5 different types of green tea together, we'll find out in a minute if that was a horrendous mistake as my kettle heats fresh water to 70c.

>> No.17793684

How does it smell?

>> No.17793886

How many times do you guys pee a day? I drink tea all day and I'm hitting 10-12 or more

>> No.17793916

It's okay the flavor is pretty unbalanced though and the Japanese greens overpower the Chinese ones like Japanese soldiers overpowered Chinese women at Nanking

>> No.17794003
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I'm looking for extremely dark ripes. I'm trying to get to this level. Maybe some big fu bricks?

>> No.17794047

Is oregano tea a thing? I have a fuckton of oregano plants in my garden and I'm thinking of just steeping a bunch of oregano leaves and seeing how is comes out. I'm also thinking about doing the same with basil.

>> No.17794206

I'll try it if you try it.

>> No.17794355

I don't keep count but when I drink tea all day it is definitely a lot. I don't even flush the toilet because it's basically water coming out and I'll be back in 30 minutes anyway, seems wasteful.

>> No.17795098

You really are determined to render this thread unusable aren't you?

>> No.17795259


>> No.17795392

Before the shitshow begins anew, i wanna try cold brew tea. Previously someone just said to use green tea, but which should i try in particular? Does any type work, ie jasmine and what not, so long as its loose leaves?
Any personal experiences?

>> No.17795432

Yes. Put some leaves in some water and wait. I like coldsteeping moderately oxidized taiwanese oolongs. I like how it plays with the nuttier flavors.

>> No.17795445

Not him
Do you have advice on leaf to water ratio?

>> No.17795458

With greener teas its super easy to overdo it imo. I think someone here told me 6g:1L and it seems to work most of the time. Your palate is going to be different though.

>> No.17795491


>> No.17795968

Eeew mint *starts projectile vomiting

>> No.17796052

Yes it's a thing, some people say it has some medicinal benefits but it's definitely not one of the main ones like mullein or mint.

>> No.17796157

>tfw gifted a bulang mountain ripe cake and various accessories I didn't even mention I wanted by the gf for my bday

>> No.17796611

Where do you guys get teaware in the US? I don't want Chinese chemical shit

>> No.17796649

I'm really trying to get into tea as a treat before bedtime. Something warm to relax me and a healthier alternative to alcohol. But I just can't get into it. Green tea, Earl Gray, various 'nighttime' concoctions with a bear on the label. It's all just so... MEH.

>> No.17796993

Turns out this thread is dead when I'm not chastising people for poor brushing habits. Who knew?

>> No.17796994

Fu bricks arent that dark

>> No.17797009

Kava, find some seller that's good, learn how to make it with a blender, don't overdo it. You will be golden

>> No.17797036

I'm not a tea person, but I don't dislike it, hate coffee, and need a substitute to wake my lazy ass up at work. What's a good tea that's caffeinated, comes in bags and doesn't require a lot of autism? My last job had basic Lipton tea bags and they were kinda gross but worked.

>> No.17797070

Dark enough to build up a base tan.

>> No.17797294

Pg tips, builders, anything english
Or if you go fucking hard

>> No.17797466
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Having some of that 2002 farmer style liubao from YS. Bought this 5+ years ago and hated it, havent tried it in ages. Smells like dirt, last time i tried it it tasted like pencil shavings. It's also half stems.
Even if i like it im guessing it's not worth whatever he is charging for it these days

>> No.17797512
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hello fellow /tea/ chads. do any of you use one of these chinese bamboo tea trays? is this kind of cured bamboo generally pretty durable/mold resistant? or should I not use it to dry my tea brewing gear everyday

>> No.17797526

10 second rinse, the gaiwan smells earthy, the lid a bit more on the woody side. The tea is a rich brown color
The taste is very woody, dry, tastes better than i remember, there is some earthly richness peaking out.
Its this tea not the other 2002 he added more recently.
Im surprised the price isint as high as i expected, still overpriced but i would at least consider buying more. I'm pretty sure at the time i purchased it i saw it as the cheapest old tea he had on his site and that's why i went for it.

>> No.17797561

What is a good loose tea that is not astringent, very smooth, similar to Twinings English Breakfast? Caffeine levels should be at a medium level and not high, because I enjoy drinking a lot of cups of tea.

>> No.17797620

Switch to coffee. It's impossible to find a decent loose tea. If you do, large if, say goodbye to consistency.

>> No.17797650

Overall not bad, brighter woody tones, lightly sweet, some aged tea flavor, im pushing the brews pretty hard and getting some lasting sweetness, probably from the tea being half stems. Surprisingly good overall, but the completely unprocessed nature of the tea hurts it some, if iy wasnt half stems it would be a decent buy at its current price.

>> No.17797671

This if you want something on the sweeter side
This if you want something more malty

>> No.17797679

>It's impossible to find a decent loose tea.
What are you babbling about?

>> No.17797681

Thank you! Helps a lot.

>> No.17797690

I was just baiting so someone would respond to the other anon with a helpful answer. I had to go to these tactics because people wouldn't answer in the past unless there was contention.

>> No.17797744

What is the appeal of teapots with one large hole instead of many smaller holes? Do they enjoy uncogging it with a wooden stake?

>> No.17797760

please help

>> No.17797792

Rent free

>> No.17797801


>> No.17797830

/tea/ had cold brew inquisitive minds and noone but I stepped up. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.17797863

The single hole is more traditional, i don't see any advantage to it and i do have to use a stick to unclog. Maybe single hole pots are a bit cheaper but i dunno if it's worth saving $20 on a $140 teapot.

>> No.17797869

It should be fine to use to dry your teaware.

>> No.17797895

It's a slow thread, i think one of the regulars has been posting less frequently lately. I usually try and answer questions but i might not get to it for 8-12 hours sometimes.

>> No.17797918

>cold brew tea
>cold brew coffee
bad, inferior


>> No.17797930

20 posters in 24+ hours. I should have just let it die last night. Can't bother to brush your teeth, can't bother to keep your thread bumped.

>> No.17797967

Cold brew coffee tends to be very acidic, which can be unpleasant, cold brew tea doesn't have that problem.

>> No.17797973

>Cold brew coffee tends to be very acidic

>> No.17797979

Is the tea/tisane difference real? I ask because it seems like a modern acktually. In all the literature as far back as the 18th century I've read about herbal teas they just refer to it as tea.. beef tea, pine tea. What's the linguistic etymology here? It looks like tisane is from an old greek medicinal barley drink (apparently supposed to be good for digestive health), later being used for all herbal drinks. Tea comes from old chinese "tu", which was bitter plants. Later turned to "te" and associated with Camellia sinensis. Interesting how tea was a broad word and tisane a specific drink, now switched. I think due to the different linguistic origins you can call herbal drinks teas, since they fit the description of the early chinese "tu", since both of these words independently entered the english lexicon, they're not innately "opposites".

>> No.17797987

Get help you're mentally ill

>> No.17797996


>> No.17798008

What tea has the highest cost per gram while still being worth it?
I've had some 50c/g teas that felt worth it, but not 1$/g.

>> No.17798025

At least in marketing, bamboo is claimed to be antibacterial.

>> No.17798039

tea = infusion with camellia sinesis only
tisane = infusion with anything else

>> No.17798042

I think it represents a urethra.

>> No.17798046

The web says you can steep oolong leaves 5-8 times, but does anyone know if this is standard pot size? I just steep leaves in a mug because I don't own a teapot.

>> No.17798057

You should be resteeping your leaves until you don't feel like steeping anymore.

>> No.17798058

i'd guess the amount of steeps depends on your time rather than pot size, i usually only do 3 when brewing western style doing 2 minutes + 1min per infusion but i dont do it that often. Can get nearly 15 steeps with gongfu, its worth buying a cheap gaiwan if you wanna get a bit more autistic with tea.

>> No.17798068

Fascinating. We should be calling it 'cha' if not for the fact that would make us sound like a bunch of weird lesbians.

>> No.17798077

Yeah, that seems to be the method for now. The leaves tend to lose flavor after the 3rd time after roughly 2 minute steeps. I have been considering buying a gaiwan, so I'll try it to see if there's a difference when I get the chance.

>> No.17798087

If tisane did not enter the english lexicon, what would you call herbal drinks?

>> No.17798088

Good wuyi oolong (yancha) is the most expensive tea that's worth it, it's pretty ridiculous on the higher end but there is yancha that costs $1 per gram that's actually worth the price.

>> No.17798099

i would just call it tea. The word tisane just gives me an excuse to be elitist and chinese larp harder

>> No.17798103

You have read into it much further than i have. For the purposes of thiw thread i find the distinction helpfull just so i know if people are asking about tea tea or herbal tea but thet doesn't really mean the terms are being used correctly

>> No.17798125

Is this a tea or a tisane?

>> No.17798133

That's a tea + flavoring / herbs or a flavored tea aka scented tea.

>> No.17798139

Adulterated tea

>> No.17798140

Are you sure its not a caffinated tisane? Osmanthus flower is listed first.

>> No.17798234

Nah a caffeinated tisane would be something that had a non tea source of caffeine like guarana seed.

>> No.17798309

So if I take this bag of dandelion flowers and brew it, its a tisane. But if a single camellia sinesis leaf fell into the water it would no longer be one, and instead morphs into a flavored/adulterated tea?

>> No.17798372

Are you actually interested in discussing this or are you just bored and trying to start another autistic slapfight?

>> No.17798421

my tea pet has arrived in my country from china :)

>> No.17798514

I'd like to know the rules. 'Tea' is somehow only cameilla sinesis, flowers are only tisanes, but when you add them together it's just flavored tea. But tea can't be flavored otherwise it's not only cameilla sinesis. Is there at all a distinction if I brewed the elements separately and combined them in gong dao bei?

>> No.17798527

Nice, tea pets are fun

>> No.17798536

This bores me. Go make a ricecooker thread if you want attention

>> No.17798589

So the terms aren't well defined enough to give me an answer?

>> No.17798643

Is it a big tiddy lady in a pool like one anons tea pet?

>> No.17798781

100% get the Vahdam breakfast blend thing.
I wouldn't say I was blown away by my Vahdam order, or Indian teas in general, but for the price this stuff is amazing. I'd try some Chinese black tea too, but if you just want a cuppa, this is your cuppa.

>> No.17798786
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It's because the terms are made up that's why. People only recently decided to start calling it tisane in the current upsurge of tea. It was an archaic term for the barley drink/medicinal drinks before the industry started using it to distinguish the difference. Anybody making a drink from herbs would have called it tea for hundreds of years

>> No.17798825

TCMbros, what do I drink for a cough+fever.

>> No.17798848

You want herbs that are cooling and that help remove phlem. I don't have what herbs are what memorized at all.

>> No.17798850

Thats what I'm getting at. If quince seed "tea" and milk thistle seed "tea" are both "tisanes", then coffee has to be as well right? Steeping a cameilla sinesis leaf in a black coffee wouldn't make that cup a "flavored tea".

>> No.17798852

Ma huang and honey obviously.

>> No.17798885

Yarrow for fever. Mullein or mallow for cough, depending on what kind of cough. Mullein phlem, mallow for dry cough. Can add things like honey, good and thick. I'm only familiar with herbs

>> No.17799139

saying tisane in a real life conversation is a dead giveaway of a pseud

>> No.17799289

In French tisane is the normal word.

>> No.17799527

I'm a poor fag. Is Celestial Seasonings a good brand to start with? I like the vanilla honey chamomile one and their peppermint, but I don't know if I'm drinking swill or not.

>> No.17799541

>drink tea
>all my bloating goes away
WTf is in trhis tea

>> No.17799555
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> sniiiiiiiiiiiiffffffffff

>> No.17799840

Thank you greatly.

>> No.17800873
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i love fish

>> No.17801293

is meme name

>> No.17801343

new farmer leaf puers on the website are loose leaf, have they done this in any years before?

>> No.17801344

Just look at all that tea discussion.

>> No.17801397

Nice fish

>> No.17801403

Those look like tiny batches of tea, I'm guessing his spring cakes are still be pressed and packaged and will but up shortly. That looseleaf stuff if if you want to try some rare tea or one of his experiments

>> No.17801420

ah yeah that makes a lot of sense, im tempted to try the reddened raw puer but im just gonna wait till his more standard cakes comes out even though it will prob be out of stock by then

>> No.17801471

Yeah im waiting for his regular cakes.

>> No.17801608

lapsang souchong is considered a flavoured tea even though it only has camellia sinesis in it too..

>> No.17801656

The pine resin smoke is an additive right? Carbonized particulate sap.

>> No.17801785

Feng Qing Ye Sheng Hong Cha Wild Tree Purple Black Tea from YS is so fucking good. I wish it wasn't so expensive and I would have bought more. The fermentation gives it a nice, light fruitiness along with the typical black tea notes. Every morning I get to have it feels special. Possibly my favorite tea I have tried thus far..

>> No.17801807

>Feng Qing Ye Sheng Hong Cha

>> No.17801809
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>> No.17801867

Anyway, does anybody have any recs going by this? Maybe there is a more budget friendly light fermented black tea I could try? That purple tea is just too expensive .

>> No.17802277

What for? To look at the listings? Let's be honest, nobody bought from them ITT except for me. Same as with the tea-encounter. You niggas stick to fullchea 1 cent a grams and snoozfests, you wouldn't recognize good pwarh tea if it hit you on the stupid head.
Waiting for his cakes, you make me laugh. What toothpaste do you use? HK aged colgate?

>> No.17802304

Or lightly fermented(?) black teas. All this yesheng they sell you for premium makes you loco in the coco.

>> No.17802378

just found out my tap water is hot enough for green tea when the temperature is maxed out, gonna try it later

>> No.17802448

Did you check with a thermometer at the tap?

>> No.17802486

Unless your water heater is recent/was cleaned out, I wouldn't do it.
Hot water from your tap is often full of nasty gunk from your water heater and isn't exactly potable, it's meant to be used to wash dishes and the like.

>> No.17802582

i don't want to run out of mengku black bros.

>> No.17802626

Why are bongs and the irish the only europeans that drink their tea with milk? Im polish and every time they see me drinking black tea im considered a freak

>> No.17802658

Have you tried his ripes? I was planning on getting 1 ripe and 1 raw cake from him. Probably around $80 + shipping total, not enough to get his high end stuff. If im better off just getting a $60-$70 raw cake i will do that instead.

>> No.17802689

Yeah, I'd recommend them. In general I haven't had bad tea from him, ever. Everything he sells is above average to excellent, at least in my experience, but you're really paying a premium.

>> No.17802710

Sounds good, i have wanted to try his stuff for a while because i want to see how his attitudes and ideas about tea translate into his work. He doesn't have that kind of frenzy to press as much material as possible every year like scott does so it makes sense that he wouldn't want to buy tea that wasnt worth pressing.

>> No.17802725
File: 17 KB, 461x193, yeeontea1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked last month about yeeontea recommendations, thanks for those who answered i forgot to say thanks back then, i ran out of budget last month but i ordered these now.
Shipping was a lot more than i was expecting

>> No.17802738

Jingmai ripe. Very nice. Would recommend.
He's not me.

>> No.17802739

If you're drinking the same teabags as them you're a freak.

>> No.17802743

Imagine what he's brushing his teeth with.

>> No.17802746

Hope you'll like it. You did surface shipping right? Good luck

>> No.17802747
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Yeah i just put an order in too, want with ground shipping because ems was $50 so it will probably come sometime in August

>> No.17802749

Too poor to get real tea mi friend

>> No.17802752
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If you're into processing, I'd grab a cake of the Miyun and the experimental black he does. I haven't tried black tea yet, but it certainly does look interesting. Assuming you don't want to pay gushu prices, the Miyun is going to have the most flavor of the processing / area in my opinion. It's from his gardens, he'll have controlled the picking, the drying, the pressing, etc. I dunno if he gets the ripes as maocha, or even ferments them himself. I also, personally, don't think many of the normal labels apply to shou puerh in general. I don't give a shit if it's from Yiwu, there's not gonna be any Yiwu flavor. Aging may or may not matter depending on how it was processed. I've had ~20-30 year old shou puerh that really hasn't developed any flavors, and delicious ~5 year old shou.

But you're the only person in this thread who buys from Farmer leaf, how could I not be you?

>> No.17802765

I got a few bags of this in an order last year, it's pushed right to the edge of sanity in roasting but i works well if you are into that kind of thing.
Might be nice to drink a few packs and then put the rest away for a few years.

>> No.17802770

I didnt have a choice, could only do express for 28usd

>> No.17802784

No you're not, this >>17798781 is four cents a gram. It brews fine at 1g/mL, if you can afford to eat you can afford 12 cents for a cup of tea.

>> No.17802788

Ground was still $25 so it wouldn't have saved you any money

>> No.17802789

Sorry, 10g/L

>> No.17802804

damn i miss when EMS shipping from china was $15 per kilo

>> No.17802900
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Tea review time.

This tastes like dogshit. It was either processed improperly, or stored improperly. I'm going to bet stored improperly, but I'm no expert. Strong smoky flavor, and not the hot chocolate by a campfire smoky flavor, the stale cigarettes and sadness smoky flavor. Not super uncommon for the late 00s, it could have been stored in a house heated by wood, or the leaves could have been dried using wood heat. Anyway, at some point it was heavily exposed to smoke, it's essentially undrinkable. It fades at around brew 3, but it's not like the tea is that good anyway. I would not buy this unless you're a masochist, or curious what improperly handled tea tastes like, as a reference.

>> No.17802917

Damn, that guy has a weird store
His listing says a hint of smokeynes, the only review says light and grassy with a hint of citrus. The cakes must just be totally inconsistent within the batch.

>> No.17802923

Does orthodox versus CTC really matter or is it just marketing bullshit and it's actually all about the crop quality?

>> No.17802933
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Why is she with him? She's such a cute aspie gf

>> No.17802945

CTC (crush tear curl) is a different processing method where the leaves are shredded and rolled into small balls as the tea is being processed. The expected difference would be the ctc tea being more malty and stout than a Orthodox FOP or BOP.

>> No.17802955

Does it fundamentally change the taste or rather does it make it extract faster, giving that impression?

>> No.17802957

Found this page talking about it a bit,

>> No.17802964

CTC fundamentally changes the taste of the tea. It tends homogenize the flavors of different black teas and bring them closer to a standard teabag tea flavor.

>> No.17802967
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This one's pretty good. The other one I got is a Nannuo, so this kinda gonna be an impromptu Menghai showdown. Off the top of my head, Bulang shan would typically have fairly large leaves, and a punchy lasting bitterness. This has fairly small leaves (I have some leaf pictures) so it shockingly may actually be some decent quality first flush. It was somewhat hard to tell, I'd say not really loads of buds, but fairly consistently 1 bud 1 leaf, with a few noticeably larger leaves. Not really much huangpian, so actually fairly uncharacteristically consistent and well processed.

Nothing really amazing comes through brewed, gongfu this is gonna be a fairly everyday tea, if you're looking to explore terroir this isn't really the way to do it. Fragrance is pretty much gone, if there was any top notes they left during storage (this seems like it was stored bone fucking dry, but I'll talk about that later) Cha qi isn't gonna happen, if you're into that, but it's actually a fairly good tea. Where this really shines is if you're looking for something to brew grandpa style. It's aged enough that it simply isn't going to get grossly astringent, I've probably drank about 40g of this so far, and I haven't detected anything unpleasant. Brewed strong, there's a faint but pleasing huigan supported by a basic but enjoyable moderately bitter brew. If you've not really drank much ten year old tea, this is a good one to pick up. It's not gonna blow you away, but there's nothing obviously wrong with it. Nice daily drinker.

>> No.17802968

Or maybe all this pretentious schizo bullshit people are writing was never true in the first place.

>> No.17802982
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Leaves from the bulang, fairly small, some redness in the stems, but at this price point who cares. Processing was overall fine, this seems to be about what it says on the box.

>> No.17803003

Thats one of the ones i was thinking about grabbing so it's interesting you went for it too. Thanks for taking the plune to try a few of these

>> No.17803006

I had to get a new big tiddy tea pet. Bath lady fell and fucking atomized. So now I have one laying on a leaf.

Since the original booba had sold out.

>> No.17803009

I have gout

>> No.17803012

RIP booba lady
glad you found another one

>> No.17803020
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This one is also worth drinking. This falls in the category of gently smoky, it's there on the first brews, but not unpleasant and fades quickly. Still arguably detracts from the tea, but it's enjoyably rustic from the right perspective. More astringency, but nothing really overpower, also very good brewed grandpa style. Arguably better, if you like tea with more punch. Gongfu really accentuates the worse aspects of this tea, in my opinion. No cha qi, no huigan. The material seems overall worse, to me, but actually I haven't looked too closely at the leaves yet. I have some in a gaiwan now, I'll take a bonus liquor shot of this too. Basically, if you want cheap tea, this is worth drinking.

>> No.17803047

Interesting that's another one that i thought might be worth picking up. He does have a few cakes in the $100 range that im interested in but it feels like more of a risk then grabbing some $20 cakes

>> No.17803094

Tell us about the storage. How dry is it?
Ever had detroit storage puer before?

>> No.17803096
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Had to grab some more water, I'm doing this live. Quick shot of liquor, which is completely pointless because the white balance on my phone is fucked, but enjoy regardless.

Quick note on puerh, if this is confusing anyone. The industry in its current form didn't really exist until around 2000, before that decent puerh was mostly blended and produced by large factories. The idea of buying first flush Bulang shan gushu is a relatively recent one. Furthermore, the economy of China really struggled in the early 00s. Puerh prices started taking off in around 07, and there was a fair amount of inertia before production quality caught up with the new market interest. There's nothing really unusual about a very mediocre tea from 09, it's something I'd kind of expect actually. Truly excellent tea from that period is a rarity, and fetches comparable prices. 2014 on is around when most places, especially famous places like Lao Man E, the better Yiwu, etc. got it together in terms of processing. Most tea from that period is actually in general better, in my opinion, than older tea from 2006-2012. That period especially is when tea prices rose high enough to motivate new producers to enter the market, volume of tea produced increased, and quality overall dropped. All in all, mediocre tea from 09 isn't an oddity, and the spicy adjectives that might excite you like Bulang shan first flush gushu aren't really going to magically make it excellent. It's certainly not bad tea, though.

As far as storage, I haven't looked into where this tea has been. This guy seems to have storage in the States, but I don't know if that is where this was stored. Either way, it essentially hasn't aged. You could call this "exceptionally dry", maybe, but it really just tastes unaged. The aroma has faded, it's mellowed out, sure, but it really doesn't seem to have developed any new complex flavors. The overall mildness is maybe good for brewing a strong cup. But...

>> No.17803108

But if I was considering paying $100 or around that for some proper tea, I'd want something that was far away from whatever happened to these cakes. Maybe he got the maocha fairly recently and it isn't his fault, or he got the actual cakes recently, but this is not how you store tea, in my opinion. Uber ultra fucking wet the tea has basically spent its life underwater is not the end all be all to storage, but this is too dry. Again, I don't know much about it objectively, but I'm pretty confident it was stored below the moisture, or even the temperature threshold for meaningful enzyme activity.

>> No.17803145

He claims he keeps some cakes in kunming but a decent amount of his tea has spent over a decade in northern Michigan. That dry Detroit storage is basically the US equivalent to Beijing storage.
And you are right that it makes it silly to spend any serious amount of money on it because it's not just dry Kunming storage where nothing happens for a decade, it's much drier than that.

>> No.17803150
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The leaves. Overall greener, the stems don't seem to have reddened, if you care (you should not) Processing is fine overall, stemmier than the Bulang, which I don't particularly like, but it doesn't really matter.

The Nannuo is overall noticeably smoky, and noticeably more astringent compared to the Bulang. Later in the brews a nice sweetness comes through, overall the tea is fairly flavorful. A very rustic flavor, especially for what it is. If you don't like the idea of a more mild tea, and you don't mind the smoke, I'd grab this over the Bulang. If you don't like off-notes in your tea, and you need that huigan, even if its mild, I'd grab the Bulang. The Bulang holds up better to being brewed very strong, the Nannuo can pretty quickly become overwhelmed by the more unpleasant notes. Overall these two teas are fine, I enjoy both of them. For the price I think they're pretty compelling, I'll most likely brew these in a mug for the rest of the cake. A good way to add bulk if you drink a lot of tea and can't afford to be paying 0.30/g all day long.

>> No.17803174

God i love rustic
Thanks again for the reviews, grampa brewing fodder is always nice to have on hand

>> No.17803182
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The Fu brick. This is kind of the platonic ideal of Fu tea, if you like this you'll like Fu tea, if you like Fu tea you'll like these. Basically tea lawn clippings, decently quality base material, processed properly. Good sweetness, no off flavors, but clearly just plantation tea, and lacks complexity. There's dogshit Fu out there, this isn't one of them. Perhaps surprisingly good at this price point. I don't really know about the supposed yellow flowers or what they're supposed to add, but yeah.

>> No.17803202

Would that be good for staining my teeth brown?

>> No.17803205

I'm still not sure if the yellow flowers add any significant taste to the tea, ive had heicha bricks with and without and nothing jumps out at me as golden flower flavor

>> No.17803209

Nah black tea would be better for that

>> No.17803221
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The flowers in question

>> No.17803254

Overall, in terms of puerhshop, the tea arrived on time and in good condition, shipping wasn't expensive, the website works fine. If you've got 50 bucks and are itching to roll those dice, buying some cheap cakes / bricks was a fun time.

If you're a real adrenaline junkie, throw ~$100 at one of the nicer cakes, or see if he managed to fuck up some of the older 7542.

>> No.17803292

I sampled one of those older cakes a few years ago, it tasted good to me. Maybe i would think differently now.
I know some of those mid 2000s dayi cakes he has are so green people don't belive they are real but they probably are just stored dry as hell

>> No.17803306

Going off the dry leaf and overall taste, of say >>17802967
it sure seems to be from 2010. Unless he tried to scam me out of ~20 bucks or whatever that cake is, I'd imagine it's real. It's just the absolute worst storage I have ever tasted or heard of in terms of aging. I can imagine a ~2005 side by side would be pretty dismal, assuming the storage is consistent across all his products.

>> No.17803368

Just look at how green this is, looks like it was pressed a week ago

>> No.17803459

That's pretty astonishing, actually.

>> No.17803645

breaking into my "Vibe" Sheng Puerh from crimson lotus for the first time.

Cake was easy to open.
Dry leaf appearance. Nice dark green with some silver. Scent is muted sweet, like dried fruit or fresh cut wood.

20 sec wash at 95 c

The wet leaf smells incredibly sweet, almost decadently so, but with familiar sheng funk. Combined, they make a rich, fruity aroma which is plum, as is advertised and I noticed when I first inspected the tea cake. Heady, and nearly intoxicating.

Smells like plums stewed in syrup. Very pleasant scent. Short breaths show off the youthful sour funk of the smell of the young material, while deep breathes reveal the whole " freshly stewed plums" aroma.

The tea liquor smells faintly of fresh sweet pastry and is gently gold hued.

first steep. 10 sec, 95 c. 6 g to 100ml

The steam rising from the liqour, while still resembling sweet pastry dough, now has spice notes. Like nutmeg. Something rich, earthy and christmassy. The liquor itself has become slightly more "burnished", deepening in hue.

There's a slight smokeiness to the wet leaf's aroma now, with tantalizing hints of spice on the edge, like black pepper or fresh cinnamon. But the heavy plum sweetness remains dominant

Jesus, the first sip blew me away. Astoundingly fresh, bright and juicy. Like biting into a fresh fruit. No bitterness at all, sweetness approaches slowly, washing back down the tongue and throat in the after taste. There is a nearly imperceptible sourness. Like the taste you get when you smell citrus oil or chew on unripe grapes. More the latter, the more sips I take.

Texture is smooth, gently smothering. Some dryness to it near the end.

Every sip begins with a burst. It really does feel like I'm biting into a new, freshly plucked fruit evertime I go back for a sip to contemplate the flavor and mouthfeel.

I'm guessing the older material balanced and tamed the young. Phenomenal sheng and tea in general.

>> No.17803675

Plum tasting sheng is always nice.

>> No.17803744

2nd steep. 13 seconds 95c

Lifted the lid and was assaulted with a wave of smells carried by the steam. Reminds me of dark rum or brandy. lingered on the insides of the lid.

Can't detect the spice on the wet leaf's aroma, the smoke has mingled with the rest of the scent, paints a picture in my mind of a pot of plums stewing on a woodfired oven. very comforting.

There's been a mellowing. The tea is still juicy and bright, but no longer as loud as it was in the first steep, not an unwelcome change, feels more like chewing on fruit than the first bite now. Subtle salt notes. Another flavor reveals itself. Maybe thyme, maybe basil, maybe rose? Its one of the more subtler and sweet herbs for sure. Not strong in the way sage would be, as is the case of my duckshit oolong, where it is the dominant flavor besides peach.

Very pleasant. Reminds me of spring afternoons. Ripe fruit, fresh cut grasses, cool drying winds.

And that's because the tea does dry the tongue, especially if, you say, take a number of sips quickly trying to place the flavor. But it fades quickly, leaving only the quiet aftertaste to linger. Plum skin and juice.
3rd steep, 16 secs 95 c

No noticeable changes in the scents of the leaf or liquor.

The bright/ juiciness rallies, the gentle saltiness remain, getting a bit of smoke in the taste now. Notice the tea opens up more near the end. And the texture, the drying rises but the falls back as the tea opens up. Kind of like the effect of a sip of rose water.

Taste is Much more openly fruity, the plum flavor now is obvious before the after taste, coming in hard and fast from the sip, and is making it hard for me to pin point that herb/ grass flavor I picked up, making it a bitch to decide what it resembles.

Keep rolling my tongue around due to the drying effect, I don't mind it, it helps to frame the tastes, but it wouldn't be for everyone

Getting a spice in some sips, which really boosts the bright, juicy pop of plum.

Very enjoyable

>> No.17803853

I'd say its well worth the 80 dollars I spent to pick it up. Gonna either drink love potion or nevermore after this.


4th steep. 19 seconds 95c. Also, I should note I am already beginning to feel a little tea drunk. And the aftertaste is really enduring. This tea is a treat to savor.

Spices in the liquor aroma are now a little more dominant. Wet leaf has gained a strong, fresh cut grass smell. Or maybe, freshly cut tomato vine? Yeah, more the latter

Brightness and juiciness has once more increased, after calming during the 2nd steep. This tea is a roller coaster. Drying effect is still potent, makes the mouth water which only makes you taste more of the tea.

Starting to think the flavors have almost reached an equilibrium, a nice balance. No exciting changes in the taste this steep, besides a very light bitterness making itself known. There's subtle changes, but I am not equipped nor snooty enough to be able to describe them.

5th steep 22 seconds 95c.

Brightness/ juiciness begins to swing back down. Brief light bitterness is gone. bit more smoke, mostly near the end of the taste. Which kind of lifts up before dipping back down as it fades into the after taste. Mostly remains the same. Thinking I was right that the tea has now reached a sort of balance in this part session.
6th steep 25 seconds.

Smoke is completely gone. Not detecting the green/ herb note I was pondering anymore. The plum and JUICE is all that remains, becoming stronger and more obvious without the smoke and hidden herb interfering. Very sudden swerve. Almost a light citrus or very insubstantial mint lurking in the tail end of each sip. Which only serves to make the taste brighter than even the prior steeps

Mouth feel has also change, drying sensation is all but gone, and it has become silken and almost seems to bleed into the flavor, if that makes any sense.

Was not expecting this! Very exciting. Love when tea's surprise me like this

>> No.17803992


7th steep. 28 seconds.

slight Downswing of brightness and juiciness, . The salt from previous steeps returns, rounding the taste out a bit more.

But besides those alterations, the taste is the same as the last steep. Noticeably different, but without anything added or subtracted.

Getting sweeter
8th steep 31 seconds

the drying sensation is back, but weak. The mysterious herb notes have returned with it, but like a ghost, very ethereal. Brightness and juicy flare of the tea is slowly receding again.

got a bit of earthiness in the last sip. But I may have sucked on the edge of my cup and taste the clay there, since I slurped this steep down greedily. It was too refreshing not to.


9th steep 34 seconds

Nearly the same as the last steep, but there's a minty freshness that emerges, a kind of cooling sensation to join the once more weakening drying sensation. Which might be a stronger expression of the "salt that has been present for most of the session. Plum notes come back in force in the tail end of the taste and aftertaste. Pretty sure I got the "green" note that popped but up pinpointed , as grass or crushed leaf.

Really like this tea. Makes for a really relaxing session. As I mentioned earlier, drinking it reminds me of a cool spring morning.

10th steep 37 seconds

Cooling sensation dominates the mouth feel, like a gale of sea air, dryness is gone again. Grass notes have left or faded to the point the other flavors just burying them again, Plum has also dulled but is still more than noticeable.

Reminds me of sea spray. Still enjoyable and refreshing. Getting sweeter, despite the Salt growing more prominent. Aftertaste is like chewing on plum skin by the sea.

11th. 40 seconds

Stays the course set by the 10th steep. Still getting a lil sweeter. Kind of orangish now. odd change, but understandable considering how many steeps this session is in, flavors dull and thus come to resemble other things.

>> No.17804015

My tea tastes the same no matter how many times I steep it :(

>> No.17804026

Sounds like a nice session anon
It's alway nice when you splash out for tea to get something you like

>> No.17804051

Same, that's why I don't do kung fu.

>> No.17804069

texture/ mouthfeel reminds me of saline solution. Weird when combined with the plum turned orange, but enjoyable.

12th steeps 43 seconds

Same as the 11th, just weaker. session is winding down, I think. Not much else to say, tea is almost spent, I think
13th steep. 46 seconds

run out of water, not gonna refill the kettle and the tea is spent. Just vaguely sweet now. Last flavor notes have been washed away. It has reached the "Hot water" stage, where there taste is only slightly different from the water used to brew it. Could maybe last a steep or two longer before it loses even that remaining flavor.

All in all, I'd recommended trying a sample of the tea, if you aren't willing to buy a whole cake. Didn't expect the place this tea ended up. Very unique, at least in my experience.

Gonna go clean my wares now. Hope this was as enjoyable for you lads as the tea itself was for me

Oh it really was. Very comfy

>> No.17804074
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I have hyposmia so I can't enjoy the nuances of nice teas.

>> No.17804112

Just gargle and slurp with them

>> No.17804117

Uber tea snobs shun aroma anyway, the seventh circle of tea snobbery shuns taste altogether.

>> No.17804132

I only make tea because I like drinking boiling water, but people will judge me if I drink it out of the kettle.

>> No.17804268

8th shuns all toothbrushing. Your mouth is now the wen xiang bei.

>> No.17804281

At last I truly see. People season their teapots, so it makes sense to season your teeth.

>> No.17804331
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Although my neighbors are all barbarians,
and you, you are a thousand miles away,
there are always two cups on my table.

>> No.17804444

just fell for the rooibos meme, what am I in for

>> No.17804452

quads apparently. GL.

>> No.17804516

Sweet tasting tea like liquid

>> No.17804522

>4 4's

>> No.17804586

>People say that puer is the lesbian tea
>When there's a tea named sea dyke

>> No.17804604
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Sea dyke is a brand, they mostly make oolong but also some puer products
In fact i just remembered i have pic related

>> No.17804914
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Oh yeah? Well I have dysphagia and can only drink tea brewed with thick water.

>> No.17805073

I'm thinking of starting to drink matcha. What's a good beginner set to purchase?

>> No.17805802

Am I retarded? When you're being told to put in teaspoons, do they mean the regular spoons you use for sugar and what not or those smaller spoons? Am I retarded? Am I retarded?

>> No.17805804

You can brew regular tea and thicken it with one of the many powdered thickeners available.

>> No.17805810

Your not retarded. Measuring by volume is retarded. Use a digital scale and figure out how many grams instead.

>> No.17806180

A teaspoon is a standardized unit of around 5 mL in the US. For dry tea leaves though volume is a terrible way to measure across different leaves. 1 tsp of ball-rolled oolongs is around 2g, which is an okay measure for grandpa brewing. Most leaves don't even fit in a teaspoon though.

>> No.17806316

You can get a scale on amazon or your local headshop for $10

>> No.17806379

Do I just walk in there and tell them I want a scale for weighing herbs?

>> No.17806403

Just buy a weightman on Amazon. It's what the budget coffeenons use.

>> No.17806447
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Has anyone tried brewing tea with a used tampon?

>> No.17806450

People who work at those places don't ask questions.

>> No.17806494

That's the cleanest looking tampon I've ever seen. Is that paint or dye?

>> No.17806766

Is an infuser necessary? I want to get into tea, but I'm lost. Ranging from where to get leaves to how to use the m properly.

>> No.17806788

Its not even necessary to brush your teeth buddy. Just buy some loose leaf and throw it in a mug.

>> No.17806858

its not strictly necessary per say, its up to you whether chewing on the leaves themselves is part of the tea experience or not.

>> No.17806881

read the pastebin, if you're starting with no teaware then maybe check out a second hand store to buy a cheap teapot or just buy a gaiwan along with your first order. infusers arent that good because they are a bit too small to let the leaves expand fully but they work

>> No.17806889

What toothbrush should I buy if I will be chewing tea leaves vs. just drinking tea?

>> No.17806901
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Get a finium brand brew basket (pic related) brew everything in a mug, costs about $10 online and it's the only tea accessory you will ever need. You can mess around with teapots or gaiwans later if you really want to but its not needed.

>> No.17806914

If you're merely drinking tea then you would do just fine with just an electric one Lol.
Consider getting a non electric for your leaf chewing to give it an extra artisanal handmade touch.

>> No.17807014

Last time I used my manual toothbrush I missed my sisters wedding and got disowned. My family won't speak to me until next Shrove Tuesday.

>> No.17807116

I really want something hot to drink before I go to sleep, I'm pretty caffeine tolerant, but I think it's better to just avoid caffeine late in the evening. What have you guys tried? Yunnan sourcing seems to have a few relatively interesting looking herbal teas, but I'm curious what you guys thing before I put in an order. I have some mint, rooibos, and honeybush, they're interesting but I'd like something a little different.

>> No.17807163

Chamomile is the classic choice

>> No.17807194

You in the US? Just order whatever sounds good for these guys use a brew basket or they sell fill your own teabags, even one of those teaball things is fine. Their herbal tea is affordable, decent tasting and contains herbs that are safe to drink regularly without having to worry about side effects. Their tea plant tea sucks don't buy it.

>> No.17807202

Just brewing ginger is another great choice, you can add a bit of honey if you need to sweeten it up

>> No.17807518

I found some old green tea in my cabinet. It's unpleasant with hot water, but okay when ice brewed.

>> No.17807582

brewed a cup of milk oolong with boiling water to start the day. ordered a gaiwan that should be here in a few days, at which point i can have bootleg gongfu sessions using my french press as a gong dao bei

>> No.17807658

I like peppermint tea, but I get a headache whenever I drink just even a cup of it. I only drink it once a month because of that.

>> No.17807852

Get help. You're mentally ill

>> No.17808097

I think i made a big mistake by buying too many cakes early on while getting into puer, i dont have any cakes i dislike but i underestimated how much tea is in these cakes and i think i wouldve been better off with more samples instead.

>> No.17808112

Any studies to back that up? Everything I'm reading says its the depressed stinkers who don't brush their teeth and you fucks are plentiful on here. Take care of yourself.

>> No.17808131
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Just fuck already

>> No.17808207

Its literally one nigger who just thinks he's being funny.

>> No.17808213

Nah, just means you don't have to build up a collection later

>> No.17808258

Not building up a protective layer of plaque to keep your teeth from staining

>> No.17808296

Im on my second can of butterfly brand extra smokey cnnp lapsang. This tin is good but not quite as outrageously smokey as the first one. The actual tea used tastes a bit better but im kind of bummed that brewing it doesn't make my entire kitchen smell like a campfire

>> No.17808300

Do you even fucking drink tea?

>> No.17808714

i fucking love yancha
i need yancha

>> No.17808790


>> No.17808842

You aren't fucking over another thread

>> No.17808851

this but I bought way too fucking much green tea (over a kilogram) and there's no way I'll drink it all before it goes stale
What do you guys do with stale green tea anyways? Is it still good for making Jun?

>> No.17808859

Try cold brewing it, the staleness will be less pronounced

>> No.17808864
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I steep my teas for far longer than I brush my teeth.

>> No.17808865

I drink it, cause it still tastes good just different

>> No.17808871

I'm genuinely not a fan of cold-brewed tea, tried it but I do not like tea once it has reached room temperature much less cold. I did brew Kombucha with black tea a few years ago though so I know I enjoy Kombucha and would likely enjoy Jun.

>> No.17809033

I just had a kid so I'm limited on disposable income, but I've wanted to get into loose leaf tea for so long. I've only had really cheap teas my mom used to drink and it was so astringent and gross. I started growing mint and making mint tea just with a mug and a microwave. Now I'm starting to get into other herbals. I'm going to try to make matcha from mulberry leaf (does anyone know if you have to shade/fix herbals like you do tea?). I also harvested teaberry leaves. I don't even have anything to brew anything in but my next purchase is going to be a glass teapot, then when I have money I'm going to buy a gaiwan and tea cup bundle. I don't know anywhere to buy loose leaf locally so I have to wait until I can afford shipping. I was thinking yunnan or mei leaf when I splurge. I've been making lists of teas that sound good even though I've never had anything other than cheap green tea brewed badly

>> No.17809034

can someone recommend black tea that has accents/tastes like dried fruit + chocolate? i'm about to run out of my favorite tea. please help me /tea/ i'm shaking as i type this

>> No.17809075

Yunnan is good. Even if you get a decent loose leaf black tea, you will probably be amazed how good it is.

>> No.17809082

also i'd recommend you get the infuser >>17806901 mentioned rather than diving into a teapot or gaiwan. with that infuser, you can just make it in a mug even if you microwave the water. and you can still use it once you get your teapot. an electric kettle is a good investment though.

>> No.17809107

I do want to see someone do this with powdered tea, I bet you could get something pretty cool. A fairly dry green tea or something.

>> No.17809119

I've had that portafilter for like a year now but haven't fucked around with grinding tea. Soon though. I've also got a couple lbs of tapioca pearls I bought because they were on sale and never did anything with them.

>> No.17809126

I'd also be curious to see the recommendations, since my gf says her flavor preference is fruit and chocolate

>> No.17809155

Thanks for the adv anon, the glass teapot I'm getting (Teabloom Siena) is around the same price and comes with an infuser so I think I'll just get that, the infuser probably fits in a mug too! I plan on getting an electric kettle eventually.

>> No.17809175

Why are most teas drinkers are just caffeine addicts and post like they have low test?
What herbal teas you recommend that are yang/male based, or sources that go more into depth?
I don't want caffeine or passive polyphenols in them.

>> No.17809321

Green tea keeps for years, staleness and this obsession with drinking it within 2 weeks of harvest are modern memes. Enjoy the tea. Also 2 sessions a dau and you can drink a kilogram of tea in no time, 7 grams a day is like 2 1/2 kilos per year

>> No.17809332

My suggestion is to look through the black teas on Yunnan Sourcing, i know there were a few he described as chocolate and fruit but i can't remember off the top of my head.

>> No.17809472

the licorice in this ginger tea is kind of ruining it for me. i assumed it was just ginger by the front of the box. might try to find a different brand tomorrow.

>> No.17809536

YS high mountain red ai lao tea

>> No.17809864

this looks good but it's not in stock on the us site

>> No.17809881

It is for me?

>> No.17809883
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that's interesting. i'm seeing this though

>> No.17810048
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is it just me or other threads not bumping? This stupid tea thread is at the top constantly so might as well post the tea I am drinking right now.

>> No.17810313
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The tea tray i ordered finally arrived from china, how do i get the smell of paint and floor polish off it now lol

>> No.17810530

Is there a guide to what teas you shouldn't buy if you're going to brew right away? Like if a certain tea is from spring 2022, are there any that are made to be aged by you?

>> No.17810576

Generally most tea is made to be drunk right away. Young sheng puerh can be drunk in the same year, or you can wait a few years for it to mellow out depending on your tastes. A lot of that tea is sold with the intention that customers will just age it since it's not that amazing initially, but this isn't true in all cases. Otherwise, you don't want to buy freshly made ripe puerh because of the funky smells and tastes, but a reputable seller will do the job for you of letting it air out for a few years anyway. Green is generally agreed to be best fresh, black doesn't really matter and stays good for a few hours, oolong is somewhere inbetween.

I would say if you are at the point of asking this, don't buy tea you wouldn't otherwise drink just so you can age it, just buy a bunch of tea of various ages (if you are going the puerh route) to explore that category.

>> No.17811014

I avoid indian tea because I don't want to support Hindu poos
Do you guys think I'm racist
I mean I just don't like em is all

>> No.17811112

How's the weather up in Manchester, Grug?

>> No.17811124 [DELETED] 
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What are the differences between Chinese, Japanese, and Korean teas?

>> No.17811161
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Reminder that oolong and jasmine are the only teas worth drinking. Puer "tea" is tantamount to dirt

>> No.17811202

Just ordered some 2022 greens, highlight of my week.

>> No.17811276
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Hopefully i have not missed anything too interesting here in the last few weeks. Finals this year felt like a million dropped giawan lids but i made it through. I haven't even been able to drink much tea lately. Today, I think i am going to have some nice mild young sheng as it seems fitting for the spring.

Also i just found an entirely unrelated (at least as far is a can tell) song called "broken gaiwan" well searching for my picrel. here it is: https://oigaoficial.bandcamp.com/track/broken-gaiwan Kek

>> No.17811283

What do you guys find good for a sore throat? I've been drinking oolong and it's going down easier than water, but that might just be because it's hot.

>> No.17811333

I pee all the time. Even when I drink tea I still drink water or diluted juice, gotta stay well hydrsted.

>> No.17811335

Yeah it's hard to find ginger teas that don't have a bunch of shit added to them. That said i usually don't mind lemon ginger tea

>> No.17811339

Order it from the .com site, or email and ask when they are restocking the .us site the first spring tea shipment to the .us site sold out in a couple of days

>> No.17811343

Leave it in a sunny window for a couple days, maybe wipe it down with white vinegar

>> No.17811358

Jasimine is a flower not a variety of tea

>> No.17811363

Ginger tea
anything with honey added to it helps a sore throat

>> No.17811366

Many languages still just call tissanes teas.
I think it's marketing, many shops try to establish camelia sinensis tea as a drink for connoisseurs, similar to wine. In China it already has that status, they want to differentiate real tea from simpler and cheaper herbal teas.

>> No.17811375

It really has gotten spring feeling out the last week or so.
The first flush teas are finally in full swing and so far so good

>> No.17811476

Ha. So this brick of liu bao I have is totally full of them. And so is my fu brick and this 2011 lao man'e ripe. The only thing standing appart in those three teas is a slight savory/umami note. But I could be making this up. I initially thought they contained some tiny acarids.

>> No.17811564

Whatever you do, do not look at your tea under a microscope.

>> No.17811566

if your 2011 laomane ripe is the one the ys sales, it's not golden flowers but bug droppings. those critters eat the sugars in paper and shit out those tiny pellets. they are usually lighter in color and smaller than the yellow fungus. and only on the outside of the cake. ripe puerh should not have golden flowers in it. that said some strongly fermented ripes have sometimes tiny white specks on some leaves. arranged very regularly. you'll often find it on cha tou grade of shou. I don't know exactly what those are, I speculate it's the pectin or maybe some proteins that come out and crystalize in this form. like for example on jamon serrano and other dry aged meats. but I've never seen it explained by western puerh scene, so I don't really know what those are.

>> No.17811604
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Speaking of bug droppings that guy on ebay is selling a 250g tin of chi shi cha or however it's spelled mislabeled as liubao.
Anyone feeling brave enough to get 250g of bug shit tea from them eating a mix of tea leaves and unknown Chinese medicinal herbs?

>> No.17811623

i try to tell you every while careful of chinese tea
some chinese tea reall good some very bad please practice careful buying

>> No.17811625


>> No.17811635

I love how it resembles indian and african ctc black teas.
chawang also sells some
here's the process

and no, I'm not curious enough, same with the cha gao or how do they call this puerh knorr stock pots.

you need to post with appropriate picrel so I know what accent should I use when I read this.

>> No.17811652

xie xie

>> No.17811655

Its bugshit, literal bug shit straight out of the ass of bugs and then wok fried with some honey. It's probably pretty good desu. I'm more concerned about it having some random TCM herbs in it that crash your blood pressure or thin you blood or something and Western doctors having no clue what to do about it if you drink to much.

>> No.17811658

i like aged chi shi cha at least. not sure how cheap stuff like that would taste though.

>however it's spelled mislabeled as liubao.
as a note they do come from the same general area though so perhaps that has somthing to do with it.

>> No.17811659

Thanks for the video!
I know some anon bought some from chawang. Maybe someday they will do a tasting with it.

>> No.17811664

In the listing it does say it's caterpillar shit. I missed that before because the first paragraph is just talking about liubao.

>> No.17811679

it looks like the base tea material is the 'rustic liubao' that w2t was selling.
then they leave it in the basket to compost with some potatoes(?) nearby.
then sieve the shit out of the composted leaves and sell to the gaijin at premium, it's kopi luwak, pay many dorral, arigato. very good for health, older better, pay top dorrar.

>> No.17811705

I doubt many white peope are buying it. Probably mostly just 90 year olds in rural villages in the region it's from.

>> No.17811707

>literally caterpillar shit
Okay the "20 year old humid warehouse" storage thing was a little weird but at least it made sense as a fermentation process, this is straight up subhuman. I thought eating the bugs was degenerate, eating literal bug shit is beyond words.

>> No.17811713

>I know some anon bought some from chawang. Maybe someday they will do a tasting with it.
i already did tasting notes a while back. i actually quite liked it. you should be able to find them on one of the 4chan archive sites, if not i can try and did them up later.

>> No.17811726

Eh it's not even that weird compared to half the food they eat in rural china. I'm not in a rush to go buy a bunch but it's pretty harmless if you can get past how weird it is.
I noticed even this video compares it to civet poop coffee, must be in the marketing material from the manufacturers.

>> No.17811730

oh, I forgot the part when the moth larvae get to the leaves, lay some eggs in them and and the emerging pupas then eat the composting leaves and shit out cha pellets.

well some do for curiosity, like this anon. but I believe it's mostly homemade affair. and probably like most of this traditional medicine is drunk for alleged health benefits. drink shit tea, you member will strong and stiff, you will siring only boy, you beat neighbour in mahjong.

>> No.17811745

I can't wait for all my mint to grow, we make the tea by picking the leaves blending them with water to make a concentrate and then pouring it through a cheese cloth, favorite summer drink.

>> No.17811759

sounds disgusting girl, especially the blending with water part. I'll stick to shit cha thank you very much.

>> No.17811906

why not

>> No.17811939

Chlorophyll apparently tastes like earthy mint so blitzing the fuck out of the leaves is dumb but probably not bad. I'd imagine any bitterness just gets blown out by mint.

>> No.17812014

Chlorophyll makes me feel sick

>> No.17812029
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>> No.17812183

Oooh stomata

>> No.17812188


>> No.17812197

new thread