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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17792413 No.17792413 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17792434


>> No.17792442

Naw ho I'm eating them bitches hot ong

>> No.17792449

>rest raw eggs for 2 minutes
wow americans are even more retarded than I could have ever imagined

>> No.17792455

>resting raw eggs for anything under 5 minutes
enjoy your colon cancer

>> No.17792464

0 time.
thats how much.

>> No.17792465

>That "omelette"
Jesus christ you fucking burnt it, it looks like a god damn tortilla
>Those scrambled eggs
Holy shit, my mouth's drying just looking at them, they look like sandy pebbles.
Never let this monster near eggs again.

>> No.17792507

it's just browning, chill the fuck out fag

>> No.17792514

>he doesn't rest his eggs
>he doesn't aerate his toast
>he doesn't wash his butter
Do I really share a board with people like this?

>> No.17792515

It's a stock photo

>> No.17792542

Slicing food is much easier when you are using a knife

>> No.17792556

>he hasn't mastered the technique yet

>> No.17792563

u can easily cook an egg with a hot bowl of rice

>> No.17792836

Post more you shits

>> No.17792839

Eat shit, you post more

>> No.17792857

And yet you have 0 standards regarding cock in your mouth you just guzzle mile after mile of cock

>> No.17792872

It's a well known fact that if you don't rest raw eggs for at least two minutes you increase your chances of colon cancer by a lot. Unrested raw eggs is a serious carcinogen.

>> No.17792892

>he eats active eggs

>> No.17794121

wtf is resting eggs? no way someone waits 18 minutes to eat an omlette

>> No.17794137

Utterly retarded op

>> No.17794330

I like to gently massage my eggs,play them some calming music and even make them a cup of tea.Always speeds up the resting process

>> No.17794353


>> No.17794363

Everyone knows scrambled eggs need to rest for 22 minutes minutes. What's this 12 minute bullshit?

>> No.17794409

those are American eggs.

>> No.17794414

>not activating his eggs in an alkaline solution
fucking retards on this board I swear to christ

>> No.17794594

What do you mean rest? Cooked?

>> No.17794625

I live on the wild side and rest my raw eggs for 1 min and 45 seconds

>> No.17794712

naw you tuck your eggs in for a nap

>> No.17794742

Those scramble eggs and omelette makes my soul hurt. No telling what it looks like under the fried egg

>> No.17795268
File: 971 KB, 1106x1012, 1634492681669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what it means to "rest" an egg.

>> No.17795328

An egg in motion stays in motion

>> No.17795339

It means to let it go cold. Love a good cold omelette after leaving it for 18 minutes.

>> No.17795383

Does refrigerating tomatoes and onions make them last longer before developing mold? I feel bad because I had to throw away a couple of tomatoes and onions that looked suspicious. The tomatoes had the slightest hint of moldy fuzz coming out but I threw them anyway

>> No.17795387

Penis and butthole haha

>> No.17795431

>Those scambled eggs
Just add a little bit of milk, for fuck's sake.
You shouldn't need a spoon to eat scrambled eggs.

>> No.17795437

>Does refrigerating tomatoes and onions make them last longer before developing mold?
Mold does not survive well when it's refrigerated.
Refrigerating just about anything will help prevent mold.

>> No.17795453

Cramming doesn't even take 2 minutes

>> No.17795484

>he doesn't tuck his eggs in for a nap before eating them
that's how you get irritated bowels, retard

>> No.17795709

Eggs are edible raw. This is the stupidest "life hack" shit that I've ever seen.

>> No.17795906

Eggs are protein like chicken and steak, you're supposed to let your proteins rest

>> No.17796057

the friction heat of the moving air particles moving against the egg cooks the yolk

>> No.17796567

Not him, but I also did not know.
Thanks a lot for the explanation! :)

>> No.17796653

This is stupid and not a thing. Eat them hot baby.

>> No.17796657

>he doesn't act upon his eggs with an outside force.

>> No.17796663

this is ridiculous

>> No.17796673

The fuck is this picture?

>> No.17796683
File: 1007 KB, 1284x1966, CFAD39D2-541A-47A7-AA57-EC20F0772E8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be OP
>make retarded ass image out of stock image
>thinks it’s funny or clever because cooklet
Aren’t you supposed to be in class or something?

>> No.17796727

>be OP's mom
>embryo is supposed to be rested in womb for 9 months
>give birth to OP after 5 months anyway

>> No.17796765

>americans need to rest for 22 minutes after eating an egg
why are they so lazy?

>> No.17796770

>10 foods to avoid when trying to conceive
no make sense, eggs in stomach make eggs in woman, yes?

>> No.17796787

So what's the actual secret to easily deshelled hard boiled eggs?

>> No.17796792

You retards do get that it means before cooking right? To let the eggs rise in temperature from the cold fridge closer to room temperature.

>> No.17796795

>putting eggs in the fridge
Do Americans really?

>> No.17796796


>> No.17796797

Who stores eggs in a fridge?
I don't know who is joking who anymore

>> No.17796805

Lol I'm taking a shit rn.

>> No.17796820

I think it's funny and clever

>> No.17796832

easily one of the funniest best posts i've seen in months

>> No.17796853

yes, eggs in America are required by law to be refrigerated at the store and during transport from the farm. They are also washed and sanitized which removes the cuticle which makes refrigerating them needed to prevent salmonella.

>> No.17796869


>> No.17796876

America processes its eggs differently.
They're sanitized more aggressively upfront, but require refrigeration afterwards.

It's a common pitfall that foreigners run into when they live in the US. They see our eggs stored in the refrigerators instead of on open pallets and assume its some kind of pretense. I had to sit down and explain to one of my ex's why she shouldn't keep American eggs in her cupboard and she needs to put them in the fridge.

>> No.17796884

>rest raw eggs for 2 min
what does that even mean?

>> No.17796886
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, 1649141345697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Salmonella filtering foreigners

>> No.17797662

People don't understand the importance of egg resting ITT

>> No.17797772

>Use fresh eggs
>After taking them out of the boiling water, put them into cold water
I believe the second one is bullshit, and it's difficult to find a store that sells eggs straight from the chicken's butt, so I'd say it all comes down to luck.

>> No.17797815

You don't actually have to do this btw, my refrigerator broke for a year and I was too lazy to get it fixed for a year, ate eggs that were stored room temp the entire time and never got sick.

>> No.17798052

Can I still activate my eggs if I haven't let it rest first?

>> No.17798060

I use literal month old eggs for my hardboiled. In fact, I've heard that using older eggs is better as the osmosis of air into the egg shell helps to separate it some.

I boil for 7.5-8 minutes, then rinse quickly with cold water and into a chilled/ice bath depending on quantity of hot egg. Let them sit until below room temp, then fridge. Works to peel them easy about 90% of the time.

>> No.17798114

Why would you put your eggs inside the fridge?

>> No.17798124
File: 176 KB, 1200x1200, a3969659956_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if OP genuinely made the OP pic from a stock image to start arguments on /ck/ thats fucking hilarious the fuck are you talking about fag

>> No.17798177

To stop them from going bad.
It's something you do specifically with American eggs because of how they're processed.

>> No.17798178
File: 418 KB, 589x520, tortilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like a god damn tortilla
Kek, in euro & caribbean spanish, tortilla is the word for a thick browned omelet
So OP's pic did in face make a tortilla, gg

>> No.17799148

I wonder what the rates of illness between the American eggs and European eggs are in comparison

>> No.17799220

The graphic design is impeccable op, thought for sure this was from a terrible food blog funded by karenclicks

>> No.17799437

From what I know, it's about the same for salmonella, but America's is slightly lower. Something like 18 per 100k for America vs 20 per 100k in Europe. But I think that includes chicken products as a whole rather than just eggs.

For American eggs, the rate of salmonella contamination is about 1 in 20k. But whether that actually infects someone is much much lower. No idea what that rate is for Europe.

>> No.17800693

Proteins are not fucking animals. they don't need rest

>> No.17800715


>He doesn't froth his batter
>He doesn't pan culture his yeast
>He doesn't sun-melt his frozen peas
>He doesn't wine glaze his salad after a spin

An un-oiled board of savages and knaves. I don't want to know any of you!

>> No.17801430

Don't refrigerate either, the tomatoes in particular lose their taste. Store them in a cool, dark place, like a cupboard. Put some paper towels in a basket and set the tomatoes top down.