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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17795364 No.17795364 [Reply] [Original]

didn't eat anything until 3pm today and it ended up backfiring bros
>1/2 cup uncooked rice (cooked)
>4 eggs
>1 baguette
>5 bowls of cereal
>4 slices of tofu
>3 tomatoes
Now I'm trying to sleep with all this in my stomach

I fear one day I'll never be close to 156lbs and this is the last time I'll experience being this light

>> No.17795377

fuck off discord tranny

>> No.17795378

>have roommate in 1st year uni
>put a raw egg in his juice cus I thought his mannerisms were annoying
>hear him inspecting juice carton from my bedroom
>oh shit why tf did I do that? Now I gotta watch my back if he suspects me

>> No.17795382
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my usual schedule is as follows
>eat breakfast around 10 am (toast or bagel with butter or cream cheese) with coffee with some sugar
>make a lunch around 3-4pm of chicken and rice and broccoli or pork chops or salmon and asparagus
>around 8pm ill heat up some gortons fish fillets with some vegetables
>around 11:30 pm ill have a peanut butter sandwich
>go to bed around 2 am

such is the neet life

>> No.17795385

I am deeply craving spaghettios and potato chips

>> No.17795393

You make it sound so comfy. I want to be unemployed again. 1.5 years ago I got a job after a 9 nine hiatus. Pure bliss. Any future plans to get back into the work force?

>> No.17795398


>> No.17795407

>fed my gf high protein ensures when she had a tummy ache
>gave her a debilitating amount of gas
>farting constantly for the next 2 days
>have to wash ever blanket in the house cus of the blanket fibre's fart filtration

>> No.17795417
File: 39 KB, 739x415, images - 2022-05-04T150559.274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met a barely passable tranny in a train's restaurant car.
I fucked her senseless while she screamed like a stuck pig. She eventually ejaculated a small amount which I suckled and swallowed before entering her from behind again and finishing inside her.
I wish this was a made up story but it was pretty hot to be honest.

>> No.17795441


>> No.17795454

I hope she enjoyed you cramming her cornhole. Was it tight? Any kernels?

>> No.17795465

i havent eaten lunch in weeks

>> No.17795500

She seemed to really like it, considering she moaned and screamed especially everytime my cock prodded her prostate. It was super tight to begin with but I loosened her up pretty well.
Felt great when she rode me cowgirl and I could feel her barely hard cock flapping against my stomach.

>> No.17796517

>in a train's restaurant car.
Do you live in 1936?

>> No.17796670

Why? How could you?

>> No.17796671

For the last 3ish months iv only been having 660cals a day
( you don't need to rage I know I know)

>> No.17796702
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>1/2 cup uncooked rice (cooked)

>> No.17796705

1/2 cup before cooing it will be more after

>> No.17796718
File: 107 KB, 859x854, 1651420329281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her prostate

>> No.17796744

not hungry at that time anymore

>> No.17796763

No, the water doesn't cause the rice to reproduce. It's the exact same half cup you put in the pan in the first place.

>> No.17796807

It goes up inside because it absorbs the water

>> No.17796837

Don't be such a boomer, anon, girls can have prostates. Its 2022.

>> No.17797057

You're retarded.

>> No.17797069

Somebody doesn't know the difference between gender and sex.
Suck when your brain stops taking in information in grade 6

>> No.17797086

What type of mannerisms ? I had one guy pee in a spray can and spray it on another guys drink cause he was weird in un accom, to be fair he did eat peoples butter and never spoke to anyone. Sad they called him "McCreepy" even to his face one time. But if someone had put something in my food they'd most likely be a confrontation.

>> No.17797218

1/2 a cup of uncooked rice is more than 1/2 cup cooked rice. The (cooked) means I cooked the rice, silly man

>> No.17797221

I've been dipping French bread into semi sweet oat milk as a dessert for the past 2 weeks

>> No.17797227

Twitching and making big eyes randomly, laughing like tss tss tss tss tss, slowing is voice down when you make eye contact as if everything he's saying is incorrect and he should act milquetoast.

>> No.17797242
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I drink before work

>> No.17797348

Heyy qt~~ what did you do to your hair? hehe did the mean barber play a prank on you? *gasp* my poor babyy. I can help you fix it and fix you a nice supper later. Sound good babe? Love you <3

>> No.17797367
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1646201043497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yew shudnt have sexy dinner course with trammies

fer yer helth

>> No.17798076

Post a pic. You don't mean french toast, do you?

>> No.17798093


>> No.17798715

There isn't a difference. John Money and Kisney were freaks. They used pseudoscience and big words to hide their fetishes. There is only biological sex and the culturally mediated expression of biological sex, which is distinct from fabricated notions of constructed gender identity. Some people, with intersex disorders, have ambiguous genitalia or deformed gonads, but they're less than 0.05% of humanity. The brain scan stuff doesn't hold up to scrutiny or rigor. Aside from physiological intersex conditions, transgenderism is entirely a delusional disorder, on par with schizophrenia. There's nothing you can say, in good faith, to disprove the above. People in the social sciences are brainwashed pseudointellectuals who aren't as smart as they think they are; they're just clever enough to catch a glimpse of insight, but will never be capable of effectively analyzing and parsing it, which is why they always resort to pathos when challenged.

Simple as. And you're still retarded.

>> No.17798760

based skelly post collarbone

>> No.17798771

So you ate the eggs raw?

>> No.17798779

based and correctpilled

>> No.17798840


>> No.17799025

He probably lives in a place that didn’t defund its public transportation and leave it to rot.

>> No.17799034

I’m a ketard. Don’t actually do it though since I’m a lazy cunt.

>> No.17799093

Woah, did you write all that? How long did it take you? This sounds like an insult, but I'm curious. This is good stuff.

>> No.17799186

>Woah, did you write all that?
>How long did it take you?
3 minutes? A normal post reply duration lol. Im not sure how long, i use 4chan in-between tasks at work or as a break from hobbies, so its hard to say.
>This sounds like an insult, but I'm curious. This is good stuff.
Thanks, friend!

>> No.17799194

>Woah, did you write all that?
>How long did it take you?
3 minutes? A normal post reply duration lol. Im not sure how long, i use 4chan in-between tasks at work or as a break from hobbies, so its hard to say.
>This sounds like an insult, but I'm curious. This is good stuff.
Thanks, friend!

>> No.17799548

i top my chili with feta.
Sometimes parmesan too.