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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 696x313, some bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17794546 No.17794546 [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat in front of the computer/tv?

>> No.17794555

Yeah but not as bad as I used to. I used to have to stop eating during commercial break

>> No.17794559

I am right now, spaghetti sloppa for dinner

>> No.17794572

And splashing tomato sauce at your monitor as you slurp?
That's a big yikes, my man

>> No.17795071
File: 612 KB, 598x790, Grace with grace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every night

>> No.17795075

Only if it lets me.

>> No.17795080


>> No.17795083

Mote often than not. I live by myself, so its wither at the table with an audio book, or at my computer with something to watch. I have a coffee table in my living room, but its too low, and I'm not poor enough to use TV trays

>> No.17796530

I did before tablets were invented

>> No.17796581

pure comfy pic and yes, everyday

>> No.17797660

I drink in front of the computer.
In fact, I'm doing that right now.
I haven't not ended the day drunk in at least a month.
God aid me.

>> No.17798129

Yes, but I lean back.

>> No.17798143

Hope you find your way anon.

>> No.17798359
File: 1.40 MB, 1940x2592, IMG_20200603_131135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love eating in bed even if it's something that requires fork and knife lol.

>> No.17798374

The entire point of a queen bed is to have somewhere to put the pizza box.

>> No.17798396

Average Greek Chad

How did you make the chicken?

>> No.17798548

yes, i eat at my desk while watching shitstreams as i replaced my dining room with a home gym

>> No.17798566

what is this pic?

>> No.17798611

Nope, I eat at the table in our dining room (we only eat lunch and breakfast in our nook table by the kitchen) with my wife and 11 year old son and 8 year old daughter. No devices or TV on either but I will play some classical or jazz or even ambient electronic music in the background. All three of us actually really enjoy it as a way to have some family time and slow down the day for a little bit.

>> No.17798646

I game, watch kino, and eat at the same time

>> No.17798678

what games do you play?

>> No.17798855

these ones
currently playing OpenXcom Final Modpack

>> No.17798872

did you ever play Battle Brothers?

>> No.17798889

haven't tried that one yet
people seem to like it though since there is usually a thread up about it

>> No.17798917

yeah, it can get pretty repetitive and potentially hollow-vibey but it's fun for what it is. it might be too casual for your taste going off of OpenXcom. if you're curious and end up checking it out someday I hope you enjoy. it's fun to use hounds to run down enemies when they try to flee and I'm a sucker for customization in games.

>> No.17798922
File: 37 KB, 526x502, 272948619_4591792374263910_4044872407245199305_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in front of my computer. I work from home and spend all my free time online. I am going to spend the rest of my short life in this chair until the inevitable heart attack / stroke/ cancer.

>> No.17798944

I wonder what life would be like if we could time lapse and compare our entire lives for cautionary tales of humanity. I feel like 70%+ of my life is living like a paraplegic behind a monitor, meanwhile I think about those vacation social media videos where they swim around in some hidden lagoon or travel the world.

>> No.17798945

>it's fun to use hounds to run down enemies when they try to flee
I was mad that most every mod for Rome Total War removed the wardogs
They were great for running down slave revolts
Me too buddy. Ever since work went remote I see almost no one

>> No.17798959

Wtf is wrong with you?? I can't stand having a plate on anything but a proper flat surface

>> No.17798966

Shut the fuck up, I'd knock you out in front of your family

>> No.17798976

>all three of us

>> No.17799349

impotent incel anger is never not funny

>> No.17800840

Post face and dick

>> No.17801064

Either daughter or wife doesn't count, or story is fake and gay

>> No.17801066

you need to stop anon, before it ruins your life.

>> No.17801934

I really try hard not to. My work computer desk is immaculate because I never eat in front of that one. But I am constantly spilling coffee, water and bits of food on my keyboard at home. For some reason I find it the pinnacle of relaxation to compute while eating. My least favorite and most common offence is using the mouse without clean fingers and then whatever particles were on there get on the mouse. I feel bad about it and gross sometimes when another person has to use my PC. So if Im at a lan with friends I have to warn them "like once you touch it you can't go back to being clean"

t. Forever unclean home kb+m

>> No.17802057 [DELETED] 

Funny filename

>> No.17802111

That’s for slobs.