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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 1160x1242, how-to-cook-rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17789390 No.17789390 [Reply] [Original]

Rice by itself is garbage. No one actually eats rice plain, right?

>> No.17789398

needs some raw egg

>> No.17789400

The heat of the rice cooks the egg.

>> No.17789408

I love just plain white rice, butter, and pepper. I rarely ever eat rice anymore, because it's pretty terrible as far as nutrients go. But, it is delicious for some reason.

>> No.17789412
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>Why yes, I look down on people who can’t appreciate a bowl of plain rice, what gave it away?

>> No.17789923

Plain rice, delicious.
Butter in, beautiful.

>> No.17789932
File: 1.51 MB, 4032x3024, 96271145-0CD0-4146-A296-A630E03FDB81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can eat plain rice with a bit of salt
Ok what’s this new meme about butter rice? Are you yanking my leg?

>> No.17789935

You have butter and you have rice. Try it, retard.

>> No.17789976
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That doesn’t sound very apostatising. Also there’s no reason to be mean
Captcha: 8N888

>> No.17789997

Do you have some form of brain damage?

>> No.17790002

I usually make some of that japanese instant curry and add some veggies and meat.
Can't ever go back to plain rice desu

>> No.17790030

Nigger, you hot it all wrong. The heat of the fucking pan cooks the egg. You will never be Japanese.

>> No.17790055

>tfw no friend types to send this pic to and laugh cus they'd all find it gross or weird

>> No.17790074

I can eat plain basmati rice

>> No.17790077
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>> No.17790078

Meme about butter rice? It's just rice that you put butter on. What's the meme?

>> No.17790104

I'd eat a whole pot of white jasmine rice by itself if I didn't need to worry about balanced diets and shit. I tried putting butter in it a couple times and it's good but it really doesn't need it much, just a bit of salt.

>> No.17790258

Fuck yeah salted rice is great, it's like a weird form of saltines. Buttered rice tastes like shit.

>> No.17790263

>Butter tastes like shit.
What type of human actually thinks this?

>> No.17790354

Well, do you eat plain white potatoes without any butter, salt, or additions of any kind? Same concept. You can cook rice flavorings or add them after.

>> No.17790743
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>shoulda rinsed first faggot

>> No.17790761

If you get good rice, it unironically tastes good as is.

>> No.17790770

add salt next time and get back to me

>> No.17791234

Add some butter and soy sauce and get back to me

>> No.17791507

Asians can eat white rice alone with nothing else. As a white guy though I could just go for some white bread, and I think the other races generally do not like plain white bread.

>> No.17791515

That's not a meme, it's just how most suburban white people used to generally prepare rice as a side into the early 2000's. It fell out of favour because Asian Cuisine that wasn't Chinese Takeout has been in fashion for a while now.

It's pretty mediocre. Is it better than plain? Yea. But it's not better than using soy sauce or a prepared condiment.

>> No.17791546


>> No.17791580

add some oil, vegetables and egg and get back at me

>> No.17791581

Nigger, I just eat plain white rice for lunch.

>> No.17791584

I tried it one rice snd it tasted like dish soap

>> No.17791812

>Tasted like dish soap.
You retards just say that about anything you don't like. There is no way butter could taste like dish soap.

>> No.17792072

Sometimes I eat plain rice and pretend to be a peasant.
Other times I leave biscuits out at room temperature for a day then pretend to be a pirate.
It's fun to pretend.

>> No.17792090
File: 30 KB, 450x450, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my /basmati/ chads at?

>> No.17792254

when my bowels flare up I eat shitloads of plain white rice. fucking hate it plain

>> No.17792344

Jasmine is better. Basmati too long and dry

>> No.17792390

yeah it's usually paired with other more flavorful stuff like stir fried veg or curry

>> No.17792392

Basmati Chad reporting in, fuck all other rice types

>> No.17792448

good morning sirs

>> No.17792463
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>> No.17792467
File: 126 KB, 732x549, 1627912296971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice by itself is garbage. No one actually eats rice plain, right?

>> No.17792519
File: 1.29 MB, 2515x3353, 1637029393284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We the Chinese do that always.

>> No.17792820

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.17792824

I eat plain jasmine rice and mung beans together with some brined olives on the side. No salt or butter on the rice, just rice, water, mung beans.

>> No.17792916

hello from finland

>> No.17792929

> butter on the rice
Is this a thing?

>> No.17793005

I do when i were poor. I only have 1 meal with meat and veggies per day.
My family would have plain rice (or other grain sometimes) with a cup of milk every morning.
Rice taste great and quite sweet on its own.

>> No.17793074

depends on the variety of rice

basmati or jasmine rice with a bit of salt & nothing else is perfectly fine, but I'm not going to eat a cup of the precooked white Minute Rice shit you guys eat without some kind of condiment

>> No.17793107
File: 814 KB, 160x260, meanwhile_in_japan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever tried cold rice with Mayo ? Ultra-basic rice is pretty based.

>> No.17793124
File: 9 KB, 226x258, 2o6kuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cold rice

>> No.17794124


I either throw a peeled tomato into the rice cooker or add furikake on top when its done

>> No.17794147

I don't like mung beans. The taste lingers for days and you build more and more up as you eat it daily. Eventually you get really fucking sick of eating them.
The sprouts are good though

>> No.17794157

Hell yeah

>> No.17794278

first time i ever had rice was with my dad, and he made me eat it with my fingers along with the tilapia. eh. really good if you're in the mood for it.

>> No.17794525
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here you go senpai

>> No.17795020
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>> No.17795033

Hen Hao!

>> No.17795035 [DELETED] 


>> No.17795077

Mandarin will be the future language
Even Jong China is fluent like that

>> No.17796253
File: 95 KB, 851x638, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't Westerners have a concept of staple foods?

>> No.17796259

Staples dont have to be boring

>> No.17796303

Everyone in this thread :
You will never be Japanese
Btw washing rice is for seething faggot ricecels. It makes literally no difference

>> No.17796328

You have never eaten fresh rice after a long day of work, huh buddy? Plain koshihikari can be absolutely wonderful.

>> No.17796402
File: 703 KB, 720x954, Screenshot_2022-05-04-22-00-04-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best basmati, has a very nutty buttery taste and smell

>> No.17796411

If it has butter and salt, ITS NOT PLAIN YOU FAGGOTS

>> No.17796667
File: 142 KB, 1500x2250, Sinangag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's Sinangag

>> No.17796715
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>> No.17796746


>> No.17797178

I do with olive oil

>> No.17797736

>lift lid
>wait 5 seconds
>cover lid
wow so difficult

>> No.17798101

Thank you for clearing that up, Chang!
.05 Good Citizen points have been added to your social credit score. Please keep these anti-racist posts up and inform about the Glorious CCP! Our dear leader thanks you