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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17780292 No.17780292 [Reply] [Original]

Total cost: $0.00

>> No.17780306

Wow, your food bank(s) must be pretty flush with donations to be able to give that much out. Remember to use the bread quickly before it molds.

>> No.17780481

I freeze the sliced bread and use for toast, and the fresh for sandwiches. Lasts me a week.

>> No.17780487 [DELETED] 

if you buy a bag of calcium propionate and add it to your doughs and breads - it won't mold as easily sitting at room temp and will be shelf stable for a couple of weeks potentially

>> No.17780492

>calcium propionate
in english, chief.

>> No.17780497

Suck the poo out my asshole, fucking retard.

>> No.17780502

that's pretty great. i recommend roasting the broccoli and adding it to pasta e fagioli using the tomatoes and grana padano. if you can afford some garlic and anchovies or pancetta they would be great additions
i've never had a flavoured one from them but i love jalna yoghurt

>> No.17780514

ok. bend over and spread em faggot

>> No.17780518 [DELETED] 

its a safe-to-eat preservative that keeps pastries and breads fresh without requiring to be frozen

it acts to retard mold growth - you can buy it online, it's a powder, you add a pinch to your doughs and breads as you make them

>> No.17780520

That's good to know, thx

Yeh I think I'll do this. I have anchovies but might use bacon instead

>> No.17780525 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 1280x850, BornThisWay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is genuinely no need for homophobic slurs here

if you add sodium stearoyl lactylate and glycerol monostearate to doughs and pastries (either both or just one - they both do the same thing) - it helps keep them moist sitting out (as well as just acting as humectants in generally that make your baked goods more moist)

>> No.17780561

is that cheesecake?

Very nice haul.

I always wanted to see what my local food bank is like but I live around too many dingers.

>> No.17780596

2/10 face, 10/10 pits

>> No.17780610
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>there is genuinely no need for homophobic slurs here
what makes you think this is about needs?

>> No.17780677

Yeh cheesecake and choc mousse cake

>> No.17780909

Pathetic living off the donations of others. You aren't a man you're a child

>> No.17780942

ok boomer

>> No.17780945

Do you need to bring ID to these food banks?

>> No.17780947

>7 limes

>> No.17780950 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 960x1280, applesauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was using a local Christian food bank until they told me I had to put a mask on for the coronavirus. I told them to go fuck themselves. I told some Mormon missionaries about it and now I'm getting hooked up by the Bishop's Storehouse. The Mormons raise their own pigs, slaughter it themselves, and make the best ham, breakfast sausage, and pork roasts I've ever had. They grow their own apples and can their own apple sauce too. Out of all the food they gave me more of it was made by them then not. Their strawberry jelly is extremely good.

The local one that threw me out for not wearing a mask checks ID to limit visits to only once per month.

>> No.17780955
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kill yourself freak

>> No.17780982

Do you live in a lab or something? Why would I have speckled nitrogenbenzoate or some shit in my cupboard

>> No.17782565

this post is disgusting to me

imagine being so fucking greedy you are worse than you know what

>> No.17782761
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Where I live you don't need an ID. I am not OP but I live in rural michigan and the food bank giveaways around me happen because of covid and shit STILL. It's all food that was intended for other things like events or whatever, as well as food that just can't be sold for anything or exported to a processor.

Over the past two years I've gotten thousands of dollars of food for free, the caveat is that it's usually nevr protein and when it is, the quality is just horrendous. So, I'll give the meat to other people. Here are some examples of what is given out for free, and it's all on the honor system. I actually go pick up crates for four families, the place just gives it to me no questions asked (I do deliver it to the families, I don't keep it)

Pack of 30 cans of chick peas
Pack of 20 diet pepsi
huge bag of processed chicken patties, maybe 40~
5lbs of onions
5lbs of potatoes
30~ tomatoes
2 cabbages
lots of baked goods about to expire, given out as a last ditch effort to not waste it, cakes, fruit pies, bread, muffins
15~ peppers
5 jugs of grape juice
10 boxes of poptarts
Heavily processed, gross 5lbs of corned beef
Lots more random local produce like random broccoli heads etc.

They never give out grains or calorie dense food -usually- although there are some exceptions there. And yes I can just go get a package this big any day I want to from various food banks, or all of them if I wanted to, and all the food they have varies dramatically.

It got zero news coverage, but there was a thing called 'farmers to families' all over the USA from the start of 2020 through the end of 2021. You can find youtube vids on it, but for whatever reason the program was suppressed hard by the media and nobody really heard about it or utilized it. All of this is why I laugh at doomsdayers, there isnt and will not be food shortages in USA.

>> No.17783022

Not a bad haul at all. I particularly like the 7 limes.

>> No.17783035

if you bake often keeping some specialized addititves isn't unheard of

>> No.17783049

Do i have to look really poor to get shit from a food Bank? I made 16k last year so I think i qualify but I don't look homeless or anything

>> No.17783053

You pick up precooked food at the food bank???

>> No.17783468

>Do i have to look really poor to get shit from a food Bank?


>> No.17784610

The food Banks where I live were open to anyone during the pandemic, but now they've gone back to regular procedures.

So in order to receive food, you have to have an intake interview and bring the last 3 months of bank statements with you, since they have an income limit.

I just got a contract job that pays $2800/month, so I don't qualify for help.

Which sucks cause my rent alone takes up half my pay.

>> No.17784639


( |*| )

>> No.17784674

If you can afford your own food it is morally repugnant to go to a food bank in all cases. If you can't just go for it.

>> No.17784685

Wrong, we are all getting fucked over so it's morally ok to take what you can get

>> No.17784695

Who reposted this thread?
Stupid ausfags

>> No.17784699

Huh, This would be pretty expensive at a grocery store

>> No.17784705

Even millionaires get fucked over.
It's not about what you deserve, it's simply a matter of who has the least.

Charity isn't given based on entitlement, it's rich fags issuance against crime driven by imminent need.

>> No.17784717

>not taking from the food bank and giving it directly yourself (or to a religious institution that does minor background checks on the people they give donations too)

>> No.17784790

Where I get food, if nobody takes it, it goes into the trash. It isn't like people are missing out, it all gets tossed if it isn't taken.

>> No.17785050

>The food Banks where I live were open to anyone during the pandemic, but now they've gone back to regular procedures.
Seems odd since
>rent alone takes up half my pay
is an increasingly common problem even for people who make good money. Can't wait for the housing bubble to pop so my house will drop in value and the taxes & insurance will stop fucking up my mortgage.

>> No.17785151

A lot of food banks runononce basis that corporates donate food which otherwise would be dumped.
Far more high end food is dumped to keep the prices high, you don't get discount caviar.
Thus somewhat counter intuitively a lot is donated. Often the nominal value of these donations is also relevant for the corporates tax, they can write a million dollars of unsold caviar as a million dollar charity donation.

>> No.17785189

I volunteer with a food bank and it's a real problem, and 9/10 times it's rich people from a church group trying to redistribute other people's donations.

We try to give people normal products for the sake of people's dignity, many people simply won't have friends over if there are charity branded goods in their house.

Many charities are basically forced to brand everything they hand out to stop shitcunts re-selling, redistributing, or donors (corporate) trying to recoup their own donations.

I've been part of responses where people were left freezing in the street because we were busy branding our blankets.
If we didn't brand the blankets a whole church parish would gather them and hand them out at lunchtime only to homeless people who went to church.
In their minds saving a homeless persons soul justifies seeing them freeze to death.
Then they accuse us of letting people freeze because we're corporate branding.

>> No.17785209

Most of the people who seek services I'm involved with have basically fallen between the cracks.

Working people who due to debt are in poverty, people trying to downsize homes with no capitol, undiagnosed mental illness, functional drug addicts who can't risk seeking treatment, people who's rent is 3/4 of their income, people who've inherited estates they can't actually live in or access.

Often a literal Jew is involved, landlord, lawyer, administrator, beurocrat; doesn't matter

>> No.17785290

>food bank
>when limes are $4 each
you need to stop making bullshit posts anon

>> No.17785303

I can buy limes for 35 cents lol

>> No.17785305

You're an actual retard, dude. We waste as much as food we eat in this country. Not only that but with inflation running rampant the cost of food, fuel, and housing are skyrocketing. There is absolutely nothing with getting some assistance to save money even you can afford it on your own.

>> No.17785321

who cares mate

>> No.17785324

Jesus christ that's horrifying.

>> No.17785336

How do I get in on the food bank scheme?

>> No.17785349

>no protein

great products, i could go for some veggie soup and crackers right about now

>> No.17785358
File: 24 KB, 420x300, Angry dome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who've inherited estates they can't actually live in
Unfortunately that's become my case. My parents bought a house for IDK how much but I have paperwork that says it was valued at $150k in 2013 when the current mortgage was generated. I inherited the house in 2018 and was paying $1k/month on the mortgage. Very reasonable. Then my area got hot, not least because of the cityfag Covid diaspora. The house is currently valued at $520k and my mortgage is ~$1700 because my escrow for taxes & insurance have shot through the roof. What really kills me is that, in my area, that'd be considered decent rent for a shitty apartment now so even if I sold the house it's not like I'd be in a better position unless I fucked off into the middle of nowhere like my uncles who have to deal with meth people.

Thank you for reading my blog.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.17785365

rent your house out for $2000 a month plus utilities, problem solved

>> No.17785371

I want to go to a food bank but I have money and don't wanna take from people who really need it. But I'm a cheapass and I don't buy nice food.

>> No.17785474

*slurping noises*

>> No.17785495

I tried that a few years ago but had an awful experience with both sets of tenants. I've thought about trying one of those landlord management companies so they can do more thorough vetting and I can fuck off for a while.

>> No.17785580

I really should start going to a food bank, do you think they’d care or notice if I show up in my porsche?
To poorfags complaining: I can use the food better than the indigent people who’d otherwise receive it so I am in the right by taking it.

>> No.17785794

Yea nah I'm in the trenches.
Like a Russian grandma, feeding people is my idea of cooking.

Australia is an incredibly equitable country, for decades we avoided the working poverty the USA has always faced.
We got a Jewish treasurer who tripled national debt, inflation is out of control and the 13% rise in the cost of groceries is seeing people seek food aid who often never had before.

No issue with Jesus, it's these bloody missionaries who take advantage of the venurable.
It's not malicious, just selfish and counter productive.

I've seen a bunch of shit.
Corporates are always a double edged sword, they are huge stakeholders but give no fucks about operation. Classic example is they time donations based on the financial calender, so you get a ton of oranges arrive all at once and go bad.
We struggle getting food suitable for those with allergies or special diets because many food companies exploit this captive market. Vitamins for vegetarians are a huge issue because companies will charge double and fuck the empoverished vegetarians. And if we spend donations buying these supplements it encourages that behavior.

Donations of off food typically come from people who at some point in their life were eating like that themselves, often small business.

We get some donations that contain caffeine, nicotine, or are some kind of attempt to guinea pig the poor.
Sometimes we're donated food packaged with advertising or promotions, coupons etc.
We can't work out if these are a scam, they are donated simply because the coupons on packaging aren't valid, or it's a well meaning gift. That gets sticky and it's often importers who don't exist in the country in any meaningful way.

We get people donating stolen goods, managers who refuse to dump products as per corporate policy.
We take donations from corporates so who we side with is divisive. I've been arrested more than once "acquiring " large quantities of commercial stock from rogue managers

>> No.17785820

I've seen it all man.
People hate on the Mercedes in the car park because they simply don't understand.

I'd shop around for refinance on the mortgage, the amount of money here you really want to shop around.
Issuance seems mandatory in the US, especially if you've got no capitol for repairs- but again shop around because the insurer could be far removed from you.

Taking tenants is usually how people get out of it, but then you end up paying a ton of tax where the bank jewing you actually doesn't.

Inflation fucks everyone who's not some kind of merchant, it's not just the poor