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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17771861 No.17771861 [Reply] [Original]

What a way to ruin your drink

>> No.17771865

>fuck having teeth

>> No.17771866

I think it's a genius idea

>> No.17771868

Retard doesn't understand heat capacity

>> No.17771869

You're not supposed to chew the rocks

>> No.17771873

They are funny but ultimately useless.

>> No.17771883

Why yes I am happy to chill my drink within an inch of its life, but HEAVEN FORBID I dilute it.

>> No.17771886

we don't do that here.

>> No.17771888

i have four metal cubes and some water perspiration sticks to them in the freezer so they do a marginally decent of it, if you put all four in a glass that is.

>> No.17771890

>marginally decent of it
marginally decent job of it

>> No.17771892

If you like your whiskey neat but chilled, it's fine, but at least for older vintages a little added water actually enhances the flavor.

>> No.17771930

just keep the bottle in the fridge, it's not complicated.

>> No.17772078


>> No.17772162

just wipe it off

>> No.17772168

Fuck drunktards.

>> No.17772205

> Not using aquarium gravel for festive colours

>> No.17772223

>willingly putting plastic in your booze

>> No.17772278

>using a glass for whiskey
the bottle is the glass.

>> No.17772309

>drinking whiskey
Yeah man what a way to ruin a drink

>> No.17772342

Based and alcoholic pilled

>> No.17772417

They are literally in the glass you retard it's obvious you're supposed to eat them

>> No.17772473

Yeah, but you're not supposed to CHEW the rocks.
You're supposed to swallow them whole and then collect them again after they pass.

>> No.17772513
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>> No.17772527
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>> No.17773789

whiskey stones are a surefire way to filter between people who understand latent heat of fusion and people who don't

>> No.17773800

They're usually made of soapstone because it's non-toxic and doesn't scratch the glass

>> No.17773840

So many people who don't got the reference...

>> No.17773864

yes you are, why else are they in my glass

>> No.17773881
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the MOST painful shit you will ever endure

>> No.17773901

and wait... or you could put the glass in the freezer and have roughly the same effect. Put the whole drink in and it will cool faster. Or just use ice, and let the freshly unfrozen water cool your drink right quick.

>> No.17774054


>> No.17774060

The rocks freeze the glass

>> No.17774063

these are literally unfinished stone D&D dice sold at a huge markup

>> No.17774077
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Seems like filth cube anon really made it big.

>> No.17774120
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if Uber Eats brings it, I eats

>> No.17774134
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I want to try the forbidden stock cube

>> No.17774138

Based and chemistry-pilled

>> No.17774160

there's still going to fall down and smash into your teeth

>> No.17774298

people who drink alcohol for the "flavor" are exclusively neckbeard tryhards

>> No.17774321

>I don't like alcohol
You're allowed to dislike things. It's perfectly fine.

>> No.17774386
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>ouchie, a 5 gram rock just slid into my fragile teethie-weethies!
>I'll never order le manly whiskey on the rocks again!

>> No.17774418

metal affects flavor just like tin and cans and plastic. why are you posting in /ck/ if you have no tastebuds.

>> No.17774443


>> No.17774573

Isn't water melting from the ice supposed to be part of the experience?

>> No.17775277

Sure that's obvious now but once I've had enough to drink I'm not gonna remember they aren't ice cubes and then it's RIP my teeth.

>> No.17775291

You don't know my shits

>> No.17775304
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Don’t tell me how to live life, fuckface

>> No.17775316

The part that really makes me hate these pretentious faggots is that whisky is already diluted with water from ~70% as distilled, to 40% as bottled.

>> No.17775928

Yeah, like a couple drops at most

>> No.17775932

This is why you train with cramming

>> No.17775942

Assuming they have no influence on flavour whatsoever it makes sense to me. Doesn't water the drink down but keeps it cool- personally however I like eating ice

>> No.17775974

nah being a dum dum and eating dry pasta as a snack is worse

>> No.17776697

The cold of the rock chills the drink

>> No.17776701

I love alcohol. I just don't like the flavor.

>> No.17776714

Scots used to use cold river stones to chill their whisky. It's the origin of the term "on the rocks". Quit being so autistic about every little thing.

>> No.17776882


Citation needed

>> No.17776903
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Thats why mixers and cocktails were invented.

>> No.17776927

you can get these for free by putting water in your freezer

>> No.17776932
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Anon, do you think it's okay to spank a woman, even if she deserves it?
You know damn well 'on the rocks' came from the number of blokes passing out on the streets of stone

>> No.17777512

>the MOST painful shit you will ever endure
since you drink them you will obviously pee them out, moron

>> No.17778687

The heat of my teeth fully cooks the rocks

>> No.17778716

Thats exactly what the kikes wany you to think

>> No.17778725

The heat of the drink warms the rock

>> No.17778731

There's pretty much nothing you can put in your drink with a higher heat capacity than water. An enclosed cube of water is the superior cooling option objectively.

>> No.17778736

I don't see why you wouldn't just freeze you liquor if you wanted something strong but cold.

>> No.17778742

Best thread on ck rn

>> No.17778775

God, just imagine those things working their way through you balls.

>> No.17778781

Don’t know what the obsession with having whiskey cold is all about. Honestly the best way to enjoy it is in the way it was crafted, neat with no ice, mixer, or water.

>> No.17778814

Stone has a higher thermal conductivity than ice. It will chill the drink faster.

>> No.17778816

What does this even mean?

>> No.17778970

Tbh I like having ice in my whisky. Makes it more palettable for me, although I understand wanting to get your money's worth of you spend >$40 on a bottle.

>> No.17779008

so those weirdos who brag about being able to eat a ramen brick are just pullin tricks?

>> No.17779046

>he doesn't know

>> No.17779078

hearty kek

>> No.17779410

Ever wonder why you never get invited to parties?

>> No.17779544

>Doesn't eat his drink rocks


>> No.17779553

ok I smiled.

>> No.17779564
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Somehow Bezos figured out how to get ads through the latest Block Twitch Ads extension and I see this stupid fucking commercial every fucking day.

>> No.17779575
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>Ah yes my boy, but if you dilute it further to 37.5% a richer terroir will become apparent.

>> No.17779655

Oh no I won't get to hang out with a bunch of drunk sloppy emotional aggressive adults acting like children? Dang, sounds like such a cool fun time.
Drunk people are the worst.

>> No.17779729

That's why I chill my glass instead of my drink

>> No.17779733

Literally true. Anything above 25% is only adding burning.

>> No.17779741

Lurk moar

>> No.17779839


>> No.17779878

the fuck am i watching here? rocks? on whiskey? what in gods holy name is going on here? i want an explanation and it better not be gay.

>> No.17779882


>> No.17779956

found her in 5 seconds use your dwindling intellect to do it yourself

>> No.17780005

prove it

>> No.17780021

Bob Hoskins asked the cartoon penguin waiter for a "scotch on the rocks". And because the club was run by toons, they served him a literal "scotch on the rocks" with rocks in it.

>> No.17780553


>> No.17780614

I was fooled into buying these chalky bastards and they are gimmicky as fuck

>> No.17780749


>> No.17780889


>> No.17780937

start with small rocks to widen your balls sphincters and work your way up

>> No.17780973

imagine being this stupid

>> No.17781040


>> No.17781164

but the point of the whiskey is to make them go down easier??

>> No.17781994

>he bought rocks

>> No.17782001

ill eat what i want bitch

>> No.17782733

Depends on the proof.

>> No.17782834

>being drunk is what makes people be like this
Sounds like either A) you have dogshit skills for picking friends that cannot behave like adults while drinking, or B) you don't actually have any friends and this is just how you think it is because you saw it on a Netflix show or read it in your Twitter feed. Either way, you are obviously a massive incel loser that is to be disregarded.

>> No.17783036
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Whats wrong? Dont have a gizzard?

>> No.17783137

I do this all the time

>> No.17783159

put me in the screenshot

>> No.17783217

>An enclosed cube of water is the superior cooling option objectively.
But you can make an ice cube colder than water, and a colder heat sink will draw away warmth faster. Not to mention it melts as it warms, releasing water that is already at the coldest possible temperature.phwmn

>> No.17783238

This is only true if you exclusively drink 80 proof blends.

>> No.17783239

Of course not. You let them melt first.

>> No.17783560

you're meant to swallow them without chewing

>> No.17783602
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>save the turtles

>> No.17783641

are you retarded?

>> No.17783665

that's right you swallow them whole

>> No.17783702

i ate nothing but almonds for a day once

>> No.17783704

>never had stone soup
what a fag

>> No.17784208


These animals dont eat rocks on purpose because they think it helps them digest food better. They eat this shit by accident when they eat other things, and it just stays inside for a long time before passing.

>> No.17784271

stfu nigger i crush up packs of dry ramen, sprinkle the flavor pack in, shake it, and eat it as a snack.

>> No.17784278

okay but do rocks melt at room temp? why would you want to dilute your room temp whiskey with melting ice?
you ARE drinking your whiskey room-temp, right?

>> No.17784287


Ive tried this and it always tastes disgusting.

>> No.17784295

i mean yeah its dry noodles and very salty seasoning, its not going to be gourmet.
if you're going to be gay you can pour a little bit of steaming hot water into the mix if you want to make a thick "porridge" type of substance

>> No.17784309

Whisky tastes better after you flambé it.

>> No.17784373

you are a retarded nigger. every college campus is like this. these are the people that think drinking is cool

>> No.17784439

yes, what a genius take: animals can't tell what a fucking rock is LOL

>> No.17784464

Retard thinks anyone has ever implied that it mimics the thermal properties of ice 1:1

>> No.17784487

>he thinks food packaging is made of tin
>he thinks cans haven’t been lined for decades
>he doesn’t think spirits are in contact with metal tanks and pipes throughout the distillation and bottling processes
Go to your room and think about how retarded you just were.

>> No.17784505


They pick up food off the ground with their mouths. Often rocks stick to the things they eat, and the rocks dont break down so they stay inside them.

>b-but birds are smart, they wouldnt eat rocks by accident!!

Most birds are fucking retards, and will pick up dumb shit and just eat it wondering if it might be food.

>> No.17784546

yeah, birds can detect food but can't detect rocks. just shut the fuck you bird-brain faggot.

>> No.17784577
File: 73 KB, 871x276, duh lee ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no, i posted a spelling error! I better delete my post and repost it. I hope nobody noticed, and its not like deleted posts can still be seen making me look like an idiot.

Fucking retarded newfags.

>> No.17784754

i did delete it. who the fuck cares you silly faggot? birds don't eat rocks to fill their gizzard by accident you mushbrain retard

>> No.17784980

>birds don't eat rocks to fill their gizzard by accident


>> No.17785054

What could you build with this?

>> No.17785083

birds will literally eat rocks on purpose if you feed your pet bird gravel it will eat rocks with no food in them

>> No.17785101



>> No.17785547

i just watch twitch streams using streamlink and mpv+chatty, cant force ads where i deny you ad space jeffery you fucking cuck

>> No.17786165

Whatever you say, corporate shill