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17773484 No.17773484 [Reply] [Original]

Why is dog meat illegal even though its other relatives are okay to consume?

Please no hot dog puns.

>> No.17773490

Jehova said so

>> No.17773497


>> No.17773540

People like dogs.

That's it, there is no deeper reason.

>> No.17773642

so basically morals and ethics huh
does /ck/ support veganism

>> No.17773665
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Dogs are man's best friend thus deserve special treatment

Eating dog flesh should remain a taboo if not a law and death penalty seems fair for those that dare to break it.

>> No.17773672

This, chinks will never understand cause they’re souless.

>> No.17773684

When you're made aware of shit like that, you stop having any sympathy for these people

>> No.17773750

>t. retards

>> No.17773766

>t.triggered chink

>> No.17773792

Carnivore meat tends to carry a multitude of pests and worms. Admittedly, deer/horses/cattle will consume meat if its offered, but they don't hunt for it or seek it.
Not only that, but dogs are much more learn and do not provide a large amount of meat.
Dogs require high maintenance, thus are much harder to "mass".
Dog meat also has an evidently "stringy, musky flavor", which goes in line with most carnivore meats.
tl;dr - you're edgy and retarded. Eat some beef nigger.

>> No.17773795
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>radio free

>> No.17773799

How about pork?

>> No.17773809

>Nyuhh I must here confess that DEER will eat CARRION when available but, in contrast to obligate predators do not habitually hunt on their own

>> No.17773812

finally an actual good answer

>> No.17773817

>t. malding angloid

>> No.17773821

Just letting you know that I didn't read this.

>> No.17773826

Pigs eat slop, which generally won't contain meat because that shits expensive. Meat scraps have a million better uses. Regardless, they're easily fattened and provide a lot of meat and are very docile - good farm animals. They don't require much maintenance.
You mad.
I tried Coyote before and it tasted terrible, so I have to assume dog would too.
You mad.

>> No.17773846

>umm actually a horse WILL eat sugar cubes if you offer it to them but will not actively shop for them

>> No.17773849
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>> No.17773852
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Generally when humanity finds the need to restrict the consumption of certain types of meat it falls into two categories:
1) The animal is icky
2) The animal has more value to us alive (at least historically)

Examples of 1) include Muzzies not eating pigs (which eat and roll around in shit) and Jews not eating shellfish (bottom feeders and also kinda icky looking honestly. I'm talking about the shellfish not the Jews btw). Examples of 2) include horses (as farm equipment or transportation), Hindus and cows (lifetime milk production plus labor as farm equipment), and dogs (hunting equipment, farm equipment, companionship, alarm system)

Some people might tell you it's because dogs are cute. This is also part of it but dogs are cute because we bred them that way (possibly inadvertently) while using them for other things, so I consider this sort of secondary if that makes sense

>> No.17773895

Who the fuck is eating their relatives in places they don't eat dogs?
Shut up.

>> No.17774057

didn't ask

>> No.17774728

The best answer

>> No.17774836

It's apparently legal in most states to eat dog. It's more convention that folks don't eat it.

>> No.17774848

>its other relatives are okay to consume?
What relatives? Nobody normal eats fox or wolf or even cat, bear, weasel, raccoon etc either

>> No.17774888

We literally created dog breeds for meat fur and leather. We did to dogs what anerimuts did to rabbits, horses and guniea pigs. Making a animal used for meat and other products abd started to use them as pets exclusivly

>> No.17774899

Dog was used for protection and animal herding in the majority of human societies, not for meat

>> No.17774908

but where are you going to get it? you'd have to shoot one yourself and the neighbors would call the cops

>> No.17774909

Thanks, that's my kink

>> No.17774913

Wait, who is eating coyotes and wolves?

>> No.17774917
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While raccon was until the second world war in the southern US a popouler game meat.
Bear meat on the otherside is still regulary eaten in many countries

>> No.17774919

That's what convention means, yes. People will think you're a monster if you do it.

And if OP is asking why people are upset about the fact, then the answer is an incredibly long history of dogs as companion animals.

>> No.17774921

Also, we're just rich now and don't really need to consider eating dogs in any real way. We could, but we have better, cheaper options and so we don't have to deal with that question.

>> No.17774922

That's what I was saying. In places people don't eat dog they generally won't eat wolf or coyote or anything either.

>> No.17774947

Higher trophic level animals have more parasites and accumulate higher levels of toxins. It's also much more efficient to eat something that feeds on primary producers directly, since the efficiency of energy transfer at each level of a food chain is low.

>> No.17774949

In large parts of the world, like polynesia and the Americas breed dogs for meat consumption. Often feed exclusively on plants. Giving them a very lamb like flavour according to european sources. Some people had a teligious taboo for wild cannins like wolfs and foxes, but not for domestecated dogs.

And millions are still eaten in asia to this day

>> No.17774960

In most countries dog meat isn't illegal.
You just cant sell or buy it because it is outside of legal food production.
Chinks torturing dogs to death definitely doesn't help meats reputation.

>> No.17774986

I'm bating to that gif rn

>> No.17775032

I don’t personally because I like dogs. That’s it. I don’t really give a shit if other people eat dogs though. I’ve eaten horse before which I know some people would be equally repulsed with.

If I was in China or something and a buddy offered me a piece of his dog jerky I’d probably try it.

>> No.17775034

It depends on who you ask. Veganism is anjar of skub not worth opening if you care for actual discussion in your thread

>> No.17775053

Yeah because vegans are retarded single issue midwits that autistically base their entire world view on “MUH ANIMAL FEELINGS!!!”

Vegan midwits will unironically believe themselves to be better than you are because their diet is “cruelty free” while they’re tweeting away on their child slave labor produced iPhone and wearing their child slave labor produced clothes. It’s hilarious.

>> No.17775089

Horse meat is kind of normal here but it is almost never eaten as is.
Reindeer is overprice because reindeer niggers spill blood in the gutter, throw hide on the dunghill and feed innards to the dogs. Apparently some foreigners didn't like that reindeer is commonly available on stores.
Tongue is good but very few people eat it.

>> No.17775099

>because you can't end all of the suffering you aren't able to prevent some suffering.

Also child labor isn't required to produce cell phones or clothes and doesn't affect all cell phones and clothes. Death is required for meat. Small brain take.

>> No.17775110

I would be fine with eating horse or reindeer or kangaroo, I just don't want to eat carnivores because they taste bad and are full of toxins from everything below on the food chain

>> No.17775150

Vegan “activists” are the only retards who base their entire personality around “ending the suffering”
Guess what dipshit, you’re not telling anyone anything new when you talk about “MUH ANIMAL FARMS!!!”

>Also child labor isn't required to produce cell phones or clothes

So you use a Nokia 3310 and exclusively buy second hand clothes then? Any piece of clothing you have made in China/Vietnam/Bangladesh/India (all of them) was made with child labor in factories that routinely catch on fire.
iPhones are made in a factory by indentured servants working on a scrip system whose working conditions are so bad that there are suicide nets installed outside of every window.

Now imagine if every you routinely had to deal with retards screeching about these topics as they put on airs of superiority simply because they don’t purchase slave clothes/phones. Imagine them basing their entire fucking personality around this point. That’s why people hate veganniggers. Every person is complacent in propagating suffering in order to make our own lives more convenient and it’s funny to me that vegans draw the line at “muh fluffy rabbits” but apparently giving up the ability to shitpost on Twitter on their iPhone 13 is too much of a sacrifice to give up to end human slavery.

>> No.17775156
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man can you not do this here

>> No.17775158

>Also child labor isn't required to produce cell phones
I used to work in purchasing and visited a subcomponent supplier who supplies ~90% of major telecom companies. I saw a 13 year old kid soldering a piece of equipment with no gloves or eye protection. The employees all lived in “employee housing (dilapidated factories with cots in them) connected to the production line. You are a child if you think that apple/Google/lg/Samsung are basing their supplier selection off of morality and not just awarding the cheapest contractor.

>> No.17775285

maybe it was just a short guy. third world is full of them

>> No.17775292

People are emotional about pupperinos

>> No.17775298

>second hand clothes then?

>> No.17775554

I wouldn't judge how dog tastes based on your experience with coyote. Like if you are feral hog with boar taint it would taste like literal piss and even people who don't eat pork know deep down that pigs are tasty. And much like pigs there used to be dogs raised on almost entirely plants that were raised for meat. It might be why modern domesticated dogs can survive on a more omnivorous diet than their wolf ancestors.

I will hand you this, carnivores are quite lean, mountain lion backstrap needs to be wrapped in bacon otherwise it will be dry as fuck

Another thing ur coyote might have tasted bad due to other factors. I have known of people hunting canadian geese which are almost strict herbivores and finding their meat to be inedible.

>> No.17775582
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shut the fuck up, bugs

>> No.17775630

I want to find somewhere I can try dog meat just to piss off crybaby faggots like you. I hear it tastes gamey and not very good, but eating it will be worth it when I imagine the tears and rage of so many screeching dogfags.
>inb4 chink
I'm a white american.
>inb4 cat owner seethe
I own a dog. He's a little cunt sometimes but I like him. :)

>> No.17775719

So many people think because you own an animal as a pet that means you view its entire species as a pet.

>t. has a pet duck. I ate her uncles. She doesn't give a shit because she hates ducks

>> No.17775747

Convincing people not to support those farms will cause them to make less money and shut down. Supply and demand. So yes they are doing doing something by doing activism. Just because you’re not willing to make changes in your life doesn’t mean others won’t.

Prove that all cell phones and clothes are made by child labor.

>> No.17776892

> white american
Why the oxymoron tho

>> No.17777061

I didn't read this at all.

>> No.17777062

Some guys in some random american state lmao

>> No.17777234

Least retarded post in this thread.

>> No.17777431

>my favourite scent is semen
weird flex but ok

>> No.17777444

>I've been found out!

>> No.17777448

are you Russian?

>> No.17777459

>Being frugal means youre gay
You've been brain washed

>> No.17777468


It's because they're annoying.

>> No.17777578

People who think it’s OK to eat a species that evolved alongside us for tens of thousands of years as a companion animal should be treated the same way we treat cannibals, with the strongest form of social and legal retribution. Execution of the dog-eater by mutilating their face and then injecting large amounts of hydrochloride acid into their arteries, forcing their family to watch the execution, and ostracizing their family from society/banning them from our economic system for ten generations.

>> No.17777587

Dogs evolved in Northern Europe. Amerindians and Polynesians didn’t have them until they came into contact with Europeans. Try again, you disgusting Chink shill.

>> No.17777695

Bruh most second clothes still have that "stench".

>> No.17777702

>euro hours
too obvious

>> No.17777866

Weak bait, Chang.

>> No.17778155

>anything that i do not like is bait

>> No.17778157

Why do autists find morals and ethics so complicated. They shouldn't really be allowed to vote or procreate

>> No.17778171

I would eat my dog desu

>> No.17778178

>I was taught false history
too obvious.

>> No.17778220

>admits to be a eurotard

>> No.17779151

>almost as if psychos exists
who knew

>> No.17779636

>I'm talking about the shellfish not the Jews btw
most retarded tasteless post on this website on god for real for real no cap family

>> No.17780042

Man. Dog fuckers are all mentally ill...

>> No.17780079

Are you retarded or anything. Not only are dogs mostly de endent frim asian stock. With very little direct european ancestry. In large part of the americas dogs were the only do estecated animal. Being even used for ttransport in the great plains before europeans introduced horses.
There was even a breed . The Salish Wool dog. That was exclusivly used by the natives of canda for producing wool.

>> No.17780183

I've had dogmeat in China. Not bad. I'd never consider it being a culture norm outside of China though.

>> No.17780302

T.subhuman chink

>> No.17780319

If I had to choose between eating my German Shepard, or eating a Chinese man, I'd kill and eat the Chinese man.
My dog is more valuable to me than the entire population of China. If I had to torture a Chinese child to death to save my dog, I would torture that little fucking chink with a smile on my face.

>> No.17780347

>companion animal intrinsically linkedto the development of early hominids into current day homo sapiens
>low "yield" due to essentially being "semi-obligate" carnivore.
Trust me on that one, a 67kg dog requires about 3500+ kcal a day of "quality" food, i.e. a couple of kilos of animal flesh, organs, bones etc. There's a reason large "estate guardian" /mastiff descended dogs nearly went extinct in WW2

>> No.17780363

>Mastiff descended
I believe this is falsely pushed due to the original appearance looking somewhat similar to the English Mastiff but minituarised. The name may even be a reference to the supposed Roman name for Briton war hounds, I don't know the latin but it translates as "Pugnacious", but I believe the accepted "history" is their descent from Chinese bureaucrats' lap dogs.

>> No.17780382


>> No.17780795

Apparently bear meat is the greasiest meat you'll ever eat, at least for grizzly bear.