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File: 36 KB, 615x461, glass-of-milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17773080 No.17773080 [Reply] [Original]

will you drink a plain glass of milk on its own? cow's milk. nothing special.
inb4 lactose intolerant bitches tell me it makes them fart.

>> No.17773103

i do it like everyday and yes my father and brother are intolerant and my dad said he gets chronic diarrhoea from it

>> No.17773111

Sure, it's tasty and has lots of calcium, but did you really need to make a thread for this?

>> No.17773113

Yeah? Of course I will

>> No.17773120

finna do it right now chief

>> No.17773122

saw some fuck on another social media site saying if you drink milk plain on its own you're a demon or some shit and a ton of people were agreeing.
nobody was white tho so. maybe that's why.

>> No.17773245

Yeah sure why not. I'd even go for a couple of glasses.

>> No.17773258

first thing I do when I get home from work is slam down a cold glass of milk, it's delicious, refreshing, and the calorie load is nice when you work a physical job

>> No.17773259

No. I'm no longer 7 years old.

>> No.17773269

Where I live I can only buy fresh milk in 2.4 litres. I drink English tea with a splash of milk and by the time the milk starts to reach expire date I have half left in the carton so I try to chug a bunch of milk here and there so it's all finished before it goes bad. The smaller milk cartons are all "long life" milk that must have preservatives or something to make it last a month. Tried it once and it tasted like shit. Never again.

>> No.17773279

Yes. I love milk as long as it's not skim.

>> No.17773381

skim milk is so sad. it's basically water.

>> No.17773459

I just had one this morning.
I'm getting a bit scared that I may develop lactose intolerance though, because sometimes after drinking a lot of milk I get stomachaches and liquid shits. Apparently a lot of people develop the intolerance as they grow older. I hope it's not true, because I love milk. For now I love it more than I hate the liquid shits, but I hope that won't change.

>> No.17773463

Yes. I am no longer 7 years old

>> No.17773466

No I don't like the taste of milk on its own

>> No.17774093
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whole milk or no go.
two brands in my area are best. alexandre farms and strauss. go for alexandres A2 milk if you have trouble with dairy. their whole milk is also higher milkfat %.
youre gonna be paying through the nose though, be careful.

>> No.17774100

i drink like a liter a day

>> No.17774112
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but of course

>> No.17774157

Yes! But I had to stop because milk is too expensive now and I was getting fat...>

>> No.17774249

Where are you from and how expensive???

>> No.17774254

i got a calorie load right here for ya pal

>> No.17774322

Yes, every day.

>> No.17774335

it quenches the thirst more thoroughly

>> No.17774355
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>> No.17774462

I drink an imperial gallon of milk every day for the gains. One glass is nothing.

>> No.17774478

If given the chance

>> No.17774486

No. These days I only use milk to cook, bake, make smoothies or dunk oreos.

>> No.17774493
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You got me a triple whopper?

>> No.17774496

yes. three quarts a day

>> No.17774556

Yeah sure but I prefer almond milk anyway

>> No.17774568

Back in my day you needed to sacrifice a cat and drink its blood to be considered a demon.
Niggers have it too easy as always

>> No.17774582

I drink a glass of milk every once in a while, but I usually use milk for recipes. Always real dairy, always as high fat as I can get.

>> No.17774590
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Better - a glass of warm milk before bed.

>> No.17774770

Turns out my gf is lactose intolerant.
What product are worth buying paying the 500% premium for?
My guess is milk and cream.
I suppose cheese and yoghurt will only have traces of lactose left in it?

>> No.17774784

Just turned 8 I see

>> No.17774795

Nope, wasn't that great long before it made me hunch over in pain for hours before the farts started. It's not even the lactose, specifically. At least in my casein.

>> No.17774849

I do this everyday multiple times a day

>> No.17774885

Yeah. I do it a lot of mornings when I'm fasting since it helps with taking my pills when I can't eat.

>> No.17774896

Do you want kids who are genetically deficient and can't even drink milk? Kill your girlfriend

>> No.17775096
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Lactose tolerant master race.

>> No.17775141

I drink 1-2 gallons of milk a week
35 year old white guy

>> No.17775394

That’s too much

>> No.17775426

Just like your weight

>> No.17775607
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>> No.17776485

i fucking love milk.

>> No.17776488

Yeah, milk is pretty cool.
I skateboard and I haven't broken a bone yet.

>> No.17776494

Just keep drinking it, you can reverse lactose intolerance if you just drink it anyways.

>> No.17776502
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>> No.17776526

Does chocolate milk count? I go through a gallon a week

>> No.17776605

Will I? I do it every single day of my life.

>> No.17776683

Milk is for children. Real men drink Kefir

>> No.17776746

Kefir sucks and lactic acid is bad for you anyway

>> No.17776778

>chronic diarrhoea from it
Does your daddy know what chronic means?

>> No.17776801

only if I down a spoon of peanutbutter first, maybe with a bit of honey

>> No.17776972
File: 47 KB, 640x373, cow trickshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It *has* to be whole, not reduced fat stuff. if you drink reduced fat milk, just have water.

>> No.17776977

I'll typically drink milk when eating any dessert food. It's often a good pairing.

>> No.17777010

my breakfast for the past couple days has been an egg sandwich(with milk bread) with milk. Then for midday I have a hot choco. Sometimes I have a coffee with a ton of milk because I'm such a bitch with caffeine, a shot of decaf is enough to make me start shaking. Not to mention it tastes good with a lot of milk.

>> No.17777016
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I've been getting 2% because it still kind of tastes like milk, and recently I've had to sit at a desk a lot more. I don't like the idea of getting fat.

>> No.17777018

He drinks one glass of milk and he shits forever

>> No.17777019

me on the right

>> No.17777073
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>will you drink a plain glass of milk on its own?
Never, I'll put a litre carton in the freezer during a meal and either chug it or pour it over cereal afterwards because I'm next level. Also because it feels really good.
>Crush up four weetabix
>Fill the rest of the bowl with half litre of icy milk
>Eat spoonfuls of icy milk with barely any cereal on the spoon until milk is gone
>Fill bowl back up with other half litre
>Contiune until 2/3s gone
>Pour remaining milk/weetabix fragments down your gullet straight from the bowl
Assuming you worked up a thirst from dinner, this is simultaneously refreshing as fuck and ultimately satiating. You definitely won't want to eat again until tomorrow and thanks to the weetabix you'll be having one minute shits. Throw some water in the freezer while you're at it though, milk thirst is real.
tl;dr see pic

>> No.17777623

I'm trying, thanks anon.
I drank oatmilk for a year and now my schizo instincts tell me that that caused it.

>> No.17777641

Real men would enjoy both.

>> No.17777738
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I drink about 10 litres a week and honestly it's one of the few joys I have in life currently

>> No.17777751
File: 19 KB, 300x207, Guernsey cow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get fresh, unpasteurized guernsey milk from a local farm every week, and if given the chance I would drink that and only that every single moment of the rest of my life

>> No.17777906
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>> No.17778010

Yes, I drink 1 liter of raw milk a day
Very based

>> No.17778079 [DELETED] 

sure why not

>> No.17778526

i drink like 1 o 2 litters a day of cows milk, i even prefer it to water

>> No.17778537

Raw goat milk is the best thing ever. I can down multiple liters of that stuff in a day like it's nothing. No problems, no gas, no nothing.

Lactose intolerance is 99% a myth. It's pasteurization that causes the problem.
If you get raw milk from a quality source you can drink a lot of it with no issues.

>> No.17778692

How come niggers are lactose intolerant but niger isnt?

>> No.17778701

I drink it directly from the bottle.

>> No.17778708

A few years ago, sure.
At some point I assumed I was lactose intolerant (turns out I'm not) and stopped drinking cow's milk and switched to oat milk and now cow's milk just tastes... like water? It's really not that great.

>> No.17778712
File: 13 KB, 474x474, 90ADF6A6-C384-4895-B24D-E707F9547A08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tend to stay away from raw milk as it can carry parasites and bacteria if left untreated. There is a video of lawmakers trying to pass allowance of raw milk and they drank some and shit their guts out on film. I think whole milk is the closest thing you can get to the flavor of raw milk without the metallic taste. I prefer Hiland Whole. I drink one gallon a day.

>> No.17778718

bubonic chronic? ayyy

>> No.17778759

the french

>> No.17778807

Talk about talking the fox and the sour thing to a whole new dimension.

>> No.17778819

nah pass i don't need kidney stones

>> No.17778828

>There is a video of lawmakers trying to pass allowance of raw milk and they drank some and shit their guts out on film.
t. shit i made up

>> No.17778844

Sure. It’s really refreshing on a hot day.

>> No.17778879
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>> No.17778885


>> No.17778886

YES. and i will enjoy every drop of it. absolutely delicious cow juice

>> No.17778889

Incorporate vinegar into your diet and you wont

>> No.17780356

why yes I drink milk with my yerba mate

milk prevent oxalate stones

>> No.17781060

no, because milk is for babies and I am a man.

>> No.17781161

What race were they?

>> No.17781163

if i want milk i just hire a midwife and suck it out of her titties. it cost a little extra but its worth it

>> No.17781286

I prefer my milk to be on the rocks

>> No.17781305

I wish it was that easy.

>> No.17781778

Damn, I didn't know Germany was 39% Turks and Syrians already, I thought we had a couple more decades...

>> No.17782273

Me too

>> No.17782681

I drink raw milk literally every single day and I've never had even 1 issue with it