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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17759105 No.17759105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What in the absolute fucking is going on in this /ck/ shit like this freaks me out.

>> No.17759136

the eel is dead but its so fresh they put salt on it the muscles spasmed as you see in the video.

>> No.17759142

Thats the kind of freshness you can't find anywhere else, OP.
What he said. Salt activates the nerves in the muscles and cause them to spasm.

>> No.17759293

the pain of the animal cooks the meat

>> No.17759726

>eel is dead
not likely, looks like it was only skinned and also looks like a chinese place which means they more than likely DONT kill it like the other asian countries

>> No.17759730

looks like it's doing the worm

>> No.17759735

It is the worm

>> No.17759736

The animals seething hatred for gods unjust creation cooks the meat.

>> No.17759739

I hate them so much, Jesus help me.

>> No.17759761

>perfect swimming animation
>muscle spasm

>> No.17759770

The head is literally cut off, I'm pretty sure it's dead.

>> No.17759781

I don't think you know what dead means.

>> No.17759783

No u

>> No.17759788

muscle-memory in some animals is extremely powerful; humans aren't unique in that regard.....think re. chicken running with its head cut off, etc.

>> No.17759799
File: 89 KB, 1200x675, eel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it, what I see is the head still on with the eyes fucked and below the head are the gills and organs splayed out, could be wrong but I dont know any korean or japanese grill that would cook it like this

>> No.17759800

If my head is ever chopped off I hope my body runs around and rapes everything that moves.

>> No.17759838

>is it
It is most certainly

>> No.17760407


>> No.17760750

Most reflexes don't reach the brain. The nerve impulse reaches the spinal cord, which sends back the necessary muscle control impulses.

Note that I'm referring to reflexes, like the gag reflex, knee-jerk or anal wink, not really fast response like a juggler or hockey goalie can pull off.

>> No.17760830 [DELETED] 
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Dont ever doubt that asian bug people would do the same thing to humans if they became the dominant culture. In fact I'm sure secret underground asian cannibal dungeons exist where they eat tortured skinless people and babies.

>> No.17761105

Why is /ck/ full of retards that don't know how food works? I get that none of you fuckers have ever seen fresh eel (or fresh meat for that matter), but at least be aware of your own ignorance.
Fucking city slickers who think food comes in cans and plastic wrap.

>> No.17761300

Theres a longer video to this some where on youtube. Fish was completely alive mins before it went on the grill.

>> No.17761332

You're not dead until all of your cells die

If you were to put stem cells all over its flesh while maintaining it alive, it could theorically regrow a head and skin

>> No.17761383


Humans kill their meat before they eat it, chang. Not just out of a sense of humanity, but because often struggling suffering animals release stress chemicals into their body which spoils the meat or makes it taste vile.

>> No.17761400

The life of the flesh is in the blood

>> No.17761427

These people are so fucking twisted to enjoy this. Hope they get nuked.

>> No.17761435

maybe you can grow back your penis

>> No.17761645

Could you still eat it after witnessing this, cu/ck/s? Even after it stops moving?

>> No.17761651

of course

dont be a pussy

>> No.17761655

I've killed my own food before, so yeah.

>> No.17761699

This. I've eaten plenty of wild game. I keep them alive in a tank with an aerator until I can butcher. They're always gutted, depending on how I want them it may involve beheading or filleting, but they're not moving around like this unless they've been cleaned 1 minute ago. They blatantly just skinned it.

>> No.17761793

looks like a penis

>> No.17761837


>> No.17761898

IRL it’s called a motion, you gamer girl zoomer

>> No.17761907

>crying over a fish

this is why the west is weak and dying

tyrone and ahmad will make the west better

>> No.17761913

where were the chemicals previously if not in the body already? Do you mean produced? Any references for that claim?

>> No.17761928

There are, the Chinese have many trafficking tunnels and cannibal caves stemming from the Old World before the cataclysm. They regularly eat aborted fetuses and kill and consume in ritualistic sacrifice. God will have them all burn for their crimes.

>> No.17761934

>swimming animation
>muscle spasm as opposed to
it's an eel, what is it going to cartwheel away? please get your retarded ass an education

>> No.17762029
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>> No.17762350


>> No.17762411
File: 677 KB, 512x616, meat 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17762438

Imagine not knowing this and actually outing yourself now as a massive cityfag.

>> No.17762442
File: 123 KB, 639x607, 8B625DA0-CFD0-4BDC-A04D-3F8051FFD665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think it’s at all possible to skin a live eel? No dude, they’re slippery as fuck and powerful. That thing must have been very dead before it was skinned.

>> No.17762458

Nah there is a technique. There's a cutting board with an iron nail sticking out on one end. You stick the eel's head on the nail, quickly skin the thing (skin comes off surprisingly easy) and then cut the head.

Source: I just know. Don't ask

>> No.17762468


>> No.17762473

Or a parasite disguising itself as a part of the organism. That looks like some sci-fi horror shit.

>> No.17762475


>> No.17762487

>not likely, looks like it was only skinned
And beheaded and gutted. It's dead m8.

>> No.17762494


No, this is basically what a muscle spasm looks like, only rapid and continuous.

>> No.17762505

I guess these frogs are clearly alive then.

>> No.17762535

Thank you for clearing that up, Chang!
.05 Good Citizen points have been added to your social credit score. Please keep these anti-racist posts up and inform about the Glorious CCP! Our dear leader thanks you

>> No.17762537


>> No.17762545

Thanks Mr Xi! I'm glad you agree with me that vertebrates can't live without skin, a head or any internal organs. As someone with no skin, a head or internal organs this has been my lived experience.Hey, maybe you could send some eels Shanghai's way, those poor bastards are getting awfully peckish?

>> No.17762549

don't worry you can slice them into pieces and they'll still move
I caught some monkey face eels and the fillets were flopping until I cooked them

>> No.17762557

Muscles cells are covered in a substance called acetylcholine that reacts with table salt, that triggers the motor neurons which control the muscle fibres. If you were to sprinkle table salt on a brain the same acetylcholine the same acetylcholine receptors would fire off uncontrollably into the neurons only theres no motor fibres to spaz out.

>> No.17762558

I wonder how far that thing could go if they tossed it back in the water.

>> No.17762559

Why do you guys waste racism on stupid shit like this then vote for pro-immigration politicians

>> No.17762572

It's probably reflexive, you'd be surprised how life-like muscle reflexes look (some dead bodies in morgues fucking literally sit up)
But the chinks should be glassed into the history books anyway because you know they'd cook a skinned animal alive if they could, look at their fucking dog eating festivals

>> No.17762576

Why do you retards waste time on stupid bait like this then keep coming back for 4channel

>> No.17762842

Dead bodies in the morgue don't sit back up, lay off the horror movies.

>> No.17762908

so that’s a no, thanks cletus

>> No.17762912

imagine if you thought you were alive but actually some guy sprinkled salt on a disembodied brain, and you will be dead again in 10 seconds

>> No.17762966

its body recognizes the agony, but hasn't a brain to interpret it

>> No.17763094

There's some Chinese dish where they fry a fish's body but leave the head alive, and then they pick it apart with chopsticks at the table while the head is still moving and gasping. I saw a webm of it before here but I can't find it now

>> No.17763263

it's just thirdies doing thirdy things

>> No.17763267

heard about this, shit is fucked. they skin the eel alive and then cook it like that.

>> No.17763498

The eels actually like it, like ducks and fois gras.

>> No.17763511

>Not just out of a sense of humanity
what exactly is humane about murdering innocent creatures for your own pleasure?

>> No.17763518

Making the death quick and painless, unlike every other predator which go ass first and eat the organs, keeping the the creature alive and suffering as long as possible

>> No.17763623

>he thinks his food lived a good life and died a quick and painless death
surely you are not this naive

>> No.17763640
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nvm found the webm

>> No.17763669

>he thinks I care
Yummy yummy
Cow go runny
It see me coming
Cow die ugly

I'm not hungry
Cow die stressed
I eat my meat
It taste the best

Sit in heat
Wait for meat
Cow come over
Die at my feet

Hit with stick
Till I get my fix
Go to bed
Wake up at 6

Wake up in morning
I am horny
I fuck the steak
I get a second plate