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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 168 KB, 1160x1160, kfc-8pcFamilyFillUpStandard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17760818 No.17760818 [Reply] [Original]

Drove like 10 miles today to KFC to get this, they told me they stopped having the deal. Charging $30 for same amount of food now. I was absolutely flabbergasted!!!!

>> No.17760949

How much was it? We all dont eat fast food here.

>> No.17761291


>> No.17761440

>8 pieces of chicken
>2 sides and a couple of rolls
>”””family meal””””
Maybe if you’re a family of effeminate söylents. That’s barely enough food to satiate a single fully grown man.

>> No.17761476
File: 49 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bob gang since potty train.

>> No.17761485

ok fatty

>> No.17761490

Actual question, has anyone had the pot pie? Is it decent?

>> No.17761494

Since when does KFC even offer meals without chips.

>> No.17761504

Its not enough for a family, but its also too much for one man unless you're a fat fuck. I'd say it feeds two normal healthy adults.

>> No.17761550

Post wrist

>> No.17761590

2 adults? It's about the right amount for 1 healthy adult, no?

>> No.17761679

It feeds 3, I substitute one of the mashed w fries.

>> No.17761715
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>> No.17761727


>> No.17761733

i'm not much of a calorie counter myself

>> No.17761738

It's alright, yeah.

>> No.17761740

I'm sure you don't have to announce that to those who can see you.

>> No.17761826

>The amount of calories for 2-3 days
Holy fuck

>> No.17761884

You're fat.

>> No.17763000

lmao what a fat little freak

>> No.17764654

>t. dilate seething fattie

>> No.17764892

Only if you never do anything physical.

>> No.17764896

Kek you think that's muscle under your rolls?

>> No.17765023

i only go there for the coleslaw

>> No.17765032

5k calories is daily consumption of someone working physically.
its mostly the mash and biscuits, thats why you should just get a bucket of chicken pieces

>> No.17765993

Op here gotta say KFC is really good sometimes, og chicken and their fries are top notch. Just don't think $30 for that amount of food at that level quality is worth it

>> No.17766008

Well yes

>> No.17766015

Exactly, I just get the chicken pieces and mash my own potatoes and just grab a can of corn. Way cheaper that way too.
I mean fuck, you could even get that instant mashed potato packs too if you don't have the time or want to make mashed potatoes

>> No.17766018
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Op again, wondering if changing topics is unheard of on here. I know people might say just start a new thread I'm gonna go for it anyway. Want to know what peoples thoughts are on Brita filters. I've been using pitchers for years now

>> No.17766022

I think filters is a snakeoil operation unless you can prove to me it does actually do what it says it's supposed to do.

>> No.17766040

My water goes into those filters somewhat cloudy and comes out perfectly clear, so they definitely filter out dirt at least.

>> No.17766054

Since when does that mean the water is better? Humans have drank water from streams since the dawn of our creation. Ever think that you're also filtering out what we probably should naturally absorb?
Our bodies are so complex yet we need filters for "dirt"? No, we need filters because of the way people flush medications, chemicals and everything else inbetween along with sewage and then we just assume our water treatment gets rid of all that.
I'm not worried about dirt, I'm worried about drinking someone's antifreeze, meth and flushed medication before I worry about something as simple and natural like dirt.

>> No.17766060

It's a charcoal filter you replace every 2 months. Definitely a noticeable improvement than straight tap, but curious how many impurities it stops and if it removes chemicals like chlorine

>> No.17766068

Exactly, unless I'm shown by someone reliable it's just snake oil selling in my eyes.

>> No.17766086

Like I said I've been using them for literally over a decade,it makes the tap water taste way cleaner. I'm not a biologist on charcoal filtering though, definitely not a useless gimmick.

>> No.17766096

You're not suppose to drink water for it's taste, you're supposed to drink it because we need it. Just because it tastes better doesn't make it better just because it looks clearer.
Like I said, I'm not worried about dirt compared to the chemicals that gets back to our water treatments. If it filters dirt, great I guess? But I want to know if it helps the REAL problems.

>> No.17766119

My filter blocks a bunch of stuff

>> No.17766145

Thank you, which model pitcher do you have? Filters need to be replaced how often? $30 to replace seems a bit much.

>> No.17766177

I got the big one. Filters are good for 40 something gallons iirc which is 2 months for me since I drink a lot of water. There is a coupon for 20% off the order so give it a quick google. I personally can afford the $12 a month for my filter habit. Hard to do accurate comparisons of costs with filters since there is a lot of scammy stuff out there. Lots are just charcoal or lack any certifications. If I had a large family Id do undersink reverse osmosis tho

>> No.17766192

Thanks for the recommendation, I probably would of never found this on my own. The list is also highly helpful and nightmare fuel.

>> No.17766205

Yeah no worries. I found out about it from some autistic dude's infopost in the comment section of a youtube filter review vid lol

>> No.17766213

I've learned that people with autism tend to know their shit about certain subjects so I tend to ironically listen to them more.

>> No.17766221

Did you not see my question about the Brita filter to begin with, I was literally asking The same question that you were fuckin dumbass

>> No.17766228

>Calls me a dumbass
>I end up getting the answer before you
Nah, I'm just an opportunist. That's the difference between me and you. I know how to carry a conversation.

>> No.17766263

He didn't answer my question about the Brita filter, I did a simple google search and found the info

>> No.17766268

I wasn't after your brita though.
What part of "opportunist" do you not understand? You were hijacked. I took over and got the data *I* wanted.

>> No.17766269

You're a lazy oppurtunist, start your own thread if you have a question about something ck related

>> No.17766279

Wow you should be proud of that good job

>> No.17766281

>Lazy opportunist
I don't think you understand the concept of a opportunist. I could google, but having another person's personal experience AND sources greatly reduces the research time (if I ever found said data)
Work smarter, not harder.

>> No.17766285

Thank you, I am actually. I also think anyone lurking now knows a good water filter along with a list of known chemicals that can be harmful.
What, you gonna be upset that is provided?

>> No.17766294
File: 378 KB, 610x715, 1649716106290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

american hands type this

>> No.17766332

Where are you from?

>> No.17767183

i noticed today (planning for a camp trip) that the prices went up significantly. I was going to do 3 people with a 9 piece bucket and 2 sides which used to be 11 and change is now 14 and change. then we looked at the bigger buckets. the price per has increased dramatically. we went to the outlet store and bought frozen chicken and the to deep fry it.. kfc for 70+ people was way too expensive to manage.