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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17759762 No.17759762[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

refute this

>> No.17759771


>> No.17759777

Don't care except to say that under cooked meat is for sub-humans.

>> No.17759786
File: 322 KB, 1890x1260, sirloin-philly-cheesteaks-27[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No arguments here. Philadelphia figured this out a while ago.

>> No.17759787

Trips of truth. Medium-raw fags BTFO.

>> No.17759789

This is so fucking correct

>> No.17759791

>he thinks meat doesnt have a flavor
Do you even have tastebuds?

>> No.17759804

opinions brought about by a different opinion becoming too popular

>> No.17759811

Uncooked meat has almost no taste.
Caveman cooking over a fire were more advanced than you. Sort your shit out.

>> No.17759819

>fast foodies
you know that dried meat is literally used to flavour other foods, right?
nonsense OP

>> No.17759832

the flavor's in the fat, you're gay little picture even says so in the bottom right.

>> No.17759836

Do you slice off the outside and eat it seperate? When you chew your food the marinade is mixed around with the rest of the meat. Retarded b8

Also, stop buying poorfag cuts of meat. Good beef has good flavor, you only need salt and pepper

>> No.17759850

>mutt whose tastebuds have been nuked by constant exposure to sugar can't appreciate the taste of a good cut of meat
Sounds about right

>> No.17759854

>Uncooked meat has almost no taste

yeah if the center is still lukewarm maybe

>> No.17759888

>constant exposure
i'd say overexposure to food in general is to blame for a lot of this kind of horseshit (assuming not just run-of-the-mill contrarianism).
as grandpa always said: hunger is the best sauce.
If you eat out of actual hunger - instead of mistaking habit for hunger - food will taste completely different.
I'd encourage OP to try it, if he can manage to go without eating for a day or so.
>captcha: NAT0

>> No.17759896

wrong, juice is released, chemical reactions take effect, and rarity =/= raw
you're supposed to preseason the meat so that the salt penetrates
yeah no shit that's how marinade works, people are just retarded

>> No.17759907

The food coloring doesn't get absorbed into the meat, but the flavor from a marinade does. "Flavor" isn't blue.

>> No.17759908

Steak is stupidly overrated and an uncultured person's idea of cultured food. A decent burger is better than the best steak, ten times out of ten.

>> No.17759927

Is a decent burger cooked all the way through?

>> No.17759928

it must suck to have gotten covid and have no sense of taste. meat cooked or not has taste. raw meat is subtle but it has taste.

>> No.17759934
File: 43 KB, 337x450, F00627F0-B45D-457B-BD01-7E6DBED2F8CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flavor of a steak comes from 2 main factors. The browned crust, and the interior fat. The ideal flavor is obtained by browning the exterior and rendering the internal fat while taking care to not burn off the fat that you render out. Fattier cuts can survive being cooked for longer, but optimal flavor is reached around medium rare (~135 degrees F). Any less than medium rare and you likely won’t render out that fat. Any more and your precious (and expensive) intramuscular fat will be cooked off. Going past well done also makes the interior of the steak tougher. Either you should stop as soon as you are confident that the fat has been rendered out, or you should continue until the connective tissue in the meat breaks down (as we see in stews or bbq).

>> No.17759935

anything above medium rare is cooked through retard

>> No.17759940

> meat has no flavor
Tastelets are retarded

>> No.17759944

ok thanks

>> No.17759953

Nice non-answer. Does a 'decent burger' have a requisite level of doneness?

>> No.17759974

>not poking holes into the meat before marinating

>> No.17759980

that's a non-question you faggot that's what the waiter asks you not what the menu tells you

>> No.17759990

>yes waiter, i'll have a burger please
>how well do you want it done?
>make it decent, thanks
was it really this easy all along?

>> No.17759994

The inside tastes good

>> No.17760005

bait aside, the waiter would probably recommend medium rare, because that's what the chef likely recommends. see how that works

>> No.17760039

Meat is bland until you add salt to it.
You're really this retarded.

>> No.17760048

Why would the chef recommend undercooked meat with no flavor, though?

>> No.17760063
File: 100 KB, 500x368, study-finds-op-still-sucking-cock-on-a-regular-basis-22750859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretend to like

>> No.17760323
File: 531 KB, 712x1024, 11010976084_c7b2768314_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The barely cooked steak was invented by Shlomo Goldenstein, when he tried to solve the three main problems that come with cooking a thick slab of meat well:

>cooking it requires skill, or else you would burn it
>cooking it takes a lot of time
>cooking it takes a lot of energy

So to solve these, he got his fellows in media to spin stories how barely cooked steak is supposed to be better (it's worse), to trick gullible retards into ordering badly cooked meat and save him a pretty shekel. As a final act of deception they picked a dishonest name for it, implying desirability. Since "well" was already established for the properly cooked meat, they choose "rare", suggesting worth that is not there - on the opposite. Rare steak is fool's meat.

>> No.17760333
File: 86 KB, 338x600, 1505953606876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the taste of blood is not a flavor

>> No.17760457

>jews are......le bad!

>> No.17760476

Well, they are, but he's just another shitposter leaking out of /pol/. For some reason /ck/ is filled with them today.

>> No.17760493

not even raw
awful thread

>> No.17760598

because he knows more about food than you

>> No.17760603

not /pol/, /pol/ light.

>> No.17760605

>Thinks his steak has blood in it

>> No.17760610

>refute tastelets

>> No.17760615

dude...i was going to reply snarky too, but then i got it

>> No.17760627

>hurr the marinade doesn't penetrate


>> No.17760652

I don't like steak desu

>> No.17760658

thats why they sell hamburgers, where its already pre-chewed

>> No.17761302

>meat has zero flavor, only the marinade has flavor

tastelet detected

>> No.17761503
File: 32 KB, 362x434, A117A140-3EA3-44B5-837C-341800430C26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do white people eat this unseasoned shit. get some takis or some shit nigga eat some spice for once

>> No.17761513

completely true. I fell into the "durr salt and pepper only, rare only" crowd in high school and I regret it
now it's medium rare, A1 or garlic butter on most steaks, having the time of my life

>> No.17761609

So buy skirt steak faggot.

>> No.17761646

>he doesn't inject his marinade straight into the meat

>> No.17761654

>Why would the chef recommend undercooked meat with no flavor, though?
he said medium rare, though?

>> No.17761664

Pretty much everything is bland until you add salt to it

>> No.17761669

Not even remotely true. It has a different taste. You just haven't eaten enough raw meat.

>> No.17761672

The only "poorfag" meat is ground beef in the chub rolls. Tastes ok but smells awful when you cook it.

>> No.17761990

This. Simple as.

>> No.17762050

>medium raw

>> No.17762087

Damn I forget how many people don't eat medium rare. Anyone who eats their steak and burgers past medium can't be trusted thats a child

>> No.17762105

You just burned your taste receptors with salt. I went to a really low salt diet for a couple of months and everything has so much own taste now. I don't even salt my food at all quite often.

>> No.17762121

Pink juicy meat combined with dark seared meat is better than just one

>> No.17762124
File: 109 KB, 1200x650, 3089E057-647A-4149-AF37-D3DAB14F4189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that at least one person in this thread wholeheartedly drank the well-done Kool-aid is a testament to how gay this earth really is.

>> No.17762125

I don't cut mine because I like the fact the oil of the pan doesn't get into the meat.

I want a healthy meal that doesn't clog my arteries, juicy, tender and I don't use anything except salt and pepper.

My brother drenches shit in steak sauce, random spices and shit and it's disgusting. Go to maccas ffs

>> No.17762126
File: 108 KB, 1024x612, 3150a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw meat is literally a first world privilege, mutt. Pluse anyonw who knows Mett will tll you raw meat absolutely has a nice taste even without salt or other spices.

>> No.17762127

>Pink with meat fibres separated, fat rendered and meat fibres separating
Pick one, they're not the same

>> No.17762896

I wish I wasn't gay so I could enjoy a nice Mett sandwich.

>> No.17762915

I think they already do sell strips of steak at the grocery store for exactly this purpose

>> No.17763386

Still tastes fine to me. Don't care if anyone else hates it. Fuck off welldoneniggers.

>> No.17763405

I like the flavour of beef, the less seasoning the better. All you really need is a bit of salt, no mucking about

>> No.17763873

If you have steak past blue rare you might as well eat leather

>> No.17763934

That's why I eat carne asada every weekend but I like eating a proper steak at least once month (I dont have much time too cook).

>> No.17764001

>Why peepo don' season dey food

>*masks the obvious stench of decay with seasoning*

>> No.17764027

Good post
Nothing wrong with showing your feminine side

>> No.17764227

Bumping this classic

>> No.17764316

Why would I try to refute the indisputable fact that OP sucks cock and balls