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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 258 KB, 1200x1176, coffeegf19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17756985 No.17756985 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee and coffee discussion.

If you're new to coffee (WIP): https://pastebin.com/2WCB8DyH


>> No.17757009

piss out my ass

>> No.17757010

use this post for critique and general ideas for the pastebin.

as of now it'll probably be a blurb shilling specialty coffee, le heckin local roasterinos etc and then the different brewing methods and buying guide for different price ranges. i'm going to try to list brewing methods as impartially as I can because I know it's a contentious issue round these parts.

>> No.17757014

i bought some coffee and it tastes like old women perfume

>> No.17757020

what kind of coffee was it?

>> No.17757034

kenco columbian shit
i thought it would be easy black coffee but no it tastes like my nana smells

>> No.17757036


>> No.17757040

Stop posting gooks. Post coffies.

>> No.17757050
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>> No.17757054

Life is about the people, anon. Coffee should be shared, especially with cute girls

>> No.17757075

cohee dayo

>> No.17757079
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>> No.17757087
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Any tips?

>> No.17757104


>> No.17757105
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this looks like my beds when i was going through a one-pour phase

>> No.17757112
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>mfw sipping a hot cup of Aeropressed cohee in the morning, reading posts about how aeropress bad

>> No.17757131

does anyone have something to say about french press beyond what i've written?

>> No.17757134

Are you the idiot with the akirakoki cast iron hand grinder?

>> No.17757139

i don't currently have nor have I ever had any hand grinders but I won't let my personal biases affect the document

>> No.17757143
File: 135 KB, 1382x1500, akirakoki-wooden-mill-manual-coffee-grinder-manual-coffee-grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these burrs... I can taste the over extraction lol

>> No.17757162

Who has the best decaf in NA?

>> No.17757163


>> No.17757166

Can you link their store?

>> No.17757175

Is Japanese coffee culture just medium roast iced coffee?

>> No.17757179

no. im just saying the best decaf i have had was grown in mexico.
this is the description of where it came from from the store i bought it from (aus)
Fully Washed. Region: Chicomuselo and Comalapa, Chiapas, Mexico Altitude: 1100-1600 masl Varietal: Catuai and Typica. Decaffeinated using Mountain Water Process.

so i guess look for that in your area.

>> No.17757189

>French Press
>Moka Pot
>Immersion dripper

what am I missing?

>> No.17757194

cold brew
cold drip

>> No.17757235

this is easily gonna be the most tiring section to write. i'm gonna start with the most common and move outward since ck coffee neophytes probably aren't going making syphon with costco beans

>> No.17757247
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Pops Witherspoon presents
>Coffee for poor people

>> No.17757288


>> No.17757307
File: 139 KB, 720x1082, 20200213-TAR_9120_720x Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the zojirushi weeb fears the chad GohanGama user.


>> No.17757317

What kind of dog shit product photography is this lol. Photographer in the reflection, highlights blown out, fingerprints all over the glass, meme bokeh use, etc.

>> No.17757330

>order beans from local roaster last Thursday night
>delivered Monday
>roast date was last Friday
I was expecting fresh beans but I wasn't expecting them to literally package ship them straight out of the roaster
Wanted to make a cup with it tomorrow but I'm going to have to rest them for another day or two

>> No.17757340

>highlights blown out
asians love this shit.

>> No.17757346

If you're just making filter coffee, you can use it fresh just bloom it longer; you don't have to wait a few days lol

>> No.17757348

isnt that how everyone does it? the place i buy from roasts/grinds to order 3 days a week.

>> No.17757356

>isnt that how everyone does it?
generally yeah. i can get coffee roasted tomorrow delivered the day after.

>> No.17757402

Normally I would walk into one of the cafe locations for a roaster and the beans I've gotten from the cafes are usually 7+ days from roast date
This is the first time I've actually ordered direct online

>> No.17757445

Why the fuck do ethiopians always clog ?

>> No.17757657


>> No.17757682
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Coffee in a can

>> No.17757730

>Average sw*rled V60

>> No.17757737

p sure the us site takes their own product photos

>> No.17757779


>> No.17757961

refurb rancilio silvia for 550? yes or no?

>> No.17757969

I started to bloom my slow drip. I think it has made all the difference.

>> No.17757982
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Warm can coffee on a cold Tokyo day is the best

>> No.17757992

Entry level pleb

>> No.17757995

Ah cool you guys are coffee fans like me! I LIVE on starbucks!!!

>> No.17758106

I'm drinking instant coffee, is that fine?

>> No.17758166

I like a cup of water right after espresso

>> No.17758211

Peppermint bark Keurig with ice and creamer, enjoying it, and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

>> No.17758260

oh no, them the beans lmao

>> No.17758292

I'm thinking about thos beans

>> No.17758306
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bloom this

>> No.17758315

filtered i hope anon.

>> No.17758452


>> No.17758533

I wish this was more than just a novelty in the states. Canned coffee realistically SHOULD be huge here due to fags wanting to bring coffee everywhere they fucking go and living their 'super cool just like the movies' urban lives but sadly only a few import isles carry these things for overpriced resale.
I still grab a few for a beach day, camping, boating, or any kind of all day nature outing because an ice cold can of coffee on a hot summer day is beyond refreshing.

>> No.17758633

Power was out today, no coffee to start my day.
Does Anon have back up plans for coffee when this happens?
I was thinking about camping using camping gear.

>> No.17758657

>no coffee to start my day
uhh your moka pot and manual grinder?
uhh your bripe?
uhh your aeropress?

>> No.17758667
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>coffee general
>faggots being faggots
every single time lmao

>> No.17758690

Never heard of the bripe but I’ll check it out, Ty fren.

>> No.17758695

look no further

>> No.17758768

go drink your wet tree leaves, boy

>> No.17758770

what's /ctg/'s opinion on kona beans

>> No.17758787

Overswirled AND overpriced.

>> No.17758790

forgive my ignorance but wtf is overswirled in the context of coffee? I looked it up but no relevant results.

what's your favorite bean?

>> No.17758795

Your mom's bean

>> No.17758799
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>> No.17758815

tea weebs are the cringest neckbeard phenotype

>> No.17758828

nothing special. splurge on geshas or well-known lots instead if you want pricey novelty

>> No.17758840

I think it's delicious and full bodied but slightly over-extracted. What kind of coffee did I make?

>> No.17758848
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what makes it so expensive? first I've heard of it, thank you

>> No.17758849


>> No.17758856

medium roast geisha from south america, you used a moka pot and didnt account for the different density so your timing was off and you didnt change your temp control from your usual beans.

>> No.17758861

Being a leverfag if the power goes I'm not as impacted out I bust out the camp stove and moka pot for the *comfy* vibes

>> No.17758977

geshas are hard to grow and perpetually in demand because of how lovely they can be.

>> No.17759031

These two have been nothing but fantastic.

>> No.17759038

right now, this kenyan. the finish tastes just like lime if you do it right.


>> No.17759075

Are there different between different beans?
Are the different big enough for normal people to tell it apart?
Hell no.

>> No.17759228

Trying out a cosori sometime this week after my plain kettle finally kicked the bucket, anyone have any experience with em?

>> No.17759236

is Monogram actually good? I've seen it shilled elsewhere so I remain skeptical.

>> No.17759265

>Trying out a cosori
are we supposed to know exactly what you are talking about just based off this?

>> No.17759291

Yes moron.
>Trying out a cosori
>after my plain kettle finally kicked the bucket

>> No.17759333

>they have 6 kettles
you are a dumb fuck.

>> No.17759341

why would seeing it recommended by others make you skeptical? and I can't speak for the warmth line but their filter coffee (colored bags) are great, one of the best in canada for sure. the cheaper ethiopians they cycle through offer especially good value imo (20cad/340g) as are their subscriptions

>> No.17759345
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red bull is better than coffee.

>> No.17759351

And of those 6, which ones are most likely to be used for coffee?

>> No.17759361

We got a pastebin now. It litty.

>> No.17759370

What should I know about decaf coffee before buying some? Any sort to avoid or seek out, etc.

>> No.17759375

im assuming you bought the gooseneck meme and think only a gooseneck can make good coffee but even then there are 2 gooseneck kettles in their range.

you mentioned plain kettle so it would be safe to assume you are looking to replace it with another plain kettle from cosori, and they have 4.

>which ones are most likely to be used for coffee?
the kettle that is most used for coffee would be the cheapest kettle so that would be the original double-walled electric kettle for $33.99

you are a dumb fuck.

>> No.17759399

look for either sugarcane or water process decaf from specialty roasters.

>> No.17759402

>gooseneck meme
Classic. Can I hot bloom cold brew with this?

>> No.17759405
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>> No.17759747

is the GINA just a meme hario switch?

>> No.17759893

are espresso milk drinks any different tasting than coffee milk drinks?

>> No.17759956

Great question for the akashic general.

>> No.17760035

Is there a manual level espresso machine that isn’t poorfag flair/robot tier?

>> No.17760038


not that spring stuff

>> No.17760088

Odyssey Argos preorder is about the best you'll get. $350+ over the f58 and you get a PID .6L boiler to descale and a steamwand.

>> No.17760121

>Odyssey Argos
why do i want this if i have a good single boiler? aside from it looks cool talk me off the edge bro

>> No.17760169

this is still vaporware or people have revised it? thanks looks interesting

>> No.17760182

You do NOT have 19 coffeegfs

>> No.17760185


sorry I’m falling apart as I don’t currently have an espresso machine

>> No.17760193

Should I crack open a Boss Black or a UCC with milk?

>> No.17760204

i can dream, can't I?

>> No.17760233

bros can I please get some feedback on the pastebin so far? i'm trying to keep it concise without leaving things out.

anything glaring missing from the index?

>> No.17760291

Because direct levers are based?
Units should be coming out early summer. I thought about hopping on this preorder for ~6mo but I really don't think it offers that much over a SEP f58(other than obviously having a steam wand and better build quality). $1100 with their bluetooth gauge(to pair with their app) and you still need a bluetooth scale on top of that. Seems like a sidegrade + milk.

>> No.17760349

not yet I don't

>> No.17760363

It's almost time for my daily 7pm 400mL cup of coffee

>> No.17760415

I am once again asking for the best decaf roasted in North America (I do not care where it was grown but thank you aussie bro)

>> No.17760420

So there are no other fully manual machines?

>> No.17760436

not him but other than flair roq robot? the 9barista but lol.

oh i know: the coffeejack.

>> No.17760448

Premium manual don’t exist because it’s a meme?

>> No.17760462

Theres a bunch of 58 lever knockoffs coming out of asia but nothing too cool.

>> No.17760464

*non spring of course 8spgw

>> No.17760469

Oh that brua is 51mm my bad. So a shinier worse flair with poor ergo kek.

>> No.17760471

looking for Londinium quality, whatever that means, in a fully manual machine. not George Forman grill tier flair et al

>> No.17760473

what kind of product are you suggesting should exist? in coffee, premium generally means better build quality and more functionality. for lever machines more functionality means self-heating, temp control, etc.

if you aren't well served by the flair 58 or the argos, do what everyone else does and get a silvia or lelit anna

>> No.17760484

Lever suggestions only please, perhaps spring models if full manual is such an absolute meme

>> No.17760491

Just say you don't know what you're looking for and move on.

>> No.17760506


>> No.17760509

Are the *as seen on tv tier Flair 58 and *don’t have a clue to,the degree we can’t even release on schedule tier Argos the ONLY manual lever machines then? Aside from robot meme of course etc

>> No.17760512

this lmao

>> No.17760524

there are plenty of vintage levers that may suit you better. instead of this never-ending 'how about this one?' why don't you just say what you want in a lever machine?

>> No.17760536

well I don’t know what I want as I don’t know what exists. I’d like recommendations for manual lever was the point. you mention vintage machine and indeed please point me towards these options.

>> No.17760550

Buy this and fuck off. You want an off the shelf product that exists and is up to your standards. They'll get it to you within the week, but I'm guessing your budget is less than half of that.

>> No.17760556

>well I don’t know what I want as I don’t know what exists
ie you know nothing about espresso machiness and want a lever because they look cool? google will take you a long way man lol

>> No.17760563

well I was looking at Londinium but it’s spring and I would like manual.

>> No.17760574

>but it’s spring and I would like manual.
And you have ZERO idea why you want this, right?

>> No.17760600

reeber cohee dayo

>> No.17760602

Do manual levers look cool? I don’t know as all I’ve only been able to find so far the aforementioned which look not so cool exactly..maybe cheap is more accurate?

I’m looking for pressure and flow profiling in a machine that doesn’t look like George Forman would be selling on late night infomercials

>> No.17760609

Cool. Buy a decent or LMLM. You're looking for something to show off, not to make espresso.

>> No.17760611

I have idea without spring I would have real-time feedback of how the puck is responding to the pressure etc.and could compensate/save shots where my puck prep, or trying new beans/grind were not 100% dialed in, etc

>> No.17760616

pretty sure he's trolling you dude

>> No.17760617

Neither level, manual

>> No.17760626


I am 100% interested in a manual lever machine, maybe anon who mentioned vintage lever machines will give some options to look at?

>> No.17760644

and really so much more with having real time feedback of a manual lever I imagine, gut looking for options beyond what I already mentioned

>> No.17760647

Just buy a streitman and fuck off.

>> No.17760649

It doesn't come with native chinese wall plug. Do you know of some less sinophobic options?

>> No.17760664

thank you anon

>> No.17760680

any recommendations for vintage manual lever machines would also be appreciated

>> No.17760701

notice how this nigga isn't asking about a grinder

>> No.17760705

Regarding the streitmman, and possibly other manual lever machines like f58 with valve plunger, is there technique to adding water and raising the lever without damaging the puck?

>> No.17760709


>> No.17760715

Oh I know. Thats how you know he's not trolling, he's just an idiot.
I don't use the valve on the f58. Just fill with the piston fully up.

>> No.17760716

Nigger you can tell me all you want about grinders. ;)

>> No.17760731

In reading, I’ve come across the issue with manual levers enough to ask. I would also wonder if putting the portafilter in with the lever srm up and then lowering it before addding water(with the latest f58) would disturb the puck?

>> No.17760737

ok so basically you need one with a lever and 200mm flat grain burrs. don't settle for less, better exists and you can have it.

>> No.17760741

thank you anon!

>> No.17760753

Thanks, I already have a couple hand grinders and ssp aligned electric

>> No.17760760

>ssp aligned electric
just say df64 bro lmao

>> No.17760771

it is, but I’m here asking about manual lever machines, still

>> No.17760787

ok I kneel

>> No.17760804
File: 824 KB, 721x919, 0D526A35-45E0-40DA-970F-B7699BA81C67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it’s very good but not what I’m asking about

>> No.17760823

In particular I am still looking for Ideas on manual lever machines..I suppose spring might need to be assumed but I’m trying to find a nice straight lever if possible

>> No.17760858

muh pour over lmfao

>> No.17760882

Buy all 4 volumes of The Lever Magazine and report back.

>> No.17760894

true, clearly no one here has read TLM and able to share knowledge. should probably ask Reddit lmfao to get actual informed responses eh?

>> No.17760906

yes, reddit the home of informed esoteric coffee knowledge. we both know you must go back, it's where you belong.

be well my son.

>> No.17760910

clearly ?

>> No.17760911

Yeah. Maybe there is a discord for people like you too

>> No.17760919

so far

1. buy an unreleased or tested model
2. Muh grinder


>> No.17760926

people who wanna make espresso with a non-poorfag tier manual lever machine ?

>> No.17760942


>> No.17760945


>> No.17760951

I guess…

>> No.17760958


>> No.17760977

Do “people” actually buy ground?

>> No.17761013


>> No.17761056

hurr durr I press water through coffee in a plastic tube

>> No.17761096

Can someone just tell me what manual lever machine is best………

>> No.17761116

just nigers that don’t own digital scales

>> No.17761134

i-is this a right wing forum?

>> No.17761144

Right proper retarded

>> No.17761153

It's called EAF discord and they're going to tell you to buy a flair 58 or Argos lol. The flair is just good enough not to bitch about, the Argos is potentially better and highly anticipated. You can go on there and talk to the head designer of Argos right now.

>> No.17761157

eceeyone knows best coffee is bbc coffee

>> No.17761160

By the acre, or hectare, depending on location. They need somewhere to grow the coffee bushes.

>> No.17761168

coffee and keyboards are so similar it depresses me lol. i'm such a mark

>> No.17761175

I would like to know,the other options…which seem to not exist? manual lever, I suppose spring might be all there are beyond those late night commercial options pe8ds

>> No.17761182

I just wanna pull a better shot

>> No.17761189

there is nothing wrong with flair

>> No.17761204

I've given you several. You seem to ignore them because you read a single blurb about puck degradation on the streitman. Buy an espressoforge and fuck off.

>> No.17761206

There is nothing wrong with peeing into the spread anus of your gf but not everyone wants too innit

>> No.17761234

Chucked out my moka pot because the bottom chamber's dumbass non-stick interior coating is coming off. Why would anyone think having a plastic coating inside a pressurized boiling chamber on a direct heat source would be healthy long term

>> No.17761240

it seems sn options for sure, and I would like to hear about any others too! regarding your comment of puck integrity I would hope you understand that a lever lets the user respond to the condition of the puck in real time resulting in a better pull…

>> No.17761241

I got my wife's son a Flair 58 for his bar mitzvah and the little rascal loves it. I would definitely recommend the Flair 58 to other people who are interested in a lever expresso machine.

>> No.17761247

pulling shots

what is it?

>> No.17761254

spring no manual. pulling shsots. i want machine to pull shots no manual spring level

>> No.17761255

I've got ~$700 of data logging on my direct lever. Don't try to get cute.

>> No.17761260

Given that espresso is so delicious, aside from aeropress, should pour over even exist?

>> No.17761261

That's on you to be honest

>> No.17761264

lemme see, as I too have data

>> No.17761271

I wish I understood

>> No.17761293

it ok i ask reddit

>> No.17761323


>> No.17761329

SEP + lunar. Been playing around with the londinium profile.

>> No.17761370

Are you sure that Anon's moka pot was an Italian model? My Bialetti Fiammetta model has an unlined aluminum lower chamber.

>> No.17761449

I am into similar profiles. i have been pouring water in with lever down but slightly off so water is pouring into puck…I’ve mostly had no issue pouring water in while after s few seconds waiting then slowly pulling the arm up when steady pouring in the water. It takes about 2t seconds this way, and 90% after starting the shot I have a delicious drink….but I have had a couple where after getting the lever to the top after pressing it takes FAR tooo long until the pressure goes up and these pulls actually go to the [ping where the volume is less than possible normslky

>> No.17761512

bros I don’t to deal with this autism. I just want to literally pull a perfect shot of espresso with my lever machine

>> No.17761649

ok so i have been watching hoffmanns videos for 2 weeks and i think i am ready for my first espresso machine so i guysss lever? i bought kin grinder and df64 now i need made in shenzen lever no spring...

any cheap good well built vintage new levers bros?

>> No.17761663

Bros stop being cringe and tell me what manual lever to get plz also no chinky chinky comprende. No spring btw

>> No.17761732

You can have it by friday.

>> No.17761768

It's a Bialetti Venus (stainless steel model), has the non-stick coating. I avoid aluminium because of the Alzheimer's meme, my nonno got it so i'm sus. Do anons not care about it?

>> No.17761977

i read the pastebin :)
its a good start.

>> No.17761987

thank you. everyone else ignored me..

any specific feedback?

>> No.17762084

well this is clearly written by a v60 fag ( :) )
should probably leave the memes out of it like hoffmeme (i enjoy the play on his name but for a pastebin focusing on informing new people its probably better to just stick with his actual name)

maybe im an idiot but i think the whole percolator section is weird/unnecessary (oh and this video should probably be linked in the percolator section https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9avjD9ugXc ). like yes the definition of percolation does apply to all of those methods i dont see the point in talking about percolation like that unless you are talking about the percolator specifically, like no one who has doing any of these brewing methods for their whole life thinks about what they are doing as "percolation" unless they are of course using a percolator. probably better to remove that section and just list each brewing method and how it works and variations and maybe some history and if someone else has already done the work just write a short descriptor and link to it (notably the series hoffmann did on both the aeropress and the moka pot are better than anything you could write here)

i think the general writing style used is good, it reads as if you are being spoken to by a friend or something like that.

also it would be nice if this was an unbiased source (i know its very hard) of information. i see v60 and espresso as the most common brewing methods in specialty coffee brewing groups so those 2 methods tend to dominate the scene when it comes to information/reviews/guides. (like you will find hundreds of guides on how to grind for espresso but few if any on things like moka pot where ignorant people just assume you can use an espresso grind and brew perfectly).

thats all i have after 1 read and a brief skim while making the comment. good luck :)

>> No.17762228

thank you so much for writing this all out i really appreciate it, i'll engage with it in order.

i don't think i consciously chose to write hoffmeme it's so engrained in me at this point lol.

as for percalator my intention is to include a short blurb distinguishing the percalator from percolation brewing so newcomers who may have heard of percolators don't automatically associate the two. I agree it's not so cut and dry but my intention with the immersion/percolation/hybrid sectioning isn't to segregate coffee brewing into esoteric categories. i wanted to roughly sort out on the page and in the mind of a coffee-naiive newfriend how brew methods roughly relate to each other. a list seemed like less information conveyed in the same space as sections but I agree it isn't perfect.

aeropress, moka pot, espresso etc will all lean heavily on hoffmeme videos. my intention isn't to compete with his videos but rather hand them off to new friends. he's really accrued an insane catalogue of bangers over the years.

i don't know if I'd call my writing biased, or at least i'm not letting negative bias slip. I hate french press but you wouldn't be able to tell it by it's section. As for the v60 section, my goal was to describe the v60 in the context of it's place in coffee so I think I should mention the competition success. I do agree it should be as unbiased as possible though so I've changed it to provide a bit more nuance.

let me pick your brain on this: I don't think we should include any recipes. it gets too dicey too quickly for newfriends imo. i think just linking videos to good recipes (hoffmeme, lance hedrick, etc) should suffice. what do you think?

>> No.17762271

Cool pastebin OP, maybe down the track a list of recommended devices broken into price ranges? Or perhaps just a "thinks to avoid" section. I am a filthy tourist and lurk here to pick up on things like that

>> No.17762289

>maybe down the track a list of recommended devices broken into price ranges?
on the way ! brewers and grinders and espresso machines and kettles, all that.

>"thinks to avoid" section
this is interesting but it may be too divisive for /ctg/ lel. one mans hard avoid is another's daily brewer

thanks for the feedback bro, will keep at it ! if you guys have more ideas/critique pls drop them in the thread and i'll probably read them at some point

>> No.17762330

(thinking out loud a bit)

i think recipes are tricky. because yes you dont want to overload new people but you also dont want to just send them to other places like its all been written about and talked about for decades so you can always find some place to send people instead of just rewriting stuff. but that probably feels bad for a new person just being told to go to xyz places instead.

also it depends on what is defined as a recipe. is the difference between a guide and a recipe just listing exact measurements of things?
can you write about how to brew a moka pot start to finish and not have it be a recipe, like someone walked you through baking a cake would that no also be them giving you a recipe to bake a cake?

you could also have a "beginners" and "advanced" sections of the pastebin. or perhaps a better option would be to outline what recipes are/look like and how they are used within communities like this and then tell people to comment in the thread asking people for their recipes. this could drive more engagement with this general and push people to stick around and not just enter, read the pastebin and then leave.

>> No.17762358

Advanced seems necessary for autism like baking soda/epsom salt concentrates to get water gh/kh values just right. There are some handy spreedsheets for that. Maybe water filter recommendations too?

>> No.17762452

>tfw dont even drink coffee but work as barista in a cafe
I just make up random shit when some hipster show up and asking about some of the beans

>> No.17762469

95%+ of people who frequent cafes don't know shit about coffee. they're caffeine addicts who like the aesthetic

>> No.17762564

If coffee is so great, why does it make me shit?

>> No.17762575

How tight is your pussy?

>> No.17762580

I love shitting

>> No.17762583

who doesn’t

>> No.17762590

Me because when I do it blood comes out

>> No.17762592

nerve gas

>> No.17762594

Close but I actually have AIDS. Lance Hedrick filled me with a pozzed load in the backroom of the WBrC 2019 and I was diagnosed last year.

>> No.17762673

This is the whole purpose of coffee, bud.

>> No.17762727

I really, really want to try one. I know it's most likely going to be underwhelming, but manga are one hell of an advertisement.

>> No.17762733

This, normies will never know that coffee can taste like fruit juice, they're forever stuck with three shades of over-extracted dark roast, poor basterds.

>> No.17762740
File: 538 KB, 846x476, steve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats a coffee close to instant type 2?

>> No.17762776

Can I make something out of the handful (<5g) of beans I have leftover when switching roast?

>> No.17762793
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>> No.17762797

you can but you shouldn't.

>> No.17763074

Whoops, original question anon here, yeah should've been more specific it was the gooseneck kettle with the temp presets buttons on the base
>plain kettle
Exactly that, it was some kitchen aid electric kettle I got some 10-odd years ago that took well over 5 minutes to get to a boil
Gooseneck meme or not I do pour overs for most of my coffees and tea for guests so I ended up picking it in the end

>> No.17763086

I kinda bit into one and was really tempted to just eat it because it tasted really good. There's no side effects, is there?

>> No.17763109

no. i remember ages ago i ate coffee beans coated in chocolate and it was really good. (lots of chewing)

>> No.17763145

canned coffee is absolutely shite.
because the japs have the palatal sophistication of children they make the coffee almost sweet, even the 'black' types. desu it's impressive how dreadful they mange to make it

>> No.17763165

I'd definitely try and make that if I had any chocolate at hand. Such a shame.

>> No.17763332

Hope you like it! Don't worry about retardnon, everyone else knew what kettle you were talking about.

>> No.17763372

Is it a pain to heat the brew chamber it if you get the fullly manual, no electric heating, option?
Flair 58 gotta be the best. I feel an inferiority complex about the pro2's awkward basket shape

>> No.17763383

>everyone else knew
im literally the only cunt in this thread that replied, if ANYONE else knew what that guy was talking about they would have said something. i was the only cunt that said anything and i was saying how neither i or anyone else knew what he was talking about and if he gave literally any fucking details maybe someone would respond.

fuck you and that kettle schizo.

>> No.17763411

Nevermind I checked it on Youtube. Yeah it's the same steam method as the flair pro. Aside from the neat portability I get with the pro, the 58 is better in many ways

>> No.17763591
File: 3.41 MB, 4032x3024, E6213A4A-619D-4915-9EFC-7C56CDB8B384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting ready to make some cofee

>> No.17763594

look at you bro!

>> No.17763602
File: 3.38 MB, 4032x3024, 63970135-1F92-4EF1-965D-D60D51443CB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after brewing.
no channeling.

this one will probably be sideways too

>> No.17763729

Everyone else knew because they can afford the gooseneck meme. Your poorfag brain just thought a kettle shouldn't cost more than $30.

>> No.17763733

The 58 costs almost 600$. Imo that somewhat defeats the purpose. Flair Neo (without the retarded portafilter) + pressure gauge + 100$ handgrinder is the ultimate poorfag Espresso set-up. If you want to upgrade from there you should just save a bit longer and then get a real machine.

>> No.17763746

>the japs have the palatal sophistication of children
How so? They have some weird fucking fast food and silly versions of Western dishes, but the actual cuisine looks fine to me. They also have some of the highest food quality and healthiest diets in the world (although that is incidental to taste, obviously).

>> No.17763759

is it possible to get a decent plumbed espresso maker for under 2k ?

>> No.17763795

Have you ever blind-tested shots from different machines in the 1-3k range? The world of espresso is 20% food science and 80% greasy Italian fugazi. A more expensive machine might not be worth it for people whose palette can't actually keep up. I went full autism for a couple of years, spending thousands and now I'm all the way back to drinking coffee from a 20$ French Press lol. The only purchase I haven't regretted at all was a decent hand-grinder and it'll last me the rest of my life.

>> No.17763825

Sounds like complete bullshit but keep larping if it helps.

>> No.17763849

Based shizo Chad talking to himself because nobody else has anything interesting to say. What are you drinking today?

>> No.17763860

>Noooo you have to give him (you)s he worked hard on that larp
Personally I spent thousands smoking Opus Xs now I'm all the way back to smoking backwoods. They pair great with maragogipe.

>> No.17763927

Why did you overswirl it? Look at those longitudinal striations

>> No.17763990

You can even see it in the thumbnail kek.

>> No.17764048

i see wut u did dere

>> No.17764472

God damn maple cortados are the best.

>> No.17764561

lol this guy puts sugar and milk in his coffee

>> No.17764610

> blind-tested shots
but i want to buy an espresso maker that i can plumb into at a price point of under 2k
i want something that looks nice, is easy to use and won’t break down easily.
i live in NH and it’s fairly inconvenient to go out to get an espresso. i just want to be able to make it at home

>> No.17764675

you're the guy that asked about fixing a commercial machine arent you lol

>> No.17764698

I can easily make a delicious 5g 120ml brew in the hario switch. grind finer, steep longer

>> No.17765025

i'm gonna try to make a 5g brew

>> No.17765053

report back

>> No.17765087

I put a little of this in the maple cortado and its strangely great.

>> No.17765568
File: 865 KB, 2048x2048, MoccaMaster_Set_79212_KBTS_PolishedSilver_3493-01_2048x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on the Moccamaster brewers? An espresso machine seems like overkill for me since I prefer black coffee to espresso-based drinks. I'm tired of the Aeropress and I don't like the cleanup and limited size of a French press.

>> No.17765645

take the hario switch pill

>> No.17765728

Based boomer appliance. Go with a ratio6 or 8 if you want the third wave equivalent.

>> No.17765764

I want a heated carafe. I suppose I could get the switch + insulated carafe.
Much more visually appealing, thanks

>> No.17765840
File: 93 KB, 1200x900, fellow-carter-everywhere-mug-lifestyle-1_4b3aa1bd-a7ba-4a64-aaa9-83534488d700_2000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hario switch + fellow carter. btfos a machine. look into it

>> No.17765971

Get a thermal carafe not a hotplate. You'll only cook the fuck out of your coffee with the heated carafe.

I like my Fellow Carter but I use it with my Aeropress or more often my Breville Precision Brewer

>> No.17766026

>I want a heated carafe
No, you do not

>> No.17766147

no, i would never try to fix something.
i’m the guy who posted the pour over pics above. i’ve been drinking pour over coffee almost every day since summer 2018 and i miss espresso.

>> No.17766234

What the fuck. I was just going to buy a stainless steel Bialetti. Plastic lining in a hot water pressure chamber? what the fuck are they thinking?!
They don't sell any of the other Italian brands here, I don't feel like ordering online anymore for now, and the Chinese Bialetti knockoffs are absolutely terrible. Guess no mokapots for me...

Flair coffee has been terrible too. Either it went rancid after only 1 month or I forgot something I used to do before. Shit's just lingering bitter nastiness now. Hope I remember how I used to do it right

>> No.17766273

Canned coffee is great because of the ubiquity of vending machines and little else. It's not good coffee, but it's coffee you can have pretty much whenever you want wherever you are.

>> No.17766426

>Hope I remember how I used to do it right
What flair and whats your routine/recipe? Make sure everything is fully heat soaked and don't be afraid to preinfuse for 20-25s and run a longer shot time. With the old tall flair basket I had I was running 55s shots and loving them.

>> No.17766441

I was just venting. I mostly got everything right and for a while coffee tasted real great, but the last few times were bad. It's signature pro2
I preheat with steam from the kettle, and I've experimented with preinfusing too. It'll be fine I'll figure it out.
WDT is especially annoying for me because of the odd shape of the basket. I used to just poke the needles all the way to the bottom in multiple places or sometimes rotate it in its place without stirring. When I stir with the WDT I feel like I'm creating more problems for myself

>> No.17766515

Printing this out and having it as a quick reference really helped me a couple years ago.

>> No.17766532
File: 161 KB, 670x1024, espresso tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man you helped me before, I think. I have it ready on my desktop for my coffeetimes. It's a useful chart.

>> No.17766619

20g 20s
that is what I always do

>> No.17766635

how is the trade coffee thing

>> No.17766650

The pastebinis is nice. Maybe link that hoffmeme audiobook an anon shared a few threads ago to go with the pdf

>> No.17766672

can you makean americano by keep adding yield then?
I mean its already a dilute espresso

>> No.17766732

Dunno. I thought the rule was to not brew it for too long or you'd start extracting the bad flavors. It might be a really bad tasting americano

>> No.17766830

Basically what filter 2.0 is right?
Yeah that was me. Its a good chart. Should probably be in the pastebin.

>> No.17766918

17g, 25 seconds, 36g out gets me something I really like across a range of beans I like from one roaster, and gets me one extra cup (and an even number that at two a day means a bag lasts a week perfectly) over dosing at 18.

I do like updosing if I'm making a milk drink though

>> No.17766964
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tfw no tomboy barista gf

>> No.17767292

I would let her taste my boymilk if you catch my drift

>> No.17767775

Made my first french press coffee attempt using this method and it was pretty damned good, I really liked the end result but I don't have anything to compare it to as of yet.
I had to do it with espresso ground coffee though because I ordered whole bean samples and for some retarded reason they sent me espresso grind instead.
Not sure whether a coarser grind would work better, given that I am not plunging the filter a finer grind might produce a better result.

No grits went through the filters on the espro p5, I like it but probably not the best value for money product out there compared to a cheap one.
I think I will stick with french press as my daily driver, it takes a while to brew with that method but the results are consistent and it is dead simple and easy to clean.
Curious to try out a more involved brewing method over the weekend like vaccuum syphon, but I am tempted to hop into espresso with a manual lever like a flair product or equivalent.
vaccum syphon seems similar to french press except filtered with a paper filter.
I think espresso would have a more distinguishable taste making it worth the effort.

>> No.17768288

>james hoffman
idk arent you supposed to let the coffee brew for a few minutes? in his method he explicitly says you should stir the top immediately after the pouring to stop the brewing and let it "chill". Feels like this method runs a chsnce of under-extraction

>> No.17768347

too outwardly enthusiastic for me
i would be uncomfortable

>> No.17768445

Natural processed coffee is dogshit

>> No.17768480
File: 2.62 MB, 2755x3024, 3588894D-0543-4C64-A3A3-2CA212DFEEFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to get so caffeinated

>> No.17768498
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>> No.17768522

Is his audience supposed to be autists, or coffee gear consumers?

>> No.17768524

favorite keurig cup? i'm trying to expand my palate past french vanilla

>> No.17768529

what's the difference?

>> No.17768536

you have to go back

>> No.17768558

As an autist I appreciate it. Didn't learn any ethics, but his explanations are good.

>> No.17768583

parents income?

>> No.17768629

either option can be financially independent or be on an allowance.

>> No.17768648

how, exactly, do I get an allowance to buy coffee paraphernalia

>> No.17768673

Quick, matte black or barre metal machine?

>> No.17768686

8 bar, 6 bar spring btw

>> No.17768693

I should sell my barista tamp and buy the new bigstep :/

>> No.17768702

i am quick to realize size matters

>> No.17768728
File: 3.10 MB, 960x7605, 5g pour over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5g/140ml switch

30g 2min bloom, open switch at 1:00
Switch closed at 2:00, 110g in
Stir at 3:00
Small jiggle and open switch at 4:00, discard the last 10ml that stalls. That last bit adds nothing but bitter.

The result is a small cup of well balanced, tasty coffee. I've always known it was possible to make great small cups but having done it, I can see myself doing this as a small pick me up here and there. I think it'd be great around 5pm on days you can't have a full cup.

>> No.17768736

Damn anon props to you, I had just come into the thread wondering if you'd tried it yet. That cup looks almost like tea, in color.

>> No.17768744

Other espressofags, do you change up your dose/yield often? I've been doing 16g coffee/32g output for a while now and haven't really changed it up.

>> No.17768761

All your filter coffee can look that color if you have a glass cup and a lamp but yeah I wouldn't go looking for body in a 5g brew lol

>> No.17768810

Looks great but is it worth "wasting" a filter on such a small amount? Thats kind of the whole reason I didn't immediately pull the trigger on the urushi lacquer yasukiyo. I didn't see myself keeping 1cup filters around just in case I wanted a slightly smaller mug. Now I've got boxes of chemex filters sitting around waiting to be hole punched kek.
I usually keep the grind ~1g and just adjust through output/grind/flow.

>> No.17768826

Looks like this is finally coming out. Acaia+weber 64mm single doser at $1350 this summer. Could be an option for anyone wanting a p64 and wanting to save a few bucks and not end up with a burnt out df64.

>> No.17768848

have dumb parents with too much disposable income.

>> No.17768869

no thanks

>> No.17768886

>burnt out

>> No.17768920

Do dumb people really have disposable income?

>> No.17768927

The way P64 supply is going though, you can get a P64, use it until god knows when the Orbit will ship and then sell it locally for what you paid for it. Maybe you'd take a loss selling local in the US but the local used coffee gear market here is atrocious

>> No.17768934

pretty sure even a shitty ass robusta mix in a french press can yield better results

>> No.17768951

I was just wishing there were more overpriced chinkshit available!

>> No.17768970


>> No.17769026
