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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17739426 No.17739426 [Reply] [Original]

do you do the dishes the same night or the next day?

>> No.17739430

usually the next morning

>> No.17739433

I let them pile up for days and wipe them down with paper towels to reuse when I run out

>> No.17739438

I try to do them at night, I wish I had a bigger sink

>> No.17739443

Haha mind If I save this picture? It's really funny.

>> No.17739447

Recently got a one basic "country" style sink and it's a double edged sword. Usually I do dishes when the sink is full but that fucking behemoth can hold every fucking dish I own

>> No.17739449

sure lol i just came up with that one on the spot haha share it with your friends

>> No.17739451
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Wash them down and toss them into the dishwasher after i'm done eating. Keeps things clean and the only chore is having to put them back.

>> No.17739453

I clean what I need when I need it. It's the most efficient way. CAYG fags aren't saving time, they're making their prep time longer. It makes sense in the workplace, not in real life.

>> No.17739459

I wash while I cook, there is always a spare moment for one bowl, plate or pan. When I'm done eating, I immediatly do the dishes. This is the way.

>> No.17739468

Social services do the dishes for me because I'm disabled. I still cook tho just can't face mentally doing the dishes.

>> No.17739470

Man what a friendly guy haha, I love this place

Jerry “the stone” Thomas
Roll Hill, SC (go Trojans!)

>> No.17739576

I would do this but I always make a mess when doing dishes (water, soap flies everywhere accidentally because of curved dishes) and my stove is right next to it. also I would waste a lot of hand soap because I need to clean my hands right after i do the dishes because sponge grosses me out honestly. so yeah i cant do that unless i want to spend 4-5x the amount on hand soap and eat dish soap in my food.

>> No.17739674

The only correct answer.

>> No.17739727

I have a dishwasher

>> No.17739728
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>he same night or the next day?
The same hour. Its best to get that shit out the way ASAP

>> No.17739769

I put them in the dishwasher and run it whenever it is full.

>> No.17739788

I just leave them for my wife. I haven't washed a dish in 4 years.

>> No.17739802

2 times a week, get mad that I have so much to do at once, lose a few more brain cells, repeat

>> No.17739810

Hello fellow white person

>> No.17739826
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>tfw used to live with relatives that never cleaned up after they cooked
>tfw they regularly blamed me for their mess
>they act surprised when I stop inviting them over after they leave a huge fucking mess
I clean while I cook so it's not a hassle.

>> No.17740076

Let my dog lick them clean then put them in the dishwasher. We are a good team with a good system.

>> No.17740684

Usually clean everything as I cook. Usually by the end I just have to clean the plate, utensils, and cutting board

>> No.17740719

Yeah i've been doing that myself and honestly it's a lot less hassle.
Usually I just have like a pan to clean up.

>> No.17740795

I am the designated dishwasher, I'd prefer either washing up in the evening or post meal

>> No.17742074

I know haha I love this content

>> No.17742454
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>> No.17742526

There is never spare time to wash anything that you're not going to reuse anyway. You're definitely doing a lot of redundant work and using more things than you need to.

>> No.17742529

I like cooking

>> No.17742530

I do them while I cook and right after I finish. My faggot roommates on the other hand leave them for days alongside all of the ingredients that missed the pan and ended up on the floor / counter.

>> No.17742537

I just leave them and make snide comments until the sink gets stinky and my wife washes them.
Sometimes she even gets to eat the delicious food I make.

>> No.17742550


>> No.17742570

What dumbass decided that it was a good idea to put coolant in the same shaped can as beer

>> No.17742573

So what, your sink is constantly full?

>> No.17742576

This is the correct answer. The effort it takes to wash dishes increases logarithmically with the amount of dishes in the sink.

>> No.17742654

Even if I have no idea what this means, my lazy ass will pick cleaning a few dishes over an entire pile, which will sit there indefinitely until i get sick of looking at it

>> No.17742778

I meant to do them a couple months ago but I needed to get out of town and had a surprise apartment inspection coming up so I threw them all in a trash bag and shoved it under the sink. I havent looked at them since

>> No.17742783

I got a dish washer 5 years ago and stopped caring.

>> No.17742798


Kys literal nigger-swine-vermin it isn't hyperbole to say you are actually pigs

>> No.17742806

Depends on the dish you're making. Making stew will only use up few items. Pot, cutting board, knife, spoon. But while making chinese, for example, I will use all the little bowls in my kitchen for various veggies, meats, and sauces. Pot for rice, pot for finished food, wok for prep. Spoon for hoisin, spoon for chili oil etc etc.

>> No.17742839
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I do the dishes right after I have finished cooking. The food is still too hot, so by the time I finish it is not too hot state.

>> No.17742873
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Seethe laborcuck, I haven't properly washed a dish in weeks and my home is still free of odors and pests.

>> No.17742903

wow i never thought it about it like this

>> No.17742906

Before eating

>> No.17742998

The same day, in the evening.

>> No.17743044

You can clean up while you're cooking, sometimes. Start frying the mince, prep the veg while that's going. If you finish cutting before the meat has browned fully, tidy up the kitchen.

>> No.17743091

Seems like every roommate in the world is a lazy disgusting faggot

>> No.17743113
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>there are people on /ck/ from third world countries where people still wash dishes by hand
I am 32 years old and have literally never once in my life washed a plate under running water. The whole idea is just insane, like washing my shirt in a bucket of soapy water instead of just putting it in the machine. Do you people not have electricity and plumbing in your countries?

>> No.17743119

You don't own any nice shirts

My crap clothes I toss in the machine, my good shirts I hand wash because they look better and last longer that way

>> No.17743129

>Do people with running water not have plumbing?
based retard

>> No.17743141

I do them while I cook. Usually, the only dishes that need to be washed after I eat are the plates and silverware. I don't like knowing there are a bunch of dishes that need to be washed. It would ruin my meal.

>> No.17743150

dishwashers are for lazy boomers

>> No.17743168

Your dishes aren't clothes. The only differences between washing them by hand are in the dishwasher are that the dishwasher does a better, more sanitary job, uses less water and takes less time. You aren't degrading your dishes putting them in the dishwasher. You're just making them cleaner.

>> No.17743175

>dishwasher throwing some soapy water at plates does a better job than scrubbing
sure anon

>> No.17743186

I do not think it means what you think it means.

>> No.17743189

>t. doesn't own any sharp knives or nice dishes or wood utensils or copper cookware or insulated containers or any cast iron whatsoever or nonstick pans or any family heirlooms
why do you exist?

>> No.17743196

>Your dishes aren't clothes
Never said they were, but you were shit talking hand washed clothes which indicates to me you don't have any nice clothes

>the dishwasher does a better, more sanitary job, uses less water and takes less time. You
Right, that's why I use my dishwasher to wash most dishes. But not my $30/each wine glasses because they would probably shatter just from the force of the water jets. I doubt you own anything like that, so keep on keeping on.

>> No.17743202

Why do you think you can't put your copper in the dishwasher?

>> No.17743205

because i prefer them to shine a little and i do not enjoy polishing them more often than i otherwise have to

>> No.17743208

YOU don’t own any nice shirts.
>my good shirts I hand wash
My good shirts, I have professionally cleaned.
>inb4 you do a better job of it

>> No.17743217

>inb4 you do a better job of it
Yes, I do. How do you think the pros are going to wash your shirts? Gently, by hand? For $3? You're stupid.

>> No.17743229

>i prefer them to shine a little
Then don't use them at all, the heat from cooking anything once will "damage" your perfect finish

>> No.17743251

you dont seriously think like that, do you?
i don't want to spend more time polishing them than i do washing them. how is that hard to understand?

>> No.17743259

>i don't want to spend more time polishing them than i do washing them
Same here, that's why I put my copper in the dishwasher. But then again I use my pans daily, so trying to preserve the factory shine would be extremely autistic and a waste of time.

>> No.17743282

>so trying to preserve the factory shine
you're actually not even reading what i'm saying
"i prefer them to shine a little"
dishwashers will make them tarnish very quickly and severely. i like mine to shine A LTITLE. this isn't rocket surgery.

>> No.17743299

what you just said means that the first dish is the biggest hurdle to wash, and consecutive dishes are considerably less effort. just look at a log curve vs an exponential one

>> No.17743306

>dishwashers will make them tarnish very quickly and severely. i li
Not true, try it some time. It's the same effect as putting a penny in lemon juice for a few minutes.

Only reason you should worry about real damage is if you have cast iron handles. If you do, disregard my advice. Otherwise, you're welcome for saving you all that wasted time.

>> No.17743331
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Right after because I like having the ability to call myself human

>> No.17743578

my gf does them

>> No.17743620

next day, too tired from food coma to do it

>> No.17743868

right away

>> No.17743890
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daddy thirsty

>> No.17743900

Everything that has served its purpose gets cleaned and/or put in the dishwasher immediately. I cannot stand bullshit laying around.

>> No.17744028

i live alone so i just pile up all those until i have no more to use , clean all of them at once.

>> No.17744032

Somewhere on some 24hr endurance race broadcast when I was half asleep 21 hours in I heard or imagined some dad-ism about working as a mechanic: "Got time to lean? Got time to clean". In my sleep deprived state it penetrated deep into my subconscious and now I find myself tidying shit up and wiping shit down in moments where I don't have anything more important to do without even thinking about and my life is better for it.

Somehow I never heard this in the four odd years I was working as a kitchen hand but I was probably way too lucid then to let it get to me anyway.

>> No.17744153

Once every 2-3 weeks.

>> No.17744159

Post sink filthy pig

>> No.17744238


>> No.17744642
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I should have said exponentially, my fault for being a mathlet. This time I've included a useful graph to better illustrate my point.

>> No.17744651
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>> No.17744687

Have you factored in the mental fatigue seeing a massive tower of dishes will put on you?

>> No.17746091

>get to cook
Cooking is a fucking chore.

>> No.17746113

damn, now I kinda get why zoomers eat tide pods

>> No.17746239

This image is half right. Working is a meme and giving up a third of your life just to exist.
You should strive to work less (or less hard by not working shitty high effort jobs) by reduce expenses.
t. work 30 hours of IT a week, at least half of it from home and I'm fucking around while on the clock constantly. Bills get paid fine and I expect to buy a house soon. That's what happens when you're not a retard that wastes his money on fast food and nikes.

>> No.17746251

Imagine some alcoholic retard drunk off his ass finding this in his garage and thinking he left a beer out.
Enforced darwinism is based.

>> No.17746288
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but thats wrong

>> No.17746302
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>next day
more like next week lmao

>> No.17746308

next morning. Last thing I want to do after eating dinner is do dishes.

>> No.17746334
File: 351 KB, 2480x2245, 1650516993628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in the dishwasher.
Powerdered detergent to the max in detergent cup and pre wash cup.
Rinse aid topped off.
Heavy wash.
Heated dry.
4 hour delay so it runs when I'm sleeping.
Clean dishes in the morning.
Wa la. Bone apple teeth.

>> No.17746403

Do dishes while waiting for things to cook. It helps.

>> No.17746408

yeah it's still wrong though. one dish in the sink is the most inefficient since you spend a much higher ratio of your time turning on sink, grabbing sponge, soaping up, rinsing off hands and turning off sink. the most efficient is this>>17746288

>> No.17746410

>Going to bed in dirty house
Dont breed

>> No.17746414

i've tried to beat this into my gf so many times she just doesn't get it

>> No.17746418

imagine wasting your one and only life hand washing shirts

>> No.17747156

Yeah maybe I should rephrase myself. While it is more efficient to do a lot of dishes in one go I was referring to how likely I am to do the dishes because of perceived difficulty. Imagine

For one dish in the sink
>oh that's easy I'll do it right away
For five
>eh whatever they won't take much time
For ten
>uh I don't feel like it plus I still have a clean one in the cupboard

Tl:Dr The more dishes the less likely you are to do them.

>> No.17747157

You do realize hand washing puts more stress on the cloth than machine washing

>> No.17747200

This is the definition of a lazy slob

>> No.17747220

I often leave leftovers out overnight too. I find the fermentation helps evolve the flavours.

>> No.17747631

Imagine wasting your life on 4chan

>> No.17747642 [DELETED] 

Yeah maybe you should kill yourself, lazy fuck

>> No.17747663

What website are you on eh? Fucking moron

>> No.17747832

I do the dishes the same night, except for cutlery. I fucking hate washing cutlery, so I just let it pile up until I run out. Forks are bitchy to clean because I HAVE to clean between every prong.

>> No.17747846

>*glup, glup, glup, glup, glup*

>> No.17747851

I prefer to do them at night, but if I run out of time I just scrape and rinse everything with food still on it, clean and put away all sharp knives, fully clean any non-stainless pans, etc. those sorts of things shouldn't be left overnight

>> No.17747928

Why does everyone have those creeping vine things above their sink? Hell even I have one

>> No.17748004

>Hell even I have one

>> No.17748006
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right after using them
takes less than a minute lmao

>> No.17748413
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I chuck my plates, cups, cooking utensils, and silverware into the dish washer and hand wash pots and pans after dinner, like the lord intended.

>> No.17748436

my girlfriend does them the next day when she gets home from work or on her day off

>> No.17748443

>t. doesn't own any sharp knives or nice dishes or wood utensils or copper cookware or insulated containers or any cast iron whatsoever or nonstick pans or any family heirlooms
Do you use those with every meal you prepare? Obviously there are some things you shouldn't or can't put in the dish washer but that doesn't mean it isn't a useful tool in general.

>> No.17748491

What is the most effective way to deal with these nigger roommates fellow poorfag?I think you have to remain detached and act emotionally intelligent like you’ve done acid and DMT a few times. And guilt trip them into accepting the mess in their life is all their fault and a big storm is coming.

>> No.17748498

God forbid you drip a little chili oil into that hoisin.

>> No.17748507

I'm getting to an age where I can't put up with digusting lazy people anymore.

>> No.17748624

What if it's mustard? Or tomato paste? Not so smart now?

>> No.17748822

nice lifehack

>> No.17749115

As soon as I'm done eating.

>> No.17749189

Montenegro people agree.

>> No.17749439

I just put one up one day when I realized I had a hook above my sink

>> No.17749464

This made me laugh OP. Thank you, 100, no, 1000 thank yous from both myself and my family for this wondrous laugh on this wondrous day.

>> No.17749474

>Why does everyone have those creeping vine things above their sink?
see >>17749439

>> No.17749510

Literally as soon as I finish eating I do the dishes
Helps me digest the food and keeps the kitchen clean and I get to enjoy rest of my day without worry

>> No.17749557

I wanted to be like this, but I hate an insatiable urge to nap after I eat.

>> No.17749573

>doing the dishes like a peasant
That's Paco's job