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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17732355 No.17732355 [Reply] [Original]

Do you anons like lamb? I got this badboy resting now

>> No.17732361 [DELETED] 

Went to farmers market - saw ground lamb - 16 an ameripound - got chicken thighs instead

who can afford lamb in this economy?

>> No.17732362

I do but what part is that? The scrote?

>> No.17732369

butterflied leg

its not that expensive here in nz

>> No.17732372

The smell of lamb cooking has to be up there for one of the best smells in existence.

>> No.17732374

Lamb tastes like manure smells

>> No.17732378

Lamb is so good but fuck, its so much more expensive than even beef. A good lamb leg roast is top tier meat though

>> No.17732392

Here the lean cuts are more expensive than beef but the fatty cuts are much cheaper. I don't mind as lamb stew is delicious.

>> No.17732395

Best meal I ever had was a nice leg of lamb in greece

>> No.17732397

Lamb is disgusting. It smells disgusting. Only third world brown people eat lamb.

>> No.17732407

Have a partially-deboned leg sitting in the freezer to roast next week. Looking forward to the shank.
Lamb is great. Even the leftovers. I need to look into a marinade recipe for kebabs this summer.

>> No.17732418

Yes it's my favourite meat
I love chewing on inch wide pieces of lamb fat, it has the best flavour imo

>> No.17732439

I was marinating a lamb leg chop with lemon leaves, garlic, and rosemary but it spoiled. I was very sad :(

>> No.17732461
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you are thinking of mutton

Lamb is to mutton what suckling pig is to pork and veal to beef

>> No.17732468

Idk, I never really liked lamb before. It always has a weird grassy taste, and I kinda hate the smell. I've tried it a few times, but end up not able to eat more than a few bites. Idk, maybe I'm just not brown and savage enough to enjoy it's complexity. I need more multicultural therapy.

>> No.17732483

I used have home made mutton pie as a kid at school which one of the elderly kitchen ladies made. I loved it. I loved it so much ive never had it since as i know itd never be as good and I dont want ruin the memorybif it

>> No.17732491

or you had shitty lamb. have you tried australian or new zealand lamb?

>> No.17732550

Love it, but it's expensive. Isn't it cheaper outside north America?

>> No.17732564
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wa la

>> No.17732577

Looks good anon, nice job. What's the cucumber salad recipe?
And what's the sauce(?) in the upper right of the plate?

>> No.17732583

Is that tomato sauce? :|

>> No.17732592


fresh mint/ yogourt/ diced cucumer/ lemon juice/ salt/ minced garlic
upper right is storebought hummus
red thing is fermented chillis i grew/made
beans are cooked in the lamb fat/spices (sumac and cumin)
basmati rice

>> No.17732593

a lamb died for that

>> No.17732595

yum. i slow roasted a half-leg last week but now want to do whatever the fuck you did right here

>> No.17732614

dry rub salt/cumin/sumac/pepper few hours in advance
slowish sear in olive oil in cast iron
into low temp oven 320°f for about 20 mins
to 115° internal temp
then pan back on the stove, add butter, and baste it to brown it some more

It's juicy and tender but probably a tiny bit undercooked, some is rare not med rare. The fat could have rendered more.

but re-fried lamb is even better than lamb so this is perfect for that. Will post results tomorrow.

>> No.17732619

no lol
homemade/grown fermented hotsauce
basically just chili

I do like tomato sauce though and i'm sick of pretending its bad

>> No.17732630

slow roasted lamb is real good
i like to slow roast it to medium rare still though because it's mostly lean meat which will end up kinda dry if it's cooked to a higher temp than that
still delicious obviously but kinda a waste imo

if you're gonna go for pulled or close to that then shoulder is a much better cut. Or shank.

>> No.17732852
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I've had imported young lamb, not mutton. It tastes like putrid beef. I think anyone who likes lamb flavor has just not had a proper American steak.

>> No.17732864

Are they less or more expensive after being fucked?

>> No.17732971

i had it covered for a portion of the cooking time and had sitting in a small amount of broth while cooking. it was pretty moist. I agree that shoulder are best for this but it had been sitting in my fridge for a while and didn't want to eat it pink

>> No.17733004
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>pretty moist
Yeah I know, but still.
I'm sorry anon but that's just mumbo jumbo
you don't get juicy meat by having it sit in liquid or be covered. We're talkin about real juicy here.

It's just about whether the muscle fibres constrict and the fat runs out of it which is almost entirely a function of internal temperature (doneness) and cannot be reversed.

I know that slow cook prep of lamb leg, i've had it a lot, good versions of it, and I like it but it's not great.
It's lean meat. Actually the fatty bits around the bone aren't and those are always by far the best on a traditional lamb.
There is merit to slow cooking lean meat, you can get it pink edge to edge rather than having strips of grey next to the outside. But slow cooking to temp.

take this from a kiwi, i know, i've eaten a lot of lamb, and our food traditions are terrible.

>> No.17733023

yeah whatever cunt i told you why i did what i did. never said ti was the best

>> No.17733028

>had been sitting in my fridge for a while and didn't want to eat it pink
sorry ive been drinking I didn't even read that part

fair then sorry for lecturing you lol

>> No.17733041

no worries. anyway, I reduced down the remaining liquid and kept it (and the fat) for frying up the leftovers, it was pretty moist ;)

>> No.17733059

why is lamb fat delicious but beef fat is like eating a chunk of a tractor tire?

>> No.17733065

Yes I do but it's too expensive where i live
Anons here told me it was because of Big Cow

>> No.17733066

I like eating beef fat too so idk

>> No.17733071

mostly yes
but good beef fat is divine

>> No.17733086
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>I think anyone who likes lamb flavor has just not had a proper American steak.
t. cattle raider

>> No.17733184

Sleep tight lil shanker.

>> No.17733229

very jealous

had a lamb shank last night was fantastic i wonder where we can get bigger cuts like>>17732369 and have a roast or something

>> No.17733283

Don’t know who “we” is but have you tried a fucking grocery store?

>> No.17733622

looks like shit

>> No.17733658
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>I've had imported

>> No.17733737
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I don't eat lamb because I'm not a eurabian and I grew up in a two parent, two gender, high income ($53k/year) white upper class midwestern household. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes that's what my daddy always said. Want a tip? Work harder and buy man food. Steak. Whisky. Done. Go ahead try to take my freedoms away, I dare you.

>> No.17733865

I'll pry them from your cold dead hands, seeing as you're already dying beyond your means.
Allahu Akbar!

>> No.17733869


>> No.17733893

>its not that expensive here in nz
Bull fuckin shit mate. Lamb is always through the roof unless it's on special. It's fucking $28 a kilo for lamb mince.

>> No.17733897

>3 condiments

>> No.17733904

no one said "play stupid games win stupid prizes" until reddit fags started saying it in every r/all thread right before covid happened

>> No.17733967

And you know this because you're a redditfag...

>> No.17733997

>high income
Oh, you’re upper lower class. Real middle class don’t have two working parents (the mother should be a homemaker), and $53K/year has been the fresh out of college starting pay for the past decade, at least.
Here’s something you don’t know, since you haven’t been to nice grocery stores or restaurants: lamb is more expensive than steak (partially because it tastes better). Steak is only expensive compared to canned fish, chicken, and pork. But steak is cheap compared to lamb, fresh salmon, and venison. Though you can fish and hunt your own salmon and venison, at least.

>> No.17735434

there's basmati rice under there

>> No.17735465
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You're very well informed about reddit! Take my upvote!

>> No.17735481

Lamb is my favourite meat actually. I love beef, but certain cuts of lamb are just amazing and next level, especially with mint jelly.

>> No.17735482

lamb looks great

>> No.17735527
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Put that shit inside some flatbread and then we're talking. Until then it's kinda gay.

>> No.17737213
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round 2 of the lamb

>> No.17737235
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got some jasmine rice soaking
i made rice wine vinegar pickles earlier
picked some spinach from the garden
gotta toast the sesame seeds

fry the lamb with
>spring onion
>3 types chili oil
>dark soy
>light soy
>shaosing wine
>5 spice

my idea is to get the cast iron skillet screaming hot, turn the fat crispy without overcooking, then quickly sauce it

maybe put a fried egg on top

>> No.17737330
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>$53K/year has been the fresh out of college starting pay for the past decade, at least.
Maybe in europoorland

>> No.17737361
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>> No.17737364
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>> No.17737371
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>> No.17737376
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>> No.17737380
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these kinda toast better in the oven but i cbf

>> No.17737382
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rice vinegar
sesame oil
garlic i shoulda minced more

>> No.17737385
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>> No.17737388
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he did nothing wrong

>> No.17737407

what an absolute unit

>> No.17737505
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ready to re-fry
lil bit saved for sandwiches

>> No.17737631

Beef fat is solid once you've had pork fat. Pork fat makes me want to end it all

>> No.17737635


>> No.17737638

whatt?? bacon is pork fat
hong shao rou? pork belly generally?

>> No.17737641
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I love lamb but it's quite expensive where I live and if I can get a really high-end piece of beef instead of a mid-tier piece of lamb for the same money I go with the beef.
I did make a BBQ leg of lamb a while ago that was really nice. Good as cold cuts as well.

>> No.17737682
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>> No.17737685
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>> No.17737687
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>> No.17737691
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>> No.17737692
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>> No.17737695
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>> No.17737698
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>> No.17737700
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>> No.17737726

Did you drain it off at least?

>> No.17737759
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looks good anon
I'm a big fan of lamb neck and ribs for braises. Shoulder for roasts

>> No.17737807

>random produce throwed in
>watery overcooked rice

>> No.17737821

what are you used to rice where all the grains are seperate? thats just not asian-style rice

they eat with sticks

>> No.17738254

man i want a charcoal bbq

>> No.17738663


>> No.17738669

nz lambchops are sweet as.

especially south island ones

>> No.17738691

Lamb is my favorite meat
I can attest to this. The best food I've ever eaten was at a restaurant that specializes in lamb dishes in Nafplion. I ate their every night for seven nights in a row.

>> No.17738694

there* ffs

>> No.17739610

what did he mean by this

>> No.17739625

I mean that $53k is not a lot of money for starting pay out of college

>> No.17739643

looks good

>> No.17740417

>random produce

>> No.17741484
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Lamb 3

buttered toast
sharp cheese

>> No.17741488
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>> No.17741493
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which of these would you rather have?
pic rel

>> No.17742860

>post picture of roast meat
>get yous
>actually detail cooking with effort
>literally no yous

what the fuck ?
i don't mean to beg but is there something i'm not getting here

>> No.17742993

it's not your cooking blog faggot

>> No.17743016

>i don't mean to beg
then don't

>> No.17743025

> It tastes like putrid beef.
Go back to eating fried wallpaper paste with MSG and HFCS then, citizen of Wal-Mart. Your battery powered diabetes cart will be along soon to take you to shuffleboard and diapers.

>> No.17743066

nice cliche but a blog is different
i was posting in the middle of doing stuff
I would have done other peoples ideas for the rest of that lamb or posted fuckups
>nobody cares
I've made a few threads like this in the past that have worked but i guess not again
i'm just curious why

>> No.17743451

looks nice

>> No.17743454
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What u made looked tasty man, don't sweat it. Nothing wrong with being proud of smth you cooked, pic related.

>> No.17744432

I do but my country's retarded about lamb, we export the good shit, keep the trash and Import NZ's lamb even though they export their shitty stuff and keep the good.

So 90% of the time it reeks and tastes like a sweater boiled in piss.

>> No.17744562

Yeah, but I'm kinda lambed out. Ate 3kg of it over last weekend.

>> No.17744705

God I can't wait for Pascha lamb...

>> No.17744711

in NZ chicken/beef is cheapest, followed by pork then lamb
i like lamb too but i can only afford it when its on special.
steaks however, i can have 2-3 times a week because of how cheap they are

>> No.17744759

Easter came and went, eastern faggot.

>> No.17744889


>> No.17745263

That's mutton. Stronger flavor and tougher, so a little different cooking required. But it's larger too, and that makes for bigger servings!

>> No.17745299

Sleep tight little shanker

>> No.17745694
File: 58 KB, 500x691, Pascha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, innovator of the faith. (and happy Easter)

>> No.17745724

>3am in the morning
>in the morning
As opposed to pm in the morning? Or am in the evening?

>happy easter to you, eastern friend, plz2stop bomb ukraine kthxbai

>> No.17747073

since when was cucumber a fucking condiment?

>> No.17747672


>> No.17748136

Nice, I personally love lamb shanks OP.