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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17729853 No.17729853 [Reply] [Original]

What food or drinks do you like to take with you on road trips?

>> No.17729854


>> No.17729883

family will usually take small snacks like teddy grahams, little baggies of chips, etc, as well as bottles of water and gatorade. We don't really eat these in the car much except my dad who occasionally needs a blood sugar boost.

>> No.17729911
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Junk food like Soda or gatorade, chips and beef jerky/beefsticks.
I regularly make a 5 hour trip out of state to my brothers house
Almost right in the middle around the 150 mile mark there is a truck stop I always stop at to walk around and take a break

I buy these every time im there, they are pretty good

>> No.17729927


>> No.17730649

Club sandwiches and soda

>> No.17730662
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Long drives are boring and my car's got a bitchin stereo.

>> No.17731730

Drink driving is illegal, anon.

>> No.17731742


>> No.17731777

As an adult Probably just protein bars, but as a kid I would use it to buy the most degenerate stuff possible at the gas station. Circus peanuts, bug juice, goat caramels, chocolates, milkshakes.
I was a fat kid, yes.

>> No.17733909
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Meow Mix

>> No.17733974

You're a stupid Nigger, you're kind of careless drives is at fault for most accidents

>> No.17734233

cheese and cheese snacks, nothing beats en

>> No.17734565
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Dried horse sausages

>> No.17734591

>road pop

>> No.17734650
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water, sugar free redbull, cashews and plain jerky. I don't stop for real food so I need protein and caffeine. must keep driving. if I get too hungry I might buy one of those generic mixed cajun snack bags.

>> No.17734653

Diet pepsi, sunflower seeds, jerky.

>> No.17734923


>> No.17735000

The stats are skewed because the law says you're automatically at fault if you've got a bit of happy juice in you, no matter what stupid decision the "sober" driver took.

>> No.17735093

i bring poop and peep

>> No.17735420

You mean road soadie

>> No.17735448

Why did you start this with a Boy's Abyss image of all things

>> No.17735455 [DELETED] 

How do you know where OP lives?
> Six states actually have no laws when it comes to an open alcoholic beverage in the vehicle, while others seem to have a ‘grey area’ for passengers. West Virginia, Connecticut, Delaware, Missouri, Arkansas, and Mississippi all have lack these state laws, so technically it’s not illegal to drink while you drive.

>> No.17735792

I live in his walls

>> No.17735805

my family has always had those peel-apart redvines, and I gladly carry the torch

>> No.17735816

>stop at truck stop to pee
>Feel bad for using the restroom without buying anything
>Buy a can of diet coke
>An hour later have to pee again
>Stop and pee, buy another diet coke

>> No.17736139

>cant go an hour without peeing
You must be 18+ to use this website.

>> No.17736153

Sensei schizo used to post her on /a/, /v/ and /ck/ for some reason constantly before switching waifu to Karen

>> No.17736160

I have been drinking and driving for 25yrs, no accidents or damages. Just gotta know your limits and your machine.

>> No.17736612

>Sugar-Free Red Bull
>Flavored Seltzer Water

>Beef Jerky
>Gummy Fruit Snacks

>> No.17736628

it's also illegal to eat and drive

>> No.17737620

Why is your bladder so weak?

>> No.17737920
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Jelly donuts wrapped with pork

>> No.17739223


>> No.17739230

Road trip? lol hope rides alone

>> No.17739235

I get it

>> No.17739244

A road trip is typically a long trip with friend(s).

>> No.17739252

Gas station fare. Hot dogs, doughnuts, Cheetos, energy drinks, etc. I used to smoke, and would chain smoke while I drove, but now I have to be constantly putting food and drinks in my mouth while I drive. Makes road trips a little longer because I have to stop to piss and shit pretty frequently.

>> No.17739255


>> No.17739279

Diet Coke makes you piss like crazy. I switched to diet because I'm 30 and started to get a gut, lost the weight but I've noticed that when I drink a single can of diet coke, for the next three hours I have to piss every half hour, full, long, desperate pissing too.

>> No.17739285

You haven't lived until you've driven through Wyoming with a six pack of beer in the passenger seat.

>> No.17739654

Bring a cooler with cold cuts and cheese, make a cheeky trunk sandwich

>> No.17739661

Beef jerky, dried mangos and trail mix. I can survive on that stuff for days.

>> No.17740443

Dried mangos are delicious.

>> No.17740485

Nothing, the fun part about road trips is pitstops at weird places and eating the snacks or food they sell. Ate honeycombs and snake in Arizona gas station one time, pretty neat

>> No.17740491

part of the fun of road trips is stopping at crappy gas stations and getting stale chips and overpriced cokes

>> No.17740555
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Homemade jerky (fuck overpriced beef flavored candy), dehydrated sausages, dried fruits and berries, nuts, snappea chips, squeezy applesauce. Water with mio or travel station diet pop to drink.

>> No.17740564

It is until you get food poisoning from some shitty attached restaurant or cheap rollerdogs. I've heard too many horror stories about being hospitalized for that shit.

>> No.17740797

Slovacek chads ww@?

>> No.17740805

iced americano and maybe some trail mix

>> No.17741084
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boohoo, you crybabies shouldn't be driving at night with me anyway.
>couple full-auto pre-bans with no serial
>a monkey we stole from the zoo
>spicy funyuns and reeses

>> No.17742663

My bladder used to be fine but within the past 2 years I suddenly have to pee way sooner than usual after drinking something, I'm young too so I'm not sure whats going on

>> No.17742666


>> No.17742680

I'm older than you, faggot

>> No.17742684

It can multiple things, you could just have an overactive bladder, you could be diabetic. Try not pissing try holding it in to fight the urge for a bit and see if you can calibrate it

>> No.17742689

Not likely. I turned 25 last week. I was already out of junior high when Rick and Morty went to air for the first time.

>> No.17742692

You getting your electrolytes?

>> No.17742700

Drinks: water or unsweetened tea, sometimes juice. If I get really tired ill have an energy drink but I stay away from all soda usually

Food: nuts like pistachio, cashew, peanut etc, beef jerky, dried fruit

>> No.17742723

Sandwiches, fruit juices, and water.

>> No.17742780
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Multiple bags of these

>> No.17742923

I discovered this as a teen. I used to drink Dr Pepper and also Pepsi. Mixing them meant that my kidneys were literally creating urine faster than I could get rid of it. I must've pissed for like 10 minutes at the urinal.

>> No.17744051

>pull ‘n’ peel

>> No.17745197

Anyone make their own beef jerky?

>> No.17745206

Cotton candy

>> No.17745249

The true friends are the hitchhikers you murdered on the way.

>> No.17745268

I do. Not only is it cheaper per pound, it's not full of sugar and a bunch of additives.
>soy sauce
>liquid smoke
>shichimi togarashi
>garlic powder
Simple as.

>> No.17745282

Nothing beats a road soda

>> No.17745985

Don't forget /out/. Pretty sure that thread is still up

>> No.17747290


>> No.17747339
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>> No.17747429

A big cup full of crushed ice to chew on, and water. That's it. If I'm hungry, I stop. I'm rarely in a hurry.

>> No.17748920

Chewing on ice isn’t good for you.

>> No.17748924

Says who.

>> No.17748934

Being born guarantees that you will die.
Get more iron in your diet. Ice pica is a sign of iron deficiency.

>> No.17749297

>Being born guarantees that you will die.
That doesn't mean you should do things that can/will actively lower your quality of life before you die.

>> No.17749435
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spaghetti, I like to stop and set up a portable stove and cook when it's lunch time, and I specially like spaghetti

>> No.17749449

Tell me, has pissing away hour after hour of your life arguing with anonymous retards on imageboards ever increased your quality of life?

>> No.17749502

Cringe, read the Constitution

>> No.17749516
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Yes, because those arguments bring me amusement.

>> No.17749523

My sincerest apologies.

>> No.17749605

I prefer club soda and sandwiches.

>> No.17749606

I chew gently. And I use crushed ice instead of anything hard. It keeps me awake and satiates something when I'm driving.

>> No.17749705

Are your parents Wayne and Garth?

>> No.17749716
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Mickeys Big Mouth.
Beer is not bad but the bottle is great for pissing on the road.

>> No.17750901

I'd be too concerned with getting piss droplets on my seat to do that. Rather find a concealed location and piss on it like a hobo.

>> No.17750909

I like cold coffee in a can that's actually just cold coffee in a can, so I always have some of those in the fridge ready for long drives.

>> No.17750961

Intrigued. What's it taste like?

>> No.17752304

But do you cook it al dente?

>> No.17752409

I'm 34

>> No.17752540
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Big bag of Nitro Takis, Arizona green tea and watermelon flavor, bag of davids sunflower seeds, a big Red Bull in support of my second favorite F1 team, Gimi, and a mini bag of peanuts and cashews

>> No.17752744

whole grain bread, cheese, pepperoni

>> No.17753252

I always say "wild beef".

>> No.17754236

based usogui poster

>> No.17754265

>Road trip shorter than about 4 hours
I bring a bottle of water and eat breakfast before I leave
>Road trip longer than about 4 hours
Probably some potato chips and 2 gin and tonics on the plane

>> No.17754575

>Start by trying to hold your urine for 5 minutes every time you feel the urge to urinate. When it's easy to wait 5 minutes, try to increase the time to 10 minutes. Continue to increase the amount of time until you're urinating every 3 to 4 hours
This sounds plausible i'll try it out.
As for diet it's always been mediocre so im guessing another factor is that it just caught up to me

>> No.17755815

Jesus fuck, thought that schizo was only contained in /a/

>> No.17757018

What is the appeal of Takis?

>> No.17757027

>beef jerky/beefsticks
This, and soda water.

>> No.17757030

>meet the fatties

>> No.17757047

Dried horse.

>> No.17757590

The first Taki is very good and then all the others suck. But if you don't eat another for 10-30 minsutes, the next taki will be as good as the first. It's a great snack because the first taki is always good, but they are designed to keep you from eating them all in one go.

>> No.17757604

I just get really drunk the entire time.

>> No.17757750

Beef jerky, bottled water, sugar free Monster.

>> No.17758645

Don’t drive while drunk!

>> No.17758687

I take train medium distances and planes if I ever need to go far. So typically a beer or two and food that doesn't have much crunch or odor cause I like to be considerate of those around me. A sandwich, maybe some berries like blackberries, raspberries or blueberries that you can sort of eat in handfuls. Never chips or fish or even something especially chewy cause honestly it kind of bugs me if someone is chewing loudly near me, and most people I know are annoyed by it too, so I assume it's a normal thing to be annoyed by.

I guess this is a different mindset than a traditional road trip where things like Jerky and Trail Mix are preferable for preservability and their chewiness and crunchiness are less a distraction cause there's fewer people involved

>> No.17760004

Love cold coffee

>> No.17760095

I lived on vienna sausages during the lockdown. I went to probably 10 national parks and just ripped through them. Not many people were there. It was great.

>> No.17760106

I spend a lot of time on the road. During the morning I have milk and something with carbohydrates. Then I have salami. Snacking salami is quite easy to eat while driving.

>> No.17760717
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I took this jug of lemonade with me on a trip and it lasted all throughout the ride, to and from

>> No.17762099

Lemonade is great. Always a good choice for a long ride.

>> No.17763656

Going to try this the next time I get myself some beef cuts.

>> No.17763664

The ride was to Taco Bell by the way

>> No.17764276

This guy truly gets it. My favorite road trip was driving from texas to florida with a car full of friends, and stopping ever so often to get food at cooky ass gas stations and the like. Wanted to try gator while going through lousiana but I settled for boudan bites that this QT3.142T served me.

Also fun to hit up grease trap gas stations and just ask them to give you a discount on shit that's been in the roller griller almost too long, that way you never really know what you're going to get, but you know it will be cheap

>> No.17765571
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i always get tabasco slim jim, corn nuts, and a white monster sip .

when its time to eat, i stop at a subway and get a foot long italian sandwich with coke, and i eat it as i drive while listening to some kind of talking show

>> No.17765584

you should check out how they grow and process cashews its wild . do you have a sunflower seed flavor preference? i

>> No.17765772

Worst scenario is prostate cancer, get checked if the problem persists bro.

>> No.17765790

Missourian here can confirm, although at least in Missouri I am pretty sure the law says the driver cannot legally drink while driving. The rule is that the amount of open containers you can have is one fewer than people in the car. So if you have 4 people in the car, you can have 3 beers or other drinks open. All the passengers can legally drink. But if you have 4 beers open, that implies the driver is drinking one of them, and that is illegal

>> No.17767140

Why don't they just test to see how much alcohol is in the driver's breath?

>> No.17767150

you're probably getting just enough water. then one extra soda with caffeine pushes you over the edge
drink more water

>> No.17767179

my dick

>> No.17767209

So literally nothing.

>> No.17767732

Kinda surprised no one else said this. Dry cereal is my family's go to. Healthier stuff like chex, granola, or kashi cereal.
Also those snyder's big crunchy sourdough pretzels.
I think I've also had a banana with peanutbutter slapped on it while driving more than once. Is good

>> No.17767862

That's retarded and you should feel retarded. Alcohol stays on your breath for hours. Who says the driver didn't drink before driving rather than during?

>> No.17767881

If its my car: a bottle of water and a thermos of milk coffee

if its anybody elses: the most crumbly, melty, sticky snacks and beverages i can find. And beer lots of it.

>> No.17768711
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>be me
>about to leave for a vacation
>decide to grab some beef jerky for the ride to the airport
>don't finish it, toss it in my carry-on
>get to the line for security
>they have a dog checking the line
>dog walks past me and shoves his nose into my bag
>mfw strip searched because of beef jerky

>> No.17768768

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.17769355

jerky and deli meat stuff, stray away from caffeine, it makes you piss

>> No.17770595

Cherry only comes in peel n pull form

>> No.17770599

>eating hard water is LE bad
First it started with smoking and now H2O is bad for you. It never ends with you people does it?

>> No.17770648

If I'm driving I'll get something that can be eaten with one hand and isn't messy. So something like nuts/skittles/snickers bar the works.

If I'm not driving maybe something like Jolly Ranchers or chips.

>> No.17771057
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Not to take with, but to buy on the way: gas station cappuccino.

It's been years, but if you are driving late at night and want to push a little bit, you need caffeine, and something cheap, tasty, and with extra calories can really hit the spot.

There's also something about drinking something you would never normally buy or eat, but the mood and circumstances make it uniquely appropriate.

>> No.17772516

nothing like getting molested in public because you want to spend your 2 vacation days buying overpriced shit

>> No.17772722

Cheese puffs. It's tradition.

>> No.17774146

soda and sammies

>> No.17774158

does the soda in my car's dispenser count?
no food

>> No.17774163

Wow, is Rick and Morty really that old now? I was out of college when it got popular. I'm 30.

>> No.17774167

Gatorade or something similar and then I buy a turkey club or a blt and munch on it along the way
Crumbs and fucking whatever are gunna get all over the place if its a long enough drive and I'm gunna have to detail the interior anyways, fuck it.

>> No.17774177

Ended up doing this on day 3 of a 26 hour trip. Just started taking pulls of sake.

Nobody is crashing their car because of 2 beers anon

>> No.17775617

Whatever you say, anon

>> No.17775652

Soda or coffee. I only eat food I find on the road.

>> No.17775760

sesame sticks for life

>> No.17775797

Hummus and bell peeper strips

>> No.17777539


>> No.17777618


corn chips
corn nuts
sun chips
beef jerky
lemon heads
sour straws
top it off with an overly sugar cola drink like
jolt cola
or a custom iced coffee

>> No.17777665

hard wintergreen lifesavers

>> No.17777749

It's way more fun to stop at a weird/quirky looking gas station that makes their own shit and buy that then to bring stuff from home or a store. Lots of places in florida with their own hog jerky boiled peanuts or even oranges or strawberries.

>> No.17777769

Yup, BFE gas stations always have cool shit to try

>> No.17777779


>> No.17779293

Imagine the smell

>> No.17780631

Gas stations that make their own shit are underrated.

>> No.17780885
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who bumped this thread for 10 days?

>> No.17781180


>> No.17781644

something similar happened to me but with shortbreads, the handler just laughed at the dog when they saw the cookies and continued down the line
American law enforcement seems overly enthusiastic

>> No.17781650

Around blacks, never relax

>> No.17782977


>> No.17784071

>sugar free red bull

>> No.17785276
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Driving home from college it was usually one of these bad boys and a diet coke. But I only had to go a few hours. If it's a longer road trip, Gardetto's.

>> No.17786650

He probably hates himself.

>> No.17787381

Why drink an energy drink that doesn’t have sugar?

>> No.17787385


>> No.17787386

Stop necrobumping your thread, asshat.

>> No.17787394

people don't realize that mickeys was made specifically as a receptacle for piss
they take the beer that the new guy at the brewery fucked up and put it into a bottle that you can fit your cock in and sell it as a mobile urinal

>> No.17788554


>> No.17788653
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>> No.17789011

>>a monkey we stole from the zoo

>> No.17789029 [DELETED] 

An entire 700ml bottle of overproof rotgut to be drubk on the way to work during scholl zone hoyrs fair dinkum cunt

>> No.17790578

Unironically me