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17728911 No.17728911[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it a deal breaker for you to find out a woman is vegan? I can't imagine cooking a good meal that doesn't have meat

>> No.17728920

As long as she hasn't cut off her penis, it's fine

>> No.17728926

As long as she wasn’t born a man, it’s fine.

>> No.17728933

The duality of troon

>> No.17728944

It's ok as long as she's good looking.

>> No.17728945

Yes, it's a mental illness and there's always more stuff wrong with women like this. Huge red flag. Besides that, even if she were completely regular otherwise, it's a huge pain in the ass to accommodate. Imagine having a gf that you can't take to any restaurants, parties, or events. I'd rather have a girlfriend without legs.

>> No.17728952

It's easy become vegan yourself

>> No.17728986

Yes. I could probably deal with vegetarian, but not vegan.

>> No.17728990

She looks frail and gross. Veganism is self-harm.

>> No.17728997

True. We all know in our rational minds that veganism is a disease of the soul, but if I'm horny I don't care what she eats.

>> No.17729001

nope, my ex was vegan and an amazing cook, i realized vegan food can be delicious if you can actually cook.
i'm still an omnivore though

>> No.17729002

I just started dating a vegan girl a little over a month ago, we became a couple like 2 weeks ago.

It was a pain in the beginning, I'd recommend things or try to offer foods and she would have to remind me that she couldn't. I'm a bit more aware of it now.
It's really weird, she is super into food and cooking, and still cooks dishes that she can't even eat for her family or for me. I really wanted for her to try my culture's food, and she seems so bummed that she can't. With substitutions, Persian food doesn't really work, but if course there are exceptions

What really strikes me as strange is how she seems almost like a self hating vegan. She's been vegan nearly 4 years and she claims it's for the environment. Nobody supports her in this, her family rips on her for it, and her own hobby of cooking is made more difficult. She has expressed that she has no intention of trying to convert people(me) to veganism, I'm honestly thinking that if I pushed back a little, she'd give it up. But I'm not that kind of an asshole

Tl;dr it's annoying but whatever

>> No.17729003

110% a deal breaker
its far more hassle and friction than its worth

and imagine getting married and having kids?
imagine her insisting that its perfectly okay for a growing child not to eat any meat

>> No.17729008

Outside of a couple of 10 year old daily mail articles has that ever happened with someone you know?

>> No.17729011

not taking any chances

>> No.17729013

I know a dude that was raised vegan.

>> No.17729017

Vegan parents don't necessarily raise their kids vegan.
No, if I want pussy I don't care what she eats. I care how soon I can eat, if you get what I'm saying

>> No.17729022

Yes, it signifies weak will and mental illness

>> No.17729028

Nice. Be patient and she'll grow out of it. Nobody stays vegan unless it's religious. You don't even have to do anything.

>> No.17729029

I'd rather lose my legs

>> No.17729044

>She's been vegan nearly 4 years and she claims it's for the environment.
shes not being logical, there are lots of environmentally friendly meat she can eat

love is a powerful thing and all i can say is...well good luck, i hope it works out in the end

>> No.17729062

>Huge red flag
“She’s vegan” is up there with “she has a kid” or “she has a massive amount of debt”.
It all means
>She has a verifiable history of poor decision-making

>> No.17729069

>Not an asshole
It's obnoxious to go around fighting random vegans all the time, but this is your girlfriend here. You have the obligation to tell her certain things for her own benefit. Freeing her from veganism is one of them.
The environment argument is one of the dumbest ones they have, it's not scientifically justifiable. The whole thing rests on the assumption that if we didn't grow vegetables for animals then humans would be able to eat those vegetables instead and the whole enterprise would use less energy. Except it's wrong because:
-animals eat waste products from other industries, not food fit for humans
-animals eat grass in rocky soils where you couldn't farm
-animals make complete proteins out of sunlight more efficiently than we can with artificial means
-water is not a limited resource except in California, where it is used to grow AVOCADOES, animals do not live in areas where water is unsustainable because it's expensive.
-Even assuming any of those were true, it still wouldn't apply to all animals
Here in PA the chickens live in my yard, eat my scraps, eat bugs, drink from the well (which comes from the groundwater) and piss back into the ground 10 feet from where the water came from. Yet a mentally ill vegan would not eat one of these chickens. Ask your girlfriend to explain that?

>> No.17729084

Dump her and get a Japanese gf.

>> No.17729085

My aunt went to a Thanksgiving dinner with a family with a "vegan" toddler who jumped into the table and dove headfirst into the turkey when he smelled it. Poor kid was starving and the parents just ripped him away from the food because they wouldn't let him eat it.

>> No.17729100

If she don't eat meat but still like to bone, I am down.

>> No.17729107

whyd you break up

>> No.17729139

thats sad and legit child abuse

>> No.17729154

she didn't tell her long distance bf at the time she was dating me so i dipped out of that situation

>> No.17729184

Doesn't surprise me that a vegan is a cheating whore

>> No.17729280

My wife adopted a vegan diet while we were still dating. Her cooking actually got better lol.

>> No.17729289

Absolutely. I don't date women who look like twice their age chain smokers.

I refuse to tag along with the whole almond "milk", rice "milk", cashew "milk", soy "milk" thing too. It's boiled water. It doesn't replace milk, cream, eggs or cheese.

There's great vegan dishes and they can stay where they are: once a fortnight.

>> No.17729291

Vegetarian would be maybe fine, but fuck vegan.
Also if we had kids they would need to be allowed to eat meat, and then they can decide on their own later.

>> No.17729296

There's a pretty easy fix to this

>Take her on a date to a steakhouse
>Order whatever steak has the bone still in
>Eat every scrap of meat until nothing remains but the bone
>At no point should you wipe or clean your hands and face
>Crack open the bone and obnoxiously suck out the marrow
>Crawl under the table and attempt to finger her with your greasy hands
>wa la

Source: Trust me

>> No.17729312
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Harumph, heavens no. *adjusts top hat*. A woman who cannot enjoy a delectable steak or *gasps* BACON is decidedly harlotous and NOT worth courting. I shall stick to classier females thank you very much, ones who enjoy both the pleasure of delicious bacon and *you know what* in the bedroom...
The Steampunk Gentleman

>> No.17729349

Im not even giving you a (you) you faggot. Makesome actually fucking points.
Most vegans I knwo have been dickheads at best, crazy at worst. Why would I want to be in a relationship with someone who will try to get me stop eating meat because muh cows are cute

>> No.17729352

Why do people hate people who just don't want to harm animals or the environment? Does it make you feel insecure about your own shortcomings?

>> No.17729355

And worst of all, non-dairy peanut """""butter""""".

>> No.17730024

She looks ugly inside

>> No.17730031

>Is it a deal breaker for you to find out a woman is vegan?

>> No.17730044
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Nah, my ex was vegan. It's fine as long as she doesn't try to push it on you. The only annoying thing is eating out, finding a place, specific menu items, ect. Also my ex was Columbian so she made some amazing vegan dishes. She made this coconut rice that I still miss.

>> No.17730061

Massive redflag, not because of the diet itself, but because she is a basic bitch who only does whatever her social media advertisements say. A person without a even a little bit of critical thinking or personality is not human.

>> No.17730080

>Is it a deal breaker for you to find out a woman is vegan?

Its intriguing
On one hand, most vegans come from wealthier families looking for first world problems which is always nice. So not a deal breaker right off the bat

But if she was some poorfag freegan, thats a hard nope from me.
Vegan meals can be ok, if done correctly and not cheaped out on.

>> No.17730093

>who just don't want to harm animals or the environment?
das rite, all these avocados are not harmful to the environment, yaaas queen

>> No.17730103

I hate them because they almost always want to force people into their religious cult using the government and other authoritarian means because like every other wackjob obsessed with their neighbors personal choices, the ends justify the means.

>> No.17730119

All real peanut butter is non-dairy, lol.

>> No.17730129

>Huge red flag
Yeah this. I could deal with the diet itself, but they'll almost always also be some kind of problem haired feminist cunt. Hard pass.

>> No.17730196

If youre an adult and want to fine but pushing veganism onto kids is barbaric

>A Belgian court has given six-month suspended jail terms to the mother and father of a baby boy who died after being fed a diet of vegetable milk.

They were found guilty of causing the baby's death unintentionally.

The baby, Lucas, weighed just 4.3kg (9.5lb) when he died aged seven months, dehydrated and malnourished.

>> No.17730244

This. The environmentalist argument for veganism doesn't stand up to any scrutiny. Have her read some articles like this one and free her from her misery. (I'm not really a Weston A. Price fan but this is a good article)

>> No.17730300

There's a good bit of detail missing from that article. I actually find the claim that the mother did not produce breast milk to be more interesting; was it her dietary choices that resulted in her body being unable to produce for her child?

>> No.17730321

I don't care. I'd rather date a vegan than some picky cunt.

>> No.17730380
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Because of:
And also:
>pic related

>> No.17730509

Adding to this, she would make a poor mother which is the entire reason to put up with a woman.p

>> No.17730514

Yes because 10/10 it's a sign of mental instability

>> No.17731099
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>vegans look like this
What are you all complaining about

>> No.17731107

It would be a big change in cooking, even in meatless meals I like to use things like butter and stock. but the main issue would be arguing about our different opinions on the morality of meat

>> No.17731160

Me ex was vegan and good cook. What was her name?

>> No.17731172

Not true, I used to be classmates with a middle aged black doctor male who was vegan. Night school for learning spanish

>> No.17731520

she looks unhealthy even with the photoshopping and way too skinny. vegans go insane as well. vegetarians are tolerable as long as they eat eggs and fish.

>> No.17731528

and dairy

>> No.17731546

Why don't vegan women just invest semen for good protein? There is no reason to look gaunt for animals when men can satiate any meat cravings.

>> No.17731567

vegan food can be amazing. most vegans just suck at cooking because they don't know basics, just youtube "vegan food hacks". they only started cooking when they went vegan because you have to cook for yourself, so they just all share around the same retarded, granola mom techniques that none of them can explain, like cooking superstition basically.

I have an inexplicable thing for leathery new age vegan yoga fitness mommies, though. they're nice people if a little impressionable and faddish. veiny vegan milf hands get me going.

>> No.17731590

my roommate is vegetarian but I still cook bacon and breakfast sausage just to stink up the house. fuck her, she cringes at the sight of bacon but still eats eggs and cheese. like where do these retards draw the line?

>> No.17731795

chicken didnt die to lay those eggs
cow didnt die to give that milk
but pig died to produce the bacon

>> No.17731842

moving the goal posts. that's the spirit of cooking.. no. and that girl looks like she belongs in a french coming of age lesbian film.
i know a girl who's vegan and she eats like a priss despite having options everywhere she goes. vegans are just as picky even as vegans.

>> No.17731858

stop smoking cannabis.

>> No.17731897

Would you rather be enslaved in a cage attached to suction hoses or killed instantly with a headshot?

>> No.17731899


>> No.17731935

they're stupid and not consistent at all don't comment on topics you know nothing about you silly faggot

>> No.17731947

You're an expert on stupidity and faggotry then?

>> No.17731953

yeah i've had a few relationships with these type of chicks and they are fucking retarded and trying to argue is absolutely pointless

>> No.17731954


fish is fish and meat is meat. its not the same

thats why catholics can eat fish during lent but not meat

>> No.17731958

the most fucking absolutely insane are fruitetarians, they are literally fucking crazy their brains are complete mush they can't even hold a conversation

>> No.17731959

Fish have no soul, so they don't count as living things

>> No.17731962

groids don't have souls either

>> No.17731980
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I feel like the people that take the 'vegans are insistent obnoxious cultists' meme to heart have never stepped outside/ base their opinions on 4channel posts
I've had plenty of vegan friends who I regularly eat big sloppa burgers in front of and they don't give a shit, they can even laugh at vegan jokes at their expense. I figure a bit of humility is probably important for publicly embracing such a life choice, it just sucks the vocal minority has ruined it for everyone.

>> No.17731995

not reading any of that

>> No.17731999
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how does a vegan deal with oral sex?

can they ever swallow?

>> No.17732008

vegans, both men and women, are infertile so they just creampie

>> No.17732014

>I've had plenty of vegan friends who I regularly eat big sloppa burgers in front of and they don't give a shit
They mustn't put much value in their own beliefs then, likely only doing it to be on the bandwagon

>> No.17732020

That was the dumbest shit I've read all day and I've just woken up.

>> No.17732021

Are you 12? Do you start screeching like a monkey any time you see someone practicing a religion that isn't your own?

>> No.17732024

What do you even cook for a vegan? I know maybe 2 or 3 vegan dishes but then what?

>> No.17732025

>I disapprove of murder
>But you can if you want to, I dont really care
This is what you described

>> No.17732026
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It's a sign that she's easily manipulated. And depending on your intentions, that may be a positive.
However it also means she's part of the corporate psyop of destroying the planet and pushing blame onto civilians. Even worse if she takes pride in it.

I don't think I could respect someone like that.

>> No.17732031

If someone does a retarded thing you call them out on it, expecially something like religion

>> No.17732032

if you watched two homos fuck each other in the ass right in front of you in public and you complained about it you'd be a fucking little bigot

>> No.17732039

ever see a pride parade? imagine being proud of sucking cock and getting fucked in the ass and then making an entire day long parade about it

>> No.17732042
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Wow.... I'm off now, living a normal. Keep seething.

>> No.17732044

keep getting fucked in the ass until you get aids.

>> No.17732050

Gays don't think they are morally superior and that breeding is some kind of abhorrent act you retard, don't try to compare the two

>> No.17732054

gays are pederasts who want to fuck children. that's how most gays are made.

>> No.17732068

gays reproduce through anal sex with children. 95% of gays were sexually molested as children.

>> No.17732076

Could you explain why you're not necessarily a fan of him? I've just began delving into all this and I wonder what stuck out to you?

>> No.17732092

and the 5% of 0.5% of the population who turn out gay without sexual molestation while children are just mentally ill and i feel very sorry for their condition

>> No.17732109

those chickens and cows still get slaughtered as soon as they're not producing milk or eggs you retard. their meat isnt as valuable as their counterparts but they still have use as stew meat, dog food, and stocks. there really isn't any rationalization to be had

>> No.17732110

>durr why diet no same as mine

>> No.17732117

People are omnivorous. Therefore vegans are not people.

>> No.17732133


My gf is vegetarian and learned to cook meat for me, her sister is full on vegan and cooks meat for her fiancé. As long as your gf loves you I doubt veganism is going to be a problem, unless she's one of those crazy, skeletal retards I guess.

>> No.17732149

My ex didn’t eat factory farmed meat or fish and she loved me with all her heart.
She did everything in her power to make me happy and I threw it away.

I’m sorry Claire. I hope wherever you are you’re surrounded by people that love and appreciate you for everything you are.

>> No.17732429

as long as she doesn't interrupt me when im hanging out with my friends (watching redlettermedia alone), it's fine

>> No.17732457
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Dress is designed to hide her ribs poking out

>> No.17732506
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stop breathing air.

>> No.17732510

Vegetarian/vegan pussy tastes best. You can always tell a woman's diet from how her pussy tastes. Women who eat meat are a bit saltier, women who eat lots of junkfood taste like ham and immediately get kicked out for being fucking gross.

>> No.17732548

I love how they call it "Products" because they know no one should willingly ingest this swill

>> No.17732784

Being a vegan is inherently being a picky cunt

>> No.17732810

ring ring ring banana phone

>> No.17732838

depends on the reason
that's not a problem

>> No.17733310

What about their asshole

>> No.17733311

veganism arises from, or is a form of, all kinds of mental illnesses. For some it's an eating disorder like anorexia, and for others it's an eating disorder like those people who can only eat drywall. It's sometimes a neurosis like trump derangement syndrome: Basically an irrational and intense fear, anxiety, distress about stupid shit. It can also be a disorder of the empathy gland, causing it to fire uncontrollably on all cylinders in a nonsensical context. And lastly, in all cases, veganism is a form of self-harm.

For their own sake, vegans should be institutionalized. But for what they do to children and cats, vegans should be executed.