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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 67 KB, 730x569, USDA_Food_Pyramid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17725098 No.17725098 [Reply] [Original]

Are fruits and vegetables just a meme? The only one I've eaten in years is tomato soup.

>> No.17725108

Fruits are a meme.
Vegetables aren't.

>> No.17725639

>6 to 11 servings
>wonder why obesity
>blame meat and fat

>> No.17725711
File: 69 KB, 643x680, 1649871521467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17725756

>five to eleven servings of carbs
That's too much.

>> No.17725761

Post body you fat fuck.

>> No.17725877

Both are a meme. You can get all the nutrition you need from meat if you eat more than just muscle meat

>> No.17725880

Craftsmen of the USDA Rite:
1° Perfect Master of Grains
2° Royal Knight of Vegetables and Fruit
3° Sovereign and Sublime Pontiff of Dairy and Meats
4° Iuminated Prince Inspector of Fats and Oils

>> No.17725912

I grew to be 6'5 eating basically no vegetables other than carrots from age 1-6, and after that I basically ate vegetables a few times a year. Never really liked fruit.

Fruit and veg are def. a mean.

The constraints on growth are primarily iron, zinc and substrate (protein, choline, calcium, phosphate).

>> No.17725924

your shit must stink so bad

i used to date a guy who never ate any veggies. When he used the bathroom or farted in the car it was like a bioweapon going off.

sex was good though, i put up with that

>> No.17725969

>government promotes the crops they subsidize and literally own a surplus of, at the extreme detriment of the population
How do you design a system where doing something like this isn't possible without being killed? 2a alone clearly isn't working

>> No.17726137

Reverse that and you’re good

>> No.17726148

The majority of people have never followed the food pyramid.

>> No.17726870
File: 192 KB, 1526x2048, Herr_Schwab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You vill eat ze 11 servings of bread.

>> No.17726930

That infographic looks suspiciously like it was written by someone in the grain industry.

>> No.17726945

Just eat your 44 to 50 servings of corn syrup already, anon. Don't you want to be healthy?

>> No.17727030

Oh boy. I can't wait to be a fat fuck following this pyramid.

>> No.17727059

One serving is not a plate filled with pasta

>> No.17727062

After you eat the bread you vill pass out on your bed and sleep for your free time and you vill enjoy it.

>> No.17727083

I'm not sure if it'd make you a fat fuck. I mean most people would do better with more protein and less carbs, but it doesn't seem like it'd go much higher than 2k calories. It tells you not to consume a lot of shitty junk food loaded with sugar and oil which would make it harder to gain a lot of weight.

Do people realize that a serving doesn't mean a full plate? Like a serving of pasta isn't a full plate, only 2 oz. So a full plate of pasta would probably be like 3 or 4 servings.

>> No.17727103

If I calculate 11 servings of bread with the minimum amount of the other serving it would probably be around 2500.calories

About 2000 calories with 6 servings of bread
But I dather fill myself up with protein and fats

>> No.17727106


>> No.17727116

>a serving is 1 slice of bread or half a cup of rice
6 servings is like one meal's worth of food.
And meat and fat are blamed because that's what fat people are eating, not oatmeal and brown rice

>> No.17727128
File: 60 KB, 834x640, pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17727170

fat ppl eat way more grain products than anything else, bread on and with everything, breaded chicken, breaded fish, pasta with breadsticks, macaroni and cheese, pasta salad, cookies, donuts, honey buns, breakfast(lol) cereals, and let's not forget their favorite vegetable, beans and more beans, refried beans, bean salad, chili beans, bean dip bean burritos, look more grains

fuck you and stop blaming meat and fat, what stopping you from testing a low carb diet yourself? you're probably addicted fatty too, you and the sneed oil drinking trannie groomers can take the corn syrup and cram it, fuck the antichrist, fuck the world economic forum and motherfucking fuck jannies

>> No.17727201

correct, that's a US image, so one serving is three plates full of pasta.

>> No.17727294
File: 53 KB, 1080x557, sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hate the Food Pyramid because it told the truth.
>We have for the past 15 years treated numerous diabetic patients with the rice diet. Since more than 90 percent of the calories in this diet are derived from carbohydrates, it was anticipated that increased amounts of insulin would be necessary to keep the blood sugar at its previous level. However, the opposite proved to be true. As previously reported, not only is the rice diet well tolerated but in many instances the blood sugar and the insulin requirements decrease.
>There is no indication that healthy people taking a diet rich in carbohydrates are especially liable to diabetes; in fact numerous observations show improvement of carbohydrate tolerance following its greater intake. The Staub-Traugott effect is a classical example of this in acute experiments. As a long-term effect diabetes mellitus is not especially common among the huge and mainly carbohydrate-eating populations of the world-e.g., the Chinese-except the rich and the sedentary among them who partake of large quantities of fat as well and encourage obesity by overeating.
If everyone stopped eating meat and started eating more grains the obesity epidemic would end and health would improve greatly.

>> No.17727309

just more lobbyist funded propaganda

>> No.17727675
File: 57 KB, 353x679, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I calculate 11 servings of bread with the minimum amount of the other serving it would probably be around 2500.calories
>About 2000 calories with 6 servings of bread
A serving of bread is 1 only one slice, which isn't that many calories. Some loaves of bread have bigger slices but then that would be considered like 1.5 servings per slice. The only kind of "bread" which might be over 200 calories per slice would be something like a croissant or brioche but the food pyramid would tell you to limit that because of the added fat. A single serving of bread isn't over 200 calories.

>> No.17727729

Most of what you mentioned has added fat too. That combination of refined carbs with lots of fat seems to be really bad. The carbs cause blood sugar crashes which makes them want to eat more, and the fat isn't keeping them satisfied because of the carbs causing blood sugar crashes but it's still adding lots of calories. I think they're usually doing a low protein, high fat, high carb diet which seems to be the worst thing you can do.

>If everyone stopped eating meat and started eating more grains the obesity epidemic would end and health would improve greatly.
I've only seen vegans say stuff like this. Very bizarre to say meat is the problem instead of such a huge number of calories coming from junk food, which is often vegan anyway like chips and soda.

Something like 60% of the average person's calories are coming from highly processed foods. Those are almost always high in calories, but low in nutrition and don't keep you feeling full. That obviously is going to lead to weight gain. Most people are eating like crap and the best thing to do would be to try to improve the quality of the food supply all around and helping people understand how much junk food is hurting them. Veganism is not a perfect solution for everything.

>> No.17727784


>> No.17727788

Oh uh, fun fact, when they were making the food pyramid, they set the grain recommendation that high to they could feed people on food stamps and in schools for cheaper.

>> No.17728166

No 1bread is usually 100 calories. The rest I based off stuff I eat. Usually I get a few tbsp of olive oil to cook and that is a few 100 calories here and there

>> No.17728225

Veganism is just the latest excuse for people to eat highly processed junk food (imitation meat, crisps, fizzy drinks) while telling themselves it's healthy -- "because it's vegan!" I sometimes find it helpful to point out that radioactive waste is vegan, too.

>> No.17728244

epic for the win bro

>> No.17728258

those are some old memes

>> No.17728269

You think you're funny don't you?

>> No.17728312

yeah ive been here since chuds like you were laughed at