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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 411 KB, 1797x2048, BigMeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17719469 No.17719469 [Reply] [Original]

A pub near me does this 100oz (6.25lbs) steak. If you eat it in an hour you get it free. Could you finish it?

>> No.17719482

Tomatoes are raw.
Into the bin it goes.

>> No.17719487

No they aren't. They are grilled

>> No.17719489

That looks tough as shit. What cut is it?

>> No.17719493
File: 162 KB, 625x625, 100ozsteaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17719501


>> No.17719502

i definitely be wasting my money but this seems like one of the easier food challenges

>> No.17719505

If I had a gun to my head yeah I probably could. Anyone who would do that for a free meal is fucked though

>> No.17719508

i would*

>> No.17719510

No. I regularly eat a 16oz steak with chips, some veg and peppercorns sauce and that fills me up. At I guess I don't think I'd make it past more than 50oz.
How much do they charge?

>> No.17719525

How much for failure? Sounds expensive.

>> No.17719532

A pound of meat with sides is already a lot for me

>> No.17719534

Are you kidding me? It's just a giant pot roast!!

>> No.17719553

Very likely couldn't and very much so wouldn't want to. Eating challenges are fucking disgusting.

>> No.17719554
File: 34 KB, 431x519, fat apu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could do that easy as pie.

>> No.17719560

£50. Eat the lot including sides in an hour. Not sure if anyones done it, I know theyve said one managed about 85oz of it

>> No.17719573
File: 101 KB, 615x608, HickorysTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's much better deal than the one at the place I used to work at 52oz for £75
8 Onion rings, peppercorn sauce, 2 cups of chips, salad and slaw. that's about it.
Chef's could buy one from the butcher for £15.

>> No.17719581

>100 ozzies equals 6.25 liberals

wow, thanks for nothing. I'm not gonna go on google to convert this medieval shit into real measurements either.

>> No.17719583

See>>17719560. Its cheap for the amount you get. They said they don't make money on them, its just an advertising thing. You gotta order ahead. Its really good quality food to. It used be cheaper but put price up after the pandemic

>> No.17719584

Here's a pro eater doing it in ~40 mins

>> No.17719610

Looks good. They did a 50oz for about £30 around Fathers day. I think it was a one off though

>> No.17719619

Seems like a fair price
Looks good, especially if it's better quality than the OP
Fucking bargain for the dads

>> No.17719622

Surprised its just steak and fries. Thought they'd have included some other sides and a jug of peppercorn sauce or something. Ofcourse its still a lot of food though.

>> No.17719682

Yeah it didn't look like it tasted great just a bunch of food. Sad to see people in the comments talking about how good it looked. Also nice dubs anon

>> No.17719699

>1oz is about 30g. 100oz is about 3000g(3kg).
>1lbs is a little less than 0,5kg. 6,25lbs is about 3kg.
There is no excuse to being ignorant when it's really this simple.

>> No.17719714

Simple doesn't exclude stupid.

>> No.17719722

Roughly 7700 calories. A large number of people subsist on about that much in a whole week. Wtf.

>> No.17719746

>7,700 calories
>A large number of people subsist on about that much in a whole week.
1,100 calories a day? Even a 5'2 woman needs at least 1,200 to simply exist

>> No.17719758

yeah what the fuck. Only brits man.

>Here's a giant piece of shoe leather. Good luck eating it in an hour

Atleast when americans do retarded fat challenges, they taste good.

>> No.17719770

Could you say that a little slower please?

>> No.17719781

Sorry you don't know how to cook steaks to make them taste good. Maybe it needs more plastic cheese?

>> No.17719799

A pot roast is not a steak anon. Chuck roasts are ROASTS. They are meant to be slow roasted in an oven or chopped up and used in a stew not eaten like a ribeye

>> No.17719811
File: 94 KB, 440x310, meat-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuck is not rump

>> No.17719843

fil-a minion

>> No.17719844

Place near me charges £30 for a 48oz steak, it's pretty good. Had it once around my 21st birthday and just about killed myself getting through it.

>> No.17719848

Okay got me there but Rump still isn't a steak it's called a rump ROAST

>> No.17719881

It's called a rump steak when butchered and prepared in this way you cretin.

>> No.17719899

I don't understand eating challenges. So if I successfully eat something that I don't want to eat, you will give it to me for free? I didn't want it in the first place.

>> No.17719913

You can call a pile of shit a rose but it won't make it smell any better. Rump is a shitty cut of hard working muscle and will never be a steak

>> No.17719923
File: 1.91 MB, 3024x2479, IMG_0542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cook a decent steak, pic related. Rump roasts are not steaks. It's a super lean tough cut that is not meant to be eaten like a steak.

Most popular/nice cuts for steak come from shortloin and rib, this "steak" is the hind quarters. Literally the toughest, leanest piece of beef you can get. It's either sliced super thin for sandwiches or slow cooked for hours to break down the muscle fibers. In short that would be gross, you're just eating a giant pot roast.

>> No.17719942

>fil-a minion
lmao perfection

>> No.17719958

Rump roast is not rump steak. By same definition fried egg and boiled egg is the same

>> No.17719972
File: 480 KB, 2048x1030, Screenshot_20220418-211620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17719992

Ahhh ok, that makes a lot more sense. Still while not tough you're just eating a huge slab of meat that's low in fat content. Seems like a brutal challenge.

Also this>>17719958
doesn't make any fuckin sense.

>I did a reverse sear with bottom round, it's just as good a steak as ribeye or ny strip

That's retarded. You cook different types of meat in different ways because of their varying connective tissue contents and tenderness. I wouldn't even cook a filet like a ribeye because although they're both technically steak, they' should be handled fairly differently.

>> No.17720030

I could not, because they would make me eat the fat too

>> No.17720045

No. You can leave the fat/rind. Theres only a thin strip on them anyway

>> No.17720052

Like they just took a half tomato and put it on the grill? Never heard of that, is it any good? I would imagine it would just turn to bland mush

>> No.17720067

Hm, in that case I think I would still only be able to eat maybe like 25 oz at the most.

>> No.17720078

Try two days

>> No.17720081

I could eat that in 15 mins.
>t. Did carnivore diet for over 1 year

>> No.17720086

>I would imagine it would just turn to bland mush
Total not something british cuisine is known for....

>> No.17720090

And then all the americunts abandon thread and pretend they weren't talking bollocks

>> No.17720093

>order massive steak
>split it between 5 people, don't even make an attempt
>£10 each for a 20oz steak
wa la

>> No.17720097

>talking bollocks
We speak AMERICAN here, sir, not whatever ball hack language you're talking about

>> No.17720098

I suppose you'd prefer some tomato and sugar sauce from a bottle

>> No.17720101
File: 145 KB, 1024x683, full-english-7355w-2-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very common to do in the uk. Majority of English breakfasts come with grilled tomato. Texture is soft but you get the sweetness plus smoky taste. Ditch the seeds and stuff inside first ofcourse before grilling

>> No.17720111

No, I've just only had tomatoes raw or cooked into a sauce for like pasta. Never thought to just cook a whole chunk of tomato like that, I'm just curious what it would be like. I guess I'll just have to try it

>> No.17720116 [DELETED] 
File: 3.15 MB, 640x478, 7549784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people here for real?
Eating 3kg of beef in an hour is not hard for a challenge.
I sometimes eat a 1 or 2 kg meatloaf by myself.

When grilling, two or three ten ounce steaks, sausages, and side are nothing out of the ordinary.
And i'm not a fat bastard, nor am i shitposting.

I wouldn't eat 3kg of meat as a meal since it's a bit extreme even for me, but are you just pretending it's impossible?
The real kicker is how many potato sides they include and if you can have gravvy or sauce with it.

>> No.17720120

I literally replied here>>17719992

It makes slightly more sense, but I still stand by my original point in that this is a fuckin brutal challenge. It's an extremely lean and dense piece of meat with no bones. That is over 6 pounds of pure fucking beef. You're eating an entire tenderloin plus like 2lbs of a shitty sirloin steak. I admit the wording confused me because we have a different name for this cut, but it's still a dogshit challenge.

>> No.17720136

Not a chance. I'd sure enjoy trying though.

>> No.17720153

not on a steak, and after being in the UK I swear you guys put ketchup and mayo on more shit than we do.

You guys literally have something called a toast sandwich, what a joke. Listen I've eaten at some fantastic fucking restaurants in the UK, but they made indian, chinese, and french food. British food is just kinda meh. Or at least the few times I've been there, I wasn't impressed.

It's so ironic because you try to talk shit about American cuisine, where in the US british food is known as bar food. Cheap, filling, not much to it. I didn't even realize it was british food until I went to the UK for work. What you guys consider top cuisine, is what drunk Midwesterners slam at brunch to cure a hangover.

>> No.17720161

You did, I'm sorry. You seem to be the only one though. I think what you're describing is the point of the challenge. That and the marketing element.

>> No.17720173

Toast sandwich isn't really you cretin. Tell me you saw it on a menu or spoke to anyone who has eaten one while you were in the UK.

>> No.17720180
File: 37 KB, 577x429, 643543654364354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he cant enjoy delicious 'chup bun

>> No.17720195
File: 140 KB, 1300x957, toasted-bacon-sandwich-8879738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I dunno what you mean toast sandwich, other than it maybe being something like bacon sandwiched between toast. NOWHERE has a "toast sandwich" How's that different to a grilled cheese? Nothing odd about it

>> No.17720201

Better question here. How much is it if you fail? I'm reasonably sure I could do it but is it worth the money even if you fail?

>> No.17720205

Ah this makes a lot of sense, I was the main one arguing with you so thanks for clarifying this, I didn't realize our languages were that different

>> No.17720211

Whatever man, you have frenchfry sandwiches, ketchup on everything. Every dish is fried potatoes and bread/pudding. Just carbs on carbs.

Listen that stuff can taste good, but come on. Of all the countries to try and call out the US for not being healthy or having bad food, you guys are the fuckin bottom of the list. Like I said you're food is bar food, meat and potatoes, simple shit that has tons of calories and is relatively boring.

>> No.17720215

See>>17719560 . £50 but you gotta phone ahead.

>> No.17720217

The fact that you posted this and somehow felt it proved your guys food scene wasn't dogshit is really all the proof I need.

>> No.17720234

Mate read the thread
I think it is a difference in butchery as well as the US/British English differences. I think a lot of cuts aren't necessarily like for like. I knew this was the issue seeing the arguments in the tread, being British but having spent time in US influenced counties.

>> No.17720236

I'd love to try it if it was in my region. Not sure what the US conversion is on that one but that seems like a pretty good deal considering the slab of meat and all the sides.

>> No.17720244

>Bacon between dry toast
>No cheese
>No condiments at all
>No tomato
>No lettuce
>Just toasted white bread and bacon
Yeah....that's perfectly normal British man. Normal people would pay for that.....

>> No.17720258

No way. I think my limit is about 32 oz before I start to feel sick, maybe a little more on a good day. I'd still order it to share though.

>> No.17720260

American "bacon" is sugar coated fat. Smoked back bacon doesn't need all that extra shit

>> No.17720271
File: 1.31 MB, 1640x2048, Screenshot_20220418-221708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bacon between dry toast
The toast is always buttered
>No cheese
Quite common to add cheese
>No condiments at all
Almost everyone will add brown sauce or tomato sauce
>No tomato
Common to add. BLTs exist
>No lettuce
See above
>Just toasted white bread and bacon
It's a sandwich, a simple breakfast dish.

>> No.17720275

I think i might be able to do this as well.
The kicker for me are those potato wedges and the onion rings.

In terms of mass they might be less than the meat, but potato sides (really anything made from potato) and things that are fried really fill me up.

I can eat a whole lot of meat, a whole lot of anything really, more than most people i know. but when there are potatos, chips, hashbrowns, croquettes ect. involved, it's different.

>> No.17720300

So do they normally keep it all together like that or is this just a specialty cut for this particular challenge?

>> No.17720301
File: 49 KB, 600x578, 371468EA-C937-48DC-9011-BE5E947D648E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like Bongland I’ll pass they can’t cook steak

>> No.17720303

It comes with home made chips, onion rings, pan fried mushrooms and peas. But you get a gravy boat full of peppercorn sauce , thatll help. I think the key is variety, so you dont get stuck with one taste or texture. Still a big load of food though

>> No.17720304

You chose to use a pic of bacon between toasted white bread. That's like choosing a pic of plain pasta and telling people it's a perfectly normal thing to eat, and then expecting them to gather that you actually just meant pasta with various sauces. I have to assume that this is the way most, if not all people eat it. Just bread and bacon.

>> No.17720325

*US influenced countries

It's a very common cut found in restaurants, butchers and supermarkets. But not normally at this weight. What I mean is that the cow is not necessarily butchered identically either side of the pond and the cuts given different names. Cuts exist in the US but are not common in the UK, i.e. they will form constituent parts of other cuts, or vice versa. The same for Brazil or wherever.

>> No.17720329

It was the quickest pic to find to represent what i assume you meant by "toast sandwich".

>> No.17720334

I chose nothing of the sort

>> No.17720345

Meat between bread is not equivalent to plain pasta

>> No.17720349

And you said it was perfectly normal for people to eat it that way. Which was my point.

>> No.17720351

Exactly, if you're trying to show off how not dogshit your food is, why use that pic? I had one that was pretty good. It was on a soft roll and the bacon was more like ham, thicker, with some sort of sauce. But he chose a dry ass white bread toast with dry bacon. All you need to know about british cuisine.

>> No.17720352

If I did a full Saturday workout after work I probably could.
But, I think my jaw would give out after eating half of it, I'd imagine it would be very tough.

>> No.17720357

Are you retarded? That wasn't my point.

>> No.17720365

if it's literally just meat, and just bread... yeah it is. The fact that you're defending this non-sandwich so hard is proving our point. It's a dogshit excuse for a sandwich that I would've made when I was 6 because I was a picky eater. For brits it's routine.

>> No.17720373

You've been worked into a shoot by a stock photo

>> No.17720374

Peek British cuisine right here

>> No.17720377

I walk to sandwich shop and buy food meal and juat bread and meat? I cry

>> No.17720385
File: 45 KB, 612x408, stock sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that you used that stock photo as an example of how your country's food doesn't suck is the problem. This is what a stock photo of a sandwich can look like.

Yes it's a stock photo and looks kinda shit, but it has toppings and veggies and some semblance of being a real sandwich.

>> No.17720388

You chose the stock photo as a representation of something that you said was perfectly normal for British people to eat. I haven't done anything except point out that it's a completely dry looking, obviously terrible "sandwich". Again, you chose this photo to represent what you feel is perfectly normal and good food for British people.

>> No.17720393
File: 89 KB, 940x625, ac619d41-0c2f-4801-867d-f04674792b46-monster-subs-and-sandwiches-mississippi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americunts think this is a normal sandwich

>> No.17720398

yeah man, if that's what I had to eat on a regular basis I would not be very happy. I like flavor and differing texture and vegetables. Foods a big part of life, and what you posted just isn't very good. Accept it.

>> No.17720404

If your sandwich has more bread than filling its not a sandwich. It's just accented bread slices. Sandwiches use bread to hold the main ingredients, like an eating utensil.

>> No.17720407

I already posted what our stock sandwich photo looks like.>>17720385

You're grasping at straws, the brit seethe is palpable.

>> No.17720422

You chose that pic, not me. I'm not accusing you of something unrealistic. I'm actually just taking your word for what British food is like.

>> No.17720424

This looks like a very sad sandwich. You couldn't even put a piece of lettuce on it? I would be very depressed if I had to choke down something like this.

>> No.17720428

>Americunts think this is a normal sandwich
No we literally don't.

This is what I picked as a normal stock sandwich photo that represents what I've eaten in my life. >>17720385

This is what you bongs chose>>17720195
I don't have to resort to lies or make up some bullshit. You guys literally posted dry toast with bacon in between in defense of how you guys don't have shit food. That's what was so amazing. I almost feel sorry for you guys.

>> No.17720430
File: 1.56 MB, 1927x2048, Screenshot_20220418-224723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our stock sandwich
The one you chose rather than the one a Brit chose

>> No.17720435

If you would rather eat 2 pieces of bacon between toasted white bread than that, the problem doesn't lie with Americans.

>> No.17720436

That's not toasted. You make assumptions and guess work on the quality of ingredients in a photo to enforce negativity.

>> No.17720444

Sometimes spongy soft white bread is better than toast. Idk it depends on the sandwich and my mood

>> No.17720446

What? Is your brain turning to mush? Are you having a stroke?

>> No.17720448

why does it have to be toasted?

>> No.17720452

Brits can't eat bread if it isn't toasted. Toasting bread is one of the main aspects of their cuisine.

>> No.17720456

Guys, lay off the poor brit. They have plenty of other good traits as a people than their food culture. I love British humor and literature, and find them to be a charming and good natured bunch of people. Just don't ask them to make a sandwich I guess.

>> No.17720460

what is this even supposed to mean? you'd rather have 2 slices of bacon on toast than lettuce, tomato, whole wheat bread, turkey, and swiss cheese?

Again I feel like you're just proving our point.

>> No.17720461

Because that was the whole point of this shit thats derailed the thread, that someone thought a "toast sandwich" was a thing

>> No.17720471

And then you proved it was even worse than we thought.

>> No.17720475

so in defense of that you posted two dry pieces of toast with a couple strips of bacon and said yeah that's much better.... I don't get it

>> No.17720477

Most Brits are insufferable twats. Just be honest. But, I guess that's true for everyone now.

>> No.17720481
File: 1.17 MB, 1509x2048, Screenshot_20220418-225658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're comparing UK Vs US cuisine (or sandwiches) based on two stock images, on a Brit chose and one a yank chose.

>> No.17720487

It was nothing to do with being better. It was a question asking if that was what they meant by "toast sandwich", but instead replies ended up completely derailing the thread with shit throwing

>> No.17720488

Yes. Thank you for the quick rundown of the basic facts if the conversation.

>> No.17720505

Glad your admitting you argument is based on shaky as fuck foundations.

>> No.17720507

>"This. I dunno what you mean toast sandwich, other than it maybe being something like bacon sandwiched between toast.. Nothing odd about it"
Nothing got derailed though. You made the assertion that slapping 2 pieces of bacon between toast was a perfectly acceptable sandwich. Whatever point you thought you were making against the toast sandwich, you ended up proving that Brits see this as a perfectly fine representation of a sandwich. You thought you were proving the stereotype of bland British food wrong, and you completely reenforced it.

>> No.17720509

literally wont fit into my stomach

>> No.17720512

Jesus christ Americans are autistic.

>> No.17720513

It's based on what the British person showed me was a completely normal British sandwich. I made zero assumptions about anything.

>> No.17720531
File: 1.80 MB, 1746x2048, Screenshot_20220418-230931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zero assumptions
You extrapolated beyond any sense or reason.

>> No.17720547

No. The brit posted a pic that he said represented normal sandwich. That's it. I didn't have to extrapolate anything. He literally said there was "nothing odd about it", when showing us a pic of toast with bacon between it. I know you're embarrassed that this is actually true, and you're trying to run from it. But, that's what he said. No assumptions or extrapolation needed.

>> No.17720553
File: 150 KB, 1170x922, IMG_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like dump

>> No.17720554

I don't know how else it could be more iron clad.

In an effort to dispel the notion that British food is shit, and that a toast sandwich is just made up, a BRIT posted a very dry plain sandwich with two slices of very dry toast.

Then instead of just saying yeah it was a shitty stock photo and it's not representative of our food, another brit is still trying to defend the sandwich. The whole point is instead of calling out the sandwich as shit, you're defending it.

>> No.17720556

One data point
Opinion formed
Not extrapolation
Ok mate...

>> No.17720564

>this is a normal sandwich
Wow you really think that's normal? Kinda looks like shit.
>Reeee stop making assumptions

I don't know what we're assuming. You still won't say the sandwich you guys picked is shit.

>> No.17720567
File: 155 KB, 1024x768, poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more high British cuisine

>> No.17720572

You assumed it was bland based on your already negative outlook. You have no idea on the quality or type of ingredients or how it tastes

>> No.17720573

>you guys
I didn't pick anything.

>> No.17720578

How many data points should I take into consideration when someone chooses a picture of a sandwich and says, "hey, look at this picture of this sandwich. This is a normal sandwich"? What else is there to consider? I didn't even form an opinion. I took him on his word. He is the one that said, "there is nothing odd about this sandwich in this picture." What am I even supposed to be extrapolating from that by in turn believing that said sandwich is a normal sandwich for British people. A British person just told me it was.

>> No.17720580

you're defending it, just say the sandwich the other Brit picked is bad. You're right you didn't pick it. Yet here we are and you haven't called the dry toast bacon sandwich bad.

>> No.17720588

It's toasted white bread with bacon. How can it not be considered bland?? I've had toasted white bread. I've had bacon. I don't have to use a whole lot of imagination here. How retarded are Brits actually?

>> No.17720590

>you're defending it
I haven't
>dry toast bacon sandwich
I've no idea of its dry, never tasted it.

>> No.17720591

Ok control for all qualities of ingredients.

Would you rather have a sandwich that contained

>the worlds best bacon
>the worlds best white bread toasted

Or a sandwich that contains
>the worlds best tomato
>the worlds best lettuce
>the worlds best swiss cheese
>the worlds best whole wheat bread
>the worlds best roast turkey

>> No.17720595

>The Brit hides behind his autism.

>> No.17720599

You're literally defending it right now, and you'll never taste it it's a stock photo, use your eyes. That is run of the mill white bread toasted to a crisp with no visible sauce.

>> No.17720601

Bacon one. Bacon is better, showcases its quality better on its own

>> No.17720602

I believe this is what you Brits call "taking the piss".

>> No.17720607

And this is why the rest of the world laughs at your food. I swear, every time a Brit tries to defend their food, they just make it 100 times worse.

>> No.17720608

It depends what ingredients you like. I think the world's best tomato would taste better than anything else so I would chose the world best tomato on its own against anything else.

>> No.17720617

Thank fuck. This has been fun but I need to go to bed. Are you American, did you spot the piss taking straight away?

>> No.17720619

ok I mean there we go, I don't know what else to say. You'd rather have 2 strips of bacon on toast than an actual sandwich in any format.

>> No.17720620

If I was hungry, yes.

>> No.17720627

No. I think you were truly attempting to defend the terrible sandwich. But, you knew you had lost and needed an out. It's ok. I gave you your out.

>> No.17720630

>Thank fuck. This has been fun but I need to go to bed. Are you American, did you spot the piss taking straight away?

>I was merely pretending to be retarded.

God Brits suck.

>> No.17720635

American food isn't real. It's full of chemicals. You don't know what real food is or how it supposed to taste

>> No.17720636
File: 1.90 MB, 220x160, signal-2022-02-24-204742.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ you guys are autistic retards, you just love arguing in fucking circles all afternoon. Mods clean this shit up

>> No.17720637

I've never formed an opinion in this thread.

>> No.17720645

Sure. You got your out. Just take it and stop.

>> No.17720652

Keep seething Britbong.

>> No.17720665

Based Brits taking the piss.

>> No.17720670

>American food isn't real. It's full of chemicals. You don't know what real food is or how it supposed to taste

I've been to 4 different continents and spent tons of time in various parts of western Europe, specifically France, UK, Italy, and Spain. There's varying levels of quality everywhere. Blanket statements like yours are disingenuous and indicative of someone who hasn't gone anywhere.

>> No.17720725

I have seen several replies mention a peppercorn sauce, anybody got a good recipe for that?

>> No.17720742

>2 cups peppers
>1 cup corn
>2 cups sauce

>> No.17720745

In my perfect form, I could, but it's rare, I can't even activate it if I want, it just happens by itself sporadically.

>> No.17720747

Haha anon but seriously I don't want to experiment and get a shitty internet recipe and ruin my steak

>> No.17720750

It's peppercorns and cream. Usually bought in packets but I'm sure it's be great freshly made.

>> No.17720767
File: 331 KB, 625x465, 1422667703885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The density of muscle tissue is ~1.05 g/cm^3
100oz ~ 2835g
2835g/1.05 = 2700 cm^3
2700 cm^3 = 2.7L
Yes, I can do that. I did a volume test of my digestive tract with water to see if I could eat enough for a different food challenge and I drank 4 liters in under an hour. I'm not confident I could do it with the sides though.

>> No.17720777

Thanks I guess I'll just wing it then, I'm probably a better chef than ninety percent of these wifey their food bloggers anyways

>> No.17720797

Its simple. Just technique. A real peppercorn sauce uses brandy and beef broth mixed with crushed black peppercorns and cream


>> No.17720996

doubt it, at least not within an hour, if i had like 2-3 hours, then probably.

>> No.17721123

Most days, no. Today, yes.

>> No.17721133

Of the five places I bounced around during uni, not one used broth - three of them just deglazed with the brandy and peppercorns off the heat, added a splash of cream, and whisked like a motherfucker for about 30s.

>> No.17721134

Looks like a chuck roast.

>> No.17721169

Oh so it's basically just the sauce from steak au poivre, glad you pointed it out I'll just make that

>> No.17721206

Lit'rally "Steak with pepper." Lit'rally.

>> No.17721442

absolute fucking RETARD ahahahahah you fucking RETARD

>> No.17723025

Do americans really

>> No.17723038

Do you get any other prizes? That doesn't sound enjoyable

>> No.17723849

I guess it depends how much sauce you want. You can make the sauce ahead of time with stock

>> No.17723865

Depends on how much it costs if you don't finish it. If that shit's over 50 bucks you know for hell I'm pushing through, but for 40 bucks and a tip, I'd probably just eat it until I stopped enjoying it, pack it up and have steak sandwiches for a week.

>> No.17723874

The potatoes are gonna kill you on this, people never think of those dense starch carbs as filling, but that's just pure fill

>> No.17723898

If I eat half, get up and go to the bathroom, then squeeze through the window, I also get it free. This only works because no one thinks a small window would fit an average American.
>You pay before they refund you
Fuck that noise, I turn at the door.

>> No.17723972

I couldn't but I'd love to try

>> No.17724184

>fries half a tomato
>thinks they're god's gift to mankind and the epitome of cuisine

classic brits, no wonder your foods trash

>> No.17724218

I did a 72 ounce steak before, I think I could probably do a 100.

>> No.17724231
File: 90 KB, 1200x630, JS118758654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pfft. What's for dessert?

>> No.17724242

>wonder why this thread has so many replies
>two hour long slapfight about a sandwich with an impossibly credulous autist taking on all comers
Love you /ck/.

>> No.17724315

It's basically and entire tenderloin with 2lbs of sirloin tacked on. So yeah, seems bogus.