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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 118 KB, 949x534, halo-cookbook-1200x675-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17716122 No.17716122 [Reply] [Original]

Post a cringier cookbook

>> No.17716141

I thought this was a shop but it is real kek

>> No.17716185

I've never looked through this book or played a Halo game, but based on the cover it might as well say, "recipes from Applebee's".

>> No.17716189

If there's a minecraft cookbook out there it would probably have to be that.

>> No.17716218

There isn’t even any food in halo what the fuck. I saw a destiny one too, somehow that’s even worse.

>> No.17716241
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I got some more info on the book its small but it came from the authors own mouth.
>343 rushed her hardcore on this book most of her books she wrote took 3-4 months to test recipes and get em just right, this one took 1 month because they wanted it immediately
>She wanted a much better cover for the book showing off the more interesting food in the book. 343 said no and just put the burger and churros on the front because thats what the gamers will most likely want the most. So yes this is the final cover and its awful.
Despite what this board thinks shes a good cook and made good shit and has her own blog. https://pixelatedprovisions.com/recipes/ buttttttt its seems to more then likely be a cash grab. Not by the author but because 343 fucked her over. A job is a job though.

>> No.17716242
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There's also a Mother/Earthbound cookbook which is pretty much basic stuff. The only one I really want to try that is mysterious is it does have a trout yogurt recipe. Let me see if I can find my copy.

>> No.17716259
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>> No.17716264
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Really does look more like a sauce you'd eat with something else. I could see it being okay. Seems like something that probably exists in northern Europe already.

>> No.17716272

I haven't played nuhalo, but when was food ever featured anywhere in this series, it's not even something that comes up when you think about halo.
They could have made it about literally any other franchise, i'd buy a fucking genshin impact cookbook, why would anyone make this shit.

>> No.17716287

So 343 rushed this product to the point of making her look bad.
Yet, she let everything slide instead of pulling the plug, because the money was more important than her reputation as an author.

>> No.17716308

Shes doing food full time now she quit her job so now its all on food. Shes paid a one time comission to do these as well. I dont know how much but others who have worked for the same publisher have said the same and she has said so as well. How bad it will be isnt known yet, ill go read it at my Barnes when it comes out but it was a shock to hear how they rushed her. It could hurt her but like I understand wanted to keep the lights on. She has other projects in the work as well so more cookbooks are on the way.

>> No.17716310

Ah, that makes sense. I’m sure with 4 extra months she would’ve realized that burger is inedibly tall and fixed it.

>> No.17716325

maybe for a jawlet
CHADster CHADief can simply unhinge his jaw and swallow the burger (more of a slider, really) whole

>> No.17716364

I'm pretty sure I'm the Halo anime, there's a scene where four ODSTs are in a mess hall. Oh, and there's an easter egg in one of the games where a marine says that Grunt meat tastes like chicken.

>> No.17716383

I guarantee you there are 0 recipes called grunt meat, and also no “military-style” mess type foods. Women are the fucking worst.

>> No.17716387

But at least Minecraft has actual food in it. I can see how this could get a kid interested in cooking, so it has some value.

>> No.17716393

They should have legit had recipes for things like pemican and hard tack to simulate military rations.

>> No.17716399

I don't have any opinions on the Minecraft one. I haven't read it. I just found out it existed after that one anon theorized about it. Draw whatever conclusion you want.

In my very limited experience, these themed cookbooks tend to be focused on relatively simple recipes like that though. Which, is fine. People should learn how to cook, and if it's a video game themed whatever that's fine with me.

>> No.17716420
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Way to put a positive spin on silly themed recipe books. My oldest is aware of Minecraft and likes it, but hasn't played it yet. When she's old enough to use a controller and play with me, she'll be old enough to cook with me too.
That being said, stuff like this Halo recipe book, or pic related, screams 'douchey cashgrab'

>> No.17716428

It's all so tiresome

>> No.17716436

You are mentally ill.

>> No.17716460

You're blind.

>> No.17716493

Literally who gives a fuck, if your own race's men don't make for a good dating pool, that's not women's problem.

>> No.17716506

It's about the choice of artwork being presented to impressionable children

>> No.17716516

those are the minecraft player characters dumbass

>> No.17716535

How does that change anything? It's still an art choice.

>> No.17716657
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>> No.17716977
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>> No.17716983

fuck that hideous muslim bitch

>> No.17716991

sounds based to me, mother/eb has lots of memorable food and overly dedicated fans. if you put a gun to my head before the halo cookbook appeared on /ck/ I couldn't truly tell you if a single person ate food in the entirety of the canon

>> No.17717007
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Some themed cookbooks can be good, but to be fair LotR is low hanging fruit for a fantasy cookbook desu

>> No.17717010

>I couldn't truly tell you if a single person ate food in the entirety of the canon
Same here. I was never really into Halo and only played it with my dudebro friends so I'm hardly an authority but I don't remember any motherfucker eating anything.

>> No.17717011
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>> No.17717013

It's fine. I bought it. The cookbook ended up just actually being sort of boring. I do love Earthbound though, and the book quality is pretty good considering it's a Starman/Fangamer thing.

>> No.17717025
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heh..... nothing personnel, kid

>> No.17717037

yeah wasn't trying to blog but I've bought a couple books from them in the past including the EB Localization book, always tangibly high quality products. I might buy that cookbook out of curiosity, didn't know of it before. there must be a strawberry tofu entry, right? could you post a picture of it if you're able?

>> No.17717052
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>> No.17717074
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can't find a scan of this or I'd post what's inside

>> No.17717103

>hobbit slam
you either slam with the hobbits or jam with the elves

>> No.17717116

According to Downes, these are the official ingredients for Master Chief Chili:
Two pounds of ground beef
One 28-ounce can of tomatoes
Two 8-ounce cans of tomato sauce
One 15-ounce can of kidney beans
One large potato, diced
One large onion, grated
Now that is based

>> No.17717122
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Sure. There's two tarts, the first is probably what you're asking for but I'll post both for the hell of it. Let me know if you can't read it.

>> No.17717127
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Picture of this one.

>> No.17717131

Lol. Compartmentalization culture of 2022 is a wicked thing.

>> No.17717136
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Other tart.

>> No.17717148
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The photo size limit is difficult.

>> No.17717152
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Pie crust recipe if you want it.

>> No.17717172

thanks but I was asking about strawberry tofu, one of the few 'unique' things concretely present across all three games

>> No.17717198

Oddly enough, I do not see it. Sorry.

>> No.17717200


>> No.17717227

all good, I'm just surprised they didn't take a hit at it considering it's in all three games

>> No.17717242

Reading the wiki page you linked to, it appears in the US version of Earthbound they called the strawberry tofu "trout yogurt". So, that might be why. I don't know though. I double checked, it's not in there.

>> No.17717250

halo? more like GAYLO

>> No.17717271

the French being weebs is nothing new, but holy shit isn't cooking sacred over there?

>> No.17717476

ah I forgot that, yeah, sorry

>> No.17717542

There are pedophile cookbooks as well.

>> No.17717565

Food was a pretty big part of the show. You literally never saw anybody eat in Halo.

>> No.17717620

Imagine an archeologist finding this

>> No.17717688

>cash grab
Literally life exists to scam your ass. Everything is a scam. Everything wants your money.

>> No.17717692

No. Lots of times people only want attention and/or validation.

>> No.17717699

The only food I want to eat out of Halo is the Arbiter's thick ASS. Master Chief is so lucky.

>> No.17717729
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Don't know if it's worse but I feel like it's equally as bad at least. Though Black Panther's chicken and waffles look decent

>> No.17717743

where does this end?

>> No.17718157

wait so is this for black trannies or people who went from black to white like Michael Jackson?

>> No.17718182

The money and any future career, would you be willing to piss of a company owned by Microsoft? She may have also been under a contract

>> No.17718198

ayo, where da gabagoo at

>> No.17718214

How can you claim to be normal and like others but have your own special food

>> No.17718237

The Destiny cookbook TRIES to make the food look all weird and shit. The Halo cookbook is just a normal cook book without much Halo in it at all.

>> No.17718238

the destiny one is worse

>> No.17718240

To be fair, the halo setting is just America in space

>> No.17718241

the original games were set in places like africa.

>> No.17718247
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might be good because of the sheer number of recipes in these games.
76 just makes you want to cook and eat the entire time.

>> No.17718268

I don't get why they would rush this, how much are they expecting to make from a cookbook?

>> No.17718275

Yes. It's a game of Dyke vs Dyke. Both sides suck.

>> No.17718282

>would you be willing to piss of a company owned by Microsoft?
Yes I'd be a woman if I piss Microsoft off I can get money for free 1000 other ways.

>> No.17718288

The more "interesting" food still has fucking nothing to do with halo. And the cunt is a terrible cook. A foot tall burger is fucking stupid.

>> No.17718322

>not knowing the difference between ‘then’ and ‘than’
you are as soy as you are illiterate
your mother gave birth to you THEN cried herself to sleep, rather THAN be happy.
do you see the difference you fucking newfag?

>> No.17718656

People on this board told me the Elder Scrolls cookbook is amazing. I haven't played the games, but I have downloaded the cookbook and it looks delicious. I still need to get molasses from somewhere and then I'm good to go.

>> No.17718706
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>> No.17718712

It’s basically just a less tasty rillette

>> No.17718727

I thought this one was pretty good for tastelets. It’s less of a cookbook and more of a book on culinary theory, but made for the lowest common denominator. Waste of money for anyone who knows the basics but it’s definitely something I would get for a flyover soccer mom or a young person who can follow simple recipes but can’t yet freestyle

>> No.17718748

>Black Panther's chicken and waffles
That’s unironically pretty racist

>> No.17718754

Is that bad?

>> No.17718760


>> No.17718773

sanity? in MY /ck/? holy shit

>> No.17718843

>Caring about spelling
Fuck off newfag and go back to upvote city.

>> No.17718853

not them but syntax/grammar is not "spelling". maybe learn english before calling people newfag

>> No.17718881

I wasnt the guy the with the grammar shit. Im just a guy calling him a dumbass for caring. Final point cringe.

>> No.17718882

they're expecting to make very little which is why they wanted to just get it out and over with so they canmove on to the next low effort cash grab

>> No.17718898

These books sell a lot and I guess they wanted one as well. Probably because the game is so shit they wanna distract people.
Nah shes a good cook if you actually decide to know her work. That burger is pretty crazy but its not a basis of what she does regularly.

>> No.17718903

yikes. Imagine not caring when your race is being genocided. Your brain on leftism

>> No.17718917

they wanted to rush cause the show is airing, after all the interest for halo will be gone

>> No.17718943

if you can't use then/than or their/they're/there correctly your a dipshit

>> No.17719031
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>> No.17719038
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>> No.17719046
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>> No.17719056


>> No.17719084

When I think of "food" and "Halo" I think of Mountain Dew and Doritos, nothing else.

>> No.17719264

Cheetos tho?

>> No.17719320

theyre the fucking designs of steve and the other one
repeat: you are mentally ill

>> No.17719332

I got that book for my mom because she is the exact target audience but she refuses to read it

>> No.17719350

>literally completely normal recipes

>> No.17719441

Something about videogame cookbooks just gives me that internal "capitalism is a scam" feeling

>> No.17719455
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What the fuck is wrong with 343? They have a company as big as microsoft backing them and a franchise as big as HALO as their playground yet they continue to treat people like shit and fuck things up.

>> No.17719492

Because just like every other fucking company in the US they prioritize short term gains over long term stability. They wanted a cookbook because the Video Game cookbook thing is now taking off and they want one AND THEY WANT IT NOW. Fuck it if its quality we will make that quick money.

>> No.17719740

>every other fucking company in the US
except lots of companies prioritize long term gains by creating high quality products that get you "hooked" in as a customer. for example Apple, Amazon, McDonalds etc

>> No.17719769

They had to act fast because the tv show "Halo" is shit and not really Halo

>> No.17720480

checkmate faggot

>> No.17720511

so that's what they do with the extra meat....

>> No.17720563


>> No.17720597
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UMmm a cookbook made for CHILDREN....?

>> No.17721315

>long term gains
It's a very dangerous game to play when you're CEO, the shareholders will have your head if your company isn't making more money this this than last year, and it has to be a significant double digit increase in percentage too, not 4%, your company is fucking finished if that happens.

>> No.17721322

*making more money this year than last year

All corporate moves make more sense when you realize corporations are slaves to their shareholders and all they want is neverending growth, even when there is no more growth to be had (eg. you have saturated the market, or your product category is mature)

>> No.17721380

The churros on the cover make it obvious that the churros from the episode 2 of the recent Halo live action series were product placement. I thought their role was odd and forced but I never would guessed this was why. Renders the whole series even more cringey than it is.

>> No.17721489
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I was going to get this, I didn't even know the cookbook thing was a thing until now

>> No.17721506

kek. is there one for DOOM?
cacodemon burgers
mancubus roast
pinky filets

>> No.17721510

Go outside

>> No.17721552

kek my dad uses this cookbook

>> No.17721575

What is it, 6 versions of baked ziti and deli sandwiches?

>> No.17721584

And Paulie Walnut's Sausages

>> No.17721652
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XI had better food

>> No.17721687

Fuck you losers

>> No.17721692
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>> No.17721693

Bring it back

>> No.17721817

She's not gonna suck your cock bro.

>> No.17721896

Thug kitchen. Worst book I own.

>> No.17721941

the chicken and waffles is really Luke Cage's thing, right? Maybe the black bootleg iron man's? Not the guy from africa's, surely.

>> No.17722176
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>> No.17722179
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>> No.17722182

>trans people of color
Nice, it is finally time to accept that a black people can be born with white skin and stop discriminating against transracial folx.

>> No.17722189

Makes me wonder, is there a cookbook for the NBC Hannibal kek

>> No.17722197

Nor do I want the Dyke bitch too but im not gonna lie and say she sucks at cooking.

>> No.17722201

Id get it. Its a good one but it would help if you got asian stores nearby.

>> No.17722207

Based on the couple pics posted in one of the threads about it, it is all just regular food but with Fallout name instead of something interesting like weird mid-1900s food with futuristic twist or trying to adapt post-nuclear wasteland cooking.

>> No.17722209

can't even speak english kek

>> No.17722216
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who am I kidding, of course there was
they just used a bunch of snapshots from the actual show itself, according to screenshots on the internet

>> No.17722230

so are all these books written by the same woman?

>> No.17722244
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i'll get that cheesecake before i swap over to outer Worlds, raiders all day baby. gonna have to kill Cito and his cute little family so i can get that cage achievement. got a nuka grenade waiting for him.

>> No.17722252

Victoria Rosenthal and Chelsea Monroe have written the most books but not all of them. Chelsea needs to hurry the fuck up getting that kitchen remodel done its been like 2 fucking years.

>> No.17722328

If you want white women to fuck you, try being more appealing than a nigger

>> No.17722460

agreed, i picked it up for myself when i was 18 or so and didn't know how to cook anything. was a nice way to start learning the 'why's and 'how's instead of blindly following recipes

>> No.17722490

My race is slavic
>hurr you wite tho
Unethnically cleanse my great grandparents and then you can try selling me that you fucking Germanic barbarian

>> No.17722504

>My race is slavic
So unlike krautoids that are getting replaced by arabs and blacks you are getting by turks then?

>> No.17722553

Jewish cuisine is overrated.

>> No.17722909

At least he has a native language.

>> No.17724661

Oven meals