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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17708216 No.17708216 [Reply] [Original]

Careful, /ck/.

>> No.17708222

Good thing I don't eat yolks

>> No.17708223

Ah yes, it's literally everything else in the last 2 years causing sudden cardiac failure and blood clots. Nothing else odd happened.

>> No.17708225

I’m still eating some eggs for breakfast today, anon.

>> No.17708228

Everything increases your risk of something, living kills you eventually

>> No.17708232
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The fact that I rejected the gene therapy should even things out.

>> No.17708234
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You weren't supposed to point that out bro...

>> No.17708235

Bro it is just Christmas tree syndrome, are blowing the whistles too much.

>> No.17708243
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Didn’t take the clotshot, I still eat my 10-15 eggs a week, and I had my blood tested a couple months ago: Everything was within normal ranges.

>> No.17708251
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>> No.17708258

okay fine I won’t eat egg shells anymore...

>> No.17708337

Yeah, never happened before then it's all totally new.

>> No.17708342

i eat three eggs every day and i feel just fine

>> No.17708349

>The liver oxidizes TMA to trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO). Elevated levels of TMA and TMAO in the body have been linked to increased risk of atherosclerosis and mortality. Thus, excessive choline intake has been hypothetized to increase these risks in addition to carnitine, which also is formed into TMA and TMAO by gut bacteria. **However, choline intake has not been shown to increase the risk of dying from cardiovascular diseases**. It is plausible that elevated TMA and TMAO levels are just a symptom of other underlying illnesses or genetic factors that predispose individuals for increased mortality. Such factors may have not been properly accounted for in certain studies observing TMA and TMAO level related mortality. Causality may be reverse or confounding and large choline intake might not increase mortality in humans. For example, kidney dysfunction predisposes for cardiovascular diseases, but can also decrease TMA and TMAO excretion.

>> No.17708353

> could
> may
> perhaps

>> No.17708360

That egg look comfy

>> No.17708384

it's nothing more than baby boomer cope. they can't accept their own mortality so every health problem related to old age has to be the fault of something else.

alternatively someone in the diet industry is paying the media to say shit like this. in a month or two we'll be back to eggs being a superfood or whatever.

either way, never trust the media as a source of dietary advice. as long as you keep a fairly balanced diet and don't overeat you'll be fine 99% of the time.

>> No.17708393

Wow bro what are you implying? Are you spreading misinformation? I would hate to see big tech have to cancel you from the internet to protect the truth.

>> No.17708400

What are you trying to say

>> No.17708401

Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.17708402

will shitty online news websites ever truly decide if eggs are good for you or bad for you? who knows

>> No.17708403

It's probably just his winter vagina acting up. They say everyone can get it.

>> No.17708493

so how many coof vaccines can I have for breakfast then? :(

>> No.17708573

You need one every 6 hours or you can't go to disneyland

>> No.17708593
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It's a brand new discovery anon, are you doubting (((science)))?

>> No.17708605

Not vaxxed. Never vaxxing.

>> No.17708650

>eggs haven't been shown to fuck with you in the decades prior
Inb4 but I'm not dead yet

>> No.17708654


>> No.17708662

Tired of seeing this parroted. Everything requires maintenance, living is living, death is death, do not mix the two. Your childrens children will be gene modified and be spared such annoyances

>> No.17708675

Go for a run, fast walk or any type of exercise (cardio exercise) once in a while to get your blood pumping fast through your veins in order to loosen up the accumulated plaque in your veins.
Or else you’re going to have a enormous heart attack or stroke and possibly fucking die.

>> No.17708685

No refunds

>> No.17708772
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It just means it's working not time for another course

>> No.17708801


>> No.17708806

Why are 99% of female comedians just unfunny angry dykes

>> No.17708807
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Behold: l'accuseur de les juifs

>> No.17708846

Because female comedians are all molestation victims.

>> No.17708854

Victims? More like perpetrators.

>> No.17708896

>a shitty /pol/ or /x/ thread smuggled here
yeah flattie, two more weeks, for sure

>> No.17708901

Covid is over. The antivaxxers won. We're onto wwiii now.

>> No.17708910

silence with your conspiracies and continue eating bugs.

>> No.17708989

didnt except to see a real anti semite here

>> No.17709053

Eggs caused climate change and made gas prices go up. Everyone knows this. Stop eating eggs.

>> No.17709134

>Eggs caused climate change and made gas prices go up.
Yikes, those were RUSSIAN eggs laid by Hitler McPutin himself, chud.

>> No.17709142

>egg make bad thing
>LAMEdimir POOtin sell lot of egg
need I say more?

>> No.17709145

it’s clearly winter vagina causing this

>> No.17709159
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This is what resistance looks like

>> No.17709168

show the blood test results tranny

>> No.17709273

>it’s real

>> No.17709336

The heat of the egg clots the blood

>> No.17709368

I already have heart failure, so who cares about a risk of blood clot.

>> No.17709369

Then eat it raw, solved.

>> No.17709419

This is not how problems work. The amount of people I've dealt with over the past two years who didn't believe in the core concept of co-morbidity really makes me worry about the future of humanity.

>> No.17709421

You type a lot for someone with a failed heart.

>> No.17709426

Listen dude, it's gonna get really bad over the next 5 to 10 years. Just focus on your own shit and you'll make it

>> No.17709469

It's been my job (in the literal sense) to focus on other people's shit - it pays too well to just quit, but not enough to retire to a cabin in the mountains with a giant bunker carved into the rock.

Anyway, "Eat, drink and do things in moderation. Don't sneeze, cough, or throw fists at each other. Take care of yourselves, but not past the point where it takes all the fun out of living."

>> No.17709480

Bro, they have been trying to cancel eggs for decades. This is nothing new

>> No.17709648

>eating blood clots increasing risk of blood clotting

>> No.17709670

good, hope i die sooner

>> No.17709715

guess I’ll die in 2 weeks since I took the poison joooooz juice huh or it’s a muh saline shot

>> No.17709819

You can't blame npcs who live in fake news and mainstream social media that is state controlled.

>> No.17709829
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Who cares you're already a house slave with no principles. Massa gon given you lossa betta treatmen ifn you jump when massa say jump and be real nice.

>> No.17709888

>Ah yes, it's literally everything else in the last 2 years causing sudden cardiac failure and blood clots. Nothing else odd happened.
Must be that climate change.
Don't worry about it too much, it's meat Monday! You know what that means! Special treat, once a week, no vegan substitute today. Real 100% pure tasty protein filled bug burger. Enjoy

>> No.17710070

I can count them as symptomatic... in some cases I have to treat them for minor medical issues, why not try to treat the psychological symptoms too?
>by killing the host

>> No.17710088

Hey, at least I can swim.

>> No.17710111

Words salad for
>Everything proves it's a non-factor
>But maybe it is need more fund for my researchs teehee
Fuck modern science and journalism

>> No.17710114

Americans have been dying of cardiac failure for several years now

>> No.17710119

This. There have been several dozen of these types of articles over the last few months. 300% increase in cardiac events for FIFA players and coaches. The Miami Open had 14 FUCKING PLAYERS drop games. 40% increase in all cause death (majority not covid, even in obvious over report in covid numbers themselves) in 2021 with no trend predicate in 2020. 10% increase is a once in 200 year catastrophe-40% is (quoting the president of a mult-billion dollar insurance company) a "mass-casualty event." It is literally like we went to the most catastrophic war of the last 100 years and no one realized it, all for a virus with a literally flu tier IFR (MUCH lower now with omicron, literally less than the flu), which has been known uncontentiously to have a flu tier IFR since April 2020, yet young healthy people still chose to take it several times in less than a year. And it is all still just getting started. People who took this shit are fucking morons

>> No.17710183

At least 5.

>> No.17710191

How do you explain cardiac events for unvaxed players?

>> No.17710201

Heart disease and pre-existing risk factors? Whatever lets me point my finger in the right direction.

>> No.17710221

>yeah bro just two more weeks until society collapses! SHIT'S GONNA GET BAD xD

>> No.17710225

Not in their 20s-30s.

>> No.17710302
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>> No.17710320

strictly economic reasons

>> No.17710324

2019 article.

>> No.17710359

yeah, by me.

>> No.17710365

i eat 28 eggs a week
how fucked am I

>> No.17710415

You got a loicense for that? You're going to need a lifeguard too.

>> No.17710446

based jesus dabbing on unfunny roasties

>> No.17710457

yeah, imagine having a life so good and interesting that you only care about waiting for
>le happening

>> No.17710480
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>> No.17710505

Not that I disagree with your implication, but to be fair, the origin of this claim seems to predate the coof... there are a bunch of articles from 2017 linking eggs to clood clots, like this one:
either way it's clearly bullshit to push an agenda

>> No.17710582

Oh yeah, Climate change. That one's a real bitch

>> No.17710599

it's funny how all the fucking nigger /lol/ termites come crawling out of the woodwork thinking this post is validating them when getting covid is like 5x more of a risk factor for blood clots than the vaccine

But I wouldn't expect people who just barely survived the coat hangar to be able to realize that, so maybe I shouldn't be too mean.

>> No.17710631

Almost everyone had covid at this point and has gotten over it one way or the other and realized it's a joke while blood cloting and heart issues are serious shit

>> No.17710640

Look at all the shilla ITT,i wonder if they do it for free like jannies or they get paid

>> No.17710641

that means it is working

>> No.17710693

It's buyer's regret.

>> No.17710723

Woah, never knew that Louis CK posts here.

>> No.17710897

Yeah if you're old as fuck and already prone to clotting. Influenza and seasonal coronavirus also cause agglutamation but I bet you and your young fit friends don't take the flu shot or run away from the various common cold viruses.

>> No.17711160

>you jump when massa say jump
I thought Gene Hackman said this not Morgan Freeman?

>> No.17711358

>Christmas tree syndrome
What is this

>> No.17711370

Sorry vaxbros but it seems you'll need to leave the egg eating to me (nonvaxxed btw)

>> No.17711375

spike shedding by gigavaxxers

>> No.17711401

The ones who are forced out of the sport by not taking the clotshot?

>> No.17711410
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>> No.17711418

>i am so smart and morally correct wishing death on people is ok :^)

>> No.17711494

Wow, cool it with the misinformation, big guy.

>> No.17711502

Where's the wishing death on people part?

>> No.17711789

You will never be fully vaxxed.

>> No.17711794

How does he get out?

>> No.17712047
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yeah, that nasty ass sourdough bread everyone went for really does beat the shit out of your heart. dumbasses

>> No.17712073

How many essential oils do you have at any given moment?

>> No.17712083
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>> No.17712096

Oxygen ages you, walking wears out your knees, sunshine degraded yours skin. Everything good for you that you need is also bad for you, dying is part of living, you cannot separate the two.

>> No.17712198

Nobody died before the Covid vaccine

>> No.17712323

literally none.

>> No.17712325

You will NOT eat the cheap protein rich food. You WILL buy our $15+ per lb beef.

>> No.17712414

Man I come to /ck/ to escape /pol/ bullshit. Fuckin hell. If you think the vaccine is bad can you at least contain yourself to that shitheap? Anyway death scares me but I also don't care if I die, and eggs are easily my favorite food. If they give me clots, or I die from my vaccined self, whatever. The real thing to talk about here is that egg prices are sky-fucking-high and it pisses me off.

>> No.17712420

whats with the nonstop le eggs bad articles
just makes me want to eat more eggs

>> No.17712450


>> No.17712487
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see vid related

>> No.17712495

What do you think you're proving? Is that the first time you've seen someone faint because of a needle? Lots of cowardly pussy faggots are terrified of them.

>> No.17712749

>eggs are the boogeyman
>white bread is the boogeyman
>red meat is the boogeyman
>white rice is the boogeyman
>fruit juice is the boogeyman
I'm fucking tired of a new one of these cropping up every week. Literally every food on the planet except for beans and leafy vegetables has been subject to this bullshit and it's literally impossible to find out what foods are actually unhealthy

>> No.17712761

Still not getting the clot shot queer

>> No.17712766

Tell me how covid is doing since February.

>> No.17712824

You're right it's called long haul covid

>> No.17712879

That's very bongphobic of you.

>> No.17713044

American stand-up stopped being good 25 years ago

>> No.17713049

these hands look like they have severe problems with circulation. well, not surprised

>> No.17713146

How have I never put the dots together before now...

>> No.17713154

Nick DiPaolo is fucking funny

>> No.17713228

Enough of this health shit, implying anyone actually want to live above the age of 50 and start shitting urself while also using a fucking cane/wheelchair.

>> No.17713251

Dumb npc

>> No.17713257

What covid?

>> No.17713258

Seems like a northern yuro idiom that doesn't translate

>> No.17713276

2 more weeks

>> No.17713288

Covid is over, the antivaxxers won and everything is open again. We're talking about wwiii now. They sold enough snake oil and robbed the middle classes future already. Nobody under 25 will ever own a home. Inflation has gone up as much as 22%. Wages remain the same. Children under 10 are mentally ill germaphobes with face blindness and 2 years behind in school. The corperate telecommunications trust that spreads propaganda has spread onto the internwet. The intrest rate bubble is worse than it has ever been. But please do not be racist, if you are racist we cannot import more foreign labor to devalue the working class further. Racism worse subjugation. Trust the experts.

>> No.17713297
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Stahp it.

>> No.17713316

Seems perfectly normal to me. Just don't shake your duvet too hard or shovel snow in the winter and you'll be fine!

>> No.17713413

Nobody is taking your steak away, stop this eternal betacuck victim complex.

>> No.17713421

Imagine being this ignorant

>> No.17713599

>childrens children
That's a pretty bold prediction here.

>> No.17713612

'that could', 'may'.

>> No.17713654

Uh-huh very good argument. I don't understand the hysteria around vaccines, because it's retarded. Is it just the coof vaccine you people hate? Or would you go back in time and prevent your baby-self from being vaccinated from things like rubella, tetanus, hep-b, etc? My God you're all such free thinkers, it's incredible. Why the fuck would the US military mandate it if it was killing people? They need those slaves. They've been trying to propagandize people to love the military for years, that's a lot of good will and trust to destroy over a vaccine. Or even Israel, why would the hand rubbing Jews mass vaccinate with multiple doses if it were some terrible death liquid?

Seriously though, why the fuck are egg prices so goddamn high. A 60 pack at my Walmart is $14.

>> No.17713669

You are not enlightened
You are not redpilled
You are paranoid and insecure

>> No.17713749

For me it's not whether the vax is dangerous, but that they tried to coerce me into taking it by taking away my job. They're just not trustworthy and I made a value decision. Actually I agree that this argument should stay in /pol/ but here we are. You'll never take my eggs Soros!

>> No.17713764


>> No.17713771

Because they inflated the currency over covid by printing corperate bailouts because of a cold you fucking moron. The whole thing was a dupe to extract more money out of the middle and lower classes. They destroyed the majority of small businesses while walmart stayed open. Even the covid pay for that month off was printed fiat and handed out as welfare. These things are interconnected. From just a kayak I bought for 299 it is now 369, about 22% inflation. Aside from the government buying 'vaccines' that don't even do anything using money they stole from you while the pharmaceutical companies got to keep their ip and profit. You realize the polio vaccine went public domain and that seatbelts went public domain because those companies actually cared about helping people and not extracting money from the masses. Volvo will be forever based in my mind for that. The modern 3 point seatbelt is their gift to the world.

>> No.17713779

I didn't say it's going to collapse. It's just going to get real shitty. Shittier I guess since it's already shit.

>> No.17713786

Didn't say they were. Farm near me is doing better than ever with all the new customers going to him since covid

>> No.17713789

It already has collapsed.

>> No.17713845

To my knowledge the mandates never affected private businesses. If said business wanted to enforce it, that's their right. As leftists point out, 'haha republicans, gay cake!' Free market, or whatever. If you worked federally though, I guess I can understand frustration with mandates. While I am vaccinated and support their use, I've never once been a fan of or endorsed mandates of any kind: mask, vaccine, distancing, whatever. I think it's pretty well proven mandates don't work, even if the policies they wanted to enforce do help in general (which, they do.) And I fuckin love eggs, give me my goddamn eggs at a fair price.

I've never agreed with the panic of COVID, but it isn't 'a cold', I knew several people that died from it. It can be a minor case of respiratory symptoms or a severe case of pneumonia followed by death. It's as bad as or worse than the flu, which kills tons of people. I know 2 people that survived infection but had heart issues after the fact. So your use of 'a cold' is pretty indicative of retard anti-vax ideology, as well as "'vaccines' that don't even do anything".
I also realize the original patent for insulin was sold for $1, now look at the price. My father, brother, and best friend rely on it. The makers of EpiPen were sued because of their price gouging and patent trolling shenanigans. Corpo and bank bailouts also didn't start with COVID. None of this is new. It's all pretty severe this time around. Sure, it's probably true they used COVID as a scapegoat to get away with some bullshit.
I've never been affected by small business closures because I can't think of a single small business around me that closed down. If it happened it's unfair and sucks, yes. The mandates were asinine, everyone agrees with this.
Also all US currency is fiat, so I don't know what you tried to accomplish by saying "was printed fiat".
I get the point of what you're saying and you aren't fully incorrect. You just come off as a faggot.

>> No.17713859

Learn the truth about the covid scam and the Jewish war in Ukraine at the radio show at Davidduke.com

>> No.17713863

The mandates destroyed private businesses. What are you saying?

>> No.17713869
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>> No.17713875

all his posts have been massive mounds of bait. i seriously don't know why you're replying to him.

>> No.17713884

No they didn't

>> No.17713887

I already had covid. It was a cold. The crisis was that americans are deeply and horiffically unhealthy. My resting heart rate is 52bpm. If we need fascistic health policies start by banning canola oil, soybean oil, corn syrup, processed bullshit. We do not use the original insulin because pharma keeps artifically keeping the prices high by patenting new technologies for it while the insurance companies act in collusion with them. By the way going off the gold standard under Nixon was a 'temporary' policy. But basically the federal reserve plans for 2% inflation a year every year as standard. This is nearly 11% per year. The issue is that inflation is a tax that the poor pay indirectly. Essentially inflation doesn't matter if your money is tied to assets like a rich person. It is people who have only liquid capital, the rentcucks with no stocks or funs that suffer from it. Then there are the artifically low interest rates we have been snorting since the 80s which have caused the housing prices to inflate despite home build quality being terrible. Yes it has been happening before but this is worse than ever. Everything since the new deal has been a horror show. The only reason the dollar hasn't collapsed is we have a deal with the saudis and opec to make it the worlds currency for oil. So the dollar is backed by oil. Just trust me I know more about this than you.

>> No.17713901
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>This is what resistance looks like

>> No.17713968
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>Literally every food on the planet except for beans and leafy vegetables has been subject to this bullshit

That’s because the Global Corporate-Government nobility know we’re headed for a Malthusian nightmare (of their own creation) and want to get us peasants used to eating beans, bugs and dandelion leaves while we work 14 hour days as factory drones.

Meanwhile, they'll be dining on wagyu beef steaks with a dipping sauce made from goyim baby blood.

>> No.17713976
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Kiszka (aka black pudding) isn't limited to Bongs.

>> No.17713996

the drag show storytime issue is stupid but I think people should be able to get behind the idea that this person looks terrifying and shouldn't be around 6 year olds for that reason alone

>> No.17714028


>> No.17714059

I like his sage of 6th paths horns. It looks like a clown version of madera uchiha

>> No.17714319

I think that all fags should hang or be lined up against the wall.

>> No.17714324
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>> No.17714335

Joooz must b cray cray

>> No.17714337
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>> No.17714370

Children shouldn't be terrified by gay people in costumes. That's been children's TV since TV was a medium.

>> No.17714384

This is why William Tecumseh Sherman is still regarded as one of America's great generals and men. You literally believe that there is a Jewish conspiracy to make you eat healthy.

>> No.17714483

Yes co-morbidity was pointed at as the reason for many of the deaths. That wasn't ever hidden, it's one of the reasons for the heavy push of the vaccines. We're fat and our diets are terrible. It's funny, because the base concept of capitalism guaranteed this to happen. To increase profits you have to cheap out on ingredients and slim product sizes. It was completely inevitable. I'm well aware of the issue regarding insulin and the repatenting of "new and improved versions", as well as modern insulin being synthetic; I used the original patent in context because you brought up seatbelts and polio. Yes, insurance is a scam and hospital/medication bills are huge because of contracts and negotiating, this isn't hidden information either. It's almost like every facet of business is corrupt, crazy stuff--mind-blowing even! Everything you're saying has pretty much been correct. The only thing I didn't actually know was that the gold standard policy was supposed to be temporary, I haven't read much into it.
>Just trust me I know more about this than you
I haven't said you don't. I said you come off like a faggot, which you do.

So, do you hate the vaccines because 'it was a ploy to steal money and make the poor poorer', or because you're actually against vaccination in general. I can get behind the former, the latter seems a bit iffy.

>> No.17714498
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fuck man they really did fuck us up

my 21 year old cousin just had heart surgery

>> No.17714578

It was impressive how many people they got to blindly inject themselves with an experimental vaccine for a virus that old kills sick and old people

>> No.17714876

Yes, it was just a ploy to steal money and these are more of a seasonal flu shot than a vaccine like polio.

>> No.17714907

>egg debate goes on for decades
>current """studies""" show eggs are le bad
>emboldened schizos run with it
it's all so tiresome

>> No.17715509

It's also not that processed foods are bad because they are cheaping out it is also because of shelf and freezer stability.

>> No.17715685

Until we see some damning evidence for once then such articles should be seen as nothing more but playground stories for limp dicked twats to garner more (((research funding))). Maybe we should tell the boomers to stop being lazy fat fucks and go out for so much as a walk or jog instead of pigging out on the TV all day.
t. scramble 4 eggs and use another to make waffles for my breakfast
Dairy has proved that food is not at all immune from political lobbying, so everything from these sources should be taken with a fair amount of skepticism. Fucks sake they’ve been bickering about eggs either being a super food or the devil itself for 5 damn decades.

>> No.17715736

I would eat all of them

>> No.17716120

thread reminder that they waited till prior pandemics had run their course before starting vaccination campaigns since that's the only nonretard way to go about things. If you try to vaccinate during a pandemic that's actually the best way to make it endemic (like the flu).

>> No.17716254


>> No.17716296

Okay chud. Next thing you'll tell us is that covid19 started in China

>> No.17716392

I am a nigger.

>> No.17716487

Yeah, it did, retard. The CCP created covid in a lab and infected their own populace with it in the hopes it would spread to the west so Americans would download tiktok en masse while bored in lockdown. A cyber war is coming and China already has a superweapon: a botnet composed of millions of American phones. Tiktok will be the downfall of the western republic.

>> No.17717220


>> No.17717244

>This is why William Tecumseh Sherman is still regarded as one of America's great generals and men.
He was. Southerners are double gay even after he killed the worst of them.

>> No.17717385

ngl deep inside i enjoy this natural selection

>> No.17717422


>> No.17717483

vegans are so fucking retarded
>i hate eating animals :(((
>but i enjoy the taste :^)))))))))))))))
why the fuck do they always try to emulate real foods

>> No.17717491

You already explained why yourself. What's the confusion?

>> No.17717501

It’s like the Big Egg just refuses to get the point. Time to cough up that “independent study” funding.

>> No.17717711

that's nail polish anon

>> No.17717985

Veganism is an eating disorder. Why would you expect the mentally ill to be rational?

>> No.17717990

What retard uses any normal social media at all? I use brave and a vpn.

>> No.17718006

Good point. I forgot that nobody uses social media.

>> No.17718301

Only npcs have social media

>> No.17718320

too bad the world is full of them

>> No.17718327

>choline is bad
Literally needed to function.

>> No.17718329

'People' who watch fox or cnn or big bang theory while having a facebook and a twitter shouldn't have human rights. They should just be put down.

>> No.17718355

>Forcefeed them processed PUFAs, corn products and gaslight about eggs and choline
>30-40% of Americans have fatty liver disease
Idk if these people are actually evil or can't into more than a variable.

>> No.17718359

>Idk if these people are actually evil
Evil and stupid

>> No.17718614


>> No.17718654
File: 36 KB, 500x244, 1648676835652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.17718709
File: 95 KB, 1200x1800, 1636616770846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat niggers eat breakfast food too, now eat the bugs and live in a pod

>> No.17719463

People take vaccines for breakfast?
That's weird.

>> No.17719535

Did experts say this? Did studies show it? I need to know!

>> No.17719557

>study warns
>study says

>> No.17719865
File: 391 KB, 662x879, 1641492598555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good news Pfizer bros! We can eat eggs again!

>> No.17720320

>get a vaccine and expose yourself to a bloodclot risk
>get the second dose and expose yourself to a bloodclot risk
>still catch COVID-19 because the vaccine is useless, thus heightening your bloodclot risk
>take a booster, further increasing your bloodclot risk
>repeat step 3

You sure convinced me buddy

>> No.17720335

>does stand up comedy
>can't stand up

What did they mean by this?

>> No.17720342


>> No.17720584

How are blood clots a breakfast food?
I didn't know british food was this bad.