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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.12 MB, 1121x2506, 20220413_200125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17695891 No.17695891 [Reply] [Original]

I got this $13 wine and I like it because the only thing I drink is stella rosa and i wanted to try something new. It is tart and easy to drink. Simple as

>> No.17695920
File: 133 KB, 480x640, eX5S46S4Tpi0j-_19nxFTA_pl_480x640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's already a wine thread, but if we're having a what are we drinking thread, I opened a bottle of this. White beans with pork sausage and fresh fennel, and some whole wheat pita bread. A healthy and flavoursome supper.

>> No.17695926

What would be good with lamb?

>> No.17695940

I suppose it depends on how you prepare the lamb, but syrah is the meme answer. Crozes-Hermitage is my go-to

>> No.17695963
File: 107 KB, 814x1000, amphora.achilles.ajax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly drink wine to larp as greeks/romans/medieval europoors. Recommended wines for this purpose?

>> No.17695989


Good luck finding it at your local bottle shop though

>> No.17695995

Nebbiolo is usually a good pick. Langhe or young drinking Barolo with lamb shanks is bliss.

>> No.17696009

If you want easier to find shit, get a bottle of Retsina which is basically "pine resin wine" so if you're cool with heavy piney shit it might be up your alley.
Either that or maybe find a natural wine from older Italian varietals like Aglianico or Greco. Its not the same but its a half-step.

>> No.17696093

Very cool, I'll be on the lookout
Actually just bought a bottle recently, been waiting for the right book/movie/occasion

>> No.17696401

Got this Bulgarian cab/shiraz blend at costco for $14. Not too bad, little on the bright side.

>> No.17698085
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Bumping because the other wine thread 404'd "for some reason"

>> No.17698156
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This stuff is pretty good for $12

>> No.17698183

It's called barefoot because it actually tastes like feet

>> No.17698185
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I'm gonna go buy a bottle right now. You better not be bullshitting.

>> No.17698187

Not him, but it doesn't. It's not good though.

>> No.17698199

Reviews for it say otherwise.

>> No.17698206
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>California Champagne

>> No.17699286

Under $20 only Argie Malbec or Blends. Maybe some Rioja.

>> No.17699346
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For me, it's Barolo, the best wine

>> No.17700042

Thoughts on plum wine? Got some at a local Thai place recently and fuck is it good

>> No.17700047

I make my own wine

>> No.17701031


>> No.17701145

What happened to the other thread?

>> No.17701154

how do you guys stand the taste of red wine? it tastes worse than cough syrup to me. the only reason i have a bottle is for cooking

>> No.17701159

If you know of a cough syrup that tastes like a cote de nuits let me know where I can buy it

>> No.17701570
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This is technically wine and I drink about 2 bottles a day.

>> No.17701601
File: 160 KB, 650x400, Constipation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's also technically prune juice

>> No.17701615

there is one extremely autistic faggot here who shits up every thread with his retarded poncy nonsense and the jannies inevitably get sick of him and just prune the thread

>> No.17701633
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Even better, but it still doesn't help with my constipation. Maybe adding milk would help.

>> No.17701854

its port for me lads

>> No.17702306

I want to try a Malbec. what makes a good one? my shop just got this in a couple days ago.
>2019 Kaiken Indómito Malbec Mendoza...$16.99
Lifted perfumed nose of violets, lilies and roses over beautiful dark fruit and baking spice undertones. Fresh and juicy, with a lovely sweet, floral elegance.
Rated 96/100 Decanter Magazine

>> No.17702312
File: 182 KB, 625x1200, carlo-rossi-merlot-4L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

water it down to 7% and drink it by the pint

>> No.17702326

mods are utter faggots who use discord and arch so wine is a heckin disrespectful towards the muslims and keaunu sneeds

>> No.17702832

How many wine producers, that sell beyond locally, are estimated to exist? We can narrow it down to Italy or whatever but no matter how many thousands of wines I taste, look at or just hear about it, at least seems, to be a different producer for almost every single one.

What kind of worldwide scale is it at? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Millions?

>> No.17702952

>buy a barolo for 18 €
>eager to try it
>day comes
>open the bottle
>the smell is "eh"
>pour some into a wine glass
>looks like shit (the color is very browinsh)
>taste it
>it's one of worst things i ever had

>> No.17703086

Yeah I know what you mean, that aussie shill needs to go back to /r/wine/

>> No.17703091

Tens of thousands

>> No.17703822

Buy a primitivo or negroamaro, southern Italys wines are underestimated

>> No.17704005

I bought a $30 750ml bottle of wine the other day.

It wasn't that special. I'll stick to my $11 bottles

>> No.17704020

You could have made this something to discuss but you fucked up, are you autistic?

What bottle was it and what do you normally drink? What do you like about what you normally drink?

>> No.17704141

I don't remember. I just looked at price. It was Cabernet Sauvignon. I only ever buy that.

I like dry red. It tasted good and i guess better than the cheapest crap i could find, but certainly not enough to justify spending that much per bottle.

Assuming a $100 bottle will yield similar results

>> No.17704150

Also i believe it was from 2018

>> No.17704161

So you just randomly decided to spend more for no reason?

I mean if you want to rationalize not spending more that's a good way to do it, but people usually decide what they want to drink, and then if they can afford it, they buy it

>> No.17704227

Obviously there was a reason. It was to see if I'd notice considerable difference in quality

>> No.17704395

Richfag here, just bought a case of spatsburgunder for 70 a pop

barolo requires 5-10 years to soften before it's palatable, and barolo that cheap is bound to be garbage
try barbaresco if you want the same grape but in a riper style and ready earlier

Cabernet Sauvignon is the single most saturated winetype in the US, spending 30 dollars is absolutely meaningless if you bought some hyped-up, mass-produced garbage

>> No.17705455 [DELETED] 


>> No.17706113

You are simply too stupid too tell the difference with taste too bad to appreciate it. Sad. Even within Cabernet, a $30 bottle versus an $11 bottle is night and day. Cheap cabs are watery and unripe and fucking terrible.

>> No.17706242
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For me it's mosel Riesling.

>> No.17706282

white tastes so much better than red
its like they're two completely different drinks to me atp
I still like a good red but ftmp I will just go with a light breezy white (as I'm doing rn)
starting on red always seems like a chore

>> No.17706351

Everyone agrees with this. White wine is smooth and goes down easy.

>> No.17706388
File: 12 KB, 200x600, fleur_de_pedesclaux_19_750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hands down the best French wine I've had under $100, a whopping $20. Air this bitch out and its heavenly.

>> No.17706395
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>You are simply too stupid too tell the difference with taste too bad to appreciate it. Sad. Even within Cabernet, a $30 bottle versus an $11 bottle is night and day. Cheap cabs are watery and unripe and fucking terrible.

>> No.17706415
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TOO easy I'm beginning to suspect

>> No.17706419
File: 774 KB, 2400x2400, mirassou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore American wine "snobs" and how the only thing they understand is price. High baller critics have gotten $200 and $9 wine confused. Because literally all that matters at the end of the day is the craft and how much the vineyard gives a shit. You'd think Americans would understand that given California's fairly humble industry.

Pic related is widely available and delicious for under $15

>> No.17706425

Good taste. I've got an auslese and a kabinett mosel riesling in my fridge waiting for the right femboy or trans woman

>> No.17706430

You are extremely unattractive to women.

>> No.17706431

I adore euro wine "snobs" since they never know what they're talking about.

>> No.17706437

There are plenty of under $15 wines that I love and drink often. In my experience california is not the place for it. Least of all pinot noir from california. I think you probably are suffering from gutter palate. Lucky for you, much cheaper to live that way.

>> No.17706460

>In my experience california is not the place for it

Then you're poor. It's absolutely the place for it.

>> No.17706461

Any education and/or experience in Wine will tell you pretty fucking quickly price is merely a suggestion and never an inherent indicator of flavor.
California Pinot Noir is almost candy like and suspiciously gives off hints of artificial flavor but its absolutely fine for bulk buying for events. Some of the worst wine I've ever had was cheap Italians as they come off as flavorless, with Rieslings being a crowd pleaser pretty reliably. Bordeaux at any price is usually the best.

>> No.17706466

>the guy shitting up every thread is some try hard cali retard
checks out I guess

>> No.17706475

>with Rieslings being a crowd pleaser pretty reliably
Riesling is famously polarizing...

>> No.17706492

I'm poor because I don't trust sub-$15 pinot noir from california? That's a new one

>but its absolutely fine for bulk buying for events
I guess it depends on the kind of event. I'd guess that probably 2/3 of the people I know would drink something like that and not complain, and the other 1/3 would avoid it. I'd rather just get something people will like. For instance if it has to be pinot noir and it has to be $15, I've had some from chile in that price range that weren't awful. Or more likely I'd just go for a different kind of wine. Barbera d'alba maybe. Or some rieslings (definitely not california though)

>> No.17706498

If you're the aussie swill shiller, I'm >>17706492
>>17706437 if you want to keep grinding your axe. I don't drink a lot of california wine, and when I do it's usually zinfandel

>> No.17706506

Every other post is shitting on california dumbass lmao

>> No.17706508
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I heard as far as American wines go, Freakshow as a brand makes pretty reliably decent product for both mature and new pallet.

You should redpill me on why people buy pic related because I've never had it and I'm frankly scared to

>> No.17706516

Reminder that wine is democratic by its very nature, wine "regions" are a meme, and anyone shilling themselves as a """connoisseur""" (in any way, shape, or form) is literally a homosexual with no ability.

>> No.17706518

He can't handle the fact that aussie wine sucks and he's been bitching about it for like the last 5 threads, apparently now he thinks everyone is one person

>> No.17706525

It's not your little "aussie wine" gripe lol I just think anyone who behaves like you and perceives wine this way is a massive tool.

>> No.17706528

I don't know anyone who drinks that specific box wine, but my dad has been buying box wine lately because he's almost 90 and his palate is basically gone. Oddly he still buys "nice" beer but I think it's because he can taste bitter, just not much beyond that.

>> No.17706531

>He can't handle the fact that aussie wine sucks

Nigger no one cares about that foreigner bullshit.

>> No.17706538

Yes you've made yourself clear. Want to start using a tripcode so you can be catty all you want and I don't have to read your tedious bitching?

>> No.17706543

I would say the same to you but then you wouldn't be able to reply to yourself umpteen times to make it seem like people here agree with anything you say

>> No.17706549

You don't even know which posts are mine, you just mistook some random person for me because I guess they said something else you disagreed with. Get a grip crocodile dundeee.

>> No.17706554

absolute sperg lmao

>> No.17706559
File: 556 KB, 1280x1800, california.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you are broadly correct, regions serve as a playing field worth understanding. California is worth being suspect by because their Wine business is very very young, making some very notable crown jewels but also a very disproportionate amount of fruit juice slurry sludge. Im not sure if anywhere else in the world is so hotly contested in quality.

>> No.17706576

>have zero ability
>be a homosexual
>co-opt the enjoyment of wine and frame it as some kind of elite, aristocratic product that only certain people with extremely vague, "special" abilities can truly understand and appreciate
>act like an extremely rude standoffish autistic freak
wa lah, the wine industry

>> No.17706588

You sound like one of those people who doesn't wipe his ass after taking a dump because you're afraid it might turn you gay

>> No.17706625
File: 172 KB, 1200x675, aristocratic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only American white women do this. Simply demonstrating knowledge isnt aristocratic. But you'll find yourself sounding that way once you try to figure how to pronounce the names of wine. You seem insecure and confused. Simply ask the wagie at the wine store to get started.

>> No.17706631

What a weird fucking thing to say. Did that happen to you?

>> No.17706633

>Simply demonstrating knowledge
the fact that you think "wine knowledge" is a thing proves my point completely you weird little freak

>> No.17706654

I am french and have been drinking wine as long as i can remember. My brother and me had even little wine glasses to have wine at dinner from when we were like maybe 7 years old. Its just a normal thing. That people think its some fancy thing is so weird to me. who cares if its 7 dollars or 70 dollars, if you like it and it brings joy, its good. I hate wine people who "talk" about wine and try to say this wine is bad that wine is good. if this is you you really dont even understand wine at all

>> No.17706678

This is great, instead of talking about what wines we like, the thread has been taken over by insecure weirdos who think wine is a conspiracy to make them feel uncultured

>> No.17706695

You aren't talking about which wines you like. You are casting an obtusely broad net and labelling wines of certain price points or from certain places as being bad. You're a snob and a fag and you literally "understand" wine the least of anyone (because you more than likely drink it alone).

>> No.17706697

Then leave then you insecure weirdo

>> No.17706724

Ffs dundee you need to take your meds. I just went through this whole thread and count 9 cases where I've said what I like or what I think others will like, and 3 cases where I've said something negative about a wine. What are your "contributions" other than bitching about an argument you had with me 3 weeks ago that you're still seething about?

>> No.17706732

>you need to take your meds
>I just went through this whole thread
someone definitely needs to take their meds

>> No.17706739

This is you isn't it?
You seem really happy and normal

>> No.17706799
File: 16 KB, 456x383, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scours the entire thread
>links obvious reply chains to make it seem unhinged
seek psychiatric help and take the medicine they prescribe to you

>> No.17707390

Almost 90 drinking 5L box wines. Based.

>> No.17707687

>Riesling is famously polarizing...
Indeed, one can tell immediately people who actually know about wine and those who are just talking out of their ass.

>> No.17707925

will Prosecco turn me gay

>> No.17707975

I almost exclusively enjoyed reds but those few whites I actually fancy would make me agree with you. However, if I was a guest and they served some random chardonnay to carry around I'd feel "I wish I had some fruity syrah instead". Especially if they served some salted nuts or other savory pieces of food.

>> No.17707976

Depends on how you pronounce it.

>> No.17707989

Drinking a 2020 of this with some soy and maple marinated pork chops.

>> No.17707992

No but it will turn you basic.

>> No.17707999

Some wines are legit bad though, anon.

>> No.17708004

Alamos is legitimately decent wine.

>> No.17708011

Got it, i will

>> No.17708649

more like 3%

>> No.17709244
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Please drink >our wine

>> No.17710255

What d'you people think of chilean wines

>> No.17710304
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I feel like this is the right approach to anything, though. For instance, I know nothing about wine at all and randomly grabbed pic related. It tasted fine and didn't make me feel like shit, and it was good in the sauce I made. Was I believe $18? Whether it was the "right" wine or "good or bad" couldn't matter less to me.

>> No.17710389
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FFC wines arent actually that bad in all honesty. Sub 20USD is a weird place for wine. Some can really punch above their price point.

Something that I try to do when looking for wine is to see if have the composition of wine on the back as well as the locations of where the grapes come from too. Its always great to read the taste notes too.

>> No.17710473

Yeah honestly i know fuck all about how to judge the taste or how to determine if it's from a good region or anything. I just buy a bottle and drink it with meals and if it sucks I don't buy it again. Not gona go read books about it or anything.

>> No.17710533

how old are you?

>> No.17710553

I buy that one a lot because I'm a frugal alcoholic and I dont like throwing out bottles every day. The taste is much better than any comparably priced bottle too.

>> No.17710914

>new world anons can't understand why old world wines are superior
Heh, it's related to wood and Europe has cheap wines

>> No.17711286

orange wine would be good for this. look for low intervention, wild fermented stuff, bonus points for amphorae/qvevri

>> No.17711367

Some good values. Unfairly grouped with argentina wines (aka crap) in most shops

Old enough to have an octogenarian father

>> No.17711387

Polarizing how? Riesling attracts people who talk out of their ass?

>> No.17711792
File: 2.51 MB, 4032x3024, JPEG_20220416_203754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you guys should try this
its mead with some jam in it

>> No.17711810

How high are you right now? Because that looks good in a fucked up way, but then again I'm pretty high myself. I don't think someone who isn't high would think that looks good.

>> No.17711831

it looks weird i'll admit but it tastes good
i was sober when i did that it was my first drink

>> No.17711899
File: 74 KB, 768x1024, 50e6fac8-5baf-4bde-82a3-442e863e988e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, well I hope you don't feel sick later, that's a lot of sugar.

Pic is what I'm having tonight.

>> No.17711961

well i finished another glass and a half of mead, and put the cinamon roll in the fridge and so far i feel fine

>> No.17711968

also i'm just using that whiskey glass because wine somehow tastes weirder with a proper wine glass, and its also more convenient because its small

>> No.17712022

Is mead good without the jam?

>> No.17712038

yea its good, i added it just because it was there so i thought why not
its vanilla and orange zest flavored
the other two glasses i did without jam

>> No.17712105

based Syrahchad

>> No.17712787
File: 259 KB, 210x772, erath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oregon wine destroys cali's imo. I bought a case of this last year, one of the best pinots u can get.

>> No.17712890
File: 51 KB, 1200x1200, large_8642fe85-734d-4da6-a2f7-f05771e56380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man

>> No.17713013

Ok, let me spell it out for you. RIesling attracts a certain kind of people to talk a whole lot of shit when they don't even know what a good one is like and probably never even had any really great white wine be it Riesling, Chardonnay or whatever. Does that clear it up?

>> No.17713043

nta doesn't clear anything up, how does that relate to whether or not riesling is polarising?

>> No.17713310

Sounds more like you had a fight with your boyfriend, there's some tenuous connection to riesling, and you are taking it out on 4chan because you're too much of a passive-aggressive bitch to work out your problems the normal way

>> No.17713352
File: 2.29 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20220417_134609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my wine shelf, from left to right:
Strong, intense and complex Cabernet Franc
Some cheap médoc from bordeaux
Very young catalan garnacha
Fruty maracuya like savignion blanc from NZ
A crazy funky natural sparkling orange from Slovakia

>> No.17713364

Mostly looks good, 2 points deducted for the aussie wine. 8/10 would drink.

>> No.17713369
File: 248 KB, 960x1280, bkabksdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had pic related for Easter lunch today.

>> No.17713382

lool are you saying that you need to have Montrachet or GG Erdener Prälat to know that Riesling kicks ass?

>> No.17713385

really looks like you just got wines from some shitty wine club

sorry senpai

>> No.17713387

Lucky duck, that's a birth year wine for me.

>> No.17713392

>Kaiken Indómito Malbec
looks pretty good, I lived in Argentina for almost 7 years. the epitome of argie wine and a refference is Rutini, is not cheap arounf ~$30 per bottle

>> No.17714332

I like Erath cause it's not too expensive. My staple plonks are Underwood or Sokol Blosser Evolution.

>> No.17714376
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for me it's Alamos
$8-10 great taste

>> No.17714452
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American oak claims another victim. Why can't they stop ruining perfectly good grapes?

>> No.17714516
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>im alll out of wine on easter

>> No.17714911

i bought a case of alamos malbec 2019 and they sent me a case of 2020. i've emailed twice and called once, no reply yet.

probably just going to file fraud complaint with my CC company at this point. what a buncha scumbags. even my confirmations have pictures of 2019 bottle and blatantly says 2019

its cheap table wine but its tasty regardless

>> No.17715008

its that kief on a cholocate rabbit

>> No.17715282

It's a biscuit rabbit dunked in chocolate.

>> No.17715568 [DELETED] 

that kiked review u reading is based off the 2010 vintage. The 2019, 2020 vintages are superb, hence why i snagged a case.

>> No.17715573

What did anon mean by this? I don't understand wine please help

>> No.17715627

Guys I just want a wine that I can drink a couple goblets of nightly, enjoy a mild buzz and then not feel garbage hungover or have horrid acid reflux. why does it have to be so fuckin difficult?

>> No.17715633

You're kinda slow isn't it?
You seem to know a whole lot about these things.
Well, it would seem some 4channers would need to have some of these to finally get it. And I'm not saying Riesling is better than Chardonnay, both can make some really fine wine.

>> No.17715717
File: 127 KB, 3300x2536, 565e08-20210630-renters-3300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As far as I know the coronavirus no-rent thing has ended everywhere, you should seriously consider charging rent to whoever you have living in your head

>> No.17715779

Had a bottle of this last night but it was 2018, pretty nice all around wine with red meats

>> No.17716223

>You're kinda slow isn't it?
Enlighten me then my ESL friend, I'm genuinely struggling to see how some sportsball fandom-esque non sequitur ranting about fanboys has any relevance to whether or not riesling itself is divisive. Maybe I don't spend enough time as a fashion victim in internet suckholes to 'get it'.

>> No.17716499

I noticed they stopped mentioning any details about oak in the more recent notes. Normally if it's unoaked or neutral oak or steel tank they'll say what it is. What are they hiding?

>> No.17716714

Polarizing in that people either love it or hate it, this is very common for riesling. It isn't a crowd pleaser by any means. A "crowd pleaser" is like a fruity sav, you can bet pretty much everyone will drink it.

>> No.17716832
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>> No.17716990
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i like these. drank a couple bottles over the course of a vacation and lined them up with some ochetti s holding the flanks. they didnt like the bit as much as the wine but w/e

>> No.17717182

Most people buying cheap wine don't give a shit about vintage, so they're probably not used to servicing that complaint.

>> No.17717463
File: 289 KB, 1111x2016, JLohrCabSauv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently drinking: the most textbook Cabernet ever. All tannins and darkness and graphite. Classic and good. And cheap. Also used it for a beef sauce.

>> No.17718069

I recently took up a part time cellar door job for a bit of fun and spending money, quickly realised that the vast majority of serious wine collectors and drinkers are really lovely and down to earth. It's the poseurs that think they're hot shit for buying a single premium bottle once in a blue moon that swagger and sneer (same appears to apply to one or two catty try-hards that haunt these threads).

Basically you're letting low-class phonies and frauds live in your head to the point where you're dumping a bunch of cringe projected yank class insecurity.

>> No.17718116

I refuse to believe there are people who don't like riesling. I think there might be a few microdick types who think white wine is for faggots and riesling is always sweet and sweet wine is for bitches, but they're reacting less to riesling per se and more to a preconceived idea of what a "real man" should enjoy (which is probably not any kind of wine at all)

>would you like some oak with your oak?

>> No.17718129
File: 701 KB, 2000x2000, 40-Tue-Boeuf-Vin-Rouge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know any other natural or conventional red wine with some slight carbonation?
This stuff is so damn good.

>> No.17718144

Lambrusco, though of course it's a little more than slight, and it's less likely to be "natural"

If you check out the aisle for the more hipstered-up european wine regions (portugal and slovenia especially) you should find a bunch of what you're seeking

>> No.17718308

Natural producers sometimes bottle with a bit of CO2 to keep their wines fresh since they use little to no sulphur.

Producers of other wines do it too for the same reason, you tend to get a bit of spritz in young German Riesling.

>> No.17718650

I think they don't add anything into natural wines, that's the whole concept, don't add or substract anything.

Adding CO2 would be the same as prosecco

>> No.17718886

You realise that CO2 is a natural byproduct of fermentation? You don't have to add anything.

Also if you want to use such a strict definition of natural wine then hardly any producers count as 'natural'.

>> No.17718904

>aged 20% in new oak
it's literally nothing

>> No.17718913

yes, CO2 is a natural byproduct but is not a natural wine if you add it to wine.
do you even know what natural wine or low intervention wine moviment is? is not only about the ingridients.

>> No.17718923

>bottle your wine just before it has finished fermenting
wa la, you have a totally natural slighly spritzy wine which you haven't added anything to, have you ever heard of pet nat?

also yes I know what natural wine is, I got into wine through natural wine you turd

>> No.17719444

>Vinho Verde
Its not red but its damn good

>> No.17719732
File: 664 KB, 551x597, 2021-05-07-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you ever had any wine from The Drops of God (Kami no Shizuku) ?

>> No.17719742

No, there are a lot of things I'd rather spend $300 on than a bottle of wine. $75 is about as high as I'll ever go.

>> No.17719762

It's not clear though that way. That's why there is a champagne method.

>> No.17719768
File: 221 KB, 318x480, drop-of-god-large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all of the wines in that manga are this pricey.
Yes most of them are expensive french shit. But there are some sub 30€ stuff, from Italy and Spain too.
I can get pic related for 12€ here in Spain. Now I'm kinda curious about it

>> No.17719893
File: 329 KB, 1200x1607, Amontillado_sherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did no one ever tell me about sherry? had pic related over the weekend for the first time. this stuff is good as fuck and cheap to boot.

>> No.17720109

>use discord
Did they give up on irc finally?

>> No.17720113

I'm from Spain and I pretty much can't stand it.
The sweet variant is too sweet and cloying, the dry is like drinking watered down whisky.
Same with Porto.

Fortified wines are a completely differend World from conventional wines.

>> No.17720276


that's a pretty high proof though aint it?

>> No.17720279

What is a good one for a very novice wine drinker?

>> No.17720294


>> No.17720474

depends of your location and your budget.
I would check some wine rating app or website and would't get something cheaper than $10 for US wine or $5 for Frech, Italian, Spanish wines.

>> No.17720522

When everyone seems to be an asshole, you're the asshole

>> No.17720694

surely there are other forms of coded communication in the world that are just as, if not more, effective than a late 90's method of internet communication. using the name anonymous for starters.

>> No.17720727

ameribros I'm curious, what euro wines do you have over there easily available? do you have spanish wines?

>> No.17720769

It depends on what part of the cunt. In the east, yurop and america are more or less evenly represented, in fact some shops don't even have a lot of good american wine except the mass market/trophy stuff that appeals to rubes, so it makes more sense to drink imports. As you get farther west, american wines dominate the shelves and wines that would be considered commonplace in the east are almost unheard of.

And yes of course we have spanish wines. Being european, the variety of spanish wines on the east coast is much better than on the west coast. Out west you just see the big international brands like marques de riscal. Even something as pedestrian as amontillado will get you a blank stare at a lot of shops out there. Basically out west everything revolves around one-upping a french man who lives rent free in their heads, so most wines are done in a style they think will impress a french wine critic who talks like the villain from "die hard". They don't have much time for anything else because in western murica, wine is about impressing people and winning contests, not drinking for enjoyment.

>> No.17720813

Why can't you grow better taste, Mr. Continental?

>> No.17720862
File: 162 KB, 795x1366, spanish wines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a selection of everything. I just checked and my local store has 262 Spanish wines available.
162 of those are reds. 17 sherries most of which are cheap and look dubious. 60 of the reds are Rioja.

For comparison they have 550 French reds available and 378 from Italy.
I haven't gotten around to exploring Spanish wines yet myself.

We're spoiled for choice, really. The limit is how much time there is to try all of these, and which to try first!

>> No.17720927

How does one acquire the taste for wine

>> No.17720929

If you don't like it you don't have to drink it

>> No.17720941

Aldi's Winking Owl is the absolute worst cheap wine I've had, worse than any box wine. Gives you a headache after 1 sip. I use it for cooking thoigh.

>> No.17720943

I assume you have a babby's palate and a sweet tooth, so if this is the case, start with sherry, Demi-Sec sparkling wine, and German Riesling and work your way down.

>> No.17720998

You trying to scare anon?

>> No.17721037

your moms pussy wine is easily available everywhere

>> No.17721050
File: 204 KB, 1084x1200, ElectraAndStella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a highly-rated bottle and have at it. I don't think there's much acquiring with red wine, it just tastes good.

My recommendations for people who don't like wine are these two. Trust me, you can serve these to anyone.
And you can probably find them easily. Stella is probably in every grocery store in the world and all the flavors are good, just remember to serve it cold.

>> No.17721051

You shouldn't cook with wine you wouldn't drink. You are disrespecting yourself and anyone you cook for.

>> No.17721065

>Trust me, you can serve these to anyone
I hate moscato.

>> No.17721066

Uruguayan tannat or Argentinian Malbec

>> No.17721144

become underage, try to drink vodka or something strong and dont like it, so you drink wine instead since its still strong but easier to drink, and then pretend to like it like every other faggot here

>> No.17721160

love to know what would happen to you autistic faggots if you genuinely tried to accept the existence of subjective taste instead of coddling yourself with retarded fairytales
would it really harm you defectives to accept you aren't objectively correct all the fucking time?

>> No.17721347

instead of dumping all your money on literal dogshit you could just buy a wig and pretend to be a woman to show everyone how much your shitty copes dont matter

>> No.17721415

nothing more of a cope than passing around weird fantasies to give your taste the impression of objectivity
you fags do it on every board with everything from art, lit, film, etc etc
just because you dislike something doesn't mean everyone that does is only pretending, just means you spergs are such sad spineless cucks you can't even own your opinions from behind a screen

>> No.17721595
File: 22 KB, 474x306, 1650325656139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any orange/skin contact/amber wines under $25ish that aren't insipid low-acid abortions? Rec me some plox

>> No.17722136

why did you take this photo on your floor

>> No.17722269
File: 157 KB, 750x953, 1619403689416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wine thread
>it's a dumpster fire

like pottery
you guys are all fags

>> No.17722516
File: 1.06 MB, 3024x4032, 1usyj2hu2a941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles Shaw: the greatest wine to have ever existed?
>unbeatable cost to taste ratio
>no regret using this cheap wine for cooking and it tastes great
Convince me it isn't the People's wine

>> No.17722554

the peoples wine is your moms pussy juice

>> No.17722632

huh? when did the french ban oak exports?

>> No.17723044
File: 38 KB, 504x367, al-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>france france france france france muh judgment of paris france france france france france
You know there are other places besides your state and france right? You c*lifornians need to move on with your lives, you're like the overweight middle aged loser who still talks about his winning touchdown senior year.

>> No.17723097

stfu schizo tard

>> No.17723287

Californian wines consistently beat French wines in blind taste tests.
>muh old world wine
Is an outdated meme.

>> No.17723305

See >>17723287

>> No.17723375
File: 153 KB, 559x423, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screw cap

why ausies and south africans do this?

>> No.17723381

Also common with central european wines.

>> No.17723390

yeah I saw it in chez, and german wines
It probably don't affect the wine at all, but the experience feels so cheap and unpersonal

>> No.17723399

The ritual of the corkscrew is pretty comfy, I agree. But unless it is a particularly fine and rare bottle it's kinda superfluous. Plus synthetic or reconstituted corks don't do anything for me, if you're not doing a real cork, then it might as well be a screw cap as far as I'm concerned

>> No.17723406

I don't cook with wine that often and it goes bad after a few days. I like wine and all but I'm not such a heavy drinker that I can polish off a nice bottle off weekly. There are a few cheaper wines I like but I'm just not a fan of drinking it nightly. I just cook for my husband anyway and he drinks plastic bottle vodka regularly so he doesn't exactly have refined tastes. He won't share nicer wines I get with me often because he feels like it's wasted on him so they sit around until someone comes over I can share it with. If it's super old I don't really mind vinegary flavors.

>> No.17723419

>buy bottle of grigio for cooking for like 5 dollars at wegmans
>Forget that I broke the corkscrew
>rush out to buy a new one
>get home and use it
>corkscrew the screw cap and put a hole in the top forever now
>shitty bottle is in the fridge with seran wrap over the top because of my idiocy.

>> No.17723514

We are not in the 80's anymore, grandpa.

>> No.17724000

I haven't tried this before but there's verjus. Or just get quality red/white wine vinegar if you don't mind the smell.

>> No.17724171

Saran wrap is actually good for wine because it absorbs TCA taint

>> No.17724673

not my post, nothing to do with my post, assmad mentally ill faggot

>> No.17724741

>I'm not such a heavy drinker that I can polish off a nice bottle off weekly.
>he can't drink a 750ml bottle of <14% alcohol weekly
>works out to literally just a glass with dinner not even every night of the week
>considers this heavy drinking
Americans are so fucking gay and stupid it's unreal.

>> No.17724744

Whoms't art thinest' quoting?

>> No.17724829

the quote links look fine on my end

>> No.17724851

looks like the quote was quoting a post that quoted two related posts though

>> No.17724890

only because you're an unmedicated schizo who, instead of something fun like thinking you're napoleon or something, has judgement of Paris posters squatting permanently in your big empty head
how the fuck does me talking French vs American oak trying to guess what a fag playing coy in order to seem more knowledgeable automatically make me californian? seek help before your cognitive decline gets any worse

>> No.17724931

Eat some prunes. You get cantankerous when you're constipated.

>> No.17725008

I get that you want to try and reframe "u mad" so it's less obvious you're coping but could you not have workshopped something a bit less unhinged? fucking weirdo

>> No.17725026


Look familiar?

>> No.17725060

yes as a matter of fact:

now frankly I've got better things to do coming up than to argue with unmedicated schizos on a fast food appreciation imageboard, so until the next time you start screaming about californians in my general direction the next time I talk something completely unrelated like barrel regimes or cork or whatever, peace out

>> No.17725076
File: 3.50 MB, 480x344, fuck-off-got-work.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok cyrus, I'll make sure to pass on the message

>> No.17725443

where do you get vintage wines?

>> No.17725479

Logistical benefits outweigh aesthetic losses. Ever seen a cork tree in Australia?

>> No.17726065

They do actually have cork trees in Australia but I doubt there are any commercially significant plantings. It's not just logistics, screw caps are much safer for young wines and eliminate the risk of corkage. The vast majority of wines are drunk young. It's as simple as that.

>> No.17726263
File: 12 KB, 400x600, 1650424102415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this is the wrong thread to ask this question, but what do you do with Dry Vermouth? Apparently it expires in a month, and all I know what to do with it is drink a martini.

>> No.17726273

drink it straight

>> No.17726277

I always buy cheap Cabernet Sauvignon for cooking. Are they drinkable? I never tried to drink one.

>> No.17726339

have a lot of martinis

>> No.17726374

The dogshit quality of corks available internationally, even the group I work for with its purchasing power was having too many bottles becoming corked
I think the industry has got its act together now but it was bad for a while

>> No.17726388

Look, everyone!
Someone else ran out of every type of booze other than their vermouth and is looking for some way to use it.

>> No.17726431

you are such a fucking retarded no life friendless faggot it would be almost unbelievable if this wasnt 4chan

>> No.17726438

>I think the industry has got its act together now but it was bad for a while
The advent and astronomic rise of screw caps has in some ways been beneficial for the cork industry because they have really upped their game. Before it was sort of lazy portuguese mentality. Now its like they can be replaced so you get a much higher quality for less

>> No.17726455

ok you know what, your right. But I still got a bit of vodka, so I'm making another martini for tonight

>> No.17726600


>> No.17727007

synthetic is ok but for me its agglomerated. I've yet to have a really tight agglomerated ones though. real cork is the best when it comes to super tight sealing at least in terms of spirits, not much of a winefag. screw caps just feel cheap/cut corner and can lower the experience even though the quality may not be hindered.

>> No.17727068

My grandfather bought a case sometimes in the 90s/early 00s.

>> No.17727354

Depends on how cheap. Two buck chuck? Maybe not.

>> No.17727904

No he means it's that person's right to use vermouth as they see fit

>> No.17728084
File: 5 KB, 308x164, not in front of my salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honey, why aren't you drinking your white wine

>> No.17728088


>> No.17729250
File: 179 KB, 438x1444, petite petit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's try to save this thread.
This one is really good. I'll have to try the others from this winery.

>> No.17730072

looks shitty

>> No.17730108
File: 1.00 MB, 653x856, shjwyhahs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a classic beloved by both old and young

>> No.17730628
File: 104 KB, 1280x1280, roscato-rosso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost slightly carbonated texture, and the only thing with alcohol that actually tasted good to me. Yeah, I tried it for free at an olive garden, but that was over 10 years ago and I still get it once every few years (not a drinker).

>> No.17730651
File: 39 KB, 600x600, oTQjDf4zRnWEQOkyzzd_Gw_pb_600x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot how much I like nebbiolo. It's not even "good" nebbiolo but it tastes great.

>> No.17731405
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Confrontational statement about wine
>Vague derogatory statement about a person likely viewing this thread

>> No.17731573

Come on. It's 85% petite sirah and 15% petite verdot, cute idea no?

>> No.17731621
File: 175 KB, 734x1204, 1640096964389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry I only drink old-ass syrup hand-harvested by swarthy balkan nomads

>> No.17732786

It is, but it's very popular so...?

>> No.17732800

>not a drinker
It shows.

>> No.17732803

most people have shit taste

>> No.17732995
File: 277 KB, 768x1024, 226d82a6-10e7-46e9-989a-1eab2d034615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fellow vinegar enjoyer?

>> No.17733134
File: 52 KB, 900x1350, FBAEBB32-E814-4802-B813-17B3FE6A4BB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is delicious if you like dry wine

>> No.17733145

What's the markup for putting bitch juice in a perfume bottle?

>> No.17733154

I got it for $15. Not bad if you aren’t poor

>> No.17734183

what's a decent fizzy chardonnay and pinot noir? i love dry taste and a lot of bubbles.

>plenty of under $15
care to share?

>> No.17734242

>under $15
Cotes du rhone, some riojas (cune for example), muscadat sevre et maine, corbieres, rias baixas, alsace, rheingau, naoussa...

>> No.17734267
File: 226 KB, 2048x1676, 1645342487197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw yuro
>tfw about to knock myself out with three bottles of 1 dollar wine at the county fair for lunch
expensive wine exquisitefags will never understand this

>> No.17734306
File: 117 KB, 667x1333, 21500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-wine drinker, bought a bottle of this on a whim. Found out about vinho verdes. Fucking delicious. I've been mixing it 1:2 with seltzer and just downing them.

>> No.17734325
File: 42 KB, 599x423, total support per hectare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your government, or that of a neighboring country, subsidizes the hell out of your wine, that isn't the real price. You can't even sell a 750ml bottle of normal grape juice for $1 without fishy math, how do you think you're getting wine for $1?

>> No.17734348

by virtue of being spanish, it's that simple

>> No.17734434

What age did you grow out of a baby palate? I want to like wine but I hate alcohol and alcoholic beverages

>> No.17734485

>mixing it 1:2 with seltzer

are you retarded? why are you ruining it with carbonated sugary water?

>> No.17734578

>Winemaking finals next week and I havent studied shit

Send me strength winebros. I cant even. I fucking hate studying.

>> No.17734585
File: 2.45 MB, 480x480, 1649556276171.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you if you don't pass

>> No.17735682
File: 483 KB, 636x955, 10944208-1_1580610615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it

>> No.17736107
File: 54 KB, 550x412, snerf_snerf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good brapper on the grey shirt blonde

>> No.17736306

It's bad for you and it's a money pit. Be glad you don't like it.

>> No.17736546

Wine isn't bad for you.

>> No.17736697
File: 231 KB, 1675x1806, 9e61130d517ba208ae7eae01e8468be2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consuming alcohol in any quantity is worse than not consuming.

Now to get back to the topic, what does /ck/ think of savoie wines? I'm having a pinot noir from there.

>> No.17736709

>Consuming alcohol in any quantity is worse than not consuming.
Prove it.

>> No.17736719

It's just carbonated water. Also it makes a spritzer. Which is a drink. I like it.

>> No.17737163

Alcohol is a neurotoxin, this is backed by countless studies.

>> No.17737174
File: 82 KB, 640x1013, 1650097408959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi lovers and fags. I like wine a lot but I am not knowledgeable about it. My favourites are red wines from Argentina and Portugal, what similar wines should I try?

>> No.17737186

How do you mask the smell of wine? Say you're a functional alcoholic living with your parents and don't wanna be busted, is there any surefire way to drink and cover the odor up?

>> No.17737189

White wines from Chile and Spain

>> No.17737194

Maybe you shouldn't be a functional alcoholic if it brings you enough shame that you want to hide it from your parents?

>> No.17737195

Prove that the neurotoxic effects of having one glass outweigh the beneficial effects such that having one would be worse than not having one.

>> No.17737201

>alkie cope
This is always fun to watch

>> No.17737202

>functional alcoholic
>living with your parents
you aren't a functional alcoholic

>> No.17737203

I'm not ashamed, but I know how they are and I'll looking to avoid confrontation. Now..... back to the q

>> No.17737208

My tolerance is more through the roof than most full grown adults nigger

>> No.17737209

Lmao you staggered into that one

>> No.17737211

>teetotaler cope
literally every single study you reference considers alcohol abuse. I will contend that having a glass of wine with dinner every night makes you MORE healthy and there is not one single study you can produce which disproves this. and in fact the french paradox proves you wrong. kys.

>> No.17737221

tolerance has nothing to do with functionality. you have failed to function.

>> No.17737222

You only believe that because you need to keep your hands steady for your job sucking off truckers.

>> No.17737230

is there an echo in here? surely your reading comprehension skills can't be so god awful as to not know what functioning means in this context

>> No.17737236

I can post one of literally thousands of meme """peer reviewed studies""" which say drinking a glass of red win is good for you. so the question is why you think your study is valid but mine isnt? oh thats right its because youre a retarded faggot.

>> No.17737238

>know what functioning means in this context
if you are over the age of 19 and living with your parents you aren't functioning and alcohol abuse is the least of your worries.

>> No.17737240

I don't have a study I just said an alike was about to spazz out. Gosh was I wrong. ;)

>> No.17737242

lol pic related is finger lakes wine

>> No.17737243

t. still doesn't know what "functioning" means in an alcoholic/substance context

either that or you're playing semantics games in which case this convo was off the rails as soon as you replied

>> No.17737246

m8 if you are a "high functioning alcoholic" but live with mum and dad you are a LOW FUNCTIONING LOSER FULL STOP

>> No.17737247

Stop being coy son, what does it mean (to you)?

>> No.17737252

>A high-functioning alcoholic is a person who maintains jobs and relationships while meeting criteria for having an alcohol use disorder

applies to me, I hold down 2 jobs and have a pretty moderate social life

(inb4 "lul meme wikipedia definition")

>> No.17737258

>live with mum and dad
>2 jobs
so a part time job at starbucks and a part time job at walmart? wow you are super high functioning.

>> No.17737261
File: 133 KB, 527x588, 1643845845896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you are over the age of 19 and living with your parents you aren't functioning
Ok boomer

>> No.17737265
File: 334 KB, 515x436, fellatio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

semantics games again. fucking invalidated

>> No.17737274

Not the guy you're replying to, but depending on what your plan of progress is, 19 is getting late. 22 I would say is when it starts getting weird.

>> No.17737277

I think you are confused. see you are using semantics to make your completely pointless useless irrelevant life into something more than it is. instead of confronting yourself and saying "im a low functioning loser and i should get a fucking grip" you say "im a high functioning alcoholic". in this way you are able to LARP as somebody cool and successful "like don draper from mad men" while never having to confront just how shitty and useless you are.

>> No.17737279

actually all I did was ask how to mask the smell of wine

>> No.17737280

Cocoa butter

>> No.17737281

thats ok I know you are reevaluating yourself right now and thats good enough for me

>> No.17737284
File: 93 KB, 556x300, chadseethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17737289


>> No.17737290

>accuses me of larp and something akin to delusions of grandeur when I never implied any such thing
>"my armchair psychology worked... I really got anon this time"


>> No.17737295

deflect harder anon I know your guts are fucking roiling right now lmao

>> No.17737317

no cap senpai fr fr

>> No.17737333
File: 916 KB, 1145x788, masseto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other chads in this thread?

>> No.17737403

>if you aren't a debt slave by 22, there's something wrong with you!

>> No.17737431

that looks like something i would bring to a trench
this gives me good ideas...

>> No.17737433

>not living with your parents means you are a debt slave
you are literally destined to become a debt slave only you will become one like 10 to 15 years after all of the people you currently look down on making you a gorillion times worse off than them lmao good one YOU REALLY GOTTEM

>> No.17737886
File: 52 KB, 400x667, 1650628054460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
