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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 640x501, easter eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17703341 No.17703341 [Reply] [Original]

What chocolate Easter Eggs looked like in 1938. This is what they took from you.

>> No.17703345

Lol ballz

>> No.17703351
File: 145 KB, 959x768, chocolate_egg_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But big eggs still exist, you just romanticize old timey photos because in your fantasy you wouldn't be an incel if women didn't have rights

I'm sorry to say but even in those days men had to demonstrate value, in fact much more so than today. The difference was that once you demonstrated value you could get away with more. But you have to walk before you can run. Work hard on yourself, lower your standards, and you too can have sex op!

>> No.17703363

When we were kids, my dad would order custom made Easter basket for my sister and I with all the chocolate being handmade.

>> No.17703366

>soulless as fuck
>useless decadent glossy finish with golden shit in it
>"cook" more focused on making pictures of this shit instead of producing more chocolate eggs

Go fuck your'reself

>> No.17703377

it's the finished product incel. it's also a color photo. I know happiness makes you resentful but some people were happy even in the 1930s. you wouldn't have been though.

>> No.17703382

>You just want to live in a world were women have no rights
No I want to live in a world were niggers have no rights

>> No.17703388

but you already do. and yet you still can't get laid, is that because of niggers? in your head, by blaming niggers and not roasties, are you demonstrating that you are not like the other incels? if so I hope she sees this bro

>> No.17703395

They have the right to break shit and steal

>> No.17703397

i dont care nigger, 1938 had soul, the guy in your picture is a soulless wageslave

>> No.17703402
File: 20 KB, 500x262, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's black and white so I can project my fantasies on it
This calls for an old meme. Dey don't makeum like dey yewsta!

>> No.17703410

Are you literally trying to deny that globalization and hyper capitalism didn't destroy any of the soul we may have had left at that point?

>old = good
Is not a meme, it's a fact.

>> No.17703418
File: 9 KB, 168x300, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you literally trying to deny that globalization and hyper capitalism didn't destroy any of the soul we may have had left at that point?

>> No.17703424

I assume you are born after 2000s.. so I guess your reaction makes sense.

>> No.17703428

you can see the smaller ones in the photo...

>> No.17703429

You assume anyone who isn't an utter and complete failure must be young because in your head, when I "grow up" (meaning: learn to accept that things aren't turning around and I'm a failure) I'll become redpilled like you

>> No.17703433

No I just think that people who grew up with smartphones genuinely dont know how good "the old days" were.

Realizing that capitalism is bad has nothing to do with being redpilled lmao.

>> No.17703453

So now smartphones are why you're not a winner? What a mess. No one is forcing you to have a smart phone.

>> No.17703466


>> No.17703788

>thread about historical cooking is derailed by a deranged pair of schizos arguing about shit nobody cares about, again
This board is so fucking bad

>> No.17703798

Those are plaster moulds of my dad's balls before he busted the nut that bornt me. That's why I'm such a big guy, for you.

>> No.17703801

they look sorta like testicles

>> No.17703814

>start a thread with RETVRN schizo nonsense
>waaah why are the replies all schizoposting?
Make a thread about historical cooking, because this was never it

>> No.17703832

Speaking of schizophrenia;
Was electro shock treatment technically an attempt to use electricity to awaken nuts? Or Activate Almonds if you will...

>> No.17703896

damn he was a big baller wasn't he?
just threw money away for nothing. I respect that

>> No.17703904

How expensive do you think a couple handmade hollow Easter eggs were in the early 2000s? Handmade chocolate was hot back then.

>> No.17704496
File: 68 KB, 600x485, MakingEasterEggsFuerstKramerNOLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is pretty wild to think how today, literally everything I consume or own was manufactured by machines on the opposite of the world.

>> No.17704528

The thought of chinese people and other asians working as literal slaves to make consumer goods for westerners really erects the old pp. It's why I exclusively own apple and nike products.

>> No.17704549

>chinese people
Nike is made in viet nam though

>> No.17704554
File: 24 KB, 480x480, 1484675667-15876519-1179821358739778-6399679593787162624-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno if americans have them, but i just had pic related and I think I'm going to need an insulin pump

>> No.17704646

You're middle class and the guy you're replying to is working class, what's normal for you is expensive for him, it's not hard
Are you arguing the era which had two global wars wasn't filled with globalisation and hyper capitalism?
Anon, think for a moment.

>> No.17704652

nah I'm middle class too I just respect a man who pisses away money on frivolities

>> No.17704655

>and other asians
lrn to read better fgt

>> No.17704661

What's your definition of working class

>> No.17704674

If you're going to "but anything made in asia" you might as well say you like buying stuff. Because unless you're shopping for some pretty niche stuff, it's all made in asia

>> No.17704690

But not all asian countries make use of slave labor to the same degree.

>> No.17704718

You meant common consumer goods, yes? Sneakers, t-shirts, flags, and such? Not Hajime Asaoka gyrotourbillons? Then it's made by children laboring their fingers to the bone under squalid, dangerous conditions.

>> No.17704719


While the women in the black and white photo were working for free, right?

>> No.17704749

>made by children laboring their fingers to the bone under squalid, dangerous conditions.
I need to invest in these companies.

>> No.17704839

are you a communist?

>> No.17704846
File: 95 KB, 815x1000, PubEggsWeCan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easter eggs are Catholic and the Gods of Chocolate are Belgian. They still make their sweets exactly the same way as they did in 1913, when they were discovered on the World Fair.

They were taught by the Swiss migrant Neuhaus family, who still exist and continue to make traditional chocolate to this day, following the discoveries of Dutch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coenraad_Johannes_van_Houten..

Several independent Italian companies still exist, producing 100% traditional https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gianduja_(chocolate) - which has very little in common with the northern chocolate candies.

Nobody ("they") took anything from you ("us"). You're just indifferent, lazy and arrogant. What you eat is bland, too fat and drowned in salt.

>> No.17704859

What? No. I just wanna see if you come from a different culture to me (e.g. America) where they have different class definitions.

>> No.17704860

I'm american

>> No.17704883

What you really want is to invest in their subcontractors. Easiest way for you as an individual investor to own a basket of human rights abuses is an Emerging Market ETF. You're welcome.

>> No.17704901

That seems to be a you not paying attention to what you buy problem

>> No.17704902

So what's your definition of working class? I know a lot of Americans think you have to be poor to be working class. Like trailers, food stamps, minimum wage jobs. In my country welders, plumbers, machinists, lorry drivers, and non-officers in the military are all working class no matter how much money they have.

>> No.17704909


>> No.17704912

>I know a lot of Americans think you have to be poor to be working class

I've literally never heard this expressed. You're obviously lying about being American.

>> No.17704931

I'm American I have

>> No.17704948

Put assume that blue collar = poor here in America and you know it. Tradesmen actually make a decent amount of money but the stigma exists.

>> No.17704963

I'm...not American. Anon, I even said that. I'm just going by what I've read Americans saying online, including on 4chan.

>> No.17704967

dude, come on it ain't 1978

>> No.17704972

>blue collar = poor

For you nigger. It's called investing.

>> No.17704981

>I'm...not American

I...don't care. You opinion will never matter.

>> No.17704985

You don't leave the house or talk to people in real life so you have no idea that the stigma exists. Social norms are a foreign concept to you.

>> No.17704995

>stigma means misconception
did your mother drink during pregnancy, spud?

>> No.17705002

Working class and blue collar are not the same.
Working class, anymore, is just the PC term for low class/lower class. The logic comes from they can’t afford to be out of work, because they live paycheck to paycheck. With modern welfare, that’s not true anymore.
Blue collar means you work for a living. But doesn’t say how much that living is.

>> No.17705003

>Tradesmen actually make a decent amount of money but the stigma exists.

Learn to read you ignorant fucking retard.

>> No.17705014

Working class and blue collar are the exact same and are synonyms even if people within that class make more than others that fall under those umbrella terms. Cope more.

>> No.17705017

what is the point you were trying to make?
drop stigma, and rephrase it. read it over and see if it's as coherent as you'd like.

>> No.17705020

Being poor is stigmatized in America and is usually associated with negative shit like being careless with money or being uneducated. Are you an ESL?

>> No.17705028

lmao reread your posts, dipshit. you'll have a nice chuckle I'm sure.

>> No.17705039

They read perfectly fine. You're retarded and in denial that people consider you to be an uneducated faggot for being blue collar.

>> No.17705043

I think we do, and they are pretty sweet

>> No.17705068

hey I don't drive a laurie

>> No.17705091

You're using that word wrong.

>> No.17705100


>> No.17705120

How does wanting a large candy egg equal being an incel? Sorry, do see it.

>> No.17705128

>do see it
If you agree with anon, why are you arguing?

>> No.17705134

Working class means that you have a job which does not require formal education and which relies on your hands, roughly speaking. Obviously a surgeon is not working class, and obviously a cashier is working class.
Blue collar just means you do a trade.
In other words, a cashier is working class and not blue collar, while a machinist is working class AND blue collar. I don't think you can be blue collar and middle class.
This is for the UK.

>> No.17705145

Look at this obvious projection. Quite a sight to behold. I'm not some shut in like you faggots.

>> No.17705146

Blue collar falls under the working class umbrella in the USA. You guys have terminal autism in the UK apparently.

>> No.17705153

Do you mean a lorry you esl moron

>> No.17705162

Yes, we absolutely do. Class autism is our thing. I never knew until I met people from other countries.
Apparently two people growing up in the same exact area but having totally different accents because their parents were different classes is unusual outside of the UK.

>> No.17705167

Like lol I didn't even get into lower/upper working class and lower/upper middle class (builder vs. machinist, estate agent vs. lawyer).

>> No.17705168

>Apparently two people growing up in the same exact area but having totally different accents because their parents were different classes is unusual outside of the UK

Well, no it isn't. Are you really that ignorant?

>> No.17705180

Then you're in denial then. If you're blue collar/working class people assume that you're poor/low class even if you make decent money. I'm not sure how you made it to adulthood and work a job without realizing that. Maybe you just don't know anyone on a personal level that has ever worked in an office.

>> No.17705198
File: 33 KB, 765x432, cute-anime-cat-girl-confused-e1592069452432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're low class people assume you're low class

>> No.17705208

You can work a "low class job" and still live a middle class life, ESL. Garbage men can actually make a decent amount of money even though the average person would consider that a low class, filthy job. Then again, I'm not sure which third world shithole you live in. Maybe the middle class doesn't exist there.

>> No.17705215

>anime reaction image

Fuck off tranny

>> No.17705244

The traditional definition of class is distinct from how much money you make. Hence why "nouveau riche" is supposed to be a sick burn. I don't care if you make six figures as a garbageman, if you talk in a thick bronx accent and listen to... whatever those people listen to, you're low class, and I mean that in as non-judgmental way as I can (which is not really possible but hey I tried)

How do you know I'm not an actual catgirl? Huh? You don't know. Just because I don't put "nya nya nya" in every sentence, jfc it's 2022 catgirls can speak in normal english.

>> No.17705264

>The traditional definition of class
Don't care. In the USA, if you're driving around in a fancy car and live in large house located in a fancy neighborhood, you're definitely not considered low class. Do you consider millionaire rappers that talk like they live in the projects low class? If you do, you're just being stubborn.

>> No.17705279

>Don't care. In the USA, if you're driving around in a fancy car and live in large house located in a fancy neighborhood, you're definitely not considered low class
Really depends on your CLASS, aka not your bank account balance.

> Do you consider millionaire rappers that talk like they live in the projects low class?
It doesn't matter what I think, we're talking about cultural attitudes. And yes millionaire rappers are considered low class, hence why "looks like something a rapper would buy" is an insult. Do you ever go outside and talk to people?

>> No.17705290

It's not the 1950s anymore. No one would consider someone like Mike Tyson or Eminem to be low class. You're just being an autist.

>> No.17705313

You're so wrong I don't even know what to make of you. Maybe this is some weird attempt at self-hypnosis, like "I just don't see class bro", aka 1990s style wokeness. Mike Tyson is low class. Because having face tattoos, a history of violent crimes, and black athlete with money is pretty much the cartoon stereotype of nouveau riche aka LOW CLASS. Eminem too though being white and having artistic parental units he isn't quite as perfect a case.

>> No.17705315

I'm gonna assume you meant "were you really that ignorant", and yes. It still feels weird, actually. Every time I say the thing about the accents I expect someone to say "um, actually, in my country we have that too" and they...don't. You have to understand how absolutely fundamental the idea of some people sounding posh and some people sounding common is in the UK. Everywhere I went people would say "you sound posh as fuck".
America did used to have it in the form of the trans atlantic accent, by the way, but it was purely artificial so it died out when the US became the dominant cultural force and copying the UK stopped being the cool thing to do.

>> No.17705318

Your class is directly tied to your bank account and to a slightly lesser extent your social influence in the USA. Everything else is a massive cope on your part.

>> No.17705332

So we're going to just switch gears and go neener neener neener tranny niggerkike. Ok then. Seethe and dilate.

>> No.17705336

I'm not switching gears, idiot. You type like some broke as a joke fucker that thinks being born white and talking like an autistic nerd should garner some respect in the real world when it doesn't. Money talks, fag.

>> No.17705346

I said nothing about "should", just "is", and I'm not white. But since my attitudes must be a product of my skin color, I look forward to you doing a 180 and saying I'm just jealous and I blame others when I should be pulling myself up by my bootstraps, right? Even though I didn't tell you how much I make or my net worth?

Huh, almost like class is real after all.

>> No.17705351

Whatever you are you're definitely a broke nerd coping and that's fucking obvious.

>> No.17705359

How could it be obvious if class isn't real?

Also out of morbid curiosity, what would need to be my income, in US dollars, to count as high class? I'm not arguing with you, I just want to try to understand your quixotic world view.

>> No.17705374

If you live in a desirable area, have a lot of money, and know influential people in your town/city, then you are high class. No one cares if you talk like the blackest gorilla. If you're American, you know this is true deep down even if you wish that it wasn't.

>> No.17705380

Lol owned

>> No.17705392
File: 77 KB, 772x571, Dougie-B-Arrest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh, you just got done telling me that all that mattered was money. Now I have to be known to the mayor and the police commissioner? Do you consider picrel to be a high class gentleman? Because his estimated net worth is in the $5 million range and I guarantee you both Adams and Sewell are quite familiar with this high class gentleman. Normal people (not you) in real life (not trying to win a stupid internet argument) would not consider this man high class. But I suppose you will say he is.

>> No.17705400

>Bruh, you just got done telling me that all that mattered was money.
>Your class is directly tied to your bank account and to a slightly lesser extent your social influence in the USA. Everything else is a massive cope on your part.

Someone that doesn't know how to read is going to be a bad judge of social class.

>> No.17705403


>> No.17705412

You can't even remember what I typed 15 minutes ago. Are you even old enough to work? I'm going to guess that you're underage/your mind isn't fully developed yet instead of the more likely case that you're actually just a fucking retard.

>> No.17705414

I love all things Oreo
And in ashamed of it because I know it's garbage

>> No.17705422

I could dox myself and make you seethe even harder, but as the old saying goes, work smarter not harder. Did you get bullied at your expensive private school for having the wrong accent? Is that why you're so salty about this?

>> No.17705425

You're arguing with a jew, it requires capitalism or communism to thrive, it fears nothing more than the third position. Don't waste your time. Get yourself familiar with pilpul and you'll detect them instantly.

>> No.17705434

He meant Israeli-American kek

>> No.17705463

This, learning what pilpul was and how they use it blew my mind. Jews are on some serious mental gymnastics 24/7

>> No.17705471
File: 166 KB, 960x960, 1649978693552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dafaq are you on about idiotic troon

>> No.17705485

What makes you think that I'm salty or even went to a private school? You're a projecting nerd. Anyone can google social class and see that your net worth and your social influence are the two primary factors that determine it.

>> No.17705642

Wow! Great growth, those are some good crystals.

>> No.17705709


>> No.17705857

you can't even pretend to be smart lmfao

>> No.17706262

Do any of you have grandparents who were alive in the 30s? Most people wouldn't have had enough money to buy those massive eggs, they were probably a novelty for the rich.

Not that this thread is on topic anymore. God this board fucking sucks

>> No.17706806

Goddamn you destroyed OP

>> No.17707694

in those days it took a lot less effort to make something of yourself and getting a job that pays way more than minimum wage today after taxes was easier
You are a retard who doesn't understand how much you could buy back then too
3 years wages could buy you a house in full
Now 10 years wages can get you about 30% down so you don't pay mortgage insurance.

>> No.17707940

You know the american money sent to China producing all their goods for them stayed in China? And that's why China is a superpower today?

>> No.17708032

You're a smug retard (the worst kind) with no sincere concern for the health of civilization. Your facile mocking of such a concern reveals only your own contemptible nature.

>> No.17708053

Pic would've been at the tail end of the depression, so in some countries would've been affordable by then. You're being kind of pedantic though, you know that generally speaking there has been a massive decline in purchasing power compared to last century, and that recent generations are the first in a long time who will have worse standard of living than their parents.

>> No.17708625
File: 481 KB, 500x375, 9XMA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17709207

all those fancy pants designs look dumb and don't give an easter vibe at all

>> No.17709217
File: 110 KB, 512x1024, 1627187255717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]