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17702007 No.17702007 [Reply] [Original]

>that early morning beer after a night shift

>> No.17702023

hell yeah bro

>> No.17702050

In the car on the way home?

>> No.17702065
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>not sneaking nips from a flask all shift long

>> No.17702077

No, only TB Anon does that and vodka is his driving drink of choice.

>> No.17702156

Sounds like a pretty nice feeling. The guy who can't be blamed for opening a beer with the sunrise.

>> No.17702658

More like an early morning beer before a morning shift

>> No.17702738

Does an early morning beer before bed after a night of drinking count?

>> No.17702749

When I used to work third shift I used to love going to the this bar that opened at 7AM and do karaoke until I was right pissed.

>> No.17703025

I'm more of a midnight weed kinda guy.
Helps me get back to sleep pretty well.

>> No.17703034

Best way to kill yourself

>> No.17703095
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>that early morning beer after a night of drinking

>> No.17703100

I used to be the first one at the party and the last one to leave. Cracking that last one as the sun was coming up was kino.

Good times

>> No.17703118

drinking in the morning feels so right

>> No.17703166

For me it's the Steel Reserve

>> No.17703196

>working night shift at all
>beer in the morning
lol trash

>> No.17703212

Feels good, but goddamn it's the worst. You're going to sleep right after, and that's pretty much what Sumo wrestlers do to gain mass

>> No.17703216

Better pay

>> No.17703224

Ah yes, the good old
>your body magically metabolizes things differently when it’s asleep

>> No.17703226

should've studied harder in school and you wouldn't have to work night shift in order to get better pay dum dum

>> No.17703232

DUIs get the rope

>> No.17703236

It's objectively better to go to bed on an empty stomach so the body can focus on healing itself instead of digesting your vinegary slop

>> No.17703238

I'm an insomniac so I don't care if I have to work at night. It's better for me as it's silent and there aren't as many annoying people there.

>> No.17703240

>there aren't as many annoying people there
well besides you

>> No.17703243

Of course it is. <blog> said so.
>vinegary slop
It’s rude to talk that way about your whore-mom’s pussy anon.

>> No.17703251

Back in the day, working third shift with a skeleton crew and listening to Art Bell. I miss those days.

>> No.17703257

You sound upset
Why are you so upset?

>> No.17703264
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>that wake up in the middle of the night and drink 8 oz of warm vodka before passing out for another 6 hours

>> No.17703287

Uhh you dont get a dui from one beer

>> No.17703291
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Literally me right now, sometimes you just gotta let it ride

>> No.17703295
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>Work night shift at the hotel I'm employed at from time to time when weeks are slow and there aren't many guests
>All alone during the night with nothing ever usually happening
>Usually end up doing all my tasks before 1 AM
>end up spending the rest of the shift drinking beer and playing my switch till 5 in the morning

>> No.17703297
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>says the wannabe IT fag who works at bestbuy
Just because your fag parents pay for your car insurance and phone bill doesn’t mean you make more money

>> No.17703336

being this dumb (> left out on purpose)

>> No.17703347

I bet in real life you're a lot dumber than the words and nonsense you just typed.

>> No.17703378

your public defender is gonna love defending that one

>> No.17703461

day shift fags are so oblivious it's cute

>> No.17703560
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>that early morning beer before the morning shift

>> No.17703567

Zoomies please go.

>> No.17703680

Why not have something you can feel?

>> No.17703685

What's the BAC limit in yank land?

>> No.17703719

I don't think there is one
I've seen 25% in limited batches

>> No.17703728

Your mom wasn't available at the time

>> No.17703730

duh, I confused BAC with ABV
BAC limit is .08% tho it might vary from state to state

>> No.17703733

I'm sure the goofy foreigner meant for a DUI. Most places it's 0.08%

>> No.17703746

see >>17703730

>> No.17704102

And most places if you're caught with an open can of beer in the front seat while you're alone it's a DUI or care and control minimum.

>> No.17704109


>> No.17704114

Kek retard

>> No.17704117

I'm a EM doctor. Guess what, even if you study you could end up doing night shifts, kid

>> No.17704147

Lol congrats on winning worst larp of the day.

>> No.17704707


Hey that was me yesterday (and probably today)

>> No.17704900

wife's an EM doc. she fucking hates the night shifts but gets only 2-3/month. during residency she used to stop at this great university diner and grab a hamburger at the end of a night shift and have it for breakfast with a beer at home before sleep.

>> No.17704918

enjoy, never experienced that though

>> No.17704927

There is nothing more awkward than buying a bottle of whiskey at 7am after an overnight shift.

>> No.17704930

I've literally been caught with an open vodka bottle and was let go. I guess in yuro land they really nail you fuckers to the wall

>> No.17704933

i got into trouble because i was drinking alc free beer while driving

>> No.17704950

eh, there’s worse looking regulars than me

>> No.17704958

I miss working night shifts. Best gig of my life in university working it for a couple years.
>Managed to get company I interned for let me work at night processing invoices to fit my classes
>Give me time and a half night wages
>Only person in the building besides the cute homely Honduran cleaning lady
>She gives me the leftover executive/conference lunches every night so I never have to get dinner
>Start talking to her more and start sleeping together at work
>Sets me up with her daughter even though we're involved
>Going back to my apartment in the early morning, pounding a beer or two back and playing Halo with my roommate also working nights
>Go to bed with a full wallet and empty balls
What a great time. Where does time go?

>> No.17704964

Guess what, you're still going to die alone.

>> No.17704998

Tb anon is dead

>> No.17705026

tell us more about the cleaning lady and her daughter

>> No.17705049


>> No.17705058

Was the lid on? A bottle of wine or spirit in the front seat isn't really an indication that someone is drinking it while they are driving.
An open can of beer or something is.

>> No.17705087

>That early morning beer after a good sleep

>> No.17705094
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Life can be so beautiful.

>> No.17705142

I actually knew someone who did this and died young from liver failure. He obviously was having more than one beer though.

>> No.17705165

nice blog faggot

>> No.17705171

god I wish

>> No.17705173

> based fellow day drinker
A man of culture, I see.

>> No.17705201


>> No.17705231

Is it one guy who keeps posting this? I haven't seen this much bitching about "muh blog" in a while until I started browsing this board.

>> No.17705243

Good go back from where you came

>> No.17705483
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>shower beer while slightly hungover to get yourself on the path to drunk again

>> No.17705670

>dude just don't be poor, like dude just be born with 20 more IQ points, dude just have your daddy be a lawyer, dude just have a trust fund
You bitch-made little Marie Antoinettes should be fed molten metal

>> No.17705954

IQ isn't really. You're just lazy and couldn't pay attention in school even though it's literally the easiest thing in the world. You just have to sit there and take notes while the school does everything short of wiping your ass for you

>> No.17705960

No one is interested in the mundane details of your life.

Hence, the phrase this is not your blog faggot.

>> No.17705963

>IQ isn't really

You can't even speak English.

>> No.17706459

it doesn't matter because you get a dui if you're drinking anything alcoholic while driving

>> No.17706474

>IQ isn't really
Explain that to an Australian aborigine in a White school.

>> No.17706950

>based alcoholics
Hello frens

>> No.17706997

I never understood this until I started working graveyard, you just get off from working 8 hours and even though it's 6am you just want a fucking drink. Now I find beer in the garbage at work and just drink on the job.

>> No.17706998
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>> No.17707062

Wasn't my post. Just pointing your incessant need to cry like a bitch about blog posts in every thread. Maybe you should write a blog about how your father abused you.

>> No.17707082

he's still right, dumb white bitch

>> No.17707085

>Now I find beer in the garbage at work and just drink on the job

I love reading hobo shit from euros

>> No.17707105
File: 685 KB, 600x723, 1596008819486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow spirit. I also like to spike my hangover coffee with vodka and Kahlua and vaguely stare out from my porch while in a white bathrobe and underwear. Fuck the plebs.

>> No.17707710

99% of the time people suck in school because they are lazy and don't do the work
Unless you are legit retarded there is no reason why you wouldn't be able to pass with straight A's
Did your family force you to leave school so you could illegally work under the table just to not lose the house?
No? then you are a lazy fuck at best and a retard at worst

>> No.17708717

>actually if the peasants just worked harder they would all have been nobles
The world is not a fair place, but you seem to like to pretend that it is whenever it comes to having an excuse to hate those who do the culinary bitch-work upon which your layabout faggot life heavily relies.