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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.73 MB, 3324x2232, Benstailgate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17687638 No.17687638 [Reply] [Original]

What's the food like and have you ever been to something like this?

>> No.17687642

>What's the food like
Wal-Mart hot dogs and Wal-Mart hamburgers on Wal-Mart white bread, Wal-Mart buns if you're lucky. No seasoning. Probably a bag of lays somewhere everyone sticks their hands in.

>> No.17687666

Yes. Problem?

>> No.17687686
File: 156 KB, 636x424, 1564289100368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's more about friendship and bullshitting with strangers than the food. it makes me wish i had friends again.

>> No.17687700 [DELETED] 

americans need to be genocided

>> No.17687708


>> No.17687720
File: 220 KB, 840x769, 23-239616_anime-girl-confused-png-transparent-png (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>british flags on flagpoles all over the lot
>American sports team shirts and a tiny American flag

>> No.17687739

Like any pther picnic-like get together thing I'm sure. Standard Walmart food. Hot dogs, maybe potato salad if youre lucky, burgers, chips and dip. Maybe there will be one or two homemade things that you'll feel wary about trying as you do not know how good a cook that one random friend-of-a-friend is or if he handled it with his big hairy meat hands without washing. In fact, that might even be so much of an issue you cant even enjoy it. Especially if its cold like potato salad or cold cut sandwiches.

>> No.17687759 [DELETED] 


Also this: >>17687739
Basically, its very middle of the road of the road food. Barebones, but yjat also means its fairly reliable; its hard to fuck up burgers, dogs, chips, dips, and salad.

>> No.17687762

Also this: >>17687686
Basically, its very middle of the road of the road food. Barebones, but yjat also means its fairly reliable; its hard to fuck up burgers, dogs, chips, dips, and salad.

>captcha K00TY

>> No.17687766 [DELETED] 

>americans need to be genocided

>> No.17687771

Sometimes there will be ribs, too. Maybe corn. Pretty based if it has ribs. Corn on the cob I just find mildly annoying though.

>> No.17687777

Just typical amerifatfuck shit.

>> No.17687778
File: 122 KB, 947x734, Frank says.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anons who are too messed up to be invited to a tailgating party for a sporting or other event

>> No.17687791
File: 216 KB, 603x592, Screenshot_20220412-021647_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... what the fuck? Someone brought a whole ass gallon of milk LOL

>> No.17687795
File: 546 KB, 1365x1024, 349838-svetik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a huge Adrienne Manning fan

>> No.17687831

It was clearly emptied and filled with beer. You can see the beer

>> No.17687833

No wait that's an apple cider jug. It's apple cider. They also brought snapple

>> No.17687836

That looks kinda gay.

>> No.17687886

it only gets good when everyones hammered

>> No.17687925

it's like a cosplay event where people dress as my dad, right down to the daggy white runners and jeans that don't look like they were made for human legs

>> No.17687956

bong flags everywhere but.... so much americaness; the red cups, despite being available here, are very much american thing outside of students playing beer pong.

those definitely look like americans as well. check out the guy on the left looking at the camera. the beard moustache setup. clearly american.

now pan right over to the next car. baseball cap on backwards.... looks like an italiano.

the are some other secret clues. check bottom left. the hand. and now look behind the soccer mom.

standing while drinking sucks bawlz. id be that guy that just automatically assumes those chairs are for everyone
>ahhhhh dont mind if i do boys.....

>> No.17687963

It's a piss jug.

>> No.17688360

It's a social event, not a five star restaurant.
The food is cheap and ass, but the atmosphere is good and most everybody is at least buzzed.

>> No.17688364

Terrible, and yes
Functional adults can have social events where the food and drink aren't crimes against humanity, the trouble is sportsball NPCs aren't functional adults

>> No.17688367

they're 5% british obviously

>> No.17689265

Some Americans really like to celebrate the country their ancestors came from. That or there was a terrorist attack in England that happened that we were trying to "express solidarity" about

>> No.17689287

you are a sad angry little man

>> No.17689297

Why do it at a concrete desert instead of a park?

>> No.17689340

Thanks, in answer to your next question, yes I am fun at parties

>> No.17689348

Did lota of tailgating in college. There were lots of food vendors and it was good. I ate lots of smoked turkey legs

>> No.17689364

Its a stadium parking lot

>> No.17689380

You want to be close to the stadium so you can just walk in once it gets close to gametime. The closer you are, the better, people pay big money for close parking spots at some stadiums.

>> No.17689444

Tailgating is fun and lots of people go to tailgates where there is good food. Obviously they want low maintenance shit. They're spending close to 500$ between parking and the game, god forbid they get some cheap food so minimize costs. Get fucking over yourself

Also "sportsball", really? Thats what the reddit lemmings call sports. God forbid people enjoy themself. I hate people who hate sports like it makes them cool or interesting. I'm not telling you to like it but jesus christ, everyone has their vices. Some its politics, some cooking, some video games. Let people have fun you miserable prick

>> No.17689656

Ha, based

>> No.17689676

Seems like a pretty fucking stupid concept to me, you go through all this trouble just to have a meal in a parking lot instead of at home. I could understand some booze and snacks or even takeout but a whole fucking build-a-burger picnic complete with furniture?

>> No.17689681

Are you fucking blind?

>> No.17689685

The fact that you're having a meltdown over the word "sportsball" is a great example of why non-sports people cannot fucking stand franchise/college sports culture. It's got this creepy tribal warfare undercurrent that triggers a primitive hate response when you detect a non-tribe-member in your presence

>> No.17689687

This, and even other normies think so. Regular guys only enjoy a casual interest in sports.

>> No.17689691

Why the fuck does that matter? It's a parking lot, it takes like 5 minutes to walk across.

>> No.17689698

Stop justifying shitty cookouts from dumb football fans. Fuck all that shit. If it's not combat sports it's not worth watching

>> No.17689701

>Let people have fun you miserable prick
I didn't realize my negativity had this level of power over them. Now that I know expressing mean opinions on /ck/ stops normies from enjoying their low IQ escapism, I will do it every single day.

>> No.17689706

Nah, not how it works bud. In my city if you show up for the game you'll be lucky to get a spot at the mall 5 miles away and take the shuttle, if you want to walk to the game you have to reserve a parking spot. Then since you paid all that money for the spot, might as well spend the whole day there eating and drinking.

>> No.17689712

Not that guy but I dont want to be around anyone who is too into it or someone who wont shut ul about how shitty it is

>> No.17689718

goes to show what a general waste of time and money sportsball is

>> No.17689720

In a weird way I'm trying to help you but spreading negativity has this weird karmic way of also increasing the shittiness of your own life. If you focus on eating good healthy food and taking walks to go see people you will find that life is pretty positive in its own regard and if you let the sunshine in then the sunshine will also come out of you.
I dunno, somethinglike that.

>> No.17689729

You low IQ children blow my mind with how poorly you envision anonymous posters on 4chan. You really think that someone who talks shit about sports fans in a thread about them that popped up on an unrelated board just goes around screaming about how much he hates sports to everyone he meets IRL, don't you?

>> No.17689735

holy shit this, this really pissed you off didn't it?

>> No.17689741

Personally I enjoy parking myself at a bar somewhere and drinking beer for 5 hours instead of fighting traffic to get downtown. Even better when I'm alone at a table that seats 4 and other people stand there waiting.

>> No.17689744

Nope im calm as a cucumber. Im somebody else. You doing ok, bud?

>> No.17689748

that is pretty based, I will admit

>> No.17689760
File: 476 KB, 1140x1282, arrowhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sorry for other sports fans.

>> No.17689765

Absolutely, I'm laughing my ass off

>> No.17689770

I've had
Hotdogs with ketchup or mustard
Burgers with no cheese and sometimes chopped condiments
Potato salad
Iced tea
grocery store big cookies
Bags of doritos, lays potato crisps
Grocery store cold salads
Freeze pops
spinach dip
Hummus and pita
Veggie trays and ranch
All that i've had at tailgates before games

>> No.17689777

Alright good.
Also this,
And also
Double this

>> No.17689780

godly trips confirm

>> No.17689786

Ive been in groups where some negative prick talks shit and it brings everyone down. Ive also seen assholes get wound up and start yelling at the tv. Im saying both of these tyoe of people suck

>> No.17689801

No one asked to here you faggy "both sides are wrong" opinion, teenager.

>> No.17689814

Im probably twice as old as you big guy and I actually played sports

>> No.17689838

Then it's a real shame that you still talk like this.

>> No.17689843

Nfl plays games in other countries like mexico, canada and germany

>> No.17689859

And Shad Kahn or whatever owns a soccer stadium in bongland and also owns the Jacksonville Jaguars so NFL usually has 2 games a year over there.

>> No.17689878

Is that Chelsea Manning's new wife? I thought she was still cucking M*sk

>> No.17689886


This, this is the real long and short of it
Also had chicken wings and italian beef on hoagie rolls at a tailgate

>> No.17689907
File: 93 KB, 640x605, sports.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably sports related head injuries

>> No.17689914

I think it's more to do with obesity and estrogen

>> No.17689940

>bunch of guys walking around with other men's names on their backs
Not really my crowd, tee bee aych.

>> No.17690160

I will not stop decrying sports until I can watch the news without having my time wasted by updates about your silly game.

>> No.17690175

If you're in a cold place, chili or Italian beef or something. If you're in a warm place, shitty hot dogs, ok burgers, and fried chicken

>> No.17690336

I'm still laughing my ass off at this, most pathetic thing I've seen on 4chan in a very long time.

>> No.17690897

It just makes you sound like a terminally online tool who definitely has his own vices but judges others and has a false sense of superiority

Not liking popular things doesn’t make you interesting or cool


Why the fuck do you watch the news?

>> No.17691059

Why? Because I’m right. Thought so

Go ahead I already know what’s coming
>le sportsball lover
>go watch the game
>you’re low IQ

I’ve heard them all. I’m not even that big of a sports fan but I’ve been to some tailgates and some games and it was a fun time. I just don’t see how people obsessed with sports are any different than people obsessed with the news, politics, marvel, or video games. Everyone wants to escape and relax and have a good time so they aren’t just a miserable tight wound prick. I really don’t understand why a guy who religiously watches the NY Yankees make them a loser and playing Elden Ring makes them so high and mighty. Maybe you could explain that

>> No.17691141

I just don’t understand why you would hate such a popular and fun thing? Wow can you believe people went and drank some beers and ate some burgers and dogs and watched a football game? Wow that’s so awful. Le sportsball nerds with shit food! Hand egg is so gay! Don’t even get me started on hockey! They skate like fairies! Why does it annoy you so kuch? They let you play your mariokart.

>> No.17691151

>It's baseball season again
We're all gonna make it bros

>> No.17691203

livestream your suicide when it happens

>> No.17691237

Why would I end my own life? I have plenty of fun tailgates to go to

>> No.17691249

>I really don’t understand why a guy who religiously watches the NY Yankees make them a loser and playing Elden Ring makes them so high and mighty. Maybe you could explain that
>I just don’t see how people obsessed with sports are any different than people obsessed with the news, politics
You mean things that actually effect you and the society you live in?

>> No.17691264

ah yes, the famous Roman Revolt that felled the Roman empire

>> No.17691289

Doesn’t effect me none. I didn’t watch the news for a year and my life got a lot better “oh no people died” don’t care eating tendies and watching sports and playing Call of duty

>> No.17691292

Your average American everyone

>> No.17691523

It's clear that what you're mad about is the fact that people sometimes hold and express negative opinions of things. This is a fact of life and not something that is healthy to seethe and cry about when you are made aware of it. I would suggest therapy.

>> No.17691532

You aren't kidding anyone, we know you don't actually have friends. Real normies don't talk like this, they'd just go "haha okay bro". You aren't a normie, you are simply a sensitive faggot who is overly attached to sports, in the way that other types of retards are overly attached to things like Star Wars.

>> No.17691539


>> No.17691549

If I lived like this I would keep it to myself lol

>> No.17692650

>go pay some jew you’ve met 3x to give you pills and lose your gun rights

Yeah no

Haha okay bro. You obviously didn’t read my post. I said I’m not even convincing you to like it. My response was to the anon who shit on all sports fans or anyone who tailgates. Let people have fun but all I’m saying is don’t think your vice is good and their vice is bad.

>> No.17692661

>have you ever been to something like this
Yes but the real men instinctively and immediately recognize me as an alien. There's something primitive and animal that if you didn't get as a teenager, you can never ever acquire, and so I am relegated to shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.17692743

You don’t do well on standardized tests, do you?

>> No.17692800

I’m not really a big sports fan but enjoy them casually, but I seriously think people like you had pretty bad childhoods because you couldn’t into school or neighborhood sports. I was never the best nor the worst, but playing pickup basketball, baseball, football, and wallball games were some of best childhood memories I can recall. Pair that with ridding your bikes or stake boarding around town with your friends and you’ll burn up weekends in a blink of an eye. I know this universal because worldwide kids play pickup game of soccer.

>> No.17692824

what is so bad about fucking milk now? for fucks sake you morons will pretend to hate anything

>> No.17692835

It’s apple cider, a very popular fall drink in America l. Also good to mix with liquor like whiskey or dark rum but yes people here hate everyone and every thing and are brutal

>> No.17693147

you can learn to fake it well enough to fool men. we are too simple and trusting. but it's hard to fool all women
>t. chad on the outside, r9k on the inside

>> No.17693229

You drive all day to get to the car park and then you have to walk another day to get from your park to the stadium. You obviously have to stop and have a meal and a rest between the two.

>> No.17693257

No seriously, why are you like this? It's the most mild derogatory term I can think of, and we're on a website where everyone says nigger. You're really this bothered by the fact that some people have a slightly negative view of sports?

>> No.17693262

People who share my vices don't spend the whole day crying when someone complains about them on /ck/

>> No.17693312

It's not that it's a negative view of sports it's that using the word "sportsball" associates you with other people who use the word and they're all without fail the kind of tiresome pricks that make every conversation combative and will always try and act superior even though there's no consistency to it. People who will act smug because you don't know about some dumb shit only they care about and then also act smug because they don't know about something you care about. Just hollow people who are nothing except their egos.

>> No.17693320

jesus christ dude just have sex

>> No.17693338

Isn't there a game you should be watching...?

>> No.17693349

Anybody who says sportsball can fuck right off. Negative nerds are the worst

>> No.17693376

I think you'd have a better time some place else

>> No.17693377

I actually have fun watching nerds get worked up about "reeeeeeeeeeeee sportsball". I work with a few that start screeching anytime sports is mentioned, yet they eagerly talk about star trek or pokemon for hours, hahaha. I just throw on some sports radio and let the red faced dork sputtering begin.

>> No.17693386

>elaborates on his hatred of negativity by explaining how he thinks anyone who uses a slightly negative word when describing a hobby is a horrible person who can scarcely be considered human
redditors, everyone

>> No.17693390

Thanks for the tip loser

>> No.17693395

No one here believes you're having fun here, or that you talk to people in real life.

>> No.17693402

I seriously suggest you follow it

>> No.17693408

Noone in this thread has been to proper college tailgates apparently. They start at 6a.m. with mimosas, pancakes, sausage and eggs. Beer and shots all day, with the generic tailgate food at lunch. Everyone's parents make their specialty snacks, and you eat those through the day. Soft pretzels, bean dip, dill crackers and all that.
Euros will never understand

>> No.17693410

Did you ever cry when you saw the jocks with all the girls you liked?

>> No.17693413

Scrap the food, add more booze and you basically got the average away game experience.

>> No.17693423

Jocks aren't emotionally attached to sports like this. You are a faggot trying to pass himself off as a jock by getting wrapped up in their hobbies in a way that would even irritate other jocks.

>> No.17693425

I went to college in Iowa City. The town was known for tailgating. You would see people doing keg stands at 6 am. Cops did not enforce any laws unless you were causing a problem. We also had good food vendors that would sell huge amounts of food

>> No.17693430

...that's just drinking. The point of tailgating is the food and parry along with it.

>> No.17693435

>that's just drinking

>> No.17693441

I know the type of sports faggot you are referring to and I can assure you I am a different type of faggot.

>> No.17693445

This. Apart from obvious exceptions like poker nights and so on, all parties are ultimately 'just drinking' and people who try to pretend otherwise are really obnoxious to be with at them because of their retarded expectations.

>> No.17693461

So you've met that guy have you? He was a real chore to have as a roommate. Definitely an extreme example but still illustrates a general trend: grown men thinking that *watching* sports will get them the same benefit that playing it as a teenager would. That is honestly a major force in the marketing.

>> No.17693472

You surround yourself with shit people if any party you go to is just drinking. That, or you're underage and getting blackout is still a cool think to do.

>> No.17693481

See, this is what I'm talking about with dumb expectations. Someone presents a realistic assessment of these things so they can be planned and enjoyed for what they are instead of being an empty LARP, and you people pull out these ridiculous lines about 'everyone you know doesn't count'.

>> No.17693492

Not at all related, and nobody will give a fuck, but let me tell you the tale of this memorable girl from high school. She was the "token black" cheerleader on an otherwise mostly white squad. She was truly gorgeous--amazingly, achingly beautiful and sexy, stacked, buxom, almost like a Barbie-doll parody of womanhood, but she was real, REALLY real. And she wasn't light-skinned or redbone like the "Uncle Tom" stereotype, she was REALLY black, dark-skinned, but with delicate facial features and she spoke in a gentle, educated way. As one of the most beautiful, if not THE most beautiful girls in the school, and a varsity cheerleader to boot, she had every right to strut in a haughty, superior manner. But instead, she was kind and open to everyone, and she hung out with nerds and goths, and she would even talk to awkward outcasts like myself. I think it because she herself defied expected norms, crossed social boundaries, that she learned to be generous and friendly to everyone. I remember her dating this shy, quiet white boy--not ugly, not nerdy, just quiet and someone who was typically "in the background" until all of a sudden he's hooking up with this exotic ebony legit PRINCESS and I am not shitting you, she was the stuff of fantasy. Yet even in her cheerleader outfit on game days, she was so kind, approachable, affable, funny... You will almost certainly never see this, "M", but you should know that you were amazing and should have been Homecoming Queen, a spectacular symbol of hope and promise for the entire class.

>> No.17693500

>Not at all related, and nobody will give a fuck
I took your word for it and stopped reading right there

>> No.17693509

Bitch there are 8 billion motherfuckers on this planet. Your sample size of 10 juggalos from some fucking flyover doesn't really fucking count

>> No.17693511

And you've met all of these 8 billion motherfuckers?

>> No.17693516

Yeah find better friends. It's not a larp, you're just around shit people you fucking moron.

>> No.17693518

I've sure met a lot more than you apparently

>> No.17693520

This "there must be something better than this, there must!" approach to life is retarded and will bring you misery and shame.

>> No.17693530

What the fuck are you even talking about?
You can't seriously think that everyone just gets blackout drunk every time they get together.

>> No.17693531

I think you've met the same sort of people and just have a retarded and overly literal understanding of the phrase "just drinking". Yes, they're also sometimes pretending to dance and throwing beanbags, and even finding excuses to bother girls. Sometimes they also talk to each other.

>> No.17693537

That's not what I said, you fucking moron. I've met people like you IRL who use this retarded line and everyone ends up hating you.

>> No.17693547

Holy fucking cope you friendlet. Board games, video games, movies, escape rooms, cooking, karaoke, there are plenty of fucking things that people do thst don't involve drinking.

>> No.17693552
File: 94 KB, 1024x566, 1611251847953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMEN. This was my entire point: >>17689444
I don't even care if you like sports or hate tailgating. Go ahead. Why shit on others for doing so? Thats like me, a casual sports fan, shitting on someone who plays Skyrim all day. I don't give a fuck. Everyone needs their outlet. Go have fun. Just because YOUR fun isn't the same as THEIR fun, doesn't mean you are some superior being.

pic related. Take the honk pill

he probably does, thats his point


>> No.17693557

No, YOU end up hating me for being able to maintain socal relationships without the crutch and excuse of alcohol.

>> No.17693562

Mate, no one believes you have an army of friends. If you did, you wouldn't be getting buttblasted on 4chan. You obviously have serious issues coping with reality and have built this ridiculous and very sensitive fantasy around you.

Those things aren't even 'parties', by the way. They're just adults doing things.

>> No.17693570

>he doesn't shitpost while working from home
You're mentally and socially stuck in grade school. I would say it gets better, hut apparently you've resigned yourself to being a loser and surround yourself with losers.

>> No.17693571

I'm taken aback by this level of retardation, not even sure what to say to that. Let me get this straight, you are actually against alcohol but still consider these little Mormon get-togethers to be "parties"? That's who I've been talking to? Just when I thought you couldn't be more of a mentally unhealthy retard.

>> No.17693575

Nah mate, I do great. I do great because I except reality. You don't get success by screaming how happy you are and hoping you can convince yourself of it, you get success by accepting reality and working with the operant factors you identify.

>> No.17693576

Because they typically act like you. They don’t like competition, they are typically weak, they find physical activity above them in this modern world, and they are typically losers. I’m not saying you have to be obsessed with sports, but saying “sportsball” makes you sound like a malding redditor.

Sports are very social events that usually require team work, physical prowess, and strategic planning. I don’t know why athletes performing to the extent of human limits is seen as “beneath” some people. They are people who typically have no drive or ambition to work hard. As much as I hate the modern gaming scene, one aspect I do appreciate is how mainstream gaming has gotten, watching normies btfo incels irl and online is pretty satisfying desu.

>> No.17693606
File: 29 KB, 653x469, 1619922818899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you really think that a sporting match is a honest athletic competition?
do you think that they are not scripted, just like professional wrestling?
maybe in the turd world, but in the US they are fixed

>> No.17693608

Best parties you’ll ever go to. Hot girls and merriment everywhere. Lots of good food. Excitement in the air.

When I was in college I would go tailgating and not even enter the football game.

>> No.17693624

>muh sports

I just LOVE watch BIG STRONG BLACK BEASTS passing the ball and shooting the ball and scoring. They are so STRONG and they really work up a sweat out there! Imagine if one of those beefcakes was fucking my girlfriend haha Lebron James is so HUGE dude and he’s RIPPED dude is a BEAST.

>> No.17693625

>le epic nihilism meme
I actually pity you. there are happy people out there, and you've decided you're not going to be one of them. Doesn't make them disappear.

>> No.17693627

This is a clear example of what I've been saying about you manchildren thinking that watching sports is the same as playing them. Sitting on your couch and eating cheetos isn't exercise even if you're watching football, fat ass.

>> No.17693634

College tailgates are definitely a different thing, but the OP image clearly depicts awkward dads.

>> No.17693642

Same. I quit going to the games after freshman year and I was friends with a few of the players. Tailgating was far more entertaining than the game. Id much rather drink and hit on girls instead of being rammed into a stadium

>> No.17693644

>coming to terms with some slightly disappointing things about life instead of deluding yourself is nihilism
holy shit you are retarded

>> No.17693652

I don't know about that but what you're watching is still just a business transaction. Any given individual can't make a team win, a team's success or failure comes from the decisions made by the manager and the general manager, which is heavily reliant on the team's budget.

It's different with stuff like track and field but no one watches that.

>> No.17693662

You failed miserably, the whole point of the honkpill is to *not* cry when you see something that doesn't fit with your ideals.

>> No.17693663

This is just sad. Allow me to explain.
Instead of just being a man, and admitting you're wrong and that sports is = to video games, cooking, cards, shopping, watching some TV show, or whatever people's vices may be, you continue to double down and you claim to not understand why people enjoy sports and tailgating as a casual leisure activity. "Damn Americans who like sports! They're such NPCs, such losers. They should be a real man like me and watch the news and argue about politics on /pol/ and reddit and play video games! My outlet is so much better than theirs!"

No, having some accountability in your life, well, thats too difficult for you to admit, because you are an immature, sad, angry little man who can't get past "stop liking what I don't like" and probably were raised wrong and/or get off on attempting to bait people on 4chan for fun. This is honestly the negative effect of the internet and anonymity. You hide behind your keyboard and think to yourself HAHA I'm winning because your dopamine receptors are going off.

So instead you resort to saying "its all fixed, see, its not that fun, its fixed like wrestling!"

Even if you're right, so fucking what. I don't care if people like professional wrestling or tailgate for it. Let them have fun. They can like what I don't like. I don't call its ROIDED UP ACTORS I called it wrestling because I'm respectful to other human beings. Why am I respectful to other human beings? Maybe I'm a nice guy, unlike you, or maybe I was just raised better and realize different people like different things and there is nothing wrong with that as long as its not causing harm to one another.
The sad part is, at the end of the day, you're losing when you think you're winning. You're losing because you are creating this false character of yourself online and thinking you're funny. You're not kid. Unironically go outside and talk to people in real life. It'll help your social skills. You can tell they're lacking.

>> No.17693666

That literally looks like every single tailgate out of every single sports venue but with the image of a smoker mspaint edited into the bottom. You’re not special and your faggot QB failed because he’s a faggot just like his wife.

>> No.17693671

how is it possible to be this fucking sensitive? I've been around but I'm not sure I've ever met someone this soft, either here or IRL.

>> No.17693675
File: 42 KB, 600x597, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool blog, upvoted, liked and subscribed.
You should throw on a trip code so I can keep an eye out for your quality contributions to this board.

>> No.17693676

I enjoy watching the drama and competition throughout the season as well as big hits and goals/touchdowns. I don't fantasize about big black men fucking my wife, I just find sports to be more entertaining than most drama programs on TV (I watch those too)

I don't retard. I'm simply calling them out for not doing the same. They're the ones shitting on tailgates and sports games. I don't give a shit. My entire point is that people have their outlets and have fun. Its okay if they like what you don't like.

ANd for the record, the tailgate food is as good as you bring, and yeah, lots of people go cheap, tailgating uses the same equipment as camping, you typically aren't making a bacon wrapped smoked beef tenderloin and mac and cheese. Its hot dogs, hamburgers, and maybe some ribs.

>> No.17693677

I second this

>> No.17693681

Whenever I tailgate I make a shitton of burgers from scratch and create some sort of topping combinations that feels like it will go well with it. I make a couple for me and my friends then hand a bunch more out to people around me.

>> No.17693683

>Its okay if they like what you don't like.
No it's not

>> No.17693684

>telling people to live and let live is sensitive
sure, champ

>> No.17693688

Why are you projecting so hard, sports are universal not just America. Post body you fat redditor.
That was never the argument I made. My first post was talking about my experience playing sports as a child and teenager. More often then not most sports fans also played sport when they were younger or their kids play sports now, some are fat, others are fit, but most are well into their 40s and 50s past their bodies prime. I’m not lazy, I get around pretty often and thought I don’t play sports anymore I do often run and go to the gym.

>> No.17693691

I would but I get banned from this board every few days anyway so no point.

>> No.17693693

Saying it in giant walls of unironic seethe is

>> No.17693699

You can reuse the name with a new code each time. PLEASE do it man, you have great insights and quality posts.
Just let me know the name if you do it

>> No.17693700

Post body

>> No.17693703

I'm just trying to help the people who calls sports fans "losers" by educating them that sometimes people like what they don't like. Its shocking I even have to do so, but apparently they were raised to be an xxl retard.

>> No.17693704

>More often then not most sports fans also played sport when they were younger or their kids play sports now
That's just because you described 90% of the population. Almost everyone has played on a sports team at some point.

>> No.17693705

There you go

>> No.17693706

And also sometimes people don't like what you do like, which you can't handle.

>> No.17693708
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>> No.17693715

Cry ab it

>> No.17693726

>muh scripted sports
This is what retards who don’t understand probability say. Professional wrestling is easy, you usually have 2 dudes using only their bodies and objects they can control with their own bodies to fight and have a winner and a loser in the end with no point system or randomized elements. Now you’re saying that something more complex like baseball, with balls being thrown at high speeds over long distances, sticks being swung to hit those balls and those balls flying in different directions at different speeds after that… is all scripted? No need to guess how many seats were on your bus though! 5 rows with a ramp in the back.

>> No.17693738

I doubt it, there are limp wristed faggots who were forced to play sports and swore to never make their kids play them, which they don’t have because they are heckin r/NoKids. Seriously though not that many people play sports. If you look at a typical high school only so many kids can make the team, compare the numbers of sports players in a high school to the general population of the school and there are a lot of normies.

>> No.17693740

Not projecting sports guys are gay. I bet you wear some other grown mans jersey lol

>> No.17693744

You didn't high "high school sports", most adults sports fans definitely didn't play high school sports. The math simply doesn't work out.

>> No.17693746

Yes, because sports provide lessons as children. They team teamwork, character, winning and losing, honing individual skill for the betterment of a team, discipline, and quite frankly, as presumably the only parent in this thread; it keeps them out of trouble. The kids that did the most drugs and got DUIs and caught with pot in high school? Typically the losers who only cared about politics or video games and skateboarding and never played sports past age 7 because their shitty parents let them quit. There is some tribalism that is weird with it, I'll admit. I think people that are hardcore sports fans and have season tickets to their local team and spend 20,000$/year tailgating and on tickets are fucking losers. I'm casual. I'll watch a game if its on, rarely ever go down (but I have and tailgating was fun), but if i have to go to Home Depot that day to knock out a weekend warrior project I'll do that instead. College and pro sports are just watching the best of the best play, and its entertaining, no different than video games or movies or tv shows. I always say everything in moderation. I'm big into hunting, but I try to stay well rounded since all my friends don't give a shit about deer, nor do I want to be near people who are obsessed with deer hunting. There is more to life. I enjoy watching the NHL, golf, and college personally. I'm not into baseketball or baseball. I never played them as a kid so that probably has somethign to do with it.

>> No.17693752

I can handle it fine. I just don't think they should shit on others. That is literally my entire point.

>> No.17693755
File: 54 KB, 625x605, stonetoss sportsball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17693758

Do you have tourette's syndrome?

>> No.17693760

Neither does 90% of the population.

>> No.17693761

Fuck off with this shit!! You're really not going to have any friends if you keep being negative about everything. Some people like different things than your nerd shit, okaY? There's no reason to be mean about it.

>> No.17693766

Yeah obviously I was agreeing with that.

>> No.17693768

Do you know what Tourette’s syndrome actually is or are you retarded?
t. actually has Tourette’s

>> No.17693775

>retard tries to call other people retards for not being experts on retardation
always gets me

>> No.17693777

I don’t, but I do enjoy the physical activity, teamwork, and competition of sports. I liked playing them as a kid, and I enjoy watching them occasionally at a bar. You however enjoy nothing you disgusting fat malding retard. I could tell you never made the team, you were always picked last, and overall a detriment to those around you. The proof is in the pudding and I ask again, post body.

>> No.17693782

No I just like typing long paragraphs because it filters out the Gen Zs who have the attention span of a gnat.


>> No.17693783

I will if you post yours (with timestamp)

>> No.17693791

You have pretty high hopes for what sports will do for kids. I was good at football in high school and could of had a scholarship to play at a smaller college but I didnt want to play anymore. Now I have a fucked up eye and back problems. It didnt build any character at all and the better players were pretty selfish putting themselves ahead of the team. We also drank way too much

>> No.17693796

Dude I can't believe you would even ask that. I mean jesus, are you gay or something? I am defintiely not going to post my super hot body that I got from playing years of sports and partying with cheerleaders. I'm fucking jacked and you don't deserve to see it, pathetic nerd. I bet you hurt your tumbs playing on your Xbox and would never touch a weight in your life. Touch grass and realize that normal people like what they like instead of going around acting superior for no reason

>> No.17693800

Lmao these retards actually tripped up. Hard filtered.

>> No.17693807

This. Kids who play sports develop more issues from it than they solve, and it's hard to claim otherwise even if you're retarded since the evidence is right there for you to see, they walk around in those 'boots' they put you in when you fuck up your ankle.

>> No.17693821

Just saying my experience.

Anyway getting back to the topic at hand since I've said what I wanted to say here is the ultimate tailgate dishes/menus

>Crock pot filled with apple cider, red solo cups to mix with captain morgan or jack, this allows it to be warm which tailgating is typically done for football where it is cold in most of the US
>Hot Dogs
>Veggie Tray so you can shit
>Cooler full of beers
>Brats or Sausages, peppers and onions if you wanna get fancy
>Bathroom or woods nearby, especially for women.

>> No.17693831

fuck off you lying imposter, I'm not a fat fuck who eats trash like that

>> No.17693841


Same bro I hated high school football so much. I was one of the best on my HS team but not scholarship material. What a waste of time. I wonder how many IQ points I lost slamming my head into people

>> No.17693847

I'm willing to bet you just did peewee football and then tried it out in high school but got stuck in the back up squad.

>> No.17693853

>Tourette’s = retardation
It’s the same thing as OCD just manifests differently lol.

>> No.17693857

says it all

>> No.17693868

I graduated in the 90s and practice was fucking Thunderdome. They made me practice with varsity when I was a freshman. I doubt they let coaches do shit like that any more

>> No.17693869

I played hockey, soccer, and golf. I never played football. But I had a lot of friends on the football team. We would go to their games and them to ours and we'd tailgate in high school. I went to a pretty big HS though. 2000 kids I think were in my graduating class. It was pretty fun. Plus what kind of loser stayed at home on a friday night in high school lol

>> No.17693872

Fag sportsball npc detected

>> No.17693875

and to this day it was the highlight of your entire existence

>> No.17693882

Wish I would have golfed. Now thats the only sport I do

>> No.17693883

Simple and bland. But in the right situation where you'll stuff down 6 hot dogs and 4 hamburgers without regret ever kicking in.
Then downing it with whatever ice cold beer they picked up (most likely Bud Light)

>> No.17693892

Nah. I didnt even care that much while I was on the field

>> No.17693900

>Plus what kind of loser stayed at home on a friday night in high school lol
I guess I should explain what you're missing here. I actually went to a lot of football games in high school, lots of people did. I just didn't give a shit about what was happening in them, same as the majority of people watching, it was a social event. We don't all have whatever mental illness you have that makes you scream every thought that pops into our heads, we kept our mild irritation to ourselves to pursue other goals.

For every one "nerd" you know who rants about how much he hates sports, there are probably 1000 people who hold a similar opinion but keep it to themselves IRL. Genuinely liking sports as an adult puts you in the minority.

>> No.17693909

But you do now, since your life has been a steaming pile of shit every since.

>> No.17693917

Not at all bro. Married and live in a nice house. You want us to be losers but we arent

>> No.17693920

If that's true then I really feel bad for your wife.

>> No.17693923

The coaches at my school were unbelievably retarded. Like Michael Scott in real life tier

>> No.17693926

Actual, unironic projection lmao

>> No.17693937

You pretty much laid it all out for us, your whole life centers around memories of high school.

>> No.17693939

What is an acceptable thing for me to like?

>> No.17693943

Why do people keep saying this term projection? Is this the new liberal buzzword? Its sound really fucking gay. What does it mean. I'm behind the times on internet speak. I'm not terminally online like most of the losers that frequent this hell hole

>> No.17693944

I'm nit even thecretard you're slapfighting stupid bitch, you're just a projecting faggot

>> No.17693945
File: 527 KB, 1715x1009, tailgate party wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the source of the OP image, what an odd wikipedia article.

>> No.17693955

very convincing

>> No.17693956

my favorite tailgate fare is brats, braised in some beer and onions, then finished with a nice char on the grill. top with some spicy mustard on a bun, delicious! sides of potato salad and chips are great too. maybe even a big pot of chili that you can top with cheese, sour cream, and pickled jalapeno. thanks for reading my blog

>> No.17693963

Were you online at any point between now and eight years ago, though?

>> No.17693967

Shit like this shows that you actually think in this way and thus assume everyone else does. Like whatever you want, faggot. Just don't be a sensitive little bitch who loses his mind when someone criticizes that thing. That's the flipside of "let people enjoy things!!!", a well adjusted adult also has to let people bitch about things, because that's part of the process of experiencing these things.

If you can't help being that way, go to some website other than 4chan, this is basically a designated place for people to express negative opinions. Or even just to your safe space on the sports board, we have one.

>> No.17693968

Me? I like them smoked. And over cooked a bit so that the skin is wrinkly as fuck and crunchy

>> No.17693973

It's a psychological term that has been known since time immemorial. It means that you are falsely seeing traits in others because you yourself have those traits.

>> No.17693974

>everyone sticks their hands in
>my vaxx won't protect me unless you get yours too, chud!

>> No.17693975


>> No.17693981
File: 60 KB, 967x725, You can see the stadium in the background, are you satisfied now you dumb fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arrowhead logo on the utensils
>a city famous for its barbecue couldn't possibly have real barbecue at their tailgate parties
A quick google search is all you needed to not be such a fag.

>> No.17693992

You are mentally impaired.

>> No.17694015

I'll take that as a concession if that's the best you have.

>> No.17694023

I'm not even the first guy and don't care about this "my team is cooler than your team" nonsense, but the first pic is an obvious photoshop and your picture is completely different. I don't think he was trying to say "no one has ever once had a barbecue at a KC tailgate", either.

>> No.17694035

I promise you are not in the majority here. You would be if you were a woman, which isn’t that far from reality, as they often don’t know or care what’s happening. Most men on the other had at any given sports complex will at the very least know the fundamentals and basic playing patterns. The exception are women, angsty rebellious teenagers, and low test males, which do you fall under?

>> No.17694042

basketball is easy to fix and is probably the most rigged of all professional US sports
but baseball is also rigged
as long as there are people gambling over a sport, it will be rigged by people trying to gain advantage

>> No.17694051
File: 206 KB, 1095x785, Screenshot 2022-04-13 114905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting two pictures in one to provide context is "photoshopping" now
Consider the context of my post based on the original post I was replying to to understand why I said what I said instead of crying over me acting like I'm more special than you.
Pic is the source if you're so caught up over it btw.

>> No.17694053

Knowing the rules of a sport and liking it are not the same thing, blows my mind that there is a single person on the planet so dumb as to not understand this.

>> No.17694062

Incels are very bitter that they had cold, lonely childhoods and think that people who had good ones are “living the past” or whatever, cut and dry case of sour grapes. I had a great high school experience and so did many others I know and what do you know I’m still having a great life so far as are they.

>> No.17694077

And I gave that as an example of the very least, not typical. Typically they enjoy the game along with the merriment of being around others who enjoy the game. You little pussy faggot.

>> No.17694078

It sounds like it's yourself that you're trying to convince.

>> No.17694082

It makes them feel better to think any point of success is followed by misery. I think they have seen to many shitty movies written by other nerds

>> No.17694090

you aren't good at samefagging

>> No.17694094

Prove it!
I enjoy sports, I enjoy life.
You are adamantly whining like a faggot, I want to know your life accomplishments? What have you done that is so great?

>> No.17694097

I never claimed to be smart. Just respectful of others.

Ah, I never get that deep with people. I don't really like people.

Why are you so focused on criticizing said things and being negative about them? That is why I don't understand? Do you have a cast iron black heart full of anger? Why aren't you just indifferent. I don't like my little pony. But I don't shit on bronies. Live and let live. You honestly need to be nicer. You catch more bees with honey than vinegar

>> No.17694098
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>> No.17694103

phone posting ruined this site.

>> No.17694108

I'm trans btw

>> No.17694110

(You) ruined it

>> No.17694119

Lmao at your life

>> No.17694122

Why do you come here if you don't understand the reasons people privately bitch about things on the internet?

>> No.17694127

pro sports in the US have revenue sharing
so it doesn't matter if a team wins or loses, as long as people watch the game on TV, teams get money
also, in the NBA, if your team loses a lot, you get better lottery pics, which are rigged too
so if a team isn't going have a good season they "tank," or lose on purpose, to get better pics for next season

>> No.17694129
File: 1.26 MB, 640x480, 1598531249207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the little frog guy and the jokes on here and memes have made me laugh harder than anything I've seen on TV in 15 years.

>> No.17694135

they have that stuff on reddit too, it's better categorized so you can search it with keywords

>> No.17694171

I don't go on reddit. It seems like a giant confirmation bias generator. I don't like the upvote system and the they censor people. Isn't it owned by china too? Fuck china. I'm happy checking in on the 4chans every so often. Although the quality of this board has gotten bad. its basically either people who have an encyclopedic knowledge of fast food, or bait threads. I enjoy watching the coook alongs.

>> No.17694180

Sounds like the perfect place for you, since you lose your mind when you hear people express disapproval of things you like.

>> No.17694212

Have you been arguing with people in this thread for over 24 hours? Sad

>> No.17694216

You can't argue by yourself

>> No.17694220

How did I 'lose my mind'? By callling out nerds when I see them. So what I typed a few extra letters. I'm in meetings all day. My company is AGILE. I'm paid to do nothing.

Actually, nevermind, have a good day, or don't. I don't really give a shit, have a nice life there buster brown

>> No.17694247

this is just sad, unironically consider therapy

>> No.17694270

>never met someone irl
>diagnose someone with a mental disorder or at least suspicious of it via /ck/
>tell them to go talk to a shrink and get hooked on mind altering pills, lose their gun rights

And I’m the one that needs therapy? Dude do you even listen to yourself. You’re claiming I need therapy because I disagree with you regarding if tailgating is fun or not. Holy crap get a grip chucklebuck

>> No.17694295

If going to therapy would lead to you losing your gun license, you need therapy and should not have a gun.

>> No.17694299

>gun license

Top Kek

>> No.17694320

>Thats what the reddit lemmings call sports
You're right he should call it niggerball insteasd

>> No.17694326

Lots of blacks play hockey and golf huh?

>> No.17694331

Nigger isn't a color, it's a mindset.

>> No.17694348

Britbongs really can’t go to therapy cause they could lose their TV license.

>> No.17694496

it amazes me that people outside of the UK think people actually pay for their tv licences instead of just pretending they have one

>> No.17694537

>whats the food like
it depends on who makes it but some of my most nostalgic winter dishes are football food, particularly this certain chili that used a fuck load of red onions
food in the cold weather which is also football season hits different

>> No.17694542

Been to at least a hundred of these. You'll find the regular grilled food like hamburgers, hotdogs and sausage. Light beer. Some hard liquor.
Sometimes people want to impress and will make some smoked meats and cheeses. Plenty of homemade sides and salads that are family recipes/regional. It's more fun than watching sportsball.
Oh and cornhole. Many, many games of cornhole going on.

>> No.17694546

how is it rigged?

>> No.17694556

>drugs and duis
were you the same one talking about projection because anyone is at risk of doing shit like that, even athletes...
the nfl is practically a bunch of wife beating criminals lel

>> No.17694564

>Gen Z invented TL;DR
gosh youre so wrong on so many things but hey, it's alright, youll realize one day not everything is this or that apples oranges, also, this is a cooking board, go be an aspie on >>>/sp/

>> No.17694794

You don't lose your gun rights by going to therapy, retard. I've been to therapy and I have guns.

>> No.17694805

US sports are rigged from the inside by the league through their control of the officials and cooperation of the team owners
they are rigged from the outside by gamblers/organized crime through control of key players
basketball is the easiest to rig due to the low number of players and frequent but ambiguous penalties
point shaving in college basketball is a given

>> No.17694825

I think he's overstating it but, as a general rule, you should assume that things are at least being 'guided' a certain way when something is controlled in a complicated and cryptic way and the relevant interests are there. Why would they not? Suggesting it is totally fair is the biggest conspiracy theory of all, so many unlikely things would have to happen for that to take place and it wouldn't really benefit anyone.