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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17690692 No.17690692 [Reply] [Original]

>he still bakes his potatoes in the oven for a thousand hours like a caveman instead of microwaving them for 5 minutes like a non retard

>> No.17690756

I microwave them and finish in the oven unless I'm baking like a turkey or something

>> No.17690791


>> No.17690808

i stick them up my ass because my body temperature is enough to cook them, of course you would know op because u are a faggot

>> No.17690812

I use an air frier

>> No.17690859

the heat from the oven cooks the potato

>> No.17690862
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Sorry but this technique stays in the family

>> No.17690868

how to you microwave a baked potato?
can you microwave roasted potatos, too?

>> No.17690876

larp post, kys and ur family

>> No.17690881

White people have a prefrontal cortex that allows them to plan ahead for the future like putting potatoes in the oven before actual dinner time

>> No.17690888
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>> No.17690889

Those are ovens.

>> No.17690891
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Hit the button called with a potato icon on it for baked potato

>> No.17690894

what if you just want a snack faggot? gonna plan ahead 2 hours for that too?
you can microwave whatever your little heat desires my friend

>> No.17690895
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I do one worse. I wrap them in foil and throw them into my fireplace.

>> No.17690898

I do the same with sweet potatoes.

Zoomies don't know how to use a fucking oven so don't spoon feed them.

Imagain having zero browning on your potato and thinking it tastes good lol

>> No.17690902
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I really should proofread

>> No.17690908

but this is a good idea? i’d do this if i didn’t live in a little cuckpod apartment

unless you use those fake logs from walmart like a nigger

>> No.17690912

Yeah. How else is the olive oil going to crisp the potato skin, or the garlic going to cook in? When do I add my crispy bacon bits? Or my dijon dressing? How do I get the fresh parsley crispy in a microwave?

Are you faggots just eating baked unseasoned potatoes?

>> No.17690921

>Entire fucking potato
Shut up you whale.

>> No.17690924

If you're going to be running the fireplace anyway then yes. Otherwise, no.

>> No.17690925
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>olive oil on a baked potato

>> No.17690927
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>using ovens like a little sissy faggot
real men always have a grill going

>> No.17690928

You retards do realize you can both, right?

>> No.17690930

Yes I want them to taste good

>> No.17690936

go puke up the saltines you had for lunch you anorexic faggot

>> No.17690940

>he doesn't bake and roast his vegetables in olive oil or pig lard/duck fat

The fuck do you use cunt? Crisco? Butter? Or do you need to ask your mother what she puts on them?

>> No.17690947
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>mad about potatoes

>> No.17690948

i just bake it raw, add butter to after. i dont like the greasy olive oil adds to the skin

>> No.17690949

>He doesnt know what he is eating for the next 3 days
>He snacks impulsivly

>> No.17690955

Imagine being one step removed from a monkey and lacking the mental capacity to plan for a snack.

>> No.17690957

>he can’t spell
makes sense you’re a third world bug person

>> No.17690968

lmao go get medicated you fucking obsessive compulsive lunatic

>> No.17690970
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I burn through 4 cords of hardwood a year. Plenty of times there's some hot coals to throw a potato or sweet potato on. I wash a had a none disposable container that I could use.
You eat plain potatoes? No added fat?

>> No.17690978

It's not the potato, it's the stick of butter and half pound of cheese you put on it fatty.

>> No.17690983

I’d respond but you can’t just grow a prefrontal cortex. You can’t even comprehend what it’s like to be white even if you tried.

>> No.17691000

>Oh no I didn't press one key all the way, this invalidates my entire point. You are clearly intellectually superior
Cope harder retard, get a real argument

>> No.17691014

the crammer
the racebaiter
the oneupper
the frogposter
the boomer
the actual retard
the meds-poster
the squabblers

truly, this thread has it all

>> No.17691019

Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.17691020

A microwaved potato can never be as good as a baked one because you don't get a crispy skin. And if you don't eat the skins you don't deserve to eat a potato in the first place.

>> No.17691021

salt pepper and a bit of butter is fine. i only eat them because they’re filling and i don’t want to be tempted to be snacking all day like a fat cunt
>projecting this hard

>> No.17691025


>> No.17691027

I'm not using that much olive oil, since I will toss the potatoes twice while cooking so they're nicely coated. I ain't made of money.

I use the little chat potatoes put them in the pan, drizzle some olive oil over them, roll them, season with salt, pepper, minced garlic and rosemary, and cook them for till they're almost done, then I add some bacon that I pan fried and a dijon vinagrette.

Otherwise if I'm just doing a whole big baked potato I'm wrapping it in foil and throwing it in a firepit while I burn some deadwood from around my yard. I'l stick it with a knife, put a butter tab in the cut and let it bake in the coals.

>> No.17691029

the angry name-caller

>> No.17691032 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17691033

la creatura
how long did it take you to type all of this out pajeet? really hunted for those letters this time nice job

>> No.17691047

you didn't beat the recipe

>> No.17691058

Cave men did not have potatoes or ovens.
Checkmate, bitch.

>> No.17691064

based, /ck/ nogposters are very predictable

>> No.17691073

they had microwaves though retard

>> No.17691076

>the samefag
none one thinks your post was “based”

>> No.17691088
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>mfw half these posters are me
>mfw getting drunk and tricking retards into arguing over potatoes with me

>> No.17691089
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Oil, salt and pepp, 400F oven, toss on rack, 30 minutes one side, 30 other, done. Perfect baked potato, crispy skin.

Fight me.

>> No.17691093
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>I wash a had a none disposable container that I could use.
something like this

>> No.17691137

Post the (You) s I wanna see them. I don't care if they're shopped

>> No.17691143
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i started the thread too

>> No.17691162

Oh yeah. That's nices. I'm so turned on.

>> No.17691171

post boner

>> No.17691176
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>He doesn't microwave them for 5 minutes, cut them open, top them with butter, cheese, and broil till the cheese is melted, and the skin is crisp, then cover with sour cream, and bacon

I think it's you who is doing it wrong.

>> No.17691196
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It's small

>> No.17691218

i honestly do not even know what i’m looking at here

>> No.17692179

Australian pants.

>> No.17692895

the heat of the oven cooks the potato

>> No.17693003
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I just tried this. Works really well. Thanks Anon