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File: 203 KB, 997x672, Self-Checkout-Loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17690480 No.17690480[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you only steal one item from a self checkout per trip by pretending to scan it, placing it on the weighing area and then at the same time removing the weighed bag to your trolley, is there any possible way you'd be liable if you got caught?

Of course if you're going balls in and just loading up the trolley with stolen goods, you could potentially be prosecuted because it's beyond a doubt. But like, with a few items, surely they can't make you liable and will just give you a scolding. I'm interested in how customers are legally liable for their use of self checkouts, because there's surely you can almost always get away with saying "oh woops, I just fucked it up. Can you scan all this for me, I'm so clumsy, I have X mental condition that impairs my functioning and I should've asked for help! Thank you for understanding".

>> No.17690483


>> No.17690484

You can give it a shot. I'm sure if its just one item you could play it off. Just only do one item per store or space it out to one items 2-3 times per year at different times of the day.

>> No.17690488

Why not just straight up steal high value low weight items? Or key in something cheaper for weighed items?

>> No.17690497

>if you only steal a little bit, surely you can’t be in trouble
You can. It just depends on the store.
>oh goodness! I totally forgot to scan that
Yeah that’s about as smart as
>oh my! That must have fallen into my pocket! Silly me!

>> No.17690498

What did he mean by this?

>> No.17690499

They know what you’re doing usually, they mostly just don’t care.

>> No.17690508

the grocery store asset protection works is the basically let you get away with it for a while, cause no cop is gonna give a shit about jimbo for taking one steak. they'll let you get cocky, gather enough evidence to throw the book at you, and communicate with other grocery stores in the area to watch out next time you come into a store.

t. worked at target and knew a guy on probation for stealing beer from walmart

>> No.17690528

There's a huge degree between "fallen in my pocket" and operating a machine that people are employed to use. Boomers struggle with these things and often need help, they can't just swing at you for fucking up because at the end of the day they're offloading the work onto you and you can mess up the work. You can have an excuse all the way, even if it's brought to the police level, if you have any even slight mental problem recorded on the health system. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think legally there must be some liberal allowance for the possibility of fucking up when using these machines.

>Why didn't you use the manned checkouts
Social anxiety
>Why didn't you ask for help
Social anxiety
>How did you not notice
I have X mental diagnosis, I struggle with certain basic tasks. Your machine is difficult for me to operate and I have trouble with it, I'm sorry for my mistake, scan all this for me please.
Cashiers aren't legally liable for fucking up unless it's proven beyond reasonable doubt that they were acting in bad faith, I fail to see how it

>> No.17690564
File: 1013 KB, 404x720, 1649358430454.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i normally do is scan the cheapest items first and with the more expensive such as meat, i pretend to scan then instead of putting it on the scales, i put it straight into the trolley, the key secret is to watch the guardian who is watching you at the time, there is only 1 person manning the self serve but at times they are pre occupied helping others and that is your chance to score big, as long as it looks like you are scanning you have 50% less chance of getting busted and if you get pulled up you always say "i thought these got scanned, i didn't know" i saved thousands on my grocery bill all thanks to this and enjoy watching the big corps cry about losing $$ this way. They legally cannot fuck wit u unless of course you openly admit to not scanning them

>> No.17690608

Just say BEEP really loud and put it back in your basket
free groceries, you're welcome

>> No.17690616

The truth

>> No.17690625

my favorite trick is to put 30 racks of beer on the bottom rack of the cart
i've hosted many parties to full effect as a result

>> No.17690632


I put all my vegetables in one bag and only punch in one of them.

>> No.17690666

Did I miss the memo on the detectors at the door, are they obsolete or something?

>> No.17690667

why would you post this webm

>> No.17690673

have you ever worked retail? the employees do not give a shit.

>> No.17690675

I almost got caught with a "missed scan alert" trying this method. The best way is to stack a bunch of the same items in a stack and scan them as one, works best with meats.

>> No.17690676

Just go to any liberal city in the US and skip the self checkout altogether. Just walk out the door with your cart full of stuff. No one will stop you.

>> No.17690678

how poor are you fags

>> No.17690682

not as poor as the retards who pay for all their groceries

>> No.17690689

well satan, those only beep when the items have a metal tag. higher value items like booze and clothes will have big obvious tags, smaller stuff like electronics and health and beauty have those stick-on disposable tags. for most grocery items it's not worth bothering to stick one of those on just in case someone tries to nick a packet of sausages
poorness is a factor but people often steal for fun, to stick it to the man, because saving money feels good regardless of income level or just mental illness

>> No.17690707

They know what you're doing and are letting you steal enough so that you get in even more trouble once they decide to catch you red handed. I used to work at the Wal-mart self checkout and that's exactly what asset protection would do.
At least once a month, AP would come up to me and tell me to ignore a certain customer, 5 minutes later I would see them and a manager or two stop them at the door and take them into the security room.

>> No.17690723

>take them into the security room.
I mean if they're a cuck sure. I've heard the "sir" over my headphones and continued to walk out. I just knew to take a different way home and go to a different store for a while.

Stealing is easy if you're not a retard.

>> No.17690735

“Your imagination” isn’t how things legally work, anon.
“I forgot to scan it” isn’t going to work any better than “I forgot to pay”.
Again, it’s entirely up to a store as to what they want to do.
Do you seriously think the “answers” you just came up with aren’t similar to the same rehearsed excuses/reasons given by 99% of people caught shoplifting?
If they decide to charge you, you can argue your reasons in court. That’s what court is for.
And if it’s worth doing that for a few free groceries, at least put it on YouTube or something.

>> No.17690739

You're working really hard here, but the fact of it is if you are stealing you might get caught for stealing. Your plan is not an absolute lock. The tiny bits of theft you are thinking of going for aren't tiny to a store, they don't measure shrink like that, they look at all of it.

>> No.17690741

>Following some bitch tits manager
>not just kicking them in the nuts and sauntering out with your free food

>> No.17690745

because the chinese are the jews of the orient
this doesnt work you need to save the mp3 to your phone

>> No.17690761

>they don't measure shrink like that, they look at all of it.

Get a real job you loss prevention faggot.

>> No.17690765

okay first of all if you're going to steal something just shove it down your pants and walk out
if you're buying groceries and there's an expensive steak or something flat that you just don't want to pay for put either a case of water or toilet paper in your cart and put that item UNDER it out of sight of the cameras

this works in wal mart where the jannies are watching you at all times (trust me they are) and you buy like 4 or 5 things and "forget" to pay for one of them.
they will not stop you if you steal one thing anymore because of facial recognition
they scan your face when you walk into wal mart and flag you if you steal something so if you come back every week and keep doing it they can build a case against you to make it worthwhile for their lawyers to prosecute you
they are not wasting their time prosecuting some neckbeard for stealing grapes

>> No.17690768

You can just walk out the front door with a shopping cart full of groceries without paying and they won't do anything. We're still operating on an honor system but that is rapidly breaking down.

>> No.17690779
File: 50 KB, 273x240, Contemplative Ralph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turn petty theft into assault
>The police actually care now

>> No.17690781

>caring about assault

Pick one

>> No.17690786
File: 2.87 MB, 460x460, 1649353800303.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at mr cop wannabe over here, whats the matter faggot? didn't pass police academy because you were too much of a dufus and now working as an undercover store security? you must feel real important watching people shop all day and get paid for it, in a way you are technically stealing from the companies for not doing ur job properly, as >>17690761
states, get a real job asshole

>> No.17690788

the cops would probably join in

>> No.17690795

In practice most self checkout counters have a cashier to monitor activities. You'd have to pay attention to the cashier, see if they spend all day chatting/being busy/fucking around. I will tell you that it's way easier to 'forget' about something you put in the rack beneath the cart than trying to pull a slick move where you 'pretend' to scan something. You don't want the machine going off on you, because that will get the cashier's attention. And if the cashier happens to notice you haven't paid for x beneath the cart it's not a huge deal.

I will say it's way easier to just ring up expensive bulk items as cheap bulk items than any of this bullshit. Self checkout counters operate by weight, and weight is always the same regardless of the value of the items that contribute to that weight. It can't tell whether or not you're ringing up 6lbs of expensive organic almonds or 6lbs of plain white rice - in practice, only the cashier can, and that's a lot of mental energy to contribute to a customer. Most cashiers I've found just want to get the day over with and get back home as fast as possible. Can't blame them for that.

>> No.17690807

Go kick your neighbor in the nuts.

>> No.17690813

Lol the only thing more pathetic than being the biggest badass in the trailer park is larping on 4chan as the biggest badass in the trailer park

>> No.17690817

Sorry let me clarify,
>ADA(DA won't be there for this nonsense I assure you)
>caring about assault

Just a waste of time for everyone involved really. Kill yourself.

>> No.17690821


>> No.17690825

I don't think I'm a badass at all. I just understand that stealing is easy if you're not retarded. I know government schools are god awful but they do teach some reading comprehension.

>> No.17690835

OK then go kick your neighbor in the nuts.

>> No.17690853

>government school
The irony here is that I did go to private school, and feel safe in assuming you didn’t.
And my point was that your post was a work of fiction. If you think I was in any way actually calling you a badass, well, you said it yourself about reading compression and public school.

>> No.17690883

That only works if you're black. White people still have to obey the law.

>> No.17690886

OP is a complete moron, and I'm the asshole because I used the word shrink which you are also familiar with?

>> No.17690959
File: 63 KB, 675x720, 1629486731445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never steal items at just toss a garlic bulb in with my other bags of produce

they're out of their minds If they think I'm inputting 5 different peppers and onions and weighing them. I always choose the cheapest apple too. Saves me $10 a year

>> No.17690981
File: 91 KB, 750x662, 42B623E9-B0C2-44E0-B8C3-C4385C2CFA99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i throw all of my produce into one bag so the minimum wage teenager ringing me up just gives up and tosses it aside

>> No.17691012

you guys are placing a whole lot of faith in walmart employees

i was a cashier in one when i was like 18 and i used to give shit away for free all the time just because fuck walmart. if something didn’t scan i’d just slap some buttons for the camera and slid it on over. never checked inside backpacks or whatever that the geniuses would have obviously filled with other items either. something on the bottom of the cart? free so long as you don’t bring it up yourself

fuck walmart

>> No.17691054

Most workers don't care/assume customers are all genuinely retarded
I got caught one time ringing up an avacado as a potato one time and the guy came over and re-scanned it and put in in properly without saying anything. Supermarket employees make min wage and see people steal shit all the time. As long as you are not blatant about it and you are white you will be able to just be like "whoops these things are so confusing hahaha"

>> No.17691082

they have staff and cameras watching the self checkout, buying medicine or alcohol requires a staff member to come and check your ID and unlock the machine for you to continue and you're fucking kidding yourself if you think staff dont recognise people who come in regularly

>> No.17691091

>Stealing from the grocery store
Literally the only thing dune monkeys in the middle east got right was that thieves need to be subjected to capital punishment. One knuckle per item.

>> No.17691103

Just put your thumb over the barcode when you pretend scan stuff, and make sure to look around to see if the coast is clear with each item

>> No.17691200

>caring about wagies

Even without the kick just laugh in his face and keep going out the door

>> No.17691220

I always drool on myself and shart a little to add realism before trying that

>> No.17691239

>steal some shit from the pharmacy
>begin walking out store
>fat retard security guy goes “find everything okay? :)”
>ignore him and walk out the door
>lard ass waddles after me going “hey HEY COME BACK SIR COME BACK”
>smile and walk away
>come back a couple months later and they have cops at the door now
kek loss prevention is such a cucked job, i wish that faggot put his hands on me so i could have sued the store out of business