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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 275 KB, 1500x1125, ribs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17687521 No.17687521 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't people like ribs?

>> No.17687522

Says who?

>> No.17687528

it's a bot post mate 4 chink is a shithole between bots and tranny jannies

>> No.17687536

dont reply its a bot post

>> No.17687543

Is it now? The tenacity of shitposters puts bots to shame, so...
Most of this website feels like bot posts by now.

>> No.17687545

shut the fuck up faggot let this bot bullshit thread die

>> No.17687549

Sure, sure.

>> No.17687640

It's not a bot post you fucking braindead idiots. I'm asking a real question about ribs. I swear this stupid board gets dumber every day. Seriously, a bot post? How can you make a claim that is so easily disproven by me simply posting again? Ask me any question and I'll answer it. That is of course if you haven't already run away now that I've called out your bullshit.

>> No.17687644

Yeah beep boop fuck you

>> No.17687646

first of all tranny got triggered, second he replied to a bot thread after people here clearly stated it was a bot thread and finally go back to ching chong land and eat another dog, gook.

>> No.17687655

You sound mad, did some ching chong hurt you recently?

>> No.17687659

People are realizing eating meat is a terrible fucking idea.

>> No.17687679

i wish it didn't have rib bone in it.
same reason i don't like wings.
i just want to eat the thing, i don't want to fuck around with inedible shit in my food.

>> No.17687695 [DELETED] 

Cooler bait, don't reply.

>> No.17687727

I like nibbling around the bone.

I fucking love pork ribs and lamb's ribs. Beef ribs can suck both halves of my whole ass.

>> No.17687767

Oh what a predictable response. You don't even have the shame to leave the thread in embarrassment, you've got to get the last word even though nothing you can say could possibly save you. It's truly infuriating that people so impossibly stupid can exist these days.

>> No.17687772

go back to b or wherever the fuck you can post mushbrain off topic faggotry

>> No.17687773

That's why brisket is good. It's like ribs without the bone.

>> No.17687774

beep boop fuck you suck a poopy dick bot

>> No.17687787

Looks like a new pasta

>> No.17687808

>It's truly infuriating that people so impossibly stupid can exist these days.
Well, you exist.

>> No.17687908

They can certainly be good, but most of the time they're not. WAY too much fat on them most of the time.

>> No.17687909

Because Europeans are fucking faggots that consume soy 24/7.

>> No.17687919

>They can certainly be good, but most of the time they're not. WAY too much fat on them most of the time.
Incidentally, this also describes Americans.

>> No.17687929

This, makes it inedible to me. 9 outta 10 bites has a bunch of fat in it. Funny how people will put so much time into their ribs just to end up with that lol

>> No.17687930

I have food autism and I can't eat any meat except now york strip medium-well

>> No.17687933

Pork spare ribs have lots of fat, baby back ribs not so much. Beef ribs are super fatty though.

>> No.17688106

Im going to love necking you and your family during the collapse.

>> No.17688145
File: 328 KB, 1600x1170, the_big_short.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LARPing faggot. industrial society collapses and it's no more pork-chops for your chunky spoiled-rotten ass.

>> No.17688152

>le I'm gonna murder you xD posts the thousand pound American who is going to be cowering in his basement if he ever loses his precious internet connection

>> No.17688156

Your mom didn't think it was so terrible to eat meat this past weekend when she ate mine

>> No.17688158

Ok. Go to website