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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 781 KB, 927x736, 1649676611535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17683259 No.17683259 [Reply] [Original]

>food prices in Germany are inflating so rapidly that supermarkets refuse to disclose them until you arrive in the store
>20% discount on ???, what a deal!
How bad is it in your country? Have you changed your eating habits due to the inflation crisis?

>> No.17683400

At my local ALDI in the US my checkout bill is about 10-15% up from usual, but it hasn't changed my habits because my grocery budget was well below what it could be.

>> No.17683406

Paper is a dead format. It clearly says the prices update on Mondays.

>> No.17683677

We're fucked. Hope you guys have a garden.

>> No.17683690
File: 502 KB, 354x567, Screenshot_2022-04-11 11 04 2022 – 16 04 2022 Seite 4 - Lidl Deutschland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17683862

Check the next leaflet numbnuts

>> No.17683881

Too lazy. Meat's always been the thing I've found fluctuates the most without respect to season, so I thought it was odd they'd have set prices for that.

>> No.17683918
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>> No.17685258

A recent example I've seen is medium sized boxes of brand name cereals going for $4.49, in the world I was living in anything over $2.49 was total bullshit.

>> No.17686425

no inflation here

>> No.17686459

>gigantic bucket of vegetable oil is the same price as a pack of kiwi fruit

Very cool

>> No.17686858

Prices have more or less stabilized in my part of the US. They have gotten away with price hikes by using the grocery shrink ray, selling smaller portions at the same price.

>> No.17687318

We know how crucial seed oils are to your health, goy.

>> No.17687325

aldi seems to have held the strongest in keeping their prices down, but ive noticed a drop in the quality of the bacon i buy there, shit just falls apart half the time now

>> No.17687750

>How bad is it in your country?
I usually buy my meat from a local farm that butcher their animals. It's always been about twice as expensive as regular store meat. They haven't raised their prices yet, but our stores has actually overtaken them in prices.

>> No.17687779
File: 1.35 MB, 595x335, JzYvOoG-1427485961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shop Walmart brand now only. Try to keep grocery spending at $50 per week for 3 people but it is getting out of hand. We have abandoned any ideas regarding "American" cuisine.

Rice and beans have become a staple at our home, with tortillas. Soups and stews. Meat has become a luxury, used to eat large steaks every week. Just not possible anymore.

Depression coming soon.

>> No.17687799

>food prices in Germany are inflating so rapidly that supermarkets refuse to disclose them until you arrive in the store
Now post proof about this being a trend rather than Lidl trying to be cute with a cuhrayzee wacky sale.

>> No.17687814
File: 119 KB, 817x440, Udklip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Denmark instead of Germany: https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/nyheder-analyser-publ/nyt/NytHtml?cid=35775
>Consumer price index gone up 5,4% in a year
>Food and other wares gone up 11% in a year
The bad times has ended. Now the even worse times are starting

>> No.17688177

Don't skimp out on food with your family. Get your women some nice natural ingredients to cook with

>> No.17688450

my lidl is based and doesnt lie

>> No.17688459
File: 179 KB, 1024x485, 05onfire1_xp-jumbo-v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed a trend where my grocer's weekly ads are fairly beefy, but then when you go to the store, 3/4 of what was advertised is nonexistent. I'm not sure if the shortages are so bad that not every store gets to participate or if they'll selling out and aren't able to honor the sale by the time I get there.

Tinfoil hat mode: Or if they are just trying to create some illusion that everything is fine by making you think stuff is on sale and readily available when it's really not.

>> No.17688493
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>> No.17688516
File: 8 KB, 205x246, downloaden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't know about you guys but i've been doing some creative shopping at the self checkout lately

>> No.17688520

Okay but if I don't skimp on food I have to skimp on gasoline and utilities. So uh.... Yeah.... But of a hard spot.

I make $47k in Kansas rural I don't understand what is going on.

>> No.17688521

Stop it! You are raising the prices for everyone else you selfish bastard.

>> No.17688748

not my problem

>> No.17689371
File: 89 KB, 421x562, 20211001_224441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will NOT consume cheap groceries

>> No.17689385

>A literal country made out of farms increased food prices by 11%
Jebus. Hyperinflation is going to be real, isn't it

>> No.17689397

i steal all the time at my store because they are rip off merchants and they have insurance to recover stolen goods so it works out even really, i mean what stupid asshole actually pays for food when u can take it, free?

>> No.17689427

>paying for groceries
>not just stealing farmer maggots crop

>> No.17689781

Why are the prices in lb despite the file name saying GTA (Greater Toronto Area)?

>> No.17689812

I couldnt find hardshell tacos in my shop today, drive to another one and not there either

>> No.17689817

they are saving up in the meat glue too

>> No.17689942

I swear if you're the fag that keeps swiping brown rice, I'll fucking stomp on your fingers.

>> No.17690292
File: 1.08 MB, 3000x2000, 3b316231e558f717fd27d4a8ad3dc854a3a03c90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few months ago a block of cheddar was $3.79 and now it's $5.49

>> No.17690319

unironically why is this happening

>> No.17690329

china and biden

>> No.17690331

To pay for all the gender transitions.
Big grocery is famously pro trans.

>> No.17690337

Yeah, it's weird that it's happening simultaneously in every country instead of one.

>> No.17690353

Grow tomatoes and cucumbers.

>> No.17690386

Grillmeister PutinHackSteaks???

>> No.17690402

Go back to /pol/

It's not weird at all. We're a global economy and have been for decades.

>> No.17690411

It's obviously orchestrated, just like the pandemic and the eastern European war on wheat & fertiliser (and young men conscripted for no good reason)

>> No.17690414

I've seen 18 count eggs for 4.50 which freaked me out. They gotta watch that price gouging shit, I know times are hard but you gotta suck it up. If you refuse to buy it, the store will lower it prices.

>> No.17690417
File: 155 KB, 1080x1456, 1647250521195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our glorious leaders decided on our behalf that we are going to stop trading with russia, because punishing our own people and crippling our own economy will somehow stop russia from policing it's neighboring country in a conflict that our politicians helped create

>> No.17690430

If we nuke Russia everything will go back to normal
>inb4 Russian counternukes
Don't worry about it

>> No.17690565
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>Go back to /pol/
the Fed printed to much money and it caused inflation

>> No.17691820

>shelf stable oil made of industrial waste is cheaper by weight than tropical fruit that must be imported and will quickly spoil

>> No.17691877

This is an American phenomenon driven by franchise businesses.
Basically the marketing is done by the corporate and the corporate can't set the store's prices- so can only advertise in general or limited terms.

If there was a single huge business with shareholders it could just set it's own prices normally.
If it was a marketing company for a private store the advertiser would be told what prices to advertise.
In the franchize model the advertiser wants to hype the business but cant' actually promise anything.
>why the franchize model
jewish banking.
Each individual store holds individual debt, the corporate has debt on top of that, the individual employees are in debt.
In a traditional business this debt would simply be consolidated and the company would be declared insolvent.
By sham division and internal debt obligation all the individual stores can pretend they have enough money to continue making orders when really they are all individually trading while insolvent through a corporate which holds staggering amounts of bad debt.

Aldi broke this cycle in the NSDAP era, refusing to pass on credit card surcharges, accept credit card, not using franchises simply to buy land and conceal bad debt.
Aldi made major gains in the US as "trader joes" because they broke the monopoly of supermarkets that were really just Jew banks which sold food.

>> No.17691904

You've been lied to.
Inflation is caused by the TRADED currency inflating relative to the real goods in that market.
Most of this is caused by the trading of bad debt by Jew banks.
Printing money just covers that up and bails out insolvent debt traders.

Printing money isn't actually the cause, nor is stopping a solution.

Three jews are passing a dollar note in a circle and claiming to have three dollars.
Printing an extra two dollars in hard cash will cover this up but it's too late to undo the damage done by 2/3 of the dollars in circulation being unpayable by the Jews who actually owe it
In reality each of these three Jews is actually a trans-national credit union, it's a trillion dollars in cyclical debt, and this persists because China can't make the US pays debts but whatever

>> No.17692189

>Aldi broke this cycle in the NSDAP era, refusing to pass on credit card surcharges,
I didn't know they even had credit cards in the NSDAP era
Incredible the technological advances the Nazis made.

>> No.17692220
File: 2.89 MB, 1584x1263, 1628533225496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off nigger, lidl has been doing this shit for fresh produce since at least half a year ago. doesnt apply to anything else.
and as you can see it aint even the case for everything.

>> No.17692295

Sorry that's not what you claimed in your OP you nigger. I shall quote again and you'll provide me with proof or fuck off forever:
>food prices [...] are inflating so rapidly that supermarkets refuse to disclose them until you arrive in the store

>> No.17692297

>german government does something stupid for ideological reasons
>”I can’t believe the americans did this”
You people deserve your destitution

>> No.17693491

Makes price seem cheaper.

>> No.17693551

the actual solution would be to buy it from russia and russia-owned ukraine

>> No.17693813

i just have a job and pay for stuff, must be hard being a neet faggot. probably best to rope yourself now.

>> No.17693890

I don;t have much of a problem with increased prices desu as its helping to defeat Putin

>> No.17693896

Pute is the German word for a female turkey (with Truthahn being the one for a male turkey).

>> No.17693976
File: 80 KB, 526x423, 354364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a retard you are