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17678541 No.17678541 [Reply] [Original]

Drunkard cope incoming...

>> No.17678548

yeah plain 100% alcohol is bad
wine is good though

>> No.17678550
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Is it cope if I'm still gonna keep drinking regardless?

>> No.17678551

Yet another EVERYTHING IS BAD FOR YOU study.

>> No.17678552
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>This single study says...
How about wait until there's scientific consensus, instead of worshipping the reports of one scientist/one small group of scientists.

>> No.17678554

Sorry Lindsey, you're insufferable, incorrect, and past your prime.

>> No.17678559

Try networking without alcohol try having any success at all without networking. It's all a social game, and alcohol is much more important to that than merit.

>> No.17678563
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>Study says

>> No.17678565

It's here!

>> No.17678583
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>> No.17678588
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sourceniggers usually make comprehensive ops like pic then want essays visible from low earth orbit explaining obvious things like why they're such dicklets

>> No.17678593

>one study says this, so this is true
>but now another study says this instead, so now this is true
Media coverage of research is really worthless. It's all about creating headlines based on the latest study. There's no real regard to what the study means, just the novelty of it. That's why we get a barrage of "EGGS ARE GOOD" "EGGS ARE BAD" "EGGS ARE GOOD" "EGGS ARE BAD", because the journalists only want a new study to contradict an old one.

>> No.17678599

and most of the time the studies themselves aren't saying "thing bad/good", but it's the journo misinterpreting the conclusion for clicks or because they're dumb (or both)

>> No.17678600
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>> No.17678602

>scientific consensus
I'm only around for 80 years.

>> No.17678603

>Lindsey Bever
>Washington Post
>entire article is wishy-washy "maybe it is/maybe it isn't" flipflopping and spamming pubmed links out of context like she's on 4chan

Good morning, and I fucking hate "journalists" and OP.

>> No.17678605

It's good for you, pop

>> No.17678607

Uhhhh cool wine auntsisters how the fuck will we ever recover from this?

>> No.17678608

We get it, you're coping.

>> No.17678615

Bros my liver has unironically been hurting all week. I drank two handles of 100 proof vodka within six days and I'm worried I might actually be experiencing liver failure

>> No.17678626

Go to the doctor then

>> No.17678631

You'll be fine unless you are turning yellow in the skin and eyes and vomit constantly.

>> No.17678632

It's probably just stomach muscles. You've been straining yourself without realizing. Relax, have another drink.

>> No.17679163

>>entire article is wishy-washy "maybe it is/maybe it isn't" flipflopping and spamming pubmed links out of context like she's on 4chan
Stop coping. Alcohol was right and D.A.R.E was based.

>> No.17679265

Who cares. Alcohol was never a sports drink, most people still drink and live to age 80 or longer.

>> No.17679301


>> No.17679314

Jaundice is not the only liver related ailment.

>> No.17679330
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>> No.17679338
File: 282 KB, 816x862, Screenshots_2022-02-12-17-00-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great. Next up is coffee. You can to it brothers!

>> No.17679360
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But coffee IS good for you.
So i always mix my alcohol and coffee together to have a value neutral drink

>> No.17679384

>doing anything under the justification "its actually good for you"
>not just doing things because you like it

who gives a shit

>> No.17679389
File: 12 KB, 220x284, A603CB83-888C-44EA-952B-58BEA8959B1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.17679432

Drunkard cope. What causes y’all to simp so much for a single drink? Especially one that routinely robs your free will and kills thousands of people a year. A weird hill to die on.

>> No.17679444

Every time I drink socially I say or do something retarded and people think less of me.

>> No.17679446

heckin science!

>> No.17679447

i am an alcoholic but its not ruining my life (i think)

>> No.17679451

I've been an alcoholic for 20 years, been sober for a month so far.

>> No.17679471

congrats. Going half a year now. don't look back

>> No.17679472

Is your poop black? Because that's dried blood.

>> No.17679496

ive been an alcoholic for 2 years i should quit before things get real bad
what made you wanna quit?

>> No.17679513

Sorry to break it to you, OP but taking hundreds of yards of cock in your anus isn't exactly healthy either. I wouldn't bother posting this info on /LGBT/ though, because I don't care what you and other people do.
>what is A DOCTOR?
You deserve to get ill if you haven't got the common sense to get checked out as soon as you feel a problem coming on. Almost all medical problems are lessened if you catch them early.

>> No.17679523

puking my guts up and being bedridden with hangovers every few days

>> No.17679536
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>> No.17679537

don't care + didn't ask + fuck you + die + gonna go crack a bottle of piquepoul to spite you

>> No.17679706

Exactly – it costs your country's health department far more if you let something get bad.

>> No.17679713

I don' agree with your facts
I don' agree with your source
Simple as

>> No.17679731

>April 1
Nice try, retard

>> No.17679734

Can't believe it took 7 hours for any of the mongoloids on this board to notice.

>> No.17679736

It's after noon. Who's the retard?

>> No.17679749

No, it's called "being intelligent." Because there's a very high chance that the study Op's story is talking about has not proven what the clickbait title claims it does. And there are just as many studies that prove that alcohol in moderation is fine or actually beneficial.

>> No.17679758

>Given the research, Aragam, senior author of the recent study, said medical professionals should probably not be recommending that people drink to improve heart health but said that does not mean everyone needs to avoid it entirely.
You are.
Even the author of this study is a fence sitter.

>> No.17679989

I think you need to learn that there's more than one other person here. I didn't say it was a sensible article. Furthermore, I'll carry on drinking like a fish.

>> No.17680151

So you admit that it was bait.
kys faggot.

>> No.17680655

I hate this shitty science reporting so much it's unreal

>> No.17680670

I’m so glad that alcohol is ingrained into society like this

>> No.17680738

No shit. I'm still gonna fuckin send it bud

>> No.17680754

>studies LE BAD except when they agree with me
""""""""""""""studies"""""""""""""" saying a glass of wine a day is good for you is bullshit paid for by the wine industry. look it up.

>> No.17680759

>good for you
Anon, we live one life then we die. Sometimes what's "good for you" isn't the only consideration

>> No.17680839


that woman kind of looks like Eugenia Cooney

>> No.17680865

Don't worry anon, just double down and your problems will come to an end soon enough.

>> No.17680910

I don't understand how anyone can enjoy the feeling of drunkness, and preferring it over cannabis or shrooms.

>> No.17680937

Cope is tobacco, not alcohol, dumb fuck.

>> No.17680957


how would your liver hurt ironically?

>> No.17680968

Incorrect take, and always has been. Strictly drinking one to two cans of 3.5% alc beer or a small glass of wine daily is strictly healthy and that is not debatable at all. going beyond that is strictly unhealthy if not factoring mental components i.e. drinking instead of committing suicide.

This is all in the books and has been the case since humans started brewing alcohol.

>> No.17680990

Like if it had top many spoons when all it needed was a knife.

>> No.17681089

massive alchie cope

>> No.17681202

this, we all know its bad and dgaf

>> No.17681241


>> No.17681517

It feels warm. When I stop drinking the feeling goes away quick. The other two substances you mentioned do not

>> No.17681523

i have uvulitis from drinking too much and it's only wanting to make me drink more
i hate this disease

>> No.17681685

Rest up, your vagina will be as good as new in no time

>> No.17681727
File: 134 KB, 330x319, 3NXnoRd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alcohol in moderation pros ->
Breaks up artery blockages
Moves along bloodclots when they are small
Things blood and keep circulatory system clean
Allergy relief

None in moderation

In excess
Memory loss
Weight gain
Any risk associated with being impaired, i.e. driving, death, not seeing warnings
Alcohol poisoning
Liver damage

Pros in excess
Suicidal ideation removal
Won't snuff my wife
Won't cram my child into an oil battery
Wont lie to the cops about stuffing my kids in an oil battery

>> No.17681757

ok i’m still gonna get trashed every night, no cucked 32 year old fag journalist is going to stop me

>> No.17681988

PUFAs/seed oils are guaranteed worse for you but has a billion dollar industry lobbying in its favor

>> No.17682001

Obviously. I will say low quality alcohol like maly liquer and shitty vodka etc. is jut as bad as seed oils if not worse. Good alcohol is not really that bad in moderation.

>> No.17682002

Its all in your head.

>> No.17682013

thats cool, but have you tried stop being a woman

>> No.17682761

you’re fine
people go on for years drinking like that

>> No.17682765

living is bad for you, you'll wind up dead eventually

>> No.17682937

>Breaks up artery blockages
>Moves along bloodclots when they are small
>Things blood and keep circulatory system clean
source: my alcohol-atrophied brain

>> No.17682955

>Alcohol was never a sports drink
It actually was.

>> No.17682972

>How about wait until there's scientific consensus
The only time you get this anymore is when you are
>worshipping the reports of one scientist/one small group of scientists.

>> No.17682974

tell that to cyclists

>> No.17682981

>ive been an alcoholic for 2 years
>before things get real bad
yeah, got some bad news for you buddy

>> No.17683089

Well obviously the alcohol isn't good for you, but wine has other stuff.

>> No.17683153

It was a different anon, you melt. In2 reading when?

>> No.17683191

No, retard. You get scientific consensus when the scientific community scrutinizes your study exhaustively, and performs the same study multiple times to see if any biases or mistakes are found in the original study. If no mistakes, your study recieves consensus.
It isn't like a council of elders where they pick and choose what's correct. That's the Vatican.

>> No.17683233

Just don't be fat, don't smoke, don't get blackout drunk, and obviously no meth and no fent and you're in the 95th percentile

>> No.17683234

>That's the Vatican.
Phew, almost reported you for antisemitism.

>> No.17683240

That's fine, I regurgitate most of my alcohol

>> No.17683251

Nice one

>> No.17683314
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Oh, and the Zionists. Almost forgot, thanks.

>> No.17683326


>This just in; poison is bad for you


>> No.17683891

Only among cyclists, and primarily to deal with muscle cramps.
And even then it had hilarious consequences.
Like one guy on the Tour de France who had too much to drink so he took a break, only to fall asleep for a few hours, and when he woke up he started riding in the wrong direction.

>> No.17683898

i wish my gf would listen, she drinks wine and beer almost every night. every time I ask her about it she gets pissed off because i come from a dry family and she comes from an old drinking family.
shes getting fatter each year. i know the end is coming and its sad.

>> No.17683987

This just in, anon is a no fun having killjoy.

>> No.17684025

Then that is alcohol operating exactly as designed, exposing the snakes in the grass

>> No.17684361

I tend to talk a lot less than usual when tipsy or drunk and the talkative drunks get more and more interested in talking to me

>> No.17684387

I'm ugly and wouldn't be able to get laid without alcohol, so it is in fact good for me

>> No.17684391

>Drunkard cope incoming...
Did it ever occur to you that I'm TRYING to drink myself to death?

>> No.17684401

What about alcohol is healthy? It's a literal poison that your body has to flush out. Just because something immediately relieves tension doesn't mean it's a healthy habit to keep up. It's a drug and may make you feel good, but I wouldn't say anything about it is healthy.

Drinking alcohol daily is alcoholism, it doesn't have to be excessive drinking. It also dries out your skin and causes you to age excessively.

>> No.17684403

>my gf is getting a cute beer belly
oh boo hoo, you homo

>> No.17684463

100% of people who have ever consumed wine will die. Check the facts.

>> No.17684520

if you planned on getting wasted, wine is technically healthier in every way. especially if its a fruit wine

>> No.17684541

> It also dries out your skin and causes you to age excessively.

Weird since I'm a raging alcoholic and people think I'm in my twenties. I'm 35.

>> No.17684560
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Who cares I don't drink for health I drink because men drink Liquor.

>> No.17684569

>All studies were fabricated by one guy about wines benefits
Nice try

>> No.17684632
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she has a barrel body, the worst kind of fat body for a woman. thin legs, gut spilling over her waist, no hips, small tits, and a regular sized head

>> No.17684649
File: 46 KB, 661x610, meth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so sorry anon.....not even architecture can fix that.....

>> No.17684653

anyone who has “fun” drinking is only having fun because they’re niggers in denial and use alcohol as a crutch to cross the bounds of niggatry and do nigger shit like vandalize and get into fights

>> No.17684663

>Just because something immediately relieves tension doesn't mean it's a healthy habit to keep up.
Let's leave your Mom out of this.

>> No.17684827

It's been ingrained into human civilization.

>> No.17684831

Same... other then thinning hair I'm 36 people think I'm much younger. I drink like a fish. My insides however, who knows what they look like.

>> No.17684845


>> No.17684861

Tell me you're underage without telling me you're underage.

>> No.17684914

i always wonder how much other hard drinkers drink. i honestly have about 8x500ml or equivalent of beer over monday to thursday, then friday, sat and sunday i uaually have about 6x500mls of beer if not more each day.

ita kind of fucked, and i usually get a shitty hangover sat n sunday morning.

i couldnt do any more than this, idk how people go through say 2 litres of vodka a week.

>> No.17684928

how much and what do you drink? i feel like im borderline alcoholic but i havent puked in years.

>> No.17684941

lol name one brand of beer that is "3.5%" wtf are you on about?

>> No.17684962

Took me a second to get it, but I hate you now. Good job.