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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17679900 No.17679900 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever had an experience with a restaurant that was so bad it made you swear off going there forever? What was it?

My last one was a local burger spot that just made me feel viciously ill on top of being too expensive, I will likely not return

>> No.17679932

>orders taken
>wait 15 min
>no apps, no bread despite other tables getting it and it not being something you order
>about 1/3 glass of water remaining
>wait another 10 min
>water empty
>nobody refills it for another 5 min
>no apps, no entree
>table that entered a couple of minutes later are already eating
>call main phone line, get maitre-de on line
>ask for more water since none of the waitstaff are doing jack shit for us
>finally entrees are brought out
>wrong food
>still didn't bring app
>send it back after waiter tried to argue what I ordered at a steakhouse (steak, not a burger)
>wait another 10 minutes
>get up
>go back to hotel
>order room service steak
>it's cooked perfectly
weirdest thing is everyone involved was white, except the guy who brought my room service
inb4 dress code, I was dressed to the same standard as two other tables who were served before mine. Best guess is the waiter forgot, then wrote off our tip entirely and focused on people who he hadn't fucked over

>> No.17680088

Some time ago I went to a Chinese restaurant. I went to the bathroom and the urinal fell off the wall so I went into the stalls and they came apart around me as I closed the door. Then I went back out to my table and a gentleman of color started a fight with me because his GF insisted that I called her ugly in the parking lot.

>> No.17680103

awww, does the widdle baby want a kiss on the forehead after his water refill?

>> No.17680619

We used to go to this burger restaurant for a quick takeout lunch on the way to my grandfather's house.

One time we needed to use the bathroom and we go in and the toilets are covered in a pile of shit and toilet paper

>> No.17681963

depends on who gives it I guess

>> No.17682003

Yep. Went to a burger joint incredibly drunk with friends after night of drinking. Have to take a leak so stumble to bathroom. Enter said bathroom and stall is occupied by another person blasting streams of liquid foul smelling shits. Violently puked all over urinal, floor and wall. Went outside and sat down, saw staff member on a smoke break, looked like he was on cleaning duty. Chatted with him and he was like hell yeah I'm drinking as soon as I get off,, been a long day... Fuck ever going back there.

>> No.17682028

Had you called her ugly?

>> No.17682073

Went to an old people restaurant with older relatives and wound up very, very ill

>> No.17682369

I went to the Blackbird pub downtown cause my parents gave me a Donnelly Group gift card.
I had run out of napkins because they were all soaked in grease from the burger I ordered.
I asked the waitress for more napkins. The stupid cunt left me hanging like that for ten fucking minutes with grease soaking into the skin on my hands. I finally had to get up myself and walk over to the server station to get some napkins myself. I complained to the manager about it, and they comped my burger combo.

I still didn't tip the dumb useless bitch though.
How much of a stupid useless piece of shit do you have to be to let a customer sit for ten fucking minutes unable to use their hands at all while grease digs into them?

I wish that stupid minge could get spayed so she wouldn't spawn more useless retards.

>> No.17682410

Just lick you fingers cocksucker, you already ate a kilo of pure grease in the burger alone if the burger left that much residual, you heart’s already fucked

>> No.17682482
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>making me wait 20+ minutes for takeout after the time it was supposed to be ready. I do a chargeback and give them a 1 star on the ordering app and on yelp.
>Misrepresentations and lying, for example claiming they use saffron in a dish when it's clearly turmeric, safflower, or annatto.
>pretending to use cuts of beef that they don't use (chuck = short rib, sirloin flap = skirt steak); calling a dish "shawarma" when it's made on a flat griddle instead of a vertical rotisserie
>food poisoning
>ridiculous price increases, one went from $9 to $19 for fucking chow mein over a year, a small portion of toothpick lamb was $25
>Greed; one chinese restaurant charged $5 for a can of JDB tea when it costs mere cents for them
>Listing their hours/days and then not being open when I show up

>> No.17682506

I was taking a day off doing stressful uni shit one day and decided to spend the day out in the city just relaxing. I went to a local Italian place off-hours (like 3:30pm or so) to grab some gnocchi. The place is super packed at dinner time, like with a line around the block. It's overrated as fuck but I enjoy their sauce.

Anyway the place wasn't busy, most of the tables had one or two people just casually snacking or having coffee. They have a big counter with stools alone the windows looking at onto the street, which suited me perfectly as I enjoy people watching. Out of the like 12 stools one stupid fucking woman was sitting alone in the middle.

I went over and sat down a few stools away from her, and she started waving her hands in my face trying to explain with her dismal english skills that those seats were taken for her family but i could sit at the other seats to her right.

So I roll my eyes at this tard and get up and move to one of the other stools on the right side of the counter.

Then her family rocks up and it was more people than she thought, not gonna be enough stools, especially not with me there. She fucking gets up and goes to the manager (who of course has a neck tattoo) and the two of them come over to me and he says "m8 you wait for a table like everyone else of you can leave". I could fucking believe I was getting kicked out because this lady must has said I stole her family's seats. I didn't even argue, I told them to give me my money back and I'd leave. My food wasn't even ready yet, I hope they had to throw it in the trash.

I will never go back and neither will any of my friends.

>> No.17682511

>on road trip
>stop at a Denny’s in New Mexico
>immediately notice something is wrong because I’m the best looking guy in the building
>sit down and wait for a while
>waiter has eyes looking both directions
>he’s nice thought it’s all good
>order a water to drink
>takes him forever to get me a water
>he apologizes for taking so long and proceeds to explain to me how someone had puked at a table and he had clean it up
>here’s your water sir

I fucking left and never looked back. Fuck Denny’s and fuck New Mexico

>> No.17682543

Most places near the squares in major cities in EU.
>5k+ reviews on google
>All average 4.5 somehow
>Always crowded
>Servers are fine but stressed
>Food is heated in microwave tier for at least 30% more than walking a few blocks away
>Good view I guess
Otherwise I've gotten this personal red flag from now.
>Oldest still open restaurant in town with a interior to match
You could tell they were living off the location completely. I saw pretty much the same meal on all the plates arranged differently. Like the chicken, beef, pork, fish, were identical lumps of battered and fried "meat". Menu had almost a 100 items is also a warning.

The best places have always been the ones in a pretty shitty location but which they've made cozy. Like in a dead end alley.

>> No.17682746

since this thread is dying I'll lure you by saying I have devised a way to avenge myself against this tyrannical establishment. the project is complete, it's in the freezer ready to be deployed. just need to recruit some upstanding female to go into the place and drop it off for them

>> No.17682786

why didn't you explain that you already moved after the lady asked you, you just didn't how many people would turn up? retard

>> No.17682796

because the guy was sneering at me like the dirty fucking convict he is. fuck that place, absolutely couldn't even tolerate the thought of eating there anymore. fuck that shit. i went in to pay them for a meal, not fight with them.

>> No.17682809

Was she ugly though?

>> No.17682820

This thread made me realize I haven't been out to eat since corona started. Not because of corona, but because I have no friends anymore

>> No.17682828
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I'll have a meal with you anon. Just not at this fuckin' place >>17682506

>> No.17684397

>beta and incel combo

>> No.17684633

oh no guy was looking at me bad :(( probs cause you're fuckin clapped

>> No.17684801

>call main phone line, get maitre-de on line
This is where I lose any pity for you. Maybe be assertive instead of passive agressive. You little bitch. Rent boy.

>> No.17684823

>hustle and bustle

>> No.17684824

Wanted chipotle
Put in an online order and scheduled pick-up for an hour later
Showed up on time
Waited half an hour after arrival for them to actually have my order ready
Girlfriend sitting out in the car actually texts me asking what's taking so long
Finally get the food and when girlfriend opens hers it's wrong
Go back inside and tell the cashier the order is wrong, nothing insulting or condescending literally just "hey this isn't what I ordered I ordered X"
Wageslave at the other counter boxing some food mouths off at me and says something like "yeah well we're busy tonight"
Lose my shit and tell her to stop being an asshole and get a different fucking job if she doesn't like dealing with customers
Never been back to any chipotle since then, that incident completely and permanently ruined that chain for me

>> No.17684860


>move to miami for work
>most people here dont speak any english
>on top of that everyone is so fucking stupid
>new bagel shop opens up around corner
>order and pay online, gonna pick up some bagels and go to the beach with gf
>get text, order is ready
>go inside to pick it up
>utter fucking chaos inside
>customers just standing around looking pissed
>retard cuban workers just standing around slackjawed
>go to pick up area
>in my broken spanish end up understanding they never received my order even though I paid and the text said it was ready
>show lady my receipt
>she re-enters order
>stand around waiting for 15 minutes
>finally comes out and asks me to pay again
>i show her receipt again and she says it might be fake and I need to pay again
>tell her to cancel my fucking order and give me my money back
>she understands none of this
>start making scene
>she asks to take down my contact info so manager can call me to make sure I paid
>just give her fake number so I dont have to deal with them again and storm out
>our bagels were absolute shit on top of that

>> No.17684975

I disagree.

>> No.17684994

Nobody likes dealing with customers, assclown.

>> No.17685078

What kind of place charges you before you eat? Do you live in a diverse city?

>> No.17685092

Probably take away why he didn't sit down at a table.

>> No.17685094

how did the fight end?

>> No.17685355

Then I guess your stupid ass should have gone to college or learned a trade

>> No.17686919

So a bunch of uppity entitled people didn’t get perfect service once and they take it out on the restaurant and staff. It’s adorable. Keep raging, manchildren. Maybe some day a woman will respect you.

>> No.17686929

No, you’re just a hipster. Stop praising shitty unsuccessful restaurants. You know why chain restaurants have hundreds of locations? Because it’s good. If your shit hole ran by retards and fuck ups was good, it’s be everywhere. This isn’t a tough concept to figure out.

>> No.17686938


Live maggot in my salad at Sizzler when I was a kid.

>> No.17686942

You still paid them. They won, you lost. Lmao I bet her pussy dried up the second she heard you’re too much of a pussy bitch to get a refund

>> No.17686960

there are so many resturants it doesn't take much for me to stop going and try another one

>> No.17686977

>grease digs into them
dried up thin skinned plonker

>> No.17687037
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it's a busy hellhole, that's what kind of place

look at these people lining up. that's how bad food is in Australia. people think THIS is good. got to NYC or Boston and this place couldn't stay in business even in a college neighbourhood.