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17677699 No.17677699 [Reply] [Original]

Carbonara time!

>> No.17677702
File: 245 KB, 1280x958, FA297092-12F1-49E3-BC2E-2FE4C835DA33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately have to use bacon till my guanciale comes in tomorrow.

>> No.17677717

Why didn't you eat for the guanciale?

Also out more cheese in the eggs

>> No.17677718
File: 228 KB, 1280x958, BEC60064-A99F-4F83-AD8A-EC4700F7E1AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the prettiest plating but it’s one of my first attempts at this. I used peccorino Romano as the cheese.

>> No.17677720

I added more after pic. I didn’t wait cause I have a ton of the rest of the ingredients and wanted to practice a bit.

>> No.17677722

Plus the bacon expired yesterday so had to use it somehow.

>> No.17677731

It seems like you scrambled then a little bit. Did you put the sauce with heat turned on?

>> No.17677734

You didn't put cream didn't you?

>> No.17677735

I had turned it off, but think I turned it off too soon before I added the egg/cheese. I should’ve let it cool down a little more. I added some of the pasta water to the egg/cheese mixture cause I saw it in a video. Should I not do that or let the water cool down more first?

>> No.17677736

Nah, no cream at all.

>> No.17677739


>> No.17677745

You’d be surprised. I’ve worked at a grocery store and yes, it does expire and get bad. The problem is that it has a lot of moisture compared to other cured products which allows bacteria and mold to grow.

>> No.17677751
File: 36 KB, 558x335, 121131548-97aeec08-7515-498a-8242-c705f4a175e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends. Carbonara requires some trial and error to get the sauce the right consistency and adjust based on the aging of the cheese.

Generally speaking if you used only yolks you may want to use a splash of pasta water. If you also used egg white then avoid it

Personally I would use 2 yolks per person and no white unless I'm cooking it for more than 2 people

>> No.17677768

>Carbonara requires some trial and error
what the fuck are you talking about? if you manage to fuck up carbonara you are an 80iq retard

>> No.17677774

yum looking creamy

>> No.17677778

quads get

>> No.17677786

Okay yeah, I used the whole egg so should probably avoid it. I think I should’ve done an extra egg for the amount of pasta I used. I kinda winged it based off of recipes I had seen before, but I think I got enough out of the experience to get it at least close to perfect next time.

I bet you’ve never even heated your own fish sticks before. Just because something sounds simple in concept doesn’t make it simple in execution.

>> No.17677789

Help me, bros. My cacio e pepe has little lumps. How do I make this muthafuckin cheese melt?

>> No.17677790

personally I find it easier to start with a completely cool pan and raise the heat slowly rather than trying to use the residual heat, that can be kind of tricky

>> No.17677802

Yeah I mixed it all together in the same pan I cooked the bacon in cause I didn’t want to lose the fat from the bacon. I kicked it down to the lowest setting while I finished up the pasta, but I think it was still hot enough to the point where it began to cook the eggs instantly. Maybe use a lower heat too for the guanciale when I get it. I was trying to synch up cooking times I think, and maybe it would be better to prepare the guanciale/bacon/porchetta a little bit ahead of time to reduce that stress, especially in a home kitchen vs a restaurant one.

>> No.17677808

>I bet you’ve never even heated your own fish sticks before. Just because something sounds simple in concept doesn’t make it simple in execution.
yeah. i work in a kitchen. carbonara is literally the easiest thing imaginable. if you fuck it up you're a goddamn fucking mouthbreathing retard.

>> No.17677812

did you toss it around the pan as soon as you put the mixture in?

>> No.17677816

Let me guess, Applebees? Even if not, I’m sure it’s pretty easy when you do it every fucking day vs your first time doing it without someone hovering over you explaining every instruction. Get the fuck out of here you elitist fuck. I didn’t do horribly for my FIRST TIME fucking winging it at 1am.

>> No.17677817

Oh dear….

>> No.17677824

Yeah, I tossed it a bit and added a bit more of the spaghetti water. I think it might have been the heat from the pan that caused some of the egg to cook too fast. I’m gonna try what the other anon said and use a perfectly cool pan and let the heat from the pasta itself cook the egg.

>> No.17677833

>Get the fuck out of here you elitist fuck.
seriously if you somehow manage to fuck up carbonara you're a goddamn spastic retard.

>> No.17677846

I didn’t really fuck it up though. I made a few minor mistakes during my first attempt trying to recreate a combination of recipes I’ve read from memory. I’m starting to doubt the authenticity of your claims. “A man who has never made any mistakes has never made anything.”

>> No.17677853

>A man who has never made any mistakes
if you're 8 years old and fuck up something so basic i'm not going to shit on you

>> No.17677856

Who hurt you to give you such a faggy, pessimistic attitude?

>> No.17677859

i was making more complicated dishes when i was 10 i'm just laughing if you think carbonara is some accomplishment

>> No.17677865

>he scrambled his carbonara

>> No.17677869

I wasn't suggesting it was some accomplishment. I made a thread to showcase what I made and gather some tips in the process. I didn't dive into cooking as early as you have and I'm trying to get some advice. I never claimed to be a seasoned chef. I'm trying to improve and was trying to make something I've never made before. I know I'm a novice. I don't get why you feel the need to be a cocky asshole.

>> No.17677870
File: 43 KB, 640x480, gino-carbonara-e1507731417461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet your carbonara are undercooked snail drool sauce
Post carbonara you made you retarded larper

>> No.17677871

be very patient. usually I wait until I see no more steam then I slowly throw in my pecorino romano

>> No.17677875

yes i'm larping about making carbonara LOL

>> No.17677878

If you're not, then post it. Let's see what a pro like you can do. Surely you have the ingredients present and know that it won't take too long, especially with your expertise.

>> No.17677880

Stop putting the black pepper in the eggs and cheese. When you add the pasta and pasta water to the pan with the meat, add the pepper there to bloom it while you are developing the emulsion of pork fat and pasta water.

>> No.17677881

i'm not all i said is it's an easy dish you're the one trying to call me out or something for making fish sticks or whatever. maybe grow some balls and just make carbonara.

>> No.17677884

Got it! I was just basing that off of something I saw. I'll avoid doing that next time.

>> No.17677889

>Surely you have the ingredients present
what the fuck are you talking about? i don't have some fancy infinite walkin in my house

>> No.17677893

You are just confusing you having low standard with ease of a dish

>> No.17677896

You're shitting on me for making a few minor errors on a dish I've never made before. I just don't see where you find the need to be an arrogant shithead because someone didn't do something perfectly their first time. I figured you were just a troll, because someone who has actually had a first time doing something might be a little more humbled. I'm sorry for whatever happened to make you this way, though.

>> No.17677899

we're talking about carbonara. maybe stay out of this one.

>> No.17677903

>You're shitting on me for making a few minor errors on a dish I've never made before
that wasn't me. but carbonara is easy dude. i've never fucked up carbonara i dunno what to tell you.

>> No.17677907

>he doesn't have spaghetti on hand
>he doesn't have eggs on hand
>he doesn't have black pepper on hand
>he doesn't have some kind of cured pork belly on hand
>he claims to be a professional carbonara maker

>> No.17677914

when did i ever claim to be a "professional carbonara maker"? if i was i guess i'd have those things on hand.

>> No.17677915

Now you're reasoning in circle. You just cook mediocre carbonara and that's nothing wrong with it, just trip yourself so other people can filter your cooklet opinions

>> No.17677923

uh no. i make perfect carbonara. you're the one complaining you can't cook a simple fucking dish like carbonara.

>> No.17677924

I don't cook for a living. It's a hobby for me. I wasn't using a specific recipe to make it. I didn't even really "fuck it up". I'm just trying to figure out how i can do it better next time. Yes, I scrambled the eggs a bit, but the majority of the chunks you see in the pic are actually chunks of the peccorino romano. It tastes good and has a decent consistency, but I know I can do it better once I figure out everything necessary. The problem is that I took a bunch of ideas from a bunch of different recipes and tried to take a bit from each, and maybe some of those things weren't meant to work together. Every recipe I read is some autismo making claims about whats authentic and whats not, what works and what doesn't, etc.

>> No.17677932

ok so keep practicing every day for a week or two and you'll get it's not difficult whatsoever

>> No.17677946

I wasn't attempting to claim that it's difficult. It was rather easy. I just haven't ever done it before and wasn't sure about the minor nuances to pay attention to. I don't even think I've had carbonara before, so I wasn't even sure what flavor profile to go for. Practice is all I'm trying to do though. I'm sure I'll probably get it when I try again tomorrow now that I know which parts I didn't do properly.

>> No.17677954

I worked in a Michelin starred restaurant in italy, I'm pretty sure I can make carbonara better than you, especially judging by how you talk about it.
Again trip yourself

>> No.17677959

>I worked in a Michelin starred restaurant in italy
ahahhahaa you fucking silly faggot

>> No.17677964

Show us a picture of your carbonara.

>> No.17677973

sure because i take photos of my carbonara LOL

>> No.17677985
File: 130 KB, 359x414, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sure because i take photos
You understand that you are posting on an image board, right?

>> No.17677988

post your carbonara you little fuckshit

>> No.17677990

You understand that I don’t routinely take pictures of the food I make, right?
You fucking retarded cunt.

>> No.17677993

>pic related isn’t a photo
Point well proven you fucking mong.

>> No.17678014

Anon, your the one that came in here and spurging about people fucking up carbonara are 80 iq.

Put up or shut up.

>> No.17678023

>he keeps dodging
what a gay lmao

>> No.17678031

>noooo even though i can't make carbonara you can't just call me a retard based on the things i say

>> No.17678051

That...looks like ass. You should seriously consider never making carbonara again.
Just friendly advice.

>> No.17678091

It's ok that you cannot actually cook, but don't bring your lies to this board.

>> No.17678131

best of luck with your carbonara then i'm sure it'll be a struggle for you LOL

>> No.17678141

You need to make a carbonara and take pictures.
I don't think you can.

>> No.17678151

I could tell like 3 posts in to the argument he wasn't going to post his carbonara lol

>> No.17678188

*passive aggressive limp dick advice

>> No.17678198




>> No.17678224

just adding some more sauce is also an easy way to prevent it being scrambled, but yeah you just need experience with how much heat it holds

>> No.17678378

looks nice

>> No.17678386

>Cheese in carbonara

>> No.17678398

What I found works best is you cook the bacon, then get the bacon out of the grease, and in a bit more bacon grease (I keep a reserve jar from bacon I cook for breakfast or pizza). Then a ladle of pasta water to deglaze the pan a bit. Then the pasta goes in with heat on and stir the pasta around so it absorbs the grease a bit. Then off heat, off the burner and pour in the eggs and stir constantly to avoid curdling. After the egg is cooked, back on gentle heat to reheat it a bit while I adjust the pepper and salt. Only at the end do you I some cheese.

>> No.17678415

you fucked it up

>> No.17678420

no it does not

>> No.17678691

The way I'll do it is have everything prepped, cook the pasta, strain it, set it on a cold burner, add the pork, and then once you add the egg and cheese mixture, just keep mixing. When you think it's good do it a little more and then transfer it immediately to a different container. Easy and creamy carbonara

>> No.17678923

After you mix the cheese and eggs, add about half of the cooled fat in to it. When you add the past water, do little bits at a time and be stirring at the same time you add the water in to prevent the eggs cooking. Once you get the sauce to a thickness that looks good have water boiling in a separate pot, then put the sauce over it and add the spaghetti. The steam keeps everything warm and loose but not so hot it cooks it anymore.

>> No.17679364
File: 63 KB, 602x666, c94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks great anon :D as long as its yummy its a good carbonara. cooking is fun don't let these pretentious tards bring you down

>> No.17679371

Still arent putting up.

Make it tonight and post, its sunday so you got all the time in the world.

>> No.17679377

My trick is to add a pasta water a little at a time to the egg parmesan mix. Helps bring it to temp.

Do that, and make sure the pan is not on the heat, and the egghs shouldnt scramble

>> No.17679406

I like to drain the pasta, then immediately put it in the bowl that I have the egg/cheese mixture in, along with the pasta water. Still plenty of heat left in the pasta and water to cook the egg without the risk of scrambling.

>> No.17679854

>No corn, no peas, no mushrooms, not swimming in a bastardized cream sauce

You dun good.

>> No.17679963
File: 31 KB, 321x448, ubermunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's refreshing to see a non contrarian post on this board

>> No.17680016
File: 15 KB, 240x200, Strudels cream 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but wheres the cream?

>> No.17680029
File: 145 KB, 430x562, 7B15BC2D-4B93-4403-9E4A-C12B73D9EFFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good anon I’d share a plate with you and let you jackhammer my prostate after

>> No.17680950

try looking at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4eaNqTbDDA

>> No.17680959

One thing to never forget is you must MUST serve in a hot bowl.

>> No.17680974

I actually did watch this then try the method of melting the cheese in water before mixing the pasta in. It worked. I wish there was an easier way to sprinkle the cheese directly over the pasta without it clumping, though.