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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 418 KB, 2121x1414, BEER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17675320 No.17675320 [Reply] [Original]

>tastes like ass
>inferior to literally every alcohol
>inferior to literally every soft drink
>just as sugary tho
>doesnt get you drunk
is it all a meme, bros?

>> No.17675332

it's a collective normie experience

>> No.17675334

it's mostly a social thing
just smoke weed if you want a buzz

>> No.17675338

i stick to vodka or whiskey, those actually give me a nice drunk
beer? its weak, you have to drink so much of it, you piss it out before it can take affect

>> No.17675339

I used to fucking love beer until I discovered liquor
now I can't even drink beer because it tastes and smells like cat piss to me

>> No.17675340

>eat healthy, stay in shape, get lots of sunlight
>have some beers because they're comfy

minmaxing enjoyment is retarded, and posting here is doing no one any favors. get off the internet

>> No.17675351

but why do you like beer? whats good about it? im not saying this from a "its bad for you" angle, i enjoy some booze or a soda once in a while too, but here theres no trade off between nutrition and taste
its bad AND disgusting

>> No.17675363

that's fair. i enjoy drinking beers but i can see how it's not for everybody. extremely carb heavy and unless you budget your diet/exercise for some beer a few times a month, you'll probably gain weight. YMMV.

>> No.17675365
File: 9 KB, 194x259, Imperial Stout.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>foamy and slightly carbonated
>somewhat sweet
>medicinally like those weird old sodas
>isn't just charcoal like Guinness
If you're just out to get drunk pound the cheapest, hardest liquor. Or make car bombs, drop liquor into beers. Strong beers can take a couple of shots and still have a lot of their own flavor.
>I don't like a flavor.
Not that guy, but just because you don't like brussel sprouts doesn't mean other people don't.

>> No.17675399
File: 675 KB, 356x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, I need your help regarding some lesser known sour beers.


>> No.17675547

Trash drunk by low-IQ hicks.
Step up sempai

>> No.17675548

It goes with food. It's weird to drink liquor with your dinner.

>> No.17675553

The first one is the best one.

>> No.17675668
File: 48 KB, 599x282, xkcd beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just as sugary tho
Why are you making shit up?
>doesnt get you drunk
It does unless you're a raging alcoholic with a ridiculous alcohol tolerance.

>t. Randall Munrow

>> No.17675680

>attempts to prove me wrong with an xkcd comic- one of the most 'le reddit' comics on the internet

>> No.17675683

hair revival should have hit bald revival with the bottle while his back was turned and saved us all a lot of second-hand embarrassment

>> No.17675795

>missing the point this hard
My point was that anyone claiming people only drink beer to "fit in" are leddit-tier.

>> No.17676046
File: 54 KB, 500x567, “the-whole-world-is-three-drinks-behind-if-everybody-in-69388487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beer is like nega-coffee, is something people can hammer out discussions over drinks. the titrated doses is useful.
pubs settings are like the cafe, both responsible for the enlightenment.

>> No.17676066
File: 71 KB, 169x324, creamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, shit tastes like what I imagine acidic diarrhea would taste like.

>> No.17676090

>be American
>drink shitty macro brews, overly bitter HOP-RATTLESNAKE-VENOM IPA, or very stale crap macrobrews from Europe: Guinness, Heineken, Harp, St. Pauli Girl
>there is no german "don't let the shit sit around and it must be the freshest" law
>but they don't know shit

I'm over here drinking this Weihenstephaner and even that's just some easy to get stuff. Or Pilsner Urquell. These uncultured retards disgust me and the thinking that they're "intellectual" is equally disgusting.

>> No.17676095

Its a fucking beverage guy. Relax

>> No.17676133

Never trust a man who doesn’t drink beer.

Beer allows one to drink and get drunk slowly. The fun is in talking with friends and telling jokes. Drinking is about the journey not about getting shitfaced immediately.

Beer has a lot of water in to rehydrate you and counteract some of the dehydrating of the alcohol. Most people don’t get bad hangovers from beer for this reason.

And it just tastes good

>> No.17676177

>old rasputin
fucking based. absolute god-tier beer.

>> No.17676241

I agree. I like to have beer with friends when we do shit like golf or hunt mushrooms. There is no substitute for beer in many situations

>> No.17676341

low test

>> No.17676368

1 or 2 beers get me drunk. just dont be an alcoholic its not that hard.

>> No.17676489

popular soda tastes like syrupy dogshit, it feels like it dehydrates me more than beer even though beer has alcohol, and leaves a horrible aftertaste
beer just tastes refreshing
theres nothing nicer than having a cold blue moon once in a while

>> No.17676498


>> No.17676638

Oh look, it's this thread again.
If you don't like it, you don't have to drink it.

>> No.17676652

People with autism often have the problem of not understanding that other people like and dislike different things than they do. It takes some time but with a doctor and meds you can be helped.

>> No.17676787

>3 or 4 beers doesnt give him a nice little buzz
>he doesnt find a nice cold beer after a hard day to be refreshing as fuck
>his alcohol tolerance is fucked
>he doesnt enjoy having a beer with a mate or a family member
>even mentioning soft drink when it only exists for kids and alcohol mixing
we all like to get fucked up too anon, but if your tolerance is fucked, you dont have a job and you cant enjoy a nice chill beer or two with a friend then thats on you.

>> No.17676965

>even mentioning soft drink when it only exists for kids and alcohol mixing
Hey! Give a little credit to man children who never outgrew their sweet tooth

>> No.17676979


>> No.17676989

I have never seen a thread so full of 19 year olds in my life.

>> No.17676998

Ol' raspy is a classic.

>> No.17677040

>And it just tastes good
No it doesn't, it tastes like goat hair tea.
I can tolerate Kriek lambic, but when I drink beer (even forcing myself in a joyful context to not spoil the mood) it makes me fucking depressed after an small hour. No other alcohol has such a powerful depressant effect on me.
So, that's why I'm a ciderfag.

>> No.17677510

Do people seriously not drink beer for the taste?
t. bong (best beer in the world)

>> No.17677815

Beer sucks ass. Whiskey is the way.

>> No.17677823
File: 152 KB, 500x500, C4FD0EA9-3AB0-4D76-9EE0-8FD9D52E38B6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.17677835

I unironically fucking love IPAs. Like legitimately look forward to drinking a good one. It's the highlight of my day when I do. The only criticism I will accept of IPA is that they're garbage to drink if your stomach is even remotely full. They're so heavy they just add to the feeling and it can be unpleasant. But holy fuck I love them so much otherwise

>> No.17677850


>> No.17678321

wow i thought people were joking when they said americans live rent free in peoples heads on this board, but theyre right
t. not american you mong

>> No.17678322

yknow ive been wondering for a while
in /ck/ the least autistic board on here? as in actual diagnosed 'tism?

>> No.17678368
File: 78 KB, 345x471, 7C3D992C-0A56-4347-B899-A1E5FD8C276F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pity OP but I just can’t manage that much sympathy for him without it being insulting. I’ll just enjoy a few cold bottles later.

>> No.17678405

hes saying you're making the same point AS the xkcd author, which means you're a fucking moron

>> No.17678413

difference between genuinely asking "why do people drink this?", and making a comic about "haha guys isnt this #relatable? Whyyy do we drink it? [canned laughter] [applause] but ill continue to because im suuuuuch a mess! [wine moms everywhere cream their pants!] [all the reddit updoots!]"

>> No.17678874

Beer is usually an acquired taste.
People usually start drinking beer with their friends.
If you don't have friends you won't start drinking beer.
You probably don't have any friends.

>> No.17678906

>something I don't like doesn't taste good to me
>everyone is inferior to me
>my sense of taste is the only one that exists
> I like things that other people don't
> other people can't like things I don't
is it all a meme, bros?

>> No.17678930

how's the transition into womanhood going so far? any negative reactions to HRT?

>> No.17678936
File: 1.07 MB, 1284x1860, 1DEEBAA1-BED9-4BB2-984B-786D2FC26443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s sad how this image applies to 90% of OP’s on this board

>> No.17678944

Telling innit?

>> No.17678951

Good don't drink any of it. More for me. Keep drinking soda, fatass

>> No.17678952

This explains so much about this whole website honestly.

>> No.17678957

>but when I drink beer (even forcing myself in a joyful context to not spoil the mood) it makes me fucking depressed after an small hour.
Maybe that's because you're a ridiculous fucking faggot. Has that ever crossed your mind?

>> No.17679897

IPAs are fucking delicious

>> No.17679951

Based. It's so easy to overdrink liquor, and then you're sick and the fun is ruined. Beer and wine are delicious, and far more fun to drink because they keep the bac curve going without any worry of overdoing it. Most people just hate beer because the big names like budlight and miller are awful, but a nice porter or Belgian is one of my favorite parts of being alive