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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.39 MB, 2880x3600, is coffee good for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17675102 No.17675102 [Reply] [Original]

"where is the /ctg/" edition

>> No.17675111
File: 93 KB, 1200x1200, 12950.0360_CWTF_TC_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes a better pourover than you ever will
nothin personnel

>> No.17675123
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today's latte

>> No.17675173
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Just made a v60. Not really looking for feedback.

>> No.17675180

how many beans does a ctg use? I go through about 250g a week, not counting an occasional cup at work. just curious

>> No.17675185

Anyone add minerals to their water for brewing coffee? I’ve been starting to experiment adding some potassium bicarbonate and magnesium sulfate to get yummy potassium and magnesium into my water. It seems to have really good results, even with the tiny amounts I add per litre:
>40mg KHCO3
>220mg MgSO4
I even tried a cheap ”instant” pourover from the store today and it was surprisingly drinkable, while the bacth with filtered water I made after to compare tasted ashy and bitter, utter shit.

>> No.17675192
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Hail to the KING baby

>> No.17675195


>> No.17675259

How do I fix astringency in my brew? Grind coarser and/or shorter brew time?

>> No.17675260

100-150g a day.

>> No.17675271

>24g per day on weekdays
>30g - 45g per day on weekends
180g - 210g a week I guess

>> No.17675275


>> No.17675286

oh forgot, lower temp as well

>> No.17675392
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Today I had my coffee with some orange & brandy liqueur and some brown sugar mixed in

>> No.17675405
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I didn't properly wash out my mug... and now this whole cup tastes like soap

>> No.17675422

have you tried a melodrip?

>> No.17675463

yeah I used one. without jiggling it like that one webm guy does before shooting, you can't get a flat bed with it.

>> No.17675487

Are there any youtubers I can follow along to?

>> No.17675578

just paste that

>> No.17675686

nice try false flaggot

>> No.17675865

Looks a bit big for that
Do a better job of incorporating the foam during steaming and it won't look so shit

>> No.17675869

>adding 30ppm KH and 30ppm GH
Hope that was to very soft water, if so, should b good

>> No.17675921

>He doesn't decant his brew through his 'lo 'rip
Just say you don't know anything and move on.

>> No.17675962


>> No.17675973


>> No.17675981

Wait sprometheus is made in israel?

>> No.17675997

Ray Murakawa definitely was

>> No.17676092

i feel like i have seen this picture before, or is it just the same cup and location.

>> No.17676098

amogus mug

>> No.17676111

usually around 150, 250 if im working alot(or i have guests over who drink all my fucking coffee, there is an espresso bar downstairs for fucks sake.)

>> No.17676116


>> No.17676134
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>> No.17676174


>> No.17676642
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plain cup

fancy cup

>> No.17676932

So what controls how oily a cup of coffee is? I have used the same exact bag of coffee in two drip coffee machines, and one came out just meh, while the other one was oily in a good way, like someone added butter to it.
>inb4 there was hidden butter in the coffee machine
For a while it was my headcanon that it was the seal, since the worse machine has a warped lid, but I don't know what the mechanism behind that could be or if that was really it.

>> No.17677379

Wait the Orbit is Made in China?

>> No.17677436

different filters?

>> No.17677461
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where my /SWISSWATER/ chads at?
>tastes just as good as caffeinated coffee
>can drink as much as you want without any caffeine-induced existential dread

>> No.17677554

That's a good point. It also started tasting awful when I tried using a reusable filter.
Is there a recommended filter type?

>> No.17677617

Wait, don't answer that, I don't want another ad.

>> No.17677624

I both really like and really hate that mug. Weird.

>> No.17677631

>>tastes just as good as caffeinated coffee

>> No.17677727

>pours coffee that is already brewed back through the melodrip
>actually think extraction goes up
Holy shit, he's even more of a brainlet than I thought. What the fuck, how is anyone this stupid?

>> No.17677738

You just can't see his genius like some of us can. They hated Jesus because he told them the truth. History will vindicate us melochads.

>> No.17677746

that's 5 fluid ounces, nigger

>> No.17677862

Imagine not knowing how digital refractometers work. Cold samples read higher.

>> No.17677951

Whats a good starter moka pot kit? any recommendations?

>> No.17677956

Wait mokapots are made in china?

>> No.17677965

im gonna try to lay off coffee and do a teeth whitener kit

>> No.17678021

wait a minute... so you're telling me... Melodrip is cheap plastic made in China?

>> No.17678025

surely not. surely it's not just cheap chinese plastic garbage, right?

>> No.17678064

but I thought sprometheus was /ourguy/ for shitting on the key?

>> No.17678078

who? also the key sucks tho massive L

>> No.17678127

9 cup bialetti moka pot.
there is no "kit" its just the pot and then watch these videos.

this is pretty much everything you will ever need to know about the moka pot and how to use it.
if grinding its close to espresso but slightly coarser. start at espresso size.
if buying grounds buy "stovetop filter".

80-90% of the total possible brew is good, you need to know when you have hit that % so you can take it off the heat and run the base under cold water/submerging the base in a container of cold water.
that last 10 or so % is bad coffee and you dont want it so dont think you are wasting coffee by not brewing 100% of possible water. its better to have less coffee that is good than more coffee that isn't as good.
if you dont believe me brew the way that is shown/how i described and then brew until all the water has been used at it is spurting and flowing uncontrollably taste each cup side by side and you will instantly know which is better.

>> No.17678129

I just wanna enjoy a nice cuppa

>> No.17678240

>coffeetuber tutorials

>> No.17678255

>factual information is no longer factual because its on youtube

ok schizo.

>> No.17678329

sauce pls

>> No.17678492

Alright, I want to start making my own coffee. What's the first step?

>> No.17678516

leave this place, this is a thread for melodrip.

>> No.17679065

But wait how can sprometheus like I thought it ruined beds?

>> No.17679077
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Anyone here use this thing from my country? How is it compare to your coffee maker?

>> No.17679090
File: 3.48 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20220222_152157063_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aeropress FUCKIN gang

>> No.17679096

is this literally just a steel cup, or is there some sort of filter on the bottom?
because otherwise it looks like a very small and awkward french press

>> No.17679115
File: 183 KB, 552x400, kit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It have a steel filter under. The whole kit is like this, normally we buy grounded coffee.

>> No.17679125

ah so it's pretty much like a kalita but without the paper filter
looks nice, which country is it from?

>> No.17679140

I preordered an aeropress go instead of the normal editon
Did I fuck up?

Also should I get a metal filler for aeropress apparently it will makes it taste closer to french press since it retains the oil

>> No.17679183

The smaller one in my image is the AeroPress go. I enjoy it alot. Easy to travel with.
As for the metal filter, I don't use one or recommend one. If you want a french press, but a french press. Use the AeroPress as intended, and if you somehow end up disliking the flavour then sure, order a metal filter....

>> No.17679414
File: 935 KB, 1103x2729, IMG_20220410_110621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sipping on a really French Press at a café in Mexico, and this bitch won't stop recording me.

Dubs decide what I do.

>> No.17679420

Burr grinder
Local roaster

>> No.17679605

Stand up, take off your pants, start masturbating and slowly walking towards her

>> No.17679623

>potassium bicarbonate
does that work like sodium bicarbonate in that it is highly basic and will neutralize acidity? definitely a possible effect to think about when using it, but I've heard of people using sodium bicarbonate to reduce the acidity of coffee so its a potentially desirable effect

>> No.17679627
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Step 1: boil the water.

>> No.17680144
File: 38 KB, 640x853, 50xrzk2erbs81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do smoothbrains drink coffee through a straw when the hole in a to-go cup is already straw-sized?

>> No.17680198

To keep the acidic brown liquid from damaging and staining their teeth.

>> No.17680221

why is she so cute?

>> No.17680257

idk I only drink my coffee out of a cup after decanting through my Melodrip

>> No.17680273
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Generally how it works.

>> No.17680282

which is a large cortado

>> No.17680289

There is also lots of variation, especially with large samples and no cover. 3 drops and cover the damn thing.

>> No.17680304

>lots of variation
Which is why its hilarious to see a $40 kingrindernon freak out over a sample variance for a $700 meter he doesn't understand.

>> No.17680358
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>> No.17680376

>Our guys placed top 12 in a competition of 28
You can take 5th with a lilydrip kek. Why would they ruin their credibility like this?
>We did worse without the melodrip than some chinese girl with a ceramic buttplug

>> No.17680393
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>it recommends a 45g bloom
>so we're gonna do, as directed, 30g pours
>and we're gonna wait for the water level to go just below the surface of the coffee
So what recipe is this retard using then? Clearly not the same recipe as is listed on their website. Both of these are also entirely different to what is shown in this video >>17675921

>> No.17680472

2-3x bloom, 2x pour was the original recipe it says to start with. My packaging mentioned checking the website for updates. 15g coffee, bloom 45g to expel gasses and feel for dry pockets, maintain water level with 30g pulses. I don't fuck with flat bottom filters so I can only assume in that official MD video he's blooming at 2x since its a much shallower bed vs a cone.
They said they tried it, didn't like it, didn't use it, and still lost the WBrC? Only the top 6 make it to the finals so you'd think it would be worth mentioning.

>> No.17680527
File: 1.62 MB, 1907x865, waitaminute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the 3rd place 2021 WbrC winner using a melodrip? Weird.

>> No.17680578

So 1st and 2nd place winners didn't use one? Weird.

>> No.17680602

1st and 2nd tried to get him disqualified for tomfoolery and shenanigans. They were quickly overruled as Melodrip happens to donate $5 yearly to the SCA. Aeropressers in shambles.

>> No.17680604

>2-3x bloom, 2x pour was the original recipe it says to start with. My packaging mentioned checking the website for updates. 15g coffee, bloom 45g to expel gasses and feel for dry pockets, maintain water level with 30g pulses.
Where does it say that in the recipe on the website? You know, the one I just posted? Why are you relying on what a coffeetuber tells you to do?
>I don't fuck with flat bottom filters so I can only assume in that official MD video he's blooming at 2x since its a much shallower bed vs a cone.
So you didn't even watch the video? The entire technique is completely different and I said nothing about the bloom amount in that video.
>They said they tried it, didn't like it, didn't use it, and still lost the WBrC? Only the top 6 make it to the finals so you'd think it would be worth mentioning.
Are you going to make a point or what?

>> No.17680612

maybe if you've got 3 brain cells total

>> No.17680649
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, whereishegettingthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're watching a 3 year old video and wondering why there's been development since?
>Where does it say that in the recipe on the website?
>1- Keep all melodrip pours at around 3x Coffee Weight. This ensures that water levels post pour are at a optimal height.
Its in that section you ignored to look for a visual guide with less words.
>Are you going to make a point or what?
Yesterday noone used it and it was useless. Now the 1st place USBrC winner took 3rd in the world with it in the most recent event. Wonder how many we'll see next year.
>The entire technique is completely different
Its almost like the tool is designed to let you experiment.

>> No.17680675

>You're watching a 3 year old video and wondering why there's been development since?
You're the one copying your recipe from an old Sprometheus video instead of using most recent the one listed on the website.
>>Where does it say that in the recipe on the website?
>>1- Keep all melodrip pours at around 3x Coffee Weight. This ensures that water levels post pour are at a optimal height.
>Its in that section you ignored to look for a visual guide with less words.
3x coffee weight is not 30g for the recipe listed, but nice try :)
>>Are you going to make a point or what?
>Yesterday noone used it and it was useless. Now the 1st place USBrC winner took 3rd in the world with it in the most recent event. Wonder how many we'll see next year.
And yet they lost to two people who didn't use it.
>>The entire technique is completely different
>Its almost like the tool is designed to let you experiment.
>Listing 10 different conflicting recipes is actually just to encourage experimentation!!!!

>> No.17680697

>Traditionally it’s served with little froth and a 1:1 milk to espresso ratio.

Cortadito is a standard espresso shot topped off with steamed milk. The ratio can be between 50/50 and 75/25 espresso and milk.

Sorry pal

>> No.17680723

>3x coffee weight is not 30g for the recipe listed, but nice try :)
Nope. But it is 2-3x like I said.
>You're watching a 5 year old video and wondering why there's been development since?
That video came out May 2017.
>Listing 10 different conflicting recipes is actually just to encourage experimentation!!!!
Literally what Kasuya does lol.

>> No.17680746

>2 oz espresso
>2 - 3 oz milk
>not somehow a cortadito
you are retarded beyond belief

>> No.17680760

>>3x coffee weight is not 30g for the recipe listed, but nice try :)
>Nope. But it is 2-3x like I said.
You seem to be a little confused. The Sprometheus video you copied the recipe from says 30g pours whenever the water level goes below the bed. The recipe on the website says 3x coffee weight pours but then also says 100g pours for 18-20g coffee dose, which is not 3x, and also that the water level should be kept 1 cm above the bed. Are your seriously confusing pour weight with the bloom weight?
>>You're watching a 5 year old video and wondering why there's been development since?
>That video came out May 2017.
What's your point? The video you took your recipe from came out in 2019.
>>Listing 10 different conflicting recipes is actually just to encourage experimentation!!!!
>Literally what Kasuya does lol.

>> No.17680814

>60g shot
woah there big guy, still a large one :>

You are wrongo pal! OOpsies! better luck next time

>> No.17680822
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>The video you took your recipe from came out in 2019.
I was unaware sprometheus had a md video until I linked that yesterday. I'm telling you what the fucking cardboard packaging had printed, as of the time of his video.
I wonder if there's anyway you can tune that further for your coffee's notes/roast level/roast date. Fresher coffees bloom to a higher volume so the extra water weight is necessary. Great starting point that recipe A. I typically brew 35g+ of coffee into a kruve evoke, so none of the recipes were scaled correctly for me. So I checked the website and started playing around with 3x pulses. 35g of coffee gives you about 6 100g pours which is perfect for the evoke. I might have to bloom 4x for some coffees and drip ~80g after the bloom. I think there's something about a learning curve, but once you get past that there's no reason you can't take 3rd in the world at WBrC.
>Hoffman does this with his squaremile blend, so I have to do the same with Aldi's Brekkie Blend.

>> No.17680842

>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Melodripper had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.
>Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.

>> No.17680850
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>No its useless noone uses it but the back to back winner of USBrC it ruins all my beds

>> No.17680908

Coffee brewing contests are so immensely faggy that I don't know if it's hilarious or cringy.

>> No.17680929

Melodrip Proponents:
>>/ctg/ Memedrip autist
>schizo, jewish, obsessed with buying expensive grinders and returning them, janitor (does it for free), shill (does it for free), doesn't own a real espresso machine, unable to tell the difference between bloom weight and pour weight on written instructions
>retarded literally who coffeetuber who managed to get completely TDS results from everyone else who tested the memedrip
>>WBRC 3rd place winner
>there are zero confounding variables here and his success was entirely dependent upon his use of the memedrip (just ignore that the 1st and 2nd place winners didn't use it)
Well with a star-studded list of supporters like that, who wouldn't accept the appeal to authority here?

>> No.17680947

I'm glad it isn't just me, People who make really good coffee jumping through hoops of
"Well what is the essence of coffee?"

>> No.17680955

Honesty, the amount of weird bullshit that comes regarding v60/pourover is horrendous.

Pick a decent grind size, add enough water to keep it at a consistent level until all the water is in, then let it drain. Its so simple. I don't know how people are fucking it up

>> No.17680971
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>Noone uses it, its useless
>Here are people who have successfully used it
>Somehow they don't present the same issues as the singular idiot on 4chan who overswirls
If you're bad at swinging a hammer, don't give out carpentry advice.

>> No.17680972

What are you, pour? Can't afford a $45 plastic water spout and $17 set of ceramic buttplugs? I make better coffee than you with my eyes closed, kiddo. Just say you don't know anything and move on.

>> No.17681057

Why is agitation weird bullshit? Shake the shit out of a thermos full of grounds and hot water, then filter it. You're getting a drastically different cup compared to one you just let sit in the thermos for the same amount of time before filtering.
In other news Elika and the Melodrip sweep the USBrC three years running. 2020. 2021, 2022. How strange.

>> No.17681063

>Morgan Eckroth (she/they)

>> No.17681105
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>make coffee
>want to put sugar in it but none left
>check cupboard and find dark brown sugar so use that instead

>> No.17681106
File: 2.29 MB, 4000x3000, 20220314_144211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lance expertly navigates the world of idpol and runs a shadow candidate. I believe he also had elika's v3 melolift machined too. Here's the 3dprinted prototype.

>> No.17681151

>2oz is 60g
just kys

>> No.17681217
File: 500 KB, 955x955, dt_so_losrosales_colombia-filter-retail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike fruity coffees

>> No.17681528

If i wanted to agitate and then filter, I'd use an aeropress.
Also, i couldn't give a fuck about your faggy competition

>> No.17681651

what's your favorite bean for espresso?
i need new recommendations

>> No.17681695

me in the glasses reflection

>> No.17682116

What am I doing wrong with my moka pot? It only fills about ⅓ of the way quickly, then it spends the next 5-10 minutes slowly gurgling the rest of the coffee out. And it always comes out extremely sour and bitter

>> No.17682238

Wait the G64 is Made in China?

>> No.17682491

>wants coffee
>makes sugary drink

>> No.17682514
File: 3.15 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20220410_223018902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a brown sugar and rejuvenated barley milk cortado earlier. P good.

>> No.17682642

Rwandan or brazilian.

>> No.17682965

How do i get as little tannins/chlorgenic acid/other irritants as possible? Low water temperatures, milk, bicarbonate?

>> No.17682982

Even you can get the same buzz taking some coffein pill, I enjoy those 20 minutes in the morning. Just me and the cuppa.

>> No.17683178

>And it always comes out extremely sour and bitter
feels. That's the worst
Did you watch the Hoffmeme series on mokapots?

>> No.17683188

Stop simping and you won't have this problem. specifically siMping, because it's a mediocre dyke-looking bitch.

>> No.17683218

Any hand grinder recommendation?

Currently using a fairly cheap De'Longhi KG89 grinders and I want to get a hand grinder for aeropress at work

How are the Hario/1zpresso/Timemore grinder?
Been looking into Timemore C3.
Also saw Comandante C40 getting recommended a lot but it is too expensive

>> No.17683333

Based response

>> No.17683338

>H A R I O
Ceramic shit? Why???

>> No.17683366
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>> No.17683430

Gonna get a Hairo Switch

Wish me luck

>> No.17683440

Trust the quads of truth

>> No.17683543

That sounds bizare.

Usually moka pot issues are
too fast
too slow
too acidic
too bitter

So your issue sounds bizzare.
The hoffman video on moka pots is good.
You have to play around with grind sizes and hob power. but even so....

>> No.17683546

Hario skerton is the only way to go

ignore this guy

>> No.17683616

I'm getting my girlfriend a hario switch for our anniversary, do I want a size 02 or 03? She usually makes iced coffee, I'm hoping this gives her the ability to make a few other styles without too much overhead

>> No.17683628

actually just kidding since the 03 wouldn't arrive for a month or so. Is 200ml enough for most mixed coffee types? Would you ever find 200ml too small?

>> No.17683722

My standard cup of coffee is 200-250ml.

Depends if you like big cups of coffee it might not be big enough.

>> No.17683762

out of curiosity. Whats the appeal? It's 55 quid for something that does immersion them perculation. If you wanted that, why not get an aeropress?

>> No.17683769

Travel grinder should be sturdy. Ceramic is not sturdy. Drop grinder with ceramic burrs once, and you need to buy a new grinder.
Sure seems like a smart decision, rite?!

>> No.17683778
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dialing in some peaberry. hit the bitterness wall before any interesting flavor notes came out. suspecting these beans are overroasted.

>> No.17683812

are you autistic? He said it was for his work. It might just sit on his desk. It may not need to be some indestructible travel grinder

>> No.17683822

i'm using a 1zpresso q2 and it's been perfectly capable with an aeropress. nice build quality too

>> No.17683924

It's just less stuff to fuss with. She wants as streamlined of a process as possible in the morning

>> No.17683971

I think I brewed my first proper cup of espresso today.
Medium Colombian roast, roasted locally, fruity, acid notes. The aftertaste has been following me for the last hour. I'm in fucking love.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

>> No.17683981


>> No.17684038

What kind of machine you used?

>> No.17684056

A 1zpresso j-max to grind the beans and a dedica with a bottomless portafilter to extract them. 14g in, ~25 out in 30s (controlling flow is really hard on this machine) ground at 1.7.7 ticks on the j-max.
1.8.0 was giving me a fuller brew, but it was much more acidic to the point where it wasn't enjoyable while drinking black, going one step finer fixed that.

>> No.17684067

Why would you ever get a crank grinder when you can just get a push button grinder?

>> No.17684090

Cool. That's also a pretty affordable setup, very nice that it makes tasty coffee

>> No.17684098

Sadly the machine chokes on finer grinds and has serious problems keeping a high water temp, I'm worried it won't be able to extract light roasts well, but I'll cross that bridge once I get to it.

>> No.17684134

not that guy who brewed espresso (congrats anon) but cost effectiveness and ease of cleaning were my primary reasons

>> No.17684152

The good electric ones seemed very expensive and autistic enthusiast only when I was buying my first grinder. I've grown to like cranking it since

>> No.17684156

What the others said, cost/quality ratio was the main factor, and I don't mind cranking.

>> No.17684433
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Gently agitates your thread

>> No.17684780
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>morgan won

>> No.17684868

I opted for Bailey’s

>> No.17685448

Milydrip trial 1 was a resounding success.

>> No.17685717

>then it spends the next 5-10 minutes
>slowly gurgling the rest of the coffee out
what the fuck.
also you temp is too low. are you using gas? if you are the flames should make a ring the same circumference of the base no larger no smaller.

you need to remove the pot from the heat once it gets close to the bottom of the spout and then rinse the bottom under cold water, you will feel the base rumble through the handle, when that stops turn the water off and place the pot in a safe heat proof place (the counter top should be fine since the metal has been cooled by the cold water but there is still very hot water inside so it will still be too hot to touch).

then pour into your cup of choice and enjoy.

you do not want to fill the the entire top with coffee.
make sure you are standing next to the pot with the lid open to make sure the flow is steady and at the right speed, and to know when to take it off( seriously take it off well before it starts uncontrollably flowing and spurting out the top)


watch all of these videos, by the end you will understand how to use a moka pot and i can't see how you could fuck up after this.

>> No.17685726

get the rok grinder. dont listen to any of these other limp wrist fags.

>> No.17685745
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>suspecting these beans are overroasted.

>> No.17685762

>needs electricity

>> No.17685835
File: 82 KB, 636x658, 1648562008012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so far I've been able to get a cup with roasted notes and a bit of sweetness with not a lot else going on. so it goes.

>> No.17685973

i used a blend i havent bought for a while and i forgot how to brew with it so todays coffee was sour.

ill probably have another one later.

i thought this was my favorite but i had the last of my rwandan last night and i think its better than this ethiopian/brazilian blend which is pretty surprising.

>> No.17685988

sounds pretty good. good luck with your next cup anon.

>> No.17685999

Coffee is for degenerates, drink green tea.

>> No.17686015

wow i never thought of it that way how enlightening, fucking retard.

>> No.17686032

I do.

>> No.17686038

You good? You seem angry and you're talking to yourself.

>> No.17686044

i am physically shaking with rage, pissing and shitting myself and i cracked my monitor with a punch yes, but i'm still not giving your low tier bait a (You).

>> No.17686090

about 210g at home, probably another 105g at work

>> No.17686094

thanks :)

>> No.17686099

You are fucking mentally ill, it's a cup of coffee not a chemistry experiment

>> No.17686162

Lance is about to buttfuck the market.

>> No.17686177

Remember to decant your Lotuswater through your Melodrip to further increase mineral content

>> No.17686297

get a kingrinder

>> No.17686305

>order cortado
>barrisa acknowledges my order
>recieve macchiato
absolutely FUMING

>> No.17686338

kek is that a melodrip tat?

>> No.17686341

Looks more like a flower + honeycomb

>> No.17686350

No fucking way it's actually a melodrip over a coffee filter KEK

>> No.17686364

What a fucking legend.

>> No.17686446

Protip : Heat the water to boiling point before putting it in the pot; makes extraction faster and cleaner. Don't listen to the fart hoffing faggot; or actually do listen to him and stay out of mokka don't artificially inflate the price like you did with grinders you fucking corpowhores!

>> No.17686515

if you didnt walk to the counter and tell them they made the wrong drink and then got the correct drink you are a pussy bitch and deserve the wrong order.

>> No.17686516

not him but Vietnam. Traditionally we drink strong coffee with Robusta beans.

>> No.17686524

ok, this may sound like blasphemy, but im in desperate times

im expecting a storm to come through this week, and power outages are very likely, and i drink black coffee everyday
so im planning on brewing a bunch of coffee to last me the week, and seal it in mason jars in the fridge
im not much of a cold brew, or cold coffee guy
so, how bad will it be if i reheat a cup a day?
im expecting it to be slightly worse, but hopefully not too bad
any anons with experience doing anything similar?

pls help, i just dont want to drink shit coffee, or no coffee

>> No.17686584
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Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. You should have always have an emergency way to boil water.

>> No.17686598

how are you brewing?

>> No.17686602

fair point
standard drip coffee brew
not very elegant

>> No.17686711
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Kerosene pressure stoves are pretty based. You can get them out of india for cheap on ebay. I've also got a multifuel firebox just in case. Works great.

>> No.17686770

>Whore won
Of course.

>> No.17686796

>nooo you can't win a competition if you have a vagina noooo stop it noooo aaaa reeee

>> No.17686806

her routine wasn't very good. idk maybe its just the way you have to act in these things but
1: she seemed super robotic
2: she 100% copied hoffmemes routine from like 15 years ago

if my barista acted like she did i would think they have extreme autism.

>> No.17686895
File: 2.00 MB, 1500x1500, s-l1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking of consooming a refractometer bros

>> No.17687145


>> No.17687262

you seem very smart

>> No.17687396

Imagine thinking adding a couple dozen milligrams of basic salts is a chemistry experiment. Coffee is 98% water and the minerals in that water are what will bond with the acids in coffee to give it flavour.
Unless you’re getting pissy about measuring the amount of minerals added for the sake of consistency, in which case I sure fucking hope you don’t weigh out your coffee, measure the water temperature, or grind the coffee with an adjustable burr grinder.

>> No.17687676
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fruity beats nutty

>> No.17687713
File: 74 KB, 800x534, 5c8bcd64f539eeee4a781d9d_Old-Forester-Signature-100-Proof-02a-p-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone mix bourbon in their coffee before? I've heard of Irish coffees or mixing bourbon. I tried Old Forester 100 mixed in my go to strong brew, Community New Orleans roast I made in a cheap-o espresso maker.
It was okay, and I could see how it would be good but maybe I had the wrong combo or something. I like unfiltered black coffee and bourbon that doesn't taste entirely like vanilla. Maybe I should steam some milk and try it.
Anyone here know a good coffee and liquor combo?

>> No.17687724

Are moka pots always the same? I bought one from the supermarket a few years ago for a fiver. Are the bialettis better or is it just the brand name?

>> No.17687734

Can see Amaretto being good

>> No.17687789
File: 1.21 MB, 1248x1578, Screenshot 2022-04-12 at 10.14.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend is giving me one of these, is it worth it? or should I just get a Gaggia classic for espressos?

>> No.17687879

King rinder?
Kin Grinder?

>> No.17687906

I can't dial in~!
I was clicking in the wrong way, because my brain is mush
At least I saved the coffeepuck that I ground to turkish and am now brewing it in a pot

>> No.17688082


>> No.17688497

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ-ta6s931c it's here

>> No.17688594
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>dialing in new beans
>forget to hit timer after pour
>don't realize until about thirty seconds in
>guess and approximate how long things are taking
>cup is delicious

>> No.17688617
File: 34 KB, 616x462, 7db1c390e8c85b42b63610819ebe21fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those actually good/comparable to entry level espresso machine?
Or are they for hipster?

>> No.17688621

is it wise to give your espresso machine a penis

>> No.17688645
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today's latte featuring bubble crater

>> No.17688685

Why have you intentionally framed your sussy mug so that we can see your pseud book collection in the background

>> No.17688704

To check if my coffee is good

>> No.17688710

so you can make your post

>> No.17688907
File: 2.25 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20220412_100953168_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my AeroPress

>> No.17688919

Has it ever won the USBrC three times in a row?

>> No.17689003

enjoying mine in spite of the memes desu
this has been my daily mix, hasn't let me down yet.

>> No.17689130
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At least he's a bit better than the /teaboys/

>> No.17689145

primus sucks

>> No.17689235

I dropped a shot of howler head in mine last month. Immediately reminiscent of a darker stout. Oddly satisfying but I haven't tried it again. If I'm going to have a nip with espresso I usually splash it in with the last dregs.
Far more capable than an entry level machine, but you're going to have potentially annoying workflow/thermal stability.
Is his take actually its the users fault for stalling by running harder than the duty cycle is rated for? Wild, hadn't read that one before.

>> No.17689501

Based, glad you're enjoying it. I don't follow any recipe anymore lol
The what? I don't have autism

>> No.17689520
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>I don't follow any recipe anymore lol
what do you do then anon? i'd love to try it

>> No.17689686

wtf is the USB-IF doing now? USB-C(offee)?

>> No.17689850

put kettle on stove. Turn it off before it starts to steam. Add 1/4 cup hot water to mug.
Add One and 1/3 "scoops" of light roast to aeropress, inverted. Wet the filter.
Add hot water to top line of aeropress. Use bottom of scoop to stir 4 times.
Screw on the lid. Turn over onto mug and press. Wala.
Simple and effective. No fucking around. I used to follow recipes and weights and timers but it doesn't take much to make great coffee with the AeroPress

>> No.17689858

>it doesn't take much to make great coffee with the AeroPress
Tard friendly.

>> No.17689952

sounds like a recipe to me
are you sure it's not?

>> No.17689973

>1/4 cup hot water
>One and 1/3 "scoops" of light roast
>hot water to top line

>> No.17689983
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>> No.17690050

You musnt have an AeroPress

>> No.17690060

This isn't a copyrighted website, you can say 'Grand Marnier' on here

>> No.17690387

Who actually genuinely thought that this was going to be good?

>> No.17690395


>> No.17690404

I have one and maybe use it once every couple of months when I swap brew methods. Not super worth, but it was only 200 bucks

>> No.17690408

milk texture needs work my guy

>> No.17690573

>Is his take actually its the users fault for stalling by running harder than the duty cycle is rated for? Wild, hadn't read that one before.
maybe if you're illiterate yeah

>> No.17690583
File: 2.93 MB, 3024x3024, 9barista mine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are your suggestions? i'm using a 9barista so i have to steam my milk with one of those gay hand-held frothers, but open to critique

>> No.17690670
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Anybody drink instant coffee and have some recommendations? I'm worried about coffee prices in the coming years and want to make sure I can at least drink something.

>> No.17690715
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>cleaning is a meme
that's bait

>> No.17690802

>it tended to happen after a number of shots pulled back to back
>often seemed to be the workload more than the grind setting
>happened after dialing in coarser after several shots
>safety engages preventing motor damage from it "running harder than its rated to work

>> No.17691127

I have 500 dollars. Point me towards an espresso grinder + espresso machine pls

>> No.17691136

Get at least 2000 more dollars

>> No.17691195


>> No.17691198
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, R1004540_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not international no help to you probably but I love this cheap shit from NZ

>> No.17691213

Ok how should I be allocating my money between the grinder and the actual machine? 1:1?

>> No.17691260

You can barely buy an entry level espresso machine for $500. If you get a hand grinder which I don't recommend for espresso then that would be $100-200, decent electric grinders start around $500.

>> No.17691269

Shit, not what I wanted to hear.
On the one hand, now is the time to splurge with inflation being so high but I really don't want to drop 1500 on a coffee maker

>> No.17691280

Depends. Think exactly what you want and how you're going to intend on using it. Is this going to be a multiple shot daily thing? I've had no issue hand grinding with a kinu m47phoenix($199) for years. Causes problems for some people. Obviously super light roasts are going to be harder to hand grind. You could ~double the kinu's cost and get whats essentially a motorized hand grinder.
Great burrs and build quality, but these have shitty motors/power supplies so don't expect to be able to run it like a shop grinder. If you're sticking within 2-3 shots a day you probably won't have an issue.

>> No.17691458

>which I don't recommend for espresso
fucking retard. hand grinders are the best way to get into espresso on a budget.

>> No.17691469


>> No.17691635


>> No.17691767

should i get a wdt for aeropress

>> No.17691784

Should I get an aeropress or aeropress go?

>> No.17691785

depends on how many dicks you suck.
if its above 15 a week yes if below 1 no.

>> No.17691799

do you go anywhere where you NEED coffee and can make an aeropress that is better than any other coffee in the area.

or if you go camping more than 6 hours away from civilization.

or just watch this video.

>> No.17691819

Should I get a bripe or a bripe go?

>> No.17691844

You can't melodrip a bripe so they are both worthless

>> No.17691849

Maybe you can't.

>> No.17691852
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>> No.17691854

what about lily?

>> No.17691861

imagine owning an oestropress in 2022

>> No.17691863

i lily into my melo into my bripe for a micro bloom

>> No.17691871

That thing win any competitions or did they have to pull a bitch move and make their own?

>> No.17691896


>> No.17691932
File: 184 KB, 800x656, WAC_promotional_winner_dc9314cc-74d7-4129-9588-3227e224ce85_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks about right.

>> No.17691960

Nah, you'd shit your pants if you saw me in an alley

>> No.17691998
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>> No.17692104


>> No.17692445

Got a gooseneck kettle for my pourovers/v60. So far I'm not impressed by it. Maybe it's because I'm more used to my regular kettle and pouring with that. But I'm not noticing any significant difference in my cup, and maybe it is even a little worse than normal.

I can try again later with another cup or tomorrow morning. But today was blooming for a bit, then pouring the rest over slowly like normal, and swirling the top to make sure it came out even. Normally with my regular kettle it comes out great and consistent, but with the gooseneck it came out good but not great like normal. Any tips or something I should be doing differently?

>> No.17692459

kek? why was she recording you, because you're white and stand out or something?
how was the coffee, what did you get?

>> No.17692465

I never really thought about how using a straw bypasses the teeth before.
I have some questions.
Is the cup annoying to hold or drink from? Does it get too hot?
Is the amount it holds a "normal" amount, so to speak? E.g compared to one you'd get a cafe

>> No.17692489

Did you season the new kettle yet?

>> No.17692520

gooseneck is just for accuracy and consistency. if you can be just as accurate and consistent with a wide mouth kettle then there is no difference.

>> No.17692522
File: 72 KB, 700x700, sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best mix of coffee + alcohol is...

>> No.17692533
File: 414 KB, 1600x1200, 3_Moeda_(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should do the exact opposite and aimed for neutral tasting water. What you should look for is a water with the lowest surface tension possible.

>> No.17692564

cup isn't annoying to hold/drink from at all. i find it very comfy. doesn't get hot; lattes aren't very hot to begin with anyways but it's just agateware.
this is a 5/6 floz cup. i have some larger ones for larger lattes.

>> No.17692587

This looks a lot like the house I lived in 4 years ago, including the manga and tea collection. Interesting.

>> No.17692590

I tried light roast specialty coffee from some award winning roaster
and one tasted like cherry juice and one was like green tea
is this really what is popular in specialty cafes

doesn't even taste like coffee to me tbqh

>> No.17692593
File: 61 KB, 600x486, 1649847046662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same hairstyle.

>> No.17692605

how was it brewed?
because i remember i only had enough for half a basket of my $50 panama geisha for my moka pot and that shit tasted like the best fruit tea i had ever had. meanwhile the full strength brew still tasted like coffee but had crazy floral and citrus notes.

>> No.17692611

v60 by me. I tried a few popular youtuber ways of doing it
I prefer medium roast + milk. simple as

>> No.17694219
File: 82 KB, 750x938, image-asset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me I'm looking for the aeropress gang? I've heard they meet here?

>> No.17694291
File: 241 KB, 500x429, 1640426013628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't normally dunk things in coffee or tea but these with some full bodied coffee are delightful

>> No.17694354
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1234, brownie-chocolate-crunch-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also not a dunker but a few of these in espresso? Like a fatter american biscotti. So satisfying I'm probably going to buy another bag soon and knock off the recipe.

>> No.17694358
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>35 cal per cookie
how small are those things? i'm intrigued

>> No.17694380

About an inch and 1/2 or so long and about 1/2 an inch wide.

>> No.17694384

aww, they're little baby nuggets. sounds good though.

>> No.17694392

Biscotti sized. ~finger length and width, some are a little chunkier. I'll snag a bag tomorrow. I think sam's club only had the brownie ones, but I could see cinnamon chocolate chip being a hit.

>> No.17694823


>> No.17695413

Making cold brew for the first time and assumed I didn't need instructions but I think I overfilled the cone and after 4 hours have dry grounds at the top. Ignore and use less next time or does it need addressed now?

>> No.17695459

ITT people who if ever invited to a party, would not be fun

>> No.17695478

I always use a spoon to stir the grounds to make sure they're all wet when I make cold brew

>> No.17695508

>the cone
The what?

>> No.17695543

>you can't get 9 bars of pressure on an aeropress!
heh nothing personnel kid

>> No.17695572
File: 368 KB, 1109x1109, 1639263098722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ground cafe du monde (or preferred coffee. Cheaper coffees require no cold brew hot bloom and can be directly cold brewed).
>Star anise (~2 pods/1 teaspoon),
>Vanilla extract,
>Cloves (2-4 cloves to taste; you can always add more at the end but you can't take away!),
>Cinnamon (about 1/2 to 1 stick, or, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground),
>Ginger (4 teaspoons),
>Nutmeg (1 teaspoon. Remember that nutmeg is sweet and you're adding sweetened milk, this recipe makes 4 servings!) to taste,
>1/4 cup coconut cream (NOT CREAM OF COCONUT, that is sweetened), 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk (total, so 1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon per drink, of each),

Cold brew, hot bloom your coffee: pour about 1.5 cups of hot water over the grounds, shove your spices and vanilla in while it's still hot, allow to bloom for 30 seconds, then pour over the rest of your water. Let steep in the fridge or at room temp--covered, obviously--overnight. Let those flavors get to know eachother and mingle. You can add your 1/2 cup coconut cream and 1/2 cup S.C. milk now, or 1/16 cup each, per drink, when you are serving it. I prefer now.

Take that bitch out, filter it through a fine meshed sieve. Drink it.

>> No.17695908


>> No.17696914
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>> No.17696936

i use an electric one cause i live in a cuckbox apartment and like waking my neighbors up at 5am by grinding beans

>> No.17696946
File: 95 KB, 750x938, image-asset1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17696948

Electric grinders aren't even loud, poorfag

>> No.17698668
File: 409 KB, 636x765, Screen Shot 2022-04-14 at 11.18.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo wooden brewer bro, I found one of those wooden laquer brewers you said you were looking for on a leafsite, in stock black only though.


>> No.17698674

That looks like it was designed specially to get knocked over and make coffee fly everywhere.

>> No.17698675
File: 66 KB, 597x489, AeroPress Gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're pros dude

>> No.17698680

if you're a sperg. no idea why that dude is giving it The People's Elbow. probably doesn't even realize that he's pressing it at an angle. You can press with one hand and gentle pressure. I typically put one hand over the other and just let the weight of my arms press.

>> No.17698687
File: 35 KB, 246x172, 1619399301289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cohee dayo

>> No.17698738

I like how you get a functional gold electroplated fellow kettle for winning the us Brewers cup and a spraypainted aeropress for winning the wap. Complete with Alan Adler's signature in Radium ink.

>> No.17698758

Based, I also hate my neighbors

>> No.17698813
File: 2.50 MB, 4032x3024, E08AC785-A0C6-4990-8C84-227DB7339B2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new bag a beans, hope it’s a good day

>> No.17698834

I want that t splitter. Think it's worth to get the phone mount too?

>> No.17698857

>a spraypainted aeropress for winning the wap. Complete with Alan Adler's signature in Radium ink.
You also get a year's supply of estradiol

>> No.17698890
File: 3.38 MB, 3024x4032, 21F5EC6B-8C11-412D-915F-65CBF9F6BAC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda wish I got the mount for easy option

>> No.17698899

I shouldn't be buying or rearranging anything else until I see where the wug is going to fit anyway.

>> No.17698903

Do I really need a weighing scale if I want to get into pour over?
The cheapest one will do fine, right?

>> No.17698924

>a weighing scale
As opposed to what? A non-weighing scale?

>> No.17698940

should be easy to diy a mount if you go that way

>> No.17699007

I've just got some chinazon phone holder that works fine. I really don't even need to t splitter since Ive got the phone and a mirror in the same sightline.

>> No.17699040

good to go

>> No.17699106

yes, and get the cheapest scale you can that measures to 0.1

>> No.17699127
File: 130 KB, 1280x853, 20190205-DSCF6693_2000x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Response time will matter. Get a weightman.
Thats the plain(stained?) wood one, not the urushi. Urushi is like a mirror finish. Ty tho. Given the choice I'd probably go with the red.

>> No.17700464


>> No.17700475

New bread please