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File: 290 KB, 400x600, 73A92116-C284-469F-A55E-7644CB83680E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17674008 No.17674008 [Reply] [Original]

What’s up with these companies trying to make coffee “badass” and masculine? It’s fucking coffee. Are there really men so insecure out there that they need guns and skulls on their bags of espresso?

>> No.17674015

I think that is jewish owned. so maybe it's some jewish gimmick, I dunno

>> No.17674020

another gimmick to sucker in the far right into buying this crap

>> No.17674077

chuds will surely buy it

>> No.17674099

>Are there really men so insecure out there that they need guns and skulls on their bags of espresso?
Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.17674101

u r just paying for some dumb name and shitty logo, its still gonna taste like ass anyhow

>> No.17674155

>Get in you pansy we're going back to the early 90s marketing. Everything is going to be extreme and to the max. This isn't your grandpa's coffee.

>On second thought, get out. A Nancy boy like you isn't man enough for this coffee.

>> No.17674158

>Are there really men so insecure out there that they need guns and skulls on their bags of espresso?

>> No.17674178

Shit like this is as queer as Ben and Jerry's icecream or electric vehicles.

>> No.17674216

The trend of turning mundane shit like coffee into basically a religion is just part and parcel of capitalism.

>> No.17674228
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Sounds to me like the insecure one is you, what's the matter were you raised by a single mother? Wondering if you should wear panty's now and get a free ride? The problem with today's society is no one has a darn spine anymore. Their all afraid of cancel culture and offending some pansy college educated liberal with too many expensive degree's. Well let me tell you something kid, hunter biden's laptop is as real as biology. Anyone telling you otherwise is a communist and look at what happened in venezuela. Guess what kid this is still america and only shot's I need are whisky and 10mm. You can take your science experiments and shove em where the sun don't shine.

>> No.17674236
File: 89 KB, 640x875, E40BEC68-5E13-44A2-BA4D-8DADFCF2FB26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slap a beard and punisher logo on ballet shoes and tell them the Vikings did it and those bearded Norse pagan wanna be mother fuckers would be all over it.

>> No.17674312

It's literally a couple Jews who've never fired a gun exploiting patrioboomers. It's like all those xxxtreme jingoistic tear of eagle Tshirts and other junk you can get at gas stations. All that shit is Jews making shekels.

>> No.17674318
File: 423 KB, 892x576, 1648438596903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the phenotype of men that complain about masculinity?

>> No.17674439

>Are there really men so insecure out there that they need guns and skulls on their bags of espresso?
they live in cities, drive crewcabs, and have never once had anything in the bed of the truck.

>> No.17674442

women are worse about buying gender branded shit. why is it only a problem when men do it? huh

>> No.17674444

you can't sucker the far right, anon.
the far right doesn't even use money.

>> No.17674447

because when men do it they're acting like women.

>> No.17674450

so men shouldn't care about gender and fuck your stinky troon ass wound. got it

>> No.17674451

I thought the idea behind that was that they support war veterans. So rifles, skulls, yeah fits.
Maybe you're the insecure one trying to fit motives to things with clearly defined motives

>> No.17674452

odd response because that has zero correlation.

>> No.17674456

correlation isnt caustic like the way you smell and pass

>> No.17674463

>Are there really men so insecure
lol at needing to even ask this on 4chan of all places

starbucks is for the heckin libtards and women and the gays!! but not muh heckin armed forces coffee as heard on talk radio

but seriously I like medium starbucks better than """specialty"""" fruit juice coffee. it's so overrated bros

>> No.17674466

No it's veterans exploitng veterans

>> No.17674467

cultural brand identity good when my team does it

>> No.17674473
File: 798 KB, 801x1001, taking faggots money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A 2021 Salon article reported that BRCC is trying to draw a line and distance themselves from the far-right after their logos and gear appeared on Kyle Rittenhouse, a teen who was acquitted after killing two people and injuring another during a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin

You're a faggot if you give these faggots your money. If I had the money I would start two different online shops selling cheap chinese slave labor made politicized apparel to faggots on both sides of the political spectrum

>> No.17674485
File: 42 KB, 467x700, patriotcoffeethumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its the Infowars store patriot blend. Those chiapas mexicans know how to harvest a good bean

>> No.17674489

They're trying to take money from Republicans, so they can send it to BLM

>> No.17674493

odd response because it's non-sensical.

>> No.17674497

>make arbritrary products like yoghurt feminine to appeal to women
>>make arbritrary products like coffee masculine to appeal to men
>no mention of marketing jews

>> No.17674499

if i had the money i'd rent you the servers for your stores and buy the shipping companies that you would use.

>> No.17674515

this reminds me, I got some specialty coffee in bucharest, and they won world roasting championships and everything
and the packaging had pastel color transexual looking globohomo art everywhere
kinda made me kek

idk why coffee branding is so cringe across the board
it's just a drink

>> No.17674523

but yogurt is nonsense while everybody drinks coffee.
>inb4 "i drink tea."
brits aren't people.

>> No.17674528
File: 142 KB, 657x527, #kopkio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yogurt is nonsense

>> No.17674536

I see people driving crewcabs with bed toppers all the time and I just dont get it. get a fucking van

>> No.17674547

>I just dont get it
npcs think "man must drive truck. crossover for mom. sports car for douche. sedan for single lady or fag."
now read it again in grug's voice.

>> No.17674548

Why do you care what vehicle of choice someone drives? It's not really any of your business. You just jelly cause you have to take the bus with all the other poors?

>> No.17674552

found the npc.

>> No.17674557

now a lesbian butch dyke driving a subaru. thats beautiful and im here for it!

>> No.17674564

migatards having aneurysms when they found out the founders don't like trump was the funniest thing ever

>> No.17674568

you clearly haven't heard why the chicken crossed the road.

>> No.17674592

hey man if you want to use your truck as a shitty van go for it

>> No.17674601

I'm pretty into guns, you have to understand that guns is a huge consumer culture. 99.9% of people in the community are chasing the next attachment, gun, or piece of equipment that's worth at minimum $700 but is probably more like $2000-$7000. Their whole personality is consooming.

>> No.17674624

Unlike you, I own a vehicle. However, its a sedan not a truck. I don't really care what road legal vehicle someone buys, it's their money, plus unlike you I am not a woman or troon, flocking to the latest cause to champion.

>> No.17674659

>supporting chiapas
Commie fag

>> No.17674669

you should be glad you're being marketed to at all
you think that gilette ad calling you a rapist was aimed at you

>> No.17674695

95% of "vets" under 40 have never been in combat. The ones out with disability only have it because they bullshitted a psych test or fucked up a limb being drunken retards.

>> No.17674747

Black Rifle is Jewish and didn't support Kyle Rittenhouse. The real far right is boycotting them.

>> No.17674754

Kinda depressing how the right has gotten so dominant in this country that they are now comfortable engaging in petty infighting over who can be the most unhinged and extreme

>> No.17674762

The left does this too

>> No.17674767

whats extreme about that? the killing people who attacked him or the not giving money to people who are good weather fellows?

>> No.17674771

"I know you are but what am I" on an international scale sums up Amerishart politics.

>> No.17674774

That goes without saying. It was always a tradition on the left

17674767 (You)

>> No.17674775

didnt some libertarian make money off pussy hat merch

>> No.17674800

Targeted directly at right-wing chuds

>> No.17674810

I meant to say that the fact that the right has infighting isn't evidence that it's dominant considering the fact that the left also has infighting. They can't both be dominant.

>> No.17674817

man there's dudes out there that think doing your own laundry is gay.
I can see this appealing to the middle class suburban dad who has lost all control over his life except the beer cooler the wife lets him keep in the garage and his lifted truck.
same shit as dude wipes. baby wipes are way cheaper but oh no, a manly mannish man can't buy anything like that.
God I hate my tiny town

>> No.17674874
File: 217 KB, 1080x1080, FPla5YRXwAU_MUA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could unlearn the fact that these exist

maybe the surface of the earth really does need a great big thermonuclear juice cleanse

>> No.17674877

That's a false-fag kike company

>> No.17674878

baby wipes smell like lavender. we are not the same

>> No.17674918

Considering how much money they give away to grifters, you couldn't be more wrong.
It's hilarious how much the far right as to cope and give out participation trophies to make themselves feel good.

>> No.17674926
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>> No.17674932
File: 157 KB, 1872x783, burger-king-pride-burger-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17674951

>implying he knows what the far right is
the far right lives innawoods, anon.
they haven't used money in decades.

>> No.17674966

very odd take since the infighting doesn't denote the dominance, it's a symptom of (according to the sentence structure of the anon that posted about it).
almost like you have bad reading comprehension.

>> No.17674976

>it's their money
it's the rothschild's money.
>unlike you I am not a woman or troon
me either, anon.
i'm a real man, i have a driver.
eat shit, bottom feeder.

>> No.17674982

this is the effect of migatards in america

>> No.17675047

>The right is infighting about this coffee
>It's sad that the right has gotten so dominant that they are now infighting

His sentence says explicitly that infighting is a symptom of dominance. In the context of the conversation, he's also making the claim that the right is dominant based on the evidence that they are infighting about coffee. Or in other words, he's asserting that infighting is ONLY a symptom of dominance. I'm taking issue with this claim, because the left and right both have infighting but they can't both be dominant. Therefore, the presence of infighting doesn't necessarily imply dominance.

>> No.17675050

>In the context of the conversation, he's also making the claim that the right is dominant based on the evidence that they are infighting about coffee
-5, see me after class.

>> No.17675074

>I am mad about the way this coffee is marketed
People will get mad about anything lol

>> No.17675079

You're intentionally being obtuse to rile me up

>> No.17675084

>he moves on to the "no u" tactic, which also never works
-10, detention for blatant stupidity.

>> No.17675093

If he didn't take my claim about the existence of infighting as an indication of dominance, then why did he bring it up?

>> No.17675105

Original guy here. One of you is correct but it's too much fun to watch this argument so I'm not going to give the wrong person an easy out, I want him to continue humiliating himself

>> No.17675114

coffee is pretty masculine. not sure what this stupid shit is...i'd go out of my way to not buy this just because it's got faggot written all over it

>> No.17675152

>amerimutt projecting this hard
Yeez, I can tell how much of a faggot you are, despite not living on the same continent.
Also, leftists are slaves of corporations, you lost.

>> No.17675159

And a reminder to the rest of the drooling muttoids.
The american left is not opposition, they're a lapdog, I guess it's hard too notice reality when you're a retard living in a bubble.

>> No.17675166

>unhinged and extreme
Not even being an edgelord on 4chan, even normie conservatives thought Rittenhouse should walk due to basic self-defense rights. A (coffee) company that's entire gimmick is trying to sell to conservatives then publicly going against self-defense rights is obviously going to lead to backlash. Really dumb on their part.

>> No.17675189

Let me walk in to a high tension situation with people who have directly opposing views carrying a weapon then when people react defensively to it, claim self defense. Seems about right for someone with an undeveloped brain.

>> No.17675193
File: 320 KB, 1495x958, CombinedMeme 09042022134434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are conservatives like this? How could they fall for this gimmicky marketing from a company that clearly just wants to take financial advantage of them? Lol. Stupid chuds!

>> No.17675202

anything can provoke niggers and prissy libtards like you into howling monkeys that yall are

>> No.17675218

Is that roasted to order? lmfao retards who buy stale coffee deserve what they get

>> No.17675222

>Let me walk in to a high tension situation with people who have directly opposing views carrying a weapon then when people react defensively to it, claim self defense

>> No.17675230

I only made one post in that chain. Someone else started randomly arguing.

>> No.17675233

If you're walking into that situation, I'd very much suggest having a gun. Fun fact. Rittenhouse wasn't the only person with a gun. Two of his attackers also had guns. He was the only one carrying legally though.

>> No.17675389

Says the baby calling people names. Go suck on a teet baby.

All gun owners are legal gun owners due to the 2nd amendment. Anything otherwise is unamerican.

>> No.17675398

Not if you're a felon.

>> No.17675420

this is only a problem because things marketed at men generally look, smell and/or taste like shit. Of course women arent buying body wash that smells like concentrated body odor and lime juice but men buy flowery hand soap. Products marketed towards men are products aimed towards whats 'manly'

which is to say: foul-smelling, acrid tasting and rough looking. Anything less than that for a man is 'gayyyyy'

>> No.17675450

I don't see that written anywhere in the 2nd amendment. ANYONE should be able to own a gun for ANY reason. Its clear as day according to our CONSITITUTION.

>> No.17675458
File: 988 KB, 576x1024, when ak bros link up at the range.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little bit of mud and it jams

>> No.17675887

Black Rifle Coffee is a jewish owned scam designed from the ground up to grift as much money out of retarded Republicans as possible. They actively shill against the rights of American gun owners and infamously denounced Kyle Rittenhouse.

It's much the same as Ben and Jerry's, but it preys on the other retards on the opposite side of the kosher sandwich instead.

>> No.17675899

Why are you doing this work on a Saturday?