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17662589 No.17662589 [Reply] [Original]

Soup /ck/.
Wife is Prego, she's gonna eat pic related.
What is the best recipe to make liver palatable?

>> No.17662593

just cook it with onions, salt and pepper

>> No.17662595

Yeah I told her to add some salt and pepper to it.
Is there really much else you can do with this loogie of a food?

>> No.17662597

rinse in milk. Dredge in flour, season with the usual spices, serve with onion/mushroom gravy.

>> No.17662601

Get it as fresh as possible
Soak in milk
Slice perpendicular to the lobes
Cook with onions and preferably in gravy

>> No.17662604

Deepfry it.
God knows my mother loves it that way.
I suspect the grew the taste for it while she was pregnant with me.

>> No.17662606

Carmelized onions with a splash of good sherry vinegar.

Coat liver in a little flour and sear on a hot, but not too hot heat with some tallow or ghee.

Cook until medium rare. The more you cook liver the stronger the irony/offal flavor becomes.

I thought you were asking about how to cook placenta from the picture. Congrats on the baby.

>> No.17662609

still disgusting. i tried adding it to a stew once and it just disitegrated into a liver smelling froth that i had to throw out because it ruined it, i am not a fussy eater but this is the only food i will not eat.

>> No.17662615

>Deepfry it.
That sounds... interesting...

Funny, we had her placenta dried and capsulized for our last baby. Couldn't really taste it at all but I'd imagine it's similar to liver.

Ty anon.

Jesus christ.

>> No.17662653

Sautee in butter, cook with onion and garlic and herbs and spices.

Then blend it and use it as a sandwich spread. I love liver pate.

>> No.17662660

>Wife is Prego
My condolences.
t. wife is Ragu

>> No.17662673

Add cognac, I kid not.

>> No.17662680

Ty anon.
Life is not fair.

>> No.17662682

>That sounds... interesting...
It's more common than you think.
Fried chicken liver with fettuccine alfredo is a "popular" italian dish. Especially with onions mixed in.
I use that term liberally.

It's not bad. But it's still liver.

>> No.17662766

Putting aside the prime cuts of meat from cows, chickens, pigs etc., liver has the distinction among popular offal as being the one people try to mask its natural flavor as much as possible. Head meat, hooves, intestines, tongue-- all superior options to this loathsome blood filter.
I'll still do smoked liverwurst on a bahn mi tho.

>> No.17662816

If you have a good source, like you know yhe farmer personally. Eat it raw, tastes sweet and delicious. Anyone complaining about liver tasting bad either has a bad supplier or has overcooked it. Lamb liver is more mild than calf liver

>> No.17662824

Soak it in milk over night, slice thin, cook medium rare with onion

>> No.17662833

Rinse it well. I find a bit of a salt bath with a bit of vinegar helps - some people prefer milk. Calf liver is milder than beef liver. Regardless, it's going to taste like blood - not myoglobin, straight up coppery blood. If it tastes like bile, you didn't rinse it enough.

I give it some flour, and fry it with onion, mushroom, mild and hot pepper, give it a bit of garlic or leeks near the end, then deglaze/clean the pan with a good splash of red wine or dark beer, add another clove of garlic, a pinch of coriander and a bit of brown sugar and cook til mildly syrupy (it's just a splash, it takes maybe 90 seconds). The pan sauce can be drizzled on top - I prefer under.

Some fava beans, a nice chianti, or some buttered egg noodles and non-alcoholic wine considering that your wife is with child.

>> No.17662839
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Here you go OP.

If you want to go all out make the full dish. If not read it over for technique/ideas.
This is the liver recipe from marco pierre white's three star restaurant.

Note that he uses calves liver, which is milder and more tender than beef liver. Should still be pretty much interchangeable.

>> No.17662854

>cook it with onions

Make an easy marinade before hand to get rid of most of the taste. Cut it in small pieces and smear it with olive oil, 1 tbsp paprika, 1 tbsp cumin, and pepper to taste, as well as a half crushed onion and one crushed garlic. Cilantro is optional. Feel free to add some curcuma too, it helps a little with the color. Leave it to rest at least an hour then throw some onions in the pan with some olive oil and some of that pepper/cumin/paprika mix, cook until translucent then pour your marinade in and cook on mediul heat for 3 4 minutes then pour half a cup of equal parts cornstarch + water slurry in it, wait until it reaches a nice saucy consistency (Can coat the back of a spoon thingamajig) and wa-la.

This is the only way i can eat liver. You can also put this shit in a hoagie and eat it like that.

>> No.17662867

most ground beef dishes with sauce can be made with 1/2 extra lean ground beef and 1/2 liver and not taste much different, although you have to be extra careful not to overcook. meatballs, salisbury steak and meatloaf are all great. meat sauce doesn't work though.

>> No.17663345

>shit in a hoagie and eat it like that.

>> No.17663363

Buy veal liver instead. It's milder. Also soak it in milk over night to make it even milder. Or drown it in a strong sauce.

>> No.17663408

try it in a strogonoff

>> No.17663807
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>> No.17663819


>> No.17663824

I hate the taste and smell of liver, it reminds me of human vomit. The only way I've been able to get it down, is I get a very fresh calf or lamb liver, briefly blanch it for 1 minute, slice it up and freeze the bite size pieces individually on a tray. Then I put them all frozen in a bag, and swallow one every day like a pill. I don't taste it at all, but sometimes my burps still smell like liver.

>> No.17663836

bacon and onions is the classic preparation
you can also try adding it to a bolognese or larb chopped up fine

>> No.17664726

You're a fucking pussy, liver is delicious and healthy.

>> No.17664762

Chicken liver and Mushroom Stroganoff is great. Also beef liver is great in Tacos.

>> No.17664780

Pregnant women shouldnt eat liver.

>> No.17664805

Eating liver during pregnancy can cause birth defects or miscarriage. I guess if thats your goal go for it.
soak it in buttermilk over night dredge in seasoned flour, i like to add onion garlic and cayenne powder. then fry in butter just until its cooked through, dont over cook it. serve with mashed potatoes caramalized onions peas and mushroom gravy

>> No.17664926
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Put it in milk overnight. It kills the "strong liver taste" and makes it more edible. Make a goulash, but instead of meat, use this

>> No.17664939

Anon, if you don’t like liver, you aren’t going to magically make it taste like something you think is good.
Plenty of people don’t like liver itself in a big slab, even if they like it in other forms like braunschweiger.

>> No.17665084
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Just Liver Pate and use it for bread spreads, Delish.

>> No.17665225

>Eating liver during pregnancy can cause birth defects or miscarriage

>> No.17665407

So this whole eating the placenta thing seems kind of normalized. Why is this a thing again or is it a meme? Religious practice?

>> No.17665416
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>> No.17665432

liver dishes can be fucking great. OP. youre dumb as hell. make it taste good or stop using the kitchen

>> No.17665604


Most animals do it, which is based purely off developed instincts. Similar to how umbilical cords are not clamped off the second after birth. Think about it for a sec, bros.

>> No.17665623

Mix it with something else. I've seen some recipes for something like bolognese where a little bit of liver added is given as an optional addition. Or you could make something like dirty rice that uses a bit of liver. Or just buy some liverwurst and make a sandwich. I don't mind the taste of liver but after a few bites of eating it straight I start to get sick of it. I don't know if that's just a taste thing or because it's so packed with vitamin A, iron, etc. that my body doesn't need very much of it. But when a little bit is just mixed into something else for some flavor it's pretty good.

>> No.17665632

>Funny, we had her placenta dried and capsulized for our last baby.
what the fuck

>> No.17665637

It's more common than you think.

>> No.17665641
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I looked it up and it said liver contains too much vitamin A to be eaten regularly during pregnancy. Just a few ounces of it provides a lot more than you need for daily requirements and your body stores vitamin A so it can build up over time. But eating a little bit once in a while can be fine since it's still really nutritious.

It's kind of hard to overdose on vitamin A or anything like that with liver, you'll just get sick of eating it which is your body telling you that you've had enough. It's more of an issue when taking supplements. But pregnant women probably shouldn't be forcing themselves to eat liver all the time since it could actually cause a problem.

>> No.17665642

Nice, I'll start eating my own shit too in order to get those extra nutrients. Literally think for maybe 1 second about what you just said jesus christ

>> No.17665656

>Oh hey. Let me a sledgehammer to this complex subject. It's all I know how to do.

>> No.17665659

My entire fucking point is that the sledghammer logic was being used in the first place holy shit:

>animals do it so we should too

>> No.17665669

Fry it in butter

>> No.17665748

Humans also have a disgust reaction to shit that is instinctual.
Your gotcha argument is stupid and not related to the consumption of placenta by most animals at all. Stay on point, please and thanks.

>> No.17665762

>liver contains high levels of a certain type of vitamin A that can potentially causemiscarriageandbirth defectsin a developing baby, especially during the first couple of months of pregnancy.

>> No.17665901

It's alright in soup. Can also stuff a chicken with it, amongst some vegetables.
Fried, it tastes like eating literal shit.

>> No.17665907

You're the expert on that taste test.

>> No.17666071

Not a fan of drowning disgusting shit in gravy so it tastes better. If the meat tastes like shit, I'm simply not gonna eat it.

>> No.17666114

you cant compare the placenta which is nutritious and non infectious to shit which can kill you because its pure bacteria

>> No.17666130

marinade it with milk, onions, garlic and pepper for 1 to 2 hours
remove onions/garlic, add salt and boil it in the milk for 5 minutes
chop it in cubes, bread and deep fry it
wa la

>> No.17666572

Can i cut it in small pieces and simply gulp it down like a pill with water? Would it be better to do it raw?

>> No.17666577

Make a good ragu (pork or beef, doesn't matter) and make roughly 30% of the meat chicken livers. And I mean a GOOD ragu, like five hours in the oven kinda ragu.

>> No.17666696

You need to get very high quality liver to eat it raw safely. Some say you should only eat it raw if it hasn't been frozen, so harvested and eaten day of slaughter kinda thing.

Lots of people eat raw liver you'll just need to do your own research.

>> No.17666721

My liberal, believes in essential oils, supports blm, lives thirty minutes from the nearest black person, sister had her placenta turned into capsules. I think you can see the theme here.

>> No.17666774

>person wants to be healthy
>gets ridiculed for being a libcuck
>consume seed oils or you're a libcuck

Post partum depression is the leading cause of SIDS, bro.

>> No.17666788

Carnivores and omnivores eat far less shit than herbivores. We are not a herbivore, ergo, shit is gross to everyone except Indians and Germans.

>> No.17666795

>consume seed oils or you're a libcuck

Is that a jab at him mentioning essential oils? Do you know what essential oils are?

>> No.17666805

this, and vidalia onions are the only way to go

do note, soaking or rinsing softens the taste because its drawing the metals out of it and reducing nutrients. so maybe avoid this step if the nutritional intake is the goal of eating liver to begin with

>> No.17666808

Are you serious?

>> No.17666835

You might want to try some frankincense, I heard its good for yeasty vaginas.

>> No.17666836

squeeze lemon before eating. It will completely cover the taste

>> No.17666872

>create marinade of line juice, salt, pepper, garlic, onion, cumin and oregano
>marinade overnight
>fry at medium high heat to your desired doneness
>slice into bite sized strips
>serve with aged white cheddar, monterrey jack, sour cream, avocado and pico de gallo
You can also marinade in the freezer for one night to force the citrus further into the liver, then move it to the fridge in the morning to thaw for dinner. Also, get an organ blend for dinners between liver plates.

>> No.17666895
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Pic related. As other anons pointed out, don't go overboard. Even Paul Saladino only eats ½ to 1 ounce of liver a day.

>> No.17667129

>Some fava beans, a nice chianti
Thanks doc

>> No.17667137

>RDAs are based of the Standard American Diet.
This graphic is not related to health.
And who knows how accurate those nutrtional values are, I'd bet more often than not they're completely off. Just let your wife eat what she craves, anon, cravings are an important signal of the body wanting something and there's usually a good reason for that. As well as sugar, glucose is needed for the developing brain (in chicks, the brain stopps growing once they run out of sugar).
for the other guy who replied to you, retinol is real vitamin a, and beta-carotene is a scam made by vegans. you need like six parts beta-carotine, eaten with fats, to make one part vitamin a.

>> No.17667156

The fuck are you mad at me for.
I'm just trying to help another anon cook a food that I'm not even a fan of.

I just don't like the texture.

>> No.17667302

If you really overdo it with the vitamin A. A serving once a month or so is well within the limits.

>> No.17667312

Hey, if he's trying to abort the baby, might as well have fun with mummy's MAOIs too, right?

>> No.17667404

Who should eat the placenta the wife or the husband?

>> No.17667443

you need to mask the foul smell. try coating it in sesame seeds and pan frying.

>> No.17667465

The infant.

>> No.17667472

Fry it in beef tallow.

>> No.17667593
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Eating raw lamb liver right now. Good lamb and calf liver are both sweet albeit with a mineral taste too. If it does not taste sweet when eaten raw it might not be the best quality. Try to get it as fresh as possible, but freezing or refrigeration for a few weeks is fine. I've done both without issue, when fresh it'll be firmer, after a few weeks in the fridge it'll develop a cheese taste (you're essentially fermenting it). Grass fed is a minimum.

>> No.17667665

I don't know OP but I had some pan fried cow liver at a fancy steakhouse and it was pretty good. only a little mineraly so I guess they did the milk soak and who knows what else but it is possible for it to be not gross