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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17660211 No.17660211[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How come y'all don't wash your chicken before cooking it?

>> No.17660219

My sister always does that... Why? Chicken are checked for salmonela these days plus you actually cook it, eliminating that 0,1% of it actually having it.

>> No.17660222

>My sister always does that... Why?
She's smart unlike you

>> No.17660227

I had a dream last night I took a boneless chicken breast and started eating it raw with my hand like it was a snack, what's it mean bros?

>> No.17660231

You are supposed to follow your dreams. Do it irl and post results

>> No.17660251

Washing your chicken can actally contaminate your kitchen.

Cooking it properly kills any vacteria.

Don't do retarded stuff because you heard it from your grandma...

>> No.17660259

she is still alive so...

>> No.17660270

Survivor bias. Look at all the stupid boomers who complain about how they were forced to start wearing seatbelts when they never died from car crashses, then look at how many people have been saved by seatbelts in the last 50 years

>> No.17660271
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>running clean drinking water over your chicken can turn it into poison so it's best to just cook it with the slime still on it
Yeah, nah

>> No.17660282

I would wash my chicken if I lived in a third world country that didn't have health inspectors and safety regulations. If I lived in Bangladesh or something, I would wash everything before eating it

But here in a 1st world country it's just an extra unnecessary step. The chicken you buy at the store doesn't need to be cleaned, it's clean when you buy it and cooking it to safe temperatures will kill any possible bacteria

>> No.17660285

>t.never been to Bangladesh

>> No.17660288


>> No.17660292
File: 50 KB, 645x973, 6ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>experts say

>> No.17660303

why would I want to visit a 3rd world shithole

>> No.17660312

Its not 3rd world and not a shithole. You do realize thats racist right?

>> No.17660315

If it's so great why do so many bangladeshis move to my country to work shit jobs that nobody wants?

>> No.17660316
File: 736 KB, 736x555, 1611854141399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thats racist
Thanks for noticing

>> No.17660318
File: 67 KB, 553x708, against-immigration-leaving-56a7549d3df78cf77294af8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it's so great why do so many bangladeshis move to my country
Look whos talking

>> No.17660324

this is a blue board, racists arent welcome here

>> No.17660329
File: 134 KB, 988x1066, 56a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racists arent welcome here

>> No.17660347

>He thinks conquering a native population is the same as immigration.
Ngmi anon.

>> No.17660375

>its not the same because it involved force! i...its okay when we do it!

>> No.17660381

I thought the natives all died of small cox

>> No.17660393
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>I would wash my chicken if I lived in a third world country that didn't have health inspectors and safety regulations. If I lived in Bangladesh or something, I would wash everything before eating it
>But here in a 1st world country it's just an extra unnecessary step. The chicken you buy at the store doesn't need to be cleaned, it's clean when you buy it and cooking it to safe temperatures will kill any possible bacteria
Why are right wingers like this?

>> No.17660403

relax tranny, I'm not a right winger (I hate politics) and I didn't say the N-word. I was just making a point that if you live in a 1st world country you don't need to wash your chicken.

>> No.17660438

Conquering the lands of some bloodthirsty uncivilized tribes that spent their whole existence murdering raping and enslaving eachother is not immigration.

If the natives were a race of actual high IQ, they would defend their lands instead of fighting with blowguns and sacrificing children to Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli

>> No.17660445

why would you check a chicken for salmonella lol you're supposed to check chicken for chickenella

>> No.17660448

I like to pat mine with a paper towel so it's not so damp when it goes in the pan

>> No.17660452

Dad, is that you?

>> No.17660453

It's not. Europeans came to conquer and take over the land and build a new country. Immigrants are typically fleeing somewhere, and want a better quality of life from the existing governmental structures. If you think these are even remotely similar, you're a complete midwit. Also, native Americans fought each other in brutal territorial conflicts, and did unspeakable things to each other way before Europeans ever got here.

>> No.17660454

>CDC says not to wash chicken
>Professional chefs say not to wash chicken
>Never wash my chicken
>Never get sick
Wow you really changed my point of view, im going to start washing my chicken like a 70iq nigger

>> No.17660462

I generally do the opposite of what the CDC and FDA say but in this case I accidentally agree with them, washing chicken is retarded.

>> No.17660546

esl reading comprehension moment