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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 102 KB, 522x1047, 71TDDdYs-0L._AC_SX522_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17659369 No.17659369 [Reply] [Original]

I bought this on a whim to try, since Americans rave about it constantly


It actually genuinely reminds me of eating macaroni milk pudding

>> No.17659382

Why do you make such garbage larp threads.

>> No.17659384

How is this a larp? I have a bowl of this in front of me and it's cloyingly sweet like dessert

>> No.17659389

Who the fuck have you seen raving about Kraft macaroni and cheese that isn't 12?

>> No.17659391

This isn't the dunk you think it is. It may be popular in USA but this shit is literally the national dish of Canada.

>> No.17659399

It’s not sweet
You didn’t buy it
You’re just an obsessed larper
And as >>17659391 pointed out, you’re obsessively larping about the wrong country anyway. Retarded faggot.

>> No.17659401

Try harder next time, bud.

>> No.17659414
File: 9 KB, 677x77, krft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, no-one ever talks about it here

Lol I could easily take a photo and timestamp it, is it that hard to believe that someone might have tried it outside of burgerland?

Seriously though, why is this so disgustingly sweet? are all american foods like this?

>> No.17659416

I'm actually disturbed that your mutt tastebuds are so warped that this doesn't taste like dessert to you guys

>> No.17659418

Nobody's falling for it at this hour. Take a break and try a different approach later.

>> No.17659422

Powdered cheese is pretty good not sure where you're coming from

>> No.17659423

They put sugar/corn syrup into everything bro. They want their goys fat and lazy

>> No.17659424

What flavor I could taste was alright - the powder smelled alright, too. Or at least, smelled a little like cheese. I just can't get over the overwhelming sweetness, reminds me of rice / macaroni pudding, just with a subtle cheese flavor mixed in.

>> No.17659429

This is not a primarily american food, it is canadian.

>> No.17659430

>at this hour
Ah, so you're a mutt that rolled out of his slop first thing in the morning to patrol a chinese pottery board for 'larping' threads, but I'm the one that is obsessed?

>> No.17659433

>irrelevant countries autisticly obsessed with USA
many such cases

>> No.17659435

He still hasn't even tried to shittily photoshop a timestamp onto a reddit image of a bowl of KD.

>> No.17659440

Yep, it's shit. Americans shilling for it are tastelets.

>> No.17659441

What would be the point? I don't care whether or not a mutt with a diabetic rotten brain believes me or not.

>> No.17659444

you are so mad lmao

>> No.17659451

Holy shit you’re mad.
Thanks for the obsession though. It does make my dick hard.

>> No.17659454

Canadians are just Americans by any other name anyway.

>> No.17659465

The British are just Irish by any other name anyway. See? I can make retarded comparisons too. Kraft Mac isn't good but sweet? There's sugar in there but not enough to make it taste sweet. There's a shitton of sodium in it; it's too salty if anything. Maybe the Rona broke your taste buds

>> No.17659532

why the hell are you eating mac and cheese over the age of 12?

>> No.17659601

It must have been hard being raised by single moms. :(

>> No.17659785

I eat this sometimes when I'm poor. What the fuck are you adding to it to make it sweet? I think you're adding way too much milk

>> No.17659792

oh yeah it's absolutely disgusting

>> No.17659825

>I have a bowl of this in front of me
You dont or you would have posted a photo

>> No.17659915
File: 141 KB, 853x543, 1635040816408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too sweet? That's crazy talk!
Son, are you happen to be a Commie swine?

>> No.17659927
File: 70 KB, 720x720, 1642646072103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't add sugar to it then, retard
>inb4 he used chocolate milk
larping eurofag anyway

>> No.17659948

I have never heard a single person in my life rave about it except Canadians.

>> No.17659963

The Barenaked Ladies are barely Canadian in my books along with most of the other faggots who live in that part of Ontario.

>> No.17659972

From a distance the UK and Ireland are almost indistinguishable culturally.

>> No.17659991
File: 453 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20220406-074228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contains 0 sugar
brainless yuromongrel

Can't wait until daddy Putin conquers the lot of you.

>> No.17660160

I am sick of all the false flag disinfo on /ck/.

>> No.17660171

>since Americans rave about it constantly
I have yet to see a thread on 4chan about Kraft Mac and Cheese being raved and praised. The fuck?

>> No.17660405

I bought some recently and noticed the same thing. Didnt tast sweet as a kid.

>> No.17661350

It does have a sweeter taste than homemade Mac and cheese, but I love it. I can not replicate that weird subtle sweet flavor of Kraft Mac and cheese. None of the other brands of powdered Mac and cheese I can get in my country can compare. I have to get some imported from the USA to get a taste.

I guess the sweetness is a little bit like comparing an Indian butter chicken to a Thai curry. The butter chicken does have some sugar and sometimes condensed milk in it, Thai curries may not have a single bit of added sugar.

>> No.17661377

It doesn't taste sweet to me but has a kind of odd vomit aftertaste. Whatever the yanks are putting into their chocolate they put it in their cheesy pasta dishes, too.

>> No.17661379

this shit is elite-tier drunk food because you can just mix anything into it and it'll taste good

>> No.17661396
File: 197 KB, 1300x1300, kd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck buying butter and milk

>> No.17661881

It's for poorfags and manchildren. People who even know half a shit of what they're doing in the kitchen make it from scratch.

>> No.17662681

Americans are addicted to corn syrup. They even add it to vegetables

>> No.17662706


not sure where you eurofags are getting this "it's sweet" nonsense, it's like 95% salt and 5% wheat

>> No.17662895

They’re obsessed, anon. They have literally nothing better to do with their lives except think about americans.
4chan would be 10x better if all non-american IPs were rangebanned

>> No.17663574

It does anger me that the "american" section in supermarkets is filled with nothing but extremely overpriced junk food and candy. Unless i remember it incorrectly, i saw a box of lucky charms costing around 9 euros.

>> No.17663587

Corns already a vegetable?

>> No.17663606
File: 171 KB, 1500x1500, o1xfji928bi61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's pic related with mixed veggies added (the veggies have to have lima beans)

>> No.17663626

>any criticism of America whatsoever
>reeeeeee stop being obsessed
>*posts another lmao european cuisine thread*

>> No.17663742

Kraft isn't high quality but it also isn't sugary/sweet. You fucked up making kraft, which is sad as fuck.

>> No.17665319

first, you never follow the directions on the back. The directions make it soupy and no taste.
You make it with minimal amounts of liquids and you add a lot of butter instead, whipped butter, provides the liquid you need. You just need to put a tiny bit of water or milk or whatever liquid of your choice. I mean very tiny amount of liquid.

>> No.17665324

I can't buy this stuff anymore because where I live they want over $3.00 a box for this. It used to only be $1 something. I really liked Annie's ....

>> No.17665343

>t. Obsessed

>> No.17665376

>Per 1/3 box (unprepared)
>6g sugars
Watch out, real Einstein here.

>> No.17665554
File: 47 KB, 600x447, 1649360020102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, Paula.

>> No.17665568

Take some time and think about how retarded the retarded shit you just said is.

>> No.17665584

I just add whatever amount of milk it says and half a stick of butter

>> No.17665595

rent free

>> No.17665601

If you think that's bad, try eating their bread. It's cake bread and flavoured with chemicals. It's not even real bread seriously.

>> No.17665605

nah, its just Jews favor eurotrash so they poison our food instead. in fact being pro-Europe is actually semitic.

>> No.17665652

I just buy natural bread with no added sugars

>> No.17665985

this stuff sucks if you don't add extra cheese and milk

>> No.17665997

0g added sugar. Carbohydrates are sugars, how are you going to have 'mac and cheese' without pasta?

>> No.17666084

This shit is complete trash.

>> No.17666186

yeah it would suck growing up eating shitty macaroni and plastic chemical sauce every other day because your single mom couldn't be bothered to cook real food

>> No.17667286
File: 2.36 MB, 406x720, fattycoke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such is america, land of the sugar

>> No.17667768

corn syrup*

>> No.17667795


>> No.17667813

This person is British. Nice try.

>> No.17667814

This has just as much chemical junk as the kraft shit.

>> No.17667815
File: 3.23 MB, 3162x2109, StargazyPie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi m8 why is ya food so fookin sweet

>> No.17667846

>You say I think I'm never wrong
>You know what, maybe you're right, aight

>> No.17668244

>No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives!
>contains citric acid
>check wiki
>is produced industrially by feeding sugar to acid producing mold
>calcium hydroxide to precipitate the citric acid out of solution as salts
>sulfuric acid to reconstitute the citric acid

What would it take for an ingredient to be considered artificial? Crude oil is not artificial, is all natural and gluten free.

>> No.17669428
File: 65 KB, 1080x1055, IMG_20220301_102957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk wtf you did to make easy mac sweet

>> No.17669449
File: 192 KB, 640x1004, reddshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP clearly put no effort into his bait. He should have posted an actual abomination like this.

>> No.17670994

Yeah wow why is cheese sweet/sugary? WEIRD!

>> No.17671021

Every thread is started by a hater. It’s so weird how they have to brag and publicize this opinion. It’s okay that you don’t like something but are you really going to brag about not liking Kraft Mac and cheese? So fucking weird and autistic.

>> No.17671053

Yes it’s flavored with CHEMICALS
We like CHEMICAL Flavor
What is chemical to you? Other than a buzzword for “food I don’t like”
Honestly it’s just incredible you blame america for every little problem.

>> No.17671058

Have you considered googling your question or demand that we answer everything? Do some work yourself you lazy sack of shit.

>> No.17672088

how much milk did you pour into it?