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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 1080x556, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17649840 No.17649840 [Reply] [Original]

" How many cups a day?" edition
Previously >>17630232

>> No.17649842

more like crappy tranny general

>> No.17649845

Just because it's true doesn't mean you have to say it.

>> No.17649849

1 cup black, monk fruit, MCT oil and butter

no more, caffeine is a drug and is easily abused

>> No.17649856

today ive only had two, yesterday i had four. my average is probably about 2.5

>> No.17649880

Found a cute little rock in my green coffee this morning. It's reddish brown, looks kind of like a piece of red brick, but with the exact shape of a coffee bean; it's hemispherical. I put it into my quaker cup. If a commercial roaster had gotten this it very well could have made it into the coffee and destroyed someone's grinder. Pretty much the exact color of the roasted coffee. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.17649905

Made two today. Tried those turbo bloom flair shots again. This time they tasted meh. Still had some bitterness.
Made a huge mess because they sprayed so much. Now I know that the spout that came with my machine has a use.

>> No.17649914

I used to drink so much black coffee. Now I am down to a single cup a day. I really want to get off this shit but I love the taste, routine, and I get massive headaches if I go past 30 hours without it.

>> No.17650339

what even is a cup of coffee?

>> No.17650555

I like those mugs and mug plates. very soulful.
1 kofe for me today, probably.

>> No.17650584

and it will continue to be that way because they insist on using gay ass latte art drinks as image for the thread

>> No.17650626

Why are girls so good at making coffee?

>> No.17650643

that's a late stage aeropresser(male)

>> No.17650731
File: 120 KB, 300x268, Sgt.Hartman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I order YOU to STOP making POUROVERS

>> No.17650763

should I buy a Niche

>> No.17650770

if you like muddy v60s and don't mind the occasional stalling on light roasts

>> No.17650789

what other option?

>> No.17650815
File: 271 KB, 1500x1478, 5b86cfd01f841c474d74c9c3_blade coffee grinders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my /bladechads/ at

>> No.17650864

in the bin

>> No.17650865
File: 30 KB, 475x351, 1648969663320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using aeropress for light roasts at all times

>> No.17650869

Why quit?

>> No.17651264

Breville SGP, Weber key, kingrinder, the list can go on...

>> No.17651362

>perfectly prepared yirgacheffe on lunch break
I want to work from home forever.

>> No.17651425

just say you dont know anything and move on

>> No.17651527
File: 204 KB, 372x484, 1639146813302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excitedly slides into your thread

>> No.17651555

I don't think its good for me, it keeps my teeth from being as white as they could be, and its annoying having an addiction. Typing this while my coffee brews btw.

>> No.17651609

I want to impregnate her so badly

>> No.17651658

Uh, I'm pretty sure that's a zoomer male

>> No.17651665


>> No.17651676
File: 353 KB, 389x659, female.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If zoomer males look like this then I'm gay now

>> No.17651795
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>> No.17651860

pop that bussy

>> No.17651866

Just taper down by mixing in decaf
I drink 1100 ml of 10% caffeinated coffee every day

>> No.17651869

Ah so manbuns were meant for a better grip for the top. Now I truly understand

>> No.17651889

bussy knob

>> No.17651892

You just need to have a plan to taper your coffee consumption
I used to drink 32oz a day because I'd fill my tumbler twice. I started doing half decaf to get use to less caffeine.
Once I got used to it, I moved to a single full caffeine brew in the morning and slightly downsized to ~14oz

>> No.17652102

is that horsecocklover69?

>> No.17652178

DF64 are on sale for 385$
why shouldn’t I buy

>> No.17652228

Yes it is him, also known as Josh Weissman.

>> No.17652270


>> No.17652279

oh i thought it was vaush, nevermind.

>> No.17652314

That price doesn't include SSP burrs

>> No.17652678

Hello anons I have a question about coffee, I have a Coffee percolator and a French press and my problem is that the coffee that I brew is too "watery", idk if thats the way to describe it but I want to make it more "thick" like the coffee that I buy in coffee shops. Is there a way to brew it, I need more ingredients or something like that?

>> No.17652715

haha holy shit so did I

>> No.17652734

use less water

>> No.17652737

love coffee

>> No.17652739

>I have a Coffee percolator
throw this away, it can only make burnt coffee.
>French press

>> No.17652811

But isn't 2 tablespoons of coffee in a 250ml cup the best combination?
thx I'll watch it

>> No.17652852

I just want a cup of coffee with steamed milk but the coffee store near me only has 'cafe au lait' on the menu.
I don't want to ask for it like that and sound like a sperg, what do I say instead?

>> No.17652884

xth post for that retard that doesn't know espresso-capable hand grinders are real

>> No.17652898

Ratio for french press is 1:12 to 1:16 grams coffee to water. 2tbsp should be around 10g so obviously not close

>> No.17652904
File: 65 KB, 828x765, 1633882874476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 tablespoons

>> No.17652984

i NEED to fuck her boypussy

>> No.17652989

>espresso-capable hand grinders

>> No.17653002

the retard is back

>> No.17653038

I know, but I don’t know how the df64 with the spp burrs compares to the niche since they would be close to same price

>> No.17653064

In theory it should be better since it is generally agreed that SSPs are superior to the conical Mazzer burrs in the Niche but I don't trust the chinkshit housing of the DF64 which contains those burrs.

>> No.17653077

At work? Way too many. Today was a 20h day - I think I had 8 cups of coffee, 2 cappuccinos and then I got a vietnamese iced coffee for the drive home before we got kicked off site.

>> No.17653096

I should just save up for Lagom p64 maybe?

>> No.17653140

>Today was a 20h day - I think I had 8 cups of coffee, 2 cappuccinos and then I got a vietnamese iced coffee for the drive home before we got kicked off site.
jesus christ dude

>> No.17653163
File: 19 KB, 586x390, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should get an hg1 prime.

>> No.17653167

Film man... hurry up and wait. They can't expect me not to poison myself with these kind of conditions.

>> No.17653198

Then I’d need a bean vault?

>> No.17653216

Ok now I used more coffee (around 15g) and It feel more "thick" but not enough, but the taste was more stronger, didn't liked it desu

>> No.17653256

Was it too bitter? Did you do the brewing like the video link said to? Are you freshly grinding your beans? What temp water are you using? What level of roast? How much exposure to air/light have your beans had and how old are they?

>> No.17653392

Yeah, but I realized I'm using a moka coffee (from a company called monterrey) which is more stronger and bitter lol I'm stupid.
desu don't know how much quality and price differences would be between a more specialized coffee and one bought in the supermarket.

>> No.17653413

So what's the deal with chain coffee shop cold brew? When I make it myself it's the smoothest way I can make it (it's how I drank it when I was getting used to black coffee), but whenever I buy it from a restaurant it's so bitter. One time the barista offered to refund me just from the look on my face after I tasted it.
Are they using some kind of process where it's accelerated and not actually cold brewed?

>> No.17653416

What's some good coffee I can order online

>> No.17653417

I'm over by the sink pouring my coffee out because it tastes like grinds again.

>> No.17653432

Starbucks iced coffee used to be an instant coffee - not sure if it still is. If memory serves it was supposed to be made with hot water, then iced.

>> No.17653440

Their iced coffee is fine (by which I mean burned-tasting and overpriced, their baseline), cold brew is a separate product.

>> No.17653448

I thought they just switched over... chances are it's supposed to be a cold brewed product that everyone forgets to check on, and then rushes with hot water because they nearly ran out.

>> No.17653701

Why do some spices not dissolve in hot water and is there some solution to make them do it? I like cinnamon and nutmeg in mine but they always settle and I have to stir before every sip which is annoying.

>> No.17653710


>> No.17653765

4 pucks in the knock box

>> No.17653844

just say you dont know anything and move on

>> No.17654348

She's so cute bros I don't know what to do

>> No.17654354
File: 120 KB, 750x888, E_G8XeTVEAAyHhb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I will never have a Morgan gf because the globalists sabotage all of my relationship attempts (they don't want me to be happy)

>> No.17654359

I started to get acne or pimples in the face when consuming coffee suddenly. Did anyone else experience similar symptoms?

>> No.17654739

Yes, you're not cut out for drinking coffee unfortunately. Sorry

>> No.17655136


>> No.17655158

Alrighty. Time for two more cobees

>> No.17655163


>> No.17655206
File: 135 KB, 2000x2000, 302224_aeropress_main_angle_2021_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17655208

Enjoy your microplastics stinky

>> No.17655296

more of these >>17649905 and I'll use the spout this time

I also wanna buy a mokapot, so I can make milk drinks again with cheaper Napoli coffee....
I have a brikka, but hoffmeme and that wiredfaggot absolutely ruined it for me, but pointing out how shit it is.

>> No.17655335

Fuck your hand, v60 pussy

>> No.17655369

... And it wasn't bad at all, but I'll settle for just one cobee for today.

>> No.17655371

just say you dont know anything and move on

>> No.17655377

Lol consumer

>> No.17655387

root for her in the world barista championship

>> No.17655400

Right /ck/, I need coffee glass advice.

I'm looking for a double walled coffee glass with a single walled lip/top. That way my small pours can stay warm, but I don't have to deal with the double walled glass thickness at the drinking edge. Currently I've found the Fellow Stagg Tasting Glass, and the Kruve EQ glasses.

The Kruve EQ look like hipster nonsense, and the stagg glasses look like glorified jars. Both are inordinately expensive for what they are. Does anyone know of some generic brand coffee/tea/whatever glass that's double walled at the bottom, single walled at the top, and not priced for fashion?

>> No.17655839

oh i'll be rooting her thats for sure.

>> No.17656085

I found a gaggia classic (not the new model) used for e80, but I don't know anything about maintaining espresso machines. How badly could it be fucked?

>> No.17656208

I told the faggot kingrinder shill to shut the fuck up and you chimed in schizoposting about the fucking Gaggia, just shut the fuck up god damn When people ask ITT "what is the cheapest way to do X" you need to just tell them to lurk more or get a different hobby.

>> No.17656221

kingrinder chads making the resident general tranny having a breakdown I see

>> No.17656289

Yeah I'm thinking kingrindersissies are absolutely seething right now

>> No.17656296

Wtf bros we can't let those Chinese shill their product here. Don't you know they got banned from the coffee subreddit

>> No.17656309

you're telling someone who knows nothing about coffee to go buy a chinkshit hand grinder that takes significant time and effort to grind coffee

>> No.17656316

Just made a V60 with my kingrinder. What did I think of it?

>> No.17656325

Overswirlled and btfo by a $30 cuckmandante clone.

>> No.17656337

Why would I ever by a cuckmandante clone when I can get a FULLY STEPLESS, FULLY STEEL-BURRED, ESPRESSO-CAPABLE, FACTORY SECONDS chinkshit clone for only $60????

>> No.17656352

why the fuck is this $30 now surely that's a scam

>> No.17656356

just one. i've been trying to cut back because fresh beans are expensive ($18 for a bag at the local specialty roaster, but in reality i wind up spending $30 each trip because i wind up getting a latte and a pastry to go as well). i used to destroy a bag in two weeks but i've been stretching it out to a month or longer. finding myself drinking tea to fill in the void. but still can't go 2-3 days without warming up the silvia to make myself a flat white.

>> No.17656367

There is no reason for a grinder to cost more than $30

>> No.17656373

Gotta wait for the k19 for that heptagonal burr set. Shilling soon to a thread near you.
Probably. Aliexpress is p good at refunding you if shit doesn't show up though. Just have to remember. I almost want to order one to give away if it shows up.

>> No.17656399

>pretending to be retarded

>> No.17656407

I'm quoting a /ctg/ poster from months ago, you wouldn't get it. iykyk frfr no cap

>> No.17656424

Just got back from salvation army. Managed to snag a massively tarnished julep strainer for $6.50. Project $35 homebar is looking up!

>> No.17656436

Imagine needing a strainer. You can make the entire IBA catalogue with nothing but a set of shaker tins (which cost no more than $10), Earlytimes, and some lemons.

>> No.17656437
File: 64 KB, 751x748, Coffee is love..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd drink between 2 - 8 "shots" per day (i.e. 30mls per shot) depending on what I'm doing or where I am.

I work as a sales manager for a coffee wholesaler though... so that might be a bit different to normal people

>> No.17656444


>> No.17656470

Jesus man... you're getting ripped off...

>> No.17656474

How close is coffee sweetness to bitterness in your guys' experience? I just poured a cup with decent sweetness and it registers very similarly to bitterness, just more sugary. Was wondering if you felt the same or my tastebuds are just fucked up

>> No.17656478
File: 35 KB, 500x316, 277168082_3199057433708069_5769705311906675332_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a 1964 copy of old mr boston that would have cratered homeboy's budget.

>> No.17656499
File: 220 KB, 882x624, Coffee 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about balance bro.

You balances the acidity with the body and the sweetness.

If you're getting a coffee that is bitter and heavy then it's been roasted dark and it means it's missing some of the acidity.

You roast it very light and it tastes like fruit juice in milk.

Neither of these are wrong, it's just peoples flavour profiles.

Most coffee "connoisseurs" like light roasts because there are far more flavours to play with and your roasting profile actually makes a difference. Once you pass the 2nd crack it all tastes the same (i.e. heavy and bitter).

>> No.17656591

Yeah good coffee costs a little bit more than Aldin breakfast blend (the one with the rooster on it)

>> No.17656619
File: 316 KB, 1200x1200, SFB-CS-WholeBeanPile_1800x1800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But kirkland columbian supremo costs 4/5ths as much and is 1/4th as good!

>> No.17656623
File: 2.17 MB, 2048x1773, 1627297245361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys i reposted stupid shit from previous threads!
>aren't i just so kooky and zany

>> No.17656626

>drip 12-cup coffeemaker
>grocery store ground coffee, usually Green Mountain
>black or maybe a splash of half-and-half
simple as, fuck you

>> No.17656668

who are you quoting?

>> No.17656691

Why do those beans look like black asscheeks covered in coconut oil (not that I would know what that looks like)

>> No.17656713

m e d i u m r o a s t

>> No.17656721

Grocery store coffee be like.... yes sir this is our "blonde roast" LOL!!!!!!!

>> No.17656748
File: 2.99 MB, 498x211, bh187-austin-powers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive cracking, char, and every single bean completely coated in oil.
>City roast. Mark it one tick under the direct center of our arbitrary scale
Tasting Notes: Smooth, Flavorful and Aromatic

>> No.17656815

Don't forget "full-bodied" kek

>> No.17656848


>black asscheeks covered in coconut oil

It's cool, Anon. I have a bit of the jungle fever myself. As well as Asian fever. Basically I'm just a horny bastard, especially for coffee

>> No.17656852

no one you fucking sperg

>> No.17656853

Good for you but I'm incel

>> No.17656862
File: 1.12 MB, 2048x1421, 1644352337457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Full City Roast
>Tasting Notes: Nutty, Smooth, Full-Bodied

>> No.17656886

how do i order a coffee at starbucks or dunkin

>> No.17656888


>> No.17656889

one cobee pls

>> No.17656905

umm uhhh oh gosh errr uh can I get ah.... >.<

>> No.17656923

I really hope that one guy who couldn't work up the courage to order a coffee is doing well.

>> No.17657005

you dont

>> No.17657231

How long until Lance transitions?

>> No.17657260
File: 531 KB, 2048x2048, cortado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today's latte

lol fag

>> No.17657283

He's currently "training" the squat little dyke so any day now.

>> No.17657300

Is there any instant coffee that doesn't taste like complete shit without sugar? I normally only have a little under 1 sugar in mine but i'm thinking of cutting out sugar for a while, but Moccona and Nescafe are undrinkable without a little sweetness to them.

>> No.17657362

Did it taste as good as it looks?

>> No.17657374

yes, it was delicious imo
used onyx monarch beans and whole milk from trader joes

>> No.17657405

Congrats anon, I just enjoyed a tasty americano using Paradise KA’U IPA Natural beans. Tried out new bplus puck screen

>> No.17657413

buy specialty instant coffee

>> No.17657431

nice that sounds really good
i've got a normcore puck screen and i love it

>> No.17657492

Have you tried putting paper filter on bottom of basket too? I have some chemex filters and a circle punch coming later today:

>> No.17657542
File: 2.79 MB, 4000x3000, 1649205890243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just received pic related beans from a friend from Japan. What will I think of them?

>> No.17657556

>bplus puck screen
>normcore puck screen
I'm pretty sure the original flair58 puckscreens were from the bplus oem and I just bought a normcore for the tea portafilter. They are sliiiiiiiiiightly different. Normcore feels a little more dense? Not going to do any head to head so I don't contaminate the tea one for now, but its mildly interesting.

>> No.17657572
File: 2.74 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20220406_005106069[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurasu is great. They've always got some dumb shit to toss on your order to make shipping more bearable. Kind of want a new matcha bowl from them.

>> No.17657678

"This is a quote." - Quotatus Quotandus, circa 32 BC.
>This is highlighted text. t. not (You)

>> No.17657767
File: 162 KB, 1012x944, Timemore-Chestnut-c2-coffee-grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was right, the timemore is great for grinding pepper

>> No.17657802

Just get Ikea's Interessant, you freak. Coffee grinders are for coffee

>> No.17657810

you are a hundred years too newfag to reply to my posts

>> No.17657817

You are twelve, and what is this?

>> No.17657836

It works so much better for pepper than regular pepper mill and it cost me as much as a peugeot

>> No.17657864
File: 64 KB, 480x360, 1538022168289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Convince me to NOT buy a espresso machine

>> No.17657876

Okay. Mokapot is all you need. If you wanna be fancy, get a nanofoamer together with it.
Espresso is a meme and is overrated.
You can do so much with that money, why waste it on a consumerist "hobby"

>> No.17657884

espresso was made by italians therefore it is inherently gay.

use a moka pot instead BUT dont use it the way they use it, because they way they use it is objectively wrong and makes bad burnt acidic coffee the fact that the italians made the moka pot with a lid is all you have to know to know they dont know what they are doing.

>> No.17657900
File: 360 KB, 800x1200, AeroPress-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, this! So much this! There is no reason for a consumerist hobby to cost more than $30.

>> No.17657908

fuck off aeroshill
also her form is dogshit

>> No.17657921

The aeropress gang will remember this.

>> No.17657923

Haha imagine if she aeropressed the coffee directly into your rectum

>> No.17657930

How do you deal with feeling wired from drinking coffee? A single cup does it to me these days. Would drinking coffee more often help build tolerance?

>> No.17657938

wait wait, is there brew porn? I need a new fetish

>> No.17657991

yeah why the fuck would anyone press that hard

>> No.17657996

It would be extremely painful

>> No.17658016
File: 592 KB, 1936x2592, eXnhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should see what she does to french presses.

>> No.17658045

how does one develop deathgrip without having a penis

>> No.17658049

>Need a part time side job because I studied social work instead of something well paying
>Apply to local coffee shop
>One replies, asking me to send them pics of my previous latte art

>> No.17658060

Do you fill it up with sugar? If so that's definitely why.

>> No.17658067

People go to coffee shops for more reasons than just the coffee. Latte art also serves as a soft marketing tool as good ones will get posted on social media

>> No.17658076

>The aeropress gang
yeh all 3 of you

>> No.17658078

Ask yourself:

Do I enjoy drinking espresso? And then ask: do I enjoy making espresso? Because the answers to these questions can be different, at least it it is for me.

I went and got a whole set-up and I just pour-over all the time, never use the machine itself. I just hate how fucking tedious puck prep is, I thought I'd like it but it's not all it's chalked up to be.

>> No.17658089

>I went and got a whole set-up
What setup?

>> No.17658091

Enough for a beginner to be able to grow into, nothing crazy.

>> No.17658093

What setup?

>> No.17658095

You know, a little bit of this, a little of that

>> No.17658103

latte art is retarded and i dont respect anyone who cares about it. its also extremely inefficient.

>> No.17658111

he bought a delonghi and is too embarrassed to say.

>> No.17658120
File: 317 KB, 1500x1500, 91gmMyxEPYL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to say $60 krups "flat burr" grinder and a amazon lightning deal 15 bar piece of shit.

>> No.17658124

It's not a Delonghi, just another single-boiler, though that Brad Pitt super-auto machine is pretty cool.

>> No.17658143


>> No.17658164


>> No.17658271

If you hate how tedious puck prep is with an automatic then you should get a meme lever espresso "machine" where you also have to manually control temperature and pressure in addition to puck prep and time. Like all of the fucking stupid retarded newfags ITT recommend to people looking to get into espresso.

>> No.17658280
File: 2.50 MB, 3208x2139, img_0967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tried making cowboy coffee
>it's actually incredibly smooth if you just let gravity take care of the grinds
It feels like cheating somehow. I outdid my french press and drip coffee for 0$, when you have anons ITT spending who knows how much.

>> No.17658289

I did actually and I hated it but for some reason I thought I'd like a semi-auto that takes up 5 times the space and has a steam wand because espresso is so heckin awesome, pinnacle of coffee bullshit.

>> No.17658291

>>tried making cowboy coffee
>>it's actually incredibly smooth if you just let gravity take care of the grinds
>It feels like cheating somehow. I outdid my french press and drip coffee for 0$,
get a Hario switch or a clever and never deal with grinds then. literally just cowboy coffee through a paper filter

>> No.17658297

I'll only ever do it hungover while camping. Turkish - no problem, but full on boil the coffee to death in a cauldron over the coals? I have to be in a state for that.

>> No.17658311

I did it just short of a boil. You don't just leave it boiling while it brews... right?

>> No.17658318

depends how masochistic I'm feeling. Usually I get it to the boil, add the coffee and lift the pot to keep it warm... if Jim Beam is screaming at me from beyond the grave, I'll cook it down to tar and use enough cream to return it to a liquid state.

>> No.17658323

Kek. Fair enough.

>> No.17658328

>manually control temperature
You're not fanning a fire moron, you just turn on a kettle and then pour it on something else and wait. But go on about more shit you have no clue about. Keeps the thread bumped.

>> No.17658332

>you just turn on a kettle and then pour it on something else and wait
i.e. manually

>> No.17658345

Here you go bitchboy. Programmable finger. It'll turn your kettle on whenever you want.

>> No.17658350

just how fucking lazy are you

>> No.17658354

He just likes to shit up threads since he can't afford a $150 flair.

>> No.17658375

>Like all of the fucking stupid retarded newfags ITT recommend to people looking to get into espresso.
seriously the amount of people recommending espresso stuff is bothersome
my advice is to make yourself some good coffee and leave espresso as something to be enjoyed made by cafes. chances are you'll make better coffee than them anyway

>> No.17658382

people like you have ruined this general fyi. brew some bitterness out of your personality, loser.

>> No.17658389
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>> No.17658390

I don't understand why you continue to intentionally miss the point and constantly act like an obstinate retard. There is a retarded fucking monkey posting in this thread right now complaining that puck prep for an automatic is too much work. Like I said before, but you continue to ignore, these are the kind of people who drink kcups and nespresso pods. And you are recommending that the kind of person who finds using an automatic to be tedious buy a manual lever. You are so braindead it's unreal. Then you project your poverty onto others because you are too poor to afford a real espresso machine and people making fun of your meme lever makes you seethe.

>> No.17658400

>intentionally miss the point and constantly act like an obstinate retard. There is a retarded fucking monkey posting in this thread right now complaining that puck prep for an automatic is too much work.
Except he never said a single fucking word about it being an automatic. Thats all you. All we know is its a cheap single boiler right now. Take your time. Read the comments fully.

>> No.17658430

>no argument
Concession accepted, retard

>> No.17658453

You've come to a coffee thread in a cooking forum for the sole purpose of arguing. You receive no concessions. You receive no points. You receive no (You)s.

>> No.17658461

>too poor to afford a real espresso machine
Do I really need to add up the flair58+sep+lunar+kinu p+pullman shit+kruve sifters+wug+lab sweets? Just say you dont know anything and move on.

>> No.17658474

i have no idea what compels "people" to do that shit desu

>> No.17658482

It wouldn't even matter what sort of machine he had since he was complaining about PUCK PREP, dipshit
>no Fellow Clara
>no Kruve tasting glasses
>no Melodrip
>no Lilydrip
>no custom water mineral blend
>no chinkshit Comandante knockoff

>> No.17658501

Three spoons of instant coffee,
One sachet of instant coffee with milk, latte flavour,
Boiling water,
Vanilla flavoured liquid breakfast added as milk,
Served in a jumbo Shrek mug

Yep, this is what coffee is about.

>> No.17658506
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He's complaining about stirring coffee. You're seething over heating water.
>no Kruve tasting glasses
>no Melodrip
Who the fuck do you think you're talking to pal? I preordered those tasting glasses.

>> No.17658513

>You're seething over heating water.
Learn to fucking read holy shit kek

>> No.17658524

>I went and got a whole set-up
>It's not a Delonghi, just another single-boiler
Gotta be an automatic. Not a semi auto or a superauto. An automatic. Just say you dont know anything and move on.

>> No.17658526

Oh yeah, that's some good seething. Give me more.

>> No.17658528

I'm not seeing an argument being made here. Just seethe.

>> No.17658534

>spending $10 on a metal stick
Do gearqueers really do this? No wonder you can't afford an actual espresso machine.

>> No.17658535

You'd think he would learn how to larp by now.

>> No.17658567
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>> No.17658576

Thats exactly who the fuck I want evaluating my tasting glasses. His eyes atrophied so his tongue is on point. Like Daredevil. I'm picking up a 4 pack of these as soon as I break a kruve.

>> No.17658608

i larp as someone who knows about espresso but i have no idea, i have never even drunk one.

>> No.17658630
File: 489 KB, 803x536, weknow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17658753

just had a some rwandan coffee for the first time
tastes like a lighter columbian.

>> No.17659306

>there's no possible way people could enjoy brewing espresso, so recommendations for entry-level espresso gear must be newfags
take your meds

>> No.17659315

>seriously the amount of people recommending espresso stuff is bothersome
>noooooo anon you can't do it yourself just let the professionals take care of it ;)
kill yourself

>> No.17659319


>> No.17659335

nah that's a bit too autistic for me and seems wasteful
let me know how it goes if you end up doing that

>> No.17659425

1 or 2 cups.
Moka team.
On another note where am I supposed to buy Blue Mountain coffee without spending so much?

>> No.17659560

Supposedly it will let you get higher extraction

>> No.17659699
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Based and truth pilled

>> No.17659788

Kinu M47?

>> No.17659794

Wait until the Hoff posts The Ultimate Stovetop Percolator Technique and everyone creams themselves over how good perc coffee is.

>> No.17659830
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i don't care whether or not someone makes their own espresso but the issue i have is that the barrier of entry is very high. plus, if you're making bomb coffee and espresso yourself, why would you ever have a reason to visit a cafe? i like going to cafes.

>> No.17659834

day forty six of using an aeropress: my turds are now Pressed; they have the shape and size of an aeropress puck

>> No.17659862

Until then

>> No.17659973

Use thicker water

>> No.17659997

Ai-do lick-eh samu moreh cawfee

>> No.17660030

i go to cafes to do work and socialize with friends
i make espresso at home when i want high quality espresso for cheap, or when i feel like having a cortado/latte for less than $10

>> No.17660061

What does a good coffee taste like?
Start drinking coffee recently then I realized I have no idea how a good cup is supposed to taste

Bought a moka pot recently
Started with pre-ground which taste just bitter
then I bought a grinder and got some medium roast beans
The coffee tastes a lot more flavorful and acidic now (dunno if it is too sour, but I assumed most coffee are inherently sour?)
But I still can't taste the fruity note or sweetness people said online.

>> No.17660084

Fruity just describes the acidity of the coffee. Chocolatyness is the bitterness.

>> No.17660116
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gween tea

>> No.17660141

Getting lower by the day. Decent, espresso capable grinders have never been more available. From kinus and eezypressos to mignons to df64s. It's pretty easy to put together a sub 500 setup.

>> No.17660178

>trying to dial in new beans
>keep fucking up
>brew ten coffees in one afternoon
I feel like I'm gonna puke.

>> No.17660319

That guy is a fucking moron.

>> No.17660344
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>hoffmeme: using two aeropress filters won't change anything
>also hoffmeme: these aesir filters are great
if aesir filters are just thicker paper why wouldn't adding paper thickness impact the brew?

>> No.17660362


>> No.17660391
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huh. neat, thanks.

>> No.17660449
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>> No.17660505

>Barefoot and pregnant/10
Bros I want her.

>> No.17660511

how is related to coffeedrinkies?

>> No.17660513


>> No.17660532
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don't care, still PRESSin

>> No.17660556

Oh I know. Just fucking replace it once a year and I'm sure whatever risk there is plummets. I just ordered some new plastic pipe stems because I'm fucking chewing on them while hot smoke deteriorates the inside.

>> No.17660559

I feel you. I sleep with a mouth guard in because I clench my jaw in my sleep. it's leaving tooth marks and scrapes. obvious where the missing chunks go.

>> No.17660689

Some coffees are sweeter than others, but sweetness of a particular coffee is enhanced by roasting darker, up to a point. A real life city to full city roast will have a more developed sweetness profile as the carbohydrates in the beans caramelize or whatever, but going a little too dark will pull out darker, bitter roasty flavors which compete with the sweetness more than compliment it (imo). Lighter roasted coffees can still be sweet, but it tends to be a more juice-like, acidic sweetness and reads less sweet on the tongue. Depends on what you're going for and what you're working with. So my point isn't that you're misreading sweet and bitter, but that they may both simply be present. Roasting is very nuanced, I guess. This is just coffee. But I know what you mean about the sweet/bitter thing. Those artificial sweeteners are often bitter. I don't know why.

>> No.17660751

You'll probably shit out chunks tho. Its the fine particles that will fuck you and accumulate. Like from an abrasive acid medium rubbing against it with hot water to weaken the plastic lol. The paper filter will still catch m o s t of it but theres going to be bypass.

>> No.17660759
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Coffeefrens say something nice about Bicerin.

>> No.17660769

Literally just a mocha

>> No.17660790

Mocha is caffè latte but with chocolate mixed it, Bicerin has them layered in a specific order and you shouldn't mix, the flavour hits differently. Another difference is the shape of the glass which is supposed to be a small glass.

>> No.17660800
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>> No.17661067

Fuckin weirdo

>> No.17661110

Anyone else notice an uptick in anti-coffee posting throughout 4chan? Coffeebros, did we get too cocky?

>> No.17661143

The elites are planting the seeds of anti-coffee rhetoric within the masses. Coffee will soon be villainized as a tool of oppressing third worlders that contributes to global warming, and will become and an expensive specialty product only available to the elites. For the masses, it will eventually be superseded by zogbrew made from roasted barley and chicory.

>> No.17661209
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This is a good thing, we shall go back to the old days we're only the intellectual elite and nobles drinking coffee at expensive and exclusive cafes.
It's gonna be kino elite frens.

>> No.17661217
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Pardon me.

>> No.17661258

>he thinks he will be an elite in the NWO
lol, lmao even. If you are one of the 20% of the current population who survives the great reset and the resource wars, you are going to be living as a slave for the rest of your life.

>> No.17661322
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That plan was scrapped anon, you didn't get the memo, we are bringing back European monarchies and nobility instead after we nuke the USA and restore Prussia.
(this is very relevant to coffee, mods, I'm serious)

>> No.17661334

why wait when technology "what can brown do for you" connections has already shown that the percolator can only make burnt coffee.

>> No.17661354

wrong on the fruity part, some light roasts do actually taste of fruit and flowers. not like "oh yeh i really taste apple" but more like a general fruit taste or generic "mixed berry" notes are pretty common in high quality light roasted coffee. i have experienced this many many many times and its not a placebo either.

and for dark roasts i would say that is generally correct. at most its going to taste like high quality 100% dark chocolate, and sometimes how "chocolaty" it is can describe how harshe or smooth it is, because you can have extremely harsh bitter and relatively smooth bitter.

>> No.17661355

I've read that Nicaraguans can't get enough fertilizer for their coffee which means there will be a smaller yield. I don't know if other countries are having the same problem, but be on the lookout for a rise in coffee prices.

>> No.17661359

>hes not cupping
>hes not just taking a tiny sip
>hes actually drinking the whole cup
retard alert.

>> No.17661387
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im ready

>> No.17661392
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I paid for the whole bean I'm gonna use the whole bean

>> No.17661410

Just use half of the bean and freeze the other half for later

>> No.17661418

I'm having a comfy french press brew right now and I'm thinking it's all gonna be ok bros

>> No.17661421

I'm having a muddy V60 brew right now and I'm thinking it's fucking over bros

>> No.17661502

I'm having some wt101 in pineapple orange juice with a lil bitters and I'm thinking life's good. I'll probably make a coof later though.

>> No.17661524

then suffer.

>> No.17661738
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Australians used to be like that?! What went wrong?

>> No.17662010

the liberal government (right wing) sold everything to china and adopted mass corruption on every level. as well as becoming extremely "american" every generation.

australia has always had a massive coffee culture but these days its mostly hipster fags.

>> No.17662323

Is whole milk from trader joes really that good?

>> No.17662602

maybe, Scott Rao on the other hand

>> No.17662730

I'm not exactly happy with my espresso bros. This is my first machine. Is it supposed to sting the back of my throat when i drink this shit? How do I make it taste more like a moka pot coffee ;_;

>> No.17662881

>right wing

>> No.17662936

You're going to need to provide more info.

>> No.17662979

First place to look is at your cupping spoon. What are you using?hpphk

>> No.17663008

found the stupid american.

>> No.17663040

Deliberately mispronounce it
>caff ow late

>> No.17663054

There’ll be no real difference between them and a domestic brand, but you’ll love it and rate it as the best coffee you’ve ever had because “le Japanese thing = better”

>> No.17663061

So then how DO you use it?

>> No.17663066

Send them a pic of you brewing rough coffee grinds in a big pot over a campfire, and tell them that’s the only appropriate way to make coffee.

>> No.17663080


>> No.17663086

USA has more nukes than the rest of the world combined

>> No.17663089

Found the braindead yuropoor

>> No.17663099

Yeah they're the Japanese Peet's. Peetsu. jsydkaamo.

>> No.17663178
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late night cortado

yes and it's cheap

>> No.17663370

why does your latte art look like The Scream?

>> No.17663371

rent free

im australian you dumb fuck. america is the only country where liberal party = left wing, everywhere else liberal party = right wing or at most center right.

>> No.17663401


the problem is that most people and even the makers of the moka pot just let it sit until us much coffee has been brewed as possible, doing this means the water will channel through the puck and spurt out the top and make a huge mess, this is why they added a lid so then when it spurts it is contained within the moka pot. the problem is that if your moka pot is even close to spurting your coffee is already ruined, so if you use it correctly it will never spurt and doesnt require a lid.

you need to eyeball the place in the pot where the coffee is at its maximum before a spurt will soon occur, you need to be watching and waiting and as soon as it reaches that invisible line take it off the heat and run cold water over the base or submerge the entire base in a pot of cold water. this stops the brewing process and doesnt allow any bad coffee to be brewed and mixed in with your good coffee ruining it, even if it spurts for a second your entire brew is fucked and it will taste and smell noticeably worse in every way. this is why the moka pot has such a bad reputation. because idiots dont know how to use it.

>> No.17663489

Stirring espresso is so fun. I like the brown on brown patterns it makes

>> No.17663510

the fuck is this thread? since when we start giving retards access to boiling water?

>> No.17663542

i agree colonization of the new world was a mistake.

>> No.17663573

coofee too good for these fools

>> No.17663594

I miss actually pressing with my french press. Fuck that stupid video, why do i follow it

>> No.17663598

what video

>> No.17663659

Spoiler alert: 300 is not the bump limit here.

>> No.17663665

the fwark is green coffee

>> No.17663748

he means unroasted coffee beans.

>> No.17663916
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USAians are proving the saying that an empty kettle makes most noise

>> No.17664295
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>> No.17664376
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>wake up
>too tired to make cohee
>have an energy drink instead

>> No.17664531
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Have you tried just eating beans?

>> No.17664556
File: 1.32 MB, 1147x1206, 1620173575685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these niggas are eating beans?

>> No.17664577

because i was tired and had way too much foam in my milk

>> No.17664632

would desu

>> No.17664959

It's possible, but not very pleasant, to eat the roasted beans without the chocolate coating.

>> No.17665170


>> No.17665506

Anywhere not america is yurop.

>liberalism is right wing
Certified retard. No western society has a real right wing party or political representation. Genuine right wing politics have been untenable for decades. What we have is social liberalism (socialist) parties, and classical/neoliberal parties. Both of which are different flavours of left wing.
You don’t know what ‘right wing’ or ‘left wing’ means.

>> No.17665587


I buy the Costco size drums of Maxwell house or Folgers every so many months based on whatever's cheaper or on sale. On Sundays, I run it through a cold brew pitcher, and transfer each batch into an empty 1.75 liter liquor bottle keep it in the fridge. I slug back one 10 ounce glass of the stuff every morning during the week, and never more than one cup per day.

Anyone else just buy the cheapest shit and not a coffee snob?

>> No.17666006

i just buy like peets and kaldi's from my grocery store