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17651909 No.17651909 [Reply] [Original]

When you order from domino’s what does your pizza look like?

>> No.17651913
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>> No.17651918
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>> No.17651927

for me, it's the chicken bacon ranch

>> No.17651930

is this extra cheese? my dominos never looks like this.

>> No.17651932

Sounds pretty good anon

>> No.17651939

Probably, idk kek

>> No.17651975
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>> No.17651980

Half double cheese, half pepperoni

>> No.17651983

To think this is now considered thin for him

>> No.17651986
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>> No.17652181

Ex-Domino's employee here. Here's my preferred pizza
>Thin Crust
>Garlic Sauce, no marinara
>Sausage & Bacon (and peppoeroni if I'm feeling indulgent)
>Hatch Green Chiles

Fucking kino.

>> No.17652202

Sausage and Bacon is heavenly

>> No.17652215

A normal day in Anchorage, Kentucky for some but not for John Schnatter. It’s almost noon and the sun shining through the estate glistens off his reddened greasy face as he feverishly orders a pizza off the Papa John’s app. “John you didn’t order another pizza did you? You promised we’d have lunch together...” said his wife annoyed yet worried. “No....No of course not. We’ll have lunch together as promised.” he says as he forces a smile and nervously wipes some drops of grease off his forehead. He wonders why he ever married this woman who has no knowledge or passion for pizza the way he does. He stares out the window and manages a genuine smile this time as he thinks about his day of reckoning that will come to pass. Soon the fools will all see. Papa will show them all and there will be fury and retribution. “Honey did you say something?” she calls from the doorway. “Oh I was just reminding myself of something I gotta get done. Just thinking out loud, sweetheart.” he says calmly without breaking his gaze from the window. Jesus how much of that did I say out loud, he thinks. Come on Papa gotta keep it together just a little longer. Can’t pour the marinara just yet, Papa.


>> No.17652313


>> No.17652322

i worked at Dominos and the best thing was the philly cheesesteak pizza

>> No.17652326

this is really good,and yes I am sort of curious about what comes next

>> No.17652327

>Ex-Domino's employee
it's Dominos not Domino's. glad you don't work there anymore you don't have what it takes

>> No.17652341

yeah, that's pretty good too, but that meat always sketched me out
Lol. Called out by a true Kang I see

>> No.17652349

What the fuck

>> No.17652350
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Nice digs Anon

>> No.17652360

He snaps out if it suddenly and realizes he has no idea how much time has passed. He hears the shower going, perfect. He pulls his phone out and hurriedly attempts to check the status of his order and the grease on his hands and on the phone makes him fumble it as it drops and slides across the floor. “FUCKING....GODDAMN IT!!” he exclaims and scrambles to pick it up and regain his composure. He looks at the screen and runs his free hand through his hair and wipes the oil running down his hand on his second shirt for the day. The pizza is on it’s way and he makes his way to the side gate with haste. He no longer hears the shower and knows it will only be a matter of time before he has to get ready for a “nice” lunch with some “real” food. He scoffs at the notion but knows as long as he makes “effort” she won’t say anything. Still he can feel his patience is thin and it’s hard to mask his fury as he won’t get as much time with this one as he normally would. But progress is progress and the risk was worth it. The risk excited him, even, and made him feel ways he hadn’t in some time. He stops at a closet and looks to see the coast is clear before grabbing his dummy Amazon box. He would need a replacement soon as this one had grease stains beginning to bleed through. Part of him didn’t want to and the smell was so tantalizing but he knows this will be it’s last transport.

>> No.17652373

He makes his way to the gate and greets his favorite delivery guy. “Bridges!” he exclaims as he warmly approaches him. “Show Papa what ya got for me, Sam” he says coyly as he opens the Amazon box for the drop. “BT’s were heavy this time and the timefall did a bit of a number on the box but should be just as good for your needs, John” Bridges says cautiously but optimistically. He was enjoying his deliveries to John less and less as he could clearly see the man becoming a shell of himself and his sanity degrading. Not to mention the smell. GOD the smell. John’s eyes look over the box and pizza and then his eyes look up to Sam and narrow. “Didn’t we have this discussion a week ago, Sam? There is no John Schnatter....IT’S PAPA” he shouts as drops from the oil that cover him fly off his brow, nose, and lips. Sam takes a couple steps back and raises his hands up. “Okay...It’s okay...you’re right, it’s Papa”. John calms and nods and closes up the box. “I tipped on the app. Find a different route this is cutting too close to being subpar, Sam.” John says already making fast strides back into his estate. “Yes, Papa, I’ll look into that for the next haul.” Sam says convincingly but he has already decided this would be his last here. Someone else can handle this shit but it won’t be him. Not anymore. He rides off but feels a foreboding feeling from the estate that stirs the BB and doesn’t pass until he gets back to his private room.

>> No.17652374 [DELETED] 

I'm going to order from Dominoes tonight to celebrate my successful abortion. It was white, had to have it removed. Literal fuck trash.

I'm going to get a cheese pizza with jalapeños and olives.

>> No.17652376

John walks in and quietly closes the door and looks around and listens. No sounds but his wife’s blow dryer in their bedroom. This couldn’t have worked out more perfectly, he thinks. He makes a trip to the kitchen and grabs the large bottle of olive oil hidden beneath a drawer of dish towels. He kept many strategically placed throughout the estate in places his overbearing bitch of a wife would never look. He makes his way down to their fully finished basement because the bathroom down there is ideal and has a lessened chance he will be disturbed. He tells her that he likes the water temp and pressure down there better and she never questions it. He locks the door behind him and undresses. His clothes peel from his oily body and are heavier due to the saturation. It’s no matter as he always has the servants keep this bathroom stocked with towels and a few sets of clothes. He unfolds the bench in the shower and places the pizza perfectly. He then opens the olive oil and chants as he lathers his body with it. “Better Ingredients. Better pizza” he says over and over as his eyes roll back in euphoria. He discards his humanity and gets down on all fours slowly crawling toward the pizza like a primal predator. He closes in on it lunging his face into the pizza and biting into it pulling to the side as the cheese stretches with his movement. The pizza is all one solid disc as he instructed. This one he would devour with an animalistic fury. He even let his fingernails grow out to help him shred it apart in large chunks. The olive oil is thick on him and several pieces of the pizza fall off and slide down him as he succumbs to his most inner base instincts. John is now lost in these moments of power, passion, and hatred. The senses run so deep if one were to look upon him they would see not man, but a ravaging beast. Sadly someone would see him and get more than they bargained for.

>> No.17652382

Time had gotten away from him again, his wife thought. She was ready and cautiously excited for this. They hadn’t had a nice meal together in almost a month. John was lost in his efforts to reclaim his role in the company and had become obsessive. She reached the foot of the stairs. She felt the pit of her stomach drop as she could sense something was wrong. More so than it had been. No this time it was different. She fearfully approached the door and could hear John murmuring to himself and wet noises and splats but no water from the shower running. She sheepishly knocked on the door “John? Are you almost ready? I’m ready whenever you are, dear” she said in an upbeat but broken nervous tone. She got no response and the sounds persisted or perhaps even became louder and more aggressive. She began to worry and pulled an allen wrench from her purse. She had taken note of John’s decline and stashed it away in case something happened and he had locked himself in. She inserted it and twisted it till she heard a click and opened the door. She gasped as she saw her husband covered in a thick layer of something hunched over something in the shower. The shower curtain was on the floor as it had been ripped off its rings.

>> No.17652384
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>Tree fucker

>> No.17652398

>>Thin Crust
>>Garlic Sauce, no marinara
>>Sausage & Bacon (and peppoeroni if I'm feeling indulgent)
>>Hatch Green Chiles
anon i just ordered this for 7.99 except jalapenos because wtf is a hatch green chile, getting in car right now to pick it up

>> No.17652417

A now empty bottle of olive oil was laying haphazardly on the floor in a pool of some of what had spilled out. Her heart was racing and she took a step forward but kept the door open to her back just in case. “John?” She said now almost weeping. John suddenly stopped mumbling and slowly turned his head back at her. But they weren’t John’s eyes anymore. They were wild and full of madness. John then slowly rose up and his gaze was fixated on her. She ran and shut the door behind her and tried to hold it shut as John frantically pulled at the door but slipped due to the grease that covered him. “BETTER INGREDIENTS. BETTER PIZZA” he bellowed loudly from behind the door. She slid down the door realizing the grease would prevent him from getting out. Suddenly she felt a warmth and stood up and looked down. Oil was flooding out from under the door and as she took a step further to examine it a hand came out of the grease to grab her and she leaped back and almost fell. She headed quickly toward the stairs and looked back only to see the form of John’s head protrude from the center of the large pool of oil. “BETTER INGREDIENTS. BETTER PIZZA” it cried out in a gargled howl.

>> No.17652421
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It was time to get out. She didn’t know where but she knew if she didn’t something awful might become of her. Not death either. No a fate worse than death. As she ran outside she saw the side gate was ajar and a figure on a motorcycle was riding toward the estate. She shouted and flagged them down and the bike veered course toward her. The bike slowed as it got close to her and she seized the gap. “I don’t know who you are or why you are here but you may have just saved my life!” she exclaimed half smiling and half in unstopping tears. “Save the niceties for when we get to safety and hop on, NOW” the man said in an urgent tone. She nodded and jumped on the bike behind him and held on for dear life. As they road into late day she asked “Who are you if I may ask?”. There was a pause and finally he spoke “Sam Bridges...I made deliveries to your husband but me and the BB got a bad vibe and I went with my gut. And your name?” She smiled and replied softly “Annette Schnatter....at least I was”. Sam said nothing and continued riding and Annette took one last look back at the estate only to see it slowly sinking. That was the last time she ever saw John in his human form again.

>> No.17652451
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Nice, I hope you enjoy it, anon.
>because wtf is a hatch green chile
Kind of like a larger Jalapeno, commonly found in New Mexico style Mexican food (it's the Green of the Red & Green sauces the state is known for). Ideally you have them fresh roasted, but they often come chopped and frozen too. They're not that hot, just a mild heat to them that adds a nice zip of acidity to things.

It's too bad you left the Jalapenos out, as they would add a nice acidic contrast to all the salt in the meats and Garlic Sauce. Still delish though, even without.

>> No.17652459

he subbed green hatch for jalapenos my esl friend

>> No.17652475

ah right, my bad

>> No.17652481
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there are two options:

regular crust
garlic parmesan sauce
sausage, mushrooms, diced tomatoes

brooklyn curst
hearty marinara
cheddar cheese, salami, pepperoni

>> No.17652489

pan pizza with bacon onion and extra cheese

>> No.17652503

we will judge you when anon posts pictures

>> No.17652515

>grilled chicken
>black olives
>red onions

>> No.17652517

I'd compare them much closer to a poblano than a jalapeno.

I'm sure he knows that, dipshit, but the dude also asked wtf a hatch green chili is. You're the actual ESL.

>> No.17652563

>I'd compare them much closer to a poblano
that's probably a better comparison tbqh

>> No.17652606

Got more than I paid for here gents, I'd eat it

>> No.17652650

the thing with that is that the sauce spoils quick and I saw quite a few people get food poisoning from it. The cinnamon twists and the brownie cookie was good though

>> No.17652710

Not bad, wish there was more

>> No.17652718

the smell of them roasting in the open, circular drums outside is peak summer experience.

>> No.17652749

I order the Philly Cheesesteak pizza and customize it to remove the onions and peppers and double the steak and American cheese. It's the closest thing I can get to an actual cheesesteak where I live.

>> No.17652772

>>It's too bad you left the Jalapenos out
no sir YOU are the actual ESL and nobody else

>> No.17652804

Pan crust, extra sauce, regular cheese.
Brooklyn style pepperoni, green peppers, mushrooms and hot peppers on the side.

>> No.17652834

fukken whatever as long as it's something from the $5 large or $8 extra large menu
fancy toppings is for pizza night at home or that expensive hipster pizza place with exposed brickwork, not for the cheap shitty pizza place

>> No.17652873
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i can't fucking believe this shit is still $7.99.
how do they do it?

>> No.17652880

yeah, pretty fucking kino

>> No.17652916

you arent ready for the real answer to that

>> No.17652977

spill the beans, pizzaboy

>> No.17653191
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Pepperoni and Onion all the way, always.

>> No.17653420

How is it working there?
From what I've seen in videos their make lines look pretty comfy.

>> No.17653645

Anon you never replied

>> No.17653648

did he died?

>> No.17653713

>BBQ Chicken Bacon
>Alfredo Sauce with Pineapple and Sardine (genuinely)
>Alfredo with Sausage and Meatball
>Alfredo Cheddar and Philly Cheese Steak
Feel Free to replace Alfredo with Garlic Sauce on any of them.

>> No.17653738

Cheeseburger pan pizza with jalapenos, well done bake.

>> No.17653778

Did you ask for triple cheese?

>> No.17653781

triple cheese, double alfredo sauce, pan pizza

>> No.17653837

regular crust, chicken, bacon, extra cheese and bbq sauce instead of tomato sauce.

>> No.17655005

Thank you for this

>> No.17655037

Manager's special near my house, 5 topping large carry out for $10. Alfredo sauce base with chicken, ham, bacon, onions, and mushroom.

>> No.17655605

my friend ordered an 'fredo 'za and it was essentially a soup

>> No.17655635

man I love pizzas with leopard spot cheese

what do places use to perfectly brown the cheese topping?

>> No.17655672

i enjoyed this thank you

>> No.17656359

an oven, bro

>> No.17656380

Additives in the "cheese."

>> No.17657926

my absolute favorite is
>pan pizza
>alfredo sauce
>sausage (or any meat really)
>well done bake
!!! You never double sauce on the 'fredo!!!

>> No.17657935


>> No.17658200

>!!! You never double sauce on the 'fredo!!!
I don't know if people just don't realize that it's a lower viscosity than the regular sauce or what, but I hope they're really good at holding their pizza level.

>> No.17658641

>When you order from domino’s what does your pizza look like?
For one, a "large" pizza is fucking small. Secondly they put as little amount of toppings on the pizza as possible, sometimes hardly any cheese and it's overpriced.

>> No.17658673

>garlic parmesan white sauce
>Pan style crust
>Dab of your favorite hot sauce

>> No.17658680

RIP in pepperonis.

>> No.17658958

Ex delivery driver here
>Banana peppers
Sometimes I'd add black olives or jalapenos, if I was feeling frisky, seriously banana peppers are underrated

>> No.17658979

bbq sauce bacon pineapp. swirl of srirach when you get her home and her top off. red onions + jalaps if i'm feelin spendy

>> No.17659008
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>When you order from domino’s

Who would do this.

>> No.17659122
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>garlic sauce, no marinara
>extra cheese
Das it mane

>> No.17659132

I would usually get pepperoni but the last time I had it it gave me reflux.
I'd probably switch it over to something like sausage, onion, capsicum, a 4th topping I'd pick on the spot, bbq sauce, oregano.

>> No.17659169

what in God's name is occurring in this image?

>> No.17659176

Look up king ass ripper

>> No.17659192

Domino's is way too expensive without a coupon, and the coupons are usually for medium 2-topping pizzas so I get a green pepper + sausage or a mushroom + pepperoni.

If I got to have a free Domino's pizza of whatever size and whatever toppings I'd get one of the medium pan pizzas with sausage + onion + mushroom + tomato and when I go the thing I'd add some chili flakes and balsamic vinegar.

>> No.17659220
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That was very enjoyable anon

>> No.17659263

I haven't had Domino's in years because they fucking suck.
Sausage and jalapeno is what I always get on pizzas though

>> No.17659265
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chorizo + pepperoni

>> No.17659278

Since when does Domino's have chorizo? I've never seen that.

>> No.17659282

Pepperoni isn't that widespread here, instead we use Chorizo(which is arguably better).

>> No.17659298

Also Ex-Dominos employee

>Pan pizza (Letting the Dough sit out for 30 minutes-an hour in the Pan so it expands causing it to be super fluffy)
>Alfredo sauce
>Pepperoni, black olives, Jalapeno

My other favorite was to Order Chicken wings before closing and as they person up front made them I would add the Garlic butter sauce that they apply to the crust to them before they go through the oven which causes the outside to get extra crispy and taste amazing.

But seriously if any of you work for Dominos and work a closing shift order yourself a pan pizza before closing but ask if you can have the dough rise at room temp for 30mins-hour. makes it so much better.

>> No.17659301

Everything is made offsite and delivered to them (including dough) Nothing is made inhouse and the only thing they have to "Prep" is running veg through a slicer if that's not also done off site anymore.

Its a very efficient system

>> No.17659361

.. I usually get double sauce when ordering a alfredo on a pan pizza.

>> No.17659368

chuck e cheese pizza is actually amazing.

>> No.17659549

I always order half Hawaiian-half Philly steak with mushrooms and some cheesy jalapeno dips.

>> No.17659652
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Chuck E. Cheese in general is, or was, otherworldly. Unfortunately I will never get to go there as an adult and down a few pitchers of generic watery lager while munching on yet another greasy pizza pie as my shrieking offspring play $20 in arcade games to earn tickets for a $0.01 Chinese-made plastic toy from the treasure counter. As the tattered & moldy animatronic dog band restart their endless set, I try to look behind their plastic eyes. Have I any brighter future?

>> No.17660119

I agree. The crust is crisp yet hold some weight. The sauce is ever so salty and mouthwatering, the cheese has a nice ratio to bread without being too under or overpowering.

>> No.17660127

That actually looks incredible. I have never seen a Domino's pizza that looks half as good as that.

>> No.17660406

the sammy is based

>> No.17660479

My usual is the pan with sausage, ham, mushrooms, and onion.

>> No.17660536

There's no sauce on the cheesesteak pizza.

>> No.17660730

the king (literally)

>> No.17661276

choose brooklyn style crust next time

>> No.17661289
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Like this, fuck dominos. This was from some months ago when they launched a new range and they gave me this shit, this is in Australia

>> No.17661331

King, just go there. Assert your dominance and eat that chuck e cheese pizza while staring at the employees and kids with the the biggest smile and let them know how much you like that pizza. Screw these worlds rules.

>> No.17661365

There's enough oil on that to fuel your car.

>> No.17661386

it looks damn tasty faggot go fuck yourself

>> No.17661394

You do know that those gallons of Olive Oil at Costco aren't for drinking, right?