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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17651078 No.17651078 [Reply] [Original]

>Would Monsieur like some fresh pepper

>> No.17651087


>> No.17651094
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>> No.17651100

What? Pal, I'm just here to eat, leave me alone

>> No.17651119

Yes please

>> No.17651125

>not wearing a mask
Get the fuck away from my table

>> No.17651136

This implies that the chef has not perfectly seasoned my meal already.
I get up and leave.

>> No.17651137

The grinder allows him to accurately measure a safe, 2 meter distance.

>> No.17651140
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>> No.17651142


>> No.17651182

Black pepper is best used fresh as a table seasoning as the aroma is deteriorated by cooking.

>> No.17651198
File: 99 KB, 646x680, didgeridildoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much cheese is in there?

>> No.17651261

What a time to be alive.

>> No.17651268

The length of the grinder grinds the pepper.

>> No.17651673 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 650x628, 1649077754724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VAIDS, Sir? Fresh VAIDS?

>> No.17651691
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>> No.17651705


>> No.17651743

Why is it only Americans on Facebook that experience detrimental effects from vaccines?

>> No.17651756

>excuse me sir
>turns around and knocks over the glass of wine

>> No.17651793
File: 163 KB, 1080x1440, EC520427-4B0B-4848-B9E1-EDC7B571F9EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When women get the big black pepper mill

>> No.17651800

Big stick ideology.

>> No.17651807

Shut up you'll trigger /pol/tards

>> No.17651816
File: 35 KB, 300x450, A5CCF705-767D-4CF8-B1EB-A75088988FC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The myth of the big black pepper mill. They don’t all have one. The female face of disappoint

>> No.17651818

Sorry, you're right. Also YWNBAW.

>> No.17651839

>implying this would ever happen
It’s a 10-year apprenticeship where all you are allowed to do is refill and perform maintenance on the pepper grinder before you become a Maestro Pepperissimo like in OP pic.
That man shan't be knocking over any wine.

>> No.17651840
File: 220 KB, 2048x1152, pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17651858

>Mrs. Fawlty shouts for Basil
>end credits begin rolling

>> No.17651875

>Poirot prefers his native European delicacies, like croissants, omelets, and soft cheeses; he generally frowns on English cooking, and he expresses the utmost horror when he is made to try Chinese food.

>> No.17651904
File: 1.78 MB, 4032x3024, C2374B31-29F1-4F9D-B0F1-BD02861A3573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big pepper mills add a touch of theater to the dining experience. Also if you put a small pepper mill on the table people wood steal them

>> No.17651905

>posting literal tabloid as proof
wew lad

>> No.17651912

>people wood steal them

Not all restaurants cater to niggers anon

>> No.17651937

*clubs you to death*
Will that be all sir?

>> No.17651960

Am I gay for immediately looking for this post when someone mentioned a digeridoo?

>> No.17651990

As long as it was something you might or want to eat, you should be fine.

>> No.17652009

that white boy doesnt even know what to do LOL

>> No.17652022

BBC, CNN, Sun, MSNBC etc. are all tabloids

>> No.17652029

Question, can you catch HIV by cannibalizing the cooked flesh of a homosexual?

>> No.17652049
File: 29 KB, 338x450, 010803DD-B160-4C7E-A178-9DA1D1EC17C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smaller the table the bigger the table mill

>> No.17652059

What is the use case for these large pepper mills? comedic releif over dinner or is there an actual use for them being so big?

>> No.17652061

the heat of the gravity seasons the pepper

>> No.17652065

Get the FUCK away from me. You're non white. Careful kids he's trying to poison us. He's driven mad with inferiority complex and now he's trying to exterminate whites again.

>> No.17652069

A combination of visual flair and allowing the restaurant staff to add pepper to your food without having any part of their body over it.

>> No.17652074

It has references sweetie. Back to school with you.

>> No.17652082
File: 162 KB, 1012x944, Timemore-Chestnut-c2-coffee-grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a good deal on one of these coffee grinders. It grinds pepper better and faster than I expected

>> No.17652103

>Mom found the pepper didgeridoo

>> No.17652212

Only if it is a Peugeot

>> No.17652217

This. Peugeot master race.

>> No.17652307
File: 59 KB, 917x760, 5guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the science is to be believed, humans got HIV from monkeys. Now, whether they were eating them or doing something else with them is as yet not quite clear; but if it was the former, I see no reason why it wouldn't also apply to eating hivmans.
Does that help answer your question or at least clear things up a bit?

>> No.17652703

needs a longer edit with putin holding it

>> No.17652748

>If the science is to be believed
Found the Trump supporter bigot. Just wear the mask, snowflake

>> No.17652768

I remember when this thread was about pepper mills.

>> No.17653308

Top ten favorite pictures.

>> No.17653389

This reminds me of the huge fucking bongs people would spend money on in highschool, thinking it would get you extra high

>> No.17653394

i mean the bigger the bong, the larger the volume of the rips, the higher you get

>> No.17653405

Or just hit your piece a second time, or make a gravity bong for $2. Spending money on glassware is retarded

>> No.17653411

>like croissants, omelets, and soft cheeses
wtf Hercule is a chinlet/jawlet?

>> No.17653437

Your lungs only have so much capacity, and the bigger the bong the bigger amount of capacity you need to expend just filling up the tube before pulling the bowl out and shooting it back. A modestly sized bubbler with a bigger bowl would do you better.

>> No.17653468

i love making apple pipes and then eating the apple afterwards, bad part is the taste but fuck it, im high

>> No.17653472

did you just assume my frenchiness?

>> No.17653488

I legitimately hope you die, soon.

>> No.17653502
File: 24 KB, 569x569, 5657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pshht! notheng personel, kid.

>> No.17653509

I've never seen this happen, is it an American thing? Seems retarded.

>> No.17653644

>digeridoo me
more like digeridoodoo

>> No.17653889


I appreciate the image you posted.

>> No.17654734

Nobody cared who he was until he took off the mask

>> No.17654751

Only post in this thread that makes any fucking sense. I've collected at least a dozen pepper mills in my life, and this type of grinder right here is the one that has saved me the most time, given me the most consistent grind, and the least hassle when grinding peppercorn. Based anon.

>> No.17654757

I have the exact same one but use it for coffee
I guess if you want consistency in grinding pepper, coffee autists have you covered

>> No.17654983
File: 17 KB, 101x840, 1649161978560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would unironically spend €200 on this 80cm model

>> No.17654987

Get away from my fucking table cunt.

>> No.17654993

He could have seasoned it on the plate before sending it out.

>> No.17654994

I wouldn't spend more than €80 on an 80cm model. Upvote this post if you agree.

€1 = 1cm
1 like = 1 thought
1 share = 1 prayer

>> No.17654996

Fuck off Peugayot

>> No.17655021

I don't need some greasy cunt to put pepper on my food I'll do it myself

>> No.17655056
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1649164099412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too expensive yes.
But I consoom A LOT of the stuff and love the iconic shape of it.
Also using this instead of black or white

>> No.17655066

Maybe don’t get shitty pepper mills?

>> No.17655074

You’re about to receive my fresh pepper whether you want it or not, bitch.

>> No.17655084

I will report you to the manager for not wearing a mask, you're killing grandma.

>> No.17655210

I did exactly just that, a crank handle pepper mill. It is objectively better in every way than using a traditional one, and I will die on that hill.

>> No.17655223

Fine with me. Go ahead and die on your shittily-peppered hill. I’ll be enjoying the finest of Cambodian black peppers ground to perfection in the finest of traditional mills.
In fact I may just grind it directly into my mouth while making obnoxiously loud sexual noises.

>> No.17655238


>> No.17655245

>proud in buying stale pepper that was ground years ago
hello shart

>> No.17655977

He is a genteel, cultured, urbane gentleman with sensitive tastes.

>> No.17656421
File: 59 KB, 762x768, DelightSimplyDelight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'm still getting used to just how much better it is in every way than the traditional mills. A fraction of a turn gives me more than enough pepper and it's easier to adjust.
I have a 1zpresso for coffee. I got the timemore for a little more than the price of a peugeot on amazon.

>> No.17656495

real homeboys always be grinding

>> No.17656507

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