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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17649722 No.17649722 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you fall cu/ck/s?

>> No.17649725
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>> No.17649734
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american cheese is the most superior cheeseburger cheese
if you eat it on a cheeseboard with wine you probably have a wreath for a family tree

>> No.17649736


>> No.17649762
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>find me a better cheese for omelettes
Goats cheese

>> No.17649792
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shut up queer

>> No.17649818


>> No.17649843

Whatever you call it, it tastes like shit, but it does melt very well. But regular cheese is just as good.

>> No.17650510

I would have made him share that mouth.

>> No.17650516

You sound like a faggot who enjoys dick in his butthole.
Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.17650518

I love it, it's like a slice of bechamel perfect for sauces

>> No.17650520

It has a time and place but I won't pretend it's not just Americanzed cheese to appeal to muttbrains

>> No.17650525


>> No.17650528

>muh American
Yet every other country also makes and eats it.

>> No.17650529

It's great in certain applications, like on a burger. The sodium citrate in it makes the other cheeses creamier and melt better when added with them to Mac n cheese.

>> No.17650537
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>> No.17650546

Hamburgers and grilled cheese. Don't really want it on anything else.

>> No.17650550
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>better cheese for omelette
Bad example t b h.
I really like it for Mac & Cheese though.

>> No.17650558

Can a Kraft Single like sniff your Cheese Strings after you had a workout?

>> No.17650560

People who claim to dislike American cheese are brainlets who want to feel high class

>> No.17650600
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>> No.17650843

Merican cheese makes me feel ill looking at it. Its the only "food" i will not ever try again.

>> No.17650862

Does your Uber driver actually get your phone number? I've never used Uber. That seems kinda fucked. I wouldn't want my cab driver to have my personal info.

>> No.17650873

How the fuck else would a driver call you if something happens. An uber or a taxi will have your number dumbass.

>> No.17650875

I have never had a taxi driver "call me".

>> No.17650887

Did I ask if you if they ever did?

>> No.17650900

a kraft single on a fried egg sandwich is fucking amazing

>> No.17650902

Is this a quote from an actual chef? Or is it something you wrote yourself and then added a pic of a big brain wojak next to it?

>> No.17650908

The taxi driver not being able to call me hasn't stopped me from using a taxi hundreds of times, brainlet.

You know what a taxi is, right? It's a car driven by someone else that takes you where you want to go. Not a fucking dating service where you find a companion.

>> No.17650914

>No results found for "american cheese is glorious, versatile, highly accessible".

>> No.17650918


>> No.17651269

In the middle. The guy on the right is a retard. Cheddar is better for omelettes, to begin with, and American cheese is not versatile because there's effectively nothing you can do with it that doesn't ruin what you're doing. Sitting on his brain probably gave him brain damage.

>> No.17651305

American cheese has a limited use which is why it's shit compared to most cheeses. Doesn't mean it's awful, just niche. When I buy a package of American cheese it usually last me 6 months or more because most other cheese do a better job.

I agree that it's the best for omelettes and most shit processed meats like bologna and of course, burgers. American cheese is sweeter than most cheeses so it's really only good in small quantities on savory things that have no sweetness already in them.

>> No.17651342

I never make anything where American would be the best cheese. I regularly use manchego, monterey jack, colby, cheddar, swiss, mozzarella, parmesan, oaxaca, comte, and a few others, but I literally never buy American cheese because... why?

For my burgers and grilled cheese I much prefer colby jack.

>> No.17651352
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I use it on Burgers.

>> No.17651360

They shouldn't the app is supposed to mask it but it isn't always done well. Like I've gotten direct calls from drivers instead of it being the 800 number or whatever it should be

>> No.17651365

He googled it and found no results so it's not a notable quote.

>> No.17651373
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the "problem" with "american cheese" is that it's colloquial usage also includes processed cheese substitutes and dairy products and those things are horrible. basically the only plastic wrapped single american cheese you can trust is kraft to be anything close to real cheese. american cheese from the deli is actually incredible. my grandma used to buy a lb of it sometimes and drop it off, land o lakes brand.

>> No.17651398

No, its usage refers to that specifically. Nobody thinks it's the only cheese in America, just like nobody thinks Swiss cheese is the only cheese in Switzerland.

>> No.17651418

It works good for tuna melts or anything else you want glued together.

>> No.17651426

>a better cheese for omlettes
lol it's hard to find a cheese worse for omlettes. seriously, use fucking cheddar, literally the only thing ''''''''american'''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''cheese''''''''''''''''''''''' is acceptable for is burgers and even then there are far tastier options. it's a children's food product for little people whose taste buds haven't fully developed. enjoy your baby cheese faggots

>> No.17651769

I hate americans and even I agree with this. It's just emulsified cheese (if you don't buy the cheapest stuff). yes, it's real chese. it's has its own category.

>> No.17651780

Me on the left

>> No.17651782

SPBP /thread

>> No.17651853

they have your credit card and social security number too

>> No.17652981

>american cheese is the most superior cheeseburger cheese
this is true but you gotta get land o lakes cheese from the deli.
you will be ruined on all other burger cheeses.

>> No.17652991

please don't tell me Americans out that stuff in their omelettes. And they also think it's the best cheese for the job? Christ, Americans must have it rough. Can you not get other cheeses in the US?

>> No.17653022

so... you admit to being in the middle.

>> No.17653028

you as well.

>> No.17653034

American cheese is the best for grilled cheese.

>> No.17653051

99% of phone text screenshot memes are fake.

>> No.17653054

it's a meme you dip

>> No.17653295

>american cheese is good because i like the tastse
>american cheese is bad because it's processed and all processed foods are inherently bad
>american cheese is good because it's convenient
Yeah, I don't fall anywhere on that curve because I'm not a stupid fucking wojak. I don't like American cheese because it doesn't taste good

>> No.17653347

I don't think that's what that anon was saying at all. He was saying that most "American cheese" is plastic garbage, and the stuff you get at the deli counter is basically just mild cheddar.

>> No.17653851

It's got its uses. Omelettes aren't one of them.

>> No.17653882

absolutely not
fuck yeah

it doesn't have an amazing taste to it
it does make the best burger cheese though, nothing worse than a burger with unmelted cheese on it

>> No.17653891

Eurocard here:
What is the deal with American cheese?
I've never tasted it, so I'm wondering what supposedly makes it good

>> No.17653899

it's not that the taste that is amazing
it's the fact that it actually melts easily
it just adds a little bit of a mild cheddar flavor to your burger

nothing more, nothing less

>> No.17653900

You don't understand how uber works. The call is made through an uber server so that both your phone numbers are hidden
Boomers are fucking brainlets

>> No.17653919

It tastes fine on breakfast sandwiches and burgers. It's not my first choice for anything but I wouldn't refuse to eat it

>> No.17653925

kraft singles make the best grilled cheese

>> No.17654045

American cheese is the undisputed champion of breakfast sandwich cheeses.

>> No.17654058

Not an argument, now get your dick out so I can suck it you repressed fag

>> No.17654221

I have keep a packet of this otherwise terrible "smokey" american cheese in my fridge that I use exclusively for burgers

>> No.17654251

Closer to the right I guess, Kraft Singles fucking suck but legit american cheese like Boar's Head is fine, good even.

>> No.17654272

I really enjoy processed cheese and I'm unashamed of it. My favorite cheese is muenster though.

>> No.17654542

that bait would have worked better had you listed something american is actually good for instead of outing yourself as white trash

>> No.17654660

I like the peel off handleability of processed cheese, but the wholesome raw ingredients of unpasteurized goat parmasan.

>> No.17654679

Its good on basic burgers and in nostalgia grilled cheeses made with white bread. It is fucking disgusting in an omelette.

>> No.17654688
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>> No.17654799

>carbonara with one extra ingredient to hold the emulsion
Not the same thing
>Cheese with one extra ingredient to hold the emulsion
The same thing

>> No.17655002

Fully to the left, sadly. Love me Kraft Singles, simple as

>> No.17655312

I don’t think you know how bell curves work

>> No.17655484

Referring to Kraft cheese as American cheese is not quite right. That cheese and its company are terrible. Try the many real American cheeses found throughout many states and enjoy the authentic taste of cow pus in a variety of flavors. Get the estrogen flowing today.

>> No.17655535

American cheese and American macro lagers are great ways of filtering out the kind of people I don’t want to share a meal with.

>> No.17656054

This. Same with people who openly wear a cross or listen to country music. Easy way to tell that you probably don't want to be around someone.

>> No.17656060

This is a huge point in the autistic American cheese argument. Kraft singles and shit like that are actually inedible plastic shit, but the "real" stuff from the deli is head and shoulders above just about anything else for melting.

>> No.17656071

I filter out anyone that uses the term "macro" to refer to commercial breweries. Just be honest and say that you don't like popular things.

>> No.17656077

>inedible plastic shit
it's literally just cheese with an emulsifier, so make it blend and melt. American process cheese is usually a blend of Colby and Cheddar.

>> No.17656452

American cheese isn't even cheese.

How much you wanna fucking bet that cheese has high fructose corn syrup?

>> No.17656654
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American cheese is the white chocolate of cheese.

It has its specific uses, isn't really what it says it is. Only a sociopath would eat it on its own. Autists on the Internet get annoyed about it

>> No.17656688
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I like the "deluxe" American that is not individually wrapped.

>> No.17656706
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>A better cheese for omelets.
Just grate some jack, and cheddar like a normal human being.
If you don't know how to grate your own cheese, then you should def stick to your shitty kraft singles.

>> No.17656715

How much you wanna bet you spend every waking hour obsessing over Americans?

>> No.17656727


Retard, the obsessed meme only applies when some Eurocunt or Cucknadian makes a thread about the USA, not when some mutt makes a thread about Eurocunts or Cucknadians.

>> No.17656728

Taste and similar things aside. What exactly makes american cheese more 'convenient' or 'versatile' than say swiss gruyere, which melts just as easily and gets a nice gooey texture?

>> No.17656747

I go out of my way to shun idiot contrarions like you.

>> No.17656757

Cheese on eggs is objectively a bad combination. Far too much fat per mouthful and has a horrible mushy texture.

>> No.17656818

>overthinking memes
normies dont keep seperate blocks of cheese

>> No.17656907
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, french_omelette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has to mix cheese and milk and meats and veggies into his omelette to mask the taste of rubbery dry burnt eggs
>he doesn't make the greatest egg dish known to man adding only water and butter

>> No.17658248

i don't like american cheese for omelettes because the texture is gross on its own, but it's ridiculously good for pasta sauce, all it takes is heating it up with some milk and sprinkling in some herbs.
it's also the best type of cheese for grilled cheese.

>> No.17658267

>greatest egg dish
that's not custard

>> No.17658278
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>grate some jack

>> No.17658312

I will never buy American cheese, but I will never complain getting food with it.
I kinda like it. Just rather buy something else.

>> No.17658326
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>find me a better cheese for omelettes I dare you
anyone buying kraft singles for anything other than helping along cheese sauces is doing it wrong

>> No.17658348

I only like it on fast food burgers.
The more generic, the better. Kraft? tastes too strong. gimmie save-a-lot no-name garbage for my grits.

>> No.17658626

kraft singles are NOT American cheese PERIOD. they are flavored like American cheese but they are not legally cheese

>> No.17658766
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Same. It's not the best at anything but I like it. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a cheeseburger with roquefort, red onions and rocket, sometimes I'm in the mood for beef and american on a buttered bun. Sometimes something in the middle. I don't wanna choose and you can't make me

>> No.17659088

Kraft invented the term American cheese, and then made that cheese into singles for convenience.

>> No.17659140

I get turned off by the part when they call it cheese food instead of cheese. Therefore I don't use it for anything because it isn't cheese.

>> No.17659522

>after the smaller percentages there's a TON OF CHADS WITH GIANT IQs
>doubt but possible

>> No.17659547
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I'm soyak

>> No.17659573

Who the fuck is eating American cheese on a cheese board?
t. American

>> No.17659574

You two sound like total faggots you should meet up

>> No.17660872


>> No.17660876

Right in the middle, I will be the soy wojak

>> No.17661115

It's created with a specific salt that breaks down the cheese and basically turns it into an emulsification.
If you melt a hard cheese, it'll turn into liquid fat and solid protein. If you melt American cheese slice, it melts like a goo, the fat and protein stay together. Great for putting on hot sandwiches and layering since they come so thin, but obviously very mild without any bite to it. It's a cheese of function over form.

>> No.17661125

But it's stupid because when it melts it gets sloppy and floppy, not stretchy like a cheddar does.

>> No.17661137

Since this is an American topic I suppose that bell curve only goes up to 80 IQ?

>> No.17661311

It's called a bimodal distribution you leftsider.

>> No.17661344

white chocolate is good; it's made from coco butter
American cheese is good; it's made from other cheese

>> No.17661398

It's a topping, you wouldn't want a soggy wet tomato slice as much as wouldn't want a rubbery piece of cheese on a burger.

>> No.17661426

étudiant américain ! le fromage américain n'est pas vrai et a un goût de merde ! huehuehue

>> No.17661513

he went rippen

>> No.17661529

i don't hate it by any means
i don't turn my nose up if it's served to me
but i never ever buy it, there are too many way better cheeses out there
my iq is 140 btw

>> No.17661771

I usually like to mix it with another cheese on sandwiches. Like I'll have a slice of American and a slice of cheddar, break them up, mix them, and melt them. The American cheese helps the cheddar from breaking during melting I've noticed.

Also it swallows blue cheese crumbles whole when it melts and makes a very delicious result.

>> No.17661777

good on burgers
kraft singles and american are not synonymous